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June 9th - June 15th From a Good Source
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SUMMARY JUNE 15th 2011
The beauty of truth: whether it is bad or good, it is liberating.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble.
We had to start the day in a beautiful way:)
Maya Mohammed Nabbous www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKQ0vsvszfM
andersoncooper Anderson Cooper
#Gadhafi forces attacking #Misrata #Libya. Live report from Tripoli and Misrata on #ac360 10p
NickKristof Nicholas Kristof
by acarvin
Int’l Criminal Court says Qaddafi bought Viagra for his soldiers & ordered mass rapes: bit.ly/lQqQBa
is.gd/OEm9Fg Pictures of the house in Zintan where the 2 martyrs reported a few days ago were hit by Grad missiles
libyans_revolt omar
BREAKING: #Australia has recognized Libyan #NTC the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people
tripolitano Tripolitano
Breaking: #Australia has just recognized #NTC as rep 4 Libyan people. Source Libya ahrrar tv
Malak is a child who lost her leg and brothers by #Gaddafi troops.مأساة الطفلة ملاك من مصراتة بسبب قذائف القذافي. youtube.com/watch?v=j3Ig7C…
New Video of detainees from Nafusa being kicked & slapped in the face by Gaddafi forces 3mins in www.twitvid.com/ZCR5Z
Libya Al Arrar: Australia recognizes the Transitional National Council, the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people
Wessimsara WESSIM
Cracks in the African Union as mediator calls for Gaddafi to go j.mp/kxsUOh
Wessimsara WESSIM
Fresh round of NATO strikes hit around Tripoli – seattlepi.com bit.ly/mSHw0e
DefenceHQ Ministry of Defence
News: Dr Fox on progress in Libya bit.ly/jDINKJ
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Video 1:10 Gaddafi soldier punching his own fellow countryman with so much hate! Gaddafi brainwash very effective! youtube.com/watch?v=p3GN1f…
is.gd/1EaT5A #luknowuwinning when the Libyan Women of Tahady University in Sirte ( Gaddafi’s hometown) support
Live stream in 15’ (13:30 Brussels) Secretary General press conference at Defence Ministers Meeting #NATO goo.gl/tM7EC
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
No @NATO strikes on Alghezaia yesterday, just NATO planes. #Libya #feb17
Abssi Abdelsalam Al Allagi
Gadhafi won’t go dailystar.com.lb/Cartoons.aspx?…
Skeptical4 Skeptic
AlJazeera: reality of the war in Libya from the perspective of the government troops youtube.com/watch?v=p3GN1f…
Wessimsara WESSIM
Libye : Wade à Benghazi, l’Union africaine réfléchit à l’après Kaddafi jeuneafrique.com/Article/ARTJAW…
Wessimsara WESSIM
#Libye: incendie accidentel à l’hôtel hébergeant les journalistes à Tripoli j.mp/ju5ZO8
NewsCluster News Cluster
Italy’s Foreign Minister says country will give Libyan rebels 300-400 million euros (439-585 million USD) in cash, fuel aid – Reuters
Wessimsara WESSIM
#Tunisie: le fort afflux de réfugiés libyens se poursuit j.mp/kM9hu9
Wessimsara WESSIM
La médiation russe en #Libye donne peu d’espoir pour la paix (SYNTHESE) j.mp/lSuRmw
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: ALMAHDY ALARABY military leader promised to join revolution, then fled to Tripoli, betraying his own town
RT: (Must See) Exclusively Visual diary shows #Libyan soldier at war youtube.com/watch?v=p3GN1f…
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Senegal president Abdoulaye Wade arrives in #Bengahzi to meet #NTC . #Feb17 #Libya
Wessimsara WESSIM
#Libye : chasser Kadhafi ne résoudra pas la crise nouvelobs.com/tiny/20110608.…
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: Gaddafi forces used military jet to fire at the hospital and Alharsha area.
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: Gaddafi forces entered the hospital and killed all the injured in their beds or pulled out of cars and finishedoff by knives.
Wessimsara WESSIM
#Libye: la rébellion va bientôt produire 100.000 bj de pétrole bit.ly/leQGVU
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: some Freedom fighters leaders who were ratted out were executed before #Khamis #Gaddafi
libyans_revolt omar
#AFP: Senegal leader in #Benghazi on first visit by head of state.
#Iraq gov rep condemns all attacks by #Gaddafi regime on #Libya civilians and calls on the #UN and the #UNHRC to ban Gaddafi gov reps.
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: Anything that moved in the centre of the city was shot by Gaddafi forces out of fear. Many women & children were killed.
LibyaLiberty Army of One
Anyone else picturing iconic scene from movie “Independance Day”?RT@libyanfsl NATO planes hovering over Tripoli now #Feb17 #Libya
The #libyan contact group meeting for the third time in #AbuDhabi #UAE now #NTC
septimius_sever septimius severus
Fresh Round of NATO Strikes Hit #Tripoli Outskirts – FoxNews.com foxnews.com/world/2011/06/… via @foxnews #Libya
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: FFs climbed on tanks, opened the top and dropped grenades inside, risking their lives libyafeb17.com/2011/06/the-st…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video: Martyrs from the city of Al-Qalaa bit.ly/mpDoMB
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Zawiya: Gaddafi soldiers in their tanks tied by chains to their seat to prevent them from escaping or retreating. libyafeb17.com/2011/06/the-st…
libyans_revolt omar
6 NATO jets have started from #Italy into #Libya this morning, the last at 12.30am (Tripoli’s time)
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Gaddafi soldiers forced to attack Zawiya by snipers firing at them from behind libyafeb17.com/2011/06/the-st…
dovenews Libyan™
ICC: We have strong evidence that Gaddafi purchased large number of Aphrodisiacs drugs & ordered his soldiers to mass rape. #gaddaficrimes
Italian Foreign Minister says #Italy will give the #NTC in #Libya 300-400 million euros in cash, fuel,aid
Mike Griffin
On Thursday 9th June 2011, @mijami2 said:
@Guma_el_gamaty The UN human rights council report mentions scant evidence provided by NTC who really only made broad statements regarding violations by Gaddafi forces. This was surprising given the amount of information and the number of videos that I have seen these past 3 months following Libya on Twitter. Fortunately Tripoli didn’t do any better.
The NTC needs to urgently appoint a team to investigate and document human rights (and other)abuses perpetrated by the Libyan Regime. Interviews of victims and captured Gaddafi soldiers should be retained. Past information should also be sifted through and documented in a secure manner. Uploading a copy of all saved information to a secure site on the internet would guarantee retention should the primary data be destroyed.
Here for instance is a video of farms Gaddafi loyalists are setting fire to. While not a human rights abuse it is an abuse. All pertinent information like this should be saved. Of course Gaddafi claims that NATO and rebels are destroying farms. You need to be in a strong position to demonstrate otherwise
Skeptical4 Skeptic
The story of Zawiya, as told by witnesses who left Libya on May 27th – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/the-st…
#LIBYA: Libya talks to focus on life after #Gaddafi f24.my/mpqL9o
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
Talks focus on post-Gaddafi Libya – www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13707685 #Feb17 #Libya
Italian Foreign Minister: the post-Gaddafi has already begun.
tinyurl.com/3hmu3ul MAPS OF THE NTC RECOGNITION.
88simon88 simon
100 000 barrels/day of oil will be produced soon by the NTC
“مجلس طرابلس” هزت طرابلس انفجارات من قصف الناتو علىها هذا الصباح Fresh NATO airstrikes rock Tripoli today #feb17 #libya
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply
The #libyan contact group meeting for the third time in #AbuDhabi #UAE now #NTC
tonybirtley tony birtley
my story of new images found on dead gaddaffi soldier on Aljazeera today. poss war crimes evidence,attacks on Benghazi + pics gaddafi son
feb17libya Feb17Libya
International community, Libyan rebels prepare for post-Gadhafi world bit.ly/klRdTK
septimius_sever septimius severus
MUST WATCH This is why @NATO prevented a massacre in Benghazi on 19/3/2011 twitvid.com/FNI8I
Tripoli is planning the biggest protest yet on the 17th it would be a dream come true if Tripoli is free by the 18th :) Ya rab unsoor hom…
calm start to day just broken, sound of grad rockets being fired on southern front line
Was this Gaddafi’s famous golf car? :) twitpic.com/591r2y
Malik L “Still Here” (#Feb17 #Libyan Revolutionary song) t.co/0eFVlXO
British officials “We’ll turn guns on Libyan rebels if they attack civilians” – The Independent is.gd/kNn7e7 #Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Video: #Libya government spokesperson Moussa Ibrahim responds to allegations that Muammar Gaddafi ordered rape on.fb.me/jsedb1
MC Swat #Feb17 Freedom Revolution توره 17 الحريه t.co/pXl0xGO
is.gd/X3nd3B Photo gallery on BBC website showing anti-Gaddafi graffiti by Libyan artists
FreeLeebeya Freedom4Libya
MC SWAT Ft. GUG .. Story Of 1969 youtube.com/watch?v=EggPrG… via @youtube #Libya #Feb17 #SoundsOfRevolutions
Nigel Pont of Mercy Corps speaks to #AJEnglish about #ICC allegations #Gaddafi using rape as a weapon of war in #Libya aje.me/lNSwWE
NewsInLibya News in Libya
Fresh round of NATO strikes hit around Tripoli: TRIPOLI, Libya (#AP) — NATO airstrikes are rattling the Libyan… dlvr.it/VfFVg #News
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Libya: If #Sennusi and #Khamis #Gaddafi commanded the attacks in #Misrata yesterday, chance for NATO to kill Khamis like #Mutassim in Brega
who controls the port? Zawiya is UNDER SIEGE NOW !
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
nalut17.tk #Nalut Media Group #Nafusa #Libya #Feb17 #Gaddafi #Zintan #Yefren #AlQalaa #Rujban
See the latest images from the Libyan rebels’ advance, as anti-government fighters come within 100km of Tripoli aje.me/isAA4e
Al Jazeera’s Tony Birtley looks at the life of a #Gaddafi fighter through his own video diary: aje.me/moLovf #Libya
BBCWorld BBC Global News
#Libyan official denies UN report accusing troops of rape; says its NATO and rebels who are guilty of ‘violating human rights’ – Reuters
septimius_sever septimius severus
Gaddafi Resisting Negotiated Tripoli Exit, Spanish Foreign Minister bloom.bg/kYdRi9 via @BloombergNow (cause nobody will take him??)
Cameragimp Miked
Hotel Rixos pretty much back to normal on the south side but northern side will take 24 hours to repair
BBCWorld BBC Global News
VIDEO: Gaddafi accused of promoting rape bbc.in/lU1rqP
septimius_sever septimius severus
SEC scans Goldman, other firms’ Libya dealings: report | Reuters reut.rs/jQEGl6 via @reuters
libyanproud libyanandproud
General Mohamed Jamal head of the police academy has escaped #Libya with his whole family and is in #Tunisia now.
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Misrata: Quiet day in Misrata as NATO jets hover in the skies and Gaddafi forces hideout.
Australie a reconnu NTC le seul représentant légitime du peuple libyen.
On Tuesday 7th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
ONLY FOOLS BELIEVE #Gaddafi ‘S LIES – G ’s bs about having 250000 armed supporters is just another REGIME LIE – as the Rome defectors said last week – “as soon as anyone gets the chance they defect or desert” – his numbers of armed men are diminishing by the 100’s every day.
He has about 5000 armed men in #Brega – 6000 in #Sirte – about 5000 around #Misrata – about 4000 in #Nafusa – and at most about 8000 in #Tripoli & #Ziwiya – less than 30.000 in total at the very most – and rapidly diminishing very day – owing to the rock bottom morale affecting all ranks of his “armed supporters”
And never forget – his prize professional battalion – the ‘feared’ Khammis Brigade had their butt kicked out of #Misrata – by a bunch of upset fishermen, students and temporarily out of work professionals – most of whom had never held a gun before let alone fired one in anger – and yet they strategically outwitted and militarily overwhelmed – #Gaddafi ’s much better equipped brigades.
The same can be said about – the gang of farmers and shopkeepers from #Nafusa – that unequivocally expelled #Gaddafi ’s armed men and mercenaries from their cities, towns, and villages.
And the same will happen with the few remaining yet to be liberated cities – probably by the end of this month.
Like #Gaddafi ’s surviving children – his armed supporters – are a rapidly diminishing resource.#Libya #FF
Alexblx Alexblx
Once #Tripoli is hv arms degraded- @NATO wil agree 2 #Brega & #Zliten fronts moving 4ward-2 open #FF access 2 capit-& finish #Gaddafi #Libya
Tripoli is next #Libya front – & @NATO are degrading its weaponry & defenses – so it will fall to #FF more easily & with less loss of life.
Just like Hitler in the Ardennes Offensive, G used his remaining forces in one failed offensive, time 4 Zliten to rise
Libye: le groupe de contact soutient la rébellion et prépare l’après-Kadhafi – Afriquinfos bit.ly/ihSKSr
SPECIAL REPORT-Qatar’s big Libya adventure | Reuters t.co/eQ1esOp “food for thought!”
Fire at the Rixos early this morning right next to my room. Room and stuff now absolutely soaked by fire hose!
Foreign journalists were evacuated from the Rixos after a fire there – #libya Watch Out , NATO had Bombs ready to blow it up !!!
So much crap have been said in Rixos hotel, the building couldn’t take it anymore. Set itself on fire!
FIRE AT RIXOS HOTEL abt 100 ppl most of them journalists were evacuated to parking lot at 6AM No Injuries
Early morning drama in Tripoli: fire at Rixos hotel housing international media. Caused not by NATO but faulty air-con. Everyone fine.
More pix of Rixos fire #Libya twitpic.com/590p08 twitpic.com/590otq
Can’t wait for the Press Briefing where Musa Ibrahim announces that the fire broke out after NATO bombed the Rixos :)
Gaddafi regime dramatically failed in applying the “cease-fire” even at Rixos hotel!
Rixos fire put out, power still cut. fire started in zircon unit orelectrical room under zircon unit. Everyone’s ok
Fire extinguished at Tripoli journalist hotel | Reuters – reuters.com
This is the 2nd incident Fire @ Rixos that reflects how poor the maintenance & the building of this fancy hotel & of course all of #Libya.
Cameragimp Miked
Everyone here safe from fire except our producers room was flooded by the fire fighters spraying water everywhere. Everything soaked.
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NATO launched strikes against #Gaddafi forces stationed in Mardoom Base in outskirts of #Baniwalid last night .
dovenews Libyan™
UPDATE: Gaddafi thugs tried 2 distribute hallucination & Viagra pills to the youth of #Bengahzi in attempt thy sto twitpic.com/593as2
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Some videos taken by Gaddafi soldiers show women being herded and raped in front of their families in Brega/Nafusa/Misrata.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
With every Gaddafi soldier killed in battle, more evidence of war crimes (and videos of rape, torture) are found on their phones/cams #libya
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Visual diary shows Libyan soldier at war – Africa – Al Jazeera English english.aljazeera.net/video/africa/2
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Libya rebels eye oil restart, win aid pledges goo.gl/d6krg #Libya
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Tripoli: 14 explosions so far on Thursday
Fresh round of NATO strikes hit Tripoli outskirts
June 9, 2011
Posted in News, Week Commencing: June 6, 2011 | 13:35
TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — NATO airstrikes rattled the Libyan capital Thursday with clusters of bombing runs believed to have targeted the outskirts of Tripoli.
The intensity of the attacks suggested a return to the heavy NATO bombardment of the city on Tuesday that hit military installations across the capital and flattened major buildings in leader Moammar Gadhafi’s sprawling compound in the center of the city. Government officials did not say what had been targeted in the Thursday bombing runs.
There were eight explosions in a first series of strikes on Thursday. Hours later, the sound of six more attacks boomed in the distance.
On Tuesday, NATO conducted its heaviest attacks on Tripoli since it began airstrikes two months ago in support of a rebel insurgency. The four-month old rebel uprising seeks to push Moammar Gadhafi from power after four decades. Rebels have taken control of swaths of eastern Libya, although fighting has since become a stalemate even with NATO support.
Gadhafi shows no signs of ceding power under the building pressure of the NATO strikes, despite repeated attacks on his compound, government buildings, military radar emplacements and other army installations.
Fighting on the ground between Libyan government forces and the rebels had largely died down after the NATO strikes began. The Western alliance took to the skies over Libya under a U.N. resolution that allowed NATO flights to protect rebel force. What began as a no-fly zone quickly evolved into strong attacks on the regime.
On Wednesday, however, Gadhafi forces renewed their shelling near the western city of Misrata, killing 10 rebel fighters. Misrata is one of the few footholds rebels have in western Libya. NATO reported it had destroyed a “electronic warfare vehicle” and military training camp in the vicinity of the city as government forces had renewed their assault on the port city.
In Brussels on Thursday, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the shelling near Misrata underscored the continued need to protect civilians.
“It is an example that the Gadhafi regime still constitutes a threat to the civilian population,” he said.”We will stay committed as long as necessary,” Fogh Rasmussen added.
The alliance enumerated a series of hits in around Tripoli on Wednesday, including a surface-to-air missile site, a tank, four armored fighting vehicles and a command and control facility.
Despite it’s inability so far to oust Gadhafi, NATO is preparing for a post-Gadhafi era in the country.
Senior representatives from the U.S. and more than 30 other countries and groups were meeting Thursday in the United Arab Emirates.
The officials, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rhodium Clinton, hope to boost support for the Libyan opposition, which has been seeking broad international recognition and financial support with mixed results.
The U.S. on Wednesday said the first shipment of Libyan oil sold by the opposition Transitional National Council had been delivered to an American refinery. The U.S. is encouraging such sales to help the council assist the Libyan people.
Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado said on Thursday that Lisbon soon would recognize the rebel administration.
“This decision will be taken soon … because that is the way international approach is heading,” Amado told the national news agency Lusa in Lisbon. A Portuguese diplomatic delegation is due to visit Benghazi in coming days.
NATO rejected any post-Gadhafi role for the alliance, saying it was imperative that the international community, the United Nations in particular, start preparations for helping the country’s transition to a democratic government.
Source AP
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Video: Opposition forces edge towards Tripoli – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/video-…
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Nigel Pont of Mercy Corps talks to Al Jazeera regarding rape as policy – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/nigel-…
Italy offers almost $600 million to Libya’s rebels seeking to topple Moammar Gadhafi t.co/MjSgeQO #Libya
K_H_Jordan Keith Jordan
Algeria shoots at FFs trying to control border post at #Ghadamis, #Libya is.gd/dmJ1yH <- #Gadaffi needs border post, #Algeria obliges
Rasmussen in LIVE RT exclusive: We continue to bomb Libya because we see Gaddafi attacking
When #Gaddafi pops his head out of the bunker,check for a shadow.It’ll let us know if we’ll have six more weeks of #ArabSpring.
wheelertweets James Wheeler
Visited injured man from #Misrata #Libya in Tunisia last night who was 1st sent to Turkey 4 care. Wounds got worse there. And no translators
Fresh round of NATO strikes hit Tripoli outskirts 2 days after heaviest bombing in capital : t.co/111aFuE
HMS Ocean’s vital Libya role – Sunderland Echo: t.co/JnhmZao
USAmbNATO Ivo Daalder
#Qaddafi lives in a warped world. He believes those daring to defy his decades of dictatorship should die. Diabolical!
wheelertweets James Wheeler
Many injured people from #Misrata #Libya are now in Tunisian hospitals. Most had agonizing experiences on 20 hr boat rides to Benghazi..
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Clusters of bombings in Tripoli outskirts today, at least 14 explosions
Feb17_com: Italy will support Libyan opposition with $586 million of cash and fuel aid backed by frozen assets
libyans_revolt omar
Tunisian news agency: 18 Libyan officials, including senior officers fled to Tunisia on a boat yesterday
Gaddafi’s version of NATO’s psychological warfare in Tripoli (bombing) is widespread, systematic&well organized rape
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Video: Woman’s advocate Gita Saghal: ‘Rape is used as a weapon of war’ – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/video-…
Wessimsara WESSIM
En #Libye, les hélicoptères ne finiront pas le travail lemde.fr/mU5071
Senegal president in Libya for rebel talks – FRANCE 24: t.co/oiX44HM
wheelertweets James Wheeler
@wheelertweets Imagine having critical injuries, and no one speaking your language at the hospital. And no one changing your dressings…
Pics taken by a govt soldier before he died in give a telling insight of reality of war t.co/aTPdYre via @ajenglish #libya #Feb17
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘Dr Fox on Progress in Libya’ goo.gl/5JGMy #Libya
Love in a time of torture – Features – Al Jazeera English t.co/145Kokb
ElenaRossi2 Elena Rossi
3 NATO jets have started from Italy into Libya in this moment.
Faint rumble of another explosion in Tripoli
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
Abdalla Awad (senegal) claims he never took #gaddafi’s money. Have credible sources from African portfolio that say otherwise with proof
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘Libye : Wade à Benghazi, l’Union africaine réfléchit à l’après Kaddafi’ goo.gl/AdbMv #Libya
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Live chat tonight 9:30pm #Libyan time. Special guests. Mention and tell why you’d like to join. Skype id: live2Tripoli #Libya #feb17
Libya rebel official tells me Qaddafi has reached out with an exit proposal in recent days. Could be end game.
U.S., NATO allies brace for post-Gadhafi Libya
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘Gates Calls for More NATO Allies to Join Libya Air Campaign’ goo.gl/53Io0 #Libya #NATO #OperationUnifiedProtector
If you need UNHCR’s protection, hotline numbers in Libya. Female staff available: 00218-21-4777503, 00218-91-444-31-94
Personally saw abdalla wad in corinthia last may w lejaan guys handing him suitcases. Friend confirmed dollars inside. Give libyan $$ back!
lLibya In Benghazi – Senagals President offers to help Gaddafi quit political life. Says it is in Libya’s interests for him to do so.
Six thousand refugees cross into Tunisia Wednesday
Maj-Gen Nick Pope – @UKMilOps – is now briefing us on Helmand specific progress. Possible questions on Libya too>
Breaking! Qaddafi is finally caught!
De Benghazi, Wade dit à Kadhafi : « plus tôt tu partiras, mieux ça vaudra » rfi.my/hCTwfz
UNHCR – Pop stars perform in Madrid to raise funds for refugees from #Libya
Ahmed Sanalla
Nafousa Mountains: #Gaddaficrimes #Libya #Gaddafi forces abuse captured #FF..forcing them to chant his name..ends with them taken to be killed
BBC News – Libya crisis: MIsrata rebels begin tactical manouvring – bbc.in/jNpMKx
AJE: Italy has pledged ~ $600m for #Libya’s NTC using frozen assets of Gaddafi as collateral
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa mt #AlQala 06/08/11 22:50h: The battle which resulted in the freedom fighters regaining control over #Saffet goo.gl/lPSbe
Imtidad Blog: (ARABIC) Writer Azza Maghour writes a short story about #Fashloum and revolution #Tripoli #Libya t.co/iMybaX2
China ready to receive Libya opposition NTC envoys: diplomat
VOA: As #NATO Bombs #Tripoli, World Powers Chart #Libya Without #Gaddafi
feb17libya Feb17Libya
SEC investigating Goldman Sacs and other firms’ for shady #Libya dealings with #Gaddafi feb17.info/news/live-liby…
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa mt #Nalut 06/08/11: Artist who was imprisoned by #Gaddafi regime goo.gl/vcV84 #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
Libya: Colonel #Gaddafi ‘Used Mass Rape As Weapon Of War And Bought Sex Drugs For Troops’, #ICC Claims Sky News news.sky.com/skynews/Home/W…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
#Libya’s opposition says it needs $3 billion to cover salaries and assure food supplies for the next four months feb17.info/news/live-liby…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
#Libya’s #TNC said they hoped to restart oil production and gained pledges of over $500 million aid today feb17.info/news/live-liby…
bbclysedoucet lyse doucet
#NATO Sec Gen admits high cost air strikes #Libya but vows to stay course til Gaddadfi goes. What if he doesn’t ? Says no plan B.@BBCWorld
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
The media committee estimates the nr. of Gaddafi forces near Nalut, Jadu, Zintan & Yefren at a total of between 3000 and 4000.
According to the media committee of Jadu, doctors have arrived from Benghazi. Intermittent shelling of all cities continues.
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
GRAPHIC VIDEO: Some of those wounded during yesterday’s fierce bombardment of by Gaddafi forces goo.gl/qXHkF #Misrata
Reuters: Kuwait FM says to transfer $ 160 million to NTC immediately
SEC scans Goldman, other firms’ #Libya dealings: report | Reuters t.co/neF0G9r
UNHCR has female staff ready to support survivors of #rape in #Libya, plus camps in #Tunisia and #Egypt
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
#Libyan state tv: property and belongings of traitors (ie dissidents) abroad will be confiscated and sold to fund #Gaddafi’s revolution.
money, money, money…..
Opposition fighters in #Misrata claim that Gaddafi forces have “been trying to give themselves up.” bbc.in/mhzm4g #libya #feb17
Shabab from @ShahedMisurata organise 2nd conference, ‘Mothers of the Heroes of #Misrata’. goo.gl/ZtlKM #Libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Abu Dhabi-Kuwait Foreign Minister to transfer $108 million to #Libya TNC immediately. feb17.info/news/live-liby…
fieldproducer Neal Mann
To be fair it was the press that turned it in to a presser by getting cameras out, Moussa Ibrahim was just telling us what was going on
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Freedom fighters killed in the battle for #Saffet June 7th, 2011 #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes goo.gl/DH5HO goo.gl/qCD3f RIP
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Mustafa Shaban, #Gaddafi goon, also accused #NATO of violating human rights in #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced an additional $26 million in aid for war victims Thursday at an international coalition meeting aimed at charting the course of a post Moammar-Gadhafi Libya.
France is ready to deliver 290 million euros ($423.6 million) to Libya’s rebel Transitional National Council within a week, Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said on Thursday.
cnnbrk CNN Breaking News
U.S. pledges $26 million in aid for #Libya war victims. on.cnn.com/jEnA8z
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Children in the city of Jado. Anyone able to read the Tamazight alphabet? twitpic.com/594har #Libya #Nafusa
septimius_sever septimius severus
City of Gamblers: #Libya’s Future to Be Decided on the Streets of #Tripoli spon.de/adnJO “an insight into a Gaddafi broker”
Do these guys in Tripoli look like libyans? I highly doubt it. #feb17 #libya #Tripoli t.co/aTfjV1I
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
Ordering mass murder and gang rape 259 rape cases documented so far. What is right punishment for Gadhafi under libyan or international law?
hababbi dee
So many indications of abuse by soldiers and they say " I was forced to do this" when caught TUFFF ALLIK www.twitvid.com/Y9EEY
fieldproducer Neal Mann
If you’ve been following my tweets from #Libya, I’ve added some more images to my gallery on.fb.me/fd797k
Reuters:Germany would consider sending troops to Libya as part of a U.N. military force once Gaddafi is ousted, says MoD de Maiziere
blakehounshell Blake Hounshell
Libya through the eyes of a Qaddafi soldier youtube.com/watch?v=TAlJtq…
Chief Prosecutor of #ICC Ocampo says new evidence has surfaced that #Gaddafi himself ordered sex drugs for #Libya rapes
Libye : l’#opposition veut acheter des Armes aux pays amis fr.rian.ru/world/20110609/189793710.html
AlArabiya_Eng AlArabiya English
French Foreign Minister says his country is ready to deliver 290 million euro to the Libyan protesters #alarabiya #Qaddafi #Libya #Benghazi
Libya embassy in Canberra cut ties with Gaddafi in February. Australian government treats pro-#TNC embassy as legitimate.
sami saied
Sounds of huge explosions in east of Tripoli in the vicinity of Mitiga base or in the base itself.
سماع أصوات انفجارات ضخمة شرق طرابلس في محيط قاعدة معيتيقه أو في القاعدة نفسها
Stepping up engagement in #Libya, China says rebel group representatives to visit Beijing soon – t.co/jZxXOc3 via @washingtonpost
Video: @AndersFoghR closing press conference at #NATO Defence Ministers Meeting youtu.be/2IhfuXF5aZc
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#AlDafiniyah 08/06/2011 — youtube.com/watch?v=teAhcc… via @free_misurata // #Libya
4Adam Adam
6/9/11 Gaddafi’s Remnant “Tribal leaders”Those believed are trapped in #Tripoli 4 thr “safety” yfrog.com/h2c9zvvj pix
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Qaddafi Son Told Rebels of Exit Plan: Aide bit.ly/m9iMCR
the plot thickens….
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
One of #Gaddafi soldiers joins the revolutionaries in #Misurata — youtube.com/watch?v=6KzqzO… via @youtube //
Foreign investors eyeing a post Gaddafi boom in Libya t.co/hDn6FaE
BBC News – Libya crisis: Clinton tells allies to step up pressure – bbc.in/lgqUi2
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa mt #Zentan #AlQala (Zentan channel) 06/08/11 23:00h: Many locations attakced w/grad rockets by G forces. no human losses cont.
The higher areas of #Saffet in #AlQala are still witnessing shelling from #Gaddafi forces using Grad rockets from a distance
Hillary #Clinton has urged a group of Western and #Arab powers to step up pressure to remove Libyan leader Muammar #Gaddafi.
Al Jazeera: G forces are grouping in area of AlGhzaya w/intention of shelling the Wazen crossover-Grad rockets also fell over Nalut today
BBCAndyNorth andy north
Voices of dissent in Tripoli, my piece for From Our Own Correspondent www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00h05sk
SkyNewsBreak Reuters: Turkey says it has established $100m fund to help Libyan rebels
Clinton: #U.S. pledges $26 million in aid for #Libyan victims edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/afr… #NTC #Gaddafi # #Feb17
Gaddafi will ultimately yield to intl pressure: CIA
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Gaddafi forces cell phone footage showing their inhumane treatment towards civilians of #Yefren #Nafousa Mountains goo.gl/80DGf
wheelertweets James Wheeler
Abdalla. Truck driver fr #Misrata #Libya. Injured @ Tripoli St. 20hr boat to Benghazi. 20days there. Happy 2 b n Tunisia twitpic.com/59594e
SkyNewsBreak Sky News Newsdesk
Reuters: Australia recognises Libyan rebel council as “legitimate interlocutor” of Libyan people
sami saied
RT @LibyaLiberty: #GaddafisExitNegotiations: He’ll go into exile as long as its not a country from where he hired unpaid mercenaries. #KillerBillCollectors
Treatment of civilians in Yefren & Qala’a by Gaddafi soldiers www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i8kC6bdbPE #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
In Pictures: Libyan rebels advance
Another photo from #Nafusa twitpic.com/595bb4
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa mountains #Zentan: civilian home destroyed by G forces killing 2 brothers inside goo.gl/k99R2 #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
AlArabiya_Eng AlArabiya English
Turkey says it will establish a $100 million fund to help Libya protesters
smile: Its over 90 degrees in NYC already – just saw a small dog burst into flames.
MUST READ: This article is copyrighted by IBTimes.co.uk, the business news leader
Zimbabwe and Algeria sending troops to support Gaddafi in Libya war Algeria also talks to Russia re: attack helicopters
The Libyan conflict has now been on-going for more than three months and Gaddafi has once again proved his resilience, holding onto power despite the leaders of the free world demanding he leave. When the Nato operation started in March most observers did not expect the Colonel to be able to hang on to power for so long. However as the conflict between Libyan forces and the rebel movement reached stalemate, the alliance was forced to up its game and has since then increased its bombing campaign. With strict sanctions imposed against the country, most of his assets frozen and many of his top government officials defecting, how does Gaddafi still manage to hang on to power?
While the Colonel certainly has a lot of enemies it seems some of his very few friends are extremely loyal as since the conflict started many reports of Zimbabwean and Algerian soldiers fighting for his regime have emerged.
While in February the media focused on the rebels and allegations from Gaddafi’s former Chief of Protocol Nouri Al Misrahia that the leader was using mercenaries from Kenya, Chad, Niger and Mali against his own people after losing control of the Libyan army, other reports suggested that while the mercenaries might have represented a very small part of Gaddafi’s forces, the governments of Algeria, Zimbabwe and even South Africa were actively helping the leader.
Following the accusation against Zimbabwe, in March Zimbabwean MP Innocent Gonese, asked, the Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa during a parliamentary session to respond to reports that soldiers from Zimbabwe are involved. The minister then replied “…that there are mercenaries who are African and are in Libya – I have no mandate in my duty as Minister of Defence to investigate activities happening in another African country” before confusedly advising the Zimbabwean MP to “direct his question to the Foreign Affairs Ministry, who might also enquire through foreign relations if there are any African countries participating there.”
It would not be the first time that Mugabe sent Zimbabwean militia’s without prior consultation as in 1997 the country’s troops were sent to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to help Laurent Kabila against rebels backed by Rwanda and Uganda. Zimbabwe is also tipped as the favourite exile destination if Gaddafi ever decides to leave the country as President Robert Mugabe is the Libyan leader’s closest ally in Africa. Over the years Gaddafi was said to have showered his counterpart with donations and subsidised oil shipments and in late 2010, Mugabe’s party Zanu PF received hundreds of tractors and much farming equipment from Libya to use in election campaigns.
Also backing the reports, in March the Zimbabwean Mail stated that according to sources from the Zimbabwean military intelligence, “The Zimbabwe National Army and its Air force are heavily involved in the fierce battles between forces loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and the rebel’s forces.”
It also announced that "Libyan government soldiers backed by Zimbabwean troops battled rebels on the road to the insurgent stronghold of Benghazi as the United States raised the possibility of air strikes to stop Muammar Gaddafi’s forces.
The sources in Harare also revealed that the President Mugabe has deployed over 500 troops in Libya to back his long-time ally Colonel Muammar Gaddafi." The newspaper claims."
At the same time reports also surfaced about Algeria’s involvement in the conflict and its support of the Gaddafi regime. While Algeria has always been very vocal about being concerned by western imperialism on the continent, the alleged alliance came as a surprise, especially as President Bouteflika’s government has cooperated for years with the US and Nato on its North Africa and Sub-Saharan anti-terrorist policies.
The accusations first emerged when an Algerian human rights group based in Germany, Algeria Watch, published a statement alleging that the Algerian government is providing material aid, in the form of armed military units to Gaddafi to help prop up his regime.Their statement read:
“It is with both sadness and anger that we have learned that the Algerian government has sent armed detachments to Libya to commit crimes against our Libyan brothers and sisters who have risen up against the bloody and corrupt regime of Muammar Kadhafi. These armed detachments were first identified in western Libya in the city of Zaouia where some among them have been arrested. This has been reported in the media and confirmed by eye witnesses.”
Algeria Watch also accused the Algerian government of having provided the air transport planes that have carried sub-Saharan African mercenaries from Niger, Chad and Darfur to Libya.
Following the allegations, Algerian observers claimed that both countries might have tries to plan a common oil embargo, which would have, as they both are important oil exporters in the continent, sent the oil prices up. The plan could not come to fruition however as the rebel movement soon acquired control over the National Oil Company and the Central Bank of Libya.
In Uganda, in April there were also reports that some troops of the UPDF, the President Yoweri Museveni’s party had been sent to the country.
However the claims were rubbished by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Okello Oryem who added that there was no need for Ugandan forces to go to Libya as Uganda had not been requested to contribute fighting troops. Since then, President Museveni has however invited the Libyan leader to come to Uganda if he ever decided to leave Libya.
Finally, South Africa was accused to have contributed to the conflict by selling arms to the Libyan regime in late 2010, at a time where tensions in the country were already said to be rising. David Maynier of the Democratic Alliance said the DA understood that “more than 100 sniper rifles and more than 50,000 rounds of ammunition may have been exported to Libya in late 2010”.
Apparently, other weapons systems sold appeared to include 40mm multiple grenade launchers, Hercules C130 aircraft, and armoured personnel carriers, he added.
While the Justice Minister and National Conventional Arms Control Committee chairman Jeff Radebe defended that while. “Some in the media or through the use of media as a platform have been quick to conclude that the deaths that have been reported in Libya during the period of political unrest have a direct link with the arms sold by the South African companies to Libya. There is no evidence available to back up such a claim”, the transaction still remained illegal as South Africa has a legal obligation not to trade in conventional arms with states engaged in repression, aggression or terrorism.
The use of mercenaries might have been a clever cover up to attract the media’s attention and hide seedier alliances between Libya and other African countries. Most of the reports emerged between February and April, and since then not much has been said on the subject. It seems however obvious that Gaddafi cannot have stayed in power for so long without any help coming from outside. Maybe then, the Colonel is not so lonely after all.
This article is copyrighted by IBTimes.co.uk, the business news leader
Libya – Australian Foreign Minister – Gaddafi’s days numbered and ‘end may be sooner than anyone thinks’ …
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Report that there is a long queue and overcrowding in the Ras Ijdir crossing border which has not been like this before // #Libya #Tunisia
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Bolivia CARGO SHIP “NASEM” now coming into port #Benghazi #Libya. #feb17
FFs of Nalut preparing dinner www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq2sFSpHsk8 #libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Liberia OIL TANKER “KOUROS” now 25.6 NM out from port #Benghazi #Libya dest listed as “OFF VALLETA” appears headed #Brega @NATO #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
Senegal’s Wade offers to help Gaddafi step aside goo.gl/GtwdX #libya #senegal
Libyan rebels fight with homemade weapons : t.co/NeOpIK1 #Libya #NTC
Truck driver fr #Misrata #Libya. 20hr boat to #Benghazi. 20days there. Happy 2b n #Tunisia t.co/0ZhmPHj
wheelertweets James Wheeler
@wheelertweets Patient in adjacent bed in same rm was injured by #Gaddafi landmine boobytrap in #Misrata. Exploded when he picked up an RPG.
Hague: The UK recognises States not Governments, but we regard the NTC as legitimate representatives of the Libyan people
Urgent you must see Brawl between the Gaddafie Brigades شجار بين عناصر الكتائب t.co/c6vrpBG
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The Damage committed by #Gaddafi forces in #Yefrin and #Alqala youtube.com/watch?v=h7bjVx…
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
A meeting with #Nalut Freedom fighters — youtube.com/watch?v=zq2sFS… via @youtube
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces are grouping in area of #AlGhzaya w/ intention of shelling the #Wazin border crossing.
BBCKimGhattas Kim Ghattas
Australia FM Rudd says Gaddafi days numbered and may end sooner than anyone thinks. He didn’t elaborate.
“Ghaddafi must go, attacks must stop, and the Libyan people must determine their own future.” -HRC
UPDATE: Italy Sees Libya Gadhafi’s Rule Coming To An End t.co/HzgUCNj
wheelertweets James Wheeler
Inspirational Atef. Wounded Egyptian FF from #Misrata. Left foot amputated. Took picture today in Tunisian hospital. twitpic.com/595wo8
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! #Washington: #Clinton: #US recognizes the Libyan NTC as the legitimate interlocutor for the Libyan people. #Libya #NTC #US
Gaddafi forces shell rebel towns in #Libya as families flee bit.ly/je64nc
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Turkey has established a $100 million fund to support #Libya’s #NTC. #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#France to release 290 million euros of frozen Libyan funds for the benefit of #NTC. bit.ly/iBTDKL #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#SouqAlJuma #Freedomfighters have destroyed a wall of #Mitiga airport & have seized weapons from there
libyanproud libyanandproud
William Hague : The #UK recognizes the #NTC as the legitimate representatives of the Libyan people
The treatment of prisoners on the hands of #Gadhafi slaves as documented by the slaves themselves somewhere in #Nafusa bit.ly/lDIb50
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name: Mansour Benjah. A successful entrepreneur in Benghazi. Died from air strikes during NFZ. Story Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=371 #libya
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
#Tripoli morning call:“Souq Jummah FF have destroyed a wall of Mitiga airport &have seized weapons from there”
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Ibrahim Eba’ayu. An inspirational young man who dedicated his life to Islam. Killed in Brega by G’s forces Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=380
Visual diary shows gaddafi soldier at war; EVIDENCE of war crimes. t.co/b3wfJMa
Clinton: We are asking the congress to use some of the frozen assets to provide aid and support for Libya.
LIVE H. Clinton gives press conference from Abu Dhabi f24.my/9Eh7e7 #libya
SkyNewsBreak Sky News Newsdesk
Foreign office minister Alistair Burt says Britain could step up military operations in Libya
#Gaddafi forces continue to attack #Nafousa cities but revolutionaries are now in complete control of #Zintan #Yefran #Alqala #Libya
Nafousa Mountains: Wednesday 8th June; FF managed to restore electricity to a number of areas including #Alrujban #Shakshook..#
Senate readies bill to use Gaddafi assets for aid #libertarian reut.rs/lSE15d
Declaration of the Youth of Sirte in support of the revolution ( Sirte is Gaddafi’s hometown) #Feb17 #libya is.gd/6wc7TS
CNNLive CNN Live
by cnnbrk
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a meeting of the Libya Contact Group in Abu Dhabi. Live: on.cnn.com/cnndcl4
Clinton: There are further steps required by the #NTC before money being released
Clinton: The NTC is a new institute & they have came along way. They also still have a lot of work ahead.
Breaking #Qatar has just given the #NTC $100 million #Libya
WilliamJHague William Hague
Thanks for all your questions. Sorry I couldn’t answer them all. Transcript available soon
Jadu: Wed 8th June: #Gaddafi forces attacked the town..#FF withstood the attack in fierce firefight, resulting in the death of 3.
Wed 8th June: #Wazen border crossing with #Tunisia came under attack again yesterday from Gaddafi forces..No casualties reported.
Love it: #Gaddafi forces fighting each other in #Yefren شجار بين عناصر الكتائب ?
Once Alghezaia is taken care of. It’ll be a continuous movement of FF towards #Tripoli. Hopefully in the coming days.
Tripoli plans, #JabalNafusa plans, and I assume as well the east and #Misrata as well are reaching the moment of truth. It is coming soon!!
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Securing Rasijdair is prime. When #Tripoli hears this it will turn the ground upside down on top of #Muammar’s head.
Specially trained #Swedish soldiers will be sent to #Libya to prevent arms being smuggled to #Gaddafi
Specialstyrka skickas till Libyen
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
#Jadu: For the 1st time, #FF have set up a small clinic, complete with an operating room ready to receive casualties..
complete with modern equipment and an ambulance..The clinic is run by doctors from #Benghazi.
Libya: William Hague Twitter chat
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
Gadhafi days r numbered we r already thinking of the morning after how to stabilise tripoli and ensure security and basic services delivered
Please look at youtu.be/Kk4EQgqdr3Q Video Proof Saeed Rashid and his family Cars after being shot by Gaddafi Forces
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: #NATO struck 4 ammo storage sites this morning. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces continue to attack #Nafusa cities but revolutionaries are now in complete control of #Zintan #Yefran #AlQalaa #Libya #feb17
Nafusa Mountains: #FF gained control of #Safeet a strategic location..however its still under heavy shelling since yesterday #Libya
What is there to say? :
Upsetting moment – a man asked for a book called You Can Heal Your Life. I said we could order it for Saturday. That’s too late, he said.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nafusa: #Freedomfighters have established a safe corridor between #Tunisia & Mountains resulting in the delivery aid. #Libya #feb17
Muammar Gaddafi forces retaliate as NATO eyes endgame | The Australian bit.ly/jqirFt
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
Nafussa Mountains: #Safeet Under heavy shelling & a large number of Gaddafi forces reported near area as they try to take it back…#Libya
Panetta sees Gadhafi regime weakening in #Libya j.mp/jGgPzm
Germany may send troops to Libya after Gaddafi out
BRUSSELS May 9 (Reuters) – Germany would consider sending troops to Libya as part of a U.N. military force once Muammar Gaddafi is ousted, Defence Minister Thomas de Maiziere said on Thursday.
At a meeting of ministers in Brussels, de Maiziere said he hoped Libya would not end up needing a foreign military presence but added: “But if things don’t end up that way, then we would try it — and try it constructively,” said de Maiziere.
NATO is looking for broader support for its bombing campaign in Libya, with only eight of the 28 NATO allies actually taking part in the air strikes. All NATO members agree Gaddafi must go but not all believe military intervention is the best way.
NATO says its bombing campaign has greatly reduced the capacity of Gaddafi’s forces, but analysts say the conflict could drag on for many months.
De Maiziere said Berlin stood by its decision not to join in NATO air strikes but would help rebuild Libya once he is ousted, for example by helping to build up infrastructure and security forces. (Reporting by Ilona Wissenbach; Writing by Stephen Brown in Berlin; Editing by Jon Loades-Carter)
NATO Vows to Help Libyan People for ‘As Long as Possible’
Nafusa: New photos from Shakshuk’s liberation (2/2) #libya #Feb17 yfrog.com/gz81xjoej http://yfrog.com/… (cont) deck.ly/~Lrd0K
Up to 15,000 killed in Libya war: U.N. rights expert | Reuters t.co/0QJlrxk
MDayatFCO Martin Day
Attended #Libya Contact Group 2day. Agreement to launch temp financial mechanism, new members joined & strong support 4 #TNC
Libya Contact Group also discussed 2day how best 2 support Libyan people once #Gadhafi goes. That’s a matter of time
that’s another way of looking at it:
Gaddafi is like that last drunk at a party that just won’t admit its over and go home
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name: Khalifah Tashani. Born 03/03/1993. Shot 3 times in chest, heart, & abdomen by 5th Column Gaddafi batt. Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=387
FFs in Nafusa on Recon duty #Libya#Feb17 yfrog.com/5pbd1ij http://yfrog.com/gymg1rnj
libyanexpat Adel
Check this video out — Sadeg Ellab interview on Al Arabiya discussing situation in Libya and Za… youtube.com/watch?v=zJe21q…
Our reporting on a possible #Qaddafi exit plan from #Libya: t.co/EyquOHP. Rebel aide predicts he’s out by end of June.
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
UNHCR – Update No.27 on the humanitarian situation in #Libya and the neighbouring countries unhcr.org/4de8d4aa9.html
Gaddafi forces about to enter #Zliten carrying freedom flag to deceive n capture them. Plz inform anyone u can
but fighting has already started……..
Reported battles within the city of Zliten (west of #Misrata).
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! Fierce fight between G forces & #Zlitan #FF killing 1 #FF & 5 of #Gaddafi forces. #Zlitan
rumors that KHAMIS is there with 7000 troops.
Captured mercenary says #Gaddafi has 7000 goons in #Zliten -
Clashes in Zliten between FF’s and Gaddafi forces, one martyr so far in Tuesday Market area (Souq Thalath)
Danya Bashir
On Thursday 9th June 2011, @CEOdanya said:
IMPORTANT: A family member in Zeltan, called and told me that zeltan if fighting against #Gaddafi forces and 22 Freedom fighter’s have been murdered, by Pro G. Please Pray for them ..
MORE INFO: Confirmed: #Gaddafi officers are heavily based in #Zliten. This includes Lejaan thawreya, Abdalla Snussi and Khamis. Very dangerous time.
Donors at Abu Dhabi summit pledge over $1.3 billion for Libya’s main opposition: bit.ly/lFxfv3
Cameragimp Miked
My point of view behind the camera, live position on top of Rixos hotel. #Gaddafi #Libya #Gadhafi #fieldproducer yfrog.com/h3ex0coj
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Aides of Col Gaddafi have discussed ‘the potential for transition’ in #Libya says US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bbc.in/jOLh6q
Cameragimp Miked
Here’s a fellow colleague in Tripoli with us yfrog.com/h3myjhuj
Misrata still being attacked by Gaddafi bastards so all in misrata please keep your eyes and ears open. At this point it is vengence fight
Fresh round of NATO strikes hit Tripoli outskirts
HRW Libya at the Human Rights Council today: “Violations of the laws of war by government forces are extensive.” bit.ly/iKkwKZ"
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Clashes are still taking place in #Zliten city between Freedom Fighters and #Gaddafi forces // #Libya
areas being hit in #Zliten:Bin sufya,baza,sidi burgaya (nr sea), buyuwt aal hmaadi
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Breaking from Faraj Eqweidr: From #Zliten, Clashes have started between Zliten freedom fighters and Moamar Gaddafi Mercenaries // #Libya
Gaddafi’s plan by staying in #Zliten, is to create complete strife in and around the cities from Misrata to Khums back to #Tripoli.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Heavy fighting in #Zliten city resulting in 22 martyrs. clashes started after an Anti-G protest in Baza Area
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Getting word that there are clashes in #Zliten between #FreedomFighters and #Gaddafi forces. #Libya #Feb17 Happening NOW.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Clashes are still taking place in #Zliten city between Freedom Fighters and #Gaddafi forces // #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Video of #Gaddafi soldier saying that Khamis Gaddafi & 7000 soldiers are in #Zliten youtu.be/dimw65Kd1jY
KC_Tripolitania KC
#FreedomFighters and #Gaddafi troops engage in intense fighting in #Zliten
foreignoffice Foreign Office (FCO)
Foreign Secretary @WilliamJHague answers questions on #Libya and #ArabSpring via Twitter – Read the full transcript: ow.ly/5eepC
dovenews Libyan™
Ali AlTarwhonee LibyanNTC minister of oil and finance: Denies any announcements about oil production
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Many reports of #NATO aircraft over head.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Big clashes in Tripoli right now between FF revolutionaries and Gaddafi forces
Big clashes in #Tripoli right now between #Freedomfighters & #Gaddafi forces. #Libya #feb17
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Good news! #Tunisia has release a lot of if not all of the #Libyan items & equipment held in it’s ports Lot’s of it has arrived #JabalNafusa
afelyun aphelion
The North Africa Daily is out! bit.ly/idllA2
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! Tunisia & UAE will officially recognize the NTC in the coming days. #Libya #NTC #Tunisia #UAE
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Reports of large anti- #Gaddafi demonstration in #BrackAlShati. #Libya #feb17
sami saied
RT @dovenews: Add to the shame list: Mustafa Shaban, Gaddafi’s foreign ministry official. #Gaddafi’s Dog keep barking like his mad dog boss. Woof Woof
ElenaRossi2 Elena Rossi
ANCORA SULLA PROPAGANDA DI GHEDDAFI. Dal blog Note dal fronte di Lorenzo Cremonesi. Corriere Della Sera: bit.ly/jHhbeW
TRIPOLI: City Centre a scene of gunfire everywhere cars racing up & down militia everywhere very tense…about 2 explode!
No one goes out to protest anymore, its suicide. It’s clashes between armed FF and g forces. tripoli
These are problems in the journo world:
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Rixos reception still can’t fine me a new room, worried I may end up on @cameragimp’s sofa at this rate…
Cameragimp Miked
Here’s a pic from inside Gaddafi’s magic mystery bus tour on the way to the big mans farm. yfrog.com/h49j9zwj
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Report by AJE showing images found on #Gaddafi Soldier camera device — youtube.com/watch?v=jMlrsP… //
Waters: ‘Probably good’ McLaren, Libya deal failed
Alex Waters says it is for the best that a potential sponsorship deal between McLaren and Libya fell through
The man who was at the centre of a failed sponsorship deal between McLaren Mercedes and Libya has insisted that he never had any dealings with Saif Gaddafi, the son of Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi.
Former British F3 racer Alex Waters had signed a contract with McLaren to bring in sponsorship from the Libyan Tourist Board, with the team having provided mock-ups of its car carrying a ‘Visit Libya’ livery.
As it was, the deal never came to fruition and while he admits he was saddened at the time, Waters insists that recent events mean it is ‘probably good that it didn’t’ – with Saif Gaddafi reported to have been killed in a Nato air strike as fighting on Libyan soil continues.
“My contact was through the Libyan Tourist Board,” Waters told the Daily Mail. “I never had any contact with Saif Gaddafi, or anyone else involved at that level.
“At the time the British government and other organisations were doing business with Libya, and it was seen as a good thing by many people.
“The deal came to nothing. I hoped it would at the time, obviously, because there was money riding on it. But, given what’s gone on in the last few weeks, it’s probably good that it didn’t.”
freedom4libya Khalifa Leebee
8 towns in the South of #Libya from Brak to Adree are said to be free of #Gadhafi Militias. Soon we will declare the South as Liberated
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Rumored that the #AwladOmar subclan of the #Gaddadfa tribe ( #Gaddafi’s tribe) are against him, just not publicly announced. #Libya #feb17
septimius_sever septimius severus
US: #Libya campaign will falter without more help – guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jun…
BentBenghazi G
My friend recently returned from Tunisia, she told me of a city in the Western Mountains of Libya who pledged allegiance to G. they told FF that they were with Gaddafi and his ppl, and that they would fight alongside them.
Once Gaddafi mercenaries and soldiers got there, they separated the men from the women… and began raping the women. They would rape the women out in the open so that the FF at the top of the mountains could watch, and see the crimes that they were committing.I guess saying they were w/ G was not such a good idea.
sami saied
RT @KC_Tripolitania: Witness in #Sabha: clashes between #FreedomFighters & #Gaddafi forces now, as the deadline 4 #Gaddafi army 2 release detainees ends. #Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Ghadaffis camels inspect bomb damage yfrog.us/5amacuiz
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Spain defense minister will propose tomorrow to extend for an unlimited time their mission in Libya tinyurl.com/6hbeldc feb17
FromJoanne Joanne
Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed reporters after participating in the Libya Contact Group Meeting in Abu Dhabi goo.gl/ISJvH #libya
khald02 kha02
Tataouine: more inflow of #Libya n families . Wednesday’s night, 923 people entered the Tunisian territory goo.gl/vsW1r
Libya rebels to receive huge cash infusion
NATO and Libya Operational Media Update
www.nato.int/nato_static/assets/pdf/pdf... Got Info from Tripoli informing that the NATO bombing is remarkably precise #libya
RRowleyTucson Heavy fighting reported now in #AlKhums & #Zliten
cousin from #tripoli says that all the houses which were once rented by foreign companies are now occupied by gaddafi soldiers #libya #feb17
eliselabottcnn Elise Labott
Clinton: US “views the Transitional National Council as the legitimate interlocutor for the Libyan people.” until Gadhafi is gone
Libia: arrestato a Perugia Nuri Ahusain
«Uomo di Gheddafi, voleva uccidere Shalgam»
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Sebha : Anti #Gaddafi Protests in AbdAlkafi and Alnasrya districts (FB)
Alexblx Alexblx
#Gaddafi unlikely 2 last beyond June – International pressure will escalate – as soon as #ICC arrest warrants R issued 4 #Libya war crimes.
septimius_sever septimius severus
“Gaddafi is still strong. If put up against the wall will do terrible massacres” Archbishop Martinelli admits to journalist in Tripoli
BentBenghazi G
#Gaddafi soldiers and loyalists footage taken from their mobiles in #Yefren: tiny.cc/zmd7e
SecularLibya MargBar Khamenei
Heinz- Sirte has risen up and is now out of control of Ghaddafi. We should start hearing a lot about Sirte soon. No reporters there.
4Adam Adam
According to OssanLibya.org: Fierce battles in #Zliten and repel attacks on #Misrata [Ar] migre.me/51lgt #Libya #Feb17
Tripolitanian Libyan
Over a dozen killed in #Zliten as residents battle #Gaddafi forces, many are being arrested and sent to #Tripoli
Tripolitanian Libyan
Over a dozen killed in #Zliten as residents battle #Gaddafi forces, many are being arrested and sent to #Tripoli
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Pray for FF in Sabha, Zliten, Tripoli, Qalaa, Nalut, Ajdabiya, and every part of free #Libya. This tyrant’s reign is coming to an end.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zliten: Very very big clashes throughout the day. Gaddafi forces are shelling buildings in the city itself now, where FF are.
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten source guesstimated about 2000+ #Gaddafi forces occupying public buildings, hospitals, schools in the city. Could be more GFs now…
Bent_Almoktar Yes we can
I survived a war Zone by trusting strangers, FFs telling me where 2 go wht not 2 do made me go in out carrying great memories. #FFs thank u
#FFs #libyanthankyou thank u for saving my life and protecting me sharing ur food and ur homes ut dreams and ur wounds
#FFs we cryed laughed we lost friends n celebrate new babes been born, we lost some battle we won da others n we shall win da war enough G
Walid #FFs had 80%of his body burn in briga batlle he Spock perfect English.he was strong never cryed, I couldn’t save him, passed w/smile
Tripolitanian Libyan
#Spain, #Australia add their names to the list of countries that recognizes the National Transitional Council (#NTC)
Gaddafi regime trying 2 negotiate “secret” deal w/ Greece 2 “open peace talks” goo.gl/oWDwf
U.S., Allies Eye Post-Gadhafi Libya: Allied and Arab nations meeting with Libyan rebel leaders approved a fi… on.wsj.com/junpIZ
Canada to pull out of NATO air surveillance t.co/kJTtEKs #Libya
TributeFM ‘Base in Space’ FF activity in Zliten today.
wheelertweets James Wheeler
When I was at the electric power generating station in Shakshuk last Fri, FFs found Russian pre-packagd military meals left by #Gaddafi guys
Obama admin vows to finish job in #Libya as top guns argue Gadhafi doomed & his attacks on civilians curbed by #NATO. t.co/i9FHH9i
checkpoints on the way to #tunisia are manned by two or three gaddafi soldiers all with no will to check or do their jobs, morale is low
Heavy shelling by #Gaddafi forces of family homes in centre of #Zliten, after they captured the area
septimius_sever septimius severus
MUST READ Gaddafi regime staked £12bn on secret deal in bid to open peace talks #Libya tinyurl.com/6z4g89y
South Misratah FFs engaged in a battle With Gaddafi’s Battalions &Forced Them to retreat back to their positions youtu.be/SFZDprFKRUU
septimius_sever septimius severus
Goldman investigated over £31m #Libyan ‘bribe’ tinyurl.com/3vcwes6
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
Breaking: A source reported that the total number of martyrs to now in #Zliten reached to 22 martyrs and many wounded.
The clashes started after Asr prayer yesterday (09/06/2011) after #Gaddafi forces killed the martyr Tariq Ahmeidi in front of Awlad Ahmeidi Mosque after going out from Asr prayer. the source said that the number of Gaddafi forces that are present in Zliten city reaches to 5000 individuals.
Alkhums: NATO destroys 8 Libyan warships in #Alkhums port … #Libya bit.ly/kGxwkw
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa Mntns 06/09/11 16:30h: G Soldiers hurl abuse at the revolutionaries: “You dogs you Mountain people, you Berbers” goo.gl/jyLZ0
How Gaddafi troops treatment the FFs prisoners in Yafrane & Al Qallaa youtu.be/4i8kC6bdbPE #Libya#Feb17
libyans_revolt omar
Guma elqamaty: Heavy clashes now in many parts of #Zliten 160km east of #Tripoli. Zliten could b free in few days & push for Tripoli. #Libya
Zliten: A group of FFs are trapped in Ben Sawan building in city centre. City centre is completely surrounded by Gaddafi forces
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Misrata: Polyclinic to reopen within a couple of days isA. #Libya #Feb17
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Zliten #Libya – Breaking: A source reported to Almanara that #Gaddafi forces is now shelling and opening gun fire on residential areas in #Zliten city. The battalions are using mortar fires to bombard the sieged civilians, and the source mentioned that Bazah, north of Zliten city is under the shelling now.
Gaddafi forces will be committing a massacre against the defenseless population if this situation continues.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa mt #Jadu 06/09/11 18:40h: FFs opened a surgical clinic, installed new medical equipment, 2 mobile operating kits, 2 ambulance
Now prepared to deal w/serious injuries requiring immediate procedures. 1st medical practice in area, most drs from #Benghazi
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Zliten: #Gaddafi forces are shelling the sawan building, where some #misratta families are hosted, reports of building being levelled !!
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
by MushuThaLohari
Zliten: Some FF from Zliten escaped to Misrata a week ago. They were given 4×4s and ammo and they are now back in Zliten. #libya #feb17
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Faraj Eqweidr: Breaking: #Zliten: G-forces are shelling on Bazah Area which is a residential area with a large number of civilians // #Libya
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
15 yr old victim of #Gaddafi bombing. facebook.com/photo.php?fbid… #GaddafiCrimes
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten:Group of revolutionaries are trapped in #BenAmara, city center. They are surrounded by #Gaddafi forces. Via #AlShahed #Libya #feb17
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Breaking: #Nalut Media committee 10/06/2011 – Gaddafi forces shelling the city of Nalut wit rockets and Heavy artillery //
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Kikla : Kikla being shelled from south from town called #gwaleesh . #Feb17 #Libya
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten has been fully occupied by #Gaddafi forces and resistance is extremely dangerous
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten situation intensifying with #FreedomFighters very exposed right now. #Libya #GaddafiCrimes #Feb17
Most families in #tripoli are looking for ways to flee, its heating up there and no-one knows what to expect next
Saif Al islam Gaddafi told Mahmoud Jebril NTC prime minster his father ready to stepdown if we agreed to be Saif next leader for Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Zliten : Zliten Freedom Fighters have killed large number of #Gaddafi forces !
Gaddafi forces attack Baza in Zliten.Snipers on Alkhansa school shoot randomly
Civillians in Zliten come out to end siege of the FF surrounded in Bin Suwan apartment block
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zliten: Some FF from Zliten escaped to Misrata a week ago. They were given 4×4s and ammo and they are now back in Zliten.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Campaign of mass arrests in AlShaqiqah and AlAwainiyah has included the elderly & children between them is Sheikh Masbah Aabayd //
Tripolitanian Libyan
Combined freedom-fighters of #Misrata, #Zliten fighting #Gaddafi forces in town of #Zliten (estimates of over 2000 Gaddafi trps)
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten source: #Gaddafi forces have arrested some revolutionaries & shabab since Feb. Some were sent to #Tripoli, some remain in Zliten.
Ds combats intenses ds la ville de Zliten continue, ls forces de Kadhafi à lancer des roquettes dans des zones résidentielles
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
A lousy act by a #Gaddafi goon,this time female storming into Rixos hotel claiming @NATO bombed her house goo.gl/Kb3b3 #feb17
libyanfsl Libya NFSL
Intense fighting in the city of Zliten continues, Gaddafi forces launching rockets in to residential areas #Feb17 #Libya
septimius_sever septimius severus
VERY GRAPHIC : Pictures and Videos found on The Gaddafi Forces SHAKSHUK youtube.com/watch?v=oXeFvw…
libyanfsl Libya NFSL
Clashes between #FF and Gaddafi troops in Gherian, gunshots heard near Sahban Brigade base
twitvid.com/Y9EEY – Video from Gaddafi soldier’s mobile of Gaddafi convoy entering Zawiya after taking control of city #libya #feb17
Zliten FB pg:25 martyrs on revos side, many more deaths on Gaddafi side
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: breaking: Clashes started early this afternoon and still haven’t stopped. 15 Gaddafi soldiers killed in the outskirts
4Adam Adam
Pray 4 our freedomfighters in #Zliten who’re still trapped in Albuza. Gaddafi forces are still shelling the Area,Yabb Enserhum #Libya
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
we need 2report wt exactly happens, 20 May NATO didn’t destroy 8 warships in Khoms, my contact reported 1 huge blast, I posted
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
#Libya Situation Report – 6/9/11 eepurl.com/edeL9
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Libya campaign will falter without more help, Nato bystanders warned bit.ly/k1Prmh
dovenews Libyan™
NATO used Apaches 2 attck some of G military targts near Brega this morning, thy also droppd leaflts askin G forces 2 giveUp & surrndr 2 FF
@dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi forces are fighting among each others in #Yefran, to the point one trying to shot the other goo.gl/9xm13 #Nafusa
In hospitals some nurses wear gaddafis foto around their necks and give out green gem earrings to new born babies who get their ears pierced
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Thuraya: Gaddafi’s government owns a share in the company. Rumours that any phone can be located if G knows the sat phone number
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Important message from #Zliten from reps abroad. #Libya #Gaddafi youtube.com/watch?v=-Z3VpA…
“If you think education is expensive try ignorance.”
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Kikla : Kikla being shelled from south from town called #gwaleesh . #Feb17 #Libya
Nalut : Town is being shelled with Grads and Heavy Artillery .
feb17libya Feb17Libya
New US Senate bill proposes to use #Libya assets for humanitarian aid feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Canada to pull out of NATO air surveillance t.co/kJTtEKs #Libya
LibyanDictator The Dictator
by SupportForLibya
Almanara: Gaddafi forces shelling populated civilian areas in #Zliten using mortars.
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! #Ghadamis: The Algerian army opened fire on the #FreedomFighters when they tried to control the Libyan – #Algerian border.
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Zliten: Reports that #Misrata fighters are aiding Zliten fighters by shelling Gaddafi forces. Will confirm asap.
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘Renewed NATO Air Strikes Rock Tripoli’ goo.gl/6QSkN #Libya #NATO #OperationUnifiedProtector
libyans_revolt omar
NATO are now directly targeting #Gaddafi, a senior #NATO official with operational knowledge of the campaign tells #CNN. #Libya #Feb17
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘Libya at Risk from Unexploded Munitions’ goo.gl/60SpF #Libya
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Gates presses NATO allies to boost defense spending shabablibya.org/?p=2842 #Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
A reminder that you can see a gallery of my images from Tripoli here on.fb.me/jb3teD or on the Sky News iPad app
contacts from youth in #tripoli report organization of a big demonstration from 1 of the mosques inside the city after friday prayer today
libyans_revolt omar
Pro #Gaddafi soldiers in #Zliten incl ppl frm #Zliten & many mercenaries from #Mali.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
NATO shortcomings ‘could jeopardise Libya mission’ shabablibya.org/?p=2839 #Libya
Operational Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector over the past 24 hours #NATO #Libya #Feb17 – t.co/uNAkZdb feb17libya Feb17Libya
Factbox: AID to Libyan Opposition bit.ly/m4s3Ug
Rebel fighters headed to the Ajdabiya frontline. #Libya twitpic.com/59h5bt @calperryAJ
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Libya: Sons of the Sanussi feb17.info/editorials/son…
The ‘could’ should be a ‘will’ | ‘Moussa Koussa could face UK private criminal prosecution within weeks’ t.co/Rgru5lS #Libya
Good morning regarding the last news here is the link regarding Gaddafi Troop defection winnipegfreepress.com/world/breaking…
TUNIS, Tunisia – Tunisian media say a Libyan general and 10 ranking officers are among thousands who fled to neighbouring Tunisia this week as NATO airstrikes in their homeland intensify.
There was no letup in reports of defections by Libyan military who had fought for the regime of Moammar Gadhafi. The radio station Mosaique FM reported the defection of a general, and TAP reported the defection of 10 other officers who reached the port of Ketf in a small boat with eight civilians aboard.
The official TAP news agency said there was a near record 6,000 daily arrivals Tuesday and Wednesday with the rhythm slowing to some 900 Thursday.
septimius_sever septimius severus
As Gaddafi era ends, he may be a Target tinyurl.com/3e6f8lr #Libya
ArmchairArab Amchair Arab
by Skeptical4
How Gaddafi Exploited Libyan Regions/Tribes to Hold Power by @armchairarab storify.com/armchairarab/h…
Libya: Gaddafi denies rapes as £800m is sent to rebels | Metro.co.uk t.co/4kUwgvw
Wessimsara WESSIM
Qaddafi Son Told Rebels of Exit Plan: Aide – Bloomberg bloom.bg/jvCGZR via @BloombergNow
NATO’s Libya ‘hope’ strategy is bombing t.co/4oU4gTP
Follow Al Jazeera’s @calperryAJ for the latest from the #Libyan frontline in #Ajdabiya: aje.me/jMZYMN
To the south, near Bani Walid, RAF aircraft attacked a tank transporter. Another patrol engaged self-propelled gun near Gharyan
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zliten: #MARTIAL #LAW! Anyone going on the street is arrested, soldiers knock at each house to arrest FFs goo.gl/5oHSa
20arb11 Souffian Tripoli
Any one know who this Thug is in the picture? #Libya #Bengazi #feb17 #Tripoli trunc.it/g7qh5
Libye: l’envoyé russe ira à Tripoli puis présentera une feuille de route t.co/60rkA8e
Wessimsara WESSIM
Wade – Khadafi : lâchage en règle #libye afrik.com/article23050.h…
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten update – unconfirmed #Libya #Feb17 goo.gl/5oHSa
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten update – unconfirmed #Libya #Feb17 goo.gl/5oHSa
June 10, 2011: LPC call from Zliten resident, current situation in the city.
Earlier today, some of Gaddafi’s goons went to the house of a ‘known’ freedom fighter. They said they wanted to question him so he said OK and said he would tell his family and then go with them peacefully. He re-emerged carrying a gun. He shot a couple of Gaddafi’s men before being killed himself.
Fellow freedom fighters then appeared and the fighting started. They retreated to a large building in the center of the city and were soon beseiged by soldiers. They are still there and right now there is martial law in Zliten. Anyone who goes onto the street will be shot without their allegiance being questioned. Everyone is being held in their homes like prisoners and there is constant gunfire.
Our source managed to reach his family in Zliten and spoke to his sister. They are all terrified and fear what will come next. The forces holding them are the Libyan regular army. They are waiting for the thump on the door as the soldiers are now going door to door and arresting people.
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Bloomberg: 165 #BILLION #DOLLARS in #Gaddafi regime #frozen #assets worldwide!
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Misrata is being shelled by Gaddafi forces and there are clashes reported in Zliten -
septimius_sever septimius severus
oh dear RT “: Gates slams #NATO for lack of political will, says it’s running out of bombs for #Libya campaign nyti.ms/jK7CIr”
libyans_revolt omar
Video: #Libya Transitional Council Aide Expects New Government by End of June tinyurl.com/43q3ly4 #FreeLibya #Feb17 via @feb17libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Must Watch: Mohamed Al Akari, aide to TNC leader Mahmoud Jebril, talks about contact with #Gaddafi authorities. #Libya feb17.info/news/video-lib…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video: Libya TNC Aide Expects New Government by End of June bit.ly/ls1lif
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC6IYV12dW8&feature=related Gaddafi humiliating the poor and beggars in Tripoli. Claiming they’re not Libyan
Hillary Clinton: “Gheddafi ha i giorni contati.” #Libia #Feb17 #Italia #AbuDhabi #ALJE
septimius_sever septimius severus
Medic in #Misrata “we have lost 3 ambulances on road between here & Dafniya, due 2missiles” T Coghlan Times London #Libya #Gaddaficrimes
libyanproud libyanandproud
by Skeptical4
#Wadan : A number of truck mounted AA (14.5) guns entered the city after anti #Gaddafi protests the night before. (FB)
TasnimQ Tasnim
Five-year-old Libyan amputee dreams of new leg edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/afr… #Malak #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
NATO OFFICIAL: Gaddafi is a legitimate target. #Libya #NATO #GaddafiNATOsLegitimateTarget
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CoO00yczdc&feature=related #Libya #Feb17 Protester shot in the head by Gaddafi forces.
NTC main request & request of #feb17 revolution is that Gaddafi leaves power & leave #Libya, this option will remain open for him #NTC
NTC already have plans for when Gaddafi leaves Tripoli, security is top priority, already planned how to establish stability asap
Doctors struggle to find prosthesis for 5-year-old amputee maimed by a missile in #Libya. CNN’s Sara Sidner reports. bit.ly/mM501u
dovenews Libyan™
#Canada is preparing 2 keep its planes in the skies over #Libya 4 another 3 1/2 months in a mission that the gov says will cost $60-million.
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd_zvi9RE58&NR=1 #Libya. Snipers on the rooftops shooting at protesters!
NewsInLibya News in Libya
World Waits For Gadhafi’s Regime To Collapse: More than 30 countries belong to the Contact Group on #Libya, and… dlvr.it/VnZ45
dovenews Libyan™
Jadu: #FF managed 2 open a clinic wth new equipments, 1 operation room & 2 ambulances. Most Doctors R from Bengahzi. #Nafusa #Jadu #Bengahzi
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Twitter training time RT @pauljustin1: Quite in Tripoli this morning learning the ropes from @Cameragimp @fieldproducer #Libya
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBWbyMgcbcU&feature=related #Libya Firetruck tries to run over protesters! #Benghazi
20arb11 Souffian Tripoli
Free Tripoli Daily is out! bit.ly/jXMewE ▸ Top stories today
dovenews Libyan™
NATO air strikes on Tripoli early this morning mainly on Gaddafi’s compound. #Tripoli #Libya #NATO #NatoFlattenGaddafisCompound
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
Gaddafi has support? WHAT BLOODY SUPPORT! www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWY4z5ho5BY&fea...
septimius_sever septimius severus
RT "@Libyus: At Rimada camp #tunisia #libya “@EEE_Libya: Gas tank exploded. At least 1 tent caught fire” cc @melissarfleming
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Video from the East Libyan city of Bayda on Feb 17th – First day of the protests as they walked toward live fire goo.gl/mj7ZF #Libya
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N5Gmghpm8M&feature=related #Libya Police joining in the protesters. Defection of Abdulfatah Yunis. Interior
dovenews Libyan™
Sabha: Gaddafi forces killed 10s of people stood Up against the regime in #Sabha. #Sabha #Libya #GaddafiKillingMachine
dovenews Libyan™
Mass grave goes back to 1990s have been found in East of Libya. #Feb17 #Libya #GaddafiCrimes #GaddafiEnd
SkyNews Sky News
Libya: More Nato Airstrikes As Rebels Get Aid bit.ly/kFD9XN
LibyaUnited1944 Libya United 1944
Some photos taken in Benghazi..hope you like them. Theres a few so try to keep up! twitpic.com/59i1gm
A new video just emerged of Gaddafi troops entering #Benghazi on 19/03/2011- هذا الفيديو لعصابات القردافي youtube.com/watch?v=EYruus… #Libya
Freedom_7uriyah ღ.¸¸Libeeya¸¸.ღ
#Libya: #NTC: Hopes to help other arab nations & the dream is to have a strong, stable & democratic North African Maghreb especially
I suspect #Gaddafi bringing commanders most loyal to #Tripoli so he has enough troops to hold city hostage.
Sebha on Sunday: #Gaddafi replaced his long time ally Masoud AbdAlhafeed with Alreefi Alshreef after Masoud tried escaping.
Masoud was then recalled to #Tripoli and, if reports are correct, is resisting this with some (or all) of his troops.
Most probably (I can’t see this explicitly stated anywhere) Masoud was the commander in charge of #Gaddafi’s forces around #Sebha.
Freedom_7uriyah ღ.¸¸Libeeya¸¸.ღ
#NTC: Plans to establish proper democracy & freedom + ongoing negotiations with #Egypt & #Tunis
NTC already have plans for when Gaddafi leaves Tripoli, security is top priority, already planned how to establish stability asap
#Dafnya as an area is Split between #Misrata and #Zliten . There is Dafnya-Misratta and Dafnya-Zliten, learned this yesterday.
Misrata is being shelled by Gaddafi forces and there are clashes reported in Zliten
Statement on behalf of #Zliten from reps abroad #Libya #Gaddafi #Feb17
YouTube – البيان الحاسم لثوار زليتن – youtube.com
Gaddafi is getting hell in Zawiya 50km away, Zliten ~150km away, Khums ~120km away and Qalaa/Bir Ayad ~80km away. Hello Tripoli! #libya
Zliten has been fully occupied by #Gaddafi forces and resistance is extremely dangerous
Zliten : group of Zliten Freedom fighters are surrounded in the bin Sawan building in the town center
Zliten:Happening NOW #Gaddafi forces bombed the area of #Bazza,a residential area with a large number of civilians.
Almanara: Gaddafi forces shelling populated civilian areas in #Zliten using mortars.
Combined freedom-fighters of #Misrata, #Zliten fighting #Gaddafi forces in town of #Zliten (estimates of over 2000 Gaddafi trps)
According to one resident,there are about 200,000 people in #Zliten held hostage to #Gaddafi forces – including #Egyptian foreign nationals.
Zliten: #Gaddafi Regular Army have city under martial law, going house to house arresting people.
#Zliten : Report of building being levelled seems to be inaccurate , building still standing . Apologies !
#Zliten : There are more #Gaddafi soldiers in the city than zliten ppl
Zliten : One Freedom Fighter attacked group of #Gaddafi thugs with a grenade . #Feb17 #Libya
Zliten : There is a very a big troop presences , spread between Houses , Public buildings , Schools
#NATO gives green light to target #Gaddafi #Libya — الناتو يعطي الضوء الاخضر لبدء اصطياد القذافي youtube.com/watch?v=5FjytE… via @youtube
Cameragimp Miked
Sounds of jets high above. Beautiful day with inspiring blue skies over eucalyptus trees – reminds me of the Queensland outback.
FreeLibyanman FreeLibyan
Protecting #Libya’s innocents is worth the time and cost – Telegraph telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews…
FreeLibyanman FreeLibyan
Shaky #Libya campaign shows #NATO’s weakness, #Gates says – latimes.com latimes.com/news/la-fgw-ga… ??!!!!!
88simon88 simon
The most modern frigate boat of the French Navy is heading to Libya. tinyurl.com/6bh5zgl
RT: (Must See) #Tripoli’s Sniper part 3 قناص طرابلس youtube.com/watch?v=j45SR2… #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Tawergha : The battles of 08/06 resulted in 300 #Gaddafi thugs killed. #Feb17 #Libya
Shocklee Shocklee
by TasnimQ
THE LIBYA REPORT is out! bit.ly/i6QkaC
88simon88 simon
The story of a libyan-french student who came back to Benghazi and became member of the NTC tinyurl.com/68o9hp5 ! (in french)
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Check out footage of #Nato’s latest airstrikes on #Gaddafi’s Compound BabAzizyia in Tripoli #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
CBC: Patrolling Libyan skies. Join NATO AWACS & Canadian Commander on recent attack on #Tripoli. #Libya
ElenaRossi2 8 NATO jets have started from Italy into Libya this morning, the last at 10.40am (Tripoli’s time). Some of them were in pairs.
It turns out that #NATO believes the United Nations gave it permission 2 bomb #Libya TV stations & make attack runs w/ helicopters
Breaking – NATO attack helicopter inventory increased from 16 to 32 units. #Libya #Feb17 Major action ahead.
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Yesterday, near Zlitan, Royal Air Force Tornado and Typhoon aircraft destroyed four of Colonel Qadhafi’s main battle tanks.
To the south, near Bani Walid, RAF aircraft attacked a tank transporter. Another patrol engaged a self-propelled gun near Gharyan.
Off Misratah, HMS Ocean launched British Army Apache helicopters to attack a regime communications installation and multiple rocket launcher
These were identified by NATO surveillance operations. Both targets were destroyed and the helicopters returned safely to HMS Ocean.
7 helicopters attacks so far ( 4 french, 3 english). #libya
FrDefense News – Franceiday, June 10, 2011, 10:05 AM
Kaddafi forces firing anti-aircraft missile SA-7 against French combat helicopter in Libya.
Kaddafi forces fired anti-aircraft missile SA-7 against French combat helicopter who takes part in the NATO missions in Libya.
The French helicopters fight the Colonel Kaddafi forces since June 4th, 2011. Commander aboard the aircraft carrier Charles-de-Gaulle of the French Navy around the coast of Libya, the admiral Philippe Coindreau revealed yesterday, this June 8th, 2011, during a videoconference with journalists, that the French helicopters had undergone shootings of ground-to-air missiles Manpads (Man Portable Air System Defense), probably Russian made SA-7.
According to our information, these shootings did not strike any helicopter, but started shootings of self-protection defence systems.
Major General Nick Pope, the Chief of the Defence Staff’s Strategic Communication Officer, said:
“UK Armed Forces were again in action yesterday over Libya.
“The NATO-led coalition continued to mount effective air patrols over wide swathes of the country to enforce UNSCR 1973. Near Zlitan, Royal Air Force Tornado and Typhoon aircraft destroyed four of Colonel Qadhafi’s main battle tanks, while to the south, near Bani Walid, they attacked a tank transporter. Another patrol engaged a self-propelled gun near Gharyan.
“Off Misratah, HMS Ocean launched British Army Apache helicopters to attack a regime military communications installation and multiple rocket launcher which had been identified by NATO surveillance operations. Both targets were destroyed and the helicopters returned safely to Ocean.
“Since the start of military operations to enforce UNSCR 1973, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and Army Air Corps forces have successfully attacked over 430 regime targets involved in Colonel Qadhafi’s persecution of the civilian populace.”
10 Jun. 2011
Press briefing on events concerning Libya
NATO HQ, Brussels
On 10 June at 14:00, Oana Lungescu, the NATO Spokesperson, will brief the press on events concerning Libya. She will be joined by Wing Commander Mike Bracken, Operation Unified Protector military spokesperson, who will brief by videoconference from Naples on NATO’s operation in Libya in support of UNSCR 1973.
NATO presser Mike Bracken MBE: Videos show that Gaddafis forces are operating from within civilian areas.
NATO presser Mike Bracken MBE: Orders still coming out of Tripoli, that’s why we continue strinking their C&C centers.
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Question: how much longer can Gaddafi resist pressure in face of such daily strikes in Bab Al Azizya youtu.be/5k7HquTKE1k
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
NATO 9 Jun: 3 ships boarded, no denials; #IHAM: 2 ships, no aircraft.
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
NATO 9 Jun: #Misrata: 2 rocket launchers, 1 truck gun, 4 tanks, 1 transporter, 2 C&C, 2 armoured vehs, 2 checkpoints; #Brega: 1 C&C
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! Gaddafi state TV: Military French plane was hit near Zlitan. Awaiting NATO confirmation. #Zlitan #Libya @NATO #France
NOT TRUE< see above from french min. of def:)
dovenews Libyan™
Musa Ibrahim: NATO is weak & thy are leaving & reducing their strikes & Gaddafi will win.
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Forces loyal to #Gaddafi shelled the rebel-controlled town of #Misrata today, killing at least 10 people. #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
AP: Norway to completely withdraw from NATO-led operation in #Libya by August 1st
NATO spokesman admits they use Twitter as one of their sources of intelligence:)
FromJoanne Joanne
#Canada is preparing to keep its planes in the skies over #Libya for another 3and Half months in a mission that will cost $60-million #Nato
sami saied:
BREAKING CRAP: Gaddafi forces shot French plane with a Green EGG & some Magical Spells……….More Crap GaddafiEnd
UN investigates Gaddafi over mass rape policy #viagra www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3nPxElFZiU&fea... #Libya
7_com LibyaFeb17.com
After meeting the opposition in Benghazi, Russian envoy plans Tripoli visit in mediation effort – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/dSzgf
dovenews Libyan™
#Bengahzi: Musa continued to defend a leader politically dead & wanted by the ICC
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Why are we still quoting Gaddafi State TV? these are the same people that said they shot down a French jet and sunk a NATO ship… #libya
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Video at press briefing: NATO waited for football match to end, all people leave, and then struck 2 SAM launchers next to playing field
Al Jazeera: 17 dead and 40 injured in Dafneye #Misrata after attack of #Gaddafi troops on #FF
Libya state TV says a #NATO helicopter has been shot down over sea off the coast of the town of Zlitan aje.me/jQEpiq #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Bengahzi: We are feeling sorry for Musa Ibrahim. He is talking on behalf of a hiding leader.
BreakingNews Breaking News
More on helicopter off Libyan coast: NATO denies it was shot down. ‘We have no indication to show that this is true’ official tells @Reuters
FromJoanne Joanne
JUST BROKEN #NATO ramps up pressure on #Libya June10
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Gaddafi TV : One of our snipers has managed to snipe one of the pilots of an unmanned drone !
FromJoanne Joanne
Safety teams have found an alarming number unexploded rockets + mines around #Ajdabiya goo.gl/76Z43 #Libya
Gaddafi’s compound & April 7th military camps are among the targets that were just bombed in the city NATO TRIPOLI LIBYA
4 those in tripoli NATO will leave only after taking g out 4 libya more to come
Libya Rebel Aide Expects New Government by End of June
June 10 (Bloomberg) — Lara Setrakian reports on the prospects for a new government in Libya as the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation continues its attacks against the resources of Muammar Qaddafi’s regime. Mohamed Al Akari, an aide to National Transitional Council leader Mahmoud Jebril, talks about contacts with Libyan authorities.
BREAKING: #NATO forces are striking the Libyan capital of Tripoli
BoooooooM! #NATO is BACK #Tripoli
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Audio & Transcript: NATO press briefing on Libya – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/audio-…
Large explosion heard in Tripoli followed by sirens.
Two more explosions heard
dovenews Libyan™
Since 4am & G forces R attcking west #Misrata wth tanks & rocket launchers in attempt 2 entr the city, 16 FF killd & 40 injured, FF repelled
Gheblawi Ghazi Gheblawi
#Gaddafi sends letter to representatives of Libyan Jewish Diaspora in apparent bid to bolster international image jpost.com/International/… #Libya
Protecting #Libya’s innocents is worth the time and cost written by UK DS Liam Fox – Telegraph
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Zimbabwe and Algeria sending troops to support Gaddafi in #Libya war goo.gl/4L99X #gaddaficrimes
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Live chat from yesterday: #Libya post TNC & #Feb17 live2tripoli.tumblr.com
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
NATO’s Latest Air Strikes on Bab Alaziziyah www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k7HquTKE1k #libya #feb17
France: 2 give the #TNC U$ 290 m that had been frozen said spokesman FM, Bernard Valéro to help with the needs of #libya people
HMS_Nonsuch: NATO spokes admits use of Twitter as one source of intell
BREAKING Canada Official told AFP on condition of anonymity that Canadian AirForce decided to withdraw from @NATO goo.gl/fnB8N #Libya
Just been talking to family in Tripoli,morale is really low, they know Gaddafi is going but are worrying about how long it going 2 take!
Air strikes: G compound & April 7th military camps are among the targets that were just bombed in the city Targets also were on Khallat al furjan to the south of the capital Tripoli
dovenews Libyan™
Confirmed: Gaddafi snipers are using rifles with attached suppressors targeting youth’s gathering in #Tripoli
foreignoffice Foreign Office (FCO)
#Egypt, #Libya and #Bosnia & #Herzegovina where amongst the topics discussed by @foreignoffice bloggers this week ow.ly/5eEom
tripolitano Tripolitano
sadly I got news today a good friend of mine was killed by #Gaddafi forces in #Zliten yesterday. ان لله و ان اليه راجعون
AJA: More mass graves found in desert (Arabic) youtu.be/DRiAsdOGXVE #Libya
FreeLibyanman FreeLibyan
most of #Gaddafi forces that shellingthe cities of #Nafousa e.g #Kikla 2day, are based in #Goalesh & #Almaleeb i.e on the open @NATO
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
3 more NATO airstrikes in Tripoli – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/dSzgf
The North Africa Daily is out! bit.ly/idllA2
Expert in the #UN human rights: in #Libya there is between 10 and 15 thousand Libyans been killed bit.ly/kfnfiz #Libya#feb17
wewantlivefree sami saied
FF from misrata entered zliten and ff from inside zliten are clashing with g forces inside
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata… names of some of today’s martyrs… list is still being filled in.. #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes twitpic.com/59k6h7
cnni CNN International
by cnnbrk
Fighting rages in western Libyan city goo.gl/fb/UDRn7
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
1/2 NATO seems so detached from reality. Entire Nafusa Mountains depends on Wazin border crossing, yet NATO does not protect it.
Gaddafi forces are easily to locate & generally outside civilian areas & in the open field. So what is NATO thinking?
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
NATO mention of Twitter starts at 28:20 in 10 Jun press brieifng audio — nato.int/cps/en/natoliv…
Misrata: 18 martyrs and over 60 injured and no sign of NATO jets in the air. Gaddafi forces still shelling to stop FF advance on Zliten.
feb17libya Feb17Libya
A US Senate panel on this morning will hear from a high-level Pentagon delegation about #Libya military intervention. feb17.info/news/live-liby
FromJoanne Joanne
#Nato media Update on Libya June10 : www.nato.int/nato_static/assets/pdf/pdf...
sami saied
Misrata: UNCONFIRMED: Despite the heavy shelling, Misrata FF have pushed Gaddafi forces past the Tuesday market in Zliten #libya #feb17
Gaddafi forces in Zliten comprise of #Zliten residents Tuareg and Mali mercenaries
fieldproducer Neal Mann
He has tweeted RT @WyreDavies Significant lull in Tripoli bombing Fri. Wavers in the regime being given time to think before it starts over?
dovenews Libyan™
The military bases in #Libya are more than the number of public sector buildings; such as schools & hospitals.
septimius_sever septimius severus
Found it! videos of gaddafi Sniper misrata ppl RATS youtube.com/watch?v=4b2neI…
dovenews Libyan™
It estimated that Gaddafi previously had purchased approx $50 billion worth of weapons.
Several reports of HIV-infected women being brought into Zliten in order to spread in city via Gaddafi soldiers raping civillians
libyanredcamel AbE
#AJA hospital is surrounded with tanks to prevent injuries coming in. 5 people killed so far
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Gaddafi forces have surrounded the hospital in Zliten – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/dSzgf
benghazifeb ali libyan
remember the pilot who walked from tripoli to miusrata? i saw him today in this clip youtube.com/watch?v=tBR6XQ… still fighting in mis
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Doctors at a #Misrata hospital say 17 killed and at least 60 wounded by shelling from #Gaddafi forces – Reuters bbc.in/mBlNYn
Yesterday Gaddafi forces killed prominent Zliten resident&arrested another.This lead 2local anger& prompted uprising
FromJoanne Joanne
#ZLITEN goo.gl/ASMZa Gaddafi forces surrounded the hospital preventing the injured from accessing 5 ppl have been killed #Libya
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name: Yousif Sijuk. One of Yefren’s great heroes & commanders. Killed defending his city from Gaddafi forces. Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=398
LibyaNewMedia Heavy increase in casualties from Misrata in past few days. It’s raining rockets & mortars.
The Siege of Misrata
Deep in Qaddafi-held territory, a rebel stronghold grits its teeth and hopes for the best.
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Sources within the #Gaddafi regime claim an agreement to use the assets “could lead to a ceasefire agreement” #Libya feb17.info/news/gaddafi-r…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Talks were recently held between Greek officials & #Gaddafi regime to discuss unfreezing 20 $billion of assets – #Libya feb17.info/news/gaddafi-r…
FromJoanne Joanne
From 10AM today Gaddafi forces use Tanks Artillery+ Incendiary Rockets bombarding #Dafniya 30 km w of Misrata 61 ppl wounded via Dr #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
June 10: Gaddafi forces have attacked #Nalut & they are grouping, in an attempt to control the Tunisian – Libyan border.
FromJoanne Joanne
DAFNIYA Freedom fighter said "It is horrible out there. The revolutionaries are taking tank power in their chests
feb17libya Feb17Libya
#Gaddafi officials claim assets will be used for aid in an urgent “humanitarian” operation AKA weapons mercenaries & oil feb17.info/news/gaddafi-r…
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name:Nasser Rafrufi Alwerfally. A Bani Walid hero killed May 28 in cold blood. Gaddafi forces are disgusting. Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=402
feb17libya Feb17Libya
French officials thwarted the Greek-brokered deal to unfreeze & use $20 billion of the frozen assets – #Libya #France feb17.info/news/gaddafi-r…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Toll from shelling by #Gaddafi troops today in #Misrata = 17 killed & at least 60 wounded – #Libya #Prayformisrata feb17.info/news/live-liby…
For those who think the Libyans are twiddling their thumbs while NATO “does the job for them” t.co/Ko3joli
dovenews Libyan™
PLZ RT! #Libya latest map. Updated 10-06-2011 @ 18:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/59lthz/full
septimius_sever septimius severus
“Heavy Gaddafi attack on the west of #Misrata. the hospital awash with artillery casualties. 19 dead & 60 wounded so far”
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Police said the attack was to be carried out by #Gaddafi loyalists together w/ #Algerian mercenaries recruited in Naples feb17.info/news/gaddafi-l…
DEFECTED G COLONEL revealed to Tunesia Gaddafi will enter armed elements into Tunisia to carry out bombings in #Sousse #Tabarka via T.Radio
Tunisia has Raised its Security Significantly at the #Libya Tunisian border
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
Breaking: #Nafousa Mnts; #Gaddafi forces attacking #Almarabah West of #Nalut with Grad Rockets & heavy artillery…Where is #NATO? #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
BREAKING : #KIKLA is being heavily Shelled from three Directions ! Source of shelling are : #gwaleesh #miska #scout-Forest. #Feb17 #Libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
The intended victim of the assassination plot was Abdel Rahman Shalgam of the #TNC – #Libya #Feb17 – feb17.info/news/gaddafi-l…
septimius_sever septimius severus
*MUST SEE * Subtitled by @TasnimQ: Gaddafi Snipers talking about their friends, family in #Misrata tinyurl.com/6cyc6fa #Libya
#Canada plans on $60-million extension of mission to oust #Gaddafi – #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Intense bombardment on #Nalut and border since last night until now
Latest reports indicate that there are now over 10.000 Freedom Fighters in #Misrata #Libya
Pray people for the freedom fighters … These battles in the upcoming days are probably the decisive ones
G forces offensives on Misrata, Zletin & Nafusa are likely his last throw of the dice. When we prevail Gaddafi is screwed
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Yesterday’s @live2Tripoli skype chat about Libya post Gaddafi & NTC live2tripoli.tumblr.com #libya #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
June 10: Mass protests in 3 districts in Bengahzi after Alaseer prayer. #Bengahzi #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Nalut Media Committee 10thJune 16:00 – #Gaddafi forces continue the shelling on Nalut city with Grad Missiles and Heavy Artillery /
libyanproud libyanandproud
@freeourlibya #KIKLA being shelled From (32° 0’34.11"N 12°48’40.42"E) (31°59’2.60"N 12°41’40.06"E) (31°59’9.21"N 12°40’20.44"E)
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Latest numbers from Misrata and Zliten is that 120 people have been injured in today’s Gaddafi shelling/bmbrdment / 20+ killed #libya
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi forces R attacking #Nalut & #kilkla wth grad missiles & heavy artillery. Also G forces R trying to break in2 #AlQala from the south
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
New video of when #Gaddafi forces entered the city of #Zawiyah — goo.gl/KUdLN // #Libya
PRESS: Qahtani
Where on earth @NATO helicopters? They are very much needed in #misrata and #Zentan ! Now is the time
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Libyan rebels in Misrata accuse Nato of ignoring requests for air support gu.com/p/2pydc/tw via @guardian
dovenews Libyan™
More NATO strikes on Tripoli, 3 loud explosions were heard
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Assassination of Saed Rashid (G-Supporter) in the beginning of the revolution at the entrance of BabAlAzaziyah — youtube.com/watch?v=oJeg9u… #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! NATO denied that G forces shot any of their helicopters near #Zlitan. #GaddafiLies GaddafiEnd #Libya #NATO
of course that wasn’t true:)
At least 24 killed in Dafniya near Misrata. Fighting has been intense all day
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Misratah – Martyr Mohamed Ali Ma’dani — goo.gl/BgkzP // #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#MISRATA: G forces wer dfeatd aftr tryin 2 break in2 the city.Numbr of G forces wer killd & injurd, FF cpturd 2 tnks & dstryd armourd vhicls
ukhomeoffice The Home Office
by foreignoffice
#Libya rape allegations ‘horrifying’ says international violence against women champion @lfeatherstone. bit.ly/kkMG1t
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: Freedom Fighters have destroyed a tank, multiple BMPs, troop carries and say they killed over 50 G soldiers in Dafniyah #libya
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
Breaking: Plan of attack on #Misurata Signed By Khamies #Gaddafi on the 6th of March..In Arabic yfrog.com/gy5gpxdj #Libya (E)
Colleague in Misrata:“today is a hell hospital is full of dead and wounded and bombardment is furious still going on”
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Right now in #Misrata: RT @PJBWells: at least 40 rebels are in a critical condition. The death toll seems set to rise dramatically |
#Libya Al Ahrar: #Gaddafi forces are using tanks to bomb Al# Dafnia now & FFs are ready to repel any attack on the region.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli: FF are dropping flyers & papers near G forces/tents/checkpoints secretly, telling them “This is your last chance to defect”
Navo en België verlengen missie in Libië
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: NATO jets are striking Gaddafi’s forces to the southwest + southeast of Misrata as well as in Zliten. #libya #feb17 via FB
freeourlibya jamal tripoli
RT @PJBWells #Libya #Misrata another day soaked in blood and death. none of them were over 30. @NATO @UN @AmbassadorRice @WilliamJHague
Reuters: Libyan state TV reports NATO warplanes attack targets in Tripoli”
Tweets tip off NATO on potential Libya air raids
BRUSSELS — Twitter as a weapon of war? NATO has scrambled warplanes against Moamer Kadhafi’s forces after Libyans tweeted troop movements on the micro-blogging website, alliance officials said.
Twitter and Facebook are among a wide range of media and other sources NATO’s intelligence officers monitor around-the-clock to identify potential targets in the air war against Kadhafi’s troops, the officials said.
“We will take information from every source we can,” said British Wing Commander Mike Bracken, the Libya operation’s military spokesman. “We get information from open sources on the Internet, we get Twitter.”
A NATO official said Libyans have been tweeting from the rebel-held city of Misrata, Ajdabiya and Tripoli, providing information ranging from movements of troops and tank columns to shellings of towns and fleeing refugees.
“Twitter is a great source,” the official said on condition of anonymity.
The official stressed that any information gleaned from the website is checked against other more reliable sources such as satellite imagery and other traditional intelligence gathering before any jets are deployed.
“On their own they don’t represent a reliable source but they do help to draw attention to emerging issues or threats that can be checked out with more sophisticated means,” the official added.
The United Nations mandate that authorised that NATO mission in Libya forbids the presence of ground troops, forcing the alliance to rely on other sources of information.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: BREAKING from trustworthy source: FF from Misrata and Zliten have finally joined together at the Tuesday market right now
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Freedom fighters have pushed Gaddafi forces to Souk AlThulatha in Zliten, destroying a tank & many vehicles.
wheelertweets James Wheeler
265 new arrivals (mostly injured) 2 Tunisia from #Misrata #Libya today by crowded fishing boat. But at least it was direct, not via Benghazi
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tuesday market is very close to Zliten, here it is on Wikimapia written as “Suq Al Thulatha” goo.gl/2Jsx5 #libya #feb17
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Gaddafi forces bombarding Dafniyah w Grads,heat-seeking missiles&tanks.150freedom fighters wounded,22 martyred #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Malta CARGO SHIP “TRIANTAFILLOS M” now departing #Tripoli #Libya having delivered supplies to their friend #Gaddafi. #feb17 @NTC_of_Libya
No explanation for missing 10 #Libya n students #Malta www.independent.com.mt/news.asp?newsite...
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
1hr ago: #Nalut Media Committee 10June #Gaddafi Forces bombard AlMarabah area west of Nalut with Grad Missiles, Mortars & Heavy Artillery
finally: RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Misrata: #NATO jets are striking #Gaddafi’s forces to the southwest & southeast of Misrata as well as in #Zliten
Libye: les forces de Kadhafi fortement diminuées
SMILE: sabers210 Libyan Freedom
Breaking news: A large shipment of diapers is going to Gaddafi’s house. Expedited because he needs them fast :)
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi forces are surrounding #Zlitan #FF in Awlad Hamadi area. #libya #zlitan
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
FRANCE24: Tweets tip off #NATO on potential #Libya air raids f24.my/l8pBRo #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Liberia CARGO SHIP “SEA STRAIT” in port #AlKhums #Libya supplying #Gaddafi. #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zliten: #Misrata & #Zliten #Freedomfighters have joined against #Gaddafi forces. #AlKhums is wtnsng a heavy security presence #Libya #feb17
Sabha: Snipers now placed on Jamal Abdel Naser St on buildings including Libya Insurance, the Court and Printing Buildings
dovenews Libyan™
#Morocco freezes the Libyan embassy account. NOT ENOUGH YOU CAN DO MORE!
maybe they haven’t paid the hotel bill yet?
dovenews Libyan™
Clashes between G forces & #FF in #Gharyan.
“Twitter is a great source,” the NATO official said on condition of anonymity. f24.my/l8pBRo This is a war of newest generation !
dovenews Libyan™
Gaddafi forces in #AlGazya & no reports of any @NATO strikes on them for weeks. goo.gl/RX3rK #Nafusa #West_mountain
FromJoanne Joanne
#MISRATA #Nato Laison asked through #Benghazi Operations room 4 #Apaches Helis 2take part infight with Gaddafi troops but no response #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#StVincentGrenadines PASSENGER SHIP “AZZURRA” in port #Misrata destination #Benghazi #Libya #feb17
freeourlibya jamal tripoli
#ZLITEN 35 dead, 100 injured, hospital surrounded with tanks, @NATO @NATOpress @UKMilOps WHERE ARE YOU!!!!???? #MISRATA #NAFUSA #LIBYA
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zliten: Confirmed: Misrata & Zliten FF are now fighting together against Gaddafi forces and Khums is wtnsng a heavy security presence #libya
dovenews Libyan™
#Kikla: Electricity has been cut off by G forces since Thursday. #Nafusa #Libya
AFP: Gaddafi has written to the US Congress praising members who criticized President Obama over NATO attacks in #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
Ive got no reports of Casualties in #Kikla and #Nalut , hope it stays that way !
I’m told there r thousands of Gaddafi troops all over Zliten & they r being led by Gaddafi ’s son Khamis – they launched a fierce attack! (E)
fieldproducer Neal Mann
We were allowed out to central Tripoli this afternoon without minders, city very quiet as it’s a Friday,but locals around very approachable.
FromJoanne Joanne
MISRATA Rocket explosions could be heard nonstop from early morning of the FRONT @3km west of Misrata in the farmland area of Dafniya #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Face 2 face fierce fighting btween G forces & FF in #Zlatin, G forces wearing Tuareg clothing which thy culd be from #Mali. Source Zlitan FF
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Col #Gaddafi has written to the US Congress praising members who criticised President Barack Obama over Nato actions in #Libya – AFP
wheelertweets James Wheeler
Many cluster bomb victims among injured n Tunisia from #Misrata #Libya. Terribly painful injuries. Have to b put to sleep to change bandages
KC_Tripolitania KC
by librev2011
God help #Misrata, #Zliten , #Kikla , #Nalut and #Tripoli – #Gaddafi is extremely vengeful. #Libya is crying , #Libya is bleeding :‘( :’(
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Plan to attack #Misrata implemented on 6 Mar. signed by Khamis #Gaddafi.View: fb.me/11yaOp06X Download: mir.cr/NBASSVKX #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Misrata: Clashes continue west of Misrata, reports of an attack on #Tawargha east of Misrata. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Tweets tip off #NATO on potential #Libya air raids physorg.com/news/2011-06-t… #feb17
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
GRAPHIC in parts, video of intense battle at Dafniyah (May 32). Filmed by @zooda17 of @freedomgroupTV goo.gl/fGXVs #Libya #Misrata
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The leak of a plan drawn up and signed by Khamis Gaddafi for the invasion of Misurata with 11350 soldiers — bit.ly/kyHT5d // #Libya
FreeLibyanman FreeLibyan
Congratulations to #Congressmen for being praised by #Gaddafi. what a honor !!!!
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
Gadhafi writes to Congress for ceasefire – TheHill.com: bit.ly/iuzQwX via @thehill Any reaction from the congress / US government???
dovenews Libyan™
Plan 2 attck #Misrata whch was implemntd on 06-Mar-2011 signed by Khamis #Gaddafi.View: fb.me/11yaOp06X Download: mir.cr/NBASSVKX
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Misrata: #Gaddafi forces still receiving large amounts of supplies on a daily basis. #Libya #feb17
GihanTadreft Gihan Tadreft
رصد قوات القذافي داخل قرية الغزايا 10-6-2011 Monitoring Gaddafi forces in the village of Ghazaya 06/10/201 fb.me/tyG0I7yI
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces are threatening #Zliten, “either surrender or you will be bombarded and eliminated”.
libyanproud libyanandproud
by pierrepetrelli
MSG TO #Gaddafi from #NAFOUSA : Khoot oo Lawa7 , Khoot oo Lawa7 , Arkob Fog wala Rawa7 ! خط او لوح خط او لوح اركب فوق ولا روح
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Breaking: Nafousa FF are at the doors of Sorman (a city next to Zawiya) #libya #feb17
libyans_revolt omar
#Libya Alhrar- source : #NATO bombing #Gaddafi Forces in #Zliten and Abdel Raouf area. #Feb17
Breaking News: #Gadhafi has written a letter to US Congressional leaders demanding legal justification for no-fly zone.
foreignoffice Foreign Office (FCO)
This week at the @foreignoffice: #Libya, #Yemen, #Sudan, #Europe, #Zimbabwe & #troopingthecolour ow.ly/5f5xk
afelyun aphelion
#ICC: Gaddafi forces on a rampage against unarmed civilians while entering Benghazi March 19th youtu.be/EYruusmheho #Libya
4Adam Adam
6/10/11 #Zintan: 25 missiles hit the city, No casualties. #Nafusa #feb17 #Libya v (Zintan MG)
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Misrata: Clashes continue west of Misrata, reports of an attack on Tawargha east of Misrata.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Portugal to recognize Libyan #Freedomfighters dlvr.it/Vr3wP #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#NATO bombed #Gaddafi battalions now in #Zliten the area of #AbdelRaouf #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces continue to monitor in #AlGhazayah using the civilians as human shields youtu.be/coygaeoxkzE #Libya #feb17
BREAKING : #NATO bombed Gaddafi battalions now in #Zliten the area of #Abdel Raouf . VIA #Libya.tv – a direct source
G. forces heavily shelled #Safeet with tanks, rocket launchers & Grad Missiles trying to recapture the strategic area
Qaddafi Writes to Congress
FromJoanne Joanne
#Tuareg met Gaddafi 2days ago They brought Mercenaries from #Mali Who R fighting now in #Zliten and Front of #Dafnia west of Misrata #Libya
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // Press Solidarity: Today in #Benghazi Freedom Square after Jummah (Friday) Prayer the funeral of 8 bodies found in mass grave near Ajdabiyah city, the investigation is still on going about the identities and date of death of the owners of these dead bodies which is believed to return to the nineties of the last century
AlArabiya_Eng AlArabiya English
Turkey has offered Qaddafi ‘guarantees’ in return for leaving Libya: PM #alarabiya
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
#AlQala: According 2 #FF; #Gaddafi forces R using new missiles whch spreads 2 up 200sq meter. It culd be cluster ammunition. #Nafusa #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#AlQala: #Gaddafi forces have abducted 20 youth from #AlQala area in the last few days.
Reuters: #Gaddafi Forces on Friday surrounded #Zlitan from all directions & threatening its residents with rape by mercenaries
bint_tarhouna Free Libyia
@NATO @NATOpress Zlitan is surrounded by Gaddafi soldiers, civilians threatened with rape&injured denied medical care.
FromJoanne Joanne
#Misrata FF Martyrs of today are all below 30 yrs old 31 Names were just posted Each of them leaves so much Pain and Sorrow behind #Libya
AFP : Erdogan : Turkey has given Gaddafi guarantees to leave
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
AJE: Opposition forces edge towards #Tripoli: goo.gl/BGYsU #libya
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa mntn #Gheryan 06/10/11 00:25h: 1 hr ago clashes btwn G forces & FFs near #Sagayef bridge & entrance of the city of #Kammun
G forces gathering in areas of #Jalila & #Sibriyan which are located E & W of school of science at Gheryan University
afusa mt #Al-Hawamed 01:00h: G forces raid homes in #Al-Rwes area even though most families have left leaving only the elderly men behind
many of these elderly men have been kidnapped, forced from their homes, tortured, tied up w/metal wires & taken away
G forces planning to either bring in more mercenaries or mine area in attempt to stop FFs from advancing to #Tiji & #Badr
Nafusa mt #Gheryan 06/10/11 1:15h: Clashes & launching of rockets btwn FFs & #Gadaffi forces near to the location of the 8th battalion.
Nafusa mt #AlQala 06/10/11 01:40h: G forces attempted to enter the city from S.area (Um-Aljersan). FFs stopped them successfully
Nafusa mtns #Kikla 06/10/11 1:25h: v heavy shelling now from S. #AlGawalesh w/rockets & Grad rockets. Libya Al-Hurra
Nafusa mntns #Nalut 06/10/11 2:20h: #Gadaffi forces shell the city of #Nalut using Rockets & heavy artillary
dovenews Libyan™
PLZ RT! #Libya latest map. Updated 10-06-2011 @ 18:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/59lthz/ful
Alj: Misrata 23 martyrs &100 wounded, most of them FFs in AlDafnia. on.fb.me/jORe3l #
Zliten #FF FB gp:city compl surounded by #Gaddafi forces who r lead by Yousef AbuHajar.Ppl prevented frm entering/leavin …
dovenews Libyan™
#AlQala: #Gaddafi forces seems dont like the sound of the Athan, when they hear it they go very heavy, 130 missiles 2day. June 10 #Nafusa
FromJoanne Joanne
MSG from inside #TRIPOLI goo.gl/EpO47 explaining they R waiting DESPERATELY & EAGERLY for help to Rise Up goo.gl/EpO47 #Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Met plenty of government supporters,but even with quiet streets I was still approached by somebody who told me they wanted a ‘free Libya’
dovenews Libyan™
#AlQala: #Gaddafi forces have destroyed 2 mosques, 40 homes & the education college. June 10. #N
FFs of Zliten (west of Misrata) are know fighting alongside the FFs of Misrata
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
#Gaddafi’s forces retreated to the west of #Zliten after suffering heavy losses on the hands of FF who now control Seedy Bourqia area #Libya
rcolebourn Richard Colebourn
RT @BBCKimGhattas: RT @BBCWorld: Turkey offered ‘guarantees’ to Col #Gaddafi in return for leaving #Libya, got no reply bbc.in/lSs0uP”
Will Libya have to defeat all the mercenaries of Africa before it can reach Gaddafi?
I’m not making this stuff up: Gaddafi, ally of the republicans, friend of the Greek (via @TheAtlanticWire) is.gd/kmZuOw
Gadhafi forces surround Zlitan, threaten rape, rebels say
Sebha; #Gaddafi forces open fire on #FF in an area called Hay AbdulKafi., having surrounded them & is asking them to surrender
tinyurl.com/3o289mq “Squeeze” put on Gaddafi to remove him
June 10, 2011 Fighting intensifies in #Misrata, Libya www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-NbDpz3HMk&fea...
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
#Misrata #Libya #Feb17 it’s dark but light shelling continues and they’re still bringing in the wounded
Another video of #Saif #Gaddafi when he appeared among his forces in March — الدعم و سيف الأسلام youtube.com/watch?v=_tJuJ2… #Libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
A UNICEF transit camp school brings hope to children on the Tunisia-Libya border bit.ly/jIUTWi
FromJoanne Joanne
Vital evidence of Crimes committed by Gaddafi and Goons www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3GN1fxA-B0 #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AlQalaa: #Gaddafi forces attempted to enter the city from the S. ( #UmAljersan). #Freedomfighters stopped them
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AlQalaa: #Gaddafi forces attempted to enter the city from the S. ( #UmAljersan). #Freedomfighters stopped them. #Libya #feb17
cjchivers CJ Chivers
Social Media & Cluster Bombs. – The At War post describing how a circle of specialists identified the… tumblr.com/x1q2xqa97b
photogimp1 photogimp1
I now know why they let us out on Friday in Tripoli, The place is a ghost town.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa mntns #Yefren 06/10/11 3:20h: Egyptians & Moroccans also kidnapped & humiliated by G forces goo.gl/YvPgk (old footage)
French helicopters achieved 26 strikes mission over libya and destroyed at least 26 targets near Brega
Update: Misrata death toll 31 killed in fighting in areas surrounding the city more than 150 injured.
Check this video out — Gaddafi’s House Is Falling! Freedom For Libya! t.co/YJ0HP7L via @youtube
Misrata CNN report from Dafniyah by Sara Sidner youtube.com/watch?v=vbQFTl… Many victims today. :’(
Death toll in #Libya’s Misrata rises to 31 – doctor: MISRATA, #Libya, June 10 (Reuters)- The death toll from… dlvr.it/Vs7F2 #feb17
BentBenghazi G
Just learned that the last #ambulance was destroyed in Kikla 2day by #Gaddafi forces.
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Where’s a Deposed Dictator to Go? Five Top Tyrant Retirement Homes for Gaddafi bit.ly/jD2MYe
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Unconfirmed: #Gaddafi is living at #Jala Maternity Hospital and using it as a command & control center.
StateDept StateDept
#SecClinton: As long as Qadhafi continues attacks on his own people, our military mission to protect them will continue. go.usa.gov/WlL
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi has terrestrial broadcasting capabilities, but the cult would nonetheless get a blow IF Egypt decided to cut signal on Nilesat.
dovenews Libyan™
#Zlitan is besieged by Gaddafi forces. Gen Major Yusif AbuHajar threaten FF either to surrender or to storm the city with tanks
release mercenaries on their homes to rape their women. Families could not leave the city becoz they were previously prevented.
Friend who just got out of #Tripoli, #Libya: #Gaddafi is living at Jala Maternity Hospital and using it as a command and control center
UPDATED MAP OF THE #NTC WORLD RECOGNITION tinyurl.com/6zj28zn by @88simon88
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // Press Solidarity: Breaking – Quoting our sources in #Misurata City, the freedom fighters in Misuarta were able to defend away an attack by Gaddafi forces which took place during their heavy shelling on AlDafiniyah area which is about 35km away from Misurata City center. The shelling by Gaddafi forces used Grad missiles, mortars, artillery, tanks and thermal missiles. This shelling resulted in 25 martyrs and over 90 injured from Freedom fighters and the residents of the area which are in critical conditions. The freedom fighters have also given Gaddafi forces a large loss, with the knowledge that Gaddafi forces are gathering their troops and supply south of the city, trying to enter the city from three directions, the east, west and south.
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // Press Solidarity: From our sources in #Sabha, #Gaddafi forces open fire heavily in the area called Hay AbdulKafi. Gaddafi forces are now surrounding a group of Freedom Fighters in this area mainly from the tribe called Majarha and is asking them to surrender.
Also reported that youth and freedom fighters went out on 8/6/2011 in peaceful protests midnight and they were separated by live ammunition from Gaddafi forces without any victims.
Also Freedom fighters raise the Independence flag on top of government building every day but they get taken down by Gaddafi Forces.
Also reports say that Freedom fighters of 17th February revolution sent a statement to the Libya Al Ahrar Channel in support of the revolution and the #NTC.
tonybirtley tony birtley
really heavy day at Dafniya. rockets and tank rounds not stop. many casualties. one round fell near us. saw several people die.
it’s after midnight and we are still editing our story. the grads have finally stopped falling. for how long?
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Last ambulance was destroyed in #Kikla today by #Gaddafi forces.
Alj: @tonybirtley: I’ve never met friendly, smiling ffs who r having all kinds of ordnance dropped on them. they laugh in the face of death
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Libya – #Gaddafi`s Army firing Grad missiles on residential areas in #Zintan — youtube.com/watch?v=9YOubS…
alarabiya: Gaddafi’s brigades are going around #Zliten, #Libya raping #women right now
septimius_sever septimius severus
Videos showing Gaddafi soldiers capturing foreign-claimed french-accusing him of being a spy!
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // #Zliten city is under siege by #Gaddafi Forces. Major General Yousif AbuHajr is threatening the freedom fighters to either surrender or will enter the city with tanks and the launch of mercenaries from a brigade of commandos on homes. The families were not able to leave the city because they were not allowed to do so.
The names of Zliten city Martyrs that fell today from mercenaries bullets:
Ashraf AlLowali
Abdul Majeed Hamadi
Khalid AlTarouwsh Hamadi
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa mntns #Nalut 06/10/1116:00h: #Gadaffi forces continues to shell #Nalut using Grad rockets and heavy artillery
4Adam Adam
Alajzeera: Destruction of Archaeological site in #Qalaa goo.gl/9L2EV #Nafusa #Libya #gaddaficrimes
ahmadalgamaty ahmadalgamaty
MC : More than 25 Grad rockets hit Zentan city few hours ago and there’s no civilian damage
Gaddafi’s forces are attacking Ghadames City for the first time
repels Jabal Nafousa at a distance of 60 km from Tripoli #libya
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Misrata: An updated number of injured (although doctor says may be be a rough low-estimate) via Misrata hospital is 109
LPC #Misrata: Today’s influx of casualties to Dafniyah field hospital and Misrata hospital made it difficult to accurately count injured.
calperryAJ Cal Perry
Rebel fighters headed to the #Ajdabiya frontline. #Libya twitpic.com/59h5bt
Rebel fighters headed to the #Ajdabiya frontline. #Libya twitpic.com/59h5bt
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Libya latest map. Updated 10-06-2011 @ 18:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/59lthz/full #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
PLEASE RT: Reports that #Gaddafi has more mercs coming in tonight to a base called #AlShar. Anyone know coords for this base?
Bent_Almoktar Yes we can
ppl of #gadamis hide in old city , today its bn hit by grad n rocket lunchers , the man leading this attack under G command is ALI BEN KANA
The Canadian Press: #NovaScotia #doctor toting nine duffel bags of donated #medicine to #Libya #hometown t.co/cTdUNtl #Canada #War
More mercenaries are coming in tonight in a base called #AlShar. We don’t know if anything is done against it @dovenews @NATO
dovenews Libyan™
Face 2 face fierce fighting btween G forces & FF in #Zlatin, G forces wearing Tuareg clothing which thy culd be from #Mali. Source Zlitan FF
Gadamis Old city is a international heritage by UNESCO , its been hit by #Gaddafi Troops today
dovenews Libyan™
UPDATE: #Gaddafi forces attackd #Ghadamis because ppl protested against Gaddafi regime on Wednesday" FF said. It culd be distraction #Libya
Misratah: the battle in Al #Dafina today 10 june which let to 31 Martyrs & more than 100 injured youtube.com/watch?v=7DgJhP…
UNHCR asks to refrain from calling the Tripoli based Hotlines until they are confirmed safe
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Th’heeba #Ramada camps #Tunisia: Aid organization also paid rent for 28 families in #Alhaama goo.gl/XX3Hu #libya #feb17
Gaddafi forces’ treatment of civilians UGHHHHH!!!!!! t.co/f42I3rv #libya #feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
CIA Chief Leon Panetta Sees Gaddafi Regime Weakening bit.ly/knZzQ3
septimius_sever septimius severus
Libyan rebels confident as they win the battle of Qasr al-Haj: thetim.es/lLujZw
septimius_sever septimius severus
Good diagram showing the battle of #Qasr al-Haj which secured #BirAyyad Time London #Nafusa twitpic.com/59qw3b
#saif #gaddafi in a video holding gun , another corner bit.ly/iMdQW1 #libya
TributeFM caller from the #westernmountains #Libya says #Gadaffi has threatened to execute generals if they can not take back #Misrata
2 Rockets just landed on Wazzan crossing 20mins ago, families of #ff are being attacked via @TributeFM
dovenews Libyan™
Russian envoy wil NOT meet wth Gadafi, instead wil meet wth AlBghdadi & AlObeidi 2 tell thm 2 tell G 2 leave.Jst cal thm & save ur fair trip
#Zliten is under siege by #Gaddafi forces..Major General Yousf AbuHajr is threatening to attack with Tanks & Infantry if FF don’t hand themselves over..Same tactic was used in #Ben walied & #FF were murdered..
septimius_sever septimius severus
“Gaddafi’s men fled, leaving 3 tanks, 2 fallen comrades, missile launcher, ammunition boxes & shell casings” M Fletcher #BirAyyad #Nafusa
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Undoing the brainwashing of the Gaddafi cult is an essential part of any reconciliation process when Libya makes a new start.
“Kill him,throw him in the sea” this is my cousin they are talking about
we had faith that my cousin would still be alive, one of his friends with him had said he saw him alive at the hospital being treated
now im not so sure..
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Earlier eports #Gaddafi has mercs coming in tonight to “Al Shar”, now thought to be #MaatenAlSarra air base near #Chad #Libya
The two main brigades in #Zletin of Ramadan Bsheer and Yussef Abu Hajar joined with #khamis brigade, to attack #Misrata.
MC: NATO aircraft bombing Gaddafi forces in Zuwarah city #libya
#Gaddafi forces responding to demonstrations in small towns across #Libya with intense shelling.
No matter what happens, #Libya will be united, forever.
Cellular network coverage is up too…Gaddafi forces use this for communication so is being questioned why, since they are not that close
sleeper cells?
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
Clashes this evening in the #BaniWalid
Bani Walid – Almanara
A source reported to Almanara that #Gaddafi forces launched this evening an attack on the Hadud family homes in Bani Walid and according to the same source an exchange of gun fire occurred between the two parties. Furthermore the source reported that Gaddafi forces were not able to capture any one from the sons of the family, it is known that the martyr Tariq Hadud AlThabaa belongs to this family.
simondenyer Simon Denyer
Libyan rebels stage insurrection in Zlitan, Gaddafi’s forces pound frontline near Misurata. wapo.st/lchz0D
Gheryan: FFs led successful operations that led to death of 15 of Gaddafi’s men. Mass detaining of youth now in Kamun & Tagzah districts
septimius_sever septimius severus
Proof #Libya took delivery from Spain of cat. 4 cluster munitions worth €3.8m 2007 Annex II j.mp/mRgp7s cc @cjchivers
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zintan: Intense GRAD attacks today from two directions, #ZawiatElBagoul (East) and #Rayayna (NorthEast). #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nafusa #Freedomfighters in #BirAyyad ambushed #Gaddafi forces near #BerAlghanem. #FF are now 60 Km (37 miles) South of #Tripoli. #Libya
Zintan update: Intense Grad rockets fired in today from 2 directions.Zawiat el Bagoul (E) & Rayayna (NE) No injured tho."
intan update: Intense Grad rockets fired in today from 2 directions.Zawiat el Bagoul (E) & Rayayna (NE) No injured tho."
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Ghdames: #Gaddafi commander in charge of shelling the city is Ali Ben Kana. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Libya: @NATO this morning received new shipment of Halwasa . Meanwhile #Gaddafi slaughtered & #NATO did nothing. #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
@NATO worldaerodata.com/wad.cgi?id=LY2… #Libya #feb17
Total Canadian Air sorties as of 2359Z 10 June 2011:CF-188 HORNET 398;CC-150 POLARIS 122;CC-130 HERCULES 23;CP-140 AURORA 68 #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nalut: #Gadaffi forces shell #AlMarabeh area W. of #Nalut using Grad rockets & heavy artillery. #Libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa #Kikla 06/10/11 17:00h: Shelling by G forces destroyed recently built Al-Manarah mosque. “Awlad Issa mosque” destroyed a while ago
I posted 22 photos on Facebook in the album “Misratah-Al Dafnia Battle 07/06/2011- معركة الدافبية” fb.me/CCR9wGqp
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Saffet: #Gaddafi heavily shelling w/ tanks & Grad rockets in attempt to regain control of city.
At NATO presser Mike Bracken was asked what’d happen if they ran out of targets.
Well, that’s definitely not their problem, yet!
The measure of a man is what he does with power. ~ Plato
Proof that #Gaddafi and his people are #Hillbillies: #Misuratah residents found human feces in every room t.co/q2UjGI7 #Libya
Les avions de l’OTAN pilonnent les mercenaires de #Kadhafi à #Zwara @ahmadalgamaty طائرات الناتو تقصف مرتزقة القذافي بمدينة زوارة @Libya_Now
Feminist writer Germaine Greer says “What’s wrong with the Libyans?” – The Sun – t.co/2hBwiil #Libya
The question should be “What’s wrong with Germaine Greer?” is she taking too much halwasa pills!!
4Adam Adam
No kidding! Gaddafi invites Libya’s former Jews to #Libya. jpost.com/International/… via @Jerusalem_Post
Each one of us in their positions are providing an invaluable support to Libya, the more fronts we fight on the better
Col. Abdulfatah Younis looked haggard today, usually smart well presented. But he’s still well spoken, hope he’s OK. A lot of stress.
URGENT : #Zlitan , Youssaf bou hajar a G commander threatining the families in city, a genocide going to happen in #Zlitan ,
What should NATO bomb first, soldiers or Gadhafi himself? CNN.com: t.co/4bUW2wC No need to ask?
Gaddafi of course and soon please.
Pls pray for Libya…I will be!! Freedom Freedom! God be w the amazing #FreedomFighters
the TRUTH behind the BHL story:
“The nuances of the Arab-Israeli issue are often lost on the Libyan street” tinyurl.com/5t5unu4
septimius_sever septimius severus
NYTimes: Blunt U.S. Warning Reveals Deep Strains in @NATO nyti.ms/jMZSPf “harsh but true” #Libya
PrayForZawia this could be it. If Zawia gets liberated insha’Alla then that’s it, it’ll only be a matter of LITTLE time!
Free Tripoli Daily is out! bit.ly/jXMewE
reutersLjungg NYT slams #NATO’s “shockingly wobbly” #Libya effort, praises #Canada, #Denmark, #Norway #Belgium bit.ly/iFhl3r
Zawiya: FFs control Bernawiya area & clashes West of AlMatrad & South of AlBarnawy. AlBarnawy is key entranc… (cont) deck.ly/~fioaI
“Rocket launchers and tanks against young men in jeans.” audio BBC’s David Loyn reports from #Misrata bbc.in/mcPpdX #libya #feb17 #FF
Reports of on-going heavy clashes taking place all over #Zawiya. #Libya
Gaddafi forces shelled for the first time the world heritage-listed city of Gadamis Info about town : t.co/3NF1vIM #Libya
NATO the civilians in West #libya r not protected from Gaddafis crimes committed by his military. #Tripoli how are they go to be protected?
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Al Jazeera: Gaddafi’s forces shelled #Zintan with about 40 grad missiles.The numbers of causalities are not yet clear feb17.info/news/live-liby…
#Libya: Opposition fighter from Al-Zawiyah tells Al-Jazeera that battles ongoing, predicts Al-Zawiyah will be freed in two days
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Unconfirmed: Gaddafi snipers are being deployed on top of high buildings and especially at the main square
Not surprised to find out that it’s an Arab UN official that mocks rape claims in Libya. All these Arab officials at the UN are a disgrace.
Fierce clashes btwn #Gaddafi forces &FF in #Zliten
dovenews Libyan™
Zinatn: Worst attack on Zintan today Gaddafi forces fired 40 missiles. #Zintan #Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Gaddafi forces are surrounding Zliten telling them they will be raped and wiped off the face of the earth if they join revolution
“The price of freedom is death.” Libya Syria Yemen
Map of International recognition of the @NTC t.co/3pV6uhU #libya via @88simon88
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video: Deceased freedom fighters from Misrata prepped for burial bit.ly/ikvEEd
is it possible to supply ff from zawiya by sea?
I can’t think why not
Straits Times: #Qaddafi daughter files second #warcrimes charge t.co/BXtAlfe #Libya
Another video of #Libyan cartoonist Mohamed Zwawi’s work- #Libya t.co/9LT9oKe via @youtube
Zawia 30km west of Tripoli which was retaken by Gaddafi in March is said to be almost entirely free with on going heavy clashes
Libya NTC Feb17 LAF Africa: Libyan assets in Africa far-reaching, little known – apne.ws/ktslFe
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Video: Seven unidentified bodies found in the Libyan desert – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/video-…
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Two or more tanks have been destroyed by FF in Zawiya today and clashes are spreading to other parts of the city #libya
dovenews Libyan™
The Italian gov have arrested Nuri Hussain Shuayib (نوري حسين شعيب)& accuse him with many charges. #Libya #Italy
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Libya : Clashes in #Aajailat ! #Feb17
libyans_revolt omar
Currently there’s uneasy calm in #Zliten.AlHamadi martyrs 2b buried after Duhr.
dovenews Libyan™
Gaddafi forces have closed the coastal road & preventing cars from entering #AzZawyia
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi the leader of the Nationalism & anti #West & #US is YELLING 4 Congress help in a letter: thehill.com/homenews/news/… تغوتي تغوتي Hypocrisy
dovenews Libyan™
The letter ends, “Peace be upon you Col / Muammar Gaddafi Commander of the Great Revolution.” He meant Commander of the military coup!
The teenage Libyan rebel from Manchester – Channel 4 News: bit.ly/mAM6CK #Libya#Feb17
My husband (Mousa Ibrahim) became a public figure. Yes, Julia a public figure of Shame! German t.co/Sp5TNu8 #Feb17 #Libya
Zawiya: Heavy clashes on Coastal road at the traffic light known as Algirdabiya. Many Gaddafi Tundra & Audi cars in the streets #feb17#libya
When I think of #Zawiya, I feel proud to be Libyan, but ashamed that I’m not doing as much as I should to help them. (& can’t spell pheonix)
Breaking: The fighting in #Zawiya is around the oil refinery and the Na’as (na3as) cemetery
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
UNCONFIRMED RT @ChangeInLibya #Zawiya: Khweldi Al-Hmedi brigade reinforcements are trying to surround #Zawiya & #Sorman
Gaddafi forces attack rebel-held towns in #Libya youtube.com/watch?v=KPK9sC… via @youtube
You can not defeat Zawiya Gaddafi. How do you defeat a destiny of freedom ?
Zawiyah the brave city that underwent some of the worst brutality & horror by Gaddafi forces just might be liberated very soon inshAllah
Zawiya: Reinforcements from the Khweldi Al-Hmedi brigade are trying to surround Zawiya & Sorman #libya #feb17 @NATO @UKMilOps
Longing for the days my boys in Tripoli breathe the air of freedom
It’s not over till the Devil sings >Reports of uprising in #Zawiyah city – #Gaddafi forces with tanks are heading there now.
Libya #NTC #NATO #Feb17 #US #EU #UN #UK: #Gaddafi forces attack rebel-held towns youtube.com/watch?v=KPK9sC…
Camera. Crew injured in #Misrata t.co/a0LdlWx via @Feb17Libya #Libya # Feb17 # Gaddaficrimes
Expecting more good news from the West side inshallah : )
News coming from AzZawia is getting me really exited. ALLAHU AKBAR!
About6000 ppl leave #libya everyday to tunisia.
ATO did not help #Alzzawia @ all. I think it is time to protect this city that lost 1000s of civilians and suffered utmost atrocity &rape
Al-Zawiyah really hotting up today – and Al-Jazeera reporting 17 captured #Gaddafi troops, fighting ongoing
Clashes in Surman & AlMatrad with Gaddafi tanks surrounding Surman
“Be Steadfast, Misrata” song on #Libya al Hurra, subtitled tinyurl.com/3f6m844 #Misrata
According to Reporters Without Borders, Libya ranks 160 & Syria ranks 173 out of 178 countries in terms of press freedom
Africa News Roundup: Libya and Chad, Habre Trial, Airstrikes in Sudan, and More: bit.ly/iHlQst
FF cut the highway to Tunisia 5km west of Zawia at AlMutrad village.news about coordination btn Zwaia&Zwara&nfusa mnt FFs
Zawiya: BREAKING: AJA confirms tha freedom fighters control many parts of the city, and that 17 Gdfi soldiers were captured
Zawiyah city is uprising again, please stand with freedom fighters to help them against Gaddafi as tanks heading there now
Name: Yousif Sijuk. One of Yefren’s great heroes & commanders. Killed defending his city from Gaddafi forces. Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=398
Today is my last day in Tunisia. The Wafa Relief Tunisia branch website will be up & running today inshallah… (cont) deck.ly/~1KthI
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video: Cameracrew injured during a skirmish in Misrata bit.ly/lMTolx
Nearly 700 migrants arrive on Italian island Lampedusa t.co/Ge7340k #Libya #Feb17
AJELive Blog: the regions’ latest headlines for #Libya , #Syria & #Yemen aje.me/lguBwQ
septimius_sever septimius severus
“No shit!” Clinton warns against “new colonialism” in Africa tinyurl.com/3ssmynl
Reporting from Hikma hospital in #Misrata #Libya — من مستشفى الحكمة 10-6-2011 t.co/dgorRGu via @youtube
#Libya in images – rebels find armoured carrier aje.me/ilQ6sY
clashes kill 31 Libyans near Misurata on 10/06/2011 t.co/WyyF5gU #Libya
Sat next to an elderly man from Zintan whose house was heavily damaged by Grad missiles as he watches the video a colleague took of his house. His equanimity is amazing to behold #Feb17 #Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @LibyaAlHurraTV said:
Project YAK – please pass along to appropriate people/organizations.
Delivering aid and coverage to the Yefren Region (Al-Galaa, Kekkla and Yefren)
Thank you for your time in reviewing this document prepared in collaboration with the civil committees in Yefren, Algalaa and Kekkla. The Libyan Link team which is a UK based NGO in collaboration with Libya Hurra and the MICC aim to provide a seamless intermediary service between the situation on the ground and the committees and the individuals and international organisations willing to supply aid and press coverage to the region. The goals of this project are:
• To collect humanitarian requirements from the ground.
• To work in getting aid to the people of Yefren, Al-galaa and Kekkla (YAK)
• To address current situation and to save and sustain lives
• To prepare for increase in population i.e. from Tunisia, Tripoli, Gharyan and surrounding areas
• To liaise with international press to provide coverage to the area
• To liaise with Libyan organisations and International humanitarian organisations in providing
• We prefer donors to deliver goods themselves, we can make the introduction. Full security will be provided. However if this is not possible we can deliver to the committees in each region from a pick up point in Tatouine (Tunisia). There is an option for Donors to join the team to Yefren, Al-galaa and kekkla regions if they wish so. There is no guarantee of personal safety if you join the envoy’s trips.
• The Libyan Link team will advice committees on aid distribution as per Islamic practices and international standards as set by the UN and will act with impartiality when dealing with civilians.
• Special papers sent by NGO’s will be signed by the Yefren, Al-galaa and Kekkla committees on receipt of goods.
• We do not recommend cash donations to the region of Yefren however we can accept cash donations in Tunisia to purchase goods in Tunisia for the Yefren region. Other wise we can divert cash donations to the financial officers of the YAK committees. Full receipts will be provided.
• Documents for the envoy will be provided in Tatouine (Tunisia) and registered in the Nafusa Mountains Committee in Nalut.
LibyeLibre Libye Libre
VID: Des forces de Kadhafi accusent un français(?) journaliste ? d’être un espion/mercenaire. Qqun le reconnait ? tinyurl.com/6y99pgs
Look at those Magnificent photos from Libya t.co/NLmfZah via @youtube
#Libya’s beautiful beaches will be better when #Gaddafi is gone youtube.com/watch?v=m2YEZX… via @youtube
If NATO considers revolutionaries to be the “good guys”, why is their blood so cheap? 200 casualties yesterday (dead+wounded) in Misrata.
It is time for students to become more politically active and to stop relying on others to bring about revolutionary change.
#Libya #NTC #Feb17: Under Gaddafi’s eyes – Features – Al Jazeera English english.aljazeera.net/indepth/featur… via @ajenglish
Aid from people of Tripoli to Nafousa mnts #Libya — إعانات أهالي طرابلس الي جبل نفوسة t.co/TG4s51A via @youtube
kileysky Sam Kiley
Focus of events last 48 hours misrata and nafusa mts. Rebels hit hard in former advance in latter
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
Heavy clashes now between FF and G thugs in Zawya city 40 km west of tripoli. FF control large area west of city including coastal high road
septimius_sever septimius severus
Here’s another journalist in #Misrata !RT @samdagher: WSJ.com – Dozens Die in Fresh Gadhafi Offensive Near Misrata on.wsj.com/j7GZjO
Guys, G can monitor & GPS pinpoint Thuraya sat phones within +/- 10m via C-band downlink. Voice, SMS & Fax. Be careful!
Assume all communications is monitored. Avoid WiFi if possible. Use PGP encrypt/decrypt end-to-end for critical messages.
NATOpress NATO Press
Operational Media Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector of the past 24 hours
Zawiya Needs air support cut off Gaddafi support between Zawiya and Tripoli @NATO @Secstate #Liberation #Freedom #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#FF have freed #Almatarad from G forces. #AzZwyia #Libya
Why #Gaddafi must go >>: discovery of mass graves in city of #Zawiya #Libya t.co/7RBxSME #Gaddaficrimes" #Feb17 #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#FF have arrested 17 of Gaddafi forces in AlMatarad. #AzZawyia #Libya
This bastard Khweldi Elhmedi and his moron son should be targeted personally for their war crimes
Zawiya: Heavy presence of Tanks at AlArewy roundabout towards AlZahra and they are currently shelling the FFs
Just woke up and heard major clashes in #Zawiya and around areas where friends and family live! Calling to confirm more info.
Caller on AJA speaking of AzZawia battles today. www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuOhr-b2Q20 #Libya #Feb17
Zawiya Two or more tanks have been destroyed by FF in Zawiya today & clashes are spreading to other parts of the city #libya #feb17
septimius_sever septimius severus
This was amusing yesterday, today its WORRYING ! RT "@HMS_Nonsuch: If tweeting location of pro-G forces, state exact latitude & longitude.
Libya Ahrar: Freedom fighters Liberated #Motred Village “outskirts of Zawyia”.Heavy Clashes in #Zawyia city between FF’s & Gadafi Brigades.
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // #Zliten city is under siege by #Gaddafi Forces. Major General Yousif AbuHajr is threatening the freedom fighters to either surrender or will enter the city with tanks and the launch of mercenaries from a brigade of commandos on homes. The families were not able to leave the city because they were not allowed to do so.
The names of Zliten city Martyrs that fell today from mercenaries bullets:
Ashraf AlLowali
Abdul Majeed Hamadi
Khalid AlTarouwsh Hamadi
Half a Revolution is like half an Operation, the patient could die if left in the middle of it.
Zawiya: Freedom fighters control 4 new areas: AlMatrad, AlHarsha, AlSabriya & Abu Essa
Satellite images appear to show destruction of mosque in #Zawiya #Gaddaficrimes t.co/ubBbd6l #Libya
NATO’s priority: Soldiers or Gadhafi? t.co/7uO58JQ
You wouldn’t believe ProG sites: NATO jets have to make overlapping circular vapour trails so that predator drones can find the target. Sure!
Video10/6: Freedom fighters in #Na’ima #Zliten,Fierce fighting between #Gaddafi Brigades. tinyurl.com/64d6nuc #Libya via
Gaddafi forces have gathered at Jadda’im, east of Zawiyah according to @akhbar #Libya #Zawiya #Gaddafi
Breaking – powerful explosions heard in Tripoli just now. NATO
Barrow RN officer helps save lives of Libyan people
Lieutenant Simon Shaw navigated the course of Barrow-built HMS Albion as it supported NATO operations to protect rebel Libyan civilians from the forces of Colonel Gaddafi.
Apache helicopters from HMS Ocean, were launched against selected military targets ashore, while HMS Albion acted as the floating command platform directing and guiding the Task Group.
whole art: http://www.nwemail.co.uk/news/barrow-rn-officer-helps-save-lives-of-libyan-people-1.846472?referrerPath=news/
FF have surrounded Gaddafi forces in Surman (via Yefren Media Group)
Zawiya: Unconfirmed: Gaddafi forces stationed at the coastal road have been bombed by @NATO as well. (via Facebook)
RT: Breaking: Loud explosions in Tripoli
If FFs can control road from Zawiya right through Tunisia border, they can be supplied directly from Tunisia!
New video appears of Saif Gaddafi among his troops t.co/nwUSIPn #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
GPS for martyr square #Zawiyah where #Gaddafi’ tanks & artilary 32°45’8.30" N / 12°43’39.86" E
from Italy:
Today there are no NATO jets departing from Italy for Libya.
Has mil gone into secure operation mode, as in silent mode? Because someone is bombing right now……..
Today there are no @NATO jets scheduled to depart from Italy for Libya.
Fighting in Zawiyah shuts Libya coast road-resident | Reuters t.co/OszHTj5
40 rockets fell on Zintan yesterday night, damaging houses. No reported casualties.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: FINALLY #NATO striking the city! At least their hitting something
explosions in tripoli again
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Breaking: Loud explosions in Tripoli
The Commanders of the Khwayldi brigade are Khwayldi Alhmede and his son Khalid. Khwayldi’s daughter is married to #Saadi
LibyanStateTV: Cynthia McKinney is in Tripoli. Surely we are all safe now. As long as none of us have to talk to her
FLASH: Powerful explosions in Tripoli
LPC Nalut: waiting for details of NATO strike on Alghazaia—town at foot of mountains from where Gaddafi forces threatened Nalut
Big explosion heard in G brigadier in Zawia unconfirmed whether it is Nato airstrike or not
ZAWIYAH, Libya, June 11 (Reuters) – Fighting between Libyan troops loyal to Muammar Gaddafi and rebels broke out in the town of Zawiyah on Saturday, a resident said, shutting the coastal highway that links the capital Tripoli with Tunisia.
“The situation is very bad in Zawiyah. There’s been fierce fighting since the morning between the Gaddafi forces and the rebels,” said the resident, who gave only his first name, Mohammed, fearing reprisals.
A Reuters reporter trying to travel through the town was diverted via backstreets with a police escort. He said the highway was deserted except for a large number of soldiers, police and armed men in civilian clothes. (Reporting by Peter Graff in Zawiyah and Tarek Amara in Tunis; editing by Tim Pearce)
Name: Chris Hondros. American Pulitzer Prize-nominated phtotojournalist. Killed in Misrata by Gaddafi forces on Apri 20
LPC #Nalut: Shelling of Mrabeh passage is pretty consistent, but shelling of Nalut proper is somedays on and others off usually, Gaddafi forces’ shells hit the side of the mountain, but this week they were dropping in the actual city
Gaddafi forces surrounding #Zliten and threatening to attack -#AlArabiya: قوات القذافي تحاصر زليتن شرق طرابلس عقب اشتباکات مع الثوار #Libya
Zliten: Arabiya confirms: Gaddafi forces are now surrounding & threatening Zliten residents after yesterday’s clashes.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nalut: #NATO just struck #AlGhazaia, from where #Gaddafi forces launch rockets into #Nalut & surroundings
NATO currently bombing Gaddafi troops in Ghazaya, near the Tunisian border
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zawia & #Sorman: #NATO jets seen and heard for hours.
LPC Nalut: NATO just struck Alghazaia, from where Gaddafi forces launch rockets into Nalut and surroundings
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AlJoubia Water Tank west of #Nalut is completely empty after #Gaddafi forces cut water supplies from south. #Libya #feb17 #Nafusa
ITS ABOUT TIME!: NATO has bombed Khamis brigade in vicinity of 27th Bridge today
fieldproducer Neal Mann
NATO says in vicinity of Tripoli in last 24 hrs it hit 1 Military Camp 1 Vehicle Storage Facility, 1 Military Vehicle & 14 Tanks
Large column of Gaddafi troops and armor moving west from Tripoli, heading to Zawiya
Bringing the fight to the door steps of General Khwayldi (the butcher of Zawyia) in Surman is a major development. FF on the offensive.
LPC Nalut: NATO just struck Alghazaia, from where Gaddafi forces launch rockets into Nalut and surroundings
Zliten: Arabiya confirms: Gaddafi forces are now surrounding & threatening Zliten residents after yesterday’s clashes
Matred Villiage in Zawiya :Gaddafi forces attacking residents with tanks now.
Breaking : Zawiya : Big clashes in Manga’a street , Martyrs: Siraj Almagtoof , Mansour Hawisa , Hussein Shigif .
goo.gl/FKHpB fresh video from Addafinyah today showing #Misrata lions combing the area 11-6-2011 #Feb17 #Libya alhamdulelah
Looks like someone was listening after all RT
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Zawiya Resident: “The situation is very bad in Zawiyah. There’s been fierce fighting since the morning" – #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Libya surveyed : Qad is listening all libyan communications getting in or out since 2007 via french so. Amesys bit.ly/m79ESi
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nafusa #Freedomfighters attacked #Gaddafi forces in #AwladSaqr from #BirAyad. 17 Gaddafi troops captured, 3 Martyrs #Libya #feb17
Almutrd 10km west of Zawia,clashes FF captured17G thugs,4trucks with14.5 guns,arms& ammunition & blocked main highway to Tunis .
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name: Haddud Suleiman Haddud. A Bani Walid peaceful protester killed by Gaddafi forces after offering amnesty Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=407 #libya
phillipmcn phillip mcnaughton
Though they may not know it, Free Libyans are fighting a fight for millions of people on the African continent, and they will be remembered
that is so true!
phillipmcn phillip mcnaughton
A free Egypt, Tunisia and Libya will start a better AU – no more getting away with patronage and repression. Africa benefits .
kileysky Sam Kiley
Refugees rpt fighting at sabrata and el mutrot. Rebels claim ftg in Zawiya. Rebels say G shelling ghadamis
BRKING: armed fights in “Harsha Area” and “Nasriyah” area to the West of Tripoli between free fighters & army/brigades units in the area. FB
DTN Russia: Gaddafi troops surround key city halfway to Tripoli: ¬Troops loyal to Muammar Gaddafi have been surr… bit.ly/kiBOvt
Brnieq reports discovery of a mass grave in the Zuwetina 120km west of #Benghazi goes back to 1997 t.co/m9IZe9R #Libya #GaddafiCrimes
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Gaddafi forces are using forests & parks effectively to hide from NATO jets. Tanks & artillery are camouflaged under trees
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Mutrod: #Gaddafi attacking residents with tanks now. @NATO has neither been heard nor seen
janedeithC4 Jane Deith
#c4News tonight at 6.10pm: the #Libya rebel support in Manchester, and interview with teenager trained by rebel army Tripoli brigade
Apparently Zliten residence and Gaddafi forces agreed ceasefire to bury the martyrs fell in da last few days. After Duhur prayer today.
sounds very fishy 2 me…….
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zawiya: Very loud explosions coming from #Gaddafi troop locations in #Jodayem. Could be #NATO strikes but no confirmation
Misrata via the military council: Over 400 GRAD rockets fell on the city yesterday when Gaddafi forces tried to attack.
Gaddafi State TV saying “everything is fine in Zawiya”,we all know what that means…
Selon AJA, les rebelles contrôleraient la plupart des quartiers de #Zawiya auraient capturé 17 soldats des forces de #Kadhafi.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Breaking: Interview with Sheikh Sadeq AlGharyani, one of Libya’s biggest scholars on @LibyaTV (Libya alahrar) today at 6pm (4pm GMT) #libya
Breaking: Nafousa Mtns; #Aljoubia Water Tank west of #Nalut is completely empty after G forces cut water supplies from south
La Libye sur écoute française t.co/LOKeQ5j
How Gaddafi can monitor all communications in Libya t.co/DpFoYhD french
FF knoking on the door of Sorman i.e 60km from the bastion of the murderer Gaddafi youtube.com/watch?v=7svKxf… #NATO help is v much needed NOW
Nafousa Mtns; Nalut Most of water wells R in open areas under sight or control of G forces..Water tank west of Nalut empty.
I just called my friend in Mutrod now. They are aggressively attacked by tanks now.
Libya Al Ahrar: @NATO planes are still hovering over Zawyia & Sorman,
sabrata still in control of #Gaddafi, however, revolutionaries seem to be moving in other areas such as #Zawya.
Yeah! i can’t catch up! moving from Misrata to Zawia, then to Nalut.., now Subrata, Fashlom Surman… it’s REVOLUTION
Open expression: ridiculing Gaddafi at Libya Solidarity Day yfrog.com/h2k8debj NAFUSA / Zawiya : FF of Nafousa and Zawiya are now connected ! FF have taken AA Gun trucks , weapons and ammo from g forces in AwladSaqr
Nalut is being heavily shelled right now by Gaddafi forces
BREAKING: NATO jets and helicopters attacked a convoy of Toyota tundras & tigers as they left Tripoli on the way to Zawiya
3 boats carrying 667 African refugees from #Libya including many women & children arrived Lampedusa t.co/6wEuCAZ #Gaddaficrimes
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi forces are attacking #Nalut with grad missiles & heavy artillery after they were hit by NATO in #AlGhazya
NATO aircrafts have targeted Gazaya (south of Nalut) and Judayem Forest (East Zawiya)
Benghazi: Very big rally shouting pro-Tripoli, Zawiya and Nafousa slogans on its way to Tibesti hotel & martyr square
NATO planes bombed the Gaddaffi of mercenaries, in Ghazaya & Joudaim and ZAWYA
Too much going on in Libya, overwhelmed
Report from Zawiya: Revs there had been preparing & were discovered by G forces, they had to attack earlier than expected despite attacking earlier, they’ve had some success. report also says that NATO struck Gaddafi checkpoint near Zawiya
NATO planes bombed the Gaddaffi of mercenaries, in Ghazaya & Joudaim and ZAWYA
Confirmed: SABRATA IS RISING NOW . You had better protect that city from being shelled or famed Roman heritage is GONER!
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
5 #Gaddafi tanks are reported to be destroyed by #Freedomfighters in #Zawiya. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: #NATO jets Hit Targets in #KhallatAlFurjan and airport road. #Libya #feb17
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Gaddafi forces are now shelling the city of Nalut using Grad rockets and heavy artillery.
NATO jets Hit Targets in Khallat al furjan and airport road Tripoli
Gaddafi war machine needs fresh supplies, but he denied it by falling into Misrata/Zliten diversion! Battle W of Tripoli will decide war!
One thing the TNC should definitely do is put together an amnesty and disarmament plan for the regime, and publicize it loudly.
Zawiya: Breaking: At least 5 tanks were destroyed by freedom fighters in today’s clashes & hospitals are full of G casualties
Once Gaddafi falls, everyone will sit for a minute and thank God and then look 2 #Benghazi for direction. PEOPLE WANT PEACE
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
@NATO still not bombing #Gaddafi forces near #Misrata that are using tanks to shell #Dafniya. #NATO DO YOUR JOB OR BE INVESTIGATED #
dovenews Libyan™
Sound of NATO planes in the sky but no reports of any strikes. #azzwiyah
Sulman Dogha: Zawiya, Zliten, Serman, Sabha, Misrata, Nafusa Mountains, and Tripoli are all protesting and fighting today
kileysky Sam Kiley
I am not leaving tripoli other hacks were detoured around zawiya #Libya
Gaddafi now fighting on 3 fronts in the west of Libya
: Gaddafi tanks are leaving Alma’moora Preserves factory & Alhayig farm south AlZahra Road, heading to #AzZawiyah (#Zawiya)
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Journos bus to border was diverted around Zawiyah today,reportedly due to fighting. Reuters Peter Graff was on board reuters.com/article/2011/0…
Zawiya battle will be turning point in war, mortal blow for Gaddafi!
dovenews Libyan™
Total number of martyrs up til now is 20 #FF. Fighting is still going on. #azzwiyah
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Unknown ship “248932000” now stationed just outside port #Misrata #Libya 16.9 nautical miles out. #feb17
Sound of NATO planes in the sky but no reports of any strikes. azzwiyah Libya
Russia ’s envoy to Africa urges #Gaddafi to follow example of ousted Arab leaders – TV en.rian.ru/world/20110611…
In a war of attrition, the side with the superior resources wins! And G just lost his last source of fuel, food, weapons and mercs supplies!
Sheik Sadek Geryani is talking now to Libya Alahrar TV.
More Gaddafi tanks leaving Alma’moora Preserves factory from AlZahra Road, heading to Zawiya-tables are turning but it’s not over yet!
A message from Nafusa FF: We will stand shoulder to shoulder to all FF at the coast of Sabrata Zawya Surman & our eyes on Tripoli
NATO still not bombing Gaddafi forces near Misrata that are using tanks to shell Dafniya.
If our voices are real and digital then the internet is a human right.
The phoenix of the revolution zawiya rising up from the ashes more beautiful and stronger than ever! May allah protect the brave ff’s.
Benghazi Free: Operation has been aborted bombing of a Qatar Airways plane was carrying a personal mission, FFs seized 2 of pro Gaddafi with weapons, explosives and money.
Benghazi: An operation targeting Qatar Airways plane has been aborted. The plane was carrying an important person. Sleeper cells caught
Via Libyan Youth Movement FB:
“Overview: FF of Nafousa mountains and Zawiya have met up in Zawiya. Zawiya FF from the early uprising who were training in the Nafousa mountains are back on the frontlines of Zawiya,estimated amount of this force is 4,000. A more successful spontaneous operation within Zawiya in the west.”
Suggestion : Gaddafi to be sent to Disney Land with a sign “We are not Mickey Mouse”
I have been making post-Gaddafi plans , Mr Severus is going to a nice electronic retirement home once all this is over !
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
The fact that Azzawiah, Nafusah, Misratan and Zliten are all moving at the same time, let alone Tripoli will drive #G forces nuts
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Obari FFs (the Twaregs) have managed to take control of the city of Obari in the south of Libya.
Misrata: Breaking: Bombardment on Dafniyah front has resumed once again according to reports. Sporadic clashes between FF & G forces.
Freedom Fighters in control of a large area on the western side of #Zawiya. -Guma el-Gamaty says abcn.ws/kRownw
or: abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?...
Reportedly over 4000 FF make up the Zawiya Brigade in Nafussa mountains.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
More than 30 #Freedomfighters have died as a result of ongoing fighting in #Zawiyah. More than 6 tanks destroyed by #FF. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Bombardment on #Dafniyah front has resumed once again according to reports. Sporadic clashes between #Freedomfighters & G forces.
4Adam Adam
Libyan rebels clash with #Gaddafi forces in western oil-port city of #Zawiya washingtonpost.com/world/middle-e…
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: NATO jets are flying over Misrata right now according to eyewitnesses
WE cannot surrender We will prevail! WE cannot forget! WE are the ppl! WE are LIBYA t.co/m6dRFYW #libya #misrata my soul cries.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: BREAKING: The town of Matrad west of Zawiya is completely under FF control & Gaddafi forces ran away from Al Harsha
4Adam Adam
Pro-Gaddafi forces crushed the historic city of #Ghadames migre.me/527L8 #
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Reports that over 4000 well armed FF arrived from Nafousa over the last week and are now fighting alongside Zawiya’s people #libya
I hope they remember to press the button this time! Please @NATO stop these vile creatures that Gaddafi has unleashed!
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Video shows the size of brutality, cruelty and barbarity displayed by #Gaddafi Forces — youtube.com/watch?v=u2KyYV…
AlManara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // #Misurata 10-06-2011 11:20PM
report by Faraj aKweder
Starting friday, Gaddafi’s mercenary forces attacked “Dafneya” west of Misurata with tanks, heat and short distance grad missiles, anti-aircrafts type 23 and 14.5 along with a group of troops.
Gaddafi forces hit Dafenya with all the above mentioned heavy artillery although Misurata’s revolutionaries managed to block the attack and teach Gaddafi’s forces a lesson despite the differences of arms.
Misurta revolationary have also destroyed two of the five Gaddafi tanks which moved towards Dafneya and after blocking the attack, Misurata’s revoluationaries attacked back those forces which were situated at “Naeema” east of Zleten having recieved news about around 300 mercenaries who are either dead or injured. the mercanries include Tawareq from west Mali which Gaddafi’s terrorist regime brought to kill the Libyan people.
Also today Misrata have sacrified 32 martyrs for the sake of liberating Libya and more than 160 injured currently being taken care of at the Dar Al Hekma Hospital and Red Crescent at Eyyad and Qasr Ahmed and Center of Central Clinics which was reactivated after maintenance which was needed after Gaddafi’s forces have stroke when they are at Tripoli’s Street in Misurata.
Picture link: goo.gl/R52Lt
Medical staff at #Yefren narrate horror what they had to go through at the hands of #Gaddafi forces #Libya t.co/1s9GudP via @youtube
BREAKING : NAFUSA Freedom Fighters are sounding a group of gaddafi forces in the outskirts of Zawiya .
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Benghazi Friday Prayer 10/06/2011 Part 1 – goo.gl/Japju Part 2 – goo.gl/31YR7 Part 3 – (cont) tl.gd/b216te
The coastal road to Tunisia is NOT closed. due to high traffic, people escaping from Gaddafi’s hell, NATO bombing and fear of Gaddafi’s revenge or what he might do to the city of Tripoli in case he knows he’s completely finished… Traffic is actually being diverted and cut into 2, usual road on the coast works and then diversion is done further to the south of Zawiya and harsha. It seems they don’t want too many people passing through coastal road at Zawiya.
NAFUSA : More freedom fighter reinforcements have arrived at Undisclosed Location for advance on Zawiya
There r good signs however that there’s a good organization from the Libyan People against the brigades and some loyal army men, more 2 come
Ribelli avevano affermato: di aver ripreso il controllo di gran parte della citta’ di Zawia, a 40 km dalla capitale libica.
UNHCR: Pop stars perform in #Madrid to raise money for refugees from #Libya t.co/gmzmh1z
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
Abdul Jalil with Bengladishi worker! see how modest is he and compare him to #Gaddafi ! goo.gl/DJ3Ua #Feb17 #Libya
Just called familly in jedayem area nato is attacking g forces twenty minutes ago
nalut 11-6-2011 Gaddafi forces is shelling Nalut by Grad missiles & heavy artillery after NATO bombed Gaddafi battalions in Ghazaya
4Adam Adam
Humanitarian aid from #Tripoli’s rebels to Nafusa Mtns youtube.com/watch?v=9LX_3H…
Phone call from Zawiyah city: gun Fire can be heard from all areas in the city from south to north to west to east in an unbelievable way since today sunrise, and has not stopped till now and families are saying Takbeer, Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Zawiyah is free with Allah’s help.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: AJA: No casualties arrived to hospitals today, and hospitals are quiet. However, there is bombardment in Dafniya now.
Misrata: AJA: The farms between Dafniyah and between Tuesday Market in Zliten are damaged and some are on fire due to bombardment #libya
Misrata: AJA: We know from eyewitnesses that there are big clashes in Zliten and Gaddafi forces have completely surrounded hospitals there
Misrata: AJA: These hospitals are surrounded by Gaddafi forces to prevent injured FF & civilians from gtting treated in Zliten
Misrata: AJA: We can also confirm that there are clashes in Zawiya and big battles in the western side of Libya right now #
Misrata: AJA: Freedom fighters are still holding their positions at the outskirts of Misrata (Dafniyah/TuesdayMarket)
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Touching & Surreal- Picture speaks for itself. NTC Leader Abdul Jalil & janitorial worker #Libya #Feb17 yfrog.com/ki9hxpj
LPC: 100% Zawiya and Sorman are FREE. THe G forces are headed to Tripoli!!!
FromJoanne Joanne
#ZLITEN COMMANDERS of the #MISRATA Area Operations are : #Khamis + #Moatassem Gaddafi + Abdullah #Senoussi via #AP #Libya #Dafniya
Cameragimp Miked
The menacing sound of jets above Tripoli, perhaps a busy night to come.
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
I love what #Erdogan is doing toward #Syria ppl, but hate his stand toward #libya, #Gaddafi should not be allowed any safe exit
The @NATO strike on #Alghezaia seems to be an intimidation one. NATO flew over again a few times. Some #Muammar’s forces tried to leave…..Which resulted in other personnel of #Muammar’s forces to fire at them. Basically they had their own private skirmish.
OP LIBYA: 2 french decided to send 2 Libya old modems in order 2 supply libyan web users & 1 counter Qad’s propaganda
According to Ulule bit.ly/meBHKH , Misrata will b supplied first bcuz the fights are very intensive there.
Here is an interactive updating map + by the Washington Post wapo.st/gNKiyb
RAF Tornado Takes Off from #Italy with Raptor Surveillance Pod heading to #Libya to operate under #NATO flic.kr/p/9Sa8SS
FromJoanne Joanne
#Tripoli is hearing Nato jets right now
Sheik Ghariyani said we must get rid of regionalism, and local pride, showing off etc, we must all be unified.
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
English news from #Nalut facebook.com/pages/Nalut-Fe… #Libya #Feb17
BREAKING: Gaddafi forces are trying to reach Zawiya to break seige on rest on Gaddafi forces there using naval patrol boats (Libya Alahrar)
hardingbbc andrew harding
is heading back to Misrata
Gaddafi forces were silent when NATO jets were flying above but have resumed the shelling of Dafniyah now that the jets have left.
NATO’s Newest Bombing Tool: Twitter bit.ly/coNE7e http://bit.ly/j0w8Qd Good job boys! Your tweets are making G’s life harder #libya
If Gad loses #Zawiya, he will loses the 3 biggest city after #Tripoli (Benghazi, Misrata, Zawiya)
Gaddafi will have to make a strategic choice now , Tripoli or NAFUSA or the Coastal cities !
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NAFUSA : Freedom Fighters from #AlQala and #Yefren are surrounding pocket of #Gaddafi forces in several areas in #NAFUSA
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Libya TV ( #Libya Alahrar) frequency: Arabsat – 10730 H | Noursat 11585 V | Hotbird 12380 V 27500 S/R | Nilesat 10992 V 27485 S/R | #feb17
Top #libyan Scholar, Shiek Sadik Al-Gheryani speaks on #Libya Al-Ahrar TV (#FREE #LIBYA TV) t.co/LuURjzl (in arabic) recorded today
I wish I could put into words the love I feel for Libya. Ya Allah, e7me blaadi w naasha ya Rabb!
Gs forces are using boats near zawiya port
Rebel gains spark battle for west of Libya – Telegraph j.mp/kaqUxo
Lebanon news – NOW Lebanon -Fifteen hundred refugees from Libya arrive in Italy: t.co/RQbj4uU
Correction: #Libya media battle story – The Washington Post j.mp/kkuJBG
Currency Traders on ’Libya’s Wall Street’ Cash in on Crisis j.mp/lJFHvR
4Adam Adam
AlJazeera reports on #AzZawyia revolutionaries advances against G forces.42km W.Tripoli June6th2011 [ar] youtube.com/watch?v=SesqFT… #Libya #feb17
BREAKING! Gaddafi forces are sending boats from Almaia in an attempt to free their own forces who are surrounded by FF’s in Zawyiah.
Libyan FF’s battled their way back into #Zawiya a major oil port just 30 miles west of Tripoli t.co/fPycXDh via @sdut #Libya #Feb17
Zawiya: BREAKING: AJA confirms that freedom fighters control many parts of the city, and that 17 Gdfi soldiers were captured.
AJA: #Nato #helicopters attacking #Gadhafi militias in #Zawiya
Alexblx Alexblx
#FF PLAN 4 #Zawiya offensive –To encircle #Tripoli – & sever its coastal supply Rds fm Tun/Al – wh #Gaddafi uses 4 fuel,arms & mercs #Libya
LIBYA Misrata..first aid 10-06-2011 youtu.be/78bmMei5EC0
dovenews Libyan™
UPDATE: G forces sent Gunboats from the Military Academy in #Almaia in an attmpt 2 free their own forces who R surrounded by FFs in #Zawyiah
Zawiya: More than 30 civilians have been killed by Gaddafi shelling of city
Libya remain hosts of 2013 Nations Cup: t.co/8Nzdo7M
Arabic #Zawiya caller to Aljazeera … تقرير ابو مصطفى عبر الهاتف من الزاوية اليوم 11 06 2011 youtube.com/watch?v=SesqFT… #Feb17 #Libya
Zawiya: ((BRKNG)) AJA confirms that freedom fighters control many parts of the city, and that 17 Gdfi soldiers were captured.
Zliten: Very quiet now. Mass detaining of civilians & Gaddafi besieged the city again. FFs trying to regain themselves. No signs of NATO
الجزيرة: الناتو يهاجم قوات القذافي في الزاوية باستخدام الهليكوبتر AJA: #Nato #helicopters attacking #Gadhafi militias in #Zawiya
4Adam Adam
No much left for Gaddafi to use as human-shield. This guy is really desperate! youtube.com/watch?v=vsMHTN… #
Almanara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
12:00 (Libya Local time) #Libya // Press Solidarity: Breaking: Gaddafi Forces are shelling the archaeological city of #Ghadames for the first time since the start of the revolution, its mentioned that the shelling took place on a a small part of the archaeological city.
dovenews Libyan™
The shelling & fighting is still going on, #FF destroyed 6 tanks & the number of G forces who got killed is increasing. #Zawyiah #Libya
NATO planes are now bombing Qaddafi forces around city of Zawiya
BREAKING: ALJA: @NATO Helicopters attacking #Gaddafi forces in #Zawyia. Gaddafi Forces shelling #Misrata seaports By GRAD Missiles. #Libya
Gaddafi forces continue to attack the northern entrance to #Nalut.
Serman: Heavy battles taking place against Gaddafi forces with NATO also bombing. Ras Ijdaid border w/ Tunis is now closed
Brac comes to aid of Libya returnees j.mp/l33oXa
AJA: Gaddafi forces shelling MISRATA PORT
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The brave #Misurata Martyrs give their souls for Libya — youtube.com/watch?v=iHm_i4… via @youtube
Perfect day for this song…Nothing will stop us, nothing! t.co/0aoatJe #libya #feb17
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
See how cruel #Gaddafi thugs treating their prisoners! goo.gl/hjJAA
Gharyan shelled w/ Grads by G forces. G forces claimed it was NATO. Luckily, ppl of Gharyan have something btw their ears- unlike G troops.
4Adam Adam
AlJazeera: #FF from #Qalaa: most of Gaddafi’s heavy military presence is southern region of #Yefren in Alaawinya and Alme’aaeb Camp. #Libya
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
News now FF’s reached centre of Zawiya and heavy fighting going on with G forces. Most of Zawiya is now liberated and FF need to consolidate
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Gaddafi Forces and the way they treat the sons of our country — goo.gl/s0Oki // #Libya
4Adam Adam
AlJazeera: #FF from #Qalaa: Yesterday Gaddafi’s forces heavily shelled Kukla and east of Qalaa, great damage to buildings , no casualties.
I am starting to think there are too many coordinates for NATO to bomb today, are they capable?
Tunisia: UNCONFIRMED: Reports that the Ras Ejdeer crossing is now closed due to clashes on coastal road and Zawiya
Serman: Heavy battles taking place against Gaddafi forces with NATO also bombing. Ras Ijdaid border w/ Tunis is now closed
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
Mustafa AbdulRahman from #Misratah: FF are holding their positions,noway 4 G forces to get into Misratah,but we want to defend Zliten #Feb17
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NAFUSA : More freedom fighter reinforcements have arrived at Undisclosed Location for advance on #Zawiya .
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Reports of #AlGaddadafa tribes meet w/ #Gaddafi. Reports he was NOT happy w/ outcome. No further details.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Saif #Gaddafi inciting the killing of Libyans — youtube.com/watch?v=M-p0Tw… via @youtube
Did you know that all Libyans had to pay around $150 ‘Rifle Tax’? Little did we know that these rifles would be pointed to us
Misrata: 2 cars tried to sneak in close to port, they fired missiles in port direction but they fell in the sea. Port undamaged&open.
Libyan rebels say Sabha is “breaking free from the Gaddafi regime’s grip”
G forces torturing the youth of #Arrehibat in Qasr AlHaj before liberating the town. t.co/9fdvzTQ #Libya #Nafusa #gaddaficrimes
Zliten:mamy arrests&more snipers on rooftops shooting passersby.no food/meds allowed in.humanitarian crisis unfolding.v FB
Alexblx Alexblx
ALL of #Libya is in REVOLT – #Twaregs have seized #Gaddafi held city of #Obari in South #Libya – & #Sabha has also revolted today! #Feb17
Very proud to see that FF from nafousa are leading the charge for the liberation of tripoli. Sweet revenge for 42 yrs of persecution by G
Zliten FB gp:following threat of rape,families relocating to areas far frm #Gaddafi forces 2protect honour
What the Gaddafi forces do to our people is beyond inhuman, it redefines inhuman, it’s anti-human, anti-life, anti-humanity, I hate them!
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Yefren is in dire need of surgeons especially vascular surgeons according to Yefren Media centre on FB. Limbs being amputated unnecessarily.
Limb and digit amputations in Yefren AlQaala are being performed without anesthesia and with very little expertise
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Misrata: 2 cars tried to sneak into city from East in an attempt to attack the port, 4 rockets were launched but no damages
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi forces torturing prisoners — goo.gl/pPMIu // #Libya
When the sun goes down the heat is on. Tripoli Victory Is Near
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Fighting ongoing in the west of Az Zawiah push to the east of #AzZawiah imminent #NATO bombings
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
some of the damaged caused from #Gaddafi Forces shelling on #AlQalaa — youtube.com/watch?v=4Py4x0…
BREAKING: Fighting ongoing in the west of Az Zawiah push to the east of Az Zawiah iminent NATO bombings!
West of Zawya would mean Surman? Surman has heavily trained batallions led by Khaled Khweildi. Better to fight on the East.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nafusa #Freedomfighters now attacking #Gaddafi forces in #Arryayna (between #Zintan and #Yefren)
It really seems to me like NATO wants the west FF’s to get to Tripoli before the eastern FF’s.
Libya’s going crazy over the devil’s head. Victory shall be soon, god willing.
G gov cut the electricity on Al Mutrad village 10km west of Zawia
Alexblx Alexblx
@NATO @MajGenLorimer @africom @AndersFoghR – #Gaddafi forces using patrol boats fm Naval Academy 2 access #Zawiya -Use yr jets 2 stop #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#NATO jetsare now bombing #Gaddafi’s battalions around #AzZawia.
Ask ur doc to go to Tripoli’s hosiptals & see who run them.Dr.Mazagri fr Yefren disappeaed in RasLanuf
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Unconfirmed: Al Khwlidid Al Hmidi, #Gaddafi’s military right hand, was injured today during a #NATO strike
A father in Zwara was forced by Gaddafi forces to watch as they killed his wife & raped his daughter in fron of him :’(
A 62yr old man was sitting on the sofa when a rocket fell on his house after Gaddafi forces bombed it – he survived ! #Libya #WAFA speech
Tripoli call: “Khalid AlHmeidi was seen enter Tayab Safi House yesterday night, we wonder what are they up to now” both r G-Supporters
Almanara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // 3hours ago: An eyewitness reported to Almanara that the shelling with mortar fires on #Zawiyah city from #Gaddafi forces is still on going until now and that the number of martyrs in the city have reached to 30 martyrs today
Muammar #Gaddafi is under complete siege by Freedom Fighters, nowhere to go but hell.
We ll raise the flags of France UK USA & all those helped us high. any1 dislike this,we have 1900km coastline,he can choose where 2 drink
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces using patrol boats from Naval Academy 2 access #Zawiya. #Libya #feb17 @NATO @UKMilOps
Gaddafi always had to keep an eye on the 3 Z’s Zintan Zawiya & Zwara. Now it looks like the 3 S’s are emerging Sabrata Surman & Sebha
wld that b b4 trip falls or after?
#Tripoli call: “We ask @NATO to stop attacking buildings in Tripoli, and start Bombing G-Forces that are shelling #Misurata, #Zawiyah and #Naffousa Mountains.. NATO need to do their job right as they promised, To save the civilians, Many are dieing around Libya.. so do as you promised please”
dovenews Libyan™
June 10: Tripoli: NATO strikes on 1 military camp, 1 vehicle storage & maintenance facility, 14 tanks & 1 military vehicle.
June 10: Misrata: NATO strikes on 1 tank, 1 rocket launcher, 2 armed vehicles & 1 technical vehicle
June 10: Waddan: NATO strikes on 3 artillery units.
June 10: Ras Lanuf: NATO strikes on 1 command & control node, 2 radars & 1 radar facility.
After months of #NATO bombings and Civil unrest #Tripoli currency, gold traders thrive. tiny.cc/uxxxc #Libya #Feb17
Clashes in Zuwara now !
Tunisian Radio : Libya Side of Tunisian/Libyan Border of Rass Ijdayr is Closed by Gaddafi !
#Nafousa #Nalut 06/11/1117:35h-NATO strikes hit G forces in #AlGhazaya G forces retaliated by shelling #Nalut w/grad rockets/heavy artillery
Qaddafi Forces Shell Rebels Near Misurata nyti.ms/ksPEwn
In Pictures: Libyan rebels advance – Interactive – Al Jazeera English
Russia convinced that “Libyan opposition not dominated by Al-Qaeda” (InterfaxNews www.interfax.com/news.asp )
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
El-Khouwildy el-Ahmeildy senior aide to #Gaddafi &member of ‘Council of the Leaders of the Revolution’ wounded in #NATO strike near #Tripoli
#FF have seized most precincts of #Zawiya – including th oil refinery – & inflicted massive fatalities & injuries on #Gaddafi troops
FromJoanne Joanne
#Dafniya Front line on Saturday; FF rested on mattresses behind barriers of dirt trying on new sneakers distributed by Red Crescent #Libya
Libya rebels say NATO tactics dubious after deaths
Almanara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // #Misurata 10-06-2011 11:20PM
report by Faraj aKweder
Starting friday, Gaddafi’s mercenary forces attacked “Dafneya” west of Misurata with tanks, heat and short distance grad missiles, anti-aircrafts type 23 and 14.5 along with a group of troops.
Gaddafi forces hit Dafenya with all the above mentioned heavy artillery although Misurata’s revolutionaries managed to block the attack and teach Gaddafi’s forces a lesson despite the differences of arms.
Misurta revolationary have also destroyed two of the five Gaddafi tanks which moved towards Dafneya and after blocking the attack, Misurata’s revoluationaries attacked back those forces which were situated at “Naeema” east of Zleten having recieved news about around 300 mercenaries who are either dead or injured. the mercanries include Tawareq from west Mali which Gaddafi’s terrorist regime brought to kill the Libyan people.
Also today Misrata have sacrified 32 martyrs for the sake of liberating Libya and more than 160 injured currently being taken care of at the Dar Al Hekma Hospital and Red Crescent at Eyyad and Qasr Ahmed and Center of Central Clinics which was reactivated after maintenance which was needed after Gaddafi’s forces have stroke when they are at Tripoli’s Street in Misurata.
Picture link: goo.gl/R52Lt
General omar al-hariri on aljazeera, #libya is not big enough for the libyans and gaddafi he MUST GO!
Another one bites the dust!
“El-Khouwildy el-Ahmeildy has been hit in a NATO air strike on a city close to Tripoli” Bani told Reuters by phone from Benghazi.
Tripoli: 4×4s equipped with heavy weapons were seen going through the western parts of Tripoli, possibly on their way to #Zawiya #Libya
AbdulJalil ( #Libyan #TNC) thanks #Benghali (former janitor) 4 staying & helping transport ppl to hosptl t.co/9MrjSlY via @twitpic
#Gaddafi knows he’s finished –with no escape route- if #FF control #Zawiya & local vils – so hs sent in reinforcements via Rd & sea #Libya
Sabah Breaking free; Friday 10th June Widespread demonstrations were held in Mansheya area by youth identifying themselves as #Feb17 #Libya
Fri 10th Jun; #Sabah Demonstrators raised the independence flag and chanted against Gaddafi and called for the downfall of the regime
10th Jun: #Sabah Gaddafi thugs fired live rounds at demonstrators. 2 FF shot & moved to 2nd Macrh hospital, before being kidnapped
AbdulJalil (heads #Libyan #TNC) thanks #Benghali (former janitor) 4 staying & helping transport ppl to hosptl twitpic.com/5a7oqx
Government official said Gaddafi have received signals that he may go to any African country and not to be prosecuted.
Cameragimp Miked
Whole bunch ofnew journos arrived today bringing withthem heightened enthusiasm & expectations ofthe coming days & weeks #Libya #gaddafi
Unconfirmed: reported clashes in Sug al-Jumaa, Znata, Dahra and Serraj in #Tripoli.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zawiyah: Fighting continues between #Freedomfighters and #Gaddafi in some areas.
NTC_of_Libya NTC Media
NTC Press Release No. 31: Breaking News: #Sabha is breaking free from Gaddafi’s grip
NTC representatives have confirmed that #Sabha is breaking free from the Gaddafi regime’s grip and provided the following details:
Friday 10 June: Widespread demonstrations were held in the Mansheya area by youth identifying themselves as 17th of February.
Demonstrators raised the independence flag and chanted against Gaddafi and called for the downfall of the regime.
#Gaddafi troops, some disguised in civilian clothing, responded by firing live rounds at the demonstrators.
#Sabah Two demonstrators were shot and were transported to the March 2nd Hospital, before being kidnapped by Gaddafi troops.
Fighters belonging to the Awlad Suleiman tribe managed to liberate a number of streets, most notably Mansheya Main Street…(cont)
…(cont) Alnamlah street, & Dar Al Muammar. The vegetable market street & 606 street were also liberated. Flag of independence was raised
Masood Abdul Hafeez, a Gaddafi General, met with Awlad Suleiman tribal elders & tried to bribe them to meet their demands #NTC
Saturday 11th June; Widespread demonstrations occurred this morning in Gamal Abdel Nasser street which extends from…(cont)..
..The New neighborhood to the military hospital, a total distance of 5 km.
The demonstrators demanded Gaddafi’s departure and raised the independence flag. Again they were met with gunfire.
One demonstrator, Nather Al Sunni, was killed near the area known as Miammar’s house.
End of statement
“If @NATO had helped us we could have taken #Zlitan,” he said, referring 2 the next town between #Misrata & #Tripoli. af.reuters.com/article/libyaN…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Levin: No ‘clear sentiment’ in Senate to end American role in Libyan campaign bit.ly/jUXTi6
Netherlands extends involvement in Libya mission t.co/nCwutug #Libya #Feb17
My friend, who drove his family to Tunisia went back to #Tripoli, said "I don’t wanna miss the moment of capturing Gaddafis " #Libya
Skeptic Sabha: Now that Gaddafi lost grip on this city, he also lost another line of supply from Algeria&Niger!
Gates offers grim account of NATO’s Libya efforts – World Wires – MiamiHerald.com hrld.us/j4RsxJ #Libya #NATO #Gaddafi
WSJ.com – Rebels Battle Gadhafi Forces Around Port City t.co/ABvluWT #Zawiya #Libya
img861.imageshack.us/img861/4333/ne… Latest graphs : Hell on Tripoli and Brega (+2% each)
Sarahdrah Sarah Drah
AJ corresp in Misrata:considerable movements by FF against Gaddafi forces
Niz_FGM Niz
11/6/11 – In response to Dr who wrote a note to journos telling them that injured baby was not NATO victim – 2 Drs have been arrested…
@Niz_FGM : The Journalist is guilty because he revealed hosptl staff as his source. It is unethical for a journalist to reveal his source.
@Niz_FGM but it wasn’t even a doctor it was a member of the medical team :( not that gaddafis goons care they have a thing against doctors
Masood Abdul Hafeez, a Gaddafi General, met with Awlad Suleiman tribal elders & tried to bribe them to meet their demands #NTC
Niz_FGM Niz
10/6/11 – Free Generation Movement begin work on website….keep your eye out for FGM-Libya.Org #Tripoli
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Acceptance speech Libya-Human Rights Solidarity delivered by Mr. Khaled Said Saleh almanaramedia.blogspot.com/2011/06/17.htm… English // #Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
A reminder that you can see all my pictures from #Libya & more on my Facebook page, add me here: facebook.com/Fieldproducer
I don’t think I’ll ever go to an ANSWER coalition sponsored event ever again. Cynthia McKinney speaking in SF on Tuesday about Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Azawia: #NATO heavy strikes on Brigade32 that destroyed the building completely
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Azawiah: Car was set on fire in middle of Martyr Sq, when G forces gathered around, it was detonated killing/injuring many G troops #Libya
We can officially announce to the world the ENTIRE #Libyan nation HAS RISEN one and united against #Gaddafi – no debates about it !
A small girl in Misrata was left holding her father’s head in one hand and her mothers’s body in the other after #Gaddafi bombed house #WAFA
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING: Khweldi Alhamedi was injured in NATO air strike on G forces near #Zawyiah. UPDATED
If the news about #Khweldi Alhamedi confirmed,it is a real #WARNING to the city of #alzzawia as his son & his brigade will try revenge @NATO
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Sabha: Widespread demonstrations occurred this morning in #GamalAbdelNasser St. #Libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
06/11/11 Confirmed that no shelling has occurred today in the city of #Ghadames today as reported by other agencies
Heavy weapon was delivered2 Zlitan from Benghazi2day morning,the head of military council arrived Zintan preparing 4the final battle#Libay
dovenews Libyan™
Here is some details about Khweldi Alhamedi’s son. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khaled_K.… Hypocrisy To The Core
AlJazeera: The head of rebel Military Council in #Nafusa Mtns preparing for the battle for #Tripoli. 6/11/11 #Libya #Zintan #NTC #Feb17
dovenews Libyan™
UPDATE: BREAKING: Khweldi Alhamedi was injured in NATO air strike on G forces near #Zawyiah & currently in #Sibratah hospital. GO & KILL HIM
septimius_sever septimius severus
FUNNY Ever thought how odd your online life is? youtube.com/watch?v=aDycZH… via @youtube OK NORMAL SERVICE WILL RESUME SHORTLY….!
Khwaldi Hmeidi G aide in1969coup&strong man in west Libya has been seriously hit in NATO strike on his barraks in Surman,20km west of Zawia
Mohamed Alhwayj Ministry of Economy has defected and out of #Tripoli according to close person via @tripoliyouth
if Mohamed #Alhwayj truly defected, then we do not need to unfreeze the money now, becz he has 1400m in his account 4 sure.
Via LibyaFM: Gaddafi forces in Tarhouna are using the famous waterfall, Ain Al- Sharshara as dumping ground for rubbish:( what neanderthals)
dovenews Libyan™
LINK FIXED: #Tunisian elderly women generously helps the Libyan families with what she can — goo.gl/eOPnR thnx 2 #Tunisia
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The young aged Freedom Fighters in #Misurata city — youtube.com/watch?v=b2fvvf… via @youtube // #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
G paid mercenaries online: goo.gl/DVC9r operating from #China, #Russia & some #African countries.Human Parrots Rpeating Gaddafis crap
Breaking; Zawiya is a war zone…NATO strike a convoy of tanks & technical vehicles in the east and center of city…
The 120 military personnel that defected last week are now fighting in the front lines in the western mountains
Video: Today’s clashes in #zawiya #Libya #Feb17 youtu.be/OEsA63KfrHM #youtube
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Fighting and clashes still haven’t stopped in Zawiya and roads are littered with G bodies & destroyed vehicles acc to Manara
Tripoli : Two doctors have been arrested in connection with the event of a doctor handing journos … tmi.me/brsBM
Saturday 11 June, 17:53 h Nafusa Mtns: Saturday 11th Jun; #Nalut: #Gaddafi forces torturing revolutionaries on.fb.me/jl18J2 #Libya
Senior Gaddafi aide wounded in NATO strike: rebels
June 11, 2011
Posted in News, Week Commencing: June 6, 2011 | 23:38
(Reuters) – A Libyan rebel military spokesman said a senior aide to leader Muammar Gaddafi was wounded Saturday in a NATO air strike on a city near Tripoli and was being treated in hospital.
There was no immediate confirmation that NATO air strikes had taken place near the capital Saturday evening, or that any Gaddafi aide had been wounded.
However, several explosions were heard in Tripoli itself throughout the afternoon, as late as 8 p.m. (1800 GMT), suggesting NATO was ramping up attacks after a quiet morning.
Spokesman Ahmed Bani said the aide, who he named as El-Khouwildy el-Ahmeildy, was a member of Gaddafi’s Council of the Leaders of the Revolution and that his daughter was married to one of Gaddafi’s sons.
Bani, who defected from Gaddafi, said the raid took place at about 3 p.m. ET Saturday.
“El-Khouwildy el-Ahmeildy has been hit in a NATO air strike on a city close to Tripoli, and he is now being treated in a hospital,” Bani told Reuters by phone from Benghazi.
is Khweildi Alhmeidi really died? !!! waiting confirmation
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: A large convoy of 4×4s and military vehicles coming from Tripoli was bombarded and destroyed by NATO
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: The city was heavily bombarded by Gaddafi forces and 20 civilians were killed. Hospitals are full of casualties, mostly G forces
FB:Yusuf Abuhajar,Omar Alkbeer&Miftah K’eeba threaten families w rape if FF dnt retreat Zliten
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Over 45+ Gaddafi soldiers have been killed and 5 tanks were destroyed today. Clashes still haven’t stopped.
Fighting erupts on multiple fronts across #Libya, Gadafi forces surrounding Zlitan & shell UNESCO listed Ghadames tinyurl.com/3nsw5w3
4Adam Adam
#Tripoli: Libyan journalist Numidia Trabelsi update from Tripoli. June11th2011 Arabic youtube.com/watch?v=V5Yo_g… #Libya #feb17
Update from Tripoli June 11, 2011
by Libyan Youth Movement on Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 3:29pm
The Free Generation Movement – حركة جيل الاحرار ——————————————————————————-
1- Morale is high in the city with news that Alzawiyah is resisting.
2- Groups around Tripoli are continuing preparations for what appears to be the ever closer final phase – The Tripoli …Chapter.
3- Army officer, and member of FGM, has informed us of the bombing of mobile radar units in Metiga. A nearby tent was untouched and the ground beneath the radars were barely scarred. Such is the incredible accuracy of the munitions being used.
4- In response to Alzawiyah, heavy checkpoints have been placed on the west of the capital. The coastal road has been closed.
5- 2 doctors have been arrested in response to a member of staff passing a note to a journalist revealing the baby being paraded as a NATO victim was actually an RTA victim.
6- FGM members witnesses, first hand, an armed freedom fighter engaging Katiba forces in the AbuSita district. Katiba forces were slow and frantic in their response, demonstrating how ill prepared and how poorly trained they are. It is largely estimated in Tripoli that 60% of armed forces loyal to the illegitimate regime will disappear when freedom fighters definitively engage the capital in the final push to Bab Alazaziyah.
7- Regime men have been witnessed in Jamhuriya Street smashing windows of buildings adjacent to NATO bomb sites in an attempt to mimic collateral damage prior to the arrival of the media.
More updates as they develop…..
NB: As always, info distributed by FGM is verified and confirmed.
Twtter -Niz_FGM(English)Mk_FGM(Arabic)See more
A pizza man joins the rebellion
The gaddafi regime are spreading papers with names of people on it. Saying these are the people the revolutionaries are going to target
This is to spread panic and confusion among people so that they don’t trust the revolutionaries
Katiba forces are slow and frantic, poorly trained, 60% of them will defect once uprising engulfs capital!
Rixos journalists, protect your sources! 2 doctors were arrested after passing note about propaganda baby killed in car accident!
1 nurse raped, 2 female employees sexually assaulted, and male staff were detained & beaten in Yefren
Hospital during siege by G forces.
Could the final blow to Gaddafi come from the very city he brutally suppressed in the early days of the revolution?
Clashes in zawiyat al-dahmani earlier on today in Tripoli and in the neighbourhoods of six and seven
Either it’s co-incidence or Libya FF are co-ordinating their attacks.May b a brilliant military strategy playing out in front of us
El-kweldi the biggest dog in the gaddafi regime after the big man himself has been injured in NATO strikes
Almanara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // #Naffousa Mountains News
Saturday 11 June, 18:05 h
Nafusa Mountains: Ghdames: We mentioned in our report earlier today that there has been shelling by Gadaffi forces today on the historic city of Ghdames. However, after managing to speak to people over there, we were informed that this was not the case. We would therefore like to formally apologise for this mistake.
Saturday 11 June, 17:35 h
Nafusa Mountains: Nalut: Gadaffi forces shell the city of Nalut using Grad rockets and heavy artillery. These atatcls came directly after attacks by coalition forces on forces loyal to Gadaffic in Al-Ghazaaya.
Saturday 11 June, 17:53 h
Nafusa Mountains: Nalut: Gadaffi forces torturing revolutionaries:
www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150203484231925&oid=179449562095105&comments;Saturday 11 June, 17:21 h
Nafusa Mountains: Nalut: The water tank in Aal-jwebiyah west of Nalut is now completely empty after Gadaffi forces cut the water from the southern region. Also, the majority of water sources in Nalut ate located in areas which are in easy view of the forces or under their control, therefore, the revolutionaries cannot access them. Revolutionaries and civilians in Nalut now fear a water crisis.
septimius_sever septimius severus
I bet Gaddafi is fuming now cause @NATO is bombing the crap out of him and Asaad is getting away with murder !!!!!
Caller from Tripoli: ppl from Muslim countries who keep criticizing us 4 getting help from NATO. U stood & watched us dying & u didnt help
Why the hell did the journalist give his source regarding the hospital and the injured child?! This is life and death!
Libya Crazy how Libya has effected the ENTIRE world! Ur emotions r ours, ur tears r ours, ur pain is ours..we love you, LIBYA;)))))
NATO’s Newest Bombing Tool: Twitter
In the early days of the Libya war, U.S. commanders were adamant that they didn’t communicate with the Libyan rebels about what targets to bomb. As it turns out, they don’t need to. They’ve got Twitter.
NATO officials conducting air strikes on forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi don’t have soldiers on the ground to spot for the warplanes and armed drones overhead. (Well, at least not officially.) But they do have a barrage of tweets about Gadhafi’s troop movements in beleaguered cities like Benghazi and Tripoli, all of which come in handy when picking out targets.
“We get information from open sources on the Internet, we get Twitter,” British Wing Commander Mike Bracken told AFP. Another NATO official attested, “Twitter is a great source.”
None of which is to say that an errant tweet is enough to launch a Hellfire missile. NATO flies AWACS surveillance planes over Libya, as well as other spy aircraft and satellites, to aid with targeting. NATO officials assure that they don’t just set targeting coordinates based on what someone says over Twitter — just that Twitter has value as a source of tactical intelligence.
Not hard to see why. Libyan Twitterati send off tweets about Gadhafi’s latest depravities at a frenetic pace. Tweets containing links to uploaded video, like this one — which, fair warning, is graphic — clearly show the roads that Gadhafi’s troops use to travel.
The unavoidable time delay between filming, uploading, tweeting, receiving, confirming and then acting on the information shows that Twitter can’t be an actual targeting mechanism, even if we assume that tweets about troop movements are 100 percent accurate. But as real-time mass communications go, this is pretty close. How long before Gadhafi’s forces take to Twitter to start giving out tactical misinformation?
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#StVincentGrenadines PASSENGER SHIP “AZZURRA” now arriving in port #Benghazi #Libya from #Misrata. #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
Caller from #Tripoli: #Gaddafi is planning to get his mercenaries into the streets of Tripoli as fight get closer to his HOLE
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Reports that #NATO struck #KheletElFurjan & airport road. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: #Freedomfighters were out in #Tajoura, #Arada, #Fashloum & #SouqElJuma. Several #Gadaffi soldiers ambushed/killed. #Libya
FF in Tripoli managed2bribe G forces&buy their weapon
dovenews Libyan™
Caller from #Tripoli: We celebrate by saying #Allah (God) is great when we hear the #NATO air strikes & we get worried when we dont hear it.
drminfo Dean Morrison
If u remember many elite army units defected in #feb17 in #Zawiya.They escaped when they ran out of ammo.They r highly trained & now r back!
septimius_sever septimius severus
And we #LibyansThankYou too RT @DrJAshton #Royal navy 845 just back from Libya: we thanked them 4 their service. twitpic.com/5a5g1l
Almanara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
4 hours ago: #Libya // #Zintan Channel on Facebook
Brigades belonging to the national army that was trained in Jadu and Zintan cities managed to enter to #Sabrat-ha, #Sorman and #Zawiyah cities. It should be noted that these brigades are have high degree of combat experience. We have also received reports that the freedom fighters have control on the Supply Commodity area south of Zawiyah city on the route that leads to Biir_Ghanam
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zawiya: #NATO has struck a convoy of #Gaddafi tanks & technical vehicles in the east & center of city. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AlKhums: Reports that #NATO bombed Dairy Factory being used by #Gaddafi troops. fb.me/11ZxdlujM #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nalut is being heavily shelled by #Gaddafi forces right now from the N using GRAD rockets, mortars & other heavy artillery #Libya #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
UNCONFIRMED: G forces heading to #Zawyia in cars painted with the indp flag. Also Gunboats left Tripoli’s port heading to #Zawyia coast.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Nalut is being heavily bombarded by Gaddafi forces right now from the north using GRAD rockets, mortars and other heavy artillery #libya
BREAKING! #Gaddafi forces continue to attack #Nalut with missiles. FB
Nato bombed Surman around 20.00 Libya time its very close to Zawiya also bombed convoy of tanks moving to Zawia
septimius_sever septimius severus
Gaddafi struggles to retain power – CBS News (Catches up with events!) cbsnews.com/video/watch/?i…
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Sorman: Clashes between FF and Gaddafi forces haven’t stopped & latter are said to be “confused” after Khweldi Al-Hmedi injury
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Benghazi: A mass grave dating back to 1997 hs been found in Zuwetina which is 120km south-west of Benghazi bit.ly/kJzNec #libya #feb17
Almanara Libya
On Sunday 12th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // A source reported to Almanara that #Zawiyah Freedom Fighters have captured around 20 soldiers from Gaddafi forces today, and the source said that between those captured is an officer in the brigades admitted to the Freedom Fighters that Gaddafi forces in Tripoli are putting explosives in dynamic and civilian buildings in Tripoli city such as the insurance building and some of the schools and other buildings, to be exploded and then blame the NATO that it is from the Air strikes and that the civilians are getting bombed.
Breaking: #Zawiya. #FF destroyed 10 tanks so far & reported that 37 civilians have died due to indiscriminate shelling by G forces
NTC Sabha update:
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Video: #AzZawiya: Taken today: youtu.be/OEsA63KfrHM #Libya #feb17
MARY: Niz said it was rainy today in Tripoli- hubby said so too!
4Adam Adam
#Libya: Rebels, Moammar Gadafi’s forces in sustained battle near #Tripoli latimes.com/news/nationwor…
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Tripoli: Prior to arrival of media, Gaddafi thugs smash windows of buildings adjacent to NATO bomb sites to mimic collateral damage.
4Adam Adam
Gaddafi forces convoy in their way to #Jalo oasis before the freedom fighers took care of it. on.fb.me/jhdnQd #Libya #Feb17
WFP World Food Programme
Greetings from #Misrata where we just shipped in enough food to feed 64,000 people for a month bit.ly/k2ZjAm
Explosions in #Tripoli #Libya. via GTV
blue rollr;
Tripoli :Tanks and Armored vehicles are being positioned around the tripoli borders.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Zawiyah city Youth clash with #Gaddafi Forces — youtube.com/watch?v=OEsA63…
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING: Gaddafi Forces continue its bombardment on #Nalut with missiles and artillery.
Mary :)
I just received a call that my cousin in shr3a mizran, was shot several times by Gaddafi forces and is in critical condition, my other two cousin’s were taken away by G forces and we don’t know where they are …please keep them in your prayer’s. #TRIPOLI via Free Libya fb DUAS for all
#Zawiya : lool : spoke to a #zintan freedom fighter , he is laughing and swears he is spending the night in #Zawiya
Sh. Sadeq al-Ghiryani on @libyatv: “we need to show forgiveness, mercy and kindness at this stage” bit.ly/lZa7RG #libya
MaryGreenCastle Mary :)
Check this video out — AIDS / HIV Tragedy in LIBYA … The Forgotten Innocent Victims youtube.com/watch?v=vqB1ae…
#Misratah port is coming back to Life. But on its outskirts, frontline fighters FFs against Gaddafi’s professional army bit.ly/kw1667
Heavy shelling last night in #Kikla destroyed two mosques and at least 7 homes.
Follow latest news on the media circle of Feb17 Revolution page on Facebook t.co/M6R05Lq Libya 17feb
moi a table
News that Major General Al-Khwildi Al-Hamidi, member of #Gaddafi’s Revolution Leading Council was injured today and he is in Sabratha Private Clinic. He seems to have sustaineed significant injuries injuries. It is not evident whether he was injured during NATO attack or clashes with FFs today.
I heard he was seriously injured by nato strikes while he was in or near barracks.
MC: unsure news about the death of Khoweildy Hamidy #libya
Mary :)
Zawiya: Breaking: Heavy rain in Zawiya and people see it as a good omen… Unconfirmed reports that helicptrs are being used by @NATO
MAD COLONEL GADDAFI 600FT UNDER t.co/kP05mIZ #MAD #Gaddafi – #Libya
Mary :)
Libya rebels battle into key oil port near Tripoli, force closure of vital highway to Tunisia – The Washington Post t.co/jswC5KN via @washingtonpost
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Guardian: One day in Rebel Stronghold where calm gives way to Chaos guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jun…
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#NATO shells #Tripoli while #Gaddafi forces attack #Misrata #Libya via @AJArabic aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/9417
NATO did a strike further to Janzur
Zawiyah. The main square next to the area where the Mosque once stood #libya yfrog.com/kethqnj
photogimp1 photogimp
The Libyan TV are spreading propaganda that thr foreign journalist are all spies and that the local people should attack us
BBC News – Misrata takes stock after bombardment – bbc.in/kFyCi9
MC : A news about succeeding of the rebel to release prisoners from Qaddafi’s force custody
Mary :)
COLONEL Gaddafi is hiding in a huge maze of desert water tunnels in a desperate Great Escape-style bid for survival.
The Mad Dog dictator, who has come through a barrage of Nato air strikes, has crawled underground to avoid being attacked.
The coward’s survival bid is part of the reason the RAF is pounding the country with bunker-busting missiles.
The 13ft-wide tunnels, some of which are 600ft deep, are part of the £20billion Great Man-Made River Project that Gaddafi, 69, built in the 1980s.
They are big enough to take a double- decker bus and are made of 75-ton sections of reinforced concrete pipe.
The tunnels link the desert with his Tripoli headquarters, the city of Benghazi and his home town of Sirte.
It was the largest and most expensive irrigation project in history, designed to extract water from 2,500ft below the Sahara and transport it to towns and cities.
Engineers became suspicious that the huge pipes would be used for troop camps or storing military vehicles and supplies or even poison gas.
The RAF has now sent in 2,000lb Paveway bombs in a bid to smoke out Gaddafi.
The air-to-ground Enhanced Paveway IIIs, the latest in Our Boys’ powerful arsenal, can blast through any of Gaddafi’s reinforced hideaways.
Last night a senior security source said: “Gaddafi has gone underground to save himself. It’s just like in the Blitz when people lived in the London Underground system.
“He doesn’t want to hang around on the surface where he can be targeted.
“The Paveways are being used to hit those hard-to-reach bunkers. He is relying on the earth insulating him from tracker devices.
“The tunnels are ideal and mean that he can stay close to Tripoli.” by By Deborah Sherwood of Daily Star Sunday
ahmadalgamaty ahmadalgamaty
More than 15 martyrs in the battles of today in Zawia city
Dairy Factory in AlKums is a concentration point for Gaddafi forces heading to Misurata Libya
SUMMARY June 12th 2011
“One man’s collateral damage is another man’s son”
tom made this:
Isn’t she beautiful?
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Italy busts Gaddafi terror network bit.ly/l6Hxhw
septimius_sever septimius severus
Patrick Cockburn: Hopes for democracy fade as civil wars grip the Arab world good article tinyurl.com/5wvbre6
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Freedomfighters pack up Milan missiles for the #Qalaa # Suffeet battle youtu.be/sDKt7MRMMtk #Libya #feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Music Video: The House is Falling Down bit.ly/iunF4R
libyansrevolt Libyans Revolt
Apparently recent video of Mutassem Gaddafi on way to Brega frontline bit.ly/mnTCAn #libya #feb17
septimius_sever septimius severus
Joan Smith: Rape is part of military culture, a secret among soldiers #Libya tinyurl.com/3qtm2hr
Zawiya: More than 10 tanks destroyed with tanks shelling to free G forces surrounded by FFs #feb17#libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Morning from Tripoli, quiet on the bombing front in the centre of town over night. #Libya
4Adam Adam
Libyan Revolution – Battle for Qalaa Suffeet hill – running through open road youtube.com/watch?v=1syrg6… via @humphreycheung #nafusa #Feb17 #Libya
4Adam Adam
Battle of Qalaa Suffeet Hill – Rebel tries to take out sniper youtube.com/watch?v=FZeC0A… via @humphreycheung #nafusa #Feb17 #Libya
The US accused some Nato allies yesterday of failing in their commitment to combat Gaddafi’s forces, as Gaddaf… (cont) deck.ly/~zu4y8
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
10June Report on the casualities in #AlDafniya as a result of the shelling from #Gadhafi’s Brigades youtube.com/watch?v=_z_Oq9…
4Adam Adam
#Yefren #Libya – rainy day in summer youtube.com/watch?v=p0raOn… via @humphreycheung #nafusa #Feb17
libyans_revolt omar
#British Apache helicopters have carried out their first operations around #Misrata #Libya. #Feb17 tinyurl.com/5ucx7eq #NATO #BBC
Zliten:noticeable reduction in number of Gaddafi forces in Zliten later in the day.Relocated elsewhere?Zawia?
reports of Apache helicopters in use in Misrata – t.co/2AC49YQ & t.co/KXscx0n
fighting cont. in Zawiya,reports of 50 G forces & 20 FF killed. G re-enf. fm Tripoli arriving in Zawiya
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi forces are said to be grouping near Tawurgha, south of Misrata, in preperation for a new attack.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Voice of Free Libya – MISRATA STATION – 1.449kHZ AM to bring you the latest news from Misrata (in Arabic) ustream.tv/channel/bengha…
bernardhl Bernard henri Lévy
On a atteint, à #Misrata, le sommet de la démence urbicide bit.ly/mDQEou
FromJoanne Joanne
#TRIPOLI Muammar #Gaddafi Your Time Is Running Out goo.gl/0pd6O #Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zintan: Aljazeera: FF have been preparing for the Ryayna battle fr 2 weeks and say they will not stop till they get to Gheryan
Breaking: attack at 9am on Sireer oil field south of Tobruk by G forces repelled. 2 martyrs, I G force killed & 1 injured1caught#feb17#Libya
septimius_sever septimius severus
Love it! ‘’Old ppl at weddings always poke me &say "you’re next".So I started doing the same thing to them at funerals"
Rayayna is a crucial victory as it is where most G forces in Nafusa are & where shelling on Zintan comes from #feb17#Libya
After losing Gharyan, G will be encircled from W, S and E, unable to move or get supllies in Tripoli! can’t escape anymore!
Longing4Libya Ahmed Misrata
yfrog.com/h0xw7lwkj Epic Misrata freedom fighters. They will brave the roads, from #Misrata to #Tripoli
SkyNews Sky News
Libya: 13 Killed In Violent Clash In Zawiyah
#Reuters#Obama admin is leading global effort 2 establish shadow Internet & cellphone sys to help dissidents undermine authoritarian governs
Zawiya: Interrogated G officer admitted that vital buildings in Tripoli r being booby trapped to detonate & blame on NATO #libya #feb17
Clashes continuing in #Zawyia between Freedom fighters and Gaddafi Brigades for the 2nd day. FF’S Spokesman. #Feb17 #Libya #Reuters
Libye NAFOUSA ville inconditionnelle de Kadhafi c’est ralliée aux insurgés ce jour libya
Libya: Gaddafi regime weakening, says William Hague – Telegraph.co.uk goo.gl/fb/gONfB #libya #gaddafi
RAW,Libya,Rebel being questioned by a member of Gaddafi`s troops after legs broken: RAW,Libya,… bit.ly/kNRak3 #libya #youtube
libyanproud libyanandproud
More widespread protests and defiance by the people of #Libya in so called #Gaddafi strongholds ; #Hun #Wadan #Sebha #BaniWalid #Obari
Multiple Reports : Gaddafi is hiding in a bunker underneath the Equistrian Club in Airport road .
Children in Tripoli are admitted into hospital suffering from starvation! gaddafi you git enough is really enough
The road to #Tunisia from #Tripoli is completely blocked at the 27km mark .
FromJoanne Joanne
#Libya Current “FRONTS” : around #Misrata held #Dafniya farm area, #Nafusa mountains, #Brega Area, #Zawiyah and desert town #Sabha #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Gaddafi is losing the south of #Libya: #Sebha is out of control and #Obari is liberated !
Today Gaddafi forces shelled several cities in western mountain Nalut Zintan &Yafrane. No info on casualties yet
septimus: At least the #Hitler gave us the VW beetle.What commercial enterprise did #Gaddafi leave 4 his legacy?The #afro?"
The Freedom Group Daily is out! bit.ly/eywed9 ▸ Top stories today
According to 17feb, the independence flag was raised Al-Gurda Al-Shaty, #Sabha #Libya
Zawiya: More than 10 tanks destroyed with tanks shelling to free G forces surrounded by FFs #feb17#libya
wheelertweets James Wheeler
#ZINTAN #LIBYA: FFs attacked #Gaddafi forces in Arryayna & Zawyit Albagoor beg at 6am today. Many G men fled. Now house to house searches.
Unconfirmed – NATO attack helicopters 2B increased from 16 – 32 units.
NATO Key Hits 11 June: In the vicinity of Waddan: 1 Ammunition Storage Facility
NATO Key Hits 11 June: In the vicinity of Misrata: 1 Armoured Vehicle. In the vicinity of Zintan: 1 Tank.
NATO Key Hits 11 June: In the vicinity of Tripoli:1 Command and Control Node,1 Tank, 1 Self Propelled Artillery Piece.
NATO Key Hits 11 June: In the vicinity of Tripoli:1 Military Vehicle Storage, 1 Ammunition Storage Facility, 2 Anti Aircraft Guns
NATO Arms Embargo Activities: 17 Vessels were hailed on 11 JUNE to determine destination & cargo.No boardings were conducted.
Niz_FGM Niz
12/6/11-Currently investigating reports that #Tripoli now under lock down – East, West and Southern main roads now closed.Will confirm soon
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zintan: Ryayna’s western part is fully liberated and the eastern part is being searched now for G forces. Battles in Zawiyat Albaqoul
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
MISRATA: BREAKING: Big battles in Naima and Tuesday Market right now – big attack by FF to liberate Zliten from G forces #libya
Soon it’s time for Saif’s prophecy to come true: he and Gaddafi will die in Tripoli!
BREAKING : #NAFUSA : #Zintan are surrounding last remnants of #Gaddafi in #zawyit-albagoor ! ALLAH AKBAR !
wheelertweets James Wheeler
#ZINTAN #LIBYA: 1 FF killed & 7 FFs injured in today’s victory at Arryayna (to clear out #Gaddafi forces attacking Zintan with Grads).
Yesterday 3 G forces injured in trap by Gheryan FFs as they tried to bring down independence flag raised in Fatma Alzahra school#feb17#Libya
Future for Libya: Freedom Fighters had taken control of a large area in Zawiyah with the help of Nato air strikes
Guma el-Gamaty, a London-based spokesman for the opposition political leadership council, told the Associated Press on 11 June that Freedom Fighters had taken control of a large area in Zawiyah’s west. Bolstered by NATO air strikes sanctioned by the UN, the rebels fought their way back into Zawiyah, a major oil port just 50km west of Tripoli, forcing Gaddafi’s troops to shut down the vital coastal highway that leads into neighbouring Tunisia. Freedom Fighters sources said gun battles were raging inside the port city: “The situation is very bad in Zawiyah. There’s been fierce fighting since the morning”.
Foreign journalists travelling through Zawiyah on the coastal highway leading from west Tripoli to the Tunisian border, reported that they were diverted via backstreets with a police escort as parts of it were sealed off by Libyan soldiers. The highway was clogged with soldiers and loyalist gunmen carrying assault rifles, some patrolling the road, others manning checkpoints.
The coastal road is a key artery from neighbouring Tunisia for delivery for food, fuel and medicine for the Gaddafi regime.
dovenews Libyan™
#FF in #Hun have burned Gaddaf’s Lejan Thawrya (Revolutionary Committee Guards) HQ. Yet to be verified
FF moved from 3 positions in Nafousa Mtns #Zintan today at 6 Am towards Alryaina & Zawia Albaqoul…where Gaddafi forces R stationed.
Zawiya: More than 10 tanks destroyed with tanks shelling to free G forces surrounded by FFs
More widespread protests and defiance by the people of #Libya in so called #Gaddafi strongholds ; #Hun #Wadan #Sebha #BaniWalid #Obari
#Gaddafi is losing the south of #Libya: #Sebha is out of control and #Obari is liberated ! #Feb17 #Libya
The Tribe, Sons of Solomon have taken over Sebha
64 well-known pro #Gadaffi individuals have fled #Sebha for #Tripoli. Sebha is on fire! #Libya #Feb17 FF from #Zintan moved on 3 positions to Alryaina & Zawia Albaqoul..Managed to isolate G forces in these areas & surround them.
Offensive against #Gaddafi is accelerating in #Libya at rapid pace on all fronts!
AJA NATO jets flying low Nafousa Mountains..NO strikes..#FF trying to push G forces Grad rockets & artillery away from range on towns
Zawiyat Albagoul: AJA reporter: There are more plans and missions but I was asked not to reveal them.
Zawiyat Albagoul: AJA: If they succeed in liberating Ryayna & ZAlbagoul thn Gheryan is the only remaining city now tht Kikla is under FF too
Zawiyat Albagoul: AJA: Gaddafi forces were surprised today at 6am when they saw thousands of FF attacking them from all sides
Zawiyat Albagoul: AJA: FF ar dividing the main Gaddafi concentrations in Zawiyat albagoul and preventing them from helping each other
Zawiyat Albagoul: AJA: Very heavy battles and heavy artillery is being used by both sides. FF are surrounding G forces completely
In attack in Abdel Rauf area south of Zletin 7 G forces captured one of which an injured general being treated in Hikma hospital#
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: Aljazeera: FF are engaging in quick battles where they attack Gaddafi forces bt retreat to Dafniyah to defend their psitions
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: Aljazeera: NATO jets are flying constantly above Misrata bt there have been no strikes. FF are advancing to Zliten right now
Libya Map: Updated June 10 bit.ly/jmVTc3
“A can of petrol – A can of petrol – My kingdom for a can of petrol”- #Gaddafi fuel shortages mounting – no deliveries since Thursday
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Tripoli : there is only one small road open for people leaving to #Tunisia . #Feb17 #Libya
Zawiya via Manara: reports G forces are using boats in attempt to enter Zawiya from North #feb17#Libya
#Gaddafi forces taken totally by surprise both in #Zawiya& #Zawiyat Albagoul (#Nafusa)
wheelertweets James Wheeler
The broken bodies of the people of #Misrata in Tunisian hospitals r outmatched by their inspiring, indomitable spirit. A metaphor for #Libya
Gaddafi’s military dilemma: if i don’t send troop reinforcements from Zliten to Zawiya i’ll lose Zawiya, but if i do, i’ll lose Zliten! well, well, he’s gonna lose both!
Moussa Koussa could face UK private criminal prosecution – Telegraph t.co/hluS43l
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
@NATO seems to have not recorded it’s warning strike on Alghezaia, could be as it does not as a target…nato.int/nato_static/as… #Libya #feb17
Breaking: Nafusa: Zawyit albagul has been liberated. Allah akbar#feb17#Libya
Gaddafi strikes #Libya rebels, NATO pounds #Tripoli – dailymail.com/ap/ApLife/2011… #Feb17
Breaking: attack at 9am on Sireer oil field south of Tobruk by G forces repelled. 2 martyrs, I G force killed & 1 injured1caught#feb17#Libya
Another Gaddafi dilemma: if i don’t send troops to fronts they’ll collapse, but if i do, large convoys will be perfect targets for NATO!
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
ZINTAN: BREAKING: Gaddafi forces defeated in Zawiyat Albaqoul/Ryayna. Some still surrounded. Many weapons & vehicles captured.
Ieri Combattimenti fra ribelli e truppe #Gheddafi, che hanno ricevuto rinforzi,sono ancora in corso nella #Zawiya,15 morti, fra cui un bimbo
Via press solidarity Gaddafi forces R preparing to use zodiacs 2 deploy troops into #Zawia in attempt to regain some sort of control
Nafusa: 4 Martyrs & 28 injured reported so far in today’s offensive in Rayayna & Zawiyt AlBagul. With tens of G forces killed
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zintan: 4 of Nafousa’s FrdmFighters were martyred in today’s clashes. ~10 injured. They killed 40+ G soldiers in Ryayna/ZwtAlbagoul
Des négociations secrètes entre la Grèce et la Libye?
libyanproud libyanandproud
Breaking : Freedom Fighters are in #BREGA !!!!!!!!!!! #Feb17
Ahmed El-Mettawa
On Sunday 12th June 2011, @FutureLibya said:
#Libya #Feb17 #NATO #US #UK #EU #UN #ICC: #NTC this is the initial list of Libyan criminals – PLEASE stop being complacent and pursue justice – even if with limited resources. After all, Libya’s future should be the Rule of Law!!
اسماء الذين ارتكبوا جرائم جنائية فى حق الشعب الليبى
مصطفى الخروبى وافراد عائلته
احمد ابراهيم
سليمان الشحومى
بوبكر يونس جابر وافراد عائلته
عبدالله منصور
منصور ضوى
الخويلدى الحميدى وافراد عائلته
فرج حتيوش
على الشاعرى
خالد الحميدى
محمد جبريل البركى
هدى بن عامر
موسى كوسة
فرج العمار
جميلة بن عامر
مسعود عبد الحفيظ
احمد بوسنينه
فوزيه شلابى
سيد قذاف الدم
عبد الرحمن العبار
احمد قذاف الدم
يوسف الدبرى
على الكيلانى
السنوسى سليمان الوزرى
التهامى خالد
عبد القادر البغدادى
محمد الحجازى الدرسى
خليفه حنيش
عويدات غندور
سالمة راشد
المهدى العربى
مصطفى الزائدى
عميد/ المهدى العربى
على كنــا
بوزيد دورده
عبد العاطى العبيدى
ابراهيم يحيى القذافى
معتوق محمد معتوق
عبد الرحيم الزاوى
عبد الرازق الصوصاع
عبد المجيد القعود
لواء/ غيث ابراهيم الزوى
مفتاح بوكر
فرج العمارى
خليفه الأصفر القذافى
الطيب الصافى
حافظ قدور
الفيتورى حسين القذافى
محمد الكليلى
عبد الحفيظ زليتنى
جمعه النيهوم
امبارك الشامخ
عاشور تريبل
على محمود ماريا
عبد الرحيم الهيبلو
عمران بوكراع
ميلود الصادق
محمد عبد الجواد
صبرى شاذلى
محمود بوحنيك
نورى المسمارى
شكرى غانم
محمد الشتيوى
سعد الأصفر
محمد بوعجيلة
يوسف بن شاكير
محمد زيدان
العقيد/ فرج البرعصى
عبد الرحمن الصيد
العقيد / عبد السلام القذافى
جلال ديرة
العميد / عبد الفتاح الشهيبى
محمد الأسود
عبد الله السنوسى
عبد القادر يوسف
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli via @MK_FGM: The road to Zawiya from Tripoli is still closed and may god help the FF of Zawiya against G forces
Zawiya: Heavy clashes now in Jidayem forest & south of City
Via Manara: FFs are entering industrial part of Brega following control of Bright Star University in the town#feb17#Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Ajdabiya: Unconfirmed: There is an attack on Gaddafi forces in Brega right now via Almanara #libya #feb17 Scope of attack unclear
All these recent attacks by Freedom fighters were coordinated to a zero hour. Tripoli, we are on our way
dovenews Libyan™
June 11: Ras Djir Libyan – Tunisian border has been closed
photogimp1 photogimp
Taken to see a hole in the ground in the middle of a field today….they seem to be running out of things to show us
All these recent attacks by Freedom fighters were coordinated to a zero hour. Tripoli, we are on our way #feb17#Libya
Clashes occurred today at 9:00 am in the Oil Field South of Tobruk. 2 deceased 4 injured from #FF, 1 G force killed and 1 injured&captured.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli via @MK_FGM: The road to Zawiya from Tripoli is still closed and may god help the FF of Zawiya against G forces #libya #feb17
#Reuters: #Gaddafi forces attack on #Zintan killed 5 pple on Sunday @Nato رويترز: استشهاد 5 من الثوار بسبب قصف لكتائب القذافي علي الزنتان
Al Manara sources say revolutionaries are attacking Gaddafi forces in Brega -
Unconfirmed reports of clashes yesterday in Fashloum, Soug Al Jumua and Tajoura areas of Tripoli – #libya #feb17 – t.co/BAOEIMp
Day 1 in Tripoli. Trip to see hole in the sand and lacklustre #ghadaffi supporters. Nowhere near #Zawiya!
Gaddafi bombardment on #Misrata has resumed by using bloody endless #Grad rockets. attack reported from east & west. NO #NATO #Libya @CNN
Heavy fighting in #Libya’s Ajdabiya leave 13 people injured, 2 dead aje.me/lEj3WI
Al Manara reports – that FREE #Libya Army – based in #Ajdabiya – has now began its long awaited assault on the Oil Export Port of #Brega
yfrog.com/hsw1czoj 1km ahead lies the Airport where the epic Battle of the Airport took place. #Misrata
Who comes up with these things? the comedy dept?
Libya State Tv : The crusader army has hit the “oxygen” factory ! lol Gaddafi was making oxygen for ppl of Libya !!
Zintan Channel: FFs managed to destroy some mechanisms of Gaddafi forces& seized 2 rocket launchers, ammun& 1 ambulance& arrest mercenaries
I just heard that in the fighting last night in Zawiya we lost a few relatives, may the martyrs of our struggle be granted Paradise
nice statement:
g forces have heavy weapons, ff have heavier ones it is nato.
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Shiek Geryani speaks on @libyatvarabic. Tells Gaddafi troops that they have lost in this life and the hereafter goo.gl/Wlivi #Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Big battles and big gains for freedom fighters in Nafousa mtns south of Tripoli, Zawiya west of #Tripoli and Zliten east of Tripoli.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
As I predicted: days after NTC announcement of restarting oil production, Gaddafi forces attack oil field, leaving 2 dead, 4 injured. #Libya
washingtonpost The Washington Post
Thousands rally against Gaddafi wapo.st/k0uQer
septimius_sever septimius severus
Fighting Continues in Libya, Creeps Toward Capital voanews.com/english/news/L…
yfrog.com/ki4swej At the end of the road lies the enemy. #MisrataPatriots
@NATO @NATOpress @UKNATO #Gaddafi massing troops to attack #Zawiya. #Gaddafi troops also attacking #Zliten. #Libya
FF are now 18 KM east of #Brega. #Gaddafi forces r using all civil buildings e.g University as base 2 fire rockets @NATO seems BANK holiday
Reports of strong gains by Misrata FFs in Naima area of Zletin#feb17#Libya
Nato has bombed Gaddafi targets in Wadan in Jufra today#feb17#Libya
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! #Misrata #FF have entered #Zlitan & joined #Zlitan’s #FF. via Misrata FB. #Libya
Wefaq Libya: Heavy fighting is now in #Zalitan & #Misrata’s FFs are advancing and achieving victories in Naima #
Tripoli freedom-fighters launched several raids on army checkpoints last night.
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
NATO jets are launching attacks on weapon depots in Jufrah and Widdan & targeted one in Hun a short while ago #libya – goo.gl/DxaAT
Does Nato have a purpose any longer? | Observer editorial t.co/8aYPXPM
yfrog.com/kfk1npuj Smiles all around, regardless of the injuries. #MisrataPatriots
Reports from the Brega-Ajdabiyah frontline in the past months have been so inconsistent that I’m taking a wait & see approach there.
dovenews Libyan™
Also #FF are still attacking Gaddafi forces in Zaweeit Bagool with tanks & rocket launchers. FB
Very intense fighting in #Zawiya now – gun fire is very heavy and continuous.
yfrog.com/kezebaj Misratans training. Simply unstoppable. #MisrataPatriots #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#Zintan #FF destryd number of G armourd vehicles & captured 2 rocket launchers, some ammo & an ambulance full of Gaddafi’s mercenaries. FB
Breaking: via FB: Zawiya: Apaches bombing G forces in Jidayem Forest, AlArewy & Alkhanafees area. Many G forces casualties#feb17#Libya
Zliten; massive displacement of people to more safe areas, while #Gaddafi forces threatening/ordering civilians to stay home
Second day of fighting near #Libya’s capital | Reuters t.co/jTL8Mf3 #Tripoli #Azzawiya
dovenews Libyan™
Reports of NATO air strikes few mins ago on ammunition storage near #Hun & Gaddafi state TV falsely said its an Oxygen factory. #GaddafiLies
Longing4Libya Ahmed Misrata
yfrog.com/h2fwwwgj Children of the revolution #MisrataPatriots #feb17 #Libya
I hope NATO helicopters are helping revolutionaries near Brega. There isn’t a better time to put them to use than right now.
photogimp1 photogimp
A little advice for the LFMO, get a smaller room for the supporters. These large rooms and small groups look silly
Longing4Libya Ahmed Misrata
yfrog.com/kfyg2xyj Pro G lunch. Ironic thing is the snack bar brand is called “The Lion”. That’s right… (cont) deck.ly/~tEF8e
MisurataNews : Misurata’ FFS entered& joined FFs in Zliten& attacking on Gaddafi troops. FFs secured thir places &immunized their positions.
pre reports about liberation of #Zawiyat Albagoul. it is one way traffic to #BabAlazzizia. #GaddafiDaysareNumbered #Libya
Breaking: #Brega at the 40km mark..The death of a Gaddafi forces commander by the name of (Alfatah) & a FF as well as injury of 4 FF.#Libya
PeterClifford1 Peter Clifford
#Libya. Opposition forces battle to retake #Zawiyah. Drs. in #Yefren say #Gaddafi troops sexually assaulted staff. bit.ly/PCOLibya
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Clashes around Misrata are not only taking place in the west at Na’imah near Zlitan, but also in the southwest and south.
Empty chairs at the latest pro-government rally that we were taken to in Tripoli #Libya on.fb.me/mgqKcS
FF are in Dafnya/Naima, they r 15km away from #Zletin. If FF go to #Zletin, Misrata will be more susceptible 2 attack from East.
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Sheik Geryani also tells those forces under the regime they should help the FFs. He also responds to NATO’s role. goo.gl/Wlivi #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Video put together from #Tunisia about Libyan uprising and #Gaddafi — youtube.com/watch?v=o89yFu… via @youtube
t.co/AaIfl3L Fuel for the Freedom Fighters. #MisrataPatriots #FreedomTea” #feb17
What happend to the millions of #Gadaffi suporters? may be they r running out of money to pay them
Breaking: #Zawia: Fighting still ongoing by FF & #Gaddafi forces at the south & western areas of the city…#Libya #prayforlibya
The air plane carrying #NTC members were not allowed to cross over #Syrian airspace. what else you d expect from murderers
Libya Rebels Set To Break Stalemate bit.ly/jSEIC2 #Libya #LibyaBlogs
yfrog.com/kicqhfj Brave Misratan paves the way. #MisrataPatriots #Dafniya #Epic
AJE: 2 killed and 13 wounded after fighting outside of Brega -
CIL: Misrata: Aljazeera: FF only suffered 1 injury today & they attacked Zliten from the southern part where they captured ~10 G soldiers
Fighting at Rayayinah & Zawiyat al-Baqoul continues. 4 dead & 28 injured among revolutionaries.
yfrog.com/kgoypij Epic freedom fighters. They will brave the roads, from Misrata to Tripoli. #MisrataPatriots #Dafniya
Almanara Libya
3hours ago: Press Solidarity: Quoting our sources in #Sabha city, #Gaddafi forces have widely and heavily spread around the entrance of the city, this has caused a great concern within the city’s residents // #Libya
The history of #Libya is full of men who rose to freedom, by sheer force of self-confidence, bravery and tenacity.
Mr Hague said he would prefer for Gaddafi to be charged with crimes against humanity, rather than be killed in an airstrike or exiled.
ElenaRossi2 Elena Rossi
Today there are no NATO jets departing from Italy for Libya.
reports of one foreign crew allowed to go west of Tripoli to see the fighting or aftermath unconfirmed
yfrog.com/khm20hj Shock and grief from the loss of a dear friend. God give them patience. #MisrataPatriots
Similar thing happened to me i was watching a video of fighting in Misrata and I saw my cousin
yfrog.com/keb45jj Children of the revolution. #misratapatriots
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Breaking: BREGA: FF have moved another 18km closer to Brega and are fortifying their positions.
rcolebourn Richard Colebourn
Big pro-govt demo outside hotel in #Tripoli. Cheering, car horns and lots of gunfire in the air. Caused some concern on the roof.
Alexblx Alexblx
The 4000+ #Zawiya #FF r resolutely committed to holding this city – as they have since Fri – as a prelude – to liberation of #Tripoli
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
BREAKING via Wefag Libya: @NATO is striking G foces in #Brega after FF were asked to withdraw back to #Ajdabia #
Gaddafi hiding in ‘labyrinth of 600 feet underground tunnels’ to avoid NATO airstrikes | j.mp/lqzYeA #libya
UAENews UAE News
Abu Dhabi Crown Prince meets Libyan transitional council chief: They discuss latest developments in Libya and wa… bit.ly/krEmjq
gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/government/a...=false&utm_source=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS&utm_term=UAE_news_RSS_feed&utm_content=1.820876&utm_campaign=Abu_Dhabi_Crown_Prince_meets_L ibyan_transitional_council_chi ef
fieldproducer: Moussa Ibrahim tells me they’re ‘trying to organise a trip to #Zawiyah tomorrow’,we’ll have to wait & see if that happens… #Libya
CNN obtained the 15-page document — titled, in part: “Battle plan to cleanse the city of #Misrata from militant gangs”
The name of Gadhafi’s son, Khamis Moammar Gadhafi, appears on page 10 as commander of the theater
Unconfirmed: Nato bombing Brega after FFs move back to 40km W of ajdabiya after reaching 60Km west. Seems coordinated w/ Nato #feb17#Libya
4Adam Adam
6/12/11 #Nafusa: 6 martyrs & 30 wounded in the battle for Arryayna & Zawiet AlBaqool. G forces running south. #Zintan #Qalaa #Yefren
Alexblx Alexblx
Seizure of #Zawiya – was planned by #Nafusa & Zawiya #FF – in concert with #NTC & #NATO – & designed to coincide with other #Libya uprisings
Almanara Libya
#Libya // Breaking from #Misurata: Clashes between the freedom fighters and the regimes Mercenaries at Dufan area south-western Misurata with all kinds of weaponry and until now there is 7 Martyrs defending their expensive land
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Nafusa: Drone over Nafusa NOW , no strikes !
libyanproud libyanandproud
BREAKING : #Janzour : Very clear and Loud Gun fire heard in Janzour while on Phone
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Via @Niz_FGM: NATO bombed Tripoli’s Mitiga airbase and smoke was seen rising from Bab al Aziziya – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/in-ver…
Cameragimp: Usual gunfire from the main gate guards they help rally the rent a crowd. yfrog.us/nn35hlz” #Feb17 recent video from Rixos
LibyaAlahrar: FFs in Eastern Frontline are fighting on the outskirts of Brega, in a major offensive to clear Brega of Gaddafi’ mercenaries
After NATO’s warning strike (Alghezaia)
NATO did not seem to include in it’s report of June 11th 2011, yesterday that it attacked Muammar’s forces in Alghezaia with a warning strike. The warning with continuous flying above Alghezaia seemed to instil fear, causing some to flee.
It appears that they did not leave too easily as they were attacked as they tried to leave. It is unconfirmed if they were able to escape or were killed.
dovenews Libyan™
#Syria have denied an NTC plane was heading to #UAE from entering its own airspace without giving any reason. Confirmed. #Libya #UAE #Syria
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NAFUSA : #Mlayib and #Sufeet and #Alghanama are NOW in FF control #Feb17 #Libya
septimius_sever septimius severus
Freedom fever is contagious- Libyan Revolution – Colin and Dave with AK47s at #Galaa youtube.com/watch?v=siCKcp… #Nafusa #Libya
Libye: “En démocratie, on doit privilégier une démarche… et non soutenir une rébellion” j.mp/iKVr6P
libyanproud libyanandproud
Proof Mahdi Alarbi is issuing Orders in #Zawiya (11/06/2011) and shooting within G forces !! goo.gl/y4XX5 (en subs)
Libye : libération d’un cameraman égyptien europe1.fr/International/… via @europe1fr
Libye: 7 rebelles tués et 49 blessés dans les montagnes de l’Ouest t.co/kSItDAE via @Romandie
Libye: bombardements gouvernementaux près de Misrata, offensive rebelle à zawia j.mp/mAEElp
afelyun aphelion
Epic FF tank during the battle of Qalaa / Sufit #Libya #Feb17 youtu.be/Xlfl31SJYiA
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA: Rebel forces have surrounded Gaddafi forces near Riyayna & Zawiyat Albagoul in #NafusaMoutains #libya
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA: Heavy presence of Gaddafi forces in Sabha, a city in Libya’s south #libya
Libya ahrar: Abdelhadi Shuhub in Yefren: Gheryan has seen many clashes today. Good news to come from Gheryan today inshallah #feb17#Libya
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA from Rebel sources: 15 casualties from among Rebel forces & 100 casualties from among Gaddafi forces in Zawiya #libya
Libya Ahrar tv: Naser AlMagrahi: Sabha: some FFs are surrounded in Abdel Kafy area with FFs refusing to surrender themselves #feb17#Libya
Almanara Libya
#Libya // 1hour ago: Press solidarity: Sources from Western Mountain have reported that fierce clashes are taking place now between the freedom fighters and Gaddafi forces in #Arrianiyah and #Zawiyat_Baqul areas, and also mentioned that there is around (4) killed and (28) injured from the Freedom fighters side and mentioned there is tens killed on Gaddafi Forces side and we don’t know the final number of their deaths yet.
Almanara Libya
#Libya // 2hours ago: Press solidarity: Breaking: Reports that the Freedom Fighters have progressed towards the 60 gates or what is named as #Khourqeda area, and the area witnessed clashes between Gaddafi Forces and the Freedom fighters, and we have no news yet about the human loss.
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Aljazeera Correspondent: Gaddafi forces are using military boats in attempt to besiege Misrata #libya #feb17
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Map: Libya, updated June 12th 17:00 hrs – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/map-li…
Majdi Hilali, an Egyptian cameraman with #MBC television, was freed in #Libya today.
We are going to build Libya home by home, room by room, alley by alley (bait bait dar dar zanga zanga) t.co/W9S1qtJ #Libya #Feb17
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Empty chairs at the latest pro-government rally that we were taken to in Tripoli #Libya on.fb.me/mgqKcS
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya was the city that never gave up, the city where people fought and attacked G forces every night till help reached them #libya #feb17
BREAKING NEWS:Heavy gunfire in the vicinity of Rixos Hotel, and reports of clashes in the Hadba region now in Tripoli #LIBYA #FEB17
Number of martyrs from today’s. Nafusa offensive has now reached 8. God bless them & their families. #feb17#Libya
15 G force 4×4s failedto enter Misrata from the old road betn Azereg & Zletin parallel to the beach from West suffering heavy losses #feb17
Aljazeera Correspondent: Gaddafi forces are using military boats in attempt to besiege Misrata
Fighting intensifying in #Gharyan, Libya : Co-ordinates of Gadaffi positions Here: goo.gl/maps/Z6ZL and Here: goo.gl/maps/p5jd
Alexblx Alexblx
Major #FF v Gaddafi forces gun battles – taking place on outskirts of Gharyan – the last #Nafusa city B4 #Tripoli – & vital 2 #Zawiya supply
Breaking: UAE recognises NTC as sole legitimate representative of Libya #feb17#Libya
FF was in ain zara detentin center said :dr Ahmad alramah 4m zintan owner of Tarasana pharmacy in gargarish is there plz tell his famliy
Cameragimp Miked
Another famous Musa press conference. #Tripoli #gaddafi #Libya yfrog.com/kjuiqpj
ALJA: Gaddafi Brigades are using boats to attack Misrata seaport.
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Libyan gov spokesperson: ‘We have not declared victory yet in Misrata because of the NATO airstrikes’
G forces again w/ boats & Grads #Misrata. Free Libyan Army moves on #Brega. Pitched battles #Zawiya & #Zliten. FF slowly regaining
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Gaddafi forces are reportedly using boats in an attempt to besiege Misrata -
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces are using military boats in attempt to besiege #Misrata. WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS @NATO? #Libya #feb17
Aljazeera Correspondent: Gaddafi forces are using military boats in attempt to besiege Misrata
NATO engages pro-Qadhafi forces on north-west coast of #Libya – goo.gl/ifmTx
NATO engages pro-Qadhafi forces on north-west coast of Libya
NAPLES – Anti-Qadhafi sentiment is increasing in Libya as a growing number of Libyans demand the right to choose their own future. Along the north-west coast of Libya between Tripoli and the Tunisian border Libyans long tired of Qadhafi rule are challenging his legitimacy openly, and in doing so, are under threat of attack.
NATO is monitoring the situation closely and is taking necessary action to protect civilians. Earlier today east of Tripoli an armoured vehicle with anti-aircraft guns was struck as it moved to threaten civilians, other targets struck in the area included a multiple rocket launcher and an anti-aircraft weapon system.
In Misrata last night, precision-guided weapons were used to strike a technical vehicle, a tank, a multiple rocket launcher and an armoured vehicle.
“These types of equipment have been used to indiscriminately target the civilian population throughout Libya,” said Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard, Commander of Operation Unified Protector. “NATO will maintain the pressure on the Qadhafi regime and continue to take action to protect civilians wherever they are under threat of attack.”
Al Jazeera: United Arab Emirates recognize the Transitional National Council, sole and legitimate representative of the Libyan people#Libya
Libyan gov spokesperson: ‘weapons are everywhere around #Tripoli’ – He is definitely right about this
Almanara Libya
#Libya // Breaking: from a phone call with #Yefrin freedom fighters
Gaddafi forces were defeated from #Arroumiyah area with a joint operation that started today (Sunday) morning sunrise time (fajr) between #Naffousa freedom fighters including all from #Yefrin, #AlQalaa, #Nalut, #Zintan and #Jadu against Gaddafi forces
Libya gov spokesman the safety valve of this country is gadaffi. if he is not in power expect civil war as seen in yugoslavia.
UAE A Reconnue Le NTC comme représentant legitime du peuple libyen #Libya #Feb17
Progress! RT @fieldproducer: Moussa Ibrahim accepts that it was wrong for Libyan State TV presenters to call foreign journalists spies
30 G forces killed in Misrata fronts today with tens injured & much weaponry captured by FFs #feb17#Libya
We are disappointed that the gang of Arab Emir states is recognizing the rebels. The UAE needs to stop hanging out with Qatar
“#Moussa Ibrahim cut the grass at the #Rixos & now he’s smoking it”— @MaurBarakat # GaddafiCrimes #Feb17 #Libya"
tonybirtley tony birtley
more heavy clashes on the east and west frontlines around misurata. rebels cvlaim to have taken 3km of ground nr dafniya.suffered casualties
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Moussa Ibrahim says he doesn’t know if Saif Gaddafi ‘made a particular approach to the rebels’ to find a way out of the conflict
G leaders at MISRATA:
libyanfsl Libya NFSL
Gaddafi’s attacks on Misrata are led by Mohamed Abdallah Senusi & Khalid Khwaildi Hmaidi #Feb17 #Libya
Libya Alahrar TV: Sabha: G forces raiding homes Algarda and Aljadeed areas #feb17#Libya
Adel AlZintani: Ahrar TV :90% of Rayayna liberated with FFs dealing with some remaining snipers #feb17#Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Moussa Ibrahim says there is not the culture in #Libya that accepts or understands freedom of the press, this would need to be there first
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Moussa Ibrahim: ’We all know we need to change and freedom of the press is part of that change
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Libyan gov spokesperson: "any talk of negotiation for the leader to lead are nonsense, do not believe such reports’
Libyan gvt spokes says rebels in Zawiya have “been defeated”. Reports from the ground suggest otherwise.
Zawiya: Heavy clashes in Saban area near Oil refinery & in Soug AlSa3y. 5 martyrs from Welad Sagr by snipers on coastal rd.8 G forces killed
France24 Bernard-Henri Levy blunders on Israeli- #Libya n ‘mission’ : t.co/BOkVDWD ..to put it mildly!!
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
FF really eager 2 rid #Mummar’s men from hostage town/cities Military councils have their own tactics/plans It’s soon though every1 feels it
a friend drove 4m zahra to Tripoli 2day: 50 check points 10of them inducted body searching it was hummiliating & unhuman.
Zawiya: Heavy clashes in Saban area near Oil refinery & in Soug AlSa3y.#feb17#Libya
Zawiya: 5 martyrs from Welad Sagr area by snipers on Coastal rd. 8 G killed forces by home made grenades #feb17#Libya
Video: ALJE’s report from western #Libya frontlines. tinyurl.com/6h3yv3y #Feb17 #Nufusa via #YouTube
NATO destroyed 30 Gaddafi battalions on the western and southern frontlines of #Misrata. #Libya #Feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: Colonel Al-hurrairy visited #Zentan & other areas of the Mountain yesterday.
Libyan Youth Movement
#Nafousa #Gheryan: G forces yday arrested Mr. Isam Abdulsalam Abdelhaadi Belkhair in front ofthe entrance to Awlad Hzam area
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Gheryan: G forces who attempted to removed indep flag from school were ambushed by FFs resulting in 3 injuries amongst G forces
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Gheryan: cont. G forces tried to remove indep. flag in support of #Misrata #Zawia from roof of #Fatima #Alzahra school in #SidiAnttat
Ahrar TV: Abdel Fatah Yunis says zero hour soon at Eastern front. #feb17#Libya
Ahrar TV: Abdel Fatah Yunis says Army hasn’t headed closer towards Brega today but there were clashes near their 40km position
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi hv given #Zlitan until tmrw 2 giveUp or 2 kill thm, destroy their homes & rape their women.G will do that whether thy giveUp or not
UAE recognises Libya rebels, to open Benghazi office | Reuters t.co/PYtUhKc via @reuters
Misrata military:Mis FF saved Zliten family bein used by G forces as human shield,bt daughter&2 FF killed.
Aftermath of attacks in #libya yfrog.com/kezqdej
Abd al Fatah Younis confirms that they still have not attempted to advance to #brega. Hints that they r stopped by #NATO.
FB:9ppl arrested&weapons in their homes(2b used 2liberate Zliten) taken
dovenews Libyan™
#Misrata #FF have freed a family from #Zlitan & destroyed 4 tanks, 2 rocket launchers & arrested 7 of Gaddafi forces
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa: FFs located in 3 areas 1) #AlQala towards towards #AlMlee’eb 2) #Zentan towards #Zawyat #Al-bagul 3) #Zentan towards #AlRayaniya.
Libya state media says Gaddafi has been playing chess with the Chair of World Chess Federation – has pics. Intriguing to say the least
1. URGENT via FB: “Important and very urgent: We hope this is spread to as many people as possible residing in #Benghazi – #Ajdabiya #Libya
2. #Marej and to all the surrounding cities/towns and areas. Many are wounded in the ongoing battles in Ajdabiya and #Brega and many #Libya
3.of those injured are being taken to hospitals in #Benghazi,we ask people to go to the 1200 Sareer to donate blood,type O especially
4. or any negative. Every drop of blood = life. May Allah grant our heroes victory and keep them safe and bless our martyrs.”
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
World Chess Fed. Pres. says Gaddafi told him over a game of chess on Sunday he has no plans to leave – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/DxaAT
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Musa Ibrahim Al-Gaddafi (full name) is related to #Gaddafi and is the son of the ex-education minister that outlawed English in all schools.
Gaddafi’s chess partner is supposedly Kirsan Ilyumzhinov-former Pres of Kalmykia. He says he was once abducted by aliens t.co/RZvoU6D
NATO planes heard over tripoli
K Ilyumzhinov visiti #Libya to explain the term “CHECKMATE” bbc.in/ll7l3v #Libya
Last night in #Cairo we were met @ airport by Libyan NTC rep, Dr. Massaud.
. I am very optimistic abt #Libya’s potential with our new leaders
hitler interviews g www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKhoLW-k_E4&fea...
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
The name of the guy that banned English in the 80s is “Ahmed Ibrahim”.. known by every1 as “Ahmed Elbheem” (Ahmed the donkey)
dovenews Libyan™
The Libyan families situation in the refugee camps is extremely DIRE. #Tunisia #Libya @NTC_of_Libya @icrc_arabic @Refugees @IslamicReliefUK
strange because the world chess fed has The 1st International Chess Tournament of Forni di Sopra will take place from June 12th to 18th in Forni di Sopra, part of the Friulian Dolomites Natural Park and one of the jewels of the Italian Alps.
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
7 dead near #Dafniya, including one women who died when a GRAD hit her home. #Misrata
dovenews Libyan™
G forces on contnues prty; alcohol & pills 2 keep thm awake for 72hrs, Viagra & condoms. 1thing thy dont know tht death is included
World News Australian. Report from #Misurata #Dafniya تقرير من مصراته لاخبار العالم الاسترالية: youtu.be/RMhx7J8to34 #Libya#Feb17
Violence, deaths continue in Libya
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zintan 12 June update youtube.com/watch?v=ONDyLi… #Libya
Madman #Gaddafi playing Chess in his bunker. It’s not fake, it’s true- #Libya t.co/nnWIbWE via @youtube
UprisingLive MiddleEast Live News
The Uprising Live News Daily is out! bit.ly/gOtsZY
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Yefren 06/12/11: G forces defeated in #AlRumiya in operation started by FFs from #Yefren #AlQala #Zentan #Jadu #Nalut this morning
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Mzda: The statement by the military group to the village of #Gkantarda in #Mzda goo.gl/HKlPU #libya #feb17 #gaddaficirmes
Almanara Libya
#Libya 1 hour ago // A source reported to Almanara that #Misurata freedom fighters are the once who started today with attacking #Gaddafi forces from two points, the west (AlDafiniyah) and the south (Abdul Ra’ouf). A #Zliten Family was rescued and destroyed 4 tanks and captured 7 of Gaddafi forces troops and two launchers were destroyed. The freedom fighters situated 1 and a half km from where they were situated before.
Prove that #AbdulBari Atwan is a mercenary for #Gaddafi t.co/DlRhInc LOL Alqaida in #Libya BS but we know $4000 worth it for u!
FromJoanne Joanne
#MISRATA and LIFE GOES ON Watch kids go back to school goo.gl/?authed=1 #Libya G shelling did not prevent volunteers opening the school
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Revolutionaries still fighting near capital – in Zawiya | Libya TV english.libya.tv/2011/06/12/rev… via @LibyaTV
tonybirtley tony birtley
dafniya-firece fighting Sun, rebels say they advanced 4km, suffred six dead and a number wounded. Heading for Zliten. things are moving.
rebels say gaddafi forces in zliten holding all women and children in a school. ordered men with rebels to give up or face consequences.
FromJoanne Joanne
#Misrata last night @NATO used precision-guided weapon 2strike technical vehicle A tank A multipleRocketLauncher + armoured vehicle #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Tripoli Caller: The Institute of Sport in #Alsreem Street is full of weapons. #Tripoli #Feb17 #Libya @NATO
Almanara Libya
#Libya 1 hour ago // A source from the freedom fighters that are at the outskirts of #Brega city reported to Almanara about the Martyrdom of 5 freedom fighters and 50 injured. the source mentioned that 3 of the martyrs are from Zawiyah Martyrs brigade including the leader Fat-hi AlAmi and one Martyr from Omar AlMokhtar Brigade and on martyr from Ali Jabir Brigade. The source said that the battle was taking place for around 12 hours and that NATO requested the freedom Fighters to go back to the 40 area.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi’s thugs want to sabotage relief efforts by Libyans in Tunisia, get info about revolutionaries & kidnap them to Gaddafi area.
FromJoanne Joanne
More #GaddafiCrimes #Nato got concerns about recently Dug Trench filled with black fluid Unusual activity noted youtube.com/watch?v=Z6_I-A… #Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Items stolen and looted from homes by Gaddafi forces. Found by freedom fighters after G forces were defeated youtube.com/watch?v=FL5qGX… #libya
#Libya #Zawiyah rebels now control main hospital, Mutred+Harsha districts+Gadaffi forces now encircled in Matyrs Sq taking fire from 3 sides
Gaddafi Spox claims: Gaddafi forces beat back resistance n Zawiyah telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews…
Alqirdavi criminal gangs, how they treat Isra from different Arab nationalities, Mount Nefoussa ة t.co/hVv2Qb2 via @youtube
Statement No. 1 of the Military Council of the tribe Alguentarar City Mzdp t.co/uyjpV5Q via @youtube
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
and another BOOM boom
Gaddafi makes me want to give up chess…and that is a sad, sad day….
FromJoanne Joanne
@fieldproducer currently in #Tripoli Rixos Hotel Photos goo.gl/zRXlz #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
AlBahlool AlMaamari has killd & robbd from Misrata, is currntly injurd & getting treatd in his house wth mercenaries in AlSareem St #Tripoli
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Yefren 06/12/11: FFs found stores of money & gold in bags in the possession of G forces which were stolen from homes of civilians
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
BOOM usually means Grad. It’s usually there to prove that #Mummar’s forces still exist, unless it falls near you then its a different story
septimius_sever septimius severus
1 of our 16 sunsets #FromSpace yesterday That beautiful view never gets old #NASA #ISS twitpic.com/5am7z3 WOOOOOOOOW
MaryGreenCastle Mary :)
Check this video out — بيان بنات و حراير مدينة صبراتة.mp4 youtube.com/watch?v=sgwTo9… via @youtube
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Mary :)
Nafusa Mountains News
Sunday 12 June, 19:47 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: The struggle of the medical group at Yefren hospital
Sunday 12 June, 19:38 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Revolutionaries found a lot of money and gold in bags belonging to Gadaffi forces which were stolen from the homes of civilians in Yefren.
Sunday 12 June, 19:37 h
Nafusa Mountains: Jadu: The name of one of those injured from the city of Jadu (Ahmed Yekhlef Nuh)
Sunday 12 June, 19:36 h
Nafusa Mountains: Kabadaw: One of the revolutionaries in Kaabaw was killed, his name is Osama Yusuf Saeed Gasim.
Sunday 12 June, 19:36 h
Nafusa Mountains: Revolutionaries of Jadu help their fellow revolutionaries in stopping the Gadaffi forces from entering Zentan, Yefren and Al-Gal’a
Sunday 12 June, 19:34 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Gadaffi forces attack the Bi’r Ayyad checkpoint from the east.
Sunday 12 June, 19:33 h
Nafusa Mountains:Al-Gal’a: 4 revolutionaries killes in the Thahrat Al-Ayeb area near to the city of Al-Gal’a. Many of the Gadaffi forces were killed. With regards to losses on the side of the revolutionaries, those killed included onfrom the city of Kabaw, one from Zentan and two from the city of Al-Gal’a
Sunday 12 June, 19:28 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Gal’a: Revolutionaries from various areas of the Mountain (Kabaw, Jadu, Al-rujban, Yefren, Al-gal’a and Kekkla etc.) together with the national army defeated forces loyal to Gadaffi forcing them out of their position in Al-Gal’a and Mla’eed to the east of Al-gawales. The injured include one from Kabaw, one from Zentan, one from Al-Gal’a and another 2 from Kekklah and Al-rujban. Awaiting details regarding the aforementioned points.
Sunday 12 June, 19:23 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul: Revolutionaries have advanced to Zawyat Albagul and forced out Gadaffi’s mercenaries. They are now checking the area. Revolutionaries also advanced from Zentan to the west of Al-rayaaniya before moving to the east of the city where Gadaffi forces spreadbetween homes, and snipers on rooftops. Revolutionaries were able to kill a large number of mercenaries and take some of their machinery and ammunition. They also took hostage 11 mercenaries amongst who was a high ranked colonel. Revolutionaries are tightening their hold on mercenaries that they have surrounded.
Sunday 12 June, 19:20 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zenan;: The number of those killed from the revolutionaries in Zentan have increased to 6 and approximately 30 injured.
Sunday 12 June, 19:18 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: The martyrs of Zentan Ali Al-ustaa and Isam Ahsaa were buried this afternoon. The martyrs Tareq Dho and another martyr who has not been identified will be buried tomorrow.
Sunday 12 June, 19:15 h
Nafusa Mountains:Zentan: The national army were able to destroy a number of machinery belonging to Gadaffi forces and take 2 rocket launchers along with their ammunition aswell as a new ambulance full of mercenaries which they kidnapped. The national army in Zentan continues to defeat Gadaffi forces in Zawyat Albagul using tanks and rocket launchers.
Sunday 12 June, 19:13 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: 28 injured until now from the revolutionaries inZentan.
Sunday 12 June, 19:06 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: The names of those killed in Zentan until now:
Ali Usta, 2) Issam Ahsa, 3) Tareq Dho, 4) un-identified( body dismantled)
Sunday 12 June, 19:04 h
Nafusa Mountains: Gadaffi forces beat the kidnapped civilians because of the Nafusa Mountains
Sunday 12 June, 19:03 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul: revolutionaries continue to advance forward and checking the whole area that has been freed in Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul. Revolutionaries took a number of machineries and ammunition from Gadaffi forces and take more than 10 of them hostage. Gadaffi forces retreat towards the south towards Al-shaqiqa via the desert road.
Sunday 12 June, 18:53 h
Nafusa Mountains: How Gadaffi forces treat those kidnapped from Arab countries.
Sunday 12 June, 18:24 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Gadaffi forces were defeated in the area of Al-Rumiya in a joint operation which started early this morning between revolutionaries of Nafusa Mountains from Yefren, Al-Gal’a , Zentan, Jadu and Nalut.
Sunday 12 June, 18:24 h
Nafusa Mountains: Mzda: The statement by the military group to the village of Gkantarda in Muzda
HOHOHO, A Chinese like #Gaddafi youtube.com/watch?v=8BgqhU…
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
World News Australian. Report from #Misurata — goo.gl/Sk9NP // #Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Fact: Gaddafi lost every single war he took part in. He also stayed in the barracks when his friends led his 1969 “revolution”
dovenews Libyan™
Awthman Barakah is one of #Gaddafi’s salves. #Tripoli
Awthman Barakah goes 2 schools & tels female teachrs “The beautful once wil c wht wil happn 2 thm if thy talk 2 any1 abut stuation in Libya”
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Imagine #Muammar and his men watching this stream or any other that shows, Libyans and people from everywhere are coming….!! #Libya #feb17
UAE and #Libya in talks for Dh11bn joint fund bit.ly/hxXx8G and another one
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
It’s natural for Kirsan Ilyumzhinov who was abducted by Aliens not to be afraid of earthlings ( NATO plains ) goo.gl/ISKTU
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Kabaw 06/12/11 19:36h: One Freedom Fighter from #Kabaw was killed today named #Osama #Yusuf #Saeed #Gasim RIP
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa 06/12/11: FFs from #Jadu aid FFs in #Zentan #Yefren #AlQala to help stop G forces from entering these cities.
septimius_sever septimius severus
#Gaddafi’s forces come under fire from the west gu.com/p/2qdh8/tw via @guardian #Libya #Feb17 #Zawya #Nafusa
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
One of #Zintan city Martyrs today, Khalifa Mohammed AlMaaloul AlMalwi-The Martyr interviewed by AJA youtube.com/watch?v=2abhdQ… v @nalut17feb #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tunisia says that #Gaddafi thugs are present in the city asking about Libyan #Freedomfighters. @Libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #AlQala: 4 FFs from #Kabaw #Zentan #AlQala killed today in #Thahrat Al-Ayeb area near #AlQala . Many of G forces also killed.
#Gaddafi soldiers torturing civilians before a promised execution – heart-wrenching stuff bit.ly/mtGwJI #libya #feb17
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
by librev2011
Tripoli: Source: "NATO is bombing in the east of Tripoli now, most probably at the base of Mitiga
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Gaddafi is using the same Misrata tactics with #Zawiya as we speak. Arbitrary statements about city being “under control” & GRAD shelling
FromJoanne Joanne
Kamal FF spokesman said that western Mutred and Harsha districts of #ZAWIYAH are under rebel control #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Gaddafi Forces detain prisoners because they are from #Naffousa Mountains — youtube.com/watch?v=VEfJuz… via @17022011libya // #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
NTC new office in UAE is ready & will be open soon. #NTC #Libya #UAE
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: By the end of the day number of FFs killed in #Zentan reached total of 6, with 30 injured
Pray for Zliten. Gaddafi forces are threatening to kill & rape the entire city if they dont surrender..truth is they will do it either way.
FromJoanne Joanne
Over the past 3 days, we set fire under the feet of Gadhafi forces everywhere," said Col. Hamid al-Hasi, a rebel battalion commander #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
Reporters were taken to #Zawiya today saw secure streets and the green national flag flying over a central square goo.gl/DN8Bf #Libya
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: FFs killed by G forces; Martyrs of #Zentan #Ali #Al-ustaa & #Isam #Ahsaa were buried this afternoon. RIP
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: FFs of national army also captured ambulance full of mercenaries. #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
Mohammed Gaddafi is the eldest of all and the only son from his first wife t.co/LWtpSFW (in black shirt at end)
FromJoanne Joanne
#Arriyaniah battle Injured FF arriving at Jadu Hospital today June12 goo.gl/qHFf6 #Libya
Almanara Libya
#Libya 1hour ago // Press Solidarity: Gaddafi forces continue to commit more crimes against humanity in the city #Zliten.
A reliable source from Zliten reported that Gaddafi forces are currently surrounding Asdouw Ashaabi area in Zliten and threaten the residents through load speakers to storm into the are and to rape the women and kill the men if they do not hand the youth of the area to the brigades
Gaddafi forces have attacked Bir Ayat checkpoint from the east, attempting to regain this strategic gate into #Yefren.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: 28 FFs have been injured up to date in #Zentan #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
Video: The President of International Chess Society playing against #Gaddafi today t.co/LWtpSFW #libya #feb17
@Telegraph Dear Telegraph – I love your stories and all, but that’s your headline? how about, “delusional spokesman spouts crap”?
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa: #Gadaffi forces beat kidnapped civilians because they are from the #Nafousa Mountains goo.gl/AjZRc #libya #feb17
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli: LPC with friend, says “shooting in the skies and on the ground” “الضرب من فوق و من لوطا” every single day. Non-stop clashes. #libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Libya: Gaddafi regime weakening, says William Hague bit.ly/mL2pAR
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa #Al-rayaniya #Zawyat Albagul: FFs checking area where they defeated G forces today. Able to capture machineries & ammo cont
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Big battles in Zawiya between FF and Gaddafi forces. Snipers on top of buildings slowly being dealt with as well. #libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: Names of those killed up to date: 1) #AliUsta 2) #IssamAhsa, 3) #TareqDho 4) un-identified (body dismantled) RIP
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Important video: Posted 17th May of a NATO strike on a building in Tripoli. House next door totally untouched. youtube.com/watch?v=gn-mNg… #libya
Latest #Gaddaficrimes are #crimesagainstnature in #Brega burning oil production left overs hoping smoke blocks NATO fighters view
Update and Comment on the Battle of Misrata for June 11th t.co/b33OhZ7
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Rebels battle Gaddafi forces in western Libya bit.ly/iSFmD3
Have you seen this before? Lionel Richie in #Libya .ليُنال رتشي في باب العزيزية . youtube.com/watch?v=ziOq43… via @youtube
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi hv given #Zlitan until tmrw 2 giveUp or 2 kill thm, destroy their homes & rape their women.G will do that whether thy giveUp or not
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: Dafniyah: Gaddafi forces suffered heavy defeats but unfortunately the family of “Baqqal” lost their 16 year old daughter #libya
Misrata: Dafniyah: The family was finally rescued but Gaddafi soldiers decapitated a 16 year girl from the family in front of parents
RT: #Gaddafi is using children as human shields to protect his TV — اطفال ليبيا يحمون محطة التلفزيون youtube.com/watch?v=fFNCRt…
sarasidnerCNN Sara Sidner
Libyan opposition confiscates document which reveals Gadhafi’s military plan to “cleanse” Misrata. CNN combing through a copy.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Sorman: Heavy shooting and battles between FF & G forces took place and a big arrest campaign is under way by Gaddafi forces #libya #feb17
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Benghazi Millions March 11/06/2011 — youtube.com/watch?v=7qhUvj… via @youtube // #Libya
Nafusa @live2Tripoli RT @m_madi Looking for contacts/sources from western #Libya for BBC, particularly #zawiya, #zliten #journorequest
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
Shalgam has officially written that Abdelbari Atwan has NEVER benefitted from the #Libyan government, and they are classmates btw.
MaryGreenCastle Mary :)
Surgeon injured in a hospital evacuation on Sunday 06/12/2011 youtube.com/watch?v=88waaY… via @youtube
#Rebels launch attack on strategic town of #Zawiya as Russian envoy says ‘clock is ticking’ for #Gaddafi bit.ly/mlqgLJ #Libya#feb17
MaryGreenCastle Mary :)
To meet with rebel military spokesman Misurata youtube.com/watch?v=Sx34mU… via @youtube
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Oyster card in hand, student from London fights for the rebels in Libya — thisislondon.co.uk/standard/artic… via London Evening Standard // #Libya
MaryGreenCastle Mary :)
Mu’tasim Muammar Gaddafi incites his fighters to kill the Libyan youtube.com/watch?v=T79JKs… via @youtube
confirmé : 2 officiers des forces loyales à Kadhafi se sont rendus aux autorités Tunisienne
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Sabrata City Women and girls Statement — youtube.com/watch?v=sgwTo9… via @youtube // #Libya
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
Audioboo: LPC #Tripoli Part 1: How does #Tripoli feel latest airstrikes. And: understanding Tripoli protests. #Libya boo.fm/b383882
The FF of #Nafusa completely surrounded them in Rayayna & Zawiyat al Baqoul..but due to Gaddafi’s heavy artillery they suffered heavy losses
Yarab insur ahlna fe Nalut wa fe Zintan, fe Jadu wa yefrin wa Qalaa, yarab faraj ala Ahlna fe Zawiyah Sabrat-ha Ghadamis wa Trablis..
Zintan Update: Today Gaddafi forces have been bombing from 6am till sunset non-stop from the area of Rayayna #Feb17 #Libya
Follow latest news on the media circle of #Feb17 Revolution page on Facebook on.fb.me/m6dIik #Libya #17feb #yemen #syria #tunisia
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces attempting to enter #BirAyad now. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
One of the Freedom Fighters treated in #Italy and nearly ready to go back to #Benghazi — youtube.com/watch?v=FkLTFq… via @youtube // #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Sabrata girl call out — goo.gl/Yvoc8 // #Libya
Alzentan rebels, Ifrane and َAl Qalaa avert an attack by Gaddafi forces #libya #17feb
Bent_ Yes we can
Heavy gun fire in #Sabha now in Al-mahdiyah district.
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Tripoli Part 1: How does #Tripoli feel about latest airstrikes. And: understanding Tripoli protests. #Libya boo.fm/b383882
A lot was captured and gained today amid the loss…Big things happening tomorrow and finally on to Geryan very soon iA…#Libya #Feb17
Though this sacrifice is big, InshAllah shoohda, tomorrow is going to be the first day since #Feb17 when Gaddafi can no longer bomb Zintan
The latest numbers from the hospital now is 9 martyrs and 40 injured..#Zintan #libya #Feb17
Major diplomatic boost for Gaddafi then? “World Chess Federation represents 128 world countries” – #Libya state TV
English: Eastern Region, Sunday 12 June
June 12, 2011
Sunday 12 June 19:07
Eastern region: Ajdabiya (Al-Tadamun): Freedom Fighters retreat to the Forty zone after heavy battles in the Sixty zone that led to casualties on both fronts. NATO air forces strikes Gaddafi forces location in Brega.
Sunday 12 June 18:03
Eastern region: Tubrug (Al-Manara): Clashes today at 9 a.m. at Al-Sireer Oil Plant southern Tubrug. Two Freedom Fighters martyred and four were wounded, one of whom was from Tubrug. One martyr was AbdelFatah Al-Ghiryani, the other was from Altabou fighters defending the plantation. One of Gaddafi’s men was killed. Another two were wounded and captured respectively.
Sunday 12 June 18:00
Eastern region: Ajdabiya (Al-Tadamun): News of Freedom Fighters proceeding towards Sixty border or what is known by Khourgeda area where heavy fighting took place with Gaddafi forces. N
English: Middle Region, Sunday 12 June
June 12, 2011
By Hana
Sunday 12 June 18:57
Middle region: Misurata: 6 martyrs in the battle west of Dafniya today.
Sunday 12 June 18:50
Middle region: Sabha (Libya Al-Youm): Heavy gunfire between Freedom Fighters and Gaddafi forces with tanks centered in Sabha’s main streets.
Sunday 12 June 18:47
Middle region: Misurata (Libya Ahrar): Clashes between Freedom Fighters and Gaddafi mercenaries in Dofan south west of Misurata with all kinds of weaponry, and till now, 7 Freedom Fighters martyred.
Sunday 12 June 18:40
Middle region: Misurata (Libya Ahrar): In a failed attempt to attack Misurata from the west, 15 regime SUVs proceeded through the old road between Zreg and Zliten alongside the shore to encircle the fighters, but the latter were awaiting them to fight back and managed to destroy a large number of those forces.
Sunday 12 June 18:36
Middle region: Zliten (Wefaq Libya): Freedom Fighters are in control of a group of tanks that belong to Gaddafi in the area of Naema and are taken to a safer place.
Sunday 12 June 18:30
Middle region: Zliten (Wefaq Libya): Heavy fighting in Zliten and Freedom Fighters in Misurata are progressing and gaining great success. They are proceeding towards the center of Zliten, making sure they have their previous points secured.
Sunday 12 June 18:30
Middle region: Misurata: Freedom Fighters are gaining momentum in proceeding towards Zliten where heavy fighting lies in Naema.
Sunday 12 June 18:02
Middle region: Hun (Al-Manara inbox): Regime HQ was set on fire at The High Institute of Engineering in Hun (Formerly The High Institute of Mechanics and Electricity) A place which was surrounded by Gaddafi forces with high security. A house used by Hamed AbuSuba Al-Gaddafi, commander of military police in the middle region, was set aflame. The said buildings have no barriers that would separate them from the general command unit of the army on the whole level of Libya.
Sunday 12 June 18:00
Middle region: Sabha (Al-Tadamun): A heavy spread of Gaddafi forces at the city entrance which led to local discomfort.
Sunday 12 June 18:00
Middle region: Brega (Al-Manara): Freedom Fighters are attacking the Industrial Area in Brega after securing control over the University of Najm Satte’.
Sunday 12 June 17:59
Middle region: Misurata (Al-Manara): Clashes began from the eastern and western zones of Misurata, with Gaddafi mercenaries firing Grad and Thermal rockets as well as short range mortars. Freedom Fighters remain relentless nevertheless.
Sunday 12 June 08:06
Middle region: Zliten (Al-Manara inbox): Families are still migrating towards the suburbs and Tripoli from the center of Zliten, Zadou and Al-Baza. Shelling of houses was random. Those responsible for threatening revolutionary families with rape unless they surrender are: Yusuf AbuHajar, Omar Kabeer, Muftah Kaeba. But fighters are standing their ground, conducting operations in Al-Thulatha market and the Center of Zliten.
Sunday 12 June 08:05
Middle region: Sabha (Al-Manara): Those detained on Tuesday and Wednesday were released this morning, among those was the activist responsible whose detention enraged many Tuesday evening. Activist, BuMansour/ Mansouri was arrested on Tuesday after holding a sign that read: “No to raping females” in front of the Public Administration building of Sabha University. Hours after his arrest, a huge demonstration took to the streets calling for the fall of the regime in Sabha.
Sunday 12 June 08:05
Middle region: Sabha (Al-Manara): This evening, troops stationed over Al-Shararah Institute, Al-Fateh Barrack, Al-Ummah Bank, Al-Tijari Bank, House of Culture, Al-Qal’a Hotel, Research Center, College of Science, the Hospital and some schools. Gun fire was intermittent in Al-Gurdha neighborhood. The independence anthem was constantly played through loud speakers, presumably from the roof of a house. The sounds reached Al-Manshiya Clinic where Gaddafi forces are. Independence flag flailed from a roof top in AbdelKafi neighborhood which can be seen from a check point at AbdelKafi
English: Nafusa Mountains. Sunday 12 June
June 12, 2011
By Tarek
Sunday 12 June, 19:47 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: The struggle of the medical group at Yefren hospital
Sunday 12 June, 19:38 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Revolutionaries found a lot of money and gold in bags belonging to Gadaffi forces which were stolen from the homes of civilians in Yefren.
Sunday 12 June, 19:37 h
Nafusa Mountains: Jadu: The name of one of those injured from the city of Jadu (Ahmed Yekhlef Nuh)
Sunday 12 June, 19:36 h
Nafusa Mountains: Kabadaw: One of the revolutionaries in Kaabaw was killed, his name is Osama Yusuf Saeed Gasim.
Sunday 12 June, 19:36 h
Nafusa Mountains: Revolutionaries of Jadu help their fellow revolutionaries in stopping the Gadaffi forces from entering Zentan, Yefren and Al-Gal’a
Sunday 12 June, 19:34 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Gadaffi forces attack the Bi’r Ayyad checkpoint from the east.
Sunday 12 June, 19:33 h
Nafusa Mountains:Al-Gal’a: 4 revolutionaries killes in the Thahrat Al-Ayeb area near to the city of Al-Gal’a. Many of the Gadaffi forces were killed. With regards to losses on the side of the revolutionaries, those killed included onfrom the city of Kabaw, one from Zentan and two from the city of Al-Gal’a
Sunday 12 June, 19:28 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Gal’a: Revolutionaries from various areas of the Mountain (Kabaw, Jadu, Al-rujban, Yefren, Al-gal’a and Kekkla etc.) together with the national army defeated forces loyal to Gadaffi forcing them out of their position in Al-Gal’a and Mla’eed to the east of Al-gawales. The injured include one from Kabaw, one from Zentan, one from Al-Gal’a and another 2 from Kekklah and Al-rujban. Awaiting details regarding the aforementioned points.
Sunday 12 June, 19:23 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul: Revolutionaries have advanced to Zawyat Albagul and forced out Gadaffi’s mercenaries. They are now checking the area. Revolutionaries also advanced from Zentan to the west of Al-rayaaniya before moving to the east of the city where Gadaffi forces spreadbetween homes, and snipers on rooftops. Revolutionaries were able to kill a large number of mercenaries and take some of their machinery and ammunition. They also took hostage 11 mercenaries amongst who was a high ranked colonel. Revolutionaries are tightening their hold on mercenaries that they have surrounded.
Sunday 12 June, 19:20 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zenan;: The number of those killed from the revolutionaries in Zentan have increased to 6 and approximately 30 injured.
Sunday 12 June, 19:18 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: The martyrs of Zentan Ali Al-ustaa and Isam Ahsaa were buried this afternoon. The martyrs Tareq Dho and another martyr who has not been identified will be buried tomorrow.
Sunday 12 June, 19:15 h
Nafusa Mountains:Zentan: The national army were able to destroy a number of machinery belonging to Gadaffi forces and take 2 rocket launchers along with their ammunition aswell as a new ambulance full of mercenaries which they kidnapped. The national army in Zentan continues to defeat Gadaffi forces in Zawyat Albagul using tanks and rocket launchers.
Sunday 12 June, 19:13 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: 28 injured until now from the revolutionaries inZentan.
Sunday 12 June, 19:06 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: The names of those killed in Zentan until now:
1. Ali Usta, 2) Issam Ahsa, 3) Tareq Dho, 4) un-identified( body dismantled)
Sunday 12 June, 19:04 h
Nafusa Mountains: Gadaffi forces beat the kidnapped civilians because of the Nafusa Mountains
Sunday 12 June, 19:03 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul: revolutionaries continue to advance forward and checking the whole area that has been freed in Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul. Revolutionaries took a number of machineries and ammunition from Gadaffi forces and take more than 10 of them hostage. Gadaffi forces retreat towards the south towards Al-shaqiqa via the desert road.
Sunday 12 June, 18:53 h
Nafusa Mountains: How Gadaffi forces treat those kidnapped from Arab countries.
Sunday 12 June, 18:24 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Gadaffi forces were defeated in the area of Al-Rumiya in a joint operation which started early this morning between revolutionaries of Nafusa Mountains from Yefren, Al-Gal’a , Zentan, Jadu and Nalut.
Sunday 12 June, 18:24 h
Nafusa Mountains: Mzda: The statement by the military group to the village of Gkantarda in Muzda
Sunday 12 June, 12:22 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Rayaaniya: Revolutionaries from the new national army were able to defeat Gadaffi forces loyal to Gadaffi at Al-Rayaaniya. The area is now being thoroughly checked.
Sunday 12 June, 11:35 h
Nafusa Mountains: : Revolutionaries from the new national army were able to defeat Gadaffi forces loyal to Gadaffi at Al-rayaania and Zawyat- Albagul.
Sunday 12 June, 10:30 h
Nafusa Mountains: The new national army together with the revolutionaries from various parts of the Mountains, Nalut, Kabaw, Jadu, Al-Rujban, Zentan, Al-rayaaniya,Yefreen , Al-Gal’a and Kekklah at 3 positions:1) Al-Gal’a towards Al-Mlee’eb ,2) Zentan towards Zawyat Al-bagul3) Zentan towards Al-Rayaniya. Clashes now being fought between the two sides using heavy artillery, tanks and Grad rockets. Smoke can be seen rising. Revolutionaries are advancing whilst Gadaffi forces are defeated, particularly at Zawyat Al-bagul.
Sunday 12 June, 02:19 h
Nafusa Mountains: Gheryan: Gadaffi forces yesterday arrested Mr. Isam Abdulsalam Abdelhaadi Belkhair in front ofthe entrance to Awlad Hzam area, Gheryan. Gadaffi forces places large rocks at the entrance of Awlad Hzam in the city of Ghayran which stops anyone from entering the area. This came after the revolutionaries of Awlad Hzam raised the independence flag and wrote anti-Gadaffi comments on the walls.
Sunday 12 June, 01:53 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: Colonel Al-hurrairy visited Zentan and the other areas of the Mountain yesterday.
Sunday 11 June, 28:28 h
Nafusa Mountains: Gheryan: Revolutionaries ambushed two vehicles belonging to Al-suhban battalion during an attempt by them to take down the independence flag and comments opposing the regime, in support of Misurata and Zawiya from the roof of a school named Fatima Alzahra in the area of Sidi Anttat. This resulted in 3 injuries amongst the Pro-Gadaffi forces.
Saturday 11 June, 22:46 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Gal’a: Gadaffi forces are still positioned in the area of Al-Mi’leeb at the end of Al-Gal’a, the area of Hinsheer, Awlad Musa, the diversion of Majen Igroosh and are keeping their defeated allies there whilst shelling using heavy artillery in the direction of the Saffet area.
Saturday 11 June, 22:21 h
Nafusa Mountains: Kekklah: The shelling by Gadafi forces caused the destruction of the only ambulance in Kekklah.
septimius_sever septimius severus
Gaddafi is SO afraid that despite the fact that he has every media network on his door step, still wont make a live appearance!
MyFreeLibya Rubicon Moad
Though, @NATO was only heard for a short while in the mid day, but simply observed and did nothing…time to bomb them G forces in one place
dovenews Libyan™
here is #Libya latest map. Updated 12-06-2011 @ 17:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/5alx37/full @Libyamap #libya #libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
BREAKING VIDEO: Injured and dead fighters from the Brega frontlines are brought back to Benghazi bit.ly/lSKLAy
Following the recent firefights in #Sebha, Revolutionaries have captured 3 Vehicles with mounted AA guns & 10 AK47s #Libya #Sabha
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
BREAKING: New Tripoli update by @NIZ_FGM on @feb17voices – Part 1: How does #Tripoli feel about latest airstrikes boo.fm/b383882
On rapporte que de fortes explosions secouent la ville de #Nalut !
Les combats s’intensifient en Libye: En Libye, le porte-parole du régime indique que le colonel Kadhafi ne quittera… dlvr.it/W4JHt
Nalut Celebrations tonight continue despite shelling tonight youtube.com/watch?v=9PPg1m… #libya #feb17
septimius_sever septimius severus
Libyan rebels say still fighting near capital tinyurl.com/6bd9oeh
wheelertweets James Wheeler
A #Libyan freedom fighter from Garyan cut my hair tonight. He’s been living & working in Europe, but came back to help. Priceless experience
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Reports of #NATO jets being heard over head now. #Libya #feb17
FF fighting in #Brega found that G soldiers have filled trenches with oil and set it on fire to create a smokescreen against #NATO #Libya
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
FFs battle Gaddafi forces in western #Libya bit.ly/iSFmD3 v/ @AJEnglish
Cynthia Mckinney “responds” to my article calling her out; doesn’t address any of my arguments, more Gaddafi propaganda: on.fb.me/maG7lH
Breaking News: Brave revolutionists in Sabha could get 3 cars ad 10 clashenkofs along with bullets.
Breaking News: Heavy gun fire in #Sabha now in Al-mahdiyah district and the independence flag was raised on #Sabha International Airport
Breaking News revolutionists are now entirely controlling Hajarah district..
verified Source Freedom Fighter @Niz_FGM reports from inside #Tripoli t.co/PSYuxTK (audio) #Libya
The Atmosphere in the Nalut after the bombing of G forces: Thats What we call. true Libyans :
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: #Ghadafi troops are trying to break into Gatroun again.
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Urgent:Please pass it over…Benghazi, Ajdabia, Elmarj and all other areas..alot of wounded people from fighting between Ajdabia and Albrega
Urgent:Please pass it overthe wounded ppl have arrived to #Benghazi hospitals…1200 bed .They are in a bad need to blood..#libya #17feb
Breaking News:Heavy gun fire in #Sabha…#libya #17feb
Just an hour ago…heavy clashed between #Gaddafi forces nd freedom fighters in #Surman..
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi troops are trying to retake #Gatroun now. #Libya #17feb @NATO
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Danish F-16s running out of bombs over Libya bit.ly/jnoLwR
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Trapping region #Janzour and prevent access to and exit from,,nd still know one knows why.?#libya #17feb
tonybirtley tony birtley
2am and the rockets are silent. it seems opposition are moving forward on all fronts, the mountains, zawayieh, Dafniya, Brega.major assault?
Zawiyah’s heart a ghost town after Freedom fighters advance : Reuters: t.co/YPajsid via @addthis #Libya #feb17
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
#Zawyia city today:liberated large parts of the city and mercenaries are trapped in the city…#
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: #NATO planes flying over #Ajdabiya and #Brega Now…#libya #17feb
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#NATO planes flying over #Ajdabiya and #Brega now #Libya #17feb
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
More from #US terrorist and traitor @cynthiamckinney, close personal friend to war criminals everywhere goo.gl/ZmTGG #Libya #feb17
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
On the eastern front, it looks like #Tobruk is progressing nicely. facebook.com/pages/Tobruk-F… #TobrukFriendsAssoc Pls support them. #Libya #Feb17
Libyan #Freedom Fighters say still fighting near capital | Reuters t.co/tcvqdQ8 via @reuters
Feb17 Gaddafi forces have attacked Bir Ayat checkpoint from the east, attempting to regain this strategic gate into Yefren.
Heavy gunfire in central Zawiya – main problem residents are facing are the snipers
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News:Certain:shortly before..killing 8 soldiers from #Gaddafi mercenary in #Zawyia City by Hand-made explosive bomb..#libya #17feb
Baird defends Libya mission as House debate nears t.co/u2bJhVK via @CTVNews
@NATO Fr NATO to help ppl in Zawiyah it is oprtion cntr fr G frcs in Zawiyah 32 45’ 19.88"N 12 44’ 56.98"E it gas stn cnvrtd to headquarter
4Adam Adam
A #Libya n man runs with the revolution flag during their graduation ceremony of young soldiers. #Benghazi (AFP) twitpic.com/5asptx
BREAKING: massive fights between Free Libyans&troops loyal to Sebha’s governor who is loyal to Gaddafi in the city center near Qala’a hotel
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the govt to restrain the people, it’s an instrument for the ppl to restrain the govt.” – P. Henry
“You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.”
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Nalut Celebrations tonight continue despite shelling tonight youtube.com/watch?v=9PPg1m… #libya #feb17
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Oyster card in hand, student from London fights for the rebels in Libya — thisislondon.co.uk/standard/artic… via London Evening Standard // #Libya
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Rebels battle Gaddafi forces in western Libya bit.ly/iSFmD3
Children work with weapons to aid Libya’s rebels
comments to this art:
Altogether now, everybody… “We are the world. We are the children. We’ve got a choice to make. we’re saving out own lives…”.
Third world kids clean and refurbish weapons for a war. We can not get ours to even pass math tests.
We are so screwed.
Gadhafi is really Santa Claus and this year he’s just delivering his rockets and mortar shells to the children of Misrata a little early this year. They still comes down their chimney’s before exploding and killing them. Ho, ho, ho little kiddies!
And there are those who simply don’t have a clue:
Those Rebels are in fact foreign mercenaries paid and organized by France, UK and US. They have the most up to date weapons but they are simply interested in money and have no will to fight.
This teen is doing what many teens in the west wish they could do – have access to something more than just BB guns.
Fierce clashes in Zawia between FFs & Gaddafi troops. 10s of G.soldiers have been killed. bit.ly/mqzkOd
Zawiya :residendents are suffering in silence and need urgent media attention to cover their situation
“Do not attack your own people, do not fight your people. Do not bring dishonour to your families” NATO PSYOPS to Gaddafi troops
German FM arrives in Benghazi ..sign of U turn by Germany?
FromJoanne Joanne
FLASH Majdi Hilali #Egypt Cameraman #MBC TV Saudi owned panArabgroup released Sunday after more than 2months detention
dovenews Libyan™
The guy was seen playing chess with #Gaddafi, he is #Russian & previously claimed he communicated with aliens telepathically. NO comments
westerwelle geman fm is visiting #Benghazi and not chancellor merkel
German FM Westerwelle in #Benghazi #Libya. #Feb17 www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,7...
Westerwelle auf Blitzvisite in Libyens Rebellen-Hochburg
Es ist ein schneller Besuch mit Symbolcharakter: Außenminister Guido Westerwelle ist in der libyschen Stadt Bengasi eingetroffen. In nur drei Stunden will er den Übergangsrat der Rebellen treffen, das deutsche Verbindungsbüro einweihen – und vor allem Flagge zeigen.
“Unser Besuch in Bengasi zeigt: Deutschland ist ein Freund und Partner der demokratischen Kräfte im Land. Wir werden den Nationalen Übergangsrat beim Aufbau eines demokratischen und rechtsstaatlichen Libyens nach besten Kräften unterstützen”, sagte er.
Spiegel reports Germany is to open liaison office in Benghazi, finally. Prior to that they had a room subleased at the Swedish consulate.
Free Tripoli Daily is out! bit.ly/krTORw ▸ Top stories today
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
If anyone wants to listen to LIVE PSYOPS transmissions, I switched BenghaziRadio to them temporarily ustream.tv/channel/bengha… #libya #feb17
Skeptic Reuters: #African #Union cannot even pay its bills without money from #Gaddafi
وزير خارجية ألمانيا يصل بنغازي في زيارة مفاجئة #Benghazi #Libya #German tinyurl.com/65dzaax via #spiegel
AlArabiya_Eng Al Arabiya English
Germany’s Westerwelle arrives in Libya rebel capital: AFP #alarabiya #Libya #Qaddafi #Tripoli #Benghazi
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Fierce fighting in western Libya bit.ly/iqEx1L
Tunisians are sympathetic and help get weapons in to the FFs in Western Libya. kbc.co.ke/news.asp?nid=7…
FCOHumanRights Foreign Office
by foreignoffice
#Libya: read and comment on 2010 #humanrights and #democracy report, including update for Q1 2011: ow.ly/5gdCL #hrdreport
Libyans: Taking the phrase “Trigger happy” to a whole new level since 2011. Allah ya7fudhum #libya – t.co/Ooufqrb
tripolitano Tripolitano
Have u guys notices #Gaddafi combed his hair in the chess video!! in itself a revolution + shafshoofa mockery did the trick
FromJoanne Joanne
Libya smuggler told #BBC that AK47s and grenade launchers R smuggled across border by individuals, in small but frequent consignments
FromJoanne Joanne
FF commander told BBC they keep a record of each fighter +serial number of their weapons To be collected when the war is over
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
The United Arab Emirates has donated 10 ambulances to Tunisia/Nafousa so that patients can be taken to Tunisia for treatment #libya #feb17
septimius_sever septimius severus
#Libyan rebel raids takes rebellion westwards tinyurl.com/6zg3a9w
Ahrar TV: Mohamed Muftah, Head of G forces located between Tiji and Wazin in Nafusa surrenders himself to Tunisian Authorities #Libya#feb17
FromJoanne Joanne
IMPORTANCE of #Zawiya 2 REGIME: ONLY fuel source +The coastal road is vital 4food +other necessities supplying #Tripoli from #Tunisia #Libya
FFs repel fierce attack by G Forces on Kikla from Qawaleesh area #Libya#Feb17
Libyan™ #Zawyia: #Gaddafi forces number is increasing as they keep receiving more military supply. confirmed #libyadovenews
dovenews Libyan™
#Zawyia: #Gaddafi forces are surround the city from all directions & preventing ppl from seeking safety in #Tunisia. #Libya
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Hillary Clinton will press the African Union to take a tougher stance on the conflict in Libya – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/zHSeI
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi refused to step down & claimed he doesn’t hold any leadership role in #Libya… The same old nonsense
Visiting Benghazi: Westerwelle opening office for contacts (german) N24.de/n/6972754 #N24
septimius_sever septimius severus
“First casualty of war is truth, especially in the mind of dictators” tinyurl.com/64c7hpn #Libya
One NATO jet have started from Italy for Libya.
Zawyia: Families bury their loved once who were killd on the hands of G forces, in their homes, graves R not safe.
Libyan Freedom Fighters Close In On Tripoli, Claim Capture of Zamiya West of Capital: t.co/MWAJzVV
Zawiya: Fighting continues for 3rd day w/ G forces sheling city with Mortar,Tanks & Grad missiles in attempt to retake city. #Feb17#Libya
Ahrar TV: Mohamed Muftah, Head of G forces located between Tiji and Wazin in Nafusa surrenders himself to Tunisian Authorities
dovenews Libyan™
#Zawyia: Gaddafi forces are arresting everyone in the city
Fierce weekend fighting round Misrata: 40 rebels dead, 200 injured since Fri. Rebels claim 7 Gaddafi officers defected over past week #Liby
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Rebels fighting against Gaddafi launched offensive on Sunday to retake the oil town of #Brega but were repelled feb17.info/news/live-liby… #Libya
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Unconfirmed video says that #Gaddafi forces stormed the house and executed everyone inside. youtube.com/watch?v=sa1GVV… #Libya
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Canadian Federal Government to Vote on extending Libya mission goo.gl/AHJiN debate this Tuesday with vote to take place on Wednesday
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Khweldi’s played a big part in the assault against #Zawiya at start of revolution, which destroyed the city #libya goo.gl/ywfB3
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Tripoli w/@Niz_FGM: “Distinct consensus” that regime interrogators no longer know what to ask about boo.fm/b383924 #Libya
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Misrata: NATO and Apache helicopters striking Gaddafi forces south west of city. Explosions can be heard now.
local 1pm
NATOpress NATO Press
Operational Media Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector of the past 24 hours #NATO #Libya – goo.gl/t7Cfd
UKMilOps: At sea, a NATO vessel conducting surveillance operations detected high speed inflatable boats approaching Misratah.
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
The British Army Apaches then successfully engaged a ZSU-23-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft system on the coast near Zlitan
UKMilOps: These crafts have previously been used by Qadhafi’s special forces in attempts to attack the harbour.
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Not holding out much hope RT @stephgosk #Libya A gov trip to #Zawiya does not seem forthcoming…despite our persistent requests.
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
NATO helicopters targeted Gaddafi forces south-west of Misrata on Monday morning – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/zHSeI
Cameragimp Miked
Last day in Libya today heading home with the dishgimp & a few others weary expats. Last 48 hrs veryvery quiet@ the Rixos #Tripoli #gaddafi
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Tweets tip off NATO on potential Libya air raids – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/tweets…
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Video: Revolutionaries push forward to Zliten – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/video-…
In the name of the father: Hisham Matar’s @hishamjmatar missing dad inspires revolutionary writing t.co/22J3NLc #Libya
Nouri Burruien head of Libyan oil corporation in #NTC says oil output will take months to restore t.co/JpcuK1g #Libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
4 pro-democracy fighters were killed & 30 wounded in clashes with #Gaddafi forces between Ajdabiya and Brega – #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Libya: Nato attacks and removing Col Gaddafi from power
Britain and other countries continue to bombard Gaddafi’s positions, but the campaign appears to have reached a stalemate and the Libyan leader remains in charge.
David Thompson asked Conservative MP Rory Stewart and former UK ambassador to Libya, Sir Richard Dalton, how close is Nato to toppling Gaddafi and whether he personally should be targeted.
Libysche Gemeinde in Deutschland e.V. * * * الجالية الليبية في المانيا
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
BBC title: “Libya ‘repulses rebels’ in Zawiyah.” So the BBC sees Gaddafi government as Libya & rebels as something otuside of it?
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
The BBC should be independent of their government. I don’t blame them for not supporting the NTC. But at least be neutral. #BBC
I tripped and slammed my hand on piano keys.Doesn’t make me a concert pianist. Gadhafi plays chess with head of World Chess Federation
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
Our 2-part detailed conversation with a resistance figure in #Tripoli: Part 1: boo.fm/b383882 Part 2: boo.fm/b383924 #Libya #Libya
A Beautiful Disaster
My name is Zainab. I’m 20 and I’m a civil engineer in the making.
I take pride in being a Muslim, Arab & Libyan.
I talk alot, listen to music most of the time and the other part of my life revolves around reading.
The words dream, love, epic & legit fascinate me.
Libya is where my heart is & our freedom fighters make me so proud to be Libyan. We shall win & we shall rise insha’Alla :)
Bloomberg article: is.gd/BirjDe Libyan gvt forces fight rebels on several fronts
septimius_sever septimius severus
I would love to see Gaddafi on little road trip to his “loving” ppl in #Benghazi, #Misrata,#Zintan..or a live appearance in #Tripoli will do
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Yesterday’s battle that liberated ar-Riyayinah left 14 dead & 56 wounded among revolutionaries. Gaddafi causalties given as “large number”.
Zawyia: There are massacres happening behind the seen & the city is suffering very badly.
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
It’s the pause before hour zero as pressure builds up, expect events in the coming days to unfold very fast.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Zawiyah battle taking place outside the city centre. Revolutionaries are surrounded and face snipers & heavy artillery
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
I hate #Gaddafis, bt I’m surprised at Khamis and Moatassim’s military cohesion and tactics. V well trained, unfortunately, to kill us.
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
Gaddafi is getting desperate. Only nerds will hang out with him now. #Libya #Feb17
Germany recognises Libya rebel council -rebel says
13 Jun 2011 11:31
Source: reuters // Reuters
BENGHAZI, Libya, June 13 (Reuters) – Germany has recognised the rebel council based in Benghazi as the legitimate representative of Libyans, a rebel official said on Monday during a visit by German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle.
“He said that he came here to support the Libyan revolution, to support the national council. They believe it is the legitimate representation of the Libyan people,” Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, vice chairman of the rebel National Transitional Council, told Reuters after meeting the German delegation.
“He said clearly … that the national council is the legitimate representation of the Libyan people,” Ghoga said, adding: “It is a very a big step and we appreciate it.” (Reporting by Maria Golovnina; Writing by Edmund Blair in Cairo)
The ‘Arab Spring’ And The Conspiracy Of Silence
feb17libya Feb17Libya
“We don’t move unless we have very clear instructions from NATO.” – Opposition Commander, Col. Hamid al-Hasi – #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Very comforting to know that @NATO and British are watching FF backs specially the coasts!
photogimp1 photogimp
by fieldproducer
The road to the Tunisia boarder is open. Reporters traveled out today with heavy armed escort
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Germany recognises Libya rebel National Transitional Council as the ‘sole legitimate representative’ of Libyan people bbc.in/jdxUeh
#Zawia – battles between #Gaddafi forces and #FF in the middle of Roman ruins @UNESCO youtube.com/watch?v=QPVbxp… via @youtube
Cynthia McKinney ( @cynthiamckinney ) supports the murder of the #Libyan people by #Gaddafi & his mercenaries #Feb17 #Khiriasheartbreaks
Reason why it took so long 4 Germany to act: Important regional elections in Germany in last months and Merkel did not want to scare voters with military involvement in Libya
BBCWorld BBC Global News
VIDEO: Libya opposition ready for change bbc.in/jeoV4J
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Only the government can use text messages in #Libya, the propaganda messages keep coming – one for the arabic speakers yfrog.com/kik4agj
(Translation roughly: AlFateh revolutionaries have overcome the crusader forces, so are we going to allow these traitors and agents to come back and trample on our beloved libya
To AlFatah revolutionaries,we kicked out foreign military bases from Libya,will u let agents bring them back to beloved Libya)
source: I confirm 100% that he was in the Brega bunker and fled 1 minute before it was bombed,then 2 rockets hit →
What the hell? why do they have so much luck!!!?!?!!!
it’s not luck ! NATO used to warn them , mutassim didn’t inform his ppl and left himself !
Libya latest map. Updated
yday was the day American bases were shut down in Libya, G goons accusing FFs of being traitors&agents.
Happened to overhear:):
HANNIBAL and SAADI’s kids:
I’ve heard stories that Hannibal and his wife are very screwed up..very serious abuse issues by both of them.
Same. think that’s why its lasted this long. Any news on the ‘unknown’ dead child of theirs? Not true right?
No news, but doubt it to be true. As far as I know they only had 1 boy, who went to the Int’l School in Tripoli.
Yup & that boy caused hell for the teachers-threatened bodyguardseach time they pointed at mistakes
Saadi’s kid’s bodyguards beat up a teacher and another time a KID also. Eyewitness told me. Ridiculous!!
They walk around like they own us and Libya. TALK ABOUT OCCUPATION
That’s always been the case,then it was their kids and lately their grandkids!Feifdoms.
I know! Saadi’s kids go around the school WITH A NANNY and bodyguard each. what the hell?
The Libyan envoy was told that “the embassy will be handed over to the NTC which the UAE deals with as a government”
SAPA citing AFP: UAE gives Gaddafi-appointed ambassador given 72 hours to leave t.co/FsJFbnP #Libya
Foreign Secretary William Hague’s video blog: Arab Spring www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBOt2HeRp2c&fea...
AlZAWYA FF forwarding against G militias near to SOWQ ALSSAIE area
Gaddaffi Militias take place in ALHARSH Bridge and in the beginning of the way to BEAR ALGANAM
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AzZawiya: #Freedomfighters are now advancing on #Gaddafi forces near #SouqAlShati. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Yesterday RAF aircraft conducted strikes against two #Gaddafi ammunition depots at #Waddan & #AlQaryatAshSharqiyah. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Misrata: Yesterday #NATO destroyed #Gaddafi hi-speed inflatable boats trying to attack port. #Libya #feb17
The Guardian: What we can do to bring down dictators | Carne Ross bit.ly/mSskNJ #Sudan
Reuters Monday, rebel spox #Zawiya who had been giving accounts of fighting was no longer answering his telephone #libya t.co/UpAjWDH
wrap up 2 REUTERS:
#Gaddafi being defiant saying he isn’t going anywhere is A) Nothing New and B) Awesome so we know where to find him to kill him. #Optimistic
Libye: L’Allemagne reconnaît les rebelles libyens – 20minutes.fr: Libye: L’Allemagne reconna… bit.ly/lcNuUs #libyanrevolutio fr
DANYA: Oh btw, our flag, is up in the Dubai consulte #UAE #FREELEEBYA
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Vid | Injured arrive at AlJala hospital Sunday,June12 2:39min Reporter asks:What happened? goo.gl/AyIgO v @TawasulMC #Libya #Brega
Reuters: Gaddafi is calm & plays a decent game of chess, Russian chess supremo said, describing match with the embattled Libyan leader.
AJE blog More than 40 wounded," rebel spox, Abdulrahman, told Reuters by phone frm #Zintan. "heaviest bombardment in several weeks. #libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Nalut 12/06/2011 atmosphere with Freedom fighters from other areas — youtube.com/watch?v=C3kzGL… via @nalut17feb // #Libya
Reuters: 9 ppl were killed on Sunday when Gaddafi forces bombarded Zintan with artillery & rockets #gaddaficrimes #Libya @Nato #Libya#feb17
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Naffousa Mountains Freedom Fighters find what Gaddafi forces are stealing from homes — youtube.com/watch?v=FL5qGX… via @youtube // #Libya
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
Report: 4 opposition soliders were killed & 30 wounded in clashes w/ #Gaddafi forces on frontline between #Ajdabiya & #Brega. #Libya #Feb17
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
#Gaddafi regime and the Opposition aren’t siblings bickering, we dont need a mediator. We’ll never see eye to eye;stop wasting time. #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Report by Faraj Akwedeir: #Misurata steadfast in the face of the dictator 12/06/2011 — goo.gl/p7zjx // #Libya
Hillary Clinton: “If the women of Africa, from Cairo to Capetown, decided to stop working for a week, the economy would collapse.”
My bet is that would happen everywhere else 2:)
The #UAE has informed #Gaddafi’s ambassador in #Abu-Dhabi that his diplomatic mission in #UAE ends within 72 hours and he must leave #libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Darsn family convey from #Darna to #Ajdabiyah Front-lines — youtube.com/watch?v=RGVsVp… via @youtube // #Libya
Almanara Libya
#Zawiyah #Libya 4hours ago // Press Solidarity: Quoting a reliable source, Clashes between Gaddafi forces and the freedom fighters are still ongoing in Zawiyah city, and Gaddafi forces are shelling the city of Zawiyah from the outside with Army machinery, tanks, rocket launchers and Grad rocket launchers to regain control on the city
News Article
RAF destroys nine of Gaddafi’s underground storage bunkers in Libya
A Military Operations news article
13 Jun 11
Members of the UK Armed Forces saw further action in Libya yesterday as RAF aircraft conducted strikes against two of Colonel Gaddafi’s ammunition depots.
A Royal Air Force Typhoon takes off for Libya from Gioia del Colle air base in southern Italy
MOD 2011
While participating in NATO’s Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR, Tornado and Typhoon ground attack aircraft conducted strikes against two depots at Waddan and Al Qaryat Ash Sharqiyah, destroying in total some nine underground storage bunkers.
Major General Nick Pope, the Chief of the Defence Staff’s Strategic Communications Officer, said:
“At sea, a NATO vessel conducting surveillance operations to enforce the maritime embargo detected high speed inflatable boats approaching Misurata; these craft have previously been used by Gaddafi’s special forces in attempts to attack the harbour.
“The British Army Apaches aboard HMS Ocean were duly alerted and intercepted the boats, destroying two with 30mm cannon fire. They then successfully engaged a ZSU-23-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft system on the coast near Zlitan, as well as a number of armed vehicles in and around regime checkpoints.”
On Saturday, RAF aircraft destroyed four of Colonel Gaddafi’s main battle tanks hidden in an orchard near Al Aziziyah, south west of Tripoli.
RAF Tornado and Typhoon jets also participated in further co-ordinated NATO strikes against key regime military installations in and around the capital, with the British aircraft attacking a major military base at Al Mayah on the western outskirts of the city; nine Paveway guided bombs were dropped.
These missions were conducted under NATO’s Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR to protect Libyan civilians under threat of attack and enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973.
RAF VC-10 and TriStar tankers, and Sentinel, Sentry and Nimrod R1 surveillance aircraft, continue to provide vital and widespread support to UK and NATO operations over Libya.
Official press release on #Westerwelle (foreign minister of #Germany) visit to the #NTC
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
German Chancellor Angela Merkel to visit #NTC and #Benghazi today.
not merkel but fm i was told
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zintan hospital, Death toll from #Rayayna fighting stands at 10. More than 50 injured.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
URGENT! PLEASE RT: Video: #Gaddafi’s men in #BaniWalid executing civilians who protested. youtu.be/ozUPfD__yeI #Libya
Tunisie «Des résidus du régime Ben Ali veulent nous déstabiliser» j.mp/mIjTJl
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Opp fighters in Yefren say they have taken some new ground from Gaddafi side beyond Sofeet
UAE expel gaddafi ambassador and other pro-gaddafi diplomats.
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Back with working internet for first time for four days. We lost water the other day too. Having both again makes life so much better.
At Zintan hospital, Death toll from Rayayna fighting still stands at 10. More than 50 injured.
Today while in valley, I saw plumes of smoke coming from RAYAYNA area. NATO plane heard above, but don’t think there was airstrike.
We went through the valley and up to Yefran but could not get all the way to Rayayna
Rayayna is about 10 km from Zintan on the road to Yefran. (Yefran to Zintan is about 34km)
Rayayna is important, though, because it is where Gaddafi forces have been based while shelling Zintan.t
Notice I have spelt Rayayna three different ways in last two days. It does not even appear on our map of the area
Niger defense minister is in Tripoli to discuss recruiting additional mercenaries. He is to meet #gaddafi today. Unconfirmed FB source.
Alexblx Alexblx
A sign of #Gaddafi ammo shortages? – hes using invalid ammo past its use by date youtube.com/watch?v=Q9JFin…
L’Allemagne reconnaît à son tour le Conseil national de transition – www.france24.com/fr/node/4446527
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Exhibition of the war leftovers in AlGheran area (#Misurata) — youtube.com/watch?v=7eV-4s… v
CNN: bit.ly/iQo5EF Rebels: We got hands on battle plan (from @cnn)
Gadafi regime frees MBC journo after 2 months: n24.cm/kRmFAI via @News24 #Libya #Feb17 #gaddaficrimes
wheelertweets James Wheeler
My friend Khaled Madani from #Zintan #Libya. Turned 22 a few days ago. Crippled years ago by #Gaddafi’s pathetic system. twitpic.com/5b22ou
WyreDavies Wyre Davies
As promised, pix from bombed oxygen plant nr Zawiya. #Libya yfrog.com/kilbomj yfrog.com/kjyzsvkj yfrog.com/gyzyksshj
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The discovery of the presence of invalid for use ammunition with #Gaddafi Forces — youtube.com/watch?v=Q9JFin… via @free_misurata // #Libya
In Pictures: Libyan rebels advance – Al Jazeera English: english.aljazeera.net/indepth/interacti...
If you’re in Canada call in at 580 CFRA (1800-580-CFRA (2372). They keep saying we’re Al-Qaeda terrorists.
Libya vid shows that Germany support NTC since 5 June with Missiles(black-red-yellow)for the FrenchTigres on Tonnerre url9.de/cAo
100s of tent picks still remain uncovered, children at the #Remada camp have already bn injured by these picks @R t.co/CDZUung #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE RT: List of men working for #Gaddafi / Commiting crimes for him: a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash… #Libya #feb17
Almanara Libya
#Ajdabiyah #Libya 2 hours ago // Press solidarity: From our correspondent in Ajdabiyah City, the rise in number of Martyrs and injured to 20 from an Ambush by Gaddafi forces to the freedom fighters.
Donated ambulance with food and sitting cushions, going into #libya from #Tunisia #feb17 twitpic.com/5b2ui2
Message on wall in #Nalut in #NafusaMountains “#Libya is our tribe and #Tripoli is our capital” twitpic.com/5b2tij
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Another member of Moammar #Gadhafi’s regime, Sassi Garada, has defected. #Libya #feb17
he’s in Switzerland
APNewsBreak: Another Gadhafi insider defects from Libya – Winnipeg Free Press j.mp/lgRRU4 cc
APNewsBreak: Another Gadhafi insider defects from Libya
Forces loyal to Libyan leader #Gaddafi killed 21 rebels on the frontline between Ajdabiya and Brega in east #Libya: aje.me/jMZYMN
LibyaLiberty Army of One
#Saif Al Islam decided to take a hard line approach in his first address to #Libya when people were willing 2 die resisting G. #BigMistake
refugee camp:
There was a recent fire at the camp where the tent had burned to the ground. The reason for the fire remains unknown t.co/chePn3V
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
Guma el-Gamaty, U.K. organizer for Libya’s interim council, confirmed the defection of Sassi Garada.
baysontheroad baysontheroad
We will go to Shakshuk tomorrow. Not safe now. Only one more hour of daylight.
Can hear explosions. Opp fighters tell me Shakshuk being shelled by Gaddafi forces in desert.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/13/11: 8 FFs killed in #Zentan today. 40 injured. Names of fallen FFs: 1 #AliAl-Ustaa 2 #IssamAhsee 3 #TareqDhoBinDhi 4 #unidentified remains 5 #FawziAliAbu-Kreesa’ 6 #KhalifaMohammedAlmlwe 7 WaseemMohamedAbustaFernaan 8 #IbnAbdullahAlhadiLamkhatresh RIP.
4Adam Adam
6/13/11 #Zintan revolutionaries in Arryayna migre.me/52Uhg #Nafusa #Lbya #Feb17
BBC News – Tripoli witness: Tribalism and threat of conscription – t.co/zkciL9P #Feb17 #Libya #Tripoli
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
UPDATE 1-Clinton urges Africa to drop Gaddafi, embrace rebels at African Union meeting af.reuters.com/article/ethiop… #libya #feb17
Here are some links on #Remada t.co/biNiBeL http://t.co/IQ4Jeq3 t.co/ELCTZFI http://t.co/LlF7omH @Refugees #Libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
The General People’s Committee says they have renewed their ‘’positive cooperation’’ with AU initiatives. #Libya #Feb17 feb17.info/news/live-liby…
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
Danish Air Force update 13 Jun: 4 observation missions carried out in areas between #Zintan, #Zlitan and #Misrata — forsvaret.dk/FTK/Nyt%20og%2…
dovenews Libyan™
#Misrata: 2 ppl were killed today in #Misrata. #libya
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Special thanks to #Qatar. A special special thanks
dovenews Libyan™
June 13th: #Surman: #Gaddafi forces have arrested 150 ppl from #Surman. via #Surman group #Libya
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
Volcanic ash from Eritrea eruption not affecting Libyan air space yet — irishweatheronline.com/news/earthquak…
dovenews Libyan™
ALERT! Reports of large number of Gaddafi forces moving from 5 directions & #FF killed 6 of G forces near coastal road. via almanara
baysontheroad baysontheroad
80 Km from outskirts of Tripoli pi.pe/-7aysuv #LIBYA #BIRAYYAD #TRIPOLI
Almanara Libya
#Zawiyah #Libya 50 minutes ago // Reports are received now that there is a large movement taking place by Gaddafi forces with a large number of 6 thousand going towards Zawiyah city from 5 directions. The freedom fighters have killed 6 from Gaddafi forces on the Saharan highway
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Surman: #Gaddafi forces have taken back the area & taken at least 150 prisoners, unknown number of casualties.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Brega: “Our fighters were tricked. #Gaddafi’s soldiers pretended to surrender, coming w/ a white flag, & then they fired on us”
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nalut: Town still under attack by #Gadaffi forces w/ “GRAD rockets & rocket launchers”. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Reports of fighting in #SouqAlJuma, #AlHadba, #Janzour & #Deriebi areas. #Libya #feb17
Exceptional lunar eclipse
Oh, that’s just Saif al Islam walking past the lamp
feb17libya Feb17Libya
UK Admiral Mark Stanhope said he was “comfortable” within NATO’s new 90-day #Libya mission mandate, which runs out at the end of September
Clinton Presses African Leaders to Abandon Qaddafi t.co/9HzqzRz
FreeLibyanman FreeLibyan
If #TNC army n #EAST front nt allowed 2 fight becz of #NATO orders/other reasons, they d better hand weapons 2 #alzzawia & #zintan FF #LIBYA
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Naffousa Mountains children – #Jadu city — youtube.com/watch?v=Mu0EUj… via @nalut17feb // #Libya
The human suffering of the Libyan people in this struggle is incredible. How many people must die to remove one man from a seat?
Reports received now from a reliable source that there is a siege on Janzour area and exchange of fire in AlHadba, Souq AlJummah and Deriebi areas
Zawiya: 5 Gaddafi forces killed today on Coastal road. G forces for 3rd day unable to take City. Allah Akbar
Zawiyah is still under attack apparently, but things aren’t too bad for now I guess, still expect some pretty heavy losses for civilians.
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
Canadian parliament to vote on extending Canadian Forces mission in #Libya on Wednesday — forces.gc.ca/site/news-nouv…
Libië, 10 juni 2011, Operation Freedom Falcon (OFF): Belgische F-16’s vlogen al duizend vlieguren bij mekaar
Download de grote foto
Libya n envoy was told the embassy will be hndd over to the NTC which the UAE deals with as a government via @News24
dovenews Libyan™
Another martyr from yesterday battle in #Alrrayayinah, Salah AlSadig from #Zintan which brings the total number to 9 #FF. #Nafusa #libya
It seems in #Surman #Gaddafi forces have taken back the area and empirsonned at least 150 young men. God knows number of dead!
Libyan League for Human Rights الرابطة الليبية لحقوق الإنسان (1): t.co/3b7Lbuw via @addthis
80 Km from outskirts of #Tripoli t.co/zRtfSJS #LIBYA #Feb17
Everyday we are getting stronger, militarily, diplomatically, and politically. Everday #Gaddafi is getting weaker.
4Adam Adam
6/13/11 #FF monitoring Gaddafi forces stationed in the North of #Nalut youtube.com/watch?v=TNH9bz… @nalut17feb #nafusa #Libya #Feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Hawamed: cont. shelling of this area yday caused financial losses including destruction of graveyard in #Talaat. No lives lost
Shakshuk shelling/mortars stopped. Opp fighters say Gaddafi side attacked, then ran.
Tripolitanian Libyan
The Libyan people control all of the East, all of the Western mountains, 3rd largest city of Misrata, and Zawiya. We are winning.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Hawamed 06/13/11 12:53h: G forces shell #AlHawamed area including #AlKherba #AlTalaat w/grad rockets yesterday afternoon
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Hawamed: cont. shelling of this area yday caused financial losses including destruction of graveyard in #Talaat. No lives lost
Tripolitanian Libyan
Our resolve is strong, are goal is clear, our determination is unbreakable. #Gaddafi, we will defeat you!
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Rayaaniya 06/13/11 10:40h: G forces completely retreat during the early hours of this morning leaving behind machinery & ammo
Opposition fighter near Bir Ayyad pi.pe/-y2f8vw
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Ghaziya 06/13/11 9:41h: NATO bombing: goo.gl/9A4dZ #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
4Adam Adam
Gaddafi’s soldiers on Monday killed 21 rebels on the front-line between #Ajdabiya and #Brega, a rebel commander (cont) tl.gd/b3c2gh
dovenews Libyan™
RAS JEDIR – The flow of Libyan refugees to the border crossing of Ras Jedir fell noticeably on Saturday. via TAP
dovenews Libyan™
#Zawyia #FF deny that #Gaddafi forces in control of the city
BREAKING:Battles in Brega to this very secnd,4 Martyr nd 46 injred to this very moment,we are geting reports that cluster bombs r being used
Tripolitanian Libyan
When #Gaddafi forces captured an ambulance driver, they told him to say “Long live Gaddafi” -he said “Allahu Akbar” and was shot dead
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AlRayaaniya: #Gaddafi forces completely retreat during the early hours of this morning leaving behind machinery & ammo.
Large number of reinforcements sent by Gaddafi to Zawiyah.
4Adam Adam
#Surman: distributing leaflets in a mosque Makhlouf, dawn on Friday, 06/10/2011 youtube.com/watch?v=JbRGWE… #Libya #Feb17
Checkmate gadaffi: twitpic.com/5b1u59
Early on, Al Manara Media received reports of 6000 #Gaddafi troops heading to #Zawiya – a massacre will happen if they are not stopped @NATO
almanara goes over the top with numbers sometimes. still bad thing tho. gotta be stopped.
Opposition fighters have got some better equipment in last 10 days, including mortars and RPG pi.pe/-6gh56w
Eyewitness account of what happened in #Baniwalid a few weeks ago, relates to the video of tortured civilians. t.co/hW8TIRN free libyan youth
A reminder of Fashloom Gaddafi Supporters – t.co/djIWa1I #Libya #Tripoli
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AzZawiya is currently under heavy attack by #Gaddafi forces from multiple directions. #Libya #feb17
Surman : 150 protesters have been arrested
ALJA Reports Clashes in the area of #SuqAljumaa in #Tripoli since morning. #Libya #feb17 #FreeLibya
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
There have been orgs that have offered 2 help the #Remada camp& found that mgmnt was unwilling 2 accept or came w/ unreasonable cond #Libya
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Freedom fighters have made zero progress in 2 months at Adjabiyah-Brega frontline & are asked to do the impossible.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
They are asked to come from the desert road with simple vehicles, smaller weapons & less troops to capture a shielded urban area at Brega.
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Jabal Nafusa Children Singing Revolutionary Songs أطفال جبل نفوسة – جادو youtube.com/watch?v=Mu0EUj… #Libya #Feb17
twitpic.com/5b2y43 The family residing in the tent are safe but judging by this picture the response time seemed slow.
McKenzieCNN David McKenzie
Tripoli quiet right now…road to Tunisia open but increased security presence coming into Tripoli center
4Adam Adam
Graffiti, #Trpoli is calling youtube.com/watch?v=pzY1yy… #libya #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
iwitness: 6 rockets hit the oil refinery’s power generators in #Misrata. The refinery is located near Misrata’s port. #libya
Six rockets hit an oil refinery at the Libyan city of Misurata controlled by rebels – more on our #Libya Live Blog: aje.me/jQEpiq
Libyan state television reports that #NATO was bombarding targets in the town of Al Jufrah in central #Libya. aje.me/jMZYMN
KC_Tripolitania KC
A prominent massacre and genocide about to occur in #Zawiya which is being attacked from 5 directions by #Gaddafi forces now
by Libya_United
I was appalled to hear from some Muslims that "the West is using some Muslim countries to bomb a Muslim country
It’s very unfortunate, but there are people who think Libyans should have lined up to die rather than seek foreign help.
To them, Gaddafi slaughtering Libyans isn’t an event to lose sleep over, but NATO bombing a “Muslim” country is something to protest.
These people have their minds wired pre-revolution. To them they’d rather have an indigenous tyrant than a foreign helping hand.
G forces in Ghedu area (not Jadu) near Tiji are shelling at the bottom of Rehibat #feb17 #Libya
photogimp1 photogimp
So far only two jets heard over Tripoli all day. Very quiet today
libyanproud libyanandproud
BREAKING : #KIKLA Freedom Fighters attacked the #Gaddafi forces in SahaAlshaabiya and taken it over 300+ g forces killed ! !
2day passed by #Libya n consulate in Milan. The flag is the new one! Last time here (a demonstration) it was still the green rag of #Gaddafi
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA: 21 rebels killed in fighting in the East of #Libya today.
Seems the clashes in Brega are ferocious. Allah give the Freedom army your victory
More than 100 #Gaddafi troops killed in the town of #Kikla -#FreedomFighters have managed to capture much needed military vehicles. #Libya
My mom was wondering who put away her brothers clothes after #Gaddafi killed him in April
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
The so-called General People’s Committee committed to implementing a #African. plan to resolve the conflict..
BBCWorld BBC Global News
VIDEO: Ex-Gaddafi soldier speaks of regime bbc.in/mKlZjw
in the libyan army, 3ameed is brigadier and general is Lewa. 100% sure
AJA: 21 Martyrs in Brega clashes
no infant formula milk available in Tripoli
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
#Tripoli: Evidence that security forces’ command & control structure is faltering in #Tripoli..
AsmaaBintLibya Asmaa Bint Libya
Major clashes in Soug Jumaa happening now… Its really bad… #Libya
6 Riot police cars & 4 revolutionary guard cars burnt by Soug Juma & arada FFs in coordinatn w/FFs of Dreby& Fashlum#feb17
On Monday 13th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
“A rebel commander said his forces…planned to move into #Zlitan, by tomorrow..using arms seized from government weapons depots and fresh armaments being shipped in from #Benghazi
“Ali Terbelo, the rebel commander, said other opposition forces already were in #Zliten, trying to encircle #Gaddafi troops.
“In the major fighting near #Misrata today, an Associated Press photographer at the rebel front lines said they had pushed along the Mediterranean Sea to within 10km of #Zlitan, the next city to the west of Misrata.
“If the rebels take the city they would be within 135km of the eastern outskirts of Gaddafi’s capital, #Tripoli.”
www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news... #Libya #FF
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Libyan rebel fighters suffer losses bit.ly/mJOqke
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Now in #Dubai rising the flag of independence over the Libyan Embassy…#libya #17feb
Robert Gates: #Morocco and #Jordan,are preparing to participate in the international coalition against #Gadhafi in #Libya
Brega clashes: 4 martyrs & 46 injured reported. Martyrs are AbdelRahim Behiri, AlNajy Mar3y, Jalal Fadil & Mohamed AlFara. RIP #feb17#Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#BaniWalid: Approx 100 of #Gaddafi troopsin a hotel, 150 mercs in the hospital & 250 Tuareg in industrial military factory. #Libya @NATO
tonybirtley tony birtley
gaddafi’s forces still fighting and still wrong. have today inflicted rebel causalties in Djdabija and again Dafniyah. still strong.
four months ago we thought this would be over in days. it could take months. long haul. rebel spirit is fantastic, fighting know how isn’t
photogimp1 photogimp
bombed communication truck near the Leaders private holiday home #libya yfrog.com/h3mxzaoj
photogimp1 photogimp
Another truck destroyed at The leaders private holiday home #libya yfrog.com/kh97542264j
The Tunisian Presdt says he’ll recognize the TNC if they come to us and ask us to do so.
that’s not the way it works tho:(
Does this imply conditions?
Qael Alsibsi says in 1950s Tunisians fighting French colonialism sheltered in Libyans & same for Libyans fleeing Italian occupation #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Targets near #Misrata’s port were attacked today by #Gaddafi forces, including a fuel depot & a power station.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Caid el Sebsi (Tunisian government): We support the Libyan people and we had representatives from the NTC visit us here in #Tunisia. #libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Kikla: #Gaddafi forces have burned approx 20 homes. #Libya #feb17
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
#Gaddafi is a big loser! Never won a battle, even chess game yesterday, he lost it!!
4Adam Adam
Pro Gaddafi’s demo in #Tripoli. 6/12/2011 youtube.com/watch?v=i8886I… #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Libya: Sorry there are no shipping tweets today, entire coast of Libya & most that part of Med not being covered by AIS today. Strange.
now why would that be? helos or warship moving in?
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli: BREAKING: Clashes in Dahra, Janzour, Hay al Andalus and other areas. FF confusing G security & coordinating with each other #libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Dafniya: #Gaddafi rockets & mortar shells were slamming into #Freefomfighter lines at a rate of about 7 per minute on Monday #Libya #feb17
My friend got injures yday in #dafneya # Misrata , he had surgery today plz pray for him and all the injured ones , #gaddaficrimes #libya
tonybirtley tony birtley
went to where Tim Hetherington & chris Hondros were hit on Tripoli St. badly scarred. mortar marks on pavement. still desolate. sad place
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: First Minister of the #Tunisian National Assembly welcomes the recognition the Transitional Council in #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
#ZLITAN Part of FF forces are INSIDE town they R surrounding Gaddafi forces #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Has the Free Libya new TV been Jammed by Gaddafi? Its gone! @libyatv @libyatvarabic
AJE: in Ajdabiya yesterday FFs insist 5 were killed by mistake by Nato jet. Nato denies #feb17#Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Clashes between Gaddafi forces & #FF after the (40) area killing 4 #FF & injuring 40. #Ajdabyia #libya
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Thanks @PomedWire 4 their notes on the Congressional Briefing on Women’s Role in the Libyan Revolution #Libya. G8 read! bit.ly/kR9sdI
Doctor visited Yefrin and Algalha and wrote this report:
I returned last night from Yefrin and Algalha. There is big disaster in there. Simply there is nothing there. There are no electricity, no flags, no symbols of our new Libya, no medical equipments. no medications, no ambulances, no doctors, no fuel, no communication equipments, no media equipments, but three lap tops, no paint to remove Qaddafi’s logos, THEY ARE MISSING EVERYTHING. If you have donated something to Nafousa Mountains, I can assure, it has not reached Yefrin and Algalha. The damage to buildings was beyond my imaginations.
Yefrin and Algalha, according to the last national census, have a population of 50,000, the second largest in Nafousa after Gharian. However, people there have not received your contributions. They are missing every thing, doctors, nurses, food, fuel, equipments, flags, clothes, medications, paints, computers, any thing and everything.
In comparison, all other towns I visited from Nalout to Zentan are well equipped and supplied. Yefrin and Algalha were under siege from Qaddafi for 50 days. Their share of your contribution has not reached them for some reason. They are suffering.
Front has MOVED along the coast to within 10KM of Zlitan FF used arms seized from Regime WeaponsDepots +NewArms shipped in from Benghazi
Almanara Libya
#Libya 35 minutes ago // Press solidarity: Just received reports quoting our correspondent that there was clashes today Monday evening (Asr Time) between the freedom fighters and Gaddafi forces after the 40 area resulting in 4 martyrs from the freedom fighters and over 40 injured.
Remember all the op/eds griping that Libyan rebels don’t have weapons? See how they’re making do this week at @AliveIn is.gd/tZ0K1e
Gaddafi soldiers beating on an old man – not graphic, but incredibly hard to swallow. Despicable. youtu.be/klm4oY3MZQM #libya #Feb17
dovenews Libyan™
libya.tv is on again
17feb; #Tripoli Call: “For people in tripoli to know if they are taped by Gaddafi thugs, type code #*06# if you get your serial number, only that means you r safe, if you get an additional number to your serial number then u are taped”
tonybirtley tony birtley
shortage of food and some medicines here. hard to get chicken,beef. camel meat is common.i find a head hanging outside butchers offputting
tonybirtley tony birtley
link to our misurata trauma story:youtube.com/watch?v=bYno6B…
I need break before I rupture an aneurysm, my blood pressure must be over 200mmHg. Off to pray Maghrib and try to calm down:(
4Adam Adam
The arrival of an ambulance to #Nalut sent by Shabab #Tripoli migre.me/52ZTf #libya #feb17
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
Tunisia and Moritania expressing wish 2 recognise TNC. When will Algeria realise that Gadhafi is finished and think about future with Libya?
Gaddafi forces retreat to rearm themselves while the FF think that They are running away. The the G thugs start attacking with grad.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Exclusive interview on AlaanTV with a Libyan Army soldier that defected and left Gaddafi… very interesting #
dovenews Libyan™
#Alrrayayinah’s #FF are in control of the situation and have ordered #Gaddafi forces to surrender or they will fight them. Fb
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Soldier: There is a Libyan army & Gaddafi loyal brigades. #Libya army mostly defected & joind FF. G brigades led by sons are 100% loyal to G
Gaddafi DEFECTOR: “All soldiers forced to fight or shot as ‘traitors’…even tourist & traffic police forced.” bbc.co.uk/news/world-afr… #Libya
Ocean’s Apaches scrambled to destroy Gaddafi’s gunboats
TWO of Gaddafi’s gunboats were blasted out of the water and an anti-aircraft battery destroyed by Apache gunships operating from HMS Ocean.
In the latest action involving the Army helicopters aboard Britain’s biggest warship, the Apaches were scrambled to intercept high-speed boats closing in on the besieged port of Misrata.
Pro-Government forces have made repeated attempts to disrupt shipping making for the rebel-held city, chiefly by attempting to lay mines in its approaches – attempts so far thwarted by NATO’s equally-determined efforts to keep the port open.
An Allied warship on patrol in the western Gulf of Sirte detected the boats moving at high speed towards Misrata and Ocean was alerted.
The Apaches found the craft, destroying two using their 30mm cannon. The helicopters then closed in on a ZSU-23-4 Shilka – a light-armoured radar-guided anti-aircraft vehicle – near Zlitan, 30 miles up the coast from Misrata. It too was eliminated.
After initially striking Government targets around Brega in eastern Libya, Ocean has shifted to the western shores of Sirte to maintain the pressure on the Gaddafi regime.
In addition to the latest attack against the speedboats, Ocean’s Apaches were also dispatched to destroy a Government communications installation and multiple rocket launcher around Misrata.
Since the start of military operations to enforce the UN Security Council Resolution, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and Army Air Corps personnel have now successfully attacked more than 430 regime targets involved in Colonel Gaddafi’s persecution of the civilian populace.
One of Ocean’s Apaches looses its 30mm cannon. Picture: LA Guy Pool, HMS Ocean
BBC News – Defected officer speaks of fighting in Gaddafi’s army – bbc.in/m0Z0UK #Libya
Tripoli news via FGM tiny.cc/dzfh6 Mass arrests in Janzour district, response to rapid increase in anti-gadaffi activity in the area.
Libya 7orra
#Libya #Feb17 #Tripoli update from @Niz_FGM :- 1- Mass arrests in Janzour district in response to rapid increase in anti-gadaffi activity in the area. Contrary to some reports, the roads in and out are open. However checkpoints are now heavy.
2- The western exit/entry points of Tripoli are open but, as above, heavy check points are in place. This applies to southern and eastern gates.
3- Contrary to recent reports, Soug Al Jomaa, up until 90 minutes ago (now 23:00) is quiet. As is Fashloum district.
4- Preparations being made for a collective flare up of activity in Tripoli but cannot discuss this further, for obvious reasons.
5- Tundra Trucks (Katiba forces) now being taken away from Tripoli and sent to front line. Katiba forces in Tripoli now driving around in new Mercedes E class with no license plates.
6- Members of FGMovement witnessed a shooting at the house of Tayib Safee – A close Gadaffi associate (considered top 3 by some). A car drove by and continuously shot at the house from the road using a Kalashinikov rifle. This was in Ben Ashour district.
h2. 7- Police officer tells FGMovement member that “80% of the police force, now armed with Kalashinokovs, will defect at Zero Hour, to join forces with the revolution”. When asked if this should be kept secret the officer replied “No, the Katiba know where we stand. And spread it, so the people know we are with them”. This is consistent with the time we dropped a flag over the bridge at Al Nasr Street and a police car drove by, slowed down, looked up at it and just drove off.
Dont forget, all news from FGMovement is verified and confirmed. Strictly no rumours.
Keep up with updates on Twitter
TRIPOLI zero hour approaches
septimius_sever septimius severus
The greatest military alliance in human history can’t figure out how to oust a man who lost the the one war he ever fought?
The Uprising Live News Daily is out! bit.ly/gbOnuV
Fliers in #Tripoli to prepare for 16th June for big demo — توزيع المناشير فى طرابلس youtube.com/watch?v=qZXMNz… via @youtube
When closely observing their words, actions & choices, one must conclude that while certain Assad & Gaddafi loyalists may practice…
.some muslim rituals out of habit, their religious experience revolves around worshipping their idol.
Gaddafi forces emptying Tripoli hospitals of patients. Reason unknown #feb17#Libya
Tripoli will rise together soon
Sabha:Machine guns,14.5 used on protesters,independence flag on Mosque of Garda roundabout shot down by machine guns. Protests planned#feb17
4Adam Adam
AlJazeera: Fierce fighting between the FF and Gaddafi in Arryayna E. #Zintan youtube.com/watch?v=zggPxB… #nafusa #libya
dovenews Libyan™
#Zawyia: #Gaddafi forces have arrested about 200 youth from their homes in #Zawyia yesterday. #Libya #Feb17
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
We will train on anything youtube.com/watch?v=jO0gcI… #Misrata FF train on Scud missiles #Libya #Feb17
Listen to this #Libyan Girl: t.co/u6GXPbY #K
Libya War Time Inventions Pt 2 – Modified GRAD Launchers l.alive.in/th (Jun 13) #feb17
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
While those closest to a tyrant know he is just another guy, the loyalist soldiers & thugs truly believe in the carefully constructed cult.
Germany is the 13th country to recognize Libya’s temp new govt, the #TNC.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
However, it’s in the best interest of the tyrants’ cronies to keep the personality cult alive & the masses blind.
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NAFUSA : #KIKLA : Martyr today Osama Mostafa Feraas ! Please RT kikla has no Internet ! #Feb17 #Libya
Clinton Pushes African Nations To Break With Gaddafi bit.ly/kLJDu3 #Libya
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
BOOM BOOM #JABALNAFUSA being bombarded again #Libya #Feb17 and @NATO is where…..?
Tripoli revolutionary snipers took out 14 Gaddafi soldiers during SougElJuma clashes
Defected #Gaddafi soldier: #Libya regular army mostly defected to join FF. Brigades led by sons 100% loyal to regime RT
LOOOOL hala misrata just called my friends dad a terrorist for us trying to send aid to #LIBYA well we wouldn’t have to send aid if u and Gadddafi’s thugs weren’t spreading lies and killing the libyan people!
4Adam Adam
CNN: #FF leader in Arryayna reports "we found that more than 20 residents were killed & women were raped cnn.com/2011/WORLD/afr… #Libya #Nafusa
And it’s this “Crusade” myth that makes some people prefer a Muslim tyrant to a Western helping hand in liberating a people.
Libyans asked their own brothers for help but back came silence. NATO intervened on cue of the Arab League & UN resolution.
pauljustin1 paul roubicek
all quite over the skies of tripoli tonight
Allah let this Friday will be the Friday of Victory
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Both Assad & Gaddafi came to power via dirty military coups and both have created an idolatrous cult around themselves to stay in power.
TributeFM talking about Rape right now.
I just got the most weirdest and yet most worrying phone-call ever from Tripoli: s
septimius_sever septimius severus
“#Yefren school was hit by so many shells that it is scarcely salvageable. And a mosque was set alight by a rocket”
Gaddafi forces seen in #Nalut #Libya — رصد قوات القذافي المتمركزة في بوابة نالوت الشمالية youtube.com/watch?v=7DfetU… via @youtube
Nafusa FFs kicking out last pockets of Gaddafi, then they can go help their brothers in #Zawiya, who urgently need reinforcements!
septimius_sever septimius severus
“#Yefren: homes have been pillaged & ransacked,their walls pockmarked by machinegun fire or torn apart by missile”
We have a name for the man in the blue shirt who killed civ in Bani Waled:
Confirmed by two people from Baniwalid that the guy in the blue shirt is Said Saleh Gatannesh. t.co/C4exjZX
septimius_sever septimius severus
“#Yefren is a ghost town, a scene of shocking devastation; a testament to the barbarity of Gaddafi’s troops”
Tripolitanian Libyan
NATO’s air-strikes are definitely helping to make him think otherwise,but his biggest fear is of the Libyan people,once the rebels are close
septimius_sever septimius severus
In #Yefren Gaddafi Soliders destroyd everysingle car in the city. Martin Fletcher Times London #Libya #Nafusa twitpic.com/5b76q0
_Tripolitania Reports from inside #Libya that Prison Warden has given the order to kill all detainees in #Tripoli"
Your tweet ‘Prison Warden giving orders 2 kill all detainees in Tripoli’ -this is horrific! 20000+ prisoners in #Tripoli !
septimius_sever septimius severus
“#Yefren:The streets strewn with shell casings & bullet,even a dead donkey putrefying beneath the fierce summer sun”
UnitedLibya UnitedLibya
Nearly 4 months since feb 17 #libya I hope it will be over soon
tripolitano Tripolitano
One FF in was arrested yesterday in Souq jumaa he eluded G thugs 4 weeks, writing antiG slogans on walls every night. A woman grassed himUp
KC_Tripolitania KC
According to Tripoli Council – a Prison Warden has given orders to ’ kill all detainees in #Tripoli ’
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi forces were repelled & couldn’t enter Kikla, but there is a lot of smoke as a result of the bombing & burning by Gaddafi forces.
TRIP: coordinated time for collective action
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
The Tunisian acting president believes that many of Gaddafi’s mercenaries were originally destined to create chaos in Tunisia.
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Tripoli: Contrary to recent reports, #SougAlJomaa, is quiet as of 23:00 local time. As is #Fashloum district. #Libya via @Niz_FGM
#Telegraph: Navy chief:# Britain cannot keep up its role in #Libya air war due to cuts! tgr.ph/liW8qj #Libya#feb17
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi forces are firing Grad rockets at northern Jadu. #Libya #Gaddafi
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Misrata: A lot of movements created by women throughout the city getting no coverage, will be tweeting when I get details.
Gaddafi regime is emptying Tripoli hospitals of sick & injured for unknown reason..
libyans_revolt omar
Gaddafi to his spokesman " Mussa" , Why i can’t dial 911? Musaa replied , cuz there is no 11 on the phone sir!
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Globe and Mail: Vote: Should #Canada extend its mission in #Libya?goo.gl/tsAIP Vote Yes! #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Sunday fight in AlDafiniyah 12/06/2011 Part 1 — youtube.com/watch?v=hahg4n… via @free_misurata // #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Humanitarian aid convey from Manchester to #Naffousa Mountains and surround areas — goo.gl/LectO // #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The freedom fighters brigades on an operation progressing at the eastern front-lines — youtube.com/watch?v=N5WguI… via @youtube // #Libya
Almanara Libya
#Libya 3 hours ago // confirmed reports received from #Zawiyah that buildings have been built with explosives by Gaddafi regime and they are the Investment building, AlWahda Bank, AlJumhuriah Bank, and three schools, the church and the Theater of Zawiyah
libyans_revolt omar
It seems to me That Nato put gaddafi in a round room & tellin him to sit in 1 corner.!! he’s a moron!! he’ll keep on lookin for the corner!
ALMANARA Nafusa Mountains:
Monday 13 June, 18:05h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan (source:Zentanchannel): Another revolutionary from Zentan killed and was identified as being Salah Whaida. He was killed during the battle to liberate Al-Rayaaniya yesterday
Monday 13 June, 15:43h
NafusaMountains: Colonel Mohammed Muftah who was in charge of Gadaffi forces in the area between Tiji and Wazen defected from the corrupt regime and handed himself in to Tunisian officials
Monday 13 June, 15:40h
Nafusa Mountains:Jadu: Colonel Omar Al-hurariy today visited the city of Jadu
Monday 13 June, 15:24h
Nafusa Mountains: Battles in Al-Rayaaniya, Zawyat Al-bagul, Mujrasaan, Al-mlee’eb and Bi’r Ayyad yesterday where revolutionaries managed to defeat Gdaffi forces killing many and destroying a large number of vehicles and artillery. 14 revolutionaries were killed and 56 injured. Gadaffi forces attempted to advance towards Bi’r Ayyad and attacked the revolutionaries from the Taghma diversion and Alkhweldi (20 km from the Bi’r Ayyad checkpoint). They used Grad rockets and rocket launchers etc. However revolutionaries of Nafousa Mountains retreated to Bi’r Ghanam
Monday 13 June, 14:05 h
Nafusa Mountains: Kekklah: Revolutionaries defeated Gadaffi forces positioned at Al-Mlee’eb yesterday evening. Gadaffi forces fled towards the city of Kekklah to hide in residential areas there. Also, revolutionaries in Kekklah had prepared an ambush for them in which they killed more than 10 mercenaries, took 3 hostage and took a number of machinery. Gadaffi force then retreated to Al-Gawalesh (12 km south of Kekklah) and remained positioned there amongst the civilians
Video: Eastern #Libya brigades bombard #Gaddafi positions near #Brega bit.ly/jzrw9p
Canadian directing war in Libya calls it ‘a knife-fight in a phone booth’
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The funeral of 7 Martyrs from #Zintan city 13/06/2011 — youtube.com/watch?v=bTV7K1…
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Most of the areas in #Tripoli today saw civil disobedience..
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
fly the flag of independence in the Janzour area in #Tripoli in many places there…
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: #Gaddafi forces surrounded #Alhadba area in #Tripoli now..
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: #Tripoli now on fire…clashes every where..nd now also in #bin ashor nd #Arada.
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: NOW: over the phone heavy clashes in #Tajora nd #Fashlom in #Tripoli..
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
#Gaddafi forces arrest Matouk Mohamed Matouk, while trying to escape from the port of Ras Jeder to #Tunisia, wearing a veil !!!!
Tripolitanian Libyan
#Gaddafi is starting to put traffic and customs police on the front-lines, defected officer says.
Tripolitanian Libyan
#Gaddafi is essentially putting anyone in uniform on the front-lines, including boy scouts
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
URGENT: Reports that 20 covered IVECO vans left Tripoli heading for Misrata or Brega. Rumoured to be carrying ammo/explosives.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
MISRATA: Revolutionaries demine area south of Misrata | Libya TV english.libya.tv/2011/06/13/rev… via @LibyaTV #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
15 #Gaddafi 4×4s tried to enter #Misrata via old road between #Azereg & #Zletin. Attempt failed, Gaddafi suffered very heavy losses. #Libya
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: Shahed web site ( from #KSA ) confirmed this news:Yemeni President has died in hospital after stop treat lung
Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find it out
Mandela Says, Quotes
As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.
The bravery of our youth, the wisdom of the our eldery, the dua’s of our mothers, the patience of our children. We march on. #LIBYA
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
BREAKING video w subtitles: Truth re: “Peaceful March to #Benghazi” Shootings. Instigation of hate by #Gaddafi forces. bit.ly/lGJqY8
This morning was very lively. 13 NATO jets have started from Italy into Libya, the last Tornado few minutes ago, and 2 jets were at 5.00AM.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Libyans are nice, respectful and generous people and they will never forget the countries that stood by thm. #tunisia #qatar #france & so on
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
We had to defend ourselves and we are glad that the world came to our help against Gaddafi who almost wiped out Benghazi one day #libya
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: ( Video )Distributing leaflets in #Tripoli and there will be civil disobedience in: 16-6..youtube.com/watch?v=dZlIJr… #17feb
IamLibya somaya kalla
For the sake of Libya! RT @NusibaB: Canadians, please vote! tinyurl.com/3k8urdp #Libya #Feb17
Gaddafi Running Out of Money & Fuel- Rule May End in Weeks t.co/dEcjcTj via @BW #Libya
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: Unfortunately, just a little before on #Al-arabyia TV…#Yemeni President in Good health nd not dead yet :(
IbnOmar2005 Ibn Omar
Photo: #EpicLibyanMan wins minesweeper champion of the universe. kero39: tumblr.com/xkd2zmfmen
Check this video out — Latest News from Tripoli آخر اخبار ثورة طرابلس t.co/VJdUIDF via @youtube
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
Arrival of ☼ Hope convoy ☼ from #Norway & #Denmark to the western mountain of #Libya #17feb ☺ THANK YOU ☺ Norway & Denmark
sumyasalem ##
by Unknown7771
Libyan rebels edge westwards out of Misrata reut.rs/kWHMNQ #Libya #feb17
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Admiral raises Libya ‘challenges’ bbc.in/kCY6d0
Tripolitanian Libyan
I can confirm from #Tripoli that #NATO air-drops leaflets warning a certain area of impending strike. #Libya #Feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video: Historian on Gaddafi troops in gang rape claims bit.ly/latjS6
Zero Hour. #Tripoli #Feb17>>>> #June___2011 Be ithin Ellah
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: Four martyrs and 41 wounded in Battles in #Albreqa..#libya #17feb
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News:Blow up a gas station that feed #Gaddafi forces in #Albreqa…#libya #17feb
Council on Foreign Relations: White House should be ‘moderately’ worried on #Libya
4Adam Adam
Libyan opposition: @NATO avoids targeting Gaddafi’s forces around the cities that causing deaths to the people|ar youtube.com/watch?v=8gTKVN… #Libya
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
video for the last update from #Tripoli…#li
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Misrata update 12 June 2011 11:45pm #Dafniya Misurata steadfast in the face of the dictator 12/06/2011 Faraj (cont) tl.gd/b3gi90
Finally memorized the new #Libyan national anthem!! Can’t wait to wave the new flag and sing OUR real national anthem in #Libya #Feb17 :)
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: Burning two cars ( Toyota Tundra ) in #Fashlom area in #Tripoli… #libya #17feb
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi hides Grad missiles from NATO raids in the ruins of Leptis Magna
Every officer who defects now (not month ago) should be arrested UNLESS he brings along his men who want 2 fight w/FF
I am no military expert, but all these troops in open roads going east and west sounds like an easy target, no?
Video of arrest in Italy:
A member of Gaddafis Gestapo in Europe, has been captured trunc.it/gfzin #Libya #feb17
gaddafi’s government promises to draft a constitution and press law via Reuters – they just don’t get it do they?
Reuters: #Gaddafi Brigades fired Grad rockets into #Tunisia Today. witnesses said at least 5 Grads fell on Tunisian soil in #Mrabeh.
I was thinking earlier how Tweeps came to a silent agreement on Gaddafi & Qaddafi. February was all over w/ 2 dozen spellings.
WilliamJHague William Hague
I will also be in #Parliament today for monthly session answering MP questions on foreign policy. See bit.ly/j0O2kF for the questions
Next @NATOpress : WE STILL CANT FIND GADDAFI, WE ARE STILL KILLING FF BY MISTAKE and yes we might bomb the hell out of ancient ruins! #Libya
The truth about UNHCR in Remada Refugee Camp – Border #Libya- #Tunisia – @Demotix News widget.demotix.com/news/690324/tr…
CNN- NATO refused to say whether or not it would bomb ancient Roman ruins in #Libya if it knew Moammar Gadhafi was hiding military equipment
vid #Misrata oil refinery shelled by #Gaddafi’s forces قصفت مصفاة لتكرير النفط في مصراتة من قبل قوات قذافي bit.ly/izjV0W #Libya#feb17
NATO refuses to rule out bombing Libya Roman ruins
(CNN) — NATO refused to say Tuesday whether or not it would bomb ancient Roman ruins in Libya if it knew Moammar Gadhafi was hiding military equipment there.
20arb11 Souffian Tripoli
Free Tripoli Daily is out! bit.ly/krTORw ▸ Top stories today
guardiannews Guardian news
Misrata oil refinery shelled by Gaddafi’s forces – video gu.com/p/2qnmt/tf
Another chance to General Abubaker Younis Jabber, touring the front lines in Brega in #Libya youtube.com/watch?v=86NESV… via @youtube
LibyaLiberty Army of One
Why am I still reading Gaddafi as Qadhafi, Kadhafi, Crud-Daffy (that was mine) etc.? Do we need a UN resolution to unify the spelling?
lucymanning lucy manning
On Libya and concerns from Navy chief re duration of UK involvement PMs spokesman says can continue operations there as long as we choose
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
Libyan troops target rebels along Tunisian border msnbc.msn.com/id/43390862/ns… #Libya #Tunisia
photogimp1 photogimp
NATO seem to be having a good look around today over Tripoli. Could be another testing day.
#NATO engages pro-Qadhafi forces on north-west coast of #Libya goo.gl/on2EA #OperationUnifiedProtector
Operational Media Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector of the past 24 hours #NATO #Libya – t.co/EPQ4PgL
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
Libya: Rebels Are Edging Slowly Beyond Stronghold Of Misratah, Towards Tripoli, Reports Say news.sky.com/skynews/Home/W… #Libya #Feb17
CNN: As USA urged African count 2 reject Gaddafi gov, FFs rep. progress against Gaddafi forces in western mount cities. bit.ly/l89rWh
Navy Chief: ‘Brit Defence At Risk Over #Libya’
If we do it longer than six months we will have to reprioritise forces. That is being addressed now. It could be from around home waters. I will not prejudge what that decision will be.
#Misrata FF: #Gaddafi storing GRADs, launchers & forces in UNESCO site 15m from #Zliten goo.gl/Iwjmm via @feb17info #Libya #feb17
OnlyOneLibya ProudLibyan
We R human,we have the same anatomy as other humans, we have a religion that STRONGLY prohibits injustice/murder,so why we have tyrants?
Libya is calling! — اسماء سليم – ليبيـا نادت youtube.com/watch?v=CBFq9J… via @youtube
OnlyOneLibya ProudLibyan
I know the brutal murderers in Beni Walid & elsewhere will be punished in the after life, but will they be caught and punished in this life?
If the henchmen from Beni Walid did this to their cousins, u can imagine what they do to the others towns, many are in the Gaddafi Katayb!
dovenews Libyan™
#Zlitan this morning: Reports of NATO air strikes on Gaddafi forces in the vicinity of Zlitan. #Misrata #Libya
Another 5 Tornados have started from Italy for Libya in the last 10 minutes. In total 20 NATO jets this morning. Today is a neurotic day.
#Nalut: BREAKING: Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Bin Sheikh (Tuareg) & Major Nuri Zamraw (Tuareg) have defected form Gaddafis regime & escaped 2 #Algeria
Nalut Feb17
عاجل- نالوت
انشقاق من الطوارق كل من :مقدم : محمد بن الشيخ. والرائد: نوري زمرو .انشقوا عن كتائب القذافي وهربوا الى الجزائر
وافاد المصدر بان كتائب القذافي قامت بإغتيال السيد احمد التونسى يوم 7-6-2011 وذلك لرفضه القتال والزحف الي القلعة ويفرن
وقد تم تسليم جثمانه الى الى اهله واخبارهم بانه قتل اثناء قصف للناتو
dovenews Libyan™
G forces have assassinated Ahmed AlTunsi (Tuareg) on June7 for refusing orders 2 attack #AlQala & #Yefran
his body was handed to his family and they were informed that his death was a result of NATO strike. confirmed by one of G forces
gaddafiregime is trying to call back the reserves to send to kill other libyans. Rumour has it that no one turned up #libya
baysontheroad baysontheroad
FromJoanne Joanne
Photos of #Libya #Tunisia WAZIN border post which Gaddafi is shelling today wn.com/Wazin
FromJoanne Joanne
SamKiley Skynews in #Libya FF make small advances and Regime propaganda campaign reaches strange New Heights goo.gl/F641a
FromJoanne Joanne
Private computerexperts advised US on how cyberattacks culd damage #Libya oil&gas infrastructure RobRegime of OilRevenue goo.gl/E3fEq
dovenews Libyan™
W #Ajdabyia: Also 6 FF were killed in friendly attack by NATO on Sunday. #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
W Ajdabyia:G forces made a drty ambush rising white flag 2 surrendr, when FF stoppd their attck G forces opend fire killing 22 & injuring 40
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘US House Votes to Block Funding for Libya’ goo.gl/Ts28h #Libya
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Gaddafi forces fired several rockets across the border into Tunisia on Tuesday -
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Part 2 of ‘Our War’ is on BBC3 at 2100 this evening. I highly recommend you take a look: bbc.in/lbfw9x
baysontheroad baysontheroad
evidence of intensity of battle. damage, and used heavy machine gun rounds littering the ground.
Misrata: 1000s of Gaddafi soldiers stationed in zlitan, the next town up the road. there will be a hard fight @PJBWells @Nato #Libya#feb17
baysontheroad baysontheroad
fighters going from house to house in Rayayna, clearing the town. But battle over. Firmly in opp control
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Forces loyal to #Libya leader Col #Gaddafi have pulled out of the town of Kikla and rebels are now in control – Reuters
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Plenty of NATO jets on their way from Italy to Libya today after 3 days of almost no activity. Let’s hope they do some good. #libya #feb17
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Benghazi: General Khalifa Hafter called the fighters of #Gaddafi forces to give up Gaddafi & join the Freedom fighter to stop the bloodshed.
2 NATO jets have just started together from Italy into Libya with huge velocity.
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Part 2 of ‘Our War’ is on BBC3 at 2100 this evening. I highly recommend you take a look: bbc.in/lbfw9x
Some areas like Ghezaya and north of Nalut and a few smaller villages need clearing first before Gheryan
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Gaddafi regime called German FM’s visit to Benghazi “irresponsible and a violation of national sovereignty” – Game over G #libya #feb17
AJE: #Libya rebels make weapons from scraps youtu.be/jCyRBUAEneM #Misrata
US Congress votes against Libya funding: An explosion following a NATO air-raid in Tripoli © AFP/FileAFPWASHING…
Activist Post: US Congress votes against Libya funding – activistpost.com
Libyamap Libya map
#Libya latest map. Updated 14-06-2011 @ 13:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/5bfd1d/full @Libyamap
just to update u on my relative in libya forced to go fight. He had escaped from ghaddafi thugs & is now home safe
NATO air strikes: beir el ghannem AJA
Apparent NATO airstrike hits near Gadhafi complex
Video: Revolutionaries push forward to Zliten – #libya #feb17 –
Video: Revolutionaries push forward to Zliten | Libya February 17th – libyafeb17.com
Libyan rebels face setback after refinery hit | Reuters – reuters.com
dovenews Libyan™
Gaddafi forces are attcking #Zlitan now, the attack is expected to be on the historic city of #Leptis #Magna. #libya
Zlitan this morning: Reports of NATO air strikes on Gaddafi forces in the vicinity of Zlitan. #Misrata #Libya
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Reports – Kikla now back in opp hands after Gaddafi troops fled. Youssef, Reuters photographer is there.
My cousin was martyred on Sun. He prayed fajr and told the guys that today was going to be the day he estash-heed (would be martyred).
He was shot by a sniper in the heart. He was pulled to safety after the g-soldeirs tried to take his body. He was buried on Monday
With his beautiful smile on his face. Shaheed inshAllah. He will be deeply missed.
Libya rape victims face ‘honour killings’
Libyan women and girls who become pregnant through rape risk being murdered by their own families in so-called “honour killings”, according to aid workers.
One family who contacted Ms Elgadi needed medication for HIV.
“The mother, the father and the son were all raped by Col Gaddafi’s forces. The mother came to us when they discovered they had contracted HIV/Aids as a result.”
“The order to rape was not given to the regular army,” says the major, who did not want his name to be used, because his family is still in Tripoli. “Col Gaddafi knew we would never accept it. It was given to the mercenaries.”
Russian visitor: Gadhafi ready for talks with NATO trunc.it/h1aax
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
Just bumped into US Commander as he walked under escort to Malta PM office in Valletta Malta for talks on Libya
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
I just had lively exchange! With george gallaway on skynews. I am british citizen and libyan he’s scot and british uk isn’t just his country
PJBWells Patrick Wells
NATO dropped leaflets over the front this morning warning govt soldiers they will be targeted by Apaches if they kill civilians.
BREAKING : A FROGMEN regiment have refused to attack #misratta and defected to #Tunisia this is a Real Defection ! THANK YOU ! #Feb17 #Libya
Tug boat fleeing #Libya arrived in #Malta on Sunday. Suspected defecting soldiers on board.
dovenews Libyan™
CORRECTED: G forces R attcking #Zlitan now, the attack is expected 2 come from the historic city of #Leptis #Magna where G forces located
Are We There Yet?
Enormously relieved when NATO came to our aid, I felt terribly impatient in the first few weeks of Operation Unified Defender. Like all my Libyan sisters and brothers I wanted the dictator removed as swiftly as anyone with a cancer would.
Libya Lose Rights To Host 2013 Africa Cup of Nations – Report
Jadaliyya: “Indictment” By Muhammad al-Shaltami (trans. Elliott Colla) t.co/Gi8UcDr #Libya #Poetry
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tunisia: Reports that 15 G soldiers defected today and arrived in Bengardane, #Tunisia by boat. #libya #feb17 (Unconfirmed) cc
On cyber resistance, watch the 1st segment by monica villamizar bit.ly/j9XdGM
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
JADU: BREAKING: Radio free Jadu is now broadcasting on 89.1FM and can be heard in Nafousa mtns & Tripoli #libya #feb17
Jadaliyya: Video: Interview (#2) with Ali Ahmida on #Libya and Intervention: bit.ly/gJxtih
KC_Tripolitania KC
#Gaddafi forces attacking #Zliten – the attacks are said to be coming from the historic city #LeptisMagna, where #Gaddafi forces r located.
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Just been to the shops for supplies, it’s about 200m from the Rixos but still had to take a minder with me, they say it is for my ‘safety’
Syria, Libya and Middle East unrest – live updates
NewsInLibya Returning to Misrata: a tiny, impossibly slow and rusting fishing boat, manned by Libya’s rebels. This time the…
c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?r4842235087&w=2390512 …
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
#US Commander holding talks now with #Malta PM. Will tweet from briefing
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
#US Commander @stravidisj thanks #Malta for its support to #Nato emergency landings and response to humanitarian crisis in #Libya
US Commander @stavridisj says #Malta very helpful in aiding US jets during #Libya ops
US Commander @stavridisj takes no questions from media, continues with tour in #Malta
Malta PM Gonzi tells #US Commander @stavridisj : ‘#Malta is a lesson in strategic locations’ #Libya yfrog.com/kk8f4mj
www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/us-... or: bit.ly/iwkPmy http://yfrog.com/gzorfvdj
Stone_SkyNews Mark Stone
Sky News has won a Golden Nymph Award at the Monte Carlo TV awards for @skyasia and her teams reports from Zawiyah on #Libya in March.
The moving & shocking report can be seen here: t.co/1amdh4f The award comes as there’s renewed fighting in Zawiyah. A must watch.
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Opposition military sources confirm recapture of Kikla
Libya slams Germany for ‘violating’ its sovereignty
LIBYA: Libya slams Germany for ‘violating’ its sovereignty f24.my/lp7fmB
kileysky Sam Kiley
Interesting that head of royal navy would tell Ghadaffi that the UK can only manage 6 month campaign
20arb11 Souffian Tripoli
MoosaIbrahim is misleading the Press in #Tripoli. Giving them misleading i
kileysky Sam Kiley
Who was the main man for the navy at the SDSR when Harrier and Ark Royal scrapped? Mark Stanhope #libya
Little hint for FF in brega, Gaddafi forces have used the ‘white flag’ ambush trick many times, please DON’T FALL FOR IT AGAIN!!!
KC_Tripolitania KC
#Zuma says he spoke out against misuse of #UN mandate on #Libya- but is he ever going to speak out against atrocious #GaddafiCrimes #Feb17 ?
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi hides Grad missiles from NATO raids in the ruins of Leptis Magna bit.ly/kX59CZ
UK Forces chief General Sir David Richards slaps down Navy over #Libya concerns – Telegraph
libyans_revolt omar
#Gaddafi is running out of money, It’s a matter of weeks before He is forced out of power, Bengdara said tinyurl.com/6xcuzaz #Libya
DUBAI – Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s rule may end in weeks as international sanctions starve him of funds and rebels and NATO-led forces cut off fuel shipments, said Mr Farhat Bengdara, who ran Libya’s central bank before defecting.
The Gaddafi government had US$500 million (S$618 million) in cash at the end of February, when Mr Bengdara fled, the former banker said in Dubai yesterday.
“It’s almost run out,” he said. “They have no fuel for tanks. It’s a matter of weeks” before Gaddafi is forced out of power, he said.
As a sign finances are being squeezed, Gaddafi’s government has asked commercial banks to hand over whatever hard currency they have, Mr Bengdara said. Four top bank managers have defected, he said, though he declined to name them to protect their families. The regime also has 155 tons of gold bars that can’t easily be used to pay for supplies, he said.
NATO planes are monitoring movement on the ground, and as a result, the Gaddafi regime “tried to import fuel by any means, but they couldn’t”, he added. BLOOMBERG
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
In #Tripoli women only gas stations have been set up to help women avoid scuffling male drivers. tiny.cc/5kaec #Libya #Feb17
The war against journalists in the Middle East
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Malta OIL TANKER “PURKI” w/ a listed fake destination of #Rades\ #Tunisia now en route to #Tripoli #Libya 34.26063˚/12.76692˚ #feb17 @NATO
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
@Nato dropping leaflets east of #Tripoli carry the Nato symbol & a picture of an Apache attack helicopter & burning tanks on one side #Libya
In Arabic:“There’s no place to hide. Its not too late to stop fighting. If you continue to threaten civilians, you will face destruction.”
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! #Nafusa #FF have freed #Kikla completely from Gaddafi forces & FF are chasing some of #Gaddafi forces in the valley. via FB
NATOpress NATO Press
Operational Media Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector of the past 24 hours #NATO #Libya – goo.gl/8LvPW
AJDABIYAH#Reuters:FFs opposed to Gaddafi advanced westward on Tuesday aiming to retake Brega to extend their control over the east of Libya.
PJCrowley Philip J. Crowley
#Qaddafi says he is prepared to die in #Tripoli. #NATO can arange that. Just deploy a big banner with an arrow that says, I’m right here.
OTTAWA — Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird kicked off Tuesday’s parliamentary debate on Libya with a call to extend the mission and for Canada to boost humanitarian and diplomatic assistance.
He announced plans to boost humanitarian aid by $2 million, part of which will go to support victims of sexual violence that’s been used as a tool of war.
He also noted that Canada was “embarking on an enhanced engagement strategy” with the National Transitional Council of Libya. As such, Canada would recognize the council as a “legitimate representative of the Libyan people” and begin working more closely with its members.
Libya17Feb Tripoli Youth
#Tripoli Call: “in all of #Gaddafi Appearances until now he is wearing the same cloths, this is a code message for his people..”
Libya17Feb Tripoli Youth
#Tripoli Call: “1 FF wife has delivered a new baby girl, and named her #Misurata.. Here we are all happy and moral is high”
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
As war in #Libya rages on another battles is being fought off the coast: TUNA bit.ly/lApWmn
A #Gaddafi thug sets fire to a freedom fighter – فيديو وجده ثوار مصراتة مع أحد أفراد الكتائب #Libya @LIBTRIP bit.ly/iZR8hn
Gaddafi troops stationed at the North Gate of #Nalut t.co/DMFimxD @NATO @NATOPress
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Canadian Foreign Minister recognises #Libya’s rebel council as ‘legitimate representative of Libyan people’, from Reuters
CBCAlerts CBC News Alerts
by FreeLibyanman
Canada recognizes Libyan rebels as legitimate government . Baird says rebels are true representatives of Libyan people.
CBCAlerts CBC News Alerts
Canada recognizes Libyan rebels as legitimate government . Baird says rebels are true representatives of Libyan people.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi troops stationed at the North Gate of #Nalut. youtu.be/TNH9bzfHO0Y #Libya #feb17 @NATO
dovenews Libyan™
#S.Africa: #Zuma says NATO abusing UN resolution on Libya. goo.gl/7Vwev Is this man an idiot or what? #ShutUpZuma
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Libyan rebels make fresh advances bit.ly/mse6cy
A new unbelievably Miracle happened in #Libya (Green fire flames)!!! تكاد السماء تنشق وتنفطر من كدب التلفزيون الليبي. youtube.com/watch?v=ZZrLRY…
Libye : le Canada reconnaît le CNT bit.ly/lxB47v cc
N_Benghazi .
Gaddafi forces murdering prisoners in Bani Walid #Libya youtu.be/Kyp6lOOVkOw Not graphic but the pain in their voices is enough to kill you
Canadian Foreign Minister: #Canada commit $2 million in humanitarian aid for the #Libyan people
libyansrevolt Libyans Revolt
Video Mutassem #Gaddafi inciting soldiers to kill ‘kids’ in #Zintan bit.ly/iHsSdx #libya #feb17
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
Tunisia flew an F-5 warplane & a reconnaissance heli along its border w/ #Libya on after Libyan troops fired several rockets into #Tunisia.
Les Helipocters #Tunisien La Gazelle ont Survollés la Region de ghazia en #Libye suite a la tombée Des obus sur la #Tunisie
dovenews Libyan™
#Tunisia aircraft survey border after Gaddafi’s attacks tinyurl.com/6a8geqe #Libya #Tunisia #Feb17
libyansrevolt Libyans Revolt
Another video of #Gaddafi soldiers maltreating prisoners and humiliating them bit.ly/jK6vLY #libya #feb17
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
‘’We will strike…military infrastructure that threaten Libyan civilians as necessary," tiny.cc/sxu1q
I am worried that 10 mins later Canada will say it’s false info. #libya #feb17 #NTC
wewantlivefree sami saied
Tunisian army helicopters hovering on the borders with Libya after the fall of several missiles today طائرا… (cont) deck.ly/~1zEUo
dovenews Libyan™
These poor girls needs to be helped & not punished twice 4 Gaddafi’s crimes. goo.gl/TqRMh Families needs to be educated HELP. PLZ RT
BreakingNews Breaking News
Canada officially recognizes rebel National Transitional Council of Libya as legitimate representative of its citizens bit.ly/k89eUz
Tripolitanian Libyan
In 1 week, Spain, Australia, Germany, the UAE and Canada recognized the #NTC of #libya
foreignoffice Foreign Office (FCO)
Download Foreign Secretary @WilliamJHague’s latest video blog as a podcast ow.ly/5hk09 #ArabSpring #MiddleEast #NorthAfrica
libyansrevolt Libyans Revolt
#Libya NTC Recognition: #France #Qatar #Maldives #Italy #Spain #Kuwait #Gambia #Jordan #Senegal #Australia #UAE #Germany #Canada #Australia
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Our report on latest situation in Western mountains running on AJE.
Ship brings Misrata wounded to Libya rebel area Reuters #Libya #FEb17 j.mp/ktUiEU
City of #Yefren in dire need of everything and anything. Destruction described as “beyond imagination” #Libya #Feb17
Amazigh_Libya AmazighLibya
Gaddafi troops continue shelling using Grad rockets aimed north of #Jadu. #Libya #Feb17
IOM Ship with 222 migrants + 30 wounded people from Misrata arrived in Benghazi t.co/s0c9ZBn
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Unconfirmed rumors that AK-103s being used by #Gaddafi were delivered by #Venezuela to #Libya between Feb17 & March 1st. #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#NATO dropped leaflets over the front this morning warning govt soldiers they will be targeted by Apaches if they kill civilians.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Brega: 4 #Freedomfighters killed, 21 injured in clashes with #Gaddafi forces. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Jadu: #Gaddafi forces continue shelling the city w/ GRAD rockets. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
septimius_sever septimius severus
#Libyan Rebels: A Sound Track, In #Misrata, fighters turn to Pink Floyd in their war against Gadaffi: bit.ly/lhcO0E
88simon88 simon
UPDATED MAP OF THE NTC WORLD RECOGNITION img694.imageshack.us/img694/1353/ca… GERMANY and CANADA recognize the NTC.
wheelertweets James Wheeler
10 yr old & older brother @ Tunisian hospital to visit their mother w/ their grandfather. All from #Misrata #Libya yfrog.com/h0oam2j
Longing4Libya Ahmed Misrata
MUST RT! youtu.be/7b6x9koFd_Y Captured hero in Misrata being burned alive! Refuses to say "long live Mu… (cont) deck.ly/~8FnYv
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
#IOM reports it has succesfully evacuated 222 migrants and wounded from #Misurata amid renewed shelling
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
#IOM reports evacuatees from #Misurata have safely arrived in #Benghazi
FromJoanne Joanne
#BREGA Freedom Fighters are fighting 4 & planning 2 have FRIDAY PRAYERS in Brega They advanced to 20 km E of Brega and still MOVING #Libya
Tripoli bides time as Gaddafi support ebbs away t.co/ZsIj6ec via Guardian Libya
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Part 2 of ‘Our War’ is on BBC3 at 2100 this evening. I highly recommend you take a look: bbc.in/lbfw9x
AFPS_Articles AFPS
NATO Members Review Efforts for Libya Mission 1.usa.gov/lmPcu5
NATO presser: www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-2592A6B4-41AC38...
FlashPresse: Libye: doutes croissants sur la capacité de l’Otan à remplir sa mission bit.ly/knCqrJ
Libya rape claims: Seeking the truth
Andrew Harding: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13725149
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
Dear World Libyan r a civilized society,& conservative muslims who fear God, We don’t live in the MiddleAge, WE DON"T KILL VICTIMS Of RAPE.
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
I really want to have a talk with Ms Elhamessi and Ms Elgadi who is spreading this fully fake " Killing out of love " thing.
BBCBarbaraPlett Barbara Plett
#Zuma of #SouthAfrica says #NATO abusing #UN resolution for civilian protection in #Libya in order to pursue regime change
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Drinking Cappuccino as the Bombs Fall – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/drinki…
#Nalut: worsening water crisis & efforts to repair pipes damaged by Gaddafi forces. goo.gl/erNf3 #Libya #Gaddaficrimes
FF have advanced few Km towards #Zlitan from Ad Dafinyia. So I would expect Apaches will be used near #Zlitan
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
BFBS Rear Admiral Chris Parry says continuing operations in #Libya may be a struggle: Rear Admiral Chris… dlvr.it/WKJ41
Tripolitanian Libyan
Rebel commander in #Zawiya said fighting in the city was premature, they are still preparing for an attack on #Gaddafi.
Reuters: #Liberia says violence against population must stop and cuts ties with #Gaddafi’s #Libya t.co/laxjgYm #Feb17
McKenzieCNN David McKenzie
A day only so far and this place seems a bit like ‘Hotel California’…I am sure am not the first to feel that way. #libya
dovenews Libyan™
REUTERS: Libyan rebels edge forward on eastern front goo.gl/w4ugF
Tripolitanian Libyan
Resident in #Zawiya: fighting has subsided, #Gaddafi controls main road but rebels control various neighborhoods throughout the city. #Libya
KC_Tripolitania KC
Warning! – this is the latest #GADDAFI TACTIC to smear reputation of #Libya >>>>>>> rape victims face ‘honour killings’ bbc.in/mHttnb
Tripolitanian Libyan
After capturing Arrayana in the #Nafusa mntns, rebels say they found dozens of people murdered by #Gaddafi forces.
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
The Confederation of African Football (Caf) has said #Libya is still scheduled to host the Africa Cup of Nations in 2013. #MEH #Feb17
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NAFUSA : #KIKLA : #NATO striked #Gaddafi forces in #Mlayeb and #Frendes South of kikla this morning
dovenews Libyan™
#Liberia severed diplomatic ties with Libya on Tue, the latest #African country to distance itself from #Gaddafi goo.gl/NZ4l1
USAmbNATO Ivo Daalder
Just gave a speech on Leadership, Libya, and today’s NATO: go.usa.gov/WDR. Tell me what you think.
Tripolitanian Libyan
Leaflet drops in Adafniya, near #Misrata warning pro-democracy fighters and #Gaddafi mercenaries of impending heli attack.
Pro-democracy fighters in #Misrata say they are in need of fuel after #Gaddafi rockets hit oil refinery.
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Gaddafi forces in south-west area of #Misrata are preparing to launch attack on civillians
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Gaddafi forces #Misrata 32°17’52.36"|14°37’7.44"|32°17’16.14"14°37’3.38"|32°18’4.99"|14°37’0.92"|32°15’21.18"|14°36’20.59" #libya #NATO
China: these days official news agency changed tone re Kadaffii, so think maybe victory is on horizon.
4Adam Adam
Alj reporter in Aldavnia W Misrata: Nato kept droping leaflets said helios coming to strike GF. They didn’t show up & FF want to move fw.
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
#Liberia decided to withdraw the Liberian envoy from #Tripoli &suspend activities of the #Libya n representation in their capital Monrovia.
NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu told reporters that “It is clear that NATO has the resources to keep up the pressure.” #Libya
Abdul Malik, may you rest in peace in the highest abode in heaven with the rest of the martyrs. #Libya #17feb youtu.be/7b6x9koFd_Y
LIBYA_WIN Hayat Libya
All those virgin girls, raped before their families just as traumatized now sick because of STD, HIV, sephilis, hepatitis C- #Gaddaficrimes
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
This makes me SOOO ANGRY. What a BULL SHIT story. bbc.co.uk/news/world-afr…
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Just been to centre of Tripoli,shops still stocked,but opening hours of some cafes & restaurants in more upmarket parts of town now limited
88simon88 simon
COST OF THE FRENCH INVOLVEMENT IN LIBYA : 50M€ (1.2M€ per day) france-info.com/chroniques-dos…
Tripoli: Janzur still with heavy presence of Gaddafi forces for another day with reports of curfew enforced yesdterday #feb17#Libya
Tripoli: Skirmishes in Fashlum, Tajura, Soug AlJuma & Ein Zara. Apparently G forces using police dogs.#feb17#Libya
Another 11 military officers escape to Tunisia as well one of Mutasem Gaddafi’s staff #feb17#Libya
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
Man when African nations start shutting doors to #Gaddafi, you know its bad. #SucksToBeYou
also botswana cut off relations with Gaddafi …
Nafusa: Gaddafi forces shelled Rehibat today with 30 missiles #feb17#Libya
freeourlibya jamal tripoli
#Libya Freedom Fighters advance into #Nato bombing path gu.com/p/2qq8v/tw #Feb17 #Misrata
Libya rebels advance into Nato bombing path
pauljustin1 paul roubicek
all quite in Tripoli today
G troops Misrata:
freeourlibya j
URGENT:4/4 Coordinates of #Gaddafi forces in #Misrata,getting ready to attack civilians32°15’21.18"14°36’20.59" @NATOpress @USAfricaCommand
URGENT:3/4 Coordinates of #Gaddafi forces in #Misrata,getting ready to attack civilians32°18’4.99"14°37’0.92" @NATOpress @USAfricaCommand
URGENT:2/4 Coordinates of #Gaddafi forces in #Misrata,getting ready to attack civilians 32°17’16.14"14°37’3.38" @USAfricaCommand @NATOpress
URGENT: 1/4 Coordinates of Gaddafi forces #Misrata, getting ready to attack civilians 32°17’52.36"14°37’7.44" @NATOpress @USAfricaCommand
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA reports that rebels have pushed #Gaddafi forces 9km from center of Kikkla in Jebel #Nafusa #
ceoDanya Danya B Mohammed
I would like #BBC to know that we do not kill women that are rape,in the Libyan’s people’s eye’s they are heroes @BBCBusiness @BBCWorld @CNN
photogimp1 photogimp
Just sitting around waiting for the storm. It was like this a couple of weeks ago and then all hell broke lose #libya
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
REGIME IMPLOSION: “he saw no signs that #Gaddafi ’s forces have been able to replace lost equipment or acquire fuel and ammunition. “Every day we notice the attrition of Qaddafi’s forces,” he said. “It’s almost run out,” Bengdara said. “They have no fuel for tanks. It’s a matter of weeks” before #Qaddafi is forced out of power, he said.
www.businessweek.com/news/2011-06-13/qa... #Libya #FF
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
#Tripoli UPDATE: REGIME INFIGHTING: “These forces are not only fighting the freedom fighters, but are largely fighting each other…prior to the revolution it was the police that enforced law in the city. Now that the revolution has happened, the elite forces have stepped in, essentially to take their place and protect the regime. This leaves the police with no power and causes conflict between the forces…There is no clear command structure or hierarchy as to who is in control of the city from a security stand point, as these forces are constantly undermining each other’s authority.” #Libya
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
LIBERATING #Tripoli: “four months into a conflict that has torn the country apart, people in #Tripoli appear to be slowly losing their fear of speaking out…
“The only people who like Gaddafi are the police and people working with him."
Yet even among some senior officials close to #Gaddafi there is sense of gloom, regret, and even inevitability, which is compounded by the day as the last of the regime’s “friends” – leaders from the continent who have enjoyed its largesse – abandon #Libya.
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
#Tripoli awaits arrival of #FF: “Nato good, good,” is a common refrain from people talking to foreign reporters.
“Ninety-five per cent of people want him to leave, not just because of politics, but because of our desire for a return to normal life,” the businessman said.
“People are getting tired and saying ‘What for? We need our fuel, our food. We need our regular life. If he Gaddafi has to go to get that back, then so be it.’ "
He added, however, that Tripoli does not seem about to rise up against #Gaddafi, and there is a sense here that people have decided to wait for the rebels to break through from the east before they join the revolt. In the eastern suburbs of #Tripoli, dissidents have been attacking police checkpoints at night and spraying anti-Gaddafi graffiti on walls. But the slogans are quickly painted over, and the police presence in these neighbourhoods remains heavy.” #Libya
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
#Brega UPDATE: “I think we will be having Friday prayers in Brega this week,” he said.”
“NATO forces have bombarded #Gaddafi loyalist positions in the Brega area in past weeks and have used attack helicopters, deployed to enable more accurate targeting of the Libyan leader’s forces.
At a rebel checkpoint on the western entrance to Ajdabiyah, which is an 860 km (540 mile) drive from Tripoli, four trucks carrying armoured personnel carriers headed towards Brega. Rebel fighters seated on top cheered, waved and fired in the air.
A convoy of dozens of pick-ups, mounted with machineguns, sped along the road towards Brega, 75 km west of #Ajdabiya.
“There is fighting happening there right now. We have advanced to 20 km outside Brega. They (rebels) are advancing now. Very soon they will be in Brega,” said fighter Osman al-Maghrabi, 35, who used to serve in Gaddafi’s army.
“I think we will be having Friday prayers in Brega this week,” he said.” af.reuters.com/article/libyaNews/idAFLD... #Libya #FF
Nafusa Mountains almost completely under FF control now: ”Libya english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/20…
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
#Ziwiya #FF no longer control city section of coastal Rd to #Tunisia border – As originally happened in #Misrata – #FF have vacated main roads & withdrawn to selected west Ziwaya precincts – which they will hold and defend – as with #Misrata – pending final push on #Tripoli – in concert with #Nafusa brigades – after #WMA fully liberated. #Libya
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA: rebels say:#Gaddafi forces near Brega feigned surrender,raised white flag, then attacked rebels who advanced to them. 20 killed. #Libya
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
The frontlines at Dafniyah & Ajdabiyah-Brega seem to resemble trench wars. These are always 1)bloody 2)lead to nowhere
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
I am in favour of all Gaddafi diplomats being kicked out of OUR Libyan embassies. Let them enjoy G’s last moments WITH HIM in Tripoli #libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
The Libyan ambassador in UAE leaked info about anti-G activists and was with Gaddafi to the very last minute, now he pretends to be against
Libyan pro-Gaddafi ambassador in UAE said he is no longer with Gaddafi, a day after he was given 72 hours to leave. What a liar. #libya
4Adam Adam
Zawiet AlBaqool (30km E. #Zintan) still full of Gaddafi snipers, but the rebels are determined to hunt them down one by one.
REUTERSFLASH ReutersBreakingNews
Obama will be in violation of war powers resolution on June 19 unless US Libyan operations end by then, or Congress authorizes them: Boehner
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Rayaina 06/14/11: FFs of #Zentan inside #Al-Rayaina: goo.gl/yQF6o #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
2011feb17 Tweets from Tripoli
by librev
NATO back flying over Tripoli
NTC Press Statement No. 32
Issued: June 14, 2011
Benghazi, Libya
For immediate release
Message of introduction from Libya Hurra T
In response to a growing number of inquiries from the press and others, Libya al-Hurra satellite television would like to provide an overview of who we are…
We are Libya al-Hurra – Free Libya satellite television, founded in the memory of the martyr Mohammed Nabus, who was martyred by a Qadhafi sniper on March 19, 2011. Mohammed brought truth to the world through his work and through his internet broadcasts – we will continue to bring truth to Libya and the world through our broadcasts, and Mohammed will live on through this station.
We are a free media enterprise and no government or organization will exercise editorial control over what we broadcast; that decision will be made by the Libya al-Hurra employees and management – we will be open to all views and all perspectives in our new free Libya in order to spread peace and understanding among all people, as long as those views do not call for violence against any person or organization. Understanding, not war. Peace, not violence.
The legitimate government of Libya, in whatever form it takes, will have a relationship with Libya al-Hurra in a manner similar to the esteemed BBC, which we hope to emulate. We also expect that we will function like the esteemed al-Jazeera, and operate openly and critically in a society without fear of government control and intervention.
We are thankful for the contributions of many donors who have helped us get our feet and we look forward to being the voice of all the people of Free Libya as we rebuild our country from the devastation of 42 years.
Libya Hurra Management
libyans_revolt omar
Video:“Back to School in #Misrata” children sing the Libyan independence anthem before classes youtu.be/5nzE7RZE1TA #Libya #Feb17 #AP
dovenews Libyan™
The Official 17Feb Revolutionary Twitter Egg: twitpic.com/5bkfmb #The #Official #17Feb #Revolutionary #Twitter. #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Nafusa : #Nalut : Nalut Being Shelled NOW !
Cartoon: The lifecycle of U.S. foreign relations via @TedRall bit.ly/lRtc5r
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
News Bulletin – 14: 35 GMT update bit.ly/mB3law
Debate between @Guma_el_gamaty (#NTC member) and @georgegalloway (former MP) on #Libya
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
George Galloway! Where is your humanity! I used to have respect for you, not anymore
@Guma_el_gamaty You did well in the interview with that loser Galloway. Can’t believe a scot was mocking u for having 2 nationalities!
youngamazigh youngamazigh
@GeorgeGalloway @Guma_el_gamaty I’ve always liked galloway how he stood up for palestine but hes gone down my ratings after this
FromJoanne Joanne
Was so Frustrated : @GeorgeGalloway debating with @Guma_el_gamaty Al Gamati youtube.com/watch?v=1Hs78L… #ThankUGuma U did extremely well ! #Libya
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
#Libya Situation Report 6/14/11 eepurl.com/ehgKb @NATO @NATOpress @natochannel @UKNATO @USAmbNATO @AndersFoghR #Rasmussen
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Ex-Libyan pro-G ambassador to UAE’s email [email protected] – currently packing his bags. Try not to disturb him too much libya (or do)
My Dad and uncles left Tunis, and are in #Zintan may Allah protect all the Libyan men inshallah. Now I can get live updates!
SkyNewsBreak Sky News Newsdesk
Reuters: Air strike hits east of Libyan capital Tripoli
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli: AFP: Two loud explosions right now in Tripoli #
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Sound of jets and then an airstrike in the distance in Tripoli
bent: Looks like NATO is pounding #Tripoli again, guess the festivities r back on.
Air strike in Libya hits eastern #Tripoli – Reuters journalist ( Reuters Not mention state tv for this statement :) #Libya #Feb17
BREAKING: another strike followed 4 minutes ago near Ein Zara, near an old “Revolutionary committees” office by Furnaj. #
BREAKING: places hit now by #NATO over #Tripoli : Tajurah southern to the east of the capital. Places hit: Surroundings of Garyounis
Electronic factory, Tajurah near ex-iveco assmebling fact. and also near military academy near the coast.
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Tripoli : @NATO has striked command and contol bunker in ghabit al nasr !
libyans_revolt omar
#NATO Jets hit military Targets in #Alfernaj area #Tripol #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
@NATO resumed its airstrike on #Tripoli late Tuesday, blasting at least two targets just before midnight
Fact that FFs still keen to give G forces chance to surrender despite all the atrocities committed is testimony to nobility of #feb17
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli: Tanks & artillery are parked on pavements right next to civ homes to avoid being bombed. Some homes broken into & used as stores
If Omar AlMukhtar was alive today he’d be a Freedom Fighter #feb17
FromJoanne Joanne
FF military spokesman in #Misrata says only 1/3 of Zliten is with the FF #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
#Zlitan FF say they have been instructed by @NATO to withdraw ahead of expected bombing runs to old front lines in #Dafniya #LibyaFromJoanne Joanne
#NATO leaflet #Zliten There’s no place to hide Its not 2late 2stop fighting If you continue 2 threaten civilians u will face destruction
dovenews Libyan™
Plumes of smoke and a fire lit up the sky. #tripoli
A loud blast rocked eastern #Tripoli on Tuesday evening.
FromJoanne Joanne
#NAFUSA AUDIO Report DUPED AND SCARED thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/ #Gaddafi used his mercenaries as Cannon fodder
Libye: les rebelles prennent un village dans l’Ouest, pertes dans l’Est… j.mp/ink5Po
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Nalut: the issue of clean water is increasing, the youth try to fix what they can — youtube.com/watch?v=HLzPhg… via @nalut17feb // #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#Sabha: #Gaddafi’s Lejan Thawarya (Revl Committee Guards) are threatening anyone who is planning to go out, that they will get killed.
Tuesday 14 June, 11:52 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren and Al-Gal’a: A doctor who had returned from the area yesterday referred to the situation as being a tragedy in Al-Gal’a and Yefren. There is no electricity, no indication of a new Libya, no medical equipment or necessities, no medicine, no ambulances nor doctors, no fuel, no means of communication an no media equipment apart from 3 laptops. There is nothing. They are in dire need of everything and anything. The destruction is beyond imagination. In Nafusa Mountains, this is the second most populated city after Gharyan, and was under siege from 3 April until 2 June. People there are still suffering.
Tuesday 14 June, 10:16 h
Nafusa Mountains: Nalut: Mohamed Bin Sheikh and Nuri Zamru (Both from Tuareg) have both defected from the corrupt regime and fled to Algeria. Gadaffi forces assassinated Mr Ahmed Al-Tunsi (Also from Tuareg) on 7 June as he refused their orders to kill innocent people and advance to Al-Gal’a and Yefren. His body was then given to his family who were informed that he had been killed during a NATO attack by coalition forces. The news is accurate and was confirmed by someone from the Gaddafi forces.
Tuesday 14 June, 02:09 h
Nafusa Mountains: Jadu: Random shelling using Grad rockets by Gaddafi forces aimed at the north of Jadu.
Tuesday 14 June, 21:39 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: Two of those killed form the revolutionaries were buried yesterday and 7 today.
Tuesday 14 June, 21:10 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Gal’a: Three young men from Al-Gal’a were kidnapped today whilst on their way from Tripoli to Al-Gal’a. They are young and have no links with the revolutionaries. They are Waleed Ali Mohammed Al-Jiyaashi, Hussam Ali Mohammed Al-Jayaashi, Tareq AbuGasem Issa Al-Gmoodi.
Tuesday 13 June, 20:58 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Gal’a: Clashes between revolutionaries and Gaddafi forces in Al-Gal’a
Tuesday 13 June, 20:47 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Rayaina: Revolutionaries of Zentan inside Al-Rayaina: Images:
Tuesday 13 June, 20:46 h
Nafusa Mountains: Nalut: Location of Gaddafi forces at the northern Nalut checkpoint. Video:
Tuesday 13 June, 20:08 h
Nafusa Mountains: Jadu: Gaddafi forces located in the Ghaddu area near to the city of Tiji are using rockets and Grad rockets to shell the city of Ar-heebat.
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Libyan State TV currently showing what they say is a live shot of pro-government crowds at Bab Al’ Azizia compound in Tripoli #
4Adam Adam
Tunisia TV [Ar]: Tunisian town of Dehiba was under Gaddafi shells last night and early morning 6.14.11. youtube.com/watch?v=fsjKRH… #Libya #Wazin
2011feb17 Tweets from Tripoli
BREAKING: This is what NATO helped us get rid of. Loads of rockets and Ammo Thanks @NATO : 32 50’04.00N, 13 15’11.41E #feb17 #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Message from one #Misurata Freedom Fighter at the front-lines to #Gaddafi — youtube.com/watch?v=RThF0U… via @youtube // #Libya
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
No news from Zawiyah must be bad news. A comment from nearby Surman wasn’t very optimistic either.
septimius_sever septimius severus
“Across Nafusa young men are growing beards as a visual vow of their commitment, refusing to shave until Gaddafi goes”
dovenews Libyan™
London 2012 Olympics: #Gaddafi gets 100s of #London 2012 Olympics tickets telegraph.co.uk/sport/otherspo… Sell the tickets & pay the money 2 Libyan #NTC
septimius_sever septimius severus
“50 dinars, an AK47 each & a quarter-share of a new Chevrolet saloon” was the price of for mercenaries’ in Rujban"
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The situation on the ground of the eastern front-line during the last period — youtube.com/watch?v=OFmTQ9… via @youtube
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Archive: Scenes from liberating #Ajdabiyah city battle — youtube.com/watch?v=bNwagR… via @youtube
Archive: Scenes from liberating #Ajdabiyah city battle part 2 — youtube.com/watch?v=ZN68Xy… via @youtube //
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Barik AlFadi – Captain in the Libyan army defects from #Gaddafi — youtube.com/watch?v=KbyPDy… via @youtube // #Libya
4Adam Adam
#Libya: Airstrikes Resume In #Tripoli After Lull In Nato Raids On Capital news.sky.com/skynews/Home/W…
rcolebourn Richard Colebourn
Bombs falling on #Tripoli now at midnight. None heard during the day since 5am. Mind games from #NATO? #Libya
Tripolitanian Libyan
#NATO is very active over #Tripoli today – hope they stop by #Misrata and #Zawiya too. #Libya
McKenzieCNN David McKenzie
Jets flying overhead…reports of several airstrikes near Tripoli and to South East #libya #nato
FromJoanne Joanne
#Zawiyah is quiet now The main highway west from #Tripoli to Tunisia which was closed because of fighting has reopened #
Update & Comment on the Battle of Misrata for June 13th – twitpic.com/5bmdfj
“Libyans don’t love to spend money” “Because they never had any” That’s a new way of lookin’ at it..
FromJoanne Joanne
#Tunisia army massive presence, evacuated Wazen border crossing 4km Dehiba MondayNight Military F5 + helicopters flyover border Area #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Nashid (Song) Oh Libyan Oh son of the Free — youtube.com/watch?v=IwLghp… via @youtube // #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
PLZ RT! #Libya latest map. Updated 14-06-2011 @ 13:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/5bfd1d/full
Almanara Libya
#Zintan #Libya 3 hours ago // Zintan channel
2 Martyrs and 9 wounded from Zintan youth during a sweeping operation in Zawiyat Baqul from Snipers
The Martyrs are:
AlHadi Barka
AbdulMawla Ma’touq
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Nalut still being shelled by Gaddafi forces
Almanara Libya
#Nalut #Libya 3 hours ago // The sound of explosions is heard in different areas of Nalut city during the shelling of Gaddafi forces to the city with Grad missiles
bdentonphoto Bryan Denton
A fuller edit from Misrata now up on my website: The Siege of Misrata on @photoshelter bit.ly/lUWK46
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Yefren has been liberated, but it’s a heavily damaged ghost town. Many/most people had fled to Tunisia before Gaddafi forces took it. #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Although there is shelling, the man returns to open his workplace and house — youtube.com/watch?v=GyNo8v… via @nalut17feb // #Libya #Nalut
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Tonight NATO air-strikes target eastern area of #Tripoli city, the Libyan capital city // #Libya
Libyan rebel advance checked by NATO strike leaflets | Reuters t.co/GksgjhX via @reuters #Libya #Feb17
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
""I think we will be having Friday prayers in Brega this week," Hope he is not over optimistic reut.rs/mwW7P9 #Feb17 #Libya
Libya not a War for Oil
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #AlQala 06/14/11: 3 young men from #AlQala kidnapped today en route from #Tripoli to #AlQala. They had no links to FFs.
#Nafousa #AlQala 06/14/11: Names of 3 young men kidnapped today: 1 #Waleed #Ali #Mohammed #AlJiyaashi 2 #Hussam #Ali #Mohammed #AlJayaashi
On Tuesday 14th June 2011
Received Email: #Libya #NTC #Feb17 #NATO #US #UK #UN #EU #HRW: ‘’I returned last night from #Yefrin and #Algalha. There is big #disaster in there. Simply there is nothing there. There are no #electricity, no flags, no symbols of our new #Libya, no #medical equipments. no #medication, no #ambulance, no #doctors, no #fuel, no #communication equipments, no #media equipments, but three lap …tops, no paint to remove Qaddafi’s logos, THEY ARE MISSING EVERYTHING.
If you have donated something to #Nafousa Mountains, I can assure, it has not reached Yefrin and Algalha. The damage to buildings was beyond my imaginations.
#Yefrin and #Algalha, according to the last national census, have a population of 50,000, the second largest in #Nafousa after #Gharian. However, people there have not received your contributions. They are missing every thing, doctors, nurses, food, fuel, equipments, flags, clothes, medications, paints, computers, any thing and everything.
In comparison, all other towns I visited from #Nalout to #Zentan are well equipped and supplied. Yefrin and Algalha were under siege from Qaddafi for 50 days.
Their share of your contribution has not reached them for some reason. They are suffering.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Attempts are underway to clear the area of Zawiyat al-Baqul (between Zintan & Yefren) from snipers. 2 dead & 9 wounded so far.
Libyeneinsatz belastet die NATO: Den Briten geht das Geld aus feedly.com/k/kzLYeN + kein Problem – wir zahlen das schon …würg
Video: Libysche Rebellenhochburg: Lebensmittel in Misrata werden knapp bit.ly/iHlyVB #news
Besuch in Bengasi: Libysches Regime verurteilt Westerwelle-Visite feedly.com/k/lKLAPU
“Empire State Rebellion”: Anonymous erklärt Regierungen den Krieg feedly.com/k/iihkQq
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Clashes in different parts of Tripoli over the last 3 days. FF seized some weapons from G tents/checkpoints in coordinated attacks.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #AlQala 06/14/11: Clashes between FFs & #Gaddafi forces in #AlQala goo.gl/KvTxT #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
4Adam Adam
Another lesson 4 Gaddafi ambassadors arnd the world. G ambassador 2 UAE defected after being asked 2leave. thou UAE asked him 2 leave anyway
Breaking: The FFs in the western mountains are less than 75kms away from Tripoli. (via AJ)
Libya17Feb Tripoli Youth
I can’t speak on behalf of Libyans, but I will speak on behalf of myself,I would like to figure out ways to pay back UN&NATO for operations
Luftschläge gegen Gaddafi: Libyen-Krieg entblößt Schwächen der Nato feedly.com/k/ik1Rk2
Libya17Feb Tripoli Youth
#FreedomFighters only kill #Gaddafi Soldiers who are attacking civilians. Freedom fighters never attack civilians
Gaddafi used mercenaries, grad rockets, and rape against innocent Libyan protestors. bigmistake because we will not surrender.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
South Africa is one country that Libya will hopefully not resemble in the future: victims of apartheid becoming defenders of dictators.
what South Africa and its corrupt presedent says about what is happening in #Libya is completely irrelevant
#Libyan state television reports that NATO was bombarding civilian and military targets in the town of Al Jufrah: aje.me/jQEpiq
Charity dinner in Dubai on Friday for Libya. I HAVE TO GOOO!!!
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zintan: Zawiyat Albagoul: Gaddafi forces in this city are now surrounded in the Turkish company. FF asking them to surrender.
Misrata FFs control Rumdan Basheer’s farm South of Misrata after defeating Gaddafi forces based there
La Tunisie disposée à reconnaître le CNT
Kadafi a force de provocation voilà!! on y arrive :) = La #Tunisie disposée à reconnaitre le CNT bit.ly/mq9mAI
cjchivers CJ Chivers
Social Media & Cluster Bombs. – The At War post describing how a circle of specialists identified the… tumblr.com/x1q2xqa97b
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Nalut: #Mohamed #Bin #Sheikh & #Nuri #Zamru (Both from Tuareg) have both defected from #Gaddafi’s regime & fled to #Algeria.
wheelertweets James Wheeler
#Misrata’s dead & injured surely outnumber war casualties from the rest of #Libya put together. Except 4 #Tripoli. And the toll keeps rising
Zuma is abusing my bullshit tolerance, frequently: j.mp/jy7sY6 He should join his buddy hiding in Tripoli’s sewers and STFU.
Tripoli: Via @MK_FGM : NATO jets flying over Tripoli and no explosions so far #libya #feb17
LibyaUnited1944 Libya United 1944
@BBCWorld Stop quoting a proven propaganda spreading machine! It does nothing for your credibility which is already on the rocks these days!
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Audioboo: Latest audio report from Sam Kiley in Tripoli boo.fm/b385936 #journalism #libya #skynews
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Security source: Critical injuries had to be taken to Sirte for operations. Others were treated in Ras Lanouf #gaddafi #libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Jadu 06/14/11: Random shelling w/Grad rockets by #Gaddafi forces aimed N. of #Jadu #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Security source: The casualties are a combination of clashes in #Brega and NATO bombardment on tanks & vehicles trying to attack Ajdabiya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Security source: 150 dead soldiers and 200 injured Gaddafi soldiers were taken from Brega to Ras Lanouf & then Sirte yesterday #libya #feb17
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Constant sound of jets over Tripoli for the last 15 minutes #Libya
Libya Tweeps in coming weeks let’s not mention anything more about future plans by FFs or protesters.G supporters follow twitter & FB #feb17
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Wired.com on #libyan ingenuity wired.com/dangerroom/201… #Feb17 #Gaddafi #Libya
Motion to Extend #Canada’s Engagement in #Libya Adopted by House of Commons.
Alert – MPs vote 294-1 to extend military mission in Libya . #Green Party’s Elizabeth May only MP opposed #libya
Schematic Battlefield Plan of Misrata as of Thursday June 9th t.co/bf84h6D Update t.co/YjF2A38
The objective of regime change in #Libya has inescapable financial consequences
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tunisia: Following #Gaddafi rockets landing in #Mrabeh, Tunisia put up a helicopter & an F-5 jet to patrol border. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Greece CARGO SHIP “SPORADES” now en route to #Benghazi #Libya ETA: 2011-06-15 21:00 (UTC) #feb17
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Between #Ajdabiya & #Brega, 25 FFs were killed, 20 wounded when “surrendering” #Gaddafi forces carrying a white flag opened fire. #warCrimes
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Very odd: As of today there is a new “Natigation Aid” named “CH14CY0,,P” at 34.03205 / 20.1115 115.1 NM N. of #Benghazi #Libya #feb17
US unveiled a bill that wd allow US gov to tap up to $10 billion of Gadhafi’s frozen assets to provide hum aid 2 Libya bit.ly/lbFpBm
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Reuters: #Gaddafi forces pulled out of #Kikla (150 kilometres south west of #Tripoli) and regrouped at another position 9 kilometers away
The IOC states Colonel Gaddafi cannot travel to the 2012 London Olympics but Libya still get an allocation of tickets.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Video of #NATO bombing on #Furnaj area in #Tripoli 15/06/2011 Part 2 — youtube.com/watch?v=Y0dh-F… via @youtube // #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Pictures 14/06/2011 #Tripoli – 3 explosions in Furnaj area — goo.gl/pt7Yh // #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Short time ago #NATO bombed an Ammo Dump in the residential neighborhood of #EinZara. No civilian injuries, #Libya #feb17
Canada will extend formal recognition to Libyan rebels as MPs extend mission
By an overwhelming 294-1 margin, MPs approved the extension Tuesday evening after an exhaustive day-long debate on Canada’s involvement in the NATO-led, United Nations-sanctioned mission to protect civilians from dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May was the lone dissenter, saying she had concerns about “mission creep.”
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird’s kicked off the debate by announcing a significant policy shift — recognizing the National Transitional Council of Libya, the key rebel organization fighting Gadhafi. He also announced additional aid funds to assist victims of sexual violence.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: #NATO strikes reported in #Fornaj. #Libya #feb17
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
Nato strikes in Fornaj #Tripoli causing a huge fire there in a populated residential area. Will confirm damage to the houses, if any.
FACTBOX-Latest developments in Libyan conflict Reuters: t.co/IJPDVAM via @addthis
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
In 200 BC Leptis Magna was the 3rd most important Roman city in North Africa after Carthage and Alexandria. It (cont) tl.gd/b45hks
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Greece OIL TANKER “SAPPORO PRINCESS" Speed/Course: 1.1 kn/157˚ appears headed toward #AlKhums 157 NM N/NW #Libya #feb17 @NATO
Gaddafi is buying a TV. “Do you have color TVs?” “of course we’ve only colors TVs.”! “Give me a green one, please.”
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
ALERT: #Greece OIL TANKER “SAPPORO PRINCESS” w/ dest: of #Malta OPL” now at 35.11374˚/13.21998˚ headed towards #Libya coast. @NATO
ahmadalgamaty ahmadalgamaty
MC : Eight powerful explosions in Wazin crossing border between Libya and Tunisia #libya #17feb
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Janzour: Reports of large numbers of #Gaddafi tanks entering town. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
Channel 4: Getting the wobbles | World News Blog bit.ly/k0hFZE
youtu.be/jCyRBUAEneM Men of #Misrata you make me proud ! #Libya #Feb17
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
My cousin has been in jail for nearly 2 months now. They set his trial date for the end of the month. I guess #Gaddafi plans to stick around
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: #NATO has just now struck a #Gaddafi command center in #Furnaj next to the Girls university dorms. #Libya #feb17
libyanproud libyanandproud
Alshababya TV : Someone called in and said defecting Ministers have their heads up their asses or their pockets ! LOL
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Yefren: #Freedomfighters have liberated town. Massively damaged & mostly a ghost town. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Help with the humanitarian efforts in #Libya by donating to @WMCLibya through their website.
Robert Rowley
#Misrata: #Freedomfighters gain control of #RamadanAlBashir’s ranch after defeating #Gaddafi forces there. #Libya #feb17
Every life is a story…make yours a best seller
Beauty Tips: For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak of the kindness of others.
Mass arrests occurred over last two days in #baniwalid. Young males from single families arrested. Also those at safety checkpoints. #libya
One and a half year-old Mohsen Ali al-Sheikh, who was killed by a gunshot by pro-Gadhafi forces earlier in the day twitpic.com/5boo9e
Libya rebels make gains against Gadhafi forces in Tripoli – Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News: bit.ly/jNdvXT "old pix but scary)
Many thanks & respect to Dr. Hussein Albornawi and the other doctors from Benghazi who risked their lives to help the people of Yefren.
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Nafusa Mountains: HUMANITARIAN CRISIS @SHABABLIBYA #Yefren and Al-#Galaa: A doctor who had returned from the (cont) tl.gd/b46l38
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Nafusa Mountains #Nalut Mohamed Bin Sheikh and Nuri Zamru (Both from #Tuareg) have both defected from the (cont) tl.gd/b46kg3
Ok libya tweeps, need help. Can anyone give me more info on Mohamed Madani (cameraman) and Mohamed Halbous (commander) from Misrata?
Almanara Libya
#Benghazi #Libya // The security brigade to protect Benghazi captured a woman from the sleeper cells (5th column)
Breaking Almanara: The security brigade to protect Benghazi detained the named Maryam Mohammed Hamad from the residential area AlHamaitha after information that she is distributing leaflets inviting for a protest against the 17 Feb revolution.
The investigating officer of the brigade told Almanara that the brigade received the information on Monday 13/06/2011 about Maryam Mohammed Hamad of birth year 1957 from AlHamaitha area residents and owes a white car (Kia Rio) sticking leaflets with the title “Enough of silence” in Sidi Hussain area to incite to go out in a demonstration on Wednesday 15/06/2011 against the 17 Feb revolution. The investigating officer said that the named Maryam was caught and at first denied the charges against her.
After the interrogation with her and facing her with a range of evidence, including the admit of her son about her wearing with what is knows as the green flag, and some other evidence. At the end she admitted of distributing the leaflets and gave the guide to where she hides them, she also claimed that she was forced to do so after she was chased by a group of people in a blue Hyundai car and forced her to distribute the leaflets and if she does not then they will rape her daughters.
It is noteworthy that Maryam Mohammed Hamad is the sister of Mohammed Mohammed Hamad one of the big known men of Lijan AlThouwriyah (Gaddafi Revolutionary Committee) that fled to Egypt, and the freedom fighters have burnt his house after the start of 17Feb Revolution. Mohammed Mohammed Hamad supervised on the demolition of the Dark Market (Souq AlThalam), one of the old landmarks of Benghazi, and was working as the coordinator of the External Communication Office in the Gaddafi Revolutionary Committee Movement in 7th April Military camp. goo.gl/bkUuD
Gaddafi sent an emissary who will meet this week with a senior representative of the @BarackObama administration tinyurl.com/6c5yter #Libya
The Libya standoff is prompting the new interest in a political settlement. Gaddafi’s intelligence chief, Abdullah al-Senussi, sent an emissary who will meet this week with a senior representative of the Obama administration. The message is that Gaddafi will give up power and retreat into the desert, while technocrats in his regime work with the TNC to form a transitional government. Senussi, widely feared in Libya, would apparently also withdraw from power. The U.S. response couldn’t be learned.
Almanara Libya
#Benghazi #Libya 1 hour ago // A source reported to Almanara about the fall of one dead and two injured in a random gun fire operation in Jamal Abdul Naser street, the source said that a car shot gun fire at a group of youth one of them died and the rest injured, while the car fled away.
The source reported that the security services have started an operation to look for the perpetrators who are suspected to be from the 5th column.
It is also mentioned that the 5th column attempt to destabilize the security in the liberated areas in order to sabotage the security felt by citizens after the 17 Feb revolution in most of the liberated areas, and they also try to cause problems between the different tribes.
Start of NATO jets from Italy into Libya. One Tornado at flight. ( 10am Trip time)
6 NATO jets have started from Italy into #Libya this morning, the last at 11.55 (Tripoli’s time). Military helicopters over NATO naval base.
One another NATO jet have started at 12.25 as powerful thunderstorm with lightnings has begun here.
Another NATO jet is in flight despite the thunderstorm.
#Misrata : Freedom fighters in control of #Naima area on the edges of #Zletin .. NATO jets hovering over the city. #Libya #Feb17 (mid-day Trip)
#NAFUSA : #Nalut : the Daily Missile attack on Nalut by #Gaddafi forces at #Ghazaya started early today
UKNATO UK Delegation, NATO
#MOD: yesterday UK aircraft destroyed 3 ammo bunkers at the depot in #Waddan, and successfully engaged a military vehicle near Yafran #Libya
#NATO jets flying over #Misrata right now
( Mid-day Trip)
Niz_FGM Niz
15/6/11 – Just back from fresh #NATO bombing-EinZara. Ammo dump in middle of residential district. All homes intact. People angry at regime (2am Trip)
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Nafusa : #ZawyatAlBagul : FF pushed the Gaddafi forces back to #Aweeneya . NATO Strike on Forces at Aweeneya at night #Feb17 #Libya (FB)
BREAKING : #NAFUSA Freedom fighters have the remnants of #Gaddafi forces surrounded in #Aweeneya
BREAKING : #NAFUSA : #Aweeneya is liberated ! ALLAH AKBAR !
Breaking: #NTC Delegation to visit #Tunisia on Saturday . #Tunisia expected to Recognize the @NTC_of_Libya .
Some gunfire heard, as Freedom fighters say they are “clearing” last section of road between #Zintan & #Yefren. #Libya ALJ v @baysontheroad
BBCWorld BBC Global News
#Libya’s Colonel #Gaddafi is banned from entering the EU and therefore could not attend the London 2012 Olympics, the DCMS says #london2012
Nalut feb 17: Gaddafi forces shelled Nalut this morning with heavy artillery & rockets
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Niger revoked a deal to sell #Libya’s LAP Green Network a majority stake in national telecoms operator Sonitel feb17.info/news/live-liby… #Feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
NATO’s chief will hold talks on Libya with British leaders on Wednesday feb17.info/news/live-liby… #Libya #Feb17
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Some gunfire heard, as opp fighters say they are “clearing” last section of road between ZIntan and Yefren.
Panama first Central American country to recognise TNC #feb17
Admiral Harris commander of the Navy’s 6th Fleet says #Libya campaign sustainable | timesfreepress.com timesfreepress.com/news/2011/jun/… #Feb17 #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
#MALTA @NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, Admiral James Stavridis, is in #Malta for talks with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Gaddafi said to Kirsan Ilyumzhinov that he doesnt know the reason why NATO is attacking him" REALLY!
Maybe Gaddafi has mastered the art of teleportation and that’s how he navigates his bunkers without his golf cart
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
At sea, Royal Navy ships maintained their patrols with other NATO vessels off the Libyan coast to enforce the United Nations arms embargo.
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Our aircraft also successfully engaged a military vehicle near Yafran in the Djebel Nafousa.
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Yesterday, our aircraft destroyed three ammunition bunkers at the depot in Waddan.
More than 50 #Gaddafi officers and soldiers have defected to #Tunisia and #Malta in the past 24 Hours
FromJoanne Joanne
FF in #Misrata says only 1/3 of #Zliten citizens R with FF but lets not forget city is filled with Gaddafi troops since start Revolu
#Jacob #Zuma: a rapist defending a #Gaddafi’s rapist army in #Libya! Why does it surprise anyone?
dovenews Libyan™
Gaddafi “I don’t understand why me and my relatives are sentenced to death without a trial” #Gaddafi said to Ilyumzhinov
Ilyumzhinov, who formerly headed Russia’s province of Kalmykia, is noted 4 eccentric bhavior including claims he was visitd by a UFO.
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Some of the Graffiti art on opposition checkpoints is pretty inventive. yfrog.com/kg6vpbj
jfjbowen Jeremy Bowen
Border much busier than last time I entered Libya here in April. Libyan border guards cheery. One said Sarkozy a sinner for bombing children
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Opposition forces on patrol in newly captured areas pi.pe/-6xh7ov
Tunisian news agency: 41 Libyan soldiers entered Tunisian lands today and their ranks are still unknown. via FB
Theater of War: Inside Gaddafi’s Libya – LightBox t.co/JuAbmWi via @TIME
Libyan troops shell western rebel positions – AlertNet j.mp/k3CVop #Libya #Feb17
Just saw a video of a boy with both his hands cut off, by Gaddafii forces … What if that was your son? #Gaddaficrimes
Benefits of having different lists for #Libya reporters: I can see that Rixos journalists r still asleep & that Misrata/Nafusa ones aren’t
Video: Rebel fighter talks on mobile phone during battle tumblr.com/x0530cggtp
Video: Wounded machine gunner services his weapon while being bandaged. Talk about badass. tumblr.com/x0530cgd8b
dovenews Libyan™
#Prague: Czech Rep’s envoy is planning to visit Benghazi to recognize the NTC officially. #NTC #Libya #Czech #Rep #Benghazi #Feb17
Chief executive Italian oil major ENI (ENI.MI) is optimistic that the Oil energy situation in #Libya will return to normal in a year
jfjbowen Jeremy Bowen
Busy border. Libyan cars going home too & expats checking family & property. And trucks loaded with sacks of sugar. Unsweet Libyan life tho
jfjbowen Jeremy Bowen
Steady flow of Libyan cars heading out to Tunisia. A week or two in Djerba looking good to well heeled libyans. At the border now.
BREAKING: LATEST pictures of NATO’s PSYOPS flyers, dropped on Gaddafi troops in Zliten #libya #feb17 TRANSLATION: twitpic.com/5bu1ef
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Over 20 Grad rockets hit Nalut this morning. Gaddafi forces also shelled the wazin border crossing – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/DlWNW
FINALLY taking off later tonight for Misrata…30 hour boat ride, oh my!
Brega: Unconfirmed report that a small group of Gaddafi soldiers tried to defect from Brega to Ajdabiya but were shot from behind #libya
Brega: Reports that NATO struck a group of Gaddafi tanks and ammo trucks trying to move eastwards from Brega
Photo: #EpicLibyanGrandma is very modest… even when she bears arms. #Libya #Feb17 tumblr.com/xkd2zyp7q5
mfletchertimes Martin Fletcher
At border. Weapons searches. Trucks of petrol coming in. Inevitable Gaddafi rally on state tv. will lose signal as we head twrds Tripoli
41 Libyens dont 27 militaires arrivés mardi en Tunisie – Belga Generique – Le Vif – LeVif.be #Libye j.mp/jGbRtF
(Belga) 41 Libyens, dont 27 militaires, sont arrivés mardi à bord de deux embarcations dans le port tunisien d’El Ketef, dans le gouvernorat de Mednine (sud-est), frontalier de la libye, a indiqué mercredi l’agence officielle TAP.
Parmi ces militaires figurent des officiers. L’agence ne précise pas s’il s’agit de défections au régime de Mouammar Kadhafi. Mardi, un responsable du ministère tunisien de la défense avait annoncé qu’un groupe de militaires pro-Kadhafi avait fait défection pour se réfugier en Tunisie, mais sans donner de précisions sur leur nombre ou leur point d’arrivée. Lundi, une trentaine de blessés libyens avaient été transférés en Tunisie à la suite des combats acharnés entre rebelles libyens et forces pro-Kadhafi. Entre lundi et mardi, 6.850 réfugiés venant de Libye avaient déjà franchi la frontière, dont plus de 6.000 Libyens. (ROJ)
freedomgroupTV Freedom Group
The Freedom Group Daily is out! bit.ly/fGJIFt ▸ Top stories today
David Cameron holds Libya talks with Nato
septimius_sever septimius severus
Marking out Gadafy’s face on One Dinar bills yfrog.com/h0lxzdsj
Panamá, primer país latinoamericano que reconoce a rebeldes libios
TAP via AJE: 41 Libyans, 27 from the military; including officers arrived in Tunisia Wed.; haven’t reported whether or not soldiers defected
MISRATA/KIKLA: Reuters: G forces shelled FF positions in the W. Mountains 2day after FF advances on 3 fronts brought them closer to Tripoli
feb17libya Feb17Libya
The White House will soon be defending the military action in #Libya to Congress. feb17.info/news/live-liby…
NPR: Foreign Doctors Stay Behind to Staff Libyan Hospital goo.gl/2tvAI #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
Great collection of videos by @HumphreyCheung in #Nafusa. An example “Smacking Ghadaffi’s portrait with my shoe” tinyurl.com/6eajzvs #Libya
British forces news:
tinyurl.com/42y6b33 #Libye: nouveaux succès pour la rébellion dans l’ouest du pays
Amazing report by @tonybirtley on the Pro G scum who took horrific pictures of dead FFs. Such a relief to hear he was killed in Misrata! j.mp/kJX2xD
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Italian Int. Minister, fearing increase in refugees from #Libya, calls on the parliament to block financing airstrikes feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Ahmed Misrata
“No Nato,” said Mohammed, the 14-year-old son of a Dafniya rebel fighter drinking tea behind one of the giant sand berms that shield rebel positions from sniper fire. “Where is Nato?” via @guardiannews
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Libyan bombing alone will not budge Gaddafi, UK officials warn bit.ly/kRRrHl
feb17libya Feb17Libya
David Cameron will today hold talks on #Libya with Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Aljazeera: Alryaynah now being bombarded with missiles by Gaddafi forces stationed in the area of Aghannaimh. no news of casualties yet
hardingbbc andrew harding
Senior rebel official in Misrata, Libya scolds NATO for doing too little, too slowly, too cautiously.
Nafusa: Rayayna under Grad attack from G forces located in AlGhanayma #feb17#Libya
Analysis: NATO first to blink in Gaddafi’s war of nerves
@NATO it’s time to do the right thing and start helping FF advance and clear areas. The “warn & count on defections” method won’t work
Le #Canada continue de répondre à la crise humanitaire en #Libye: actualités > StarAfrica j.mp/kOViEn
France, le Qatar, le Royaume-Uni, l’Italie, la Gambie, Malte, la Jordanie, le Sénégal, l’Espagne, l’Australie… (cont) deck.ly/~NYnvE
not quite correct……
Gaddafi troops shell western rebel positions (in #Misrata & #Nalut) tinyurl.com/6da37cb #Libya
MiddleEast Live News
Libyan rebels make fresh advances goo.gl/jJu3K | #Libya #Gaddafi #Feb17 #Zintan #Misrata #Brega #Ajdabiya #Benghazi
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Just been on a government trip to Gharyan about 100km south of Tripoli in the Nafusa mountains.Driven there allowed out for 30 min then back
UK can stay in #Libya as long as needed, says #Cameron – bbc.in/l8be3F #Feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
This Sunday will mark the 90th day since #US troops were committed to enforce a #NFZ in #Libya. feb17.info/news/live-liby…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
The US War Powers Act requires congressional approval for military action or a withdrawal within 90 days. – #Libya feb17.info/news
Libyan bombing alone will not budge Gaddafi, UK officials warn
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Speaker of the House gives Obama Friday deadline to get authorization from Congress on military deployment in #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Misrata rebel leader appeals to Nato to save neighbouring town
If u need to call some1 in Benghazi Libyana only. Replace 00218 92 with 00218 992
London 2012 Olympics: Libya stripped of tickets to Games following public outrcry – Telegraph t.co/O6EpEDF via @Telegraph
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Reports that 20 ambulances sent from Tripoli to Zawiya returned full of bodies belonging to G soldiers yesterday (via FB) #libya
27 Libyan soldiers flee fighting to Tunisia
27 Gaddafi soldiers flee fighting to Tunisia t.co/cYKRlrk
TUNIS, Tunisia—Tunisia’s state news agency says 27 Libyan soldiers have fled fighting in Libya and taken boats to Tunisia
The TAP news agency reported Wednesday that several of those who fled were senior officers.
It says they arrived with 14 civilians aboard two boats Tuesday in the Tunisian port of Ketf, near the Lib der.
Tunisian army official Mokhtar Ben Nasr said several groups of Libyan troops have fled to Tunisia in recent weeks, and “they are in ce.” He would not disclose their location.
He told a newonference that the number of Libyans fleeing has mounted in recent days, with 6,330 Libyan refugees crossing into Tunisia from Monday to Tuesday.
An uprising in Tunisia earlier this year prompted anti-government protests around the Arab world.
Freedom fighters are now at a recrd 65 Km away from #Tripoli’s outskirts. Still some cleaning to do, but Gaddafi will never feel safe again.
Breaking : #NAFUSA : #KIKLA : #Mlayib is liberated !
fieldproducer Neal Mann
There is very little you can learn of any area if you are only allowed to walk down one street for 30 minutes.
#Greece CARGO SHIP “SPORADES”, Dest: #Benghazi #Libya now en route ETA: 2011-06-16 21:00 (UTC) #feb17
Nafousa: Aljazeera: Freedom fighters now control most of the Nafousa mtn cities after the liberation of Ryayna, Awiniyah & others #libya
the ‘tribal tension’ bit between Misrata & Zliten is also nonesense imho. Its true that NATO gambles on Tripoli rising up.
AJA: Protests in Tripoli especially Alhdaba Alkhadra in Bareed street with fire exchange
next target in #Nafusa: #Gharyan! From there, just a matter of time until reaching #Aziziya & #Tripoli!
fieldproducer Neal Mann
On the way back in to Tripoli we went through one heavy check point which was solely staffed by female soldiers
JacksonDiehl Jackson Diehl
David Ignatius says a #Libya envoy is coming to DC to propose a deal under which Gaddafi would retire to the desert. wapo.st/k8xCMz
Does this man have any idea what is really going on?
AJA: FFs declare their control of all towns in Nafusa mountain . Allah Akbar
Updated map: twitpic.com/5bfd1d/full
The Thuwwar have declared control over all of the Mountain area, excepting Gharian, and Gaddafi’s forces are surrendering in 10s. #Libya :)
Photos of destroyed civilian homes in Yefren t.co/Ij2EhVl Libya
BREAKING: FF can finally declare the the siege on Qalaa/Yefren/Kikla is broken which means Nafousa is now free from Wazin to Kikla #libya
In 72 hours: FF control 4 more towns in Nafousa mtns. FF advanced ~20km from Ajdabiya to Brega. FF back in Zawiya. feb17
Brega: Reports that NATO struck a group of Gaddafi tanks and ammo trucks trying to move eastwards from Brega
Brega: Unconfirmed report that a small group of Gaddafi soldiers tried to defect from Brega to Ajdabiya but were shot from behind
AJA: 75 G forces killed and around 100 injured over past 3 days in Brega clashes feb17
FACTBOX-Latest developments in Libyan conflict
June 15 (Reuters) – Following are the latest political and military developments in the Libyan crisis.
- One truck-mounted gun in the vicinity of Yafran
— Two armoured fighting vehicles in the vicinity of Brega
I know .uncle came from Gharyan last week 2 Tripoli. Was stop & presonally searched though on the way back near 3azezya.
HMS Albion, HMS Sutherland & RFA Wave Knight leave Libya operations & head for Read Sea as originally planned tinyurl.com/65cbqdl
Tripoli to geryan road is open, called 2 friends and they go back and forth 3adi at the moment.
Gheryan still remains to be liberated as well as Ghazaya which rains GRAD rockets on Nalut but their turn will come soon #Nafousa
#Nalut heavily bombed this morning by #Gaddafi forces. More than 20 Grad rockets hit in different parts of the city
The mountain range south of Tripoli known as Nafousa mountains is now fully free from Gaddafi’s raping, murdering and destroying forces.
Latest lie on Gaddafi forums/State TV: “Gaddafi is so generous, he offered to pay for FF & G soldier treatment in Tunisia personally” hahaha
feb17libya Feb17Libya
MEP Simon Busuttil will lead a European Parliament delegation to the Libyan border with #Tunisia. #Libya #EU feb17.info/news/live-liby…
I can confirm LPC just told me heavy gun battles in Sog Eljumha & Tajoora east of Tripoli Libya . Call live from the scene!
Uncinfirmed: Misrata: Gaddafi forces shelling the port and surrounding area
N_Benghazi .
Zintan: Dozens of the tyrant’s soldiers have surrendered to the FF and are now showing the sites of ammunitions to FF via AlJazeera. #Libya
Nafusa: FFs attacked AlAwaniya. As Gaddafi forces fled they were targeted by NATO. FFs now sweeping Alawaniya #feb17#libya Allah Akbar
the reports of “honor killings” of rape victims in #libya was false and fabricated. like #amina. It never happended and wont happen. #feb17
lindseyhilsum Lindsey Hilsum
Just back from #Libya Govt trip to Gharyan. All quiet but what about Kiklah 20 miles west? Reuters reported Govt retreat yesterday.
All the towns in #Nafusa were liberated by the opposition except the town of #Gheryan -which is the largest & strategically vital 4 #Gaddafi
Live Video: The #UN Security Council meeting now to discuss situation in #Libya unmultimedia.org/tv/webcast/ind… #feb17
Gaddafi forces positioned near northern gate & #AlGhazaya, are shelling #Nalut right now.
Tripoli: Clashes between #FreedomFighters and #Gaddafi forces in Souq al Jumu’a neighbourhood in #Tripoli – via Al Jazeera #Libya #Feb17
Misrata: NATO planes are hovering over #Misrata with relative calm on the front lines. G forces try to bombard city occasionally.
dovenews Libyan™
Heavy presence of NATO aircraft in the sky of #Misrata, relatively quiet on the fronts lines. FB
#AlAwaniya: #Freedomfighters struck #Gaddafi forces & drove them out. As Gaddafi forces retreated #NATO targeted them. #Libya #feb17 #Nafusa
Nafousa: Gharyan is a very important city and the biggest in Nafousa. Still not free from G forces and still suffering.
Reports that many FF from G controlled areas left through Ras Ejdeer and are now going to Nalut to prepare another attack
The United Nations Security Council is meeting right now to discuss the situation in Libya – live on Aljazeera Mubasher
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Special envoy of Russian president on his way to Tripoli to meet Gaddafi regime members today & tomorrow. #Russia #Libya #Gaddafi #Tripoli
Libya: Under fire on Misrata’s frontline
TAP: On Tuesday, 41 Libyans arrived to Katef port in #Tunisia, 27 defecting officers and soldiers with 14 civilians
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Village of Laawiniyah (sorry about spelling) on road between Yefren and Zintan now in opposition hands
The town of #Nalut is currently being attacked by #Gaddafi forces who are situated at the Ghazaya. #Libya #Gaddaficrimes #Feb17
Gaddafi forces shell rebel positions
Dawud Shakeer disavows pro g brother Yusef ( presenter)
Colonel + 4 soldiers split from G troops:
Zawiya: Freedom fighters in Zawiya attacked Harsha and killed 4 Gaddafi soldiers at a checkpoint before retreating safely #libya #feb17
Camilla ben Othman the wife of Saleh Ibrahim (one of Girdafi’s dogs)who lives in Reading is trying to scare Libyans away from donating for Libyan aid by threatening actions against relatives in Tripoli . I am reporting her to the foreign office. Pls RT
(Btw Saleh Ibrahim is among those believed to have murdered Policewoman Yvonne Fletcher.)
Saleh Ibrahim brags about Gaddafi’s paradise while he keeps his family in tucked away in Reading UK.
dovenews Libyan™
Ex-Gaddafi advisor says Libyan leader playing for time. via Reuters #libya
Remember Saif el-Islam’s evil evil laugh? t.co/3H0CJxk well, it should go down in history.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Real test for revolutionaries will now be 3 heavily fortified areas: Brega in the east, Zlitan in the west, Geryan in the Nafusa mountains.
BREAKING: AJA: Nefusa FF have liberated all of the Nefusa mountains!
dovenews Libyan™
by freeourlibya
#Prague: Czech Rep’s envoy is planning to visit Benghazi to recognize the NTC officially. #NTC
#Libya #Czech #Rep #Benghazi #Feb17
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Alaawinya, between Yefren and Zintan, is now in hands of the revolutionaries -
Chinese exodus leaves behind Libya ghost town
Tripoli: Heavy presence of NATO jets being reported now. #libya #feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Raw Video: NATO Resumes Airstrikes on Tripoli (June 14) bit.ly/iknZir
#Gaddafi troops shell western mountains youtu.be/c4fLvCggcoM
TAP: June 14,Ten injured Libyans arrive in Tataouine t.co/8AdkHln #Tunisia #Libya
Image: latest NATO flyers
Fierce clashes in #Tripoli today between #Gaddafi mercenaries and pro-democracy fighters.
David Cameron: “Time is on our side and we will continue the military operations to protect civilians, whatever the time taken.” #ThankYou
Navy chief rapped over Libya doubts
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Revolutionaries from within Garyan estimate that around 1000 young men are imprisoned & 1000s of others have been put on wanted lists.
Nalut: BREAKING: Gaddafi forces are heavily bombarding Nalut from the north. 1 person has been injured so far. Where is @NATO #libya #feb17
#Libya: Here is the Kalashnakov AK-103: militaryfactory.com/smallarms/deta… #Libya #feb17
#Libya: Please let all friends/contacts in #Libya know any Kalashnakov AK-103’s found need to be sent to #NTC, proof for #UN. #feb17
#Libya: Further report of #Venezuela #HugoChavez having supplied #Gaddafi with a cargo container of AK-103’s after 1973 passing. #Libya
rcolebourn Richard Colebourn
Spent 7 weeks in #Libya this year so far but no clearer when and how this might all end.
RT @Amazigh_Libya: Gaddafi troops located at Al-Gazaya are shelling #Nalut and Al-Marabeh mountains- just a few km from Wazen @NATO @NATOPress
Gaddafi regime state TV said that NATO struck a bus in Kikla… and every agency is reporting it now. How hard is it to check first?
can any one tell me that what [passenger bus do in Kikla, what idiots do they think kikla like NY, we don’t have local bus lines in kikla what idiots !
W all ability of #Gaddafi & his TV 2 lie & fake stories,still nt able 2 prove 1 civilian killed by #NATO.Hats off #NATO 4 accurate strikes
BNN_News_Intl BNN News Int’l
Speaking of helpful, I am still trying 2 track down those AK-103s 2 see about getting a arms embargo on Chavez
BRAVE: Anti-Gaddafi activists dare to speak out in Tripoli where armed spies are in workplaces, schools & cafes bbc.in/kYvtEF libya
#US aircraft carrier has left #NATO’s naval base in #Italy for #Libya. #feb17
Réfugiés libyens: "Grâce à la solidarité du peuple tunisien, la crise humanitaire a été évitée de justesse(Elizabeth Eyster)j.mp/m5Poh7
rcolebourn Richard Colebourn
wyredavies and I have now left #Libya but watch #bbcnews at Six and Ten for an exclusive on Tripoli’s underground opposition to Col Gaddafi
BBCAndyNorth andy north
Tripoli rebel: fewer Gaddafi forces on streets, and always moving, but “we can’t beat them without weapons”
WyreDavies Wyre Davies
Tripoli a Gadaffi stronghold? Think again. Watch my exclusive on the regime’s opponents. On BBC tv, radio & online #libya
SkyNewsBreak Sky News Newsdesk
Reuters: Libyan State TV says 12 people killed after NATO bombardment hits bus carrying passengers in Kikla
rubbish…..just more rubbish…..
BBCAndyNorth andy north
Tripoli rebel: also using petrol bombs, but “suicide” to confront Gaddafi forces. “Our boys only have a few AKs and very little ammunition.”
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi forces between Rayayina & Yefren have fled after a number of NATO strikes and left behind useful vehicles.
The aircraft carrier has left NATO’s naval base in Italy for #Libya.
Unlike #Misrata, #Nafusa FFs have heavy #armored #vehicles (incl tanks) which could make a big difference in battles in #Zawiya or #Gharyan!
as long as they paint them first……..
#LeptisMagna: American media in Libya report that area is clear of #Gaddafi forces reported to be there yesterday.
#Tripoli: Clahes reported earlier in #SougAlJuma have now also started in #Tajura
BBCAndyNorth andy north
New Tripoli rebel tactic: claim ‘Fish Bomb’ used to attack Gaddafi forces’ 4WD in Suq al Juma yday, setting off clashes
Libya State TV also said that Gaddafi controls all of Libya except for a few neighborhoods in Benghazi.
Libya State TV also said that the evil spirits of the desert are on Gaddafi’s side and will erode the cities against Gaddafi.
Libya State TV also said that a hen laid a green egg in Gaddafi’s farm, therefore Gaddafi will win. I’m serious…
Clearly Gaddafi is stepping up his media war and planting witnesses to say random rubbish. It’s too late G, game over.
“Libyan state television says” this became the most dreaded sentence by FF tweeps
All the towns in Nafusa were liberated by ff’s, except Gharyan ( keep in mind that is the largest and very important to g)
Happy today!… Coordination between NATO and west mountain ff’s must have improved! Now siege of Gharyan can be broken hopefully!
And once Gharyan falls, victory is very near!
As for the size and the appearance it seemed American, definitely it was not an Italian one. The NATO’s naval base of Taranto.
Almanara Libya
#Misurata #Libya 5 hours ago // A source reported to Almanara that two children were injured in AlHabarah area in Misurata city after it was under shelling yesterday with Grad Missiles by Gaddafi Forces. AlHabarah area is about 1 Km away from the city center.
Breaking : The bus carrying snow white and the 12 dwarves , has been attacked by the Crusader Army ! Via LibyaStateTv
One of my cousins is in Yefren for the first time after more than 20 years, soon I will tweet from there too.
Portugal: Unconfirmed: Reports that all the #Libya n embassy staff & the Libyan ambassador in Portugal just defected & no longer represent G
My older brother has been in nafousa for a week or so and J. posted “all is well, not long to go” on FB.1st I’ve heard from him in a week
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The destruction to the mosques of #Yefrin by #Gaddafi forces — goo.gl/asbsy // #Libya
NATOpress NATO Press
#NATO Secretary General and UK Prime Minister Cameron exchange views on #Libya and #Afghanistan – goo.gl/KRYVj
BREAKING: Libyan Embassy Staff in Portugal Defect announce support for #Feb17 and call on #Gaddafi to Leave
BREAKING: FFs r now shelin Gadafi troops in Brega with heavy weapons usd for th first time or as describd by our source .“the red fire that Qaddafi talked about but this time on his troops”
Portugal: After ambassador’s defection months ago, all #Libya embassy and consulate staff now support #feb17 revolution & denounce Gaddafi
Brega: Reports that Freedomfighters bombarded the crap out of Gaddafi positions resulting in large number of casualties. feb17
Radio Free Jadu is now broadcasting on 89.1FM and can be heard in Nafusa mountain & Tripoli Libya
#Tripoli: Reports that #NATO now bombing #BenAshour & #Fashloom.
It was American Nimitz-class supercarrier.
It could go first to the base of Augusta in Sicily and than to Libya, but that it is on the way to Libya is sure.
Brega: Reports that dozens of bodies belonging to #Gaddafi soldiers were rushed to Sirte, after FF bombarded their locations today
Gaddafi soldiers kill & taunt a group of Tripoli youth after raiding their home #libya #feb17 by @changeinlibya storify.com/changeinlibya/…
2 Libyan soldiers who defected from the #Gaddafi regime & escaped 2 Algeria r being sent back 2 #Tripoli by the Algerian govt 4 exectution!
As this #Nafusa MAP of current positions of #FF v #Gaddafi shows – #Zawiya is linked by road with #FF in #Yefren twitpic.com/5bzet5 #Libya
Nafusa – AJA reported 2day that many Gaddafi soldiers surrendered to #FF in #Awiniya – b4 taking FF to get abandoned G ammo stores Libya
Al jazeera : Algeria handed over to Tripoli two colonels who had defected from Qaddafi #Libya #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
The existing of Gaddafi’s brutal regime is a safe net 4 the corrupt #Algerian gov, when Gaddafi goes, they’ll follow. Domino Effect.
We R qustioning the crdibility of the Algerian gov when thy said thy hv frozn G’s assts especialy aftr handing out 2 defectors bck 2 Gaddafi
Heinz: Daffi has only 47 tanks/bmp left inside Tripoli. Down from 56 a day ago.
#Wazzan border crossings between #Libya and #Tunisia is now under heavy shelling by #Gaddafi mercenaries .
#Algerian president #Bouteflika should be punished by #ICC 4 sending a death squad 2 #Gaddafi so he can kill his people- pot kettle black !
MUST SEE VIDEO: #Libya #Freedomfighters are bloody amazing! youtu.be/Xlfl31SJYiA #feb17
Zawiya FF r holding west precincts – 2day attacked Gaddafi checkpoint & killed 4 soldiers – at Harsha – close town to west Libya Feb17
L’UNESCO organise une série de formations à la couverture électorale pour les professionnels des médias tunisiens j.mp/j06Wtd #tunisia
Heinz- the defection-rate will shoot up today & tomorrow. most of the mil leader know game is over and fear to be shot on the last days by G
Renewal of clashes in Tripoli in Tajura ( in albeefy area), Soug Aljuma and Arada with some G forces downed by snipers
feb17libya Feb17Libya
UN cultural agency calls on Gaddafi and NATO to protect heritage sites in Libya bit.ly/kgUuyo
Ahrar TV: Reports of heavy arrest campaign in AlMatrad area west of Zawiya. G forces concentrated in coastal road gate, the resort with AA & 106 used in targeting FFs
Libya :
In Zlitan maj of ppl want rebels 2 win but there is fear of the consequences if the rise+fail.They saw Zawiyah+bloody costs 2 Misrata
PLEASE RT Report that a huge number of Gaddafi troops have gathered in Chevrolet pickups with mounted guns at Naimah, west of Misrata.
#Tripoli: On top of #SouqAlJumaa, Tajoura & #Fashloon now we have #Arada rising as well.
Wide spread arrest campaign in Wenzrik AlShaty in South of Libya by G forces
Reuters: GHARYAN, Libya, June 15 (Reuters) – Despite an outward appearance of normality there is an undercurrent of tension in this town, gateway to Tripoli from Libya’s Western Mountains where rebels are advancing towards Muammar Gaddafi’s capital.
On numerous walls around town on Wednesday graffiti had been recently painted over. The windows of one government building were smashed, the sign for another was riddled with holes.
Gharyan lies around 20 miles east of Kikla, which rebels battling forces loyal to Gaddafi seized on Tuesday. It could be the next target if the rebels are able to sustain their eastwards advance.
While many traders and people on the streets in Gharyan were reluctant to talk to reporters, one shop owner said the calm in the area during the day was replaced by fighting every night.
“Two thirds of the people here are for the rebels,” he told Reuters, giving his name as Mohammed.
Libyan government minders brought a group of reporters here on Wednesday to demonstrate that despite fighting to the west, Gharyan has been unaffected and that people were going about their lives as usual.
The few who were willing speak to reporters in front of the minders were strongly pro-Gaddafi.
“We are behind our leader and we will fight to the death for this country,” said Mustapha, who said he was a university lecturer. “Why did NATO come here to bomb us when we did nothing wrong?”
Just over 50 miles (80 km) south of Tripoli, Gharyan is the largest town in the Western Mountains and straddles the highway to the Libyan capital.
The road north from here winds down from the mountains past rocky slopes covered in scant vegetation to the flat plain below that leads all the way to Tripoli.
The shops were open here on Wednesday, but there were also a noticeable number of uniformed and plain-clothes police officers on the streets. When reporters approached residents, many would not say anything.
“No talk, no talk,” said one shop owner, before disappearing from view without another word into the back of his shop.
Another man, who gave his name as Yunis and spoke in French, attacked French President Nicolas Sarkozy in particular.
“Sarkozy is stupid, he is fighting this war for petrol,” he said. “This is colonialism all over again.”
Well away from the government minders, the shop owner, Mohammed, said the majority of Gharyan’s residents were looking forward to the arrival of rebel forces.
“We can’t wait for the rebels to come here,” he said.
Nato united over Libya: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrimwlLiFr8
The British government confirms Col. Gaddafi will not be attending the London 2012 Olympic Games
Moussa Ibrahim says the eclipse is not happening!
Cynthia McKinney says the eclipse is a Nato hoax
Lunar eclipse now visible in the Western mntns of #Libya
Quick, someone tell Gaddafi he is missing the eclipse. He’ll probably think it’s a NATO trick to get him out of his hole.
AP now referring to Libya as a “civil war”
With a relative of mine who came from TRIPOLI 2week’s ago ..she keeps crying because her son and husband were kidnapped …
The award for tweet of night goes to RT @baysontheroad Watching lunar eclipse from Libyan mountains. #Libya #Feb17 #Nafusa
dovenews Libyan™
NATO strikes 40mins on Tajoora & Wadi Alrabe’a in Tripoli.
LisaDCNN Lisa Desjardins
WAR POWERS – BREAKING: White House says U.S. Libya mission is a “support” role and therefore doesn’t trigger War Powers Act.
Moussa Ibrahim says truth is in the eye of the beholder. Don’t believe that the eclipse is happening – it’s a colonialist tactic
Rebels vow to open up Libya to investment goo.gl/fb/gzqqH #Libya
reporters take on eclipse:
baysontheroad baysontheroad
moon fully cooked now.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
pictures of the damage caused from #Gaddafi forces shelling on #Zintan city — goo.gl/6eaJb // #Libya
#Gaddafi CARGO SHIP “FARWA” 45.07493˚/13.55043˚departed #Koper #Slovenia, destination: #Sousse #Tunisia ETA: 2011-06-21 16:00 #Libya @NATO
FromJoanne Joanne
Here is your new Updated Background: #NAFUSA mountains Situation Map June15 twitpic.com/5bz8ly/full #Libya
Audio: A song liked & played by Mohammed Nabous on #AlHurra back in the beginning youtu.be/7WpdcFiEZSE #Libya #feb17
WSJ.com – Smoke Rises Above Libyan Capital. t.co/6uCyYnK 14/6/2011 #
Can’t stop thinking what if @UN not reacted & #NATO is nt involved.I swear the death toll by now is > 100.000 & #Gaddafi jets r showering us
Libya govt approves $31.4 billion for 2011 budget – @Reuters t.co/CBoseOn
( that is g government)
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Audio Report: Foreign Doctors Stay Behind To Staff Libyan Hospital bit.ly/k7LR48
Libyan Caller: Poster n University saying students who join Gaddafi Brigades automatically Graduate
Update from Tripoli June 15, 2011
by Libyan Youth Movement on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 2:57pm
Source- The Free Generation Movement @Niz_FGM
This week is promising to see an increase in activity in Tripoli in the lead up to Friday 17th June, honouring 4 months of uprising.
Today, the 15th of June, the Free Generation Movement undertook a peaceful act of defiance, in central Tripoli, to raise morale and to raise spirits for the start of activity in the Capital.
The Free Generation Movement announce their continued and unwavering presence on the streets of Tripoli and our insistence on defying the illegitimate and murderous regime in anyway we can.
By the grace of Allah, Libya will soon be free, and will belong to the people once again.
From the men and women of The Free Generation Movement
الاخوة وسائل الاعلام
هذا الأسبوع نبشركم بزيادة التحركات في طرابلس في الفترة التي تسبق يوم الجمعة 17 يونيو، ودالك لدكرى مرور 4 أشهرمن هده الثورة المباركة.
اليوم ، 15 يونيو، قام شباب حركة جيل الاحرار بعمل سلمي فيه نوع من التحدي لرفع الروح المعنوية وزيادة للمعنويات في العاصمة.
نحن كحركة جيل الاحرار نعلن استمرار وجودنا في شوارع طرابلس وإصرارنا على تحدي النظام الغير الشرعي واسقاطه حين تسمح لنا الفرصة في اقرب وقت انشاء الله .
بفضل من الله سبحانه ، ستتحرر ليبيا قريبا ، وسوف تبقى لشعبها شامختا ابيه.
شباب حركة جيل الاحرار.
Uploaded by FGM: TRIPOLI – SKYFLAG – 15/06/2011 t.co/XzX79k5 Libya
Another reason why Americans should support Libyan revolution, #Farrakhan defends #Gaddafi abcn.ws/lygRT3 #Libya
#Gheryan: #Gaddafi convoy seen, led by Khalid Khweldi AlHmedi seen passing entrance of #BerGhanam towards #Nafusa. #Libya #feb17 @NAT
Convoy seen on #Alhera road towards #Gheryan entrance called #AbuGhelan. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
#Gaddafi forces are based in #AlJanduba area near #AlAabaa. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
#Gaddafi forces are remain in #Ghazaya N of #Nalut & continuously shell the city from there. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
#Gaddafi GRAD & missile launchers in #AlGadama area & #WadyAlHera in the valley opposite #Gheryan mountain. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
FromJoanne Joanne
In old town #NALUT u will find an EXPTIONAL Ancient #Qasr = a fortified Granary Store Now Gaddafi has SHELLED it goo.gl/J4UAR
I love Zintan, Gaddafi got nothing on us! t.co/x0UupLq
Aljazeera report from Zintan 15 June 2011 – تقرير الجزيرة من الزنتان fb.me/13Jao3PAb
Gaddafi forces mining all the roads around Misrata and Zintan !!
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
The many Egyptians in Libya are best served by a quickened removal of Gaddafi. The same goes for stability in the region. #Egypt
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
UN High Commissioner for Refugees expected in Tunisia June 15-18 tap.info.tn/en/en/society/… Tunisia #Libyansthankyou
#Zliten: gunfire exchange btwn Freedom fighters & Gaddafi forces in #Baza continue. #Libya #Feb17
4Adam Adam
In rebel Libyan city, enemy given dignity in death bit.ly/jQ4tzY #Libya #MISRATA
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
I understand some of the fears of Egypt, but damn, why are they still afraid of Gaddafi? What do they wish for in Libya? #Libya #Egypt
Personally think the French speaking pro-G in Gheryan in Reuters report was probably an Algerian mercenary! #MostLibyansDontParleFrancais
Breaking: Gheryan: A) 2 G convoys seen. First was led by Khalid Khweldi AlHmedi seen passing entrance of Ber Ghanam towards Nafusa. Second convoy seen on Alhera road towards Gheryan entrance called Abu Ghelan. B) Lack of overt military presence in Gheryan. It is believed Gaddafi forces are based in AlJanduba area near Al ASab3a expecting FFs attack to arrive from AlGawaleesh area as they attempt to free Gheryan C) Heavy presence of Grad and Missile launchers in AlGadama area and Wady AlHera in the valley opposite Gheryan mountain. This is possibly to shell Gheryan in case of its liberation and cut off main roads between Sabha and Tripoli. #Feb17 #Libya
Confessions of Gaddafi soldier captured by Tripoli FFs #Feb17 #Libya is.gd/cfFyjM
#Gaddafi soldiers hide among dead bodies, when FFs approach they fire on them Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=418
It’s sad to hear refugees saying they want to return to their homes. Reality is most are completely destroyed.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa 06/15/11: N. of the mountains another road from #Nalut to #Azizya & #Tripoli. It has been cleared from #Shakshook to #Bir #Ayyad
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa 06/15/11: FFs have cleared the area between #Yefren & #Zentan #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa 06/15/11 Report from #Yefren that the number of Freedom Fighters in the area outnumber #Gaddafi forces #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
A military suicide. #Muammar burning his men. (cartoon courtasy of Sada AlJabal, newletter from #Nalut) twitpic.com/5c1pdt
20 officers from the Alfurjan tribe were killed in Brega,they were found tied up & killed because they had refused 2shoot.orders 4rm Gaddafi
#vidéo — Colonel wounded Libyan National Liberation Army youtube.com/watch?v=GSXFCw… via @youtube
What used to be a kitchen in a civilian house in #Zintan. #Libya #Feb17 #Gaddaficrimes twitpic.com/5c1oip
AJA: Gaddaf forces have planted landmines in Naima area at outskirt of Zletin #Feb17 #FreeLibya
Rebels rally towards their flag. Sniper controls the area between the two buildings tumblr.com/x0530kfvu0 #Nafusa #libya
4Adam Adam
This was at the beginning of the Battle For the East and South of #Qalaa 6.7.2011 bit.ly/jxntwm via @HumphreyCheung #Nafusa #Libya
Video: Rebels rally towards their flag. Sniper controls the area between the two buildings. Insanity ensues…. tumblr.com/x0530kfvu0
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Libyan rebels wrest western mountain villages bit.ly/l30Gn7
libyan opposition army spokesman tells me gadafy’s forces are weakening and conflict could be over in 2 weeks, asks NATO to stay the course
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Misrata Doctor: #Gaddafi forces conducted sporadic shelling of front lines in #Dafniyah. 1 rebel KIA, 6 injured, 1 critically. #Libya
Gaddafi sent envoys to Sabha threatening families of protesters that their sons wld be killed. Families tld him to go where sun don’t shine
G forces pushed by FFs 9km away from Kikla
Battles in #Brega killed 75 & injured 170 of Mercenaries معارك بين الثوار و كتائب القذافي في البريقة أدت الى مقتل 75 و إصابة 170 من الكتائب
is.gd/R8mDvS #Libya is quickly becoming a level from #TwistedMetal. #Feb17
twitpic.com/5c1v0b – idiots even posed inside the shelled Mosque! Zawya (BTW this mosque is no more!)
t.co/I2WwKvh #Libya Situation Report via @libyaoutreach please read and RT.
Breaking: Gheryan: A) 2 G convoys seen. First was led by Khalid Khweldi AlHmedi seen passing entrance of Ber Ghanam towards Nafusa. Second convoy seen on Alhera road towards Gheryan entrance called Abu Ghelan. B) Lack of overt military presence in Gheryan. It is believed Gaddafi forces are based in AlJanduba area near Al ASab3a expecting FFs attack to arrive from AlGawaleesh area as they attempt to free Gheryan C) Heavy presence of Grad and Missile launchers in AlGadama area and Wady AlHera in the valley opposite Gheryan mountain. This is possibly to shell Gheryan in case of its liberation and cut off main roads between Sabha and Tripoli. #Feb17 #Libya
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 , by
Christian Peregin
Tug boat crew diverted to Malta after ‘defecting’ to Benghazi
dovenews Libyan™
This for all those who say they are Muslims & still supporting the tyrant Gaddafi twitpic.com/5c1v0b pic
URGENT RT-TAWASIL there are two Brigades lead by Khaled Kweildi (fathers’ son) headed to Bir’Ghnam 40km South Zawiyah!
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name: Hamza Aghliw. 23 yr. old pharmacist from Misrata. Killed while collecting weapons from dead Gaddafi soldiers. Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=418
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Misrata: Two lines of fighting In the west of Misrata:: #Dafniyah and #Naima (Close to #Zliten). #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The damaged caused by #Gaddafi forces in #Wazin area — goo.gl/nj78F // #Libya
Freedom 4 Arabs is not any longer a term or history, it becomes a reality that every1 of them including children would live dream & die for.
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video Report: Libyan rockets land in Tunisia bit.ly/lzKVOS
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Misrata: situation currently “quiet” in Taworga, the Eastern front of fighting from Misrata. #Libya
The real problem in #LIBYA is not the people that were murdered but the people that will have to live with the trauma of torture and rape.
UN cultural agency calls on Gaddafi and NATO to protect heritage sites in Libya t.co/hSWb8W9 #Libya #Feb17
ZawiatAlBagool in Zintan had the nasty surprise after their latest victory to find snipers hiding who shot 7 people dead.
acarvin Andy Carvin
May 10 timestamp? RT @Amazigh_Libya: Mosque in #Zintan shelled by #Gaddafi forces. #Libya #Feb17 twitpic.com/5c1o0c
dovenews Libyan™
Crew of 6 Libyans defectors workng on tug boat divertd the vessel 2 Malta due 2 bad weathr whle on their way 2 #Benghazi goo.gl/41bBu
4Adam Adam
With Government Minders In Tow, A Trip To Al Khoms, #Libya | n.pr/lQX1f0 via @nprnews:
Grad missiles and artillery at foot of mountain aimed at #Gharyan in case it will be liberated by FFs. goo.gl/E1Fk0
NATO flying over Tripoli now #FreeLibya #Feb17 11pm local
FromJoanne Joanne
#Waddan (mid region of #Libya @NATO: Struck an ammunition bunker today June15
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Photos from the South-West front line near #Misrata facebook.com/media/set/?set… #libya #Feb17
Ajelat : Mercs in high numbers, G forces arrested 40 youth, and threaten families with their honour #Feb17 #FreeLibya
Such honourable people – ‘Enemy given dignity in death’ “It’s our duty as Muslims to respect them.” j.mp/jDpjtg #Misrata
2 High ranking officers & their families defected today: 1 from #SouqAlJumaa, 1 from #Kikla arrived in #Jadu. #Libya #feb17
#Gaddafi forces tried to enter #DhahirAlQaala today, attacking #Safeet w/ rocket launchers. #Freedomfighters stopped them. #Libya #feb17
Gaddafi’s Days Numbered as Libyan Coffers Run Dry, Ex-Central Banker Says – Bloomberg bloom.bg/lQnSje via @BloombergNow #Libya
4Adam Adam
Intersenting. France FM: “Algeria does not understand! #Algeria won’t benefit from supporting Gaddafi” france24.com/fr/node/4447584 #Libya @FRANCE24
Ongoing strikes from #Gaddafi forces on Beer Ayat near #Yefren today. #Libya #Feb17
FromJoanne Joanne
#Zintan: 2 martyrs and 9 injured in a purging mission of snipers in Zawiyat Al-Bagoul #Libya #Nafusa
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Tug boat crew diverted to #Malta after ‘defecting’ to #Benghazi bit.ly/jy4z8C #Libya #feb17
#Zintan completely destroyed by Grad missiles. Houses, schools, mosques, clinics, trees and even cattle. Take a look:
acarvin Andy Carvin
Doll posed? RT @Amazigh_Libya: Civilian home in #Zintan. #Libya #Feb17 #Gaddaficrimes twitpic.com/5c1lei
LIBYA: Ground troops not needed in Libya, NATO says f24.my/inKYaJ
#Algeria was shocked by #NATO intervention in #Libya, French FM #Juppe in Algiers to talk about Libya france24.com/fr/node/4447584
#Nafousa: #Gaddafi forces are still located in #Ghazaya an area North of #Nalut & continuously shell the city of #Nalut from here @NATO
#Nafousa 06/15/11: #Gheryan remains to be liberated. 4 large army barracks are located here. #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
White House: We are not violating the War Powers Resolution because we are not at war j.mp/jP1vVE
#Gaddafi forces have again attacked #Misrata 6 wounded and a shaheed, it was #Dafniyah area again @NATO
Libyan Officials Say They’re Still In Control | n.pr/lAccs3 #Tripoli #Libya #feb17
Pressure is mounting on the parts of Libya that remain under the control of Moammar Gadhafi. Between rebel attacks from the east and west, relentless NATO air strikes and growing gas and food shortages, it seems inevitable that the Libyan government will fall. But Libyan officials insist they aren’t going anywhere. They claim they remain firmly in charge of their territory. To prove it, the government minders, who strictly control foreign journalists’ movements there, Wednesday arranged for simultaneous trips east, west and south of Tripoli. NPR’s Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson talks to Melissa Block. (NPR)
BaniWalid Caller: Posters in University saying students who join #Gaddafi Brigades automatically Graduate
Nafousa 06/15/11: Mountain road from the Tunisian border up to the exit of #Kikla is secure: that’s 200km!
Gadafi supporters prepare ‘peace convoy’ 2Misrata.Genuine fears ths consists of G forces in civilian cars
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The deflection statement of the military attaché for Portugal and Spain — youtube.com/watch?v=2F7mAn… via @youtube // #Libya
#Libya #NTC #Feb17 #NATO: #Muammar #Gaddafi’s #Tripoli Stronghold Showing Cracks huff.to/l6fWRh
Zliten:heavy presence of G forces&increased checkpoints.FF expect houseraids in nxt few hrs
The rest will follow! flic.kr/p/9aAhCz #Libya #Tunisa #Egypt #Yemen
dovenews Libyan™
The number of martyrs in #Nafusa mountain 2day is 5 FF, 4 from #Zintan & 1 from #Zawyia. #Libya اللهم اذخلهم فسيح جناتك واغفر لهم يارب
Nato uses its own Twitter revolution to track Gaddafi’s forces
@NATO @NATOpress @UKMilOps URGENT ACTION #Zliten in a very critical situation. Civilians threatened with killing&rape by Gaddafi soldiers.
Apparently this is Musa Ibrtahim’s official youtube page with all of his conferences uploaded youtube.com/user/DrMoussaI… #libya
Images of DIY weapons made by Libyan rebels: j.mp/l2Pwod #libya #guns
Support Libyan Revolt is out! bit.ly/gG0pYI ▸ Top stories today
Listen to clear whistling while NATO bombing Gaddafi forces in Tripoli Libya t.co/4iKOesZ via @youtube
Have a look:
The cynical dairy farmer’s guide to the Middle East. tinyurl.com/3hjtt2r #Libya #Egypt #Syria #Yemen #Sudan #Tunis #Saudi #Bahrain
Reuters:JabelNafosa: FFs ve pushed deeper into gov held territory, taking 2villages from which Gadafi forces had been sheling FFs-heldTowns.
Almanara Libya
#Libya #Naffousa Mountains news
for reasons beyond us the English newsletter was not sent this morning and last night, The updates are availble here:
English: Nafusa Mountains, Wednesday 15 June
English: Nafusa Mountains. Tuesday 14 June
Wednesday 15 June, 17:42 hrs
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Galaa: Scenes of destruction in Galaa. Photos:
Wednesday 15 June, 17:05 hrs
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Awinyah: Freedom fighters have cleared Zawyat Al-bagul, Al- Al-Awiniyah and Ghanayma off Gaddafi forces and captured more than 30 of Gaddafi soldiers.
Wednesday 15 June, 16:38 hrs
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Awiniyah: National Army and freedom fighters have attacked Gaddafi forces in Al-Awiniyah. Gaddafi mercenaries have fled towards Shagiga in the south. Freedom fighters are now carefully checking the area to ensure that no mercenaries were left behind
Wednesday 15 June, 17:42 hrs
Nafusa Mountains: Kekkla: During fighting that took place in the last three days, 19 were killed and 47 were injured from Gaddafi mercenaries. There was shelling on Anzu area in Kekkla yesterday by Gaddafi forces
“Before the war, Hwuita said, thousands of tourists visited the ruins each day” claims minders to Journalists. BS twitpic.com/5c3dqo
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Identification papers and passports of mercenaries that fought with #Gaddafi battalions — youtube.com/watch?v=UWLGO2… via @youtube // #Libya
Libya officials still proving to journalists that Gaddafi regime full of it: tinyurl.com/67d6a7d (paraphrased from NPR)
#Libya #NTC #Feb17: What if a #president served 42 years? #cnn edition.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/0…
Farrakhan still supports Gaddafi; rips US, UN & NATO on Libya tinyurl.com/6f3jl9l
NTC Libya Feb17: UN High Commissioner for Refugees expected in Tunisia June 15-18 tap.info.tn/en/en/society/…
Almanara Libya
#Tripoli #Libya 1 hour ago // Press solidarity: From an Eyewitness, intensive inspection campaigns take place in Tripoli especially after 8pm in the evening which led the people to not come out of their houses in the evenings, the situation is similar to a curfew.
Several reports:
Gaddafi supporters in Zliten prepare a ‘peace convoy’ to Misrata. Suspect it consists of g troops in civ. cars
Reuters wrap-up 1
Another thought for Musa Ibrahim: if #Gaddafi is so incompetent that Alqaeda are able to take over libya in days then he isnt fit to rule.
@feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Misrata Doctor:Confirms reports of landmines near entrance of #Zliten on road and on either side. Refers to them as “Chinese” mines.
4Adam Adam
6/15 #Nafusa #FF replacing Gaddafi’ Green rag w/ the independence flag in the town of Alaawinya S #Yefren youtube.com/watch?v=mqT0Gy… #Libya #Zintan
Taking care of #Libyan #refugees strains generosity of Tunisians wtim.es/kWwSXt
report aired on Tribute FM by Tarik.
“1. The regime forces have given up the will to fight. (along the Southern highway). The Libyan ones either run after the first shots are fired or they are actively attempting to surrender. The only opposition comes from the sub-Saharan africans.
2. As the NLA advanced today, a 50 strong convoy of reinforcements consisting of armoured personal carriers, 4×4s with AA cannon and recoilless rifles, GRAD trucks, etc. advanced towards the mountains along the plain from the north in full view of the fighters. Then NATO arrived. They destroyed the entire column without exception. The road to Al-Azizyah is now open.”
That concludes this day:)
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SUMMARY JUNE 15th 2011
The beauty of truth: whether it is bad or good, it is liberating.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble.
We had to start the day in a beautiful way:)
Maya Mohammed Nabbous www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKQ0vsvszfM
andersoncooper Anderson Cooper
#Gadhafi forces attacking #Misrata #Libya. Live report from Tripoli and Misrata on #ac360 10p
NickKristof Nicholas Kristof
by acarvin
Int’l Criminal Court says Qaddafi bought Viagra for his soldiers & ordered mass rapes: bit.ly/lQqQBa
is.gd/OEm9Fg Pictures of the house in Zintan where the 2 martyrs reported a few days ago were hit by Grad missiles
libyans_revolt omar
BREAKING: #Australia has recognized Libyan #NTC the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people
tripolitano Tripolitano
Breaking: #Australia has just recognized #NTC as rep 4 Libyan people. Source Libya ahrrar tv
Malak is a child who lost her leg and brothers by #Gaddafi troops.مأساة الطفلة ملاك من مصراتة بسبب قذائف القذافي. youtube.com/watch?v=j3Ig7C…
New Video of detainees from Nafusa being kicked & slapped in the face by Gaddafi forces 3mins in www.twitvid.com/ZCR5Z
Libya Al Arrar: Australia recognizes the Transitional National Council, the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people
Wessimsara WESSIM
Cracks in the African Union as mediator calls for Gaddafi to go j.mp/kxsUOh
Wessimsara WESSIM
Fresh round of NATO strikes hit around Tripoli – seattlepi.com bit.ly/mSHw0e
DefenceHQ Ministry of Defence
News: Dr Fox on progress in Libya bit.ly/jDINKJ
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Video 1:10 Gaddafi soldier punching his own fellow countryman with so much hate! Gaddafi brainwash very effective! youtube.com/watch?v=p3GN1f…
is.gd/1EaT5A #luknowuwinning when the Libyan Women of Tahady University in Sirte ( Gaddafi’s hometown) support
Live stream in 15’ (13:30 Brussels) Secretary General press conference at Defence Ministers Meeting #NATO goo.gl/tM7EC
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
No @NATO strikes on Alghezaia yesterday, just NATO planes. #Libya #feb17
Abssi Abdelsalam Al Allagi
Gadhafi won’t go dailystar.com.lb/Cartoons.aspx?…
Skeptical4 Skeptic
AlJazeera: reality of the war in Libya from the perspective of the government troops youtube.com/watch?v=p3GN1f…
Wessimsara WESSIM
Libye : Wade à Benghazi, l’Union africaine réfléchit à l’après Kaddafi jeuneafrique.com/Article/ARTJAW…
Wessimsara WESSIM
#Libye: incendie accidentel à l’hôtel hébergeant les journalistes à Tripoli j.mp/ju5ZO8
NewsCluster News Cluster
Italy’s Foreign Minister says country will give Libyan rebels 300-400 million euros (439-585 million USD) in cash, fuel aid – Reuters
Wessimsara WESSIM
#Tunisie: le fort afflux de réfugiés libyens se poursuit j.mp/kM9hu9
Wessimsara WESSIM
La médiation russe en #Libye donne peu d’espoir pour la paix (SYNTHESE) j.mp/lSuRmw
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: ALMAHDY ALARABY military leader promised to join revolution, then fled to Tripoli, betraying his own town
RT: (Must See) Exclusively Visual diary shows #Libyan soldier at war youtube.com/watch?v=p3GN1f…
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Senegal president Abdoulaye Wade arrives in #Bengahzi to meet #NTC . #Feb17 #Libya
Wessimsara WESSIM
#Libye : chasser Kadhafi ne résoudra pas la crise nouvelobs.com/tiny/20110608.…
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: Gaddafi forces used military jet to fire at the hospital and Alharsha area.
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: Gaddafi forces entered the hospital and killed all the injured in their beds or pulled out of cars and finishedoff by knives.
Wessimsara WESSIM
#Libye: la rébellion va bientôt produire 100.000 bj de pétrole bit.ly/leQGVU
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: some Freedom fighters leaders who were ratted out were executed before #Khamis #Gaddafi
libyans_revolt omar
#AFP: Senegal leader in #Benghazi on first visit by head of state.
#Iraq gov rep condemns all attacks by #Gaddafi regime on #Libya civilians and calls on the #UN and the #UNHRC to ban Gaddafi gov reps.
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: Anything that moved in the centre of the city was shot by Gaddafi forces out of fear. Many women & children were killed.
LibyaLiberty Army of One
Anyone else picturing iconic scene from movie “Independance Day”?RT@libyanfsl NATO planes hovering over Tripoli now #Feb17 #Libya
The #libyan contact group meeting for the third time in #AbuDhabi #UAE now #NTC
septimius_sever septimius severus
Fresh Round of NATO Strikes Hit #Tripoli Outskirts – FoxNews.com foxnews.com/world/2011/06/… via @foxnews #Libya
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zawiya: FFs climbed on tanks, opened the top and dropped grenades inside, risking their lives libyafeb17.com/2011/06/the-st…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video: Martyrs from the city of Al-Qalaa bit.ly/mpDoMB
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Zawiya: Gaddafi soldiers in their tanks tied by chains to their seat to prevent them from escaping or retreating. libyafeb17.com/2011/06/the-st…
libyans_revolt omar
6 NATO jets have started from #Italy into #Libya this morning, the last at 12.30am (Tripoli’s time)
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Gaddafi soldiers forced to attack Zawiya by snipers firing at them from behind libyafeb17.com/2011/06/the-st…
dovenews Libyan™
ICC: We have strong evidence that Gaddafi purchased large number of Aphrodisiacs drugs & ordered his soldiers to mass rape. #gaddaficrimes
Italian Foreign Minister says #Italy will give the #NTC in #Libya 300-400 million euros in cash, fuel,aid
Mike Griffin
On Thursday 9th June 2011, @mijami2 said:
@Guma_el_gamaty The UN human rights council report mentions scant evidence provided by NTC who really only made broad statements regarding violations by Gaddafi forces. This was surprising given the amount of information and the number of videos that I have seen these past 3 months following Libya on Twitter. Fortunately Tripoli didn’t do any better.
The NTC needs to urgently appoint a team to investigate and document human rights (and other)abuses perpetrated by the Libyan Regime. Interviews of victims and captured Gaddafi soldiers should be retained. Past information should also be sifted through and documented in a secure manner. Uploading a copy of all saved information to a secure site on the internet would guarantee retention should the primary data be destroyed.
Here for instance is a video of farms Gaddafi loyalists are setting fire to. While not a human rights abuse it is an abuse. All pertinent information like this should be saved. Of course Gaddafi claims that NATO and rebels are destroying farms. You need to be in a strong position to demonstrate otherwise
Skeptical4 Skeptic
The story of Zawiya, as told by witnesses who left Libya on May 27th – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/the-st…
#LIBYA: Libya talks to focus on life after #Gaddafi f24.my/mpqL9o
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
Talks focus on post-Gaddafi Libya – www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13707685 #Feb17 #Libya
Italian Foreign Minister: the post-Gaddafi has already begun.
tinyurl.com/3hmu3ul MAPS OF THE NTC RECOGNITION.
88simon88 simon
100 000 barrels/day of oil will be produced soon by the NTC
“مجلس طرابلس” هزت طرابلس انفجارات من قصف الناتو علىها هذا الصباح Fresh NATO airstrikes rock Tripoli today #feb17 #libya
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply
The #libyan contact group meeting for the third time in #AbuDhabi #UAE now #NTC
tonybirtley tony birtley
my story of new images found on dead gaddaffi soldier on Aljazeera today. poss war crimes evidence,attacks on Benghazi + pics gaddafi son
feb17libya Feb17Libya
International community, Libyan rebels prepare for post-Gadhafi world bit.ly/klRdTK
septimius_sever septimius severus
MUST WATCH This is why @NATO prevented a massacre in Benghazi on 19/3/2011 twitvid.com/FNI8I
Tripoli is planning the biggest protest yet on the 17th it would be a dream come true if Tripoli is free by the 18th :) Ya rab unsoor hom…
calm start to day just broken, sound of grad rockets being fired on southern front line
Was this Gaddafi’s famous golf car? :) twitpic.com/591r2y
Malik L “Still Here” (#Feb17 #Libyan Revolutionary song) t.co/0eFVlXO
British officials “We’ll turn guns on Libyan rebels if they attack civilians” – The Independent is.gd/kNn7e7 #Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Video: #Libya government spokesperson Moussa Ibrahim responds to allegations that Muammar Gaddafi ordered rape on.fb.me/jsedb1
MC Swat #Feb17 Freedom Revolution توره 17 الحريه t.co/pXl0xGO
is.gd/X3nd3B Photo gallery on BBC website showing anti-Gaddafi graffiti by Libyan artists
FreeLeebeya Freedom4Libya
MC SWAT Ft. GUG .. Story Of 1969 youtube.com/watch?v=EggPrG… via @youtube #Libya #Feb17 #SoundsOfRevolutions
Nigel Pont of Mercy Corps speaks to #AJEnglish about #ICC allegations #Gaddafi using rape as a weapon of war in #Libya aje.me/lNSwWE
NewsInLibya News in Libya
Fresh round of NATO strikes hit around Tripoli: TRIPOLI, Libya (#AP) — NATO airstrikes are rattling the Libyan… dlvr.it/VfFVg #News
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Libya: If #Sennusi and #Khamis #Gaddafi commanded the attacks in #Misrata yesterday, chance for NATO to kill Khamis like #Mutassim in Brega
who controls the port? Zawiya is UNDER SIEGE NOW !
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
nalut17.tk #Nalut Media Group #Nafusa #Libya #Feb17 #Gaddafi #Zintan #Yefren #AlQalaa #Rujban
See the latest images from the Libyan rebels’ advance, as anti-government fighters come within 100km of Tripoli aje.me/isAA4e
Al Jazeera’s Tony Birtley looks at the life of a #Gaddafi fighter through his own video diary: aje.me/moLovf #Libya
BBCWorld BBC Global News
#Libyan official denies UN report accusing troops of rape; says its NATO and rebels who are guilty of ‘violating human rights’ – Reuters
septimius_sever septimius severus
Gaddafi Resisting Negotiated Tripoli Exit, Spanish Foreign Minister bloom.bg/kYdRi9 via @BloombergNow (cause nobody will take him??)
Cameragimp Miked
Hotel Rixos pretty much back to normal on the south side but northern side will take 24 hours to repair
BBCWorld BBC Global News
VIDEO: Gaddafi accused of promoting rape bbc.in/lU1rqP
septimius_sever septimius severus
SEC scans Goldman, other firms’ Libya dealings: report | Reuters reut.rs/jQEGl6 via @reuters
libyanproud libyanandproud
General Mohamed Jamal head of the police academy has escaped #Libya with his whole family and is in #Tunisia now.
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Misrata: Quiet day in Misrata as NATO jets hover in the skies and Gaddafi forces hideout.
Australie a reconnu NTC le seul représentant légitime du peuple libyen.
On Tuesday 7th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
ONLY FOOLS BELIEVE #Gaddafi ‘S LIES – G ’s bs about having 250000 armed supporters is just another REGIME LIE – as the Rome defectors said last week – “as soon as anyone gets the chance they defect or desert” – his numbers of armed men are diminishing by the 100’s every day.
He has about 5000 armed men in #Brega – 6000 in #Sirte – about 5000 around #Misrata – about 4000 in #Nafusa – and at most about 8000 in #Tripoli & #Ziwiya – less than 30.000 in total at the very most – and rapidly diminishing very day – owing to the rock bottom morale affecting all ranks of his “armed supporters”
And never forget – his prize professional battalion – the ‘feared’ Khammis Brigade had their butt kicked out of #Misrata – by a bunch of upset fishermen, students and temporarily out of work professionals – most of whom had never held a gun before let alone fired one in anger – and yet they strategically outwitted and militarily overwhelmed – #Gaddafi ’s much better equipped brigades.
The same can be said about – the gang of farmers and shopkeepers from #Nafusa – that unequivocally expelled #Gaddafi ’s armed men and mercenaries from their cities, towns, and villages.
And the same will happen with the few remaining yet to be liberated cities – probably by the end of this month.
Like #Gaddafi ’s surviving children – his armed supporters – are a rapidly diminishing resource.#Libya #FF
Alexblx Alexblx
Once #Tripoli is hv arms degraded- @NATO wil agree 2 #Brega & #Zliten fronts moving 4ward-2 open #FF access 2 capit-& finish #Gaddafi #Libya
Tripoli is next #Libya front – & @NATO are degrading its weaponry & defenses – so it will fall to #FF more easily & with less loss of life.
Just like Hitler in the Ardennes Offensive, G used his remaining forces in one failed offensive, time 4 Zliten to rise
Libye: le groupe de contact soutient la rébellion et prépare l’après-Kadhafi – Afriquinfos bit.ly/ihSKSr
SPECIAL REPORT-Qatar’s big Libya adventure | Reuters t.co/eQ1esOp “food for thought!”
Fire at the Rixos early this morning right next to my room. Room and stuff now absolutely soaked by fire hose!
Foreign journalists were evacuated from the Rixos after a fire there – #libya Watch Out , NATO had Bombs ready to blow it up !!!
So much crap have been said in Rixos hotel, the building couldn’t take it anymore. Set itself on fire!
FIRE AT RIXOS HOTEL abt 100 ppl most of them journalists were evacuated to parking lot at 6AM No Injuries
Early morning drama in Tripoli: fire at Rixos hotel housing international media. Caused not by NATO but faulty air-con. Everyone fine.
More pix of Rixos fire #Libya twitpic.com/590p08 twitpic.com/590otq
Can’t wait for the Press Briefing where Musa Ibrahim announces that the fire broke out after NATO bombed the Rixos :)
Gaddafi regime dramatically failed in applying the “cease-fire” even at Rixos hotel!
Rixos fire put out, power still cut. fire started in zircon unit orelectrical room under zircon unit. Everyone’s ok
Fire extinguished at Tripoli journalist hotel | Reuters – reuters.com
This is the 2nd incident Fire @ Rixos that reflects how poor the maintenance & the building of this fancy hotel & of course all of #Libya.
Cameragimp Miked
Everyone here safe from fire except our producers room was flooded by the fire fighters spraying water everywhere. Everything soaked.
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NATO launched strikes against #Gaddafi forces stationed in Mardoom Base in outskirts of #Baniwalid last night .
dovenews Libyan™
UPDATE: Gaddafi thugs tried 2 distribute hallucination & Viagra pills to the youth of #Bengahzi in attempt thy sto twitpic.com/593as2
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Some videos taken by Gaddafi soldiers show women being herded and raped in front of their families in Brega/Nafusa/Misrata.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
With every Gaddafi soldier killed in battle, more evidence of war crimes (and videos of rape, torture) are found on their phones/cams #libya
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Visual diary shows Libyan soldier at war – Africa – Al Jazeera English english.aljazeera.net/video/africa/2
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Libya rebels eye oil restart, win aid pledges goo.gl/d6krg #Libya
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Tripoli: 14 explosions so far on Thursday
Fresh round of NATO strikes hit Tripoli outskirts
June 9, 2011
Posted in News, Week Commencing: June 6, 2011 | 13:35
TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — NATO airstrikes rattled the Libyan capital Thursday with clusters of bombing runs believed to have targeted the outskirts of Tripoli.
The intensity of the attacks suggested a return to the heavy NATO bombardment of the city on Tuesday that hit military installations across the capital and flattened major buildings in leader Moammar Gadhafi’s sprawling compound in the center of the city. Government officials did not say what had been targeted in the Thursday bombing runs.
There were eight explosions in a first series of strikes on Thursday. Hours later, the sound of six more attacks boomed in the distance.
On Tuesday, NATO conducted its heaviest attacks on Tripoli since it began airstrikes two months ago in support of a rebel insurgency. The four-month old rebel uprising seeks to push Moammar Gadhafi from power after four decades. Rebels have taken control of swaths of eastern Libya, although fighting has since become a stalemate even with NATO support.
Gadhafi shows no signs of ceding power under the building pressure of the NATO strikes, despite repeated attacks on his compound, government buildings, military radar emplacements and other army installations.
Fighting on the ground between Libyan government forces and the rebels had largely died down after the NATO strikes began. The Western alliance took to the skies over Libya under a U.N. resolution that allowed NATO flights to protect rebel force. What began as a no-fly zone quickly evolved into strong attacks on the regime.
On Wednesday, however, Gadhafi forces renewed their shelling near the western city of Misrata, killing 10 rebel fighters. Misrata is one of the few footholds rebels have in western Libya. NATO reported it had destroyed a “electronic warfare vehicle” and military training camp in the vicinity of the city as government forces had renewed their assault on the port city.
In Brussels on Thursday, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the shelling near Misrata underscored the continued need to protect civilians.
“It is an example that the Gadhafi regime still constitutes a threat to the civilian population,” he said.”We will stay committed as long as necessary,” Fogh Rasmussen added.
The alliance enumerated a series of hits in around Tripoli on Wednesday, including a surface-to-air missile site, a tank, four armored fighting vehicles and a command and control facility.
Despite it’s inability so far to oust Gadhafi, NATO is preparing for a post-Gadhafi era in the country.
Senior representatives from the U.S. and more than 30 other countries and groups were meeting Thursday in the United Arab Emirates.
The officials, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rhodium Clinton, hope to boost support for the Libyan opposition, which has been seeking broad international recognition and financial support with mixed results.
The U.S. on Wednesday said the first shipment of Libyan oil sold by the opposition Transitional National Council had been delivered to an American refinery. The U.S. is encouraging such sales to help the council assist the Libyan people.
Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado said on Thursday that Lisbon soon would recognize the rebel administration.
“This decision will be taken soon … because that is the way international approach is heading,” Amado told the national news agency Lusa in Lisbon. A Portuguese diplomatic delegation is due to visit Benghazi in coming days.
NATO rejected any post-Gadhafi role for the alliance, saying it was imperative that the international community, the United Nations in particular, start preparations for helping the country’s transition to a democratic government.
Source AP
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Video: Opposition forces edge towards Tripoli – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/video-…
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Nigel Pont of Mercy Corps talks to Al Jazeera regarding rape as policy – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/nigel-…
Italy offers almost $600 million to Libya’s rebels seeking to topple Moammar Gadhafi t.co/MjSgeQO #Libya
K_H_Jordan Keith Jordan
Algeria shoots at FFs trying to control border post at #Ghadamis, #Libya is.gd/dmJ1yH <- #Gadaffi needs border post, #Algeria obliges
Rasmussen in LIVE RT exclusive: We continue to bomb Libya because we see Gaddafi attacking
When #Gaddafi pops his head out of the bunker,check for a shadow.It’ll let us know if we’ll have six more weeks of #ArabSpring.
wheelertweets James Wheeler
Visited injured man from #Misrata #Libya in Tunisia last night who was 1st sent to Turkey 4 care. Wounds got worse there. And no translators
Fresh round of NATO strikes hit Tripoli outskirts 2 days after heaviest bombing in capital : t.co/111aFuE
HMS Ocean’s vital Libya role – Sunderland Echo: t.co/JnhmZao
USAmbNATO Ivo Daalder
#Qaddafi lives in a warped world. He believes those daring to defy his decades of dictatorship should die. Diabolical!
wheelertweets James Wheeler
Many injured people from #Misrata #Libya are now in Tunisian hospitals. Most had agonizing experiences on 20 hr boat rides to Benghazi..
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Clusters of bombings in Tripoli outskirts today, at least 14 explosions
Feb17_com: Italy will support Libyan opposition with $586 million of cash and fuel aid backed by frozen assets
libyans_revolt omar
Tunisian news agency: 18 Libyan officials, including senior officers fled to Tunisia on a boat yesterday
Gaddafi’s version of NATO’s psychological warfare in Tripoli (bombing) is widespread, systematic&well organized rape
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Video: Woman’s advocate Gita Saghal: ‘Rape is used as a weapon of war’ – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/video-…
Wessimsara WESSIM
En #Libye, les hélicoptères ne finiront pas le travail lemde.fr/mU5071
Senegal president in Libya for rebel talks – FRANCE 24: t.co/oiX44HM
wheelertweets James Wheeler
@wheelertweets Imagine having critical injuries, and no one speaking your language at the hospital. And no one changing your dressings…
Pics taken by a govt soldier before he died in give a telling insight of reality of war t.co/aTPdYre via @ajenglish #libya #Feb17
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘Dr Fox on Progress in Libya’ goo.gl/5JGMy #Libya
Love in a time of torture – Features – Al Jazeera English t.co/145Kokb
ElenaRossi2 Elena Rossi
3 NATO jets have started from Italy into Libya in this moment.
Faint rumble of another explosion in Tripoli
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
Abdalla Awad (senegal) claims he never took #gaddafi’s money. Have credible sources from African portfolio that say otherwise with proof
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘Libye : Wade à Benghazi, l’Union africaine réfléchit à l’après Kaddafi’ goo.gl/AdbMv #Libya
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Live chat tonight 9:30pm #Libyan time. Special guests. Mention and tell why you’d like to join. Skype id: live2Tripoli #Libya #feb17
Libya rebel official tells me Qaddafi has reached out with an exit proposal in recent days. Could be end game.
U.S., NATO allies brace for post-Gadhafi Libya
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘Gates Calls for More NATO Allies to Join Libya Air Campaign’ goo.gl/53Io0 #Libya #NATO #OperationUnifiedProtector
If you need UNHCR’s protection, hotline numbers in Libya. Female staff available: 00218-21-4777503, 00218-91-444-31-94
Personally saw abdalla wad in corinthia last may w lejaan guys handing him suitcases. Friend confirmed dollars inside. Give libyan $$ back!
lLibya In Benghazi – Senagals President offers to help Gaddafi quit political life. Says it is in Libya’s interests for him to do so.
Six thousand refugees cross into Tunisia Wednesday
Maj-Gen Nick Pope – @UKMilOps – is now briefing us on Helmand specific progress. Possible questions on Libya too>
Breaking! Qaddafi is finally caught!
De Benghazi, Wade dit à Kadhafi : « plus tôt tu partiras, mieux ça vaudra » rfi.my/hCTwfz
UNHCR – Pop stars perform in Madrid to raise funds for refugees from #Libya
Ahmed Sanalla
Nafousa Mountains: #Gaddaficrimes #Libya #Gaddafi forces abuse captured #FF..forcing them to chant his name..ends with them taken to be killed
BBC News – Libya crisis: MIsrata rebels begin tactical manouvring – bbc.in/jNpMKx
AJE: Italy has pledged ~ $600m for #Libya’s NTC using frozen assets of Gaddafi as collateral
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa mt #AlQala 06/08/11 22:50h: The battle which resulted in the freedom fighters regaining control over #Saffet goo.gl/lPSbe
Imtidad Blog: (ARABIC) Writer Azza Maghour writes a short story about #Fashloum and revolution #Tripoli #Libya t.co/iMybaX2
China ready to receive Libya opposition NTC envoys: diplomat
VOA: As #NATO Bombs #Tripoli, World Powers Chart #Libya Without #Gaddafi
feb17libya Feb17Libya
SEC investigating Goldman Sacs and other firms’ for shady #Libya dealings with #Gaddafi feb17.info/news/live-liby…
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa mt #Nalut 06/08/11: Artist who was imprisoned by #Gaddafi regime goo.gl/vcV84 #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
Libya: Colonel #Gaddafi ‘Used Mass Rape As Weapon Of War And Bought Sex Drugs For Troops’, #ICC Claims Sky News news.sky.com/skynews/Home/W…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
#Libya’s opposition says it needs $3 billion to cover salaries and assure food supplies for the next four months feb17.info/news/live-liby…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
#Libya’s #TNC said they hoped to restart oil production and gained pledges of over $500 million aid today feb17.info/news/live-liby…
bbclysedoucet lyse doucet
#NATO Sec Gen admits high cost air strikes #Libya but vows to stay course til Gaddadfi goes. What if he doesn’t ? Says no plan B.@BBCWorld
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
The media committee estimates the nr. of Gaddafi forces near Nalut, Jadu, Zintan & Yefren at a total of between 3000 and 4000.
According to the media committee of Jadu, doctors have arrived from Benghazi. Intermittent shelling of all cities continues.
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
GRAPHIC VIDEO: Some of those wounded during yesterday’s fierce bombardment of by Gaddafi forces goo.gl/qXHkF #Misrata
Reuters: Kuwait FM says to transfer $ 160 million to NTC immediately
SEC scans Goldman, other firms’ #Libya dealings: report | Reuters t.co/neF0G9r
UNHCR has female staff ready to support survivors of #rape in #Libya, plus camps in #Tunisia and #Egypt
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
#Libyan state tv: property and belongings of traitors (ie dissidents) abroad will be confiscated and sold to fund #Gaddafi’s revolution.
money, money, money…..
Opposition fighters in #Misrata claim that Gaddafi forces have “been trying to give themselves up.” bbc.in/mhzm4g #libya #feb17
Shabab from @ShahedMisurata organise 2nd conference, ‘Mothers of the Heroes of #Misrata’. goo.gl/ZtlKM #Libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Abu Dhabi-Kuwait Foreign Minister to transfer $108 million to #Libya TNC immediately. feb17.info/news/live-liby…
fieldproducer Neal Mann
To be fair it was the press that turned it in to a presser by getting cameras out, Moussa Ibrahim was just telling us what was going on
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Freedom fighters killed in the battle for #Saffet June 7th, 2011 #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes goo.gl/DH5HO goo.gl/qCD3f RIP
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Mustafa Shaban, #Gaddafi goon, also accused #NATO of violating human rights in #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced an additional $26 million in aid for war victims Thursday at an international coalition meeting aimed at charting the course of a post Moammar-Gadhafi Libya.
France is ready to deliver 290 million euros ($423.6 million) to Libya’s rebel Transitional National Council within a week, Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said on Thursday.
cnnbrk CNN Breaking News
U.S. pledges $26 million in aid for #Libya war victims. on.cnn.com/jEnA8z
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Children in the city of Jado. Anyone able to read the Tamazight alphabet? twitpic.com/594har #Libya #Nafusa
septimius_sever septimius severus
City of Gamblers: #Libya’s Future to Be Decided on the Streets of #Tripoli spon.de/adnJO “an insight into a Gaddafi broker”
Do these guys in Tripoli look like libyans? I highly doubt it. #feb17 #libya #Tripoli t.co/aTfjV1I
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
Ordering mass murder and gang rape 259 rape cases documented so far. What is right punishment for Gadhafi under libyan or international law?
hababbi dee
So many indications of abuse by soldiers and they say " I was forced to do this" when caught TUFFF ALLIK www.twitvid.com/Y9EEY
fieldproducer Neal Mann
If you’ve been following my tweets from #Libya, I’ve added some more images to my gallery on.fb.me/fd797k
Reuters:Germany would consider sending troops to Libya as part of a U.N. military force once Gaddafi is ousted, says MoD de Maiziere
blakehounshell Blake Hounshell
Libya through the eyes of a Qaddafi soldier youtube.com/watch?v=TAlJtq…
Chief Prosecutor of #ICC Ocampo says new evidence has surfaced that #Gaddafi himself ordered sex drugs for #Libya rapes
Libye : l’#opposition veut acheter des Armes aux pays amis fr.rian.ru/world/20110609/189793710.html
AlArabiya_Eng AlArabiya English
French Foreign Minister says his country is ready to deliver 290 million euro to the Libyan protesters #alarabiya #Qaddafi #Libya #Benghazi
Libya embassy in Canberra cut ties with Gaddafi in February. Australian government treats pro-#TNC embassy as legitimate.
sami saied
Sounds of huge explosions in east of Tripoli in the vicinity of Mitiga base or in the base itself.
سماع أصوات انفجارات ضخمة شرق طرابلس في محيط قاعدة معيتيقه أو في القاعدة نفسها
Stepping up engagement in #Libya, China says rebel group representatives to visit Beijing soon – t.co/jZxXOc3 via @washingtonpost
Video: @AndersFoghR closing press conference at #NATO Defence Ministers Meeting youtu.be/2IhfuXF5aZc
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#AlDafiniyah 08/06/2011 — youtube.com/watch?v=teAhcc… via @free_misurata // #Libya
4Adam Adam
6/9/11 Gaddafi’s Remnant “Tribal leaders”Those believed are trapped in #Tripoli 4 thr “safety” yfrog.com/h2c9zvvj pix
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Qaddafi Son Told Rebels of Exit Plan: Aide bit.ly/m9iMCR
the plot thickens….
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
One of #Gaddafi soldiers joins the revolutionaries in #Misurata — youtube.com/watch?v=6KzqzO… via @youtube //
Foreign investors eyeing a post Gaddafi boom in Libya t.co/hDn6FaE
BBC News – Libya crisis: Clinton tells allies to step up pressure – bbc.in/lgqUi2
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa mt #Zentan #AlQala (Zentan channel) 06/08/11 23:00h: Many locations attakced w/grad rockets by G forces. no human losses cont.
The higher areas of #Saffet in #AlQala are still witnessing shelling from #Gaddafi forces using Grad rockets from a distance
Hillary #Clinton has urged a group of Western and #Arab powers to step up pressure to remove Libyan leader Muammar #Gaddafi.
Al Jazeera: G forces are grouping in area of AlGhzaya w/intention of shelling the Wazen crossover-Grad rockets also fell over Nalut today
BBCAndyNorth andy north
Voices of dissent in Tripoli, my piece for From Our Own Correspondent www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00h05sk
SkyNewsBreak Reuters: Turkey says it has established $100m fund to help Libyan rebels
Clinton: #U.S. pledges $26 million in aid for #Libyan victims edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/afr… #NTC #Gaddafi # #Feb17
Gaddafi will ultimately yield to intl pressure: CIA
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Gaddafi forces cell phone footage showing their inhumane treatment towards civilians of #Yefren #Nafousa Mountains goo.gl/80DGf
wheelertweets James Wheeler
Abdalla. Truck driver fr #Misrata #Libya. Injured @ Tripoli St. 20hr boat to Benghazi. 20days there. Happy 2 b n Tunisia twitpic.com/59594e
SkyNewsBreak Sky News Newsdesk
Reuters: Australia recognises Libyan rebel council as “legitimate interlocutor” of Libyan people
sami saied
RT @LibyaLiberty: #GaddafisExitNegotiations: He’ll go into exile as long as its not a country from where he hired unpaid mercenaries. #KillerBillCollectors
Treatment of civilians in Yefren & Qala’a by Gaddafi soldiers www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i8kC6bdbPE #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
In Pictures: Libyan rebels advance
Another photo from #Nafusa twitpic.com/595bb4
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa mountains #Zentan: civilian home destroyed by G forces killing 2 brothers inside goo.gl/k99R2 #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
AlArabiya_Eng AlArabiya English
Turkey says it will establish a $100 million fund to help Libya protesters
smile: Its over 90 degrees in NYC already – just saw a small dog burst into flames.
MUST READ: This article is copyrighted by IBTimes.co.uk, the business news leader
Zimbabwe and Algeria sending troops to support Gaddafi in Libya war Algeria also talks to Russia re: attack helicopters
The Libyan conflict has now been on-going for more than three months and Gaddafi has once again proved his resilience, holding onto power despite the leaders of the free world demanding he leave. When the Nato operation started in March most observers did not expect the Colonel to be able to hang on to power for so long. However as the conflict between Libyan forces and the rebel movement reached stalemate, the alliance was forced to up its game and has since then increased its bombing campaign. With strict sanctions imposed against the country, most of his assets frozen and many of his top government officials defecting, how does Gaddafi still manage to hang on to power?
While the Colonel certainly has a lot of enemies it seems some of his very few friends are extremely loyal as since the conflict started many reports of Zimbabwean and Algerian soldiers fighting for his regime have emerged.
While in February the media focused on the rebels and allegations from Gaddafi’s former Chief of Protocol Nouri Al Misrahia that the leader was using mercenaries from Kenya, Chad, Niger and Mali against his own people after losing control of the Libyan army, other reports suggested that while the mercenaries might have represented a very small part of Gaddafi’s forces, the governments of Algeria, Zimbabwe and even South Africa were actively helping the leader.
Following the accusation against Zimbabwe, in March Zimbabwean MP Innocent Gonese, asked, the Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa during a parliamentary session to respond to reports that soldiers from Zimbabwe are involved. The minister then replied “…that there are mercenaries who are African and are in Libya – I have no mandate in my duty as Minister of Defence to investigate activities happening in another African country” before confusedly advising the Zimbabwean MP to “direct his question to the Foreign Affairs Ministry, who might also enquire through foreign relations if there are any African countries participating there.”
It would not be the first time that Mugabe sent Zimbabwean militia’s without prior consultation as in 1997 the country’s troops were sent to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to help Laurent Kabila against rebels backed by Rwanda and Uganda. Zimbabwe is also tipped as the favourite exile destination if Gaddafi ever decides to leave the country as President Robert Mugabe is the Libyan leader’s closest ally in Africa. Over the years Gaddafi was said to have showered his counterpart with donations and subsidised oil shipments and in late 2010, Mugabe’s party Zanu PF received hundreds of tractors and much farming equipment from Libya to use in election campaigns.
Also backing the reports, in March the Zimbabwean Mail stated that according to sources from the Zimbabwean military intelligence, “The Zimbabwe National Army and its Air force are heavily involved in the fierce battles between forces loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and the rebel’s forces.”
It also announced that "Libyan government soldiers backed by Zimbabwean troops battled rebels on the road to the insurgent stronghold of Benghazi as the United States raised the possibility of air strikes to stop Muammar Gaddafi’s forces.
The sources in Harare also revealed that the President Mugabe has deployed over 500 troops in Libya to back his long-time ally Colonel Muammar Gaddafi." The newspaper claims."
At the same time reports also surfaced about Algeria’s involvement in the conflict and its support of the Gaddafi regime. While Algeria has always been very vocal about being concerned by western imperialism on the continent, the alleged alliance came as a surprise, especially as President Bouteflika’s government has cooperated for years with the US and Nato on its North Africa and Sub-Saharan anti-terrorist policies.
The accusations first emerged when an Algerian human rights group based in Germany, Algeria Watch, published a statement alleging that the Algerian government is providing material aid, in the form of armed military units to Gaddafi to help prop up his regime.Their statement read:
“It is with both sadness and anger that we have learned that the Algerian government has sent armed detachments to Libya to commit crimes against our Libyan brothers and sisters who have risen up against the bloody and corrupt regime of Muammar Kadhafi. These armed detachments were first identified in western Libya in the city of Zaouia where some among them have been arrested. This has been reported in the media and confirmed by eye witnesses.”
Algeria Watch also accused the Algerian government of having provided the air transport planes that have carried sub-Saharan African mercenaries from Niger, Chad and Darfur to Libya.
Following the allegations, Algerian observers claimed that both countries might have tries to plan a common oil embargo, which would have, as they both are important oil exporters in the continent, sent the oil prices up. The plan could not come to fruition however as the rebel movement soon acquired control over the National Oil Company and the Central Bank of Libya.
In Uganda, in April there were also reports that some troops of the UPDF, the President Yoweri Museveni’s party had been sent to the country.
However the claims were rubbished by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Okello Oryem who added that there was no need for Ugandan forces to go to Libya as Uganda had not been requested to contribute fighting troops. Since then, President Museveni has however invited the Libyan leader to come to Uganda if he ever decided to leave Libya.
Finally, South Africa was accused to have contributed to the conflict by selling arms to the Libyan regime in late 2010, at a time where tensions in the country were already said to be rising. David Maynier of the Democratic Alliance said the DA understood that “more than 100 sniper rifles and more than 50,000 rounds of ammunition may have been exported to Libya in late 2010”.
Apparently, other weapons systems sold appeared to include 40mm multiple grenade launchers, Hercules C130 aircraft, and armoured personnel carriers, he added.
While the Justice Minister and National Conventional Arms Control Committee chairman Jeff Radebe defended that while. “Some in the media or through the use of media as a platform have been quick to conclude that the deaths that have been reported in Libya during the period of political unrest have a direct link with the arms sold by the South African companies to Libya. There is no evidence available to back up such a claim”, the transaction still remained illegal as South Africa has a legal obligation not to trade in conventional arms with states engaged in repression, aggression or terrorism.
The use of mercenaries might have been a clever cover up to attract the media’s attention and hide seedier alliances between Libya and other African countries. Most of the reports emerged between February and April, and since then not much has been said on the subject. It seems however obvious that Gaddafi cannot have stayed in power for so long without any help coming from outside. Maybe then, the Colonel is not so lonely after all.
This article is copyrighted by IBTimes.co.uk, the business news leader
Libya – Australian Foreign Minister – Gaddafi’s days numbered and ‘end may be sooner than anyone thinks’ …
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Report that there is a long queue and overcrowding in the Ras Ijdir crossing border which has not been like this before // #Libya #Tunisia
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Bolivia CARGO SHIP “NASEM” now coming into port #Benghazi #Libya. #feb17
FFs of Nalut preparing dinner www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq2sFSpHsk8 #libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Liberia OIL TANKER “KOUROS” now 25.6 NM out from port #Benghazi #Libya dest listed as “OFF VALLETA” appears headed #Brega @NATO #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
Senegal’s Wade offers to help Gaddafi step aside goo.gl/GtwdX #libya #senegal
Libyan rebels fight with homemade weapons : t.co/NeOpIK1 #Libya #NTC
Truck driver fr #Misrata #Libya. 20hr boat to #Benghazi. 20days there. Happy 2b n #Tunisia t.co/0ZhmPHj
wheelertweets James Wheeler
@wheelertweets Patient in adjacent bed in same rm was injured by #Gaddafi landmine boobytrap in #Misrata. Exploded when he picked up an RPG.
Hague: The UK recognises States not Governments, but we regard the NTC as legitimate representatives of the Libyan people
Urgent you must see Brawl between the Gaddafie Brigades شجار بين عناصر الكتائب t.co/c6vrpBG
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The Damage committed by #Gaddafi forces in #Yefrin and #Alqala youtube.com/watch?v=h7bjVx…
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
A meeting with #Nalut Freedom fighters — youtube.com/watch?v=zq2sFS… via @youtube
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces are grouping in area of #AlGhzaya w/ intention of shelling the #Wazin border crossing.
BBCKimGhattas Kim Ghattas
Australia FM Rudd says Gaddafi days numbered and may end sooner than anyone thinks. He didn’t elaborate.
“Ghaddafi must go, attacks must stop, and the Libyan people must determine their own future.” -HRC
UPDATE: Italy Sees Libya Gadhafi’s Rule Coming To An End t.co/HzgUCNj
wheelertweets James Wheeler
Inspirational Atef. Wounded Egyptian FF from #Misrata. Left foot amputated. Took picture today in Tunisian hospital. twitpic.com/595wo8
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! #Washington: #Clinton: #US recognizes the Libyan NTC as the legitimate interlocutor for the Libyan people. #Libya #NTC #US
Gaddafi forces shell rebel towns in #Libya as families flee bit.ly/je64nc
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Turkey has established a $100 million fund to support #Libya’s #NTC. #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#France to release 290 million euros of frozen Libyan funds for the benefit of #NTC. bit.ly/iBTDKL #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#SouqAlJuma #Freedomfighters have destroyed a wall of #Mitiga airport & have seized weapons from there
libyanproud libyanandproud
William Hague : The #UK recognizes the #NTC as the legitimate representatives of the Libyan people
The treatment of prisoners on the hands of #Gadhafi slaves as documented by the slaves themselves somewhere in #Nafusa bit.ly/lDIb50
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name: Mansour Benjah. A successful entrepreneur in Benghazi. Died from air strikes during NFZ. Story Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=371 #libya
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
#Tripoli morning call:“Souq Jummah FF have destroyed a wall of Mitiga airport &have seized weapons from there”
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Ibrahim Eba’ayu. An inspirational young man who dedicated his life to Islam. Killed in Brega by G’s forces Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=380
Visual diary shows gaddafi soldier at war; EVIDENCE of war crimes. t.co/b3wfJMa
Clinton: We are asking the congress to use some of the frozen assets to provide aid and support for Libya.
LIVE H. Clinton gives press conference from Abu Dhabi f24.my/9Eh7e7 #libya
SkyNewsBreak Sky News Newsdesk
Foreign office minister Alistair Burt says Britain could step up military operations in Libya
#Gaddafi forces continue to attack #Nafousa cities but revolutionaries are now in complete control of #Zintan #Yefran #Alqala #Libya
Nafousa Mountains: Wednesday 8th June; FF managed to restore electricity to a number of areas including #Alrujban #Shakshook..#
Senate readies bill to use Gaddafi assets for aid #libertarian reut.rs/lSE15d
Declaration of the Youth of Sirte in support of the revolution ( Sirte is Gaddafi’s hometown) #Feb17 #libya is.gd/6wc7TS
CNNLive CNN Live
by cnnbrk
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a meeting of the Libya Contact Group in Abu Dhabi. Live: on.cnn.com/cnndcl4
Clinton: There are further steps required by the #NTC before money being released
Clinton: The NTC is a new institute & they have came along way. They also still have a lot of work ahead.
Breaking #Qatar has just given the #NTC $100 million #Libya
WilliamJHague William Hague
Thanks for all your questions. Sorry I couldn’t answer them all. Transcript available soon
Jadu: Wed 8th June: #Gaddafi forces attacked the town..#FF withstood the attack in fierce firefight, resulting in the death of 3.
Wed 8th June: #Wazen border crossing with #Tunisia came under attack again yesterday from Gaddafi forces..No casualties reported.
Love it: #Gaddafi forces fighting each other in #Yefren شجار بين عناصر الكتائب ?
Once Alghezaia is taken care of. It’ll be a continuous movement of FF towards #Tripoli. Hopefully in the coming days.
Tripoli plans, #JabalNafusa plans, and I assume as well the east and #Misrata as well are reaching the moment of truth. It is coming soon!!
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Securing Rasijdair is prime. When #Tripoli hears this it will turn the ground upside down on top of #Muammar’s head.
Specially trained #Swedish soldiers will be sent to #Libya to prevent arms being smuggled to #Gaddafi
Specialstyrka skickas till Libyen
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
#Jadu: For the 1st time, #FF have set up a small clinic, complete with an operating room ready to receive casualties..
complete with modern equipment and an ambulance..The clinic is run by doctors from #Benghazi.
Libya: William Hague Twitter chat
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
Gadhafi days r numbered we r already thinking of the morning after how to stabilise tripoli and ensure security and basic services delivered
Please look at youtu.be/Kk4EQgqdr3Q Video Proof Saeed Rashid and his family Cars after being shot by Gaddafi Forces
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: #NATO struck 4 ammo storage sites this morning. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces continue to attack #Nafusa cities but revolutionaries are now in complete control of #Zintan #Yefran #AlQalaa #Libya #feb17
Nafusa Mountains: #FF gained control of #Safeet a strategic location..however its still under heavy shelling since yesterday #Libya
What is there to say? :
Upsetting moment – a man asked for a book called You Can Heal Your Life. I said we could order it for Saturday. That’s too late, he said.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nafusa: #Freedomfighters have established a safe corridor between #Tunisia & Mountains resulting in the delivery aid. #Libya #feb17
Muammar Gaddafi forces retaliate as NATO eyes endgame | The Australian bit.ly/jqirFt
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
Nafussa Mountains: #Safeet Under heavy shelling & a large number of Gaddafi forces reported near area as they try to take it back…#Libya
Panetta sees Gadhafi regime weakening in #Libya j.mp/jGgPzm
Germany may send troops to Libya after Gaddafi out
BRUSSELS May 9 (Reuters) – Germany would consider sending troops to Libya as part of a U.N. military force once Muammar Gaddafi is ousted, Defence Minister Thomas de Maiziere said on Thursday.
At a meeting of ministers in Brussels, de Maiziere said he hoped Libya would not end up needing a foreign military presence but added: “But if things don’t end up that way, then we would try it — and try it constructively,” said de Maiziere.
NATO is looking for broader support for its bombing campaign in Libya, with only eight of the 28 NATO allies actually taking part in the air strikes. All NATO members agree Gaddafi must go but not all believe military intervention is the best way.
NATO says its bombing campaign has greatly reduced the capacity of Gaddafi’s forces, but analysts say the conflict could drag on for many months.
De Maiziere said Berlin stood by its decision not to join in NATO air strikes but would help rebuild Libya once he is ousted, for example by helping to build up infrastructure and security forces. (Reporting by Ilona Wissenbach; Writing by Stephen Brown in Berlin; Editing by Jon Loades-Carter)
NATO Vows to Help Libyan People for ‘As Long as Possible’
Nafusa: New photos from Shakshuk’s liberation (2/2) #libya #Feb17 yfrog.com/gz81xjoej http://yfrog.com/… (cont) deck.ly/~Lrd0K
Up to 15,000 killed in Libya war: U.N. rights expert | Reuters t.co/0QJlrxk
MDayatFCO Martin Day
Attended #Libya Contact Group 2day. Agreement to launch temp financial mechanism, new members joined & strong support 4 #TNC
Libya Contact Group also discussed 2day how best 2 support Libyan people once #Gadhafi goes. That’s a matter of time
that’s another way of looking at it:
Gaddafi is like that last drunk at a party that just won’t admit its over and go home
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name: Khalifah Tashani. Born 03/03/1993. Shot 3 times in chest, heart, & abdomen by 5th Column Gaddafi batt. Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=387
FFs in Nafusa on Recon duty #Libya#Feb17 yfrog.com/5pbd1ij http://yfrog.com/gymg1rnj
libyanexpat Adel
Check this video out — Sadeg Ellab interview on Al Arabiya discussing situation in Libya and Za… youtube.com/watch?v=zJe21q…
Our reporting on a possible #Qaddafi exit plan from #Libya: t.co/EyquOHP. Rebel aide predicts he’s out by end of June.
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
UNHCR – Update No.27 on the humanitarian situation in #Libya and the neighbouring countries unhcr.org/4de8d4aa9.html
Gaddafi forces about to enter #Zliten carrying freedom flag to deceive n capture them. Plz inform anyone u can
but fighting has already started……..
Reported battles within the city of Zliten (west of #Misrata).
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! Fierce fight between G forces & #Zlitan #FF killing 1 #FF & 5 of #Gaddafi forces. #Zlitan
rumors that KHAMIS is there with 7000 troops.
Captured mercenary says #Gaddafi has 7000 goons in #Zliten -
Clashes in Zliten between FF’s and Gaddafi forces, one martyr so far in Tuesday Market area (Souq Thalath)
Danya Bashir
On Thursday 9th June 2011, @CEOdanya said:
IMPORTANT: A family member in Zeltan, called and told me that zeltan if fighting against #Gaddafi forces and 22 Freedom fighter’s have been murdered, by Pro G. Please Pray for them ..
MORE INFO: Confirmed: #Gaddafi officers are heavily based in #Zliten. This includes Lejaan thawreya, Abdalla Snussi and Khamis. Very dangerous time.
Donors at Abu Dhabi summit pledge over $1.3 billion for Libya’s main opposition: bit.ly/lFxfv3
Cameragimp Miked
My point of view behind the camera, live position on top of Rixos hotel. #Gaddafi #Libya #Gadhafi #fieldproducer yfrog.com/h3ex0coj
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Aides of Col Gaddafi have discussed ‘the potential for transition’ in #Libya says US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bbc.in/jOLh6q
Cameragimp Miked
Here’s a fellow colleague in Tripoli with us yfrog.com/h3myjhuj
Misrata still being attacked by Gaddafi bastards so all in misrata please keep your eyes and ears open. At this point it is vengence fight
Fresh round of NATO strikes hit Tripoli outskirts
HRW Libya at the Human Rights Council today: “Violations of the laws of war by government forces are extensive.” bit.ly/iKkwKZ"
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Clashes are still taking place in #Zliten city between Freedom Fighters and #Gaddafi forces // #Libya
areas being hit in #Zliten:Bin sufya,baza,sidi burgaya (nr sea), buyuwt aal hmaadi
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Breaking from Faraj Eqweidr: From #Zliten, Clashes have started between Zliten freedom fighters and Moamar Gaddafi Mercenaries // #Libya
Gaddafi’s plan by staying in #Zliten, is to create complete strife in and around the cities from Misrata to Khums back to #Tripoli.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Heavy fighting in #Zliten city resulting in 22 martyrs. clashes started after an Anti-G protest in Baza Area
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Getting word that there are clashes in #Zliten between #FreedomFighters and #Gaddafi forces. #Libya #Feb17 Happening NOW.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Clashes are still taking place in #Zliten city between Freedom Fighters and #Gaddafi forces // #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Video of #Gaddafi soldier saying that Khamis Gaddafi & 7000 soldiers are in #Zliten youtu.be/dimw65Kd1jY
KC_Tripolitania KC
#FreedomFighters and #Gaddafi troops engage in intense fighting in #Zliten
foreignoffice Foreign Office (FCO)
Foreign Secretary @WilliamJHague answers questions on #Libya and #ArabSpring via Twitter – Read the full transcript: ow.ly/5eepC
dovenews Libyan™
Ali AlTarwhonee LibyanNTC minister of oil and finance: Denies any announcements about oil production
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Many reports of #NATO aircraft over head.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Big clashes in Tripoli right now between FF revolutionaries and Gaddafi forces
Big clashes in #Tripoli right now between #Freedomfighters & #Gaddafi forces. #Libya #feb17
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Good news! #Tunisia has release a lot of if not all of the #Libyan items & equipment held in it’s ports Lot’s of it has arrived #JabalNafusa
afelyun aphelion
The North Africa Daily is out! bit.ly/idllA2
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! Tunisia & UAE will officially recognize the NTC in the coming days. #Libya #NTC #Tunisia #UAE
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Reports of large anti- #Gaddafi demonstration in #BrackAlShati. #Libya #feb17
sami saied
RT @dovenews: Add to the shame list: Mustafa Shaban, Gaddafi’s foreign ministry official. #Gaddafi’s Dog keep barking like his mad dog boss. Woof Woof
ElenaRossi2 Elena Rossi
ANCORA SULLA PROPAGANDA DI GHEDDAFI. Dal blog Note dal fronte di Lorenzo Cremonesi. Corriere Della Sera: bit.ly/jHhbeW
TRIPOLI: City Centre a scene of gunfire everywhere cars racing up & down militia everywhere very tense…about 2 explode!
No one goes out to protest anymore, its suicide. It’s clashes between armed FF and g forces. tripoli
These are problems in the journo world:
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Rixos reception still can’t fine me a new room, worried I may end up on @cameragimp’s sofa at this rate…
Cameragimp Miked
Here’s a pic from inside Gaddafi’s magic mystery bus tour on the way to the big mans farm. yfrog.com/h49j9zwj
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Report by AJE showing images found on #Gaddafi Soldier camera device — youtube.com/watch?v=jMlrsP… //
Waters: ‘Probably good’ McLaren, Libya deal failed
Alex Waters says it is for the best that a potential sponsorship deal between McLaren and Libya fell through
The man who was at the centre of a failed sponsorship deal between McLaren Mercedes and Libya has insisted that he never had any dealings with Saif Gaddafi, the son of Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi.
Former British F3 racer Alex Waters had signed a contract with McLaren to bring in sponsorship from the Libyan Tourist Board, with the team having provided mock-ups of its car carrying a ‘Visit Libya’ livery.
As it was, the deal never came to fruition and while he admits he was saddened at the time, Waters insists that recent events mean it is ‘probably good that it didn’t’ – with Saif Gaddafi reported to have been killed in a Nato air strike as fighting on Libyan soil continues.
“My contact was through the Libyan Tourist Board,” Waters told the Daily Mail. “I never had any contact with Saif Gaddafi, or anyone else involved at that level.
“At the time the British government and other organisations were doing business with Libya, and it was seen as a good thing by many people.
“The deal came to nothing. I hoped it would at the time, obviously, because there was money riding on it. But, given what’s gone on in the last few weeks, it’s probably good that it didn’t.”
freedom4libya Khalifa Leebee
8 towns in the South of #Libya from Brak to Adree are said to be free of #Gadhafi Militias. Soon we will declare the South as Liberated
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Rumored that the #AwladOmar subclan of the #Gaddadfa tribe ( #Gaddafi’s tribe) are against him, just not publicly announced. #Libya #feb17
septimius_sever septimius severus
US: #Libya campaign will falter without more help – guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jun…
BentBenghazi G
My friend recently returned from Tunisia, she told me of a city in the Western Mountains of Libya who pledged allegiance to G. they told FF that they were with Gaddafi and his ppl, and that they would fight alongside them.
Once Gaddafi mercenaries and soldiers got there, they separated the men from the women… and began raping the women. They would rape the women out in the open so that the FF at the top of the mountains could watch, and see the crimes that they were committing.I guess saying they were w/ G was not such a good idea.
sami saied
RT @KC_Tripolitania: Witness in #Sabha: clashes between #FreedomFighters & #Gaddafi forces now, as the deadline 4 #Gaddafi army 2 release detainees ends. #Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Ghadaffis camels inspect bomb damage yfrog.us/5amacuiz
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Spain defense minister will propose tomorrow to extend for an unlimited time their mission in Libya tinyurl.com/6hbeldc feb17
FromJoanne Joanne
Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed reporters after participating in the Libya Contact Group Meeting in Abu Dhabi goo.gl/ISJvH #libya
khald02 kha02
Tataouine: more inflow of #Libya n families . Wednesday’s night, 923 people entered the Tunisian territory goo.gl/vsW1r
Libya rebels to receive huge cash infusion
NATO and Libya Operational Media Update
www.nato.int/nato_static/assets/pdf/pdf... Got Info from Tripoli informing that the NATO bombing is remarkably precise #libya
RRowleyTucson Heavy fighting reported now in #AlKhums & #Zliten
cousin from #tripoli says that all the houses which were once rented by foreign companies are now occupied by gaddafi soldiers #libya #feb17
eliselabottcnn Elise Labott
Clinton: US “views the Transitional National Council as the legitimate interlocutor for the Libyan people.” until Gadhafi is gone
Libia: arrestato a Perugia Nuri Ahusain
«Uomo di Gheddafi, voleva uccidere Shalgam»
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Sebha : Anti #Gaddafi Protests in AbdAlkafi and Alnasrya districts (FB)
Alexblx Alexblx
#Gaddafi unlikely 2 last beyond June – International pressure will escalate – as soon as #ICC arrest warrants R issued 4 #Libya war crimes.
septimius_sever septimius severus
“Gaddafi is still strong. If put up against the wall will do terrible massacres” Archbishop Martinelli admits to journalist in Tripoli
BentBenghazi G
#Gaddafi soldiers and loyalists footage taken from their mobiles in #Yefren: tiny.cc/zmd7e
SecularLibya MargBar Khamenei
Heinz- Sirte has risen up and is now out of control of Ghaddafi. We should start hearing a lot about Sirte soon. No reporters there.
4Adam Adam
According to OssanLibya.org: Fierce battles in #Zliten and repel attacks on #Misrata [Ar] migre.me/51lgt #Libya #Feb17
Tripolitanian Libyan
Over a dozen killed in #Zliten as residents battle #Gaddafi forces, many are being arrested and sent to #Tripoli
Tripolitanian Libyan
Over a dozen killed in #Zliten as residents battle #Gaddafi forces, many are being arrested and sent to #Tripoli
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Pray for FF in Sabha, Zliten, Tripoli, Qalaa, Nalut, Ajdabiya, and every part of free #Libya. This tyrant’s reign is coming to an end.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zliten: Very very big clashes throughout the day. Gaddafi forces are shelling buildings in the city itself now, where FF are.
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten source guesstimated about 2000+ #Gaddafi forces occupying public buildings, hospitals, schools in the city. Could be more GFs now…
Bent_Almoktar Yes we can
I survived a war Zone by trusting strangers, FFs telling me where 2 go wht not 2 do made me go in out carrying great memories. #FFs thank u
#FFs #libyanthankyou thank u for saving my life and protecting me sharing ur food and ur homes ut dreams and ur wounds
#FFs we cryed laughed we lost friends n celebrate new babes been born, we lost some battle we won da others n we shall win da war enough G
Walid #FFs had 80%of his body burn in briga batlle he Spock perfect English.he was strong never cryed, I couldn’t save him, passed w/smile
Tripolitanian Libyan
#Spain, #Australia add their names to the list of countries that recognizes the National Transitional Council (#NTC)
Gaddafi regime trying 2 negotiate “secret” deal w/ Greece 2 “open peace talks” goo.gl/oWDwf
U.S., Allies Eye Post-Gadhafi Libya: Allied and Arab nations meeting with Libyan rebel leaders approved a fi… on.wsj.com/junpIZ
Canada to pull out of NATO air surveillance t.co/kJTtEKs #Libya
TributeFM ‘Base in Space’ FF activity in Zliten today.
wheelertweets James Wheeler
When I was at the electric power generating station in Shakshuk last Fri, FFs found Russian pre-packagd military meals left by #Gaddafi guys
Obama admin vows to finish job in #Libya as top guns argue Gadhafi doomed & his attacks on civilians curbed by #NATO. t.co/i9FHH9i
checkpoints on the way to #tunisia are manned by two or three gaddafi soldiers all with no will to check or do their jobs, morale is low
Heavy shelling by #Gaddafi forces of family homes in centre of #Zliten, after they captured the area
septimius_sever septimius severus
MUST READ Gaddafi regime staked £12bn on secret deal in bid to open peace talks #Libya tinyurl.com/6z4g89y
South Misratah FFs engaged in a battle With Gaddafi’s Battalions &Forced Them to retreat back to their positions youtu.be/SFZDprFKRUU
septimius_sever septimius severus
Goldman investigated over £31m #Libyan ‘bribe’ tinyurl.com/3vcwes6
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
Breaking: A source reported that the total number of martyrs to now in #Zliten reached to 22 martyrs and many wounded.
The clashes started after Asr prayer yesterday (09/06/2011) after #Gaddafi forces killed the martyr Tariq Ahmeidi in front of Awlad Ahmeidi Mosque after going out from Asr prayer. the source said that the number of Gaddafi forces that are present in Zliten city reaches to 5000 individuals.
Alkhums: NATO destroys 8 Libyan warships in #Alkhums port … #Libya bit.ly/kGxwkw
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa Mntns 06/09/11 16:30h: G Soldiers hurl abuse at the revolutionaries: “You dogs you Mountain people, you Berbers” goo.gl/jyLZ0
How Gaddafi troops treatment the FFs prisoners in Yafrane & Al Qallaa youtu.be/4i8kC6bdbPE #Libya#Feb17
libyans_revolt omar
Guma elqamaty: Heavy clashes now in many parts of #Zliten 160km east of #Tripoli. Zliten could b free in few days & push for Tripoli. #Libya
Zliten: A group of FFs are trapped in Ben Sawan building in city centre. City centre is completely surrounded by Gaddafi forces
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Misrata: Polyclinic to reopen within a couple of days isA. #Libya #Feb17
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Zliten #Libya – Breaking: A source reported to Almanara that #Gaddafi forces is now shelling and opening gun fire on residential areas in #Zliten city. The battalions are using mortar fires to bombard the sieged civilians, and the source mentioned that Bazah, north of Zliten city is under the shelling now.
Gaddafi forces will be committing a massacre against the defenseless population if this situation continues.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa mt #Jadu 06/09/11 18:40h: FFs opened a surgical clinic, installed new medical equipment, 2 mobile operating kits, 2 ambulance
Now prepared to deal w/serious injuries requiring immediate procedures. 1st medical practice in area, most drs from #Benghazi
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Zliten: #Gaddafi forces are shelling the sawan building, where some #misratta families are hosted, reports of building being levelled !!
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
by MushuThaLohari
Zliten: Some FF from Zliten escaped to Misrata a week ago. They were given 4×4s and ammo and they are now back in Zliten. #libya #feb17
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Faraj Eqweidr: Breaking: #Zliten: G-forces are shelling on Bazah Area which is a residential area with a large number of civilians // #Libya
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
15 yr old victim of #Gaddafi bombing. facebook.com/photo.php?fbid… #GaddafiCrimes
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten:Group of revolutionaries are trapped in #BenAmara, city center. They are surrounded by #Gaddafi forces. Via #AlShahed #Libya #feb17
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Breaking: #Nalut Media committee 10/06/2011 – Gaddafi forces shelling the city of Nalut wit rockets and Heavy artillery //
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Kikla : Kikla being shelled from south from town called #gwaleesh . #Feb17 #Libya
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten has been fully occupied by #Gaddafi forces and resistance is extremely dangerous
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten situation intensifying with #FreedomFighters very exposed right now. #Libya #GaddafiCrimes #Feb17
Most families in #tripoli are looking for ways to flee, its heating up there and no-one knows what to expect next
Saif Al islam Gaddafi told Mahmoud Jebril NTC prime minster his father ready to stepdown if we agreed to be Saif next leader for Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Zliten : Zliten Freedom Fighters have killed large number of #Gaddafi forces !
Gaddafi forces attack Baza in Zliten.Snipers on Alkhansa school shoot randomly
Civillians in Zliten come out to end siege of the FF surrounded in Bin Suwan apartment block
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zliten: Some FF from Zliten escaped to Misrata a week ago. They were given 4×4s and ammo and they are now back in Zliten.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Campaign of mass arrests in AlShaqiqah and AlAwainiyah has included the elderly & children between them is Sheikh Masbah Aabayd //
Tripolitanian Libyan
Combined freedom-fighters of #Misrata, #Zliten fighting #Gaddafi forces in town of #Zliten (estimates of over 2000 Gaddafi trps)
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten source: #Gaddafi forces have arrested some revolutionaries & shabab since Feb. Some were sent to #Tripoli, some remain in Zliten.
Ds combats intenses ds la ville de Zliten continue, ls forces de Kadhafi à lancer des roquettes dans des zones résidentielles
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
A lousy act by a #Gaddafi goon,this time female storming into Rixos hotel claiming @NATO bombed her house goo.gl/Kb3b3 #feb17
libyanfsl Libya NFSL
Intense fighting in the city of Zliten continues, Gaddafi forces launching rockets in to residential areas #Feb17 #Libya
septimius_sever septimius severus
VERY GRAPHIC : Pictures and Videos found on The Gaddafi Forces SHAKSHUK youtube.com/watch?v=oXeFvw…
libyanfsl Libya NFSL
Clashes between #FF and Gaddafi troops in Gherian, gunshots heard near Sahban Brigade base
twitvid.com/Y9EEY – Video from Gaddafi soldier’s mobile of Gaddafi convoy entering Zawiya after taking control of city #libya #feb17
Zliten FB pg:25 martyrs on revos side, many more deaths on Gaddafi side
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: breaking: Clashes started early this afternoon and still haven’t stopped. 15 Gaddafi soldiers killed in the outskirts
4Adam Adam
Pray 4 our freedomfighters in #Zliten who’re still trapped in Albuza. Gaddafi forces are still shelling the Area,Yabb Enserhum #Libya
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
we need 2report wt exactly happens, 20 May NATO didn’t destroy 8 warships in Khoms, my contact reported 1 huge blast, I posted
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
#Libya Situation Report – 6/9/11 eepurl.com/edeL9
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Libya campaign will falter without more help, Nato bystanders warned bit.ly/k1Prmh
dovenews Libyan™
NATO used Apaches 2 attck some of G military targts near Brega this morning, thy also droppd leaflts askin G forces 2 giveUp & surrndr 2 FF
@dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi forces are fighting among each others in #Yefran, to the point one trying to shot the other goo.gl/9xm13 #Nafusa
In hospitals some nurses wear gaddafis foto around their necks and give out green gem earrings to new born babies who get their ears pierced
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Thuraya: Gaddafi’s government owns a share in the company. Rumours that any phone can be located if G knows the sat phone number
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Important message from #Zliten from reps abroad. #Libya #Gaddafi youtube.com/watch?v=-Z3VpA…
“If you think education is expensive try ignorance.”
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Kikla : Kikla being shelled from south from town called #gwaleesh . #Feb17 #Libya
Nalut : Town is being shelled with Grads and Heavy Artillery .
feb17libya Feb17Libya
New US Senate bill proposes to use #Libya assets for humanitarian aid feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Canada to pull out of NATO air surveillance t.co/kJTtEKs #Libya
LibyanDictator The Dictator
by SupportForLibya
Almanara: Gaddafi forces shelling populated civilian areas in #Zliten using mortars.
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! #Ghadamis: The Algerian army opened fire on the #FreedomFighters when they tried to control the Libyan – #Algerian border.
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Zliten: Reports that #Misrata fighters are aiding Zliten fighters by shelling Gaddafi forces. Will confirm asap.
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘Renewed NATO Air Strikes Rock Tripoli’ goo.gl/6QSkN #Libya #NATO #OperationUnifiedProtector
libyans_revolt omar
NATO are now directly targeting #Gaddafi, a senior #NATO official with operational knowledge of the campaign tells #CNN. #Libya #Feb17
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘Libya at Risk from Unexploded Munitions’ goo.gl/60SpF #Libya
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Gates presses NATO allies to boost defense spending shabablibya.org/?p=2842 #Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
A reminder that you can see a gallery of my images from Tripoli here on.fb.me/jb3teD or on the Sky News iPad app
contacts from youth in #tripoli report organization of a big demonstration from 1 of the mosques inside the city after friday prayer today
libyans_revolt omar
Pro #Gaddafi soldiers in #Zliten incl ppl frm #Zliten & many mercenaries from #Mali.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
NATO shortcomings ‘could jeopardise Libya mission’ shabablibya.org/?p=2839 #Libya
Operational Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector over the past 24 hours #NATO #Libya #Feb17 – t.co/uNAkZdb feb17libya Feb17Libya
Factbox: AID to Libyan Opposition bit.ly/m4s3Ug
Rebel fighters headed to the Ajdabiya frontline. #Libya twitpic.com/59h5bt @calperryAJ
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Libya: Sons of the Sanussi feb17.info/editorials/son…
The ‘could’ should be a ‘will’ | ‘Moussa Koussa could face UK private criminal prosecution within weeks’ t.co/Rgru5lS #Libya
Good morning regarding the last news here is the link regarding Gaddafi Troop defection winnipegfreepress.com/world/breaking…
TUNIS, Tunisia – Tunisian media say a Libyan general and 10 ranking officers are among thousands who fled to neighbouring Tunisia this week as NATO airstrikes in their homeland intensify.
There was no letup in reports of defections by Libyan military who had fought for the regime of Moammar Gadhafi. The radio station Mosaique FM reported the defection of a general, and TAP reported the defection of 10 other officers who reached the port of Ketf in a small boat with eight civilians aboard.
The official TAP news agency said there was a near record 6,000 daily arrivals Tuesday and Wednesday with the rhythm slowing to some 900 Thursday.
septimius_sever septimius severus
As Gaddafi era ends, he may be a Target tinyurl.com/3e6f8lr #Libya
ArmchairArab Amchair Arab
by Skeptical4
How Gaddafi Exploited Libyan Regions/Tribes to Hold Power by @armchairarab storify.com/armchairarab/h…
Libya: Gaddafi denies rapes as £800m is sent to rebels | Metro.co.uk t.co/4kUwgvw
Wessimsara WESSIM
Qaddafi Son Told Rebels of Exit Plan: Aide – Bloomberg bloom.bg/jvCGZR via @BloombergNow
NATO’s Libya ‘hope’ strategy is bombing t.co/4oU4gTP
Follow Al Jazeera’s @calperryAJ for the latest from the #Libyan frontline in #Ajdabiya: aje.me/jMZYMN
To the south, near Bani Walid, RAF aircraft attacked a tank transporter. Another patrol engaged self-propelled gun near Gharyan
Skeptical4 Skeptic
#Zliten: #MARTIAL #LAW! Anyone going on the street is arrested, soldiers knock at each house to arrest FFs goo.gl/5oHSa
20arb11 Souffian Tripoli
Any one know who this Thug is in the picture? #Libya #Bengazi #feb17 #Tripoli trunc.it/g7qh5
Libye: l’envoyé russe ira à Tripoli puis présentera une feuille de route t.co/60rkA8e
Wessimsara WESSIM
Wade – Khadafi : lâchage en règle #libye afrik.com/article23050.h…
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten update – unconfirmed #Libya #Feb17 goo.gl/5oHSa
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zliten update – unconfirmed #Libya #Feb17 goo.gl/5oHSa
June 10, 2011: LPC call from Zliten resident, current situation in the city.
Earlier today, some of Gaddafi’s goons went to the house of a ‘known’ freedom fighter. They said they wanted to question him so he said OK and said he would tell his family and then go with them peacefully. He re-emerged carrying a gun. He shot a couple of Gaddafi’s men before being killed himself.
Fellow freedom fighters then appeared and the fighting started. They retreated to a large building in the center of the city and were soon beseiged by soldiers. They are still there and right now there is martial law in Zliten. Anyone who goes onto the street will be shot without their allegiance being questioned. Everyone is being held in their homes like prisoners and there is constant gunfire.
Our source managed to reach his family in Zliten and spoke to his sister. They are all terrified and fear what will come next. The forces holding them are the Libyan regular army. They are waiting for the thump on the door as the soldiers are now going door to door and arresting people.
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Bloomberg: 165 #BILLION #DOLLARS in #Gaddafi regime #frozen #assets worldwide!
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Misrata is being shelled by Gaddafi forces and there are clashes reported in Zliten -
septimius_sever septimius severus
oh dear RT “: Gates slams #NATO for lack of political will, says it’s running out of bombs for #Libya campaign nyti.ms/jK7CIr”
libyans_revolt omar
Video: #Libya Transitional Council Aide Expects New Government by End of June tinyurl.com/43q3ly4 #FreeLibya #Feb17 via @feb17libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Must Watch: Mohamed Al Akari, aide to TNC leader Mahmoud Jebril, talks about contact with #Gaddafi authorities. #Libya feb17.info/news/video-lib…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video: Libya TNC Aide Expects New Government by End of June bit.ly/ls1lif
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC6IYV12dW8&feature=related Gaddafi humiliating the poor and beggars in Tripoli. Claiming they’re not Libyan
Hillary Clinton: “Gheddafi ha i giorni contati.” #Libia #Feb17 #Italia #AbuDhabi #ALJE
septimius_sever septimius severus
Medic in #Misrata “we have lost 3 ambulances on road between here & Dafniya, due 2missiles” T Coghlan Times London #Libya #Gaddaficrimes
libyanproud libyanandproud
by Skeptical4
#Wadan : A number of truck mounted AA (14.5) guns entered the city after anti #Gaddafi protests the night before. (FB)
TasnimQ Tasnim
Five-year-old Libyan amputee dreams of new leg edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/afr… #Malak #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
NATO OFFICIAL: Gaddafi is a legitimate target. #Libya #NATO #GaddafiNATOsLegitimateTarget
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CoO00yczdc&feature=related #Libya #Feb17 Protester shot in the head by Gaddafi forces.
NTC main request & request of #feb17 revolution is that Gaddafi leaves power & leave #Libya, this option will remain open for him #NTC
NTC already have plans for when Gaddafi leaves Tripoli, security is top priority, already planned how to establish stability asap
Doctors struggle to find prosthesis for 5-year-old amputee maimed by a missile in #Libya. CNN’s Sara Sidner reports. bit.ly/mM501u
dovenews Libyan™
#Canada is preparing 2 keep its planes in the skies over #Libya 4 another 3 1/2 months in a mission that the gov says will cost $60-million.
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd_zvi9RE58&NR=1 #Libya. Snipers on the rooftops shooting at protesters!
NewsInLibya News in Libya
World Waits For Gadhafi’s Regime To Collapse: More than 30 countries belong to the Contact Group on #Libya, and… dlvr.it/VnZ45
dovenews Libyan™
Jadu: #FF managed 2 open a clinic wth new equipments, 1 operation room & 2 ambulances. Most Doctors R from Bengahzi. #Nafusa #Jadu #Bengahzi
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Twitter training time RT @pauljustin1: Quite in Tripoli this morning learning the ropes from @Cameragimp @fieldproducer #Libya
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBWbyMgcbcU&feature=related #Libya Firetruck tries to run over protesters! #Benghazi
20arb11 Souffian Tripoli
Free Tripoli Daily is out! bit.ly/jXMewE ▸ Top stories today
dovenews Libyan™
NATO air strikes on Tripoli early this morning mainly on Gaddafi’s compound. #Tripoli #Libya #NATO #NatoFlattenGaddafisCompound
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
Gaddafi has support? WHAT BLOODY SUPPORT! www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWY4z5ho5BY&fea...
septimius_sever septimius severus
RT "@Libyus: At Rimada camp #tunisia #libya “@EEE_Libya: Gas tank exploded. At least 1 tent caught fire” cc @melissarfleming
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Video from the East Libyan city of Bayda on Feb 17th – First day of the protests as they walked toward live fire goo.gl/mj7ZF #Libya
SayNoToGaddafi Mohamed Aleeby
www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N5Gmghpm8M&feature=related #Libya Police joining in the protesters. Defection of Abdulfatah Yunis. Interior
dovenews Libyan™
Sabha: Gaddafi forces killed 10s of people stood Up against the regime in #Sabha. #Sabha #Libya #GaddafiKillingMachine
dovenews Libyan™
Mass grave goes back to 1990s have been found in East of Libya. #Feb17 #Libya #GaddafiCrimes #GaddafiEnd
SkyNews Sky News
Libya: More Nato Airstrikes As Rebels Get Aid bit.ly/kFD9XN
LibyaUnited1944 Libya United 1944
Some photos taken in Benghazi..hope you like them. Theres a few so try to keep up! twitpic.com/59i1gm
A new video just emerged of Gaddafi troops entering #Benghazi on 19/03/2011- هذا الفيديو لعصابات القردافي youtube.com/watch?v=EYruus… #Libya
Freedom_7uriyah ღ.¸¸Libeeya¸¸.ღ
#Libya: #NTC: Hopes to help other arab nations & the dream is to have a strong, stable & democratic North African Maghreb especially
I suspect #Gaddafi bringing commanders most loyal to #Tripoli so he has enough troops to hold city hostage.
Sebha on Sunday: #Gaddafi replaced his long time ally Masoud AbdAlhafeed with Alreefi Alshreef after Masoud tried escaping.
Masoud was then recalled to #Tripoli and, if reports are correct, is resisting this with some (or all) of his troops.
Most probably (I can’t see this explicitly stated anywhere) Masoud was the commander in charge of #Gaddafi’s forces around #Sebha.
Freedom_7uriyah ღ.¸¸Libeeya¸¸.ღ
#NTC: Plans to establish proper democracy & freedom + ongoing negotiations with #Egypt & #Tunis
NTC already have plans for when Gaddafi leaves Tripoli, security is top priority, already planned how to establish stability asap
#Dafnya as an area is Split between #Misrata and #Zliten . There is Dafnya-Misratta and Dafnya-Zliten, learned this yesterday.
Misrata is being shelled by Gaddafi forces and there are clashes reported in Zliten
Statement on behalf of #Zliten from reps abroad #Libya #Gaddafi #Feb17
YouTube – البيان الحاسم لثوار زليتن – youtube.com
Gaddafi is getting hell in Zawiya 50km away, Zliten ~150km away, Khums ~120km away and Qalaa/Bir Ayad ~80km away. Hello Tripoli! #libya
Zliten has been fully occupied by #Gaddafi forces and resistance is extremely dangerous
Zliten : group of Zliten Freedom fighters are surrounded in the bin Sawan building in the town center
Zliten:Happening NOW #Gaddafi forces bombed the area of #Bazza,a residential area with a large number of civilians.
Almanara: Gaddafi forces shelling populated civilian areas in #Zliten using mortars.
Combined freedom-fighters of #Misrata, #Zliten fighting #Gaddafi forces in town of #Zliten (estimates of over 2000 Gaddafi trps)
According to one resident,there are about 200,000 people in #Zliten held hostage to #Gaddafi forces – including #Egyptian foreign nationals.
Zliten: #Gaddafi Regular Army have city under martial law, going house to house arresting people.
#Zliten : Report of building being levelled seems to be inaccurate , building still standing . Apologies !
#Zliten : There are more #Gaddafi soldiers in the city than zliten ppl
Zliten : One Freedom Fighter attacked group of #Gaddafi thugs with a grenade . #Feb17 #Libya
Zliten : There is a very a big troop presences , spread between Houses , Public buildings , Schools
#NATO gives green light to target #Gaddafi #Libya — الناتو يعطي الضوء الاخضر لبدء اصطياد القذافي youtube.com/watch?v=5FjytE… via @youtube
Cameragimp Miked
Sounds of jets high above. Beautiful day with inspiring blue skies over eucalyptus trees – reminds me of the Queensland outback.
FreeLibyanman FreeLibyan
Protecting #Libya’s innocents is worth the time and cost – Telegraph telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews…
FreeLibyanman FreeLibyan
Shaky #Libya campaign shows #NATO’s weakness, #Gates says – latimes.com latimes.com/news/la-fgw-ga… ??!!!!!
88simon88 simon
The most modern frigate boat of the French Navy is heading to Libya. tinyurl.com/6bh5zgl
RT: (Must See) #Tripoli’s Sniper part 3 قناص طرابلس youtube.com/watch?v=j45SR2… #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Tawergha : The battles of 08/06 resulted in 300 #Gaddafi thugs killed. #Feb17 #Libya
Shocklee Shocklee
by TasnimQ
THE LIBYA REPORT is out! bit.ly/i6QkaC
88simon88 simon
The story of a libyan-french student who came back to Benghazi and became member of the NTC tinyurl.com/68o9hp5 ! (in french)
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Check out footage of #Nato’s latest airstrikes on #Gaddafi’s Compound BabAzizyia in Tripoli #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
CBC: Patrolling Libyan skies. Join NATO AWACS & Canadian Commander on recent attack on #Tripoli. #Libya
ElenaRossi2 8 NATO jets have started from Italy into Libya this morning, the last at 10.40am (Tripoli’s time). Some of them were in pairs.
It turns out that #NATO believes the United Nations gave it permission 2 bomb #Libya TV stations & make attack runs w/ helicopters
Breaking – NATO attack helicopter inventory increased from 16 to 32 units. #Libya #Feb17 Major action ahead.
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Yesterday, near Zlitan, Royal Air Force Tornado and Typhoon aircraft destroyed four of Colonel Qadhafi’s main battle tanks.
To the south, near Bani Walid, RAF aircraft attacked a tank transporter. Another patrol engaged a self-propelled gun near Gharyan.
Off Misratah, HMS Ocean launched British Army Apache helicopters to attack a regime communications installation and multiple rocket launcher
These were identified by NATO surveillance operations. Both targets were destroyed and the helicopters returned safely to HMS Ocean.
7 helicopters attacks so far ( 4 french, 3 english). #libya
FrDefense News – Franceiday, June 10, 2011, 10:05 AM
Kaddafi forces firing anti-aircraft missile SA-7 against French combat helicopter in Libya.
Kaddafi forces fired anti-aircraft missile SA-7 against French combat helicopter who takes part in the NATO missions in Libya.
The French helicopters fight the Colonel Kaddafi forces since June 4th, 2011. Commander aboard the aircraft carrier Charles-de-Gaulle of the French Navy around the coast of Libya, the admiral Philippe Coindreau revealed yesterday, this June 8th, 2011, during a videoconference with journalists, that the French helicopters had undergone shootings of ground-to-air missiles Manpads (Man Portable Air System Defense), probably Russian made SA-7.
According to our information, these shootings did not strike any helicopter, but started shootings of self-protection defence systems.
Major General Nick Pope, the Chief of the Defence Staff’s Strategic Communication Officer, said:
“UK Armed Forces were again in action yesterday over Libya.
“The NATO-led coalition continued to mount effective air patrols over wide swathes of the country to enforce UNSCR 1973. Near Zlitan, Royal Air Force Tornado and Typhoon aircraft destroyed four of Colonel Qadhafi’s main battle tanks, while to the south, near Bani Walid, they attacked a tank transporter. Another patrol engaged a self-propelled gun near Gharyan.
“Off Misratah, HMS Ocean launched British Army Apache helicopters to attack a regime military communications installation and multiple rocket launcher which had been identified by NATO surveillance operations. Both targets were destroyed and the helicopters returned safely to Ocean.
“Since the start of military operations to enforce UNSCR 1973, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and Army Air Corps forces have successfully attacked over 430 regime targets involved in Colonel Qadhafi’s persecution of the civilian populace.”
10 Jun. 2011
Press briefing on events concerning Libya
NATO HQ, Brussels
On 10 June at 14:00, Oana Lungescu, the NATO Spokesperson, will brief the press on events concerning Libya. She will be joined by Wing Commander Mike Bracken, Operation Unified Protector military spokesperson, who will brief by videoconference from Naples on NATO’s operation in Libya in support of UNSCR 1973.
NATO presser Mike Bracken MBE: Videos show that Gaddafis forces are operating from within civilian areas.
NATO presser Mike Bracken MBE: Orders still coming out of Tripoli, that’s why we continue strinking their C&C centers.
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Question: how much longer can Gaddafi resist pressure in face of such daily strikes in Bab Al Azizya youtu.be/5k7HquTKE1k
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
NATO 9 Jun: 3 ships boarded, no denials; #IHAM: 2 ships, no aircraft.
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
NATO 9 Jun: #Misrata: 2 rocket launchers, 1 truck gun, 4 tanks, 1 transporter, 2 C&C, 2 armoured vehs, 2 checkpoints; #Brega: 1 C&C
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! Gaddafi state TV: Military French plane was hit near Zlitan. Awaiting NATO confirmation. #Zlitan #Libya @NATO #France
NOT TRUE< see above from french min. of def:)
dovenews Libyan™
Musa Ibrahim: NATO is weak & thy are leaving & reducing their strikes & Gaddafi will win.
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Forces loyal to #Gaddafi shelled the rebel-controlled town of #Misrata today, killing at least 10 people. #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
AP: Norway to completely withdraw from NATO-led operation in #Libya by August 1st
NATO spokesman admits they use Twitter as one of their sources of intelligence:)
FromJoanne Joanne
#Canada is preparing to keep its planes in the skies over #Libya for another 3and Half months in a mission that will cost $60-million #Nato
sami saied:
BREAKING CRAP: Gaddafi forces shot French plane with a Green EGG & some Magical Spells……….More Crap GaddafiEnd
UN investigates Gaddafi over mass rape policy #viagra www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3nPxElFZiU&fea... #Libya
7_com LibyaFeb17.com
After meeting the opposition in Benghazi, Russian envoy plans Tripoli visit in mediation effort – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/dSzgf
dovenews Libyan™
#Bengahzi: Musa continued to defend a leader politically dead & wanted by the ICC
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Why are we still quoting Gaddafi State TV? these are the same people that said they shot down a French jet and sunk a NATO ship… #libya
Skeptical4 Skeptic
Video at press briefing: NATO waited for football match to end, all people leave, and then struck 2 SAM launchers next to playing field
Al Jazeera: 17 dead and 40 injured in Dafneye #Misrata after attack of #Gaddafi troops on #FF
Libya state TV says a #NATO helicopter has been shot down over sea off the coast of the town of Zlitan aje.me/jQEpiq #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Bengahzi: We are feeling sorry for Musa Ibrahim. He is talking on behalf of a hiding leader.
BreakingNews Breaking News
More on helicopter off Libyan coast: NATO denies it was shot down. ‘We have no indication to show that this is true’ official tells @Reuters
FromJoanne Joanne
JUST BROKEN #NATO ramps up pressure on #Libya June10
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Gaddafi TV : One of our snipers has managed to snipe one of the pilots of an unmanned drone !
FromJoanne Joanne
Safety teams have found an alarming number unexploded rockets + mines around #Ajdabiya goo.gl/76Z43 #Libya
Gaddafi’s compound & April 7th military camps are among the targets that were just bombed in the city NATO TRIPOLI LIBYA
4 those in tripoli NATO will leave only after taking g out 4 libya more to come
Libya Rebel Aide Expects New Government by End of June
June 10 (Bloomberg) — Lara Setrakian reports on the prospects for a new government in Libya as the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation continues its attacks against the resources of Muammar Qaddafi’s regime. Mohamed Al Akari, an aide to National Transitional Council leader Mahmoud Jebril, talks about contacts with Libyan authorities.
BREAKING: #NATO forces are striking the Libyan capital of Tripoli
BoooooooM! #NATO is BACK #Tripoli
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Audio & Transcript: NATO press briefing on Libya – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/audio-…
Large explosion heard in Tripoli followed by sirens.
Two more explosions heard
dovenews Libyan™
Since 4am & G forces R attcking west #Misrata wth tanks & rocket launchers in attempt 2 entr the city, 16 FF killd & 40 injured, FF repelled
Gheblawi Ghazi Gheblawi
#Gaddafi sends letter to representatives of Libyan Jewish Diaspora in apparent bid to bolster international image jpost.com/International/… #Libya
Protecting #Libya’s innocents is worth the time and cost written by UK DS Liam Fox – Telegraph
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Zimbabwe and Algeria sending troops to support Gaddafi in #Libya war goo.gl/4L99X #gaddaficrimes
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Live chat from yesterday: #Libya post TNC & #Feb17 live2tripoli.tumblr.com
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
NATO’s Latest Air Strikes on Bab Alaziziyah www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k7HquTKE1k #libya #feb17
France: 2 give the #TNC U$ 290 m that had been frozen said spokesman FM, Bernard Valéro to help with the needs of #libya people
HMS_Nonsuch: NATO spokes admits use of Twitter as one source of intell
BREAKING Canada Official told AFP on condition of anonymity that Canadian AirForce decided to withdraw from @NATO goo.gl/fnB8N #Libya
Just been talking to family in Tripoli,morale is really low, they know Gaddafi is going but are worrying about how long it going 2 take!
Air strikes: G compound & April 7th military camps are among the targets that were just bombed in the city Targets also were on Khallat al furjan to the south of the capital Tripoli
dovenews Libyan™
Confirmed: Gaddafi snipers are using rifles with attached suppressors targeting youth’s gathering in #Tripoli
foreignoffice Foreign Office (FCO)
#Egypt, #Libya and #Bosnia & #Herzegovina where amongst the topics discussed by @foreignoffice bloggers this week ow.ly/5eEom
tripolitano Tripolitano
sadly I got news today a good friend of mine was killed by #Gaddafi forces in #Zliten yesterday. ان لله و ان اليه راجعون
AJA: More mass graves found in desert (Arabic) youtu.be/DRiAsdOGXVE #Libya
FreeLibyanman FreeLibyan
most of #Gaddafi forces that shellingthe cities of #Nafousa e.g #Kikla 2day, are based in #Goalesh & #Almaleeb i.e on the open @NATO
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
3 more NATO airstrikes in Tripoli – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/dSzgf
The North Africa Daily is out! bit.ly/idllA2
Expert in the #UN human rights: in #Libya there is between 10 and 15 thousand Libyans been killed bit.ly/kfnfiz #Libya#feb17
wewantlivefree sami saied
FF from misrata entered zliten and ff from inside zliten are clashing with g forces inside
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata… names of some of today’s martyrs… list is still being filled in.. #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes twitpic.com/59k6h7
cnni CNN International
by cnnbrk
Fighting rages in western Libyan city goo.gl/fb/UDRn7
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
1/2 NATO seems so detached from reality. Entire Nafusa Mountains depends on Wazin border crossing, yet NATO does not protect it.
Gaddafi forces are easily to locate & generally outside civilian areas & in the open field. So what is NATO thinking?
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
NATO mention of Twitter starts at 28:20 in 10 Jun press brieifng audio — nato.int/cps/en/natoliv…
Misrata: 18 martyrs and over 60 injured and no sign of NATO jets in the air. Gaddafi forces still shelling to stop FF advance on Zliten.
feb17libya Feb17Libya
A US Senate panel on this morning will hear from a high-level Pentagon delegation about #Libya military intervention. feb17.info/news/live-liby
FromJoanne Joanne
#Nato media Update on Libya June10 : www.nato.int/nato_static/assets/pdf/pdf...
sami saied
Misrata: UNCONFIRMED: Despite the heavy shelling, Misrata FF have pushed Gaddafi forces past the Tuesday market in Zliten #libya #feb17
Gaddafi forces in Zliten comprise of #Zliten residents Tuareg and Mali mercenaries
fieldproducer Neal Mann
He has tweeted RT @WyreDavies Significant lull in Tripoli bombing Fri. Wavers in the regime being given time to think before it starts over?
dovenews Libyan™
The military bases in #Libya are more than the number of public sector buildings; such as schools & hospitals.
septimius_sever septimius severus
Found it! videos of gaddafi Sniper misrata ppl RATS youtube.com/watch?v=4b2neI…
dovenews Libyan™
It estimated that Gaddafi previously had purchased approx $50 billion worth of weapons.
Several reports of HIV-infected women being brought into Zliten in order to spread in city via Gaddafi soldiers raping civillians
libyanredcamel AbE
#AJA hospital is surrounded with tanks to prevent injuries coming in. 5 people killed so far
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Gaddafi forces have surrounded the hospital in Zliten – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/dSzgf
benghazifeb ali libyan
remember the pilot who walked from tripoli to miusrata? i saw him today in this clip youtube.com/watch?v=tBR6XQ… still fighting in mis
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Doctors at a #Misrata hospital say 17 killed and at least 60 wounded by shelling from #Gaddafi forces – Reuters bbc.in/mBlNYn
Yesterday Gaddafi forces killed prominent Zliten resident&arrested another.This lead 2local anger& prompted uprising
FromJoanne Joanne
#ZLITEN goo.gl/ASMZa Gaddafi forces surrounded the hospital preventing the injured from accessing 5 ppl have been killed #Libya
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name: Yousif Sijuk. One of Yefren’s great heroes & commanders. Killed defending his city from Gaddafi forces. Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=398
LibyaNewMedia Heavy increase in casualties from Misrata in past few days. It’s raining rockets & mortars.
The Siege of Misrata
Deep in Qaddafi-held territory, a rebel stronghold grits its teeth and hopes for the best.
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Sources within the #Gaddafi regime claim an agreement to use the assets “could lead to a ceasefire agreement” #Libya feb17.info/news/gaddafi-r…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Talks were recently held between Greek officials & #Gaddafi regime to discuss unfreezing 20 $billion of assets – #Libya feb17.info/news/gaddafi-r…
FromJoanne Joanne
From 10AM today Gaddafi forces use Tanks Artillery+ Incendiary Rockets bombarding #Dafniya 30 km w of Misrata 61 ppl wounded via Dr #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
June 10: Gaddafi forces have attacked #Nalut & they are grouping, in an attempt to control the Tunisian – Libyan border.
FromJoanne Joanne
DAFNIYA Freedom fighter said "It is horrible out there. The revolutionaries are taking tank power in their chests
feb17libya Feb17Libya
#Gaddafi officials claim assets will be used for aid in an urgent “humanitarian” operation AKA weapons mercenaries & oil feb17.info/news/gaddafi-r…
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name:Nasser Rafrufi Alwerfally. A Bani Walid hero killed May 28 in cold blood. Gaddafi forces are disgusting. Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=402
feb17libya Feb17Libya
French officials thwarted the Greek-brokered deal to unfreeze & use $20 billion of the frozen assets – #Libya #France feb17.info/news/gaddafi-r…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Toll from shelling by #Gaddafi troops today in #Misrata = 17 killed & at least 60 wounded – #Libya #Prayformisrata feb17.info/news/live-liby…
For those who think the Libyans are twiddling their thumbs while NATO “does the job for them” t.co/Ko3joli
dovenews Libyan™
PLZ RT! #Libya latest map. Updated 10-06-2011 @ 18:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/59lthz/full
septimius_sever septimius severus
“Heavy Gaddafi attack on the west of #Misrata. the hospital awash with artillery casualties. 19 dead & 60 wounded so far”
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Police said the attack was to be carried out by #Gaddafi loyalists together w/ #Algerian mercenaries recruited in Naples feb17.info/news/gaddafi-l…
DEFECTED G COLONEL revealed to Tunesia Gaddafi will enter armed elements into Tunisia to carry out bombings in #Sousse #Tabarka via T.Radio
Tunisia has Raised its Security Significantly at the #Libya Tunisian border
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
Breaking: #Nafousa Mnts; #Gaddafi forces attacking #Almarabah West of #Nalut with Grad Rockets & heavy artillery…Where is #NATO? #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
BREAKING : #KIKLA is being heavily Shelled from three Directions ! Source of shelling are : #gwaleesh #miska #scout-Forest. #Feb17 #Libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
The intended victim of the assassination plot was Abdel Rahman Shalgam of the #TNC – #Libya #Feb17 – feb17.info/news/gaddafi-l…
septimius_sever septimius severus
*MUST SEE * Subtitled by @TasnimQ: Gaddafi Snipers talking about their friends, family in #Misrata tinyurl.com/6cyc6fa #Libya
#Canada plans on $60-million extension of mission to oust #Gaddafi – #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Intense bombardment on #Nalut and border since last night until now
Latest reports indicate that there are now over 10.000 Freedom Fighters in #Misrata #Libya
Pray people for the freedom fighters … These battles in the upcoming days are probably the decisive ones
G forces offensives on Misrata, Zletin & Nafusa are likely his last throw of the dice. When we prevail Gaddafi is screwed
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Yesterday’s @live2Tripoli skype chat about Libya post Gaddafi & NTC live2tripoli.tumblr.com #libya #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
June 10: Mass protests in 3 districts in Bengahzi after Alaseer prayer. #Bengahzi #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Nalut Media Committee 10thJune 16:00 – #Gaddafi forces continue the shelling on Nalut city with Grad Missiles and Heavy Artillery /
libyanproud libyanandproud
@freeourlibya #KIKLA being shelled From (32° 0’34.11"N 12°48’40.42"E) (31°59’2.60"N 12°41’40.06"E) (31°59’9.21"N 12°40’20.44"E)
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Latest numbers from Misrata and Zliten is that 120 people have been injured in today’s Gaddafi shelling/bmbrdment / 20+ killed #libya
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi forces R attacking #Nalut & #kilkla wth grad missiles & heavy artillery. Also G forces R trying to break in2 #AlQala from the south
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
New video of when #Gaddafi forces entered the city of #Zawiyah — goo.gl/KUdLN // #Libya
PRESS: Qahtani
Where on earth @NATO helicopters? They are very much needed in #misrata and #Zentan ! Now is the time
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Libyan rebels in Misrata accuse Nato of ignoring requests for air support gu.com/p/2pydc/tw via @guardian
dovenews Libyan™
More NATO strikes on Tripoli, 3 loud explosions were heard
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Assassination of Saed Rashid (G-Supporter) in the beginning of the revolution at the entrance of BabAlAzaziyah — youtube.com/watch?v=oJeg9u… #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! NATO denied that G forces shot any of their helicopters near #Zlitan. #GaddafiLies GaddafiEnd #Libya #NATO
of course that wasn’t true:)
At least 24 killed in Dafniya near Misrata. Fighting has been intense all day
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Misratah – Martyr Mohamed Ali Ma’dani — goo.gl/BgkzP // #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#MISRATA: G forces wer dfeatd aftr tryin 2 break in2 the city.Numbr of G forces wer killd & injurd, FF cpturd 2 tnks & dstryd armourd vhicls
ukhomeoffice The Home Office
by foreignoffice
#Libya rape allegations ‘horrifying’ says international violence against women champion @lfeatherstone. bit.ly/kkMG1t
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: Freedom Fighters have destroyed a tank, multiple BMPs, troop carries and say they killed over 50 G soldiers in Dafniyah #libya
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
Breaking: Plan of attack on #Misurata Signed By Khamies #Gaddafi on the 6th of March..In Arabic yfrog.com/gy5gpxdj #Libya (E)
Colleague in Misrata:“today is a hell hospital is full of dead and wounded and bombardment is furious still going on”
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Right now in #Misrata: RT @PJBWells: at least 40 rebels are in a critical condition. The death toll seems set to rise dramatically |
#Libya Al Ahrar: #Gaddafi forces are using tanks to bomb Al# Dafnia now & FFs are ready to repel any attack on the region.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli: FF are dropping flyers & papers near G forces/tents/checkpoints secretly, telling them “This is your last chance to defect”
Navo en België verlengen missie in Libië
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: NATO jets are striking Gaddafi’s forces to the southwest + southeast of Misrata as well as in Zliten. #libya #feb17 via FB
freeourlibya jamal tripoli
RT @PJBWells #Libya #Misrata another day soaked in blood and death. none of them were over 30. @NATO @UN @AmbassadorRice @WilliamJHague
Reuters: Libyan state TV reports NATO warplanes attack targets in Tripoli”
Tweets tip off NATO on potential Libya air raids
BRUSSELS — Twitter as a weapon of war? NATO has scrambled warplanes against Moamer Kadhafi’s forces after Libyans tweeted troop movements on the micro-blogging website, alliance officials said.
Twitter and Facebook are among a wide range of media and other sources NATO’s intelligence officers monitor around-the-clock to identify potential targets in the air war against Kadhafi’s troops, the officials said.
“We will take information from every source we can,” said British Wing Commander Mike Bracken, the Libya operation’s military spokesman. “We get information from open sources on the Internet, we get Twitter.”
A NATO official said Libyans have been tweeting from the rebel-held city of Misrata, Ajdabiya and Tripoli, providing information ranging from movements of troops and tank columns to shellings of towns and fleeing refugees.
“Twitter is a great source,” the official said on condition of anonymity.
The official stressed that any information gleaned from the website is checked against other more reliable sources such as satellite imagery and other traditional intelligence gathering before any jets are deployed.
“On their own they don’t represent a reliable source but they do help to draw attention to emerging issues or threats that can be checked out with more sophisticated means,” the official added.
The United Nations mandate that authorised that NATO mission in Libya forbids the presence of ground troops, forcing the alliance to rely on other sources of information.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: BREAKING from trustworthy source: FF from Misrata and Zliten have finally joined together at the Tuesday market right now
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Freedom fighters have pushed Gaddafi forces to Souk AlThulatha in Zliten, destroying a tank & many vehicles.
wheelertweets James Wheeler
265 new arrivals (mostly injured) 2 Tunisia from #Misrata #Libya today by crowded fishing boat. But at least it was direct, not via Benghazi
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tuesday market is very close to Zliten, here it is on Wikimapia written as “Suq Al Thulatha” goo.gl/2Jsx5 #libya #feb17
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Gaddafi forces bombarding Dafniyah w Grads,heat-seeking missiles&tanks.150freedom fighters wounded,22 martyred #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Malta CARGO SHIP “TRIANTAFILLOS M” now departing #Tripoli #Libya having delivered supplies to their friend #Gaddafi. #feb17 @NTC_of_Libya
No explanation for missing 10 #Libya n students #Malta www.independent.com.mt/news.asp?newsite...
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
1hr ago: #Nalut Media Committee 10June #Gaddafi Forces bombard AlMarabah area west of Nalut with Grad Missiles, Mortars & Heavy Artillery
finally: RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Misrata: #NATO jets are striking #Gaddafi’s forces to the southwest & southeast of Misrata as well as in #Zliten
Libye: les forces de Kadhafi fortement diminuées
SMILE: sabers210 Libyan Freedom
Breaking news: A large shipment of diapers is going to Gaddafi’s house. Expedited because he needs them fast :)
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi forces are surrounding #Zlitan #FF in Awlad Hamadi area. #libya #zlitan
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
FRANCE24: Tweets tip off #NATO on potential #Libya air raids f24.my/l8pBRo #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Liberia CARGO SHIP “SEA STRAIT” in port #AlKhums #Libya supplying #Gaddafi. #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zliten: #Misrata & #Zliten #Freedomfighters have joined against #Gaddafi forces. #AlKhums is wtnsng a heavy security presence #Libya #feb17
Sabha: Snipers now placed on Jamal Abdel Naser St on buildings including Libya Insurance, the Court and Printing Buildings
dovenews Libyan™
#Morocco freezes the Libyan embassy account. NOT ENOUGH YOU CAN DO MORE!
maybe they haven’t paid the hotel bill yet?
dovenews Libyan™
Clashes between G forces & #FF in #Gharyan.
“Twitter is a great source,” the NATO official said on condition of anonymity. f24.my/l8pBRo This is a war of newest generation !
dovenews Libyan™
Gaddafi forces in #AlGazya & no reports of any @NATO strikes on them for weeks. goo.gl/RX3rK #Nafusa #West_mountain
FromJoanne Joanne
#MISRATA #Nato Laison asked through #Benghazi Operations room 4 #Apaches Helis 2take part infight with Gaddafi troops but no response #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#StVincentGrenadines PASSENGER SHIP “AZZURRA” in port #Misrata destination #Benghazi #Libya #feb17
freeourlibya jamal tripoli
#ZLITEN 35 dead, 100 injured, hospital surrounded with tanks, @NATO @NATOpress @UKMilOps WHERE ARE YOU!!!!???? #MISRATA #NAFUSA #LIBYA
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zliten: Confirmed: Misrata & Zliten FF are now fighting together against Gaddafi forces and Khums is wtnsng a heavy security presence #libya
dovenews Libyan™
#Kikla: Electricity has been cut off by G forces since Thursday. #Nafusa #Libya
AFP: Gaddafi has written to the US Congress praising members who criticized President Obama over NATO attacks in #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
Ive got no reports of Casualties in #Kikla and #Nalut , hope it stays that way !
I’m told there r thousands of Gaddafi troops all over Zliten & they r being led by Gaddafi ’s son Khamis – they launched a fierce attack! (E)
fieldproducer Neal Mann
We were allowed out to central Tripoli this afternoon without minders, city very quiet as it’s a Friday,but locals around very approachable.
FromJoanne Joanne
MISRATA Rocket explosions could be heard nonstop from early morning of the FRONT @3km west of Misrata in the farmland area of Dafniya #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Face 2 face fierce fighting btween G forces & FF in #Zlatin, G forces wearing Tuareg clothing which thy culd be from #Mali. Source Zlitan FF
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Col #Gaddafi has written to the US Congress praising members who criticised President Barack Obama over Nato actions in #Libya – AFP
wheelertweets James Wheeler
Many cluster bomb victims among injured n Tunisia from #Misrata #Libya. Terribly painful injuries. Have to b put to sleep to change bandages
KC_Tripolitania KC
by librev2011
God help #Misrata, #Zliten , #Kikla , #Nalut and #Tripoli – #Gaddafi is extremely vengeful. #Libya is crying , #Libya is bleeding :‘( :’(
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Plan to attack #Misrata implemented on 6 Mar. signed by Khamis #Gaddafi.View: fb.me/11yaOp06X Download: mir.cr/NBASSVKX #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Misrata: Clashes continue west of Misrata, reports of an attack on #Tawargha east of Misrata. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Tweets tip off #NATO on potential #Libya air raids physorg.com/news/2011-06-t… #feb17
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
GRAPHIC in parts, video of intense battle at Dafniyah (May 32). Filmed by @zooda17 of @freedomgroupTV goo.gl/fGXVs #Libya #Misrata
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The leak of a plan drawn up and signed by Khamis Gaddafi for the invasion of Misurata with 11350 soldiers — bit.ly/kyHT5d // #Libya
FreeLibyanman FreeLibyan
Congratulations to #Congressmen for being praised by #Gaddafi. what a honor !!!!
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
Gadhafi writes to Congress for ceasefire – TheHill.com: bit.ly/iuzQwX via @thehill Any reaction from the congress / US government???
dovenews Libyan™
Plan 2 attck #Misrata whch was implemntd on 06-Mar-2011 signed by Khamis #Gaddafi.View: fb.me/11yaOp06X Download: mir.cr/NBASSVKX
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Misrata: #Gaddafi forces still receiving large amounts of supplies on a daily basis. #Libya #feb17
GihanTadreft Gihan Tadreft
رصد قوات القذافي داخل قرية الغزايا 10-6-2011 Monitoring Gaddafi forces in the village of Ghazaya 06/10/201 fb.me/tyG0I7yI
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces are threatening #Zliten, “either surrender or you will be bombarded and eliminated”.
libyanproud libyanandproud
by pierrepetrelli
MSG TO #Gaddafi from #NAFOUSA : Khoot oo Lawa7 , Khoot oo Lawa7 , Arkob Fog wala Rawa7 ! خط او لوح خط او لوح اركب فوق ولا روح
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Breaking: Nafousa FF are at the doors of Sorman (a city next to Zawiya) #libya #feb17
libyans_revolt omar
#Libya Alhrar- source : #NATO bombing #Gaddafi Forces in #Zliten and Abdel Raouf area. #Feb17
Breaking News: #Gadhafi has written a letter to US Congressional leaders demanding legal justification for no-fly zone.
foreignoffice Foreign Office (FCO)
This week at the @foreignoffice: #Libya, #Yemen, #Sudan, #Europe, #Zimbabwe & #troopingthecolour ow.ly/5f5xk
afelyun aphelion
#ICC: Gaddafi forces on a rampage against unarmed civilians while entering Benghazi March 19th youtu.be/EYruusmheho #Libya
4Adam Adam
6/10/11 #Zintan: 25 missiles hit the city, No casualties. #Nafusa #feb17 #Libya v (Zintan MG)
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Misrata: Clashes continue west of Misrata, reports of an attack on Tawargha east of Misrata.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Portugal to recognize Libyan #Freedomfighters dlvr.it/Vr3wP #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#NATO bombed #Gaddafi battalions now in #Zliten the area of #AbdelRaouf #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces continue to monitor in #AlGhazayah using the civilians as human shields youtu.be/coygaeoxkzE #Libya #feb17
BREAKING : #NATO bombed Gaddafi battalions now in #Zliten the area of #Abdel Raouf . VIA #Libya.tv – a direct source
G. forces heavily shelled #Safeet with tanks, rocket launchers & Grad Missiles trying to recapture the strategic area
Qaddafi Writes to Congress
FromJoanne Joanne
#Tuareg met Gaddafi 2days ago They brought Mercenaries from #Mali Who R fighting now in #Zliten and Front of #Dafnia west of Misrata #Libya
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // Press Solidarity: Today in #Benghazi Freedom Square after Jummah (Friday) Prayer the funeral of 8 bodies found in mass grave near Ajdabiyah city, the investigation is still on going about the identities and date of death of the owners of these dead bodies which is believed to return to the nineties of the last century
AlArabiya_Eng AlArabiya English
Turkey has offered Qaddafi ‘guarantees’ in return for leaving Libya: PM #alarabiya
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
#AlQala: According 2 #FF; #Gaddafi forces R using new missiles whch spreads 2 up 200sq meter. It culd be cluster ammunition. #Nafusa #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#AlQala: #Gaddafi forces have abducted 20 youth from #AlQala area in the last few days.
Reuters: #Gaddafi Forces on Friday surrounded #Zlitan from all directions & threatening its residents with rape by mercenaries
bint_tarhouna Free Libyia
@NATO @NATOpress Zlitan is surrounded by Gaddafi soldiers, civilians threatened with rape&injured denied medical care.
FromJoanne Joanne
#Misrata FF Martyrs of today are all below 30 yrs old 31 Names were just posted Each of them leaves so much Pain and Sorrow behind #Libya
AFP : Erdogan : Turkey has given Gaddafi guarantees to leave
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
AJE: Opposition forces edge towards #Tripoli: goo.gl/BGYsU #libya
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa mntn #Gheryan 06/10/11 00:25h: 1 hr ago clashes btwn G forces & FFs near #Sagayef bridge & entrance of the city of #Kammun
G forces gathering in areas of #Jalila & #Sibriyan which are located E & W of school of science at Gheryan University
afusa mt #Al-Hawamed 01:00h: G forces raid homes in #Al-Rwes area even though most families have left leaving only the elderly men behind
many of these elderly men have been kidnapped, forced from their homes, tortured, tied up w/metal wires & taken away
G forces planning to either bring in more mercenaries or mine area in attempt to stop FFs from advancing to #Tiji & #Badr
Nafusa mt #Gheryan 06/10/11 1:15h: Clashes & launching of rockets btwn FFs & #Gadaffi forces near to the location of the 8th battalion.
Nafusa mt #AlQala 06/10/11 01:40h: G forces attempted to enter the city from S.area (Um-Aljersan). FFs stopped them successfully
Nafusa mtns #Kikla 06/10/11 1:25h: v heavy shelling now from S. #AlGawalesh w/rockets & Grad rockets. Libya Al-Hurra
Nafusa mntns #Nalut 06/10/11 2:20h: #Gadaffi forces shell the city of #Nalut using Rockets & heavy artillary
dovenews Libyan™
PLZ RT! #Libya latest map. Updated 10-06-2011 @ 18:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/59lthz/ful
Alj: Misrata 23 martyrs &100 wounded, most of them FFs in AlDafnia. on.fb.me/jORe3l #
Zliten #FF FB gp:city compl surounded by #Gaddafi forces who r lead by Yousef AbuHajar.Ppl prevented frm entering/leavin …
dovenews Libyan™
#AlQala: #Gaddafi forces seems dont like the sound of the Athan, when they hear it they go very heavy, 130 missiles 2day. June 10 #Nafusa
FromJoanne Joanne
MSG from inside #TRIPOLI goo.gl/EpO47 explaining they R waiting DESPERATELY & EAGERLY for help to Rise Up goo.gl/EpO47 #Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Met plenty of government supporters,but even with quiet streets I was still approached by somebody who told me they wanted a ‘free Libya’
dovenews Libyan™
#AlQala: #Gaddafi forces have destroyed 2 mosques, 40 homes & the education college. June 10. #N
FFs of Zliten (west of Misrata) are know fighting alongside the FFs of Misrata
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
#Gaddafi’s forces retreated to the west of #Zliten after suffering heavy losses on the hands of FF who now control Seedy Bourqia area #Libya
rcolebourn Richard Colebourn
RT @BBCKimGhattas: RT @BBCWorld: Turkey offered ‘guarantees’ to Col #Gaddafi in return for leaving #Libya, got no reply bbc.in/lSs0uP”
Will Libya have to defeat all the mercenaries of Africa before it can reach Gaddafi?
I’m not making this stuff up: Gaddafi, ally of the republicans, friend of the Greek (via @TheAtlanticWire) is.gd/kmZuOw
Gadhafi forces surround Zlitan, threaten rape, rebels say
Sebha; #Gaddafi forces open fire on #FF in an area called Hay AbdulKafi., having surrounded them & is asking them to surrender
tinyurl.com/3o289mq “Squeeze” put on Gaddafi to remove him
June 10, 2011 Fighting intensifies in #Misrata, Libya www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-NbDpz3HMk&fea...
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
#Misrata #Libya #Feb17 it’s dark but light shelling continues and they’re still bringing in the wounded
Another video of #Saif #Gaddafi when he appeared among his forces in March — الدعم و سيف الأسلام youtube.com/watch?v=_tJuJ2… #Libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
A UNICEF transit camp school brings hope to children on the Tunisia-Libya border bit.ly/jIUTWi
FromJoanne Joanne
Vital evidence of Crimes committed by Gaddafi and Goons www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3GN1fxA-B0 #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AlQalaa: #Gaddafi forces attempted to enter the city from the S. ( #UmAljersan). #Freedomfighters stopped them
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AlQalaa: #Gaddafi forces attempted to enter the city from the S. ( #UmAljersan). #Freedomfighters stopped them. #Libya #feb17
cjchivers CJ Chivers
Social Media & Cluster Bombs. – The At War post describing how a circle of specialists identified the… tumblr.com/x1q2xqa97b
photogimp1 photogimp1
I now know why they let us out on Friday in Tripoli, The place is a ghost town.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa mntns #Yefren 06/10/11 3:20h: Egyptians & Moroccans also kidnapped & humiliated by G forces goo.gl/YvPgk (old footage)
French helicopters achieved 26 strikes mission over libya and destroyed at least 26 targets near Brega
Update: Misrata death toll 31 killed in fighting in areas surrounding the city more than 150 injured.
Check this video out — Gaddafi’s House Is Falling! Freedom For Libya! t.co/YJ0HP7L via @youtube
Misrata CNN report from Dafniyah by Sara Sidner youtube.com/watch?v=vbQFTl… Many victims today. :’(
Death toll in #Libya’s Misrata rises to 31 – doctor: MISRATA, #Libya, June 10 (Reuters)- The death toll from… dlvr.it/Vs7F2 #feb17
BentBenghazi G
Just learned that the last #ambulance was destroyed in Kikla 2day by #Gaddafi forces.
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Where’s a Deposed Dictator to Go? Five Top Tyrant Retirement Homes for Gaddafi bit.ly/jD2MYe
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Unconfirmed: #Gaddafi is living at #Jala Maternity Hospital and using it as a command & control center.
StateDept StateDept
#SecClinton: As long as Qadhafi continues attacks on his own people, our military mission to protect them will continue. go.usa.gov/WlL
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi has terrestrial broadcasting capabilities, but the cult would nonetheless get a blow IF Egypt decided to cut signal on Nilesat.
dovenews Libyan™
#Zlitan is besieged by Gaddafi forces. Gen Major Yusif AbuHajar threaten FF either to surrender or to storm the city with tanks
release mercenaries on their homes to rape their women. Families could not leave the city becoz they were previously prevented.
Friend who just got out of #Tripoli, #Libya: #Gaddafi is living at Jala Maternity Hospital and using it as a command and control center
UPDATED MAP OF THE #NTC WORLD RECOGNITION tinyurl.com/6zj28zn by @88simon88
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // Press Solidarity: Breaking – Quoting our sources in #Misurata City, the freedom fighters in Misuarta were able to defend away an attack by Gaddafi forces which took place during their heavy shelling on AlDafiniyah area which is about 35km away from Misurata City center. The shelling by Gaddafi forces used Grad missiles, mortars, artillery, tanks and thermal missiles. This shelling resulted in 25 martyrs and over 90 injured from Freedom fighters and the residents of the area which are in critical conditions. The freedom fighters have also given Gaddafi forces a large loss, with the knowledge that Gaddafi forces are gathering their troops and supply south of the city, trying to enter the city from three directions, the east, west and south.
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // Press Solidarity: From our sources in #Sabha, #Gaddafi forces open fire heavily in the area called Hay AbdulKafi. Gaddafi forces are now surrounding a group of Freedom Fighters in this area mainly from the tribe called Majarha and is asking them to surrender.
Also reported that youth and freedom fighters went out on 8/6/2011 in peaceful protests midnight and they were separated by live ammunition from Gaddafi forces without any victims.
Also Freedom fighters raise the Independence flag on top of government building every day but they get taken down by Gaddafi Forces.
Also reports say that Freedom fighters of 17th February revolution sent a statement to the Libya Al Ahrar Channel in support of the revolution and the #NTC.
tonybirtley tony birtley
really heavy day at Dafniya. rockets and tank rounds not stop. many casualties. one round fell near us. saw several people die.
it’s after midnight and we are still editing our story. the grads have finally stopped falling. for how long?
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Last ambulance was destroyed in #Kikla today by #Gaddafi forces.
Alj: @tonybirtley: I’ve never met friendly, smiling ffs who r having all kinds of ordnance dropped on them. they laugh in the face of death
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Libya – #Gaddafi`s Army firing Grad missiles on residential areas in #Zintan — youtube.com/watch?v=9YOubS…
alarabiya: Gaddafi’s brigades are going around #Zliten, #Libya raping #women right now
septimius_sever septimius severus
Videos showing Gaddafi soldiers capturing foreign-claimed french-accusing him of being a spy!
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // #Zliten city is under siege by #Gaddafi Forces. Major General Yousif AbuHajr is threatening the freedom fighters to either surrender or will enter the city with tanks and the launch of mercenaries from a brigade of commandos on homes. The families were not able to leave the city because they were not allowed to do so.
The names of Zliten city Martyrs that fell today from mercenaries bullets:
Ashraf AlLowali
Abdul Majeed Hamadi
Khalid AlTarouwsh Hamadi
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa mntns #Nalut 06/10/1116:00h: #Gadaffi forces continues to shell #Nalut using Grad rockets and heavy artillery
4Adam Adam
Alajzeera: Destruction of Archaeological site in #Qalaa goo.gl/9L2EV #Nafusa #Libya #gaddaficrimes
ahmadalgamaty ahmadalgamaty
MC : More than 25 Grad rockets hit Zentan city few hours ago and there’s no civilian damage
Gaddafi’s forces are attacking Ghadames City for the first time
repels Jabal Nafousa at a distance of 60 km from Tripoli #libya
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Misrata: An updated number of injured (although doctor says may be be a rough low-estimate) via Misrata hospital is 109
LPC #Misrata: Today’s influx of casualties to Dafniyah field hospital and Misrata hospital made it difficult to accurately count injured.
calperryAJ Cal Perry
Rebel fighters headed to the #Ajdabiya frontline. #Libya twitpic.com/59h5bt
Rebel fighters headed to the #Ajdabiya frontline. #Libya twitpic.com/59h5bt
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Libya latest map. Updated 10-06-2011 @ 18:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/59lthz/full #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
PLEASE RT: Reports that #Gaddafi has more mercs coming in tonight to a base called #AlShar. Anyone know coords for this base?
Bent_Almoktar Yes we can
ppl of #gadamis hide in old city , today its bn hit by grad n rocket lunchers , the man leading this attack under G command is ALI BEN KANA
The Canadian Press: #NovaScotia #doctor toting nine duffel bags of donated #medicine to #Libya #hometown t.co/cTdUNtl #Canada #War
More mercenaries are coming in tonight in a base called #AlShar. We don’t know if anything is done against it @dovenews @NATO
dovenews Libyan™
Face 2 face fierce fighting btween G forces & FF in #Zlatin, G forces wearing Tuareg clothing which thy culd be from #Mali. Source Zlitan FF
Gadamis Old city is a international heritage by UNESCO , its been hit by #Gaddafi Troops today
dovenews Libyan™
UPDATE: #Gaddafi forces attackd #Ghadamis because ppl protested against Gaddafi regime on Wednesday" FF said. It culd be distraction #Libya
Misratah: the battle in Al #Dafina today 10 june which let to 31 Martyrs & more than 100 injured youtube.com/watch?v=7DgJhP…
UNHCR asks to refrain from calling the Tripoli based Hotlines until they are confirmed safe
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Th’heeba #Ramada camps #Tunisia: Aid organization also paid rent for 28 families in #Alhaama goo.gl/XX3Hu #libya #feb17
Gaddafi forces’ treatment of civilians UGHHHHH!!!!!! t.co/f42I3rv #libya #feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
CIA Chief Leon Panetta Sees Gaddafi Regime Weakening bit.ly/knZzQ3
septimius_sever septimius severus
Libyan rebels confident as they win the battle of Qasr al-Haj: thetim.es/lLujZw
septimius_sever septimius severus
Good diagram showing the battle of #Qasr al-Haj which secured #BirAyyad Time London #Nafusa twitpic.com/59qw3b
#saif #gaddafi in a video holding gun , another corner bit.ly/iMdQW1 #libya
TributeFM caller from the #westernmountains #Libya says #Gadaffi has threatened to execute generals if they can not take back #Misrata
2 Rockets just landed on Wazzan crossing 20mins ago, families of #ff are being attacked via @TributeFM
dovenews Libyan™
Russian envoy wil NOT meet wth Gadafi, instead wil meet wth AlBghdadi & AlObeidi 2 tell thm 2 tell G 2 leave.Jst cal thm & save ur fair trip
#Zliten is under siege by #Gaddafi forces..Major General Yousf AbuHajr is threatening to attack with Tanks & Infantry if FF don’t hand themselves over..Same tactic was used in #Ben walied & #FF were murdered..
septimius_sever septimius severus
“Gaddafi’s men fled, leaving 3 tanks, 2 fallen comrades, missile launcher, ammunition boxes & shell casings” M Fletcher #BirAyyad #Nafusa
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Undoing the brainwashing of the Gaddafi cult is an essential part of any reconciliation process when Libya makes a new start.
“Kill him,throw him in the sea” this is my cousin they are talking about
we had faith that my cousin would still be alive, one of his friends with him had said he saw him alive at the hospital being treated
now im not so sure..
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Earlier eports #Gaddafi has mercs coming in tonight to “Al Shar”, now thought to be #MaatenAlSarra air base near #Chad #Libya
The two main brigades in #Zletin of Ramadan Bsheer and Yussef Abu Hajar joined with #khamis brigade, to attack #Misrata.
MC: NATO aircraft bombing Gaddafi forces in Zuwarah city #libya
#Gaddafi forces responding to demonstrations in small towns across #Libya with intense shelling.
No matter what happens, #Libya will be united, forever.
Cellular network coverage is up too…Gaddafi forces use this for communication so is being questioned why, since they are not that close
sleeper cells?
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
Clashes this evening in the #BaniWalid
Bani Walid – Almanara
A source reported to Almanara that #Gaddafi forces launched this evening an attack on the Hadud family homes in Bani Walid and according to the same source an exchange of gun fire occurred between the two parties. Furthermore the source reported that Gaddafi forces were not able to capture any one from the sons of the family, it is known that the martyr Tariq Hadud AlThabaa belongs to this family.
simondenyer Simon Denyer
Libyan rebels stage insurrection in Zlitan, Gaddafi’s forces pound frontline near Misurata. wapo.st/lchz0D
Gheryan: FFs led successful operations that led to death of 15 of Gaddafi’s men. Mass detaining of youth now in Kamun & Tagzah districts
septimius_sever septimius severus
Proof #Libya took delivery from Spain of cat. 4 cluster munitions worth €3.8m 2007 Annex II j.mp/mRgp7s cc @cjchivers
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zintan: Intense GRAD attacks today from two directions, #ZawiatElBagoul (East) and #Rayayna (NorthEast). #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nafusa #Freedomfighters in #BirAyyad ambushed #Gaddafi forces near #BerAlghanem. #FF are now 60 Km (37 miles) South of #Tripoli. #Libya
Zintan update: Intense Grad rockets fired in today from 2 directions.Zawiat el Bagoul (E) & Rayayna (NE) No injured tho."
intan update: Intense Grad rockets fired in today from 2 directions.Zawiat el Bagoul (E) & Rayayna (NE) No injured tho."
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Ghdames: #Gaddafi commander in charge of shelling the city is Ali Ben Kana. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Libya: @NATO this morning received new shipment of Halwasa . Meanwhile #Gaddafi slaughtered & #NATO did nothing. #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
@NATO worldaerodata.com/wad.cgi?id=LY2… #Libya #feb17
Total Canadian Air sorties as of 2359Z 10 June 2011:CF-188 HORNET 398;CC-150 POLARIS 122;CC-130 HERCULES 23;CP-140 AURORA 68 #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nalut: #Gadaffi forces shell #AlMarabeh area W. of #Nalut using Grad rockets & heavy artillery. #Libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa #Kikla 06/10/11 17:00h: Shelling by G forces destroyed recently built Al-Manarah mosque. “Awlad Issa mosque” destroyed a while ago
I posted 22 photos on Facebook in the album “Misratah-Al Dafnia Battle 07/06/2011- معركة الدافبية” fb.me/CCR9wGqp
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Saffet: #Gaddafi heavily shelling w/ tanks & Grad rockets in attempt to regain control of city.
At NATO presser Mike Bracken was asked what’d happen if they ran out of targets.
Well, that’s definitely not their problem, yet!
The measure of a man is what he does with power. ~ Plato
Proof that #Gaddafi and his people are #Hillbillies: #Misuratah residents found human feces in every room t.co/q2UjGI7 #Libya
Les avions de l’OTAN pilonnent les mercenaires de #Kadhafi à #Zwara @ahmadalgamaty طائرات الناتو تقصف مرتزقة القذافي بمدينة زوارة @Libya_Now
Feminist writer Germaine Greer says “What’s wrong with the Libyans?” – The Sun – t.co/2hBwiil #Libya
The question should be “What’s wrong with Germaine Greer?” is she taking too much halwasa pills!!
4Adam Adam
No kidding! Gaddafi invites Libya’s former Jews to #Libya. jpost.com/International/… via @Jerusalem_Post
Each one of us in their positions are providing an invaluable support to Libya, the more fronts we fight on the better
Col. Abdulfatah Younis looked haggard today, usually smart well presented. But he’s still well spoken, hope he’s OK. A lot of stress.
URGENT : #Zlitan , Youssaf bou hajar a G commander threatining the families in city, a genocide going to happen in #Zlitan ,
What should NATO bomb first, soldiers or Gadhafi himself? CNN.com: t.co/4bUW2wC No need to ask?
Gaddafi of course and soon please.
Pls pray for Libya…I will be!! Freedom Freedom! God be w the amazing #FreedomFighters
the TRUTH behind the BHL story:
“The nuances of the Arab-Israeli issue are often lost on the Libyan street” tinyurl.com/5t5unu4
septimius_sever septimius severus
NYTimes: Blunt U.S. Warning Reveals Deep Strains in @NATO nyti.ms/jMZSPf “harsh but true” #Libya
PrayForZawia this could be it. If Zawia gets liberated insha’Alla then that’s it, it’ll only be a matter of LITTLE time!
Free Tripoli Daily is out! bit.ly/jXMewE
reutersLjungg NYT slams #NATO’s “shockingly wobbly” #Libya effort, praises #Canada, #Denmark, #Norway #Belgium bit.ly/iFhl3r
Zawiya: FFs control Bernawiya area & clashes West of AlMatrad & South of AlBarnawy. AlBarnawy is key entranc… (cont) deck.ly/~fioaI
“Rocket launchers and tanks against young men in jeans.” audio BBC’s David Loyn reports from #Misrata bbc.in/mcPpdX #libya #feb17 #FF
Reports of on-going heavy clashes taking place all over #Zawiya. #Libya
Gaddafi forces shelled for the first time the world heritage-listed city of Gadamis Info about town : t.co/3NF1vIM #Libya
NATO the civilians in West #libya r not protected from Gaddafis crimes committed by his military. #Tripoli how are they go to be protected?
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Al Jazeera: Gaddafi’s forces shelled #Zintan with about 40 grad missiles.The numbers of causalities are not yet clear feb17.info/news/live-liby…
#Libya: Opposition fighter from Al-Zawiyah tells Al-Jazeera that battles ongoing, predicts Al-Zawiyah will be freed in two days
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Unconfirmed: Gaddafi snipers are being deployed on top of high buildings and especially at the main square
Not surprised to find out that it’s an Arab UN official that mocks rape claims in Libya. All these Arab officials at the UN are a disgrace.
Fierce clashes btwn #Gaddafi forces &FF in #Zliten
dovenews Libyan™
Zinatn: Worst attack on Zintan today Gaddafi forces fired 40 missiles. #Zintan #Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Gaddafi forces are surrounding Zliten telling them they will be raped and wiped off the face of the earth if they join revolution
“The price of freedom is death.” Libya Syria Yemen
Map of International recognition of the @NTC t.co/3pV6uhU #libya via @88simon88
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video: Deceased freedom fighters from Misrata prepped for burial bit.ly/ikvEEd
is it possible to supply ff from zawiya by sea?
I can’t think why not
Straits Times: #Qaddafi daughter files second #warcrimes charge t.co/BXtAlfe #Libya
Another video of #Libyan cartoonist Mohamed Zwawi’s work- #Libya t.co/9LT9oKe via @youtube
Zawia 30km west of Tripoli which was retaken by Gaddafi in March is said to be almost entirely free with on going heavy clashes
Libya NTC Feb17 LAF Africa: Libyan assets in Africa far-reaching, little known – apne.ws/ktslFe
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Video: Seven unidentified bodies found in the Libyan desert – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/video-…
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Two or more tanks have been destroyed by FF in Zawiya today and clashes are spreading to other parts of the city #libya
dovenews Libyan™
The Italian gov have arrested Nuri Hussain Shuayib (نوري حسين شعيب)& accuse him with many charges. #Libya #Italy
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Libya : Clashes in #Aajailat ! #Feb17
libyans_revolt omar
Currently there’s uneasy calm in #Zliten.AlHamadi martyrs 2b buried after Duhr.
dovenews Libyan™
Gaddafi forces have closed the coastal road & preventing cars from entering #AzZawyia
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi the leader of the Nationalism & anti #West & #US is YELLING 4 Congress help in a letter: thehill.com/homenews/news/… تغوتي تغوتي Hypocrisy
dovenews Libyan™
The letter ends, “Peace be upon you Col / Muammar Gaddafi Commander of the Great Revolution.” He meant Commander of the military coup!
The teenage Libyan rebel from Manchester – Channel 4 News: bit.ly/mAM6CK #Libya#Feb17
My husband (Mousa Ibrahim) became a public figure. Yes, Julia a public figure of Shame! German t.co/Sp5TNu8 #Feb17 #Libya
Zawiya: Heavy clashes on Coastal road at the traffic light known as Algirdabiya. Many Gaddafi Tundra & Audi cars in the streets #feb17#libya
When I think of #Zawiya, I feel proud to be Libyan, but ashamed that I’m not doing as much as I should to help them. (& can’t spell pheonix)
Breaking: The fighting in #Zawiya is around the oil refinery and the Na’as (na3as) cemetery
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
UNCONFIRMED RT @ChangeInLibya #Zawiya: Khweldi Al-Hmedi brigade reinforcements are trying to surround #Zawiya & #Sorman
Gaddafi forces attack rebel-held towns in #Libya youtube.com/watch?v=KPK9sC… via @youtube
You can not defeat Zawiya Gaddafi. How do you defeat a destiny of freedom ?
Zawiyah the brave city that underwent some of the worst brutality & horror by Gaddafi forces just might be liberated very soon inshAllah
Zawiya: Reinforcements from the Khweldi Al-Hmedi brigade are trying to surround Zawiya & Sorman #libya #feb17 @NATO @UKMilOps
Longing for the days my boys in Tripoli breathe the air of freedom
It’s not over till the Devil sings >Reports of uprising in #Zawiyah city – #Gaddafi forces with tanks are heading there now.
Libya #NTC #NATO #Feb17 #US #EU #UN #UK: #Gaddafi forces attack rebel-held towns youtube.com/watch?v=KPK9sC…
Camera. Crew injured in #Misrata t.co/a0LdlWx via @Feb17Libya #Libya # Feb17 # Gaddaficrimes
Expecting more good news from the West side inshallah : )
News coming from AzZawia is getting me really exited. ALLAHU AKBAR!
About6000 ppl leave #libya everyday to tunisia.
ATO did not help #Alzzawia @ all. I think it is time to protect this city that lost 1000s of civilians and suffered utmost atrocity &rape
Al-Zawiyah really hotting up today – and Al-Jazeera reporting 17 captured #Gaddafi troops, fighting ongoing
Clashes in Surman & AlMatrad with Gaddafi tanks surrounding Surman
“Be Steadfast, Misrata” song on #Libya al Hurra, subtitled tinyurl.com/3f6m844 #Misrata
According to Reporters Without Borders, Libya ranks 160 & Syria ranks 173 out of 178 countries in terms of press freedom
Africa News Roundup: Libya and Chad, Habre Trial, Airstrikes in Sudan, and More: bit.ly/iHlQst
FF cut the highway to Tunisia 5km west of Zawia at AlMutrad village.news about coordination btn Zwaia&Zwara&nfusa mnt FFs
Zawiya: BREAKING: AJA confirms tha freedom fighters control many parts of the city, and that 17 Gdfi soldiers were captured
Zawiyah city is uprising again, please stand with freedom fighters to help them against Gaddafi as tanks heading there now
Name: Yousif Sijuk. One of Yefren’s great heroes & commanders. Killed defending his city from Gaddafi forces. Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=398
Today is my last day in Tunisia. The Wafa Relief Tunisia branch website will be up & running today inshallah… (cont) deck.ly/~1KthI
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video: Cameracrew injured during a skirmish in Misrata bit.ly/lMTolx
Nearly 700 migrants arrive on Italian island Lampedusa t.co/Ge7340k #Libya #Feb17
AJELive Blog: the regions’ latest headlines for #Libya , #Syria & #Yemen aje.me/lguBwQ
septimius_sever septimius severus
“No shit!” Clinton warns against “new colonialism” in Africa tinyurl.com/3ssmynl
Reporting from Hikma hospital in #Misrata #Libya — من مستشفى الحكمة 10-6-2011 t.co/dgorRGu via @youtube
#Libya in images – rebels find armoured carrier aje.me/ilQ6sY
clashes kill 31 Libyans near Misurata on 10/06/2011 t.co/WyyF5gU #Libya
Sat next to an elderly man from Zintan whose house was heavily damaged by Grad missiles as he watches the video a colleague took of his house. His equanimity is amazing to behold #Feb17 #Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @LibyaAlHurraTV said:
Project YAK – please pass along to appropriate people/organizations.
Delivering aid and coverage to the Yefren Region (Al-Galaa, Kekkla and Yefren)
Thank you for your time in reviewing this document prepared in collaboration with the civil committees in Yefren, Algalaa and Kekkla. The Libyan Link team which is a UK based NGO in collaboration with Libya Hurra and the MICC aim to provide a seamless intermediary service between the situation on the ground and the committees and the individuals and international organisations willing to supply aid and press coverage to the region. The goals of this project are:
• To collect humanitarian requirements from the ground.
• To work in getting aid to the people of Yefren, Al-galaa and Kekkla (YAK)
• To address current situation and to save and sustain lives
• To prepare for increase in population i.e. from Tunisia, Tripoli, Gharyan and surrounding areas
• To liaise with international press to provide coverage to the area
• To liaise with Libyan organisations and International humanitarian organisations in providing
• We prefer donors to deliver goods themselves, we can make the introduction. Full security will be provided. However if this is not possible we can deliver to the committees in each region from a pick up point in Tatouine (Tunisia). There is an option for Donors to join the team to Yefren, Al-galaa and kekkla regions if they wish so. There is no guarantee of personal safety if you join the envoy’s trips.
• The Libyan Link team will advice committees on aid distribution as per Islamic practices and international standards as set by the UN and will act with impartiality when dealing with civilians.
• Special papers sent by NGO’s will be signed by the Yefren, Al-galaa and Kekkla committees on receipt of goods.
• We do not recommend cash donations to the region of Yefren however we can accept cash donations in Tunisia to purchase goods in Tunisia for the Yefren region. Other wise we can divert cash donations to the financial officers of the YAK committees. Full receipts will be provided.
• Documents for the envoy will be provided in Tatouine (Tunisia) and registered in the Nafusa Mountains Committee in Nalut.
LibyeLibre Libye Libre
VID: Des forces de Kadhafi accusent un français(?) journaliste ? d’être un espion/mercenaire. Qqun le reconnait ? tinyurl.com/6y99pgs
Look at those Magnificent photos from Libya t.co/NLmfZah via @youtube
#Libya’s beautiful beaches will be better when #Gaddafi is gone youtube.com/watch?v=m2YEZX… via @youtube
If NATO considers revolutionaries to be the “good guys”, why is their blood so cheap? 200 casualties yesterday (dead+wounded) in Misrata.
It is time for students to become more politically active and to stop relying on others to bring about revolutionary change.
#Libya #NTC #Feb17: Under Gaddafi’s eyes – Features – Al Jazeera English english.aljazeera.net/indepth/featur… via @ajenglish
Aid from people of Tripoli to Nafousa mnts #Libya — إعانات أهالي طرابلس الي جبل نفوسة t.co/TG4s51A via @youtube
kileysky Sam Kiley
Focus of events last 48 hours misrata and nafusa mts. Rebels hit hard in former advance in latter
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
Heavy clashes now between FF and G thugs in Zawya city 40 km west of tripoli. FF control large area west of city including coastal high road
septimius_sever septimius severus
Here’s another journalist in #Misrata !RT @samdagher: WSJ.com – Dozens Die in Fresh Gadhafi Offensive Near Misrata on.wsj.com/j7GZjO
Guys, G can monitor & GPS pinpoint Thuraya sat phones within +/- 10m via C-band downlink. Voice, SMS & Fax. Be careful!
Assume all communications is monitored. Avoid WiFi if possible. Use PGP encrypt/decrypt end-to-end for critical messages.
NATOpress NATO Press
Operational Media Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector of the past 24 hours
Zawiya Needs air support cut off Gaddafi support between Zawiya and Tripoli @NATO @Secstate #Liberation #Freedom #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#FF have freed #Almatarad from G forces. #AzZwyia #Libya
Why #Gaddafi must go >>: discovery of mass graves in city of #Zawiya #Libya t.co/7RBxSME #Gaddaficrimes" #Feb17 #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#FF have arrested 17 of Gaddafi forces in AlMatarad. #AzZawyia #Libya
This bastard Khweldi Elhmedi and his moron son should be targeted personally for their war crimes
Zawiya: Heavy presence of Tanks at AlArewy roundabout towards AlZahra and they are currently shelling the FFs
Just woke up and heard major clashes in #Zawiya and around areas where friends and family live! Calling to confirm more info.
Caller on AJA speaking of AzZawia battles today. www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuOhr-b2Q20 #Libya #Feb17
Zawiya Two or more tanks have been destroyed by FF in Zawiya today & clashes are spreading to other parts of the city #libya #feb17
septimius_sever septimius severus
This was amusing yesterday, today its WORRYING ! RT "@HMS_Nonsuch: If tweeting location of pro-G forces, state exact latitude & longitude.
Libya Ahrar: Freedom fighters Liberated #Motred Village “outskirts of Zawyia”.Heavy Clashes in #Zawyia city between FF’s & Gadafi Brigades.
Almanara Libya
On Friday 10th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // #Zliten city is under siege by #Gaddafi Forces. Major General Yousif AbuHajr is threatening the freedom fighters to either surrender or will enter the city with tanks and the launch of mercenaries from a brigade of commandos on homes. The families were not able to leave the city because they were not allowed to do so.
The names of Zliten city Martyrs that fell today from mercenaries bullets:
Ashraf AlLowali
Abdul Majeed Hamadi
Khalid AlTarouwsh Hamadi
Half a Revolution is like half an Operation, the patient could die if left in the middle of it.
Zawiya: Freedom fighters control 4 new areas: AlMatrad, AlHarsha, AlSabriya & Abu Essa
Satellite images appear to show destruction of mosque in #Zawiya #Gaddaficrimes t.co/ubBbd6l #Libya
NATO’s priority: Soldiers or Gadhafi? t.co/7uO58JQ
You wouldn’t believe ProG sites: NATO jets have to make overlapping circular vapour trails so that predator drones can find the target. Sure!
Video10/6: Freedom fighters in #Na’ima #Zliten,Fierce fighting between #Gaddafi Brigades. tinyurl.com/64d6nuc #Libya via
Gaddafi forces have gathered at Jadda’im, east of Zawiyah according to @akhbar #Libya #Zawiya #Gaddafi
Breaking – powerful explosions heard in Tripoli just now. NATO
Barrow RN officer helps save lives of Libyan people
Lieutenant Simon Shaw navigated the course of Barrow-built HMS Albion as it supported NATO operations to protect rebel Libyan civilians from the forces of Colonel Gaddafi.
Apache helicopters from HMS Ocean, were launched against selected military targets ashore, while HMS Albion acted as the floating command platform directing and guiding the Task Group.
whole art: http://www.nwemail.co.uk/news/barrow-rn-officer-helps-save-lives-of-libyan-people-1.846472?referrerPath=news/
FF have surrounded Gaddafi forces in Surman (via Yefren Media Group)
Zawiya: Unconfirmed: Gaddafi forces stationed at the coastal road have been bombed by @NATO as well. (via Facebook)
RT: Breaking: Loud explosions in Tripoli
If FFs can control road from Zawiya right through Tunisia border, they can be supplied directly from Tunisia!
New video appears of Saif Gaddafi among his troops t.co/nwUSIPn #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
GPS for martyr square #Zawiyah where #Gaddafi’ tanks & artilary 32°45’8.30" N / 12°43’39.86" E
from Italy:
Today there are no NATO jets departing from Italy for Libya.
Has mil gone into secure operation mode, as in silent mode? Because someone is bombing right now……..
Today there are no @NATO jets scheduled to depart from Italy for Libya.
Fighting in Zawiyah shuts Libya coast road-resident | Reuters t.co/OszHTj5
40 rockets fell on Zintan yesterday night, damaging houses. No reported casualties.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: FINALLY #NATO striking the city! At least their hitting something
explosions in tripoli again
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Breaking: Loud explosions in Tripoli
The Commanders of the Khwayldi brigade are Khwayldi Alhmede and his son Khalid. Khwayldi’s daughter is married to #Saadi
LibyanStateTV: Cynthia McKinney is in Tripoli. Surely we are all safe now. As long as none of us have to talk to her
FLASH: Powerful explosions in Tripoli
LPC Nalut: waiting for details of NATO strike on Alghazaia—town at foot of mountains from where Gaddafi forces threatened Nalut
Big explosion heard in G brigadier in Zawia unconfirmed whether it is Nato airstrike or not
ZAWIYAH, Libya, June 11 (Reuters) – Fighting between Libyan troops loyal to Muammar Gaddafi and rebels broke out in the town of Zawiyah on Saturday, a resident said, shutting the coastal highway that links the capital Tripoli with Tunisia.
“The situation is very bad in Zawiyah. There’s been fierce fighting since the morning between the Gaddafi forces and the rebels,” said the resident, who gave only his first name, Mohammed, fearing reprisals.
A Reuters reporter trying to travel through the town was diverted via backstreets with a police escort. He said the highway was deserted except for a large number of soldiers, police and armed men in civilian clothes. (Reporting by Peter Graff in Zawiyah and Tarek Amara in Tunis; editing by Tim Pearce)
Name: Chris Hondros. American Pulitzer Prize-nominated phtotojournalist. Killed in Misrata by Gaddafi forces on Apri 20
LPC #Nalut: Shelling of Mrabeh passage is pretty consistent, but shelling of Nalut proper is somedays on and others off usually, Gaddafi forces’ shells hit the side of the mountain, but this week they were dropping in the actual city
Gaddafi forces surrounding #Zliten and threatening to attack -#AlArabiya: قوات القذافي تحاصر زليتن شرق طرابلس عقب اشتباکات مع الثوار #Libya
Zliten: Arabiya confirms: Gaddafi forces are now surrounding & threatening Zliten residents after yesterday’s clashes.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nalut: #NATO just struck #AlGhazaia, from where #Gaddafi forces launch rockets into #Nalut & surroundings
NATO currently bombing Gaddafi troops in Ghazaya, near the Tunisian border
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zawia & #Sorman: #NATO jets seen and heard for hours.
LPC Nalut: NATO just struck Alghazaia, from where Gaddafi forces launch rockets into Nalut and surroundings
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AlJoubia Water Tank west of #Nalut is completely empty after #Gaddafi forces cut water supplies from south. #Libya #feb17 #Nafusa
ITS ABOUT TIME!: NATO has bombed Khamis brigade in vicinity of 27th Bridge today
fieldproducer Neal Mann
NATO says in vicinity of Tripoli in last 24 hrs it hit 1 Military Camp 1 Vehicle Storage Facility, 1 Military Vehicle & 14 Tanks
Large column of Gaddafi troops and armor moving west from Tripoli, heading to Zawiya
Bringing the fight to the door steps of General Khwayldi (the butcher of Zawyia) in Surman is a major development. FF on the offensive.
LPC Nalut: NATO just struck Alghazaia, from where Gaddafi forces launch rockets into Nalut and surroundings
Zliten: Arabiya confirms: Gaddafi forces are now surrounding & threatening Zliten residents after yesterday’s clashes
Matred Villiage in Zawiya :Gaddafi forces attacking residents with tanks now.
Breaking : Zawiya : Big clashes in Manga’a street , Martyrs: Siraj Almagtoof , Mansour Hawisa , Hussein Shigif .
goo.gl/FKHpB fresh video from Addafinyah today showing #Misrata lions combing the area 11-6-2011 #Feb17 #Libya alhamdulelah
Looks like someone was listening after all RT
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Zawiya Resident: “The situation is very bad in Zawiyah. There’s been fierce fighting since the morning" – #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Libya surveyed : Qad is listening all libyan communications getting in or out since 2007 via french so. Amesys bit.ly/m79ESi
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nafusa #Freedomfighters attacked #Gaddafi forces in #AwladSaqr from #BirAyad. 17 Gaddafi troops captured, 3 Martyrs #Libya #feb17
Almutrd 10km west of Zawia,clashes FF captured17G thugs,4trucks with14.5 guns,arms& ammunition & blocked main highway to Tunis .
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name: Haddud Suleiman Haddud. A Bani Walid peaceful protester killed by Gaddafi forces after offering amnesty Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=407 #libya
phillipmcn phillip mcnaughton
Though they may not know it, Free Libyans are fighting a fight for millions of people on the African continent, and they will be remembered
that is so true!
phillipmcn phillip mcnaughton
A free Egypt, Tunisia and Libya will start a better AU – no more getting away with patronage and repression. Africa benefits .
kileysky Sam Kiley
Refugees rpt fighting at sabrata and el mutrot. Rebels claim ftg in Zawiya. Rebels say G shelling ghadamis
BRKING: armed fights in “Harsha Area” and “Nasriyah” area to the West of Tripoli between free fighters & army/brigades units in the area. FB
DTN Russia: Gaddafi troops surround key city halfway to Tripoli: ¬Troops loyal to Muammar Gaddafi have been surr… bit.ly/kiBOvt
Brnieq reports discovery of a mass grave in the Zuwetina 120km west of #Benghazi goes back to 1997 t.co/m9IZe9R #Libya #GaddafiCrimes
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Gaddafi forces are using forests & parks effectively to hide from NATO jets. Tanks & artillery are camouflaged under trees
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Mutrod: #Gaddafi attacking residents with tanks now. @NATO has neither been heard nor seen
janedeithC4 Jane Deith
#c4News tonight at 6.10pm: the #Libya rebel support in Manchester, and interview with teenager trained by rebel army Tripoli brigade
Apparently Zliten residence and Gaddafi forces agreed ceasefire to bury the martyrs fell in da last few days. After Duhur prayer today.
sounds very fishy 2 me…….
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zawiya: Very loud explosions coming from #Gaddafi troop locations in #Jodayem. Could be #NATO strikes but no confirmation
Misrata via the military council: Over 400 GRAD rockets fell on the city yesterday when Gaddafi forces tried to attack.
Gaddafi State TV saying “everything is fine in Zawiya”,we all know what that means…
Selon AJA, les rebelles contrôleraient la plupart des quartiers de #Zawiya auraient capturé 17 soldats des forces de #Kadhafi.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Breaking: Interview with Sheikh Sadeq AlGharyani, one of Libya’s biggest scholars on @LibyaTV (Libya alahrar) today at 6pm (4pm GMT) #libya
Breaking: Nafousa Mtns; #Aljoubia Water Tank west of #Nalut is completely empty after G forces cut water supplies from south
La Libye sur écoute française t.co/LOKeQ5j
How Gaddafi can monitor all communications in Libya t.co/DpFoYhD french
FF knoking on the door of Sorman i.e 60km from the bastion of the murderer Gaddafi youtube.com/watch?v=7svKxf… #NATO help is v much needed NOW
Nafousa Mtns; Nalut Most of water wells R in open areas under sight or control of G forces..Water tank west of Nalut empty.
I just called my friend in Mutrod now. They are aggressively attacked by tanks now.
Libya Al Ahrar: @NATO planes are still hovering over Zawyia & Sorman,
sabrata still in control of #Gaddafi, however, revolutionaries seem to be moving in other areas such as #Zawya.
Yeah! i can’t catch up! moving from Misrata to Zawia, then to Nalut.., now Subrata, Fashlom Surman… it’s REVOLUTION
Open expression: ridiculing Gaddafi at Libya Solidarity Day yfrog.com/h2k8debj NAFUSA / Zawiya : FF of Nafousa and Zawiya are now connected ! FF have taken AA Gun trucks , weapons and ammo from g forces in AwladSaqr
Nalut is being heavily shelled right now by Gaddafi forces
BREAKING: NATO jets and helicopters attacked a convoy of Toyota tundras & tigers as they left Tripoli on the way to Zawiya
3 boats carrying 667 African refugees from #Libya including many women & children arrived Lampedusa t.co/6wEuCAZ #Gaddaficrimes
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi forces are attacking #Nalut with grad missiles & heavy artillery after they were hit by NATO in #AlGhazya
NATO aircrafts have targeted Gazaya (south of Nalut) and Judayem Forest (East Zawiya)
Benghazi: Very big rally shouting pro-Tripoli, Zawiya and Nafousa slogans on its way to Tibesti hotel & martyr square
NATO planes bombed the Gaddaffi of mercenaries, in Ghazaya & Joudaim and ZAWYA
Too much going on in Libya, overwhelmed
Report from Zawiya: Revs there had been preparing & were discovered by G forces, they had to attack earlier than expected despite attacking earlier, they’ve had some success. report also says that NATO struck Gaddafi checkpoint near Zawiya
NATO planes bombed the Gaddaffi of mercenaries, in Ghazaya & Joudaim and ZAWYA
Confirmed: SABRATA IS RISING NOW . You had better protect that city from being shelled or famed Roman heritage is GONER!
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
5 #Gaddafi tanks are reported to be destroyed by #Freedomfighters in #Zawiya. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: #NATO jets Hit Targets in #KhallatAlFurjan and airport road. #Libya #feb17
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Gaddafi forces are now shelling the city of Nalut using Grad rockets and heavy artillery.
NATO jets Hit Targets in Khallat al furjan and airport road Tripoli
Gaddafi war machine needs fresh supplies, but he denied it by falling into Misrata/Zliten diversion! Battle W of Tripoli will decide war!
One thing the TNC should definitely do is put together an amnesty and disarmament plan for the regime, and publicize it loudly.
Zawiya: Breaking: At least 5 tanks were destroyed by freedom fighters in today’s clashes & hospitals are full of G casualties
Once Gaddafi falls, everyone will sit for a minute and thank God and then look 2 #Benghazi for direction. PEOPLE WANT PEACE
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
@NATO still not bombing #Gaddafi forces near #Misrata that are using tanks to shell #Dafniya. #NATO DO YOUR JOB OR BE INVESTIGATED #
dovenews Libyan™
Sound of NATO planes in the sky but no reports of any strikes. #azzwiyah
Sulman Dogha: Zawiya, Zliten, Serman, Sabha, Misrata, Nafusa Mountains, and Tripoli are all protesting and fighting today
kileysky Sam Kiley
I am not leaving tripoli other hacks were detoured around zawiya #Libya
Gaddafi now fighting on 3 fronts in the west of Libya
: Gaddafi tanks are leaving Alma’moora Preserves factory & Alhayig farm south AlZahra Road, heading to #AzZawiyah (#Zawiya)
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Journos bus to border was diverted around Zawiyah today,reportedly due to fighting. Reuters Peter Graff was on board reuters.com/article/2011/0…
Zawiya battle will be turning point in war, mortal blow for Gaddafi!
dovenews Libyan™
Total number of martyrs up til now is 20 #FF. Fighting is still going on. #azzwiyah
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Unknown ship “248932000” now stationed just outside port #Misrata #Libya 16.9 nautical miles out. #feb17
Sound of NATO planes in the sky but no reports of any strikes. azzwiyah Libya
Russia ’s envoy to Africa urges #Gaddafi to follow example of ousted Arab leaders – TV en.rian.ru/world/20110611…
In a war of attrition, the side with the superior resources wins! And G just lost his last source of fuel, food, weapons and mercs supplies!
Sheik Sadek Geryani is talking now to Libya Alahrar TV.
More Gaddafi tanks leaving Alma’moora Preserves factory from AlZahra Road, heading to Zawiya-tables are turning but it’s not over yet!
A message from Nafusa FF: We will stand shoulder to shoulder to all FF at the coast of Sabrata Zawya Surman & our eyes on Tripoli
NATO still not bombing Gaddafi forces near Misrata that are using tanks to shell Dafniya.
If our voices are real and digital then the internet is a human right.
The phoenix of the revolution zawiya rising up from the ashes more beautiful and stronger than ever! May allah protect the brave ff’s.
Benghazi Free: Operation has been aborted bombing of a Qatar Airways plane was carrying a personal mission, FFs seized 2 of pro Gaddafi with weapons, explosives and money.
Benghazi: An operation targeting Qatar Airways plane has been aborted. The plane was carrying an important person. Sleeper cells caught
Via Libyan Youth Movement FB:
“Overview: FF of Nafousa mountains and Zawiya have met up in Zawiya. Zawiya FF from the early uprising who were training in the Nafousa mountains are back on the frontlines of Zawiya,estimated amount of this force is 4,000. A more successful spontaneous operation within Zawiya in the west.”
Suggestion : Gaddafi to be sent to Disney Land with a sign “We are not Mickey Mouse”
I have been making post-Gaddafi plans , Mr Severus is going to a nice electronic retirement home once all this is over !
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
The fact that Azzawiah, Nafusah, Misratan and Zliten are all moving at the same time, let alone Tripoli will drive #G forces nuts
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Obari FFs (the Twaregs) have managed to take control of the city of Obari in the south of Libya.
Misrata: Breaking: Bombardment on Dafniyah front has resumed once again according to reports. Sporadic clashes between FF & G forces.
Freedom Fighters in control of a large area on the western side of #Zawiya. -Guma el-Gamaty says abcn.ws/kRownw
or: abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?...
Reportedly over 4000 FF make up the Zawiya Brigade in Nafussa mountains.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
More than 30 #Freedomfighters have died as a result of ongoing fighting in #Zawiyah. More than 6 tanks destroyed by #FF. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Bombardment on #Dafniyah front has resumed once again according to reports. Sporadic clashes between #Freedomfighters & G forces.
4Adam Adam
Libyan rebels clash with #Gaddafi forces in western oil-port city of #Zawiya washingtonpost.com/world/middle-e…
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: NATO jets are flying over Misrata right now according to eyewitnesses
WE cannot surrender We will prevail! WE cannot forget! WE are the ppl! WE are LIBYA t.co/m6dRFYW #libya #misrata my soul cries.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: BREAKING: The town of Matrad west of Zawiya is completely under FF control & Gaddafi forces ran away from Al Harsha
4Adam Adam
Pro-Gaddafi forces crushed the historic city of #Ghadames migre.me/527L8 #
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Reports that over 4000 well armed FF arrived from Nafousa over the last week and are now fighting alongside Zawiya’s people #libya
I hope they remember to press the button this time! Please @NATO stop these vile creatures that Gaddafi has unleashed!
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Video shows the size of brutality, cruelty and barbarity displayed by #Gaddafi Forces — youtube.com/watch?v=u2KyYV…
AlManara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // #Misurata 10-06-2011 11:20PM
report by Faraj aKweder
Starting friday, Gaddafi’s mercenary forces attacked “Dafneya” west of Misurata with tanks, heat and short distance grad missiles, anti-aircrafts type 23 and 14.5 along with a group of troops.
Gaddafi forces hit Dafenya with all the above mentioned heavy artillery although Misurata’s revolutionaries managed to block the attack and teach Gaddafi’s forces a lesson despite the differences of arms.
Misurta revolationary have also destroyed two of the five Gaddafi tanks which moved towards Dafneya and after blocking the attack, Misurata’s revoluationaries attacked back those forces which were situated at “Naeema” east of Zleten having recieved news about around 300 mercenaries who are either dead or injured. the mercanries include Tawareq from west Mali which Gaddafi’s terrorist regime brought to kill the Libyan people.
Also today Misrata have sacrified 32 martyrs for the sake of liberating Libya and more than 160 injured currently being taken care of at the Dar Al Hekma Hospital and Red Crescent at Eyyad and Qasr Ahmed and Center of Central Clinics which was reactivated after maintenance which was needed after Gaddafi’s forces have stroke when they are at Tripoli’s Street in Misurata.
Picture link: goo.gl/R52Lt
Medical staff at #Yefren narrate horror what they had to go through at the hands of #Gaddafi forces #Libya t.co/1s9GudP via @youtube
BREAKING : NAFUSA Freedom Fighters are sounding a group of gaddafi forces in the outskirts of Zawiya .
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Benghazi Friday Prayer 10/06/2011 Part 1 – goo.gl/Japju Part 2 – goo.gl/31YR7 Part 3 – (cont) tl.gd/b216te
The coastal road to Tunisia is NOT closed. due to high traffic, people escaping from Gaddafi’s hell, NATO bombing and fear of Gaddafi’s revenge or what he might do to the city of Tripoli in case he knows he’s completely finished… Traffic is actually being diverted and cut into 2, usual road on the coast works and then diversion is done further to the south of Zawiya and harsha. It seems they don’t want too many people passing through coastal road at Zawiya.
NAFUSA : More freedom fighter reinforcements have arrived at Undisclosed Location for advance on Zawiya
There r good signs however that there’s a good organization from the Libyan People against the brigades and some loyal army men, more 2 come
Ribelli avevano affermato: di aver ripreso il controllo di gran parte della citta’ di Zawia, a 40 km dalla capitale libica.
UNHCR: Pop stars perform in #Madrid to raise money for refugees from #Libya t.co/gmzmh1z
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
Abdul Jalil with Bengladishi worker! see how modest is he and compare him to #Gaddafi ! goo.gl/DJ3Ua #Feb17 #Libya
Just called familly in jedayem area nato is attacking g forces twenty minutes ago
nalut 11-6-2011 Gaddafi forces is shelling Nalut by Grad missiles & heavy artillery after NATO bombed Gaddafi battalions in Ghazaya
4Adam Adam
Humanitarian aid from #Tripoli’s rebels to Nafusa Mtns youtube.com/watch?v=9LX_3H…
Phone call from Zawiyah city: gun Fire can be heard from all areas in the city from south to north to west to east in an unbelievable way since today sunrise, and has not stopped till now and families are saying Takbeer, Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Zawiyah is free with Allah’s help.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: AJA: No casualties arrived to hospitals today, and hospitals are quiet. However, there is bombardment in Dafniya now.
Misrata: AJA: The farms between Dafniyah and between Tuesday Market in Zliten are damaged and some are on fire due to bombardment #libya
Misrata: AJA: We know from eyewitnesses that there are big clashes in Zliten and Gaddafi forces have completely surrounded hospitals there
Misrata: AJA: These hospitals are surrounded by Gaddafi forces to prevent injured FF & civilians from gtting treated in Zliten
Misrata: AJA: We can also confirm that there are clashes in Zawiya and big battles in the western side of Libya right now #
Misrata: AJA: Freedom fighters are still holding their positions at the outskirts of Misrata (Dafniyah/TuesdayMarket)
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Touching & Surreal- Picture speaks for itself. NTC Leader Abdul Jalil & janitorial worker #Libya #Feb17 yfrog.com/ki9hxpj
LPC: 100% Zawiya and Sorman are FREE. THe G forces are headed to Tripoli!!!
FromJoanne Joanne
#ZLITEN COMMANDERS of the #MISRATA Area Operations are : #Khamis + #Moatassem Gaddafi + Abdullah #Senoussi via #AP #Libya #Dafniya
Cameragimp Miked
The menacing sound of jets above Tripoli, perhaps a busy night to come.
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
I love what #Erdogan is doing toward #Syria ppl, but hate his stand toward #libya, #Gaddafi should not be allowed any safe exit
The @NATO strike on #Alghezaia seems to be an intimidation one. NATO flew over again a few times. Some #Muammar’s forces tried to leave…..Which resulted in other personnel of #Muammar’s forces to fire at them. Basically they had their own private skirmish.
OP LIBYA: 2 french decided to send 2 Libya old modems in order 2 supply libyan web users & 1 counter Qad’s propaganda
According to Ulule bit.ly/meBHKH , Misrata will b supplied first bcuz the fights are very intensive there.
Here is an interactive updating map + by the Washington Post wapo.st/gNKiyb
RAF Tornado Takes Off from #Italy with Raptor Surveillance Pod heading to #Libya to operate under #NATO flic.kr/p/9Sa8SS
FromJoanne Joanne
#Tripoli is hearing Nato jets right now
Sheik Ghariyani said we must get rid of regionalism, and local pride, showing off etc, we must all be unified.
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
English news from #Nalut facebook.com/pages/Nalut-Fe… #Libya #Feb17
BREAKING: Gaddafi forces are trying to reach Zawiya to break seige on rest on Gaddafi forces there using naval patrol boats (Libya Alahrar)
hardingbbc andrew harding
is heading back to Misrata
Gaddafi forces were silent when NATO jets were flying above but have resumed the shelling of Dafniyah now that the jets have left.
NATO’s Newest Bombing Tool: Twitter bit.ly/coNE7e http://bit.ly/j0w8Qd Good job boys! Your tweets are making G’s life harder #libya
If Gad loses #Zawiya, he will loses the 3 biggest city after #Tripoli (Benghazi, Misrata, Zawiya)
Gaddafi will have to make a strategic choice now , Tripoli or NAFUSA or the Coastal cities !
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NAFUSA : Freedom Fighters from #AlQala and #Yefren are surrounding pocket of #Gaddafi forces in several areas in #NAFUSA
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Libya TV ( #Libya Alahrar) frequency: Arabsat – 10730 H | Noursat 11585 V | Hotbird 12380 V 27500 S/R | Nilesat 10992 V 27485 S/R | #feb17
Top #libyan Scholar, Shiek Sadik Al-Gheryani speaks on #Libya Al-Ahrar TV (#FREE #LIBYA TV) t.co/LuURjzl (in arabic) recorded today
I wish I could put into words the love I feel for Libya. Ya Allah, e7me blaadi w naasha ya Rabb!
Gs forces are using boats near zawiya port
Rebel gains spark battle for west of Libya – Telegraph j.mp/kaqUxo
Lebanon news – NOW Lebanon -Fifteen hundred refugees from Libya arrive in Italy: t.co/RQbj4uU
Correction: #Libya media battle story – The Washington Post j.mp/kkuJBG
Currency Traders on ’Libya’s Wall Street’ Cash in on Crisis j.mp/lJFHvR
4Adam Adam
AlJazeera reports on #AzZawyia revolutionaries advances against G forces.42km W.Tripoli June6th2011 [ar] youtube.com/watch?v=SesqFT… #Libya #feb17
BREAKING! Gaddafi forces are sending boats from Almaia in an attempt to free their own forces who are surrounded by FF’s in Zawyiah.
Libyan FF’s battled their way back into #Zawiya a major oil port just 30 miles west of Tripoli t.co/fPycXDh via @sdut #Libya #Feb17
Zawiya: BREAKING: AJA confirms that freedom fighters control many parts of the city, and that 17 Gdfi soldiers were captured.
AJA: #Nato #helicopters attacking #Gadhafi militias in #Zawiya
Alexblx Alexblx
#FF PLAN 4 #Zawiya offensive –To encircle #Tripoli – & sever its coastal supply Rds fm Tun/Al – wh #Gaddafi uses 4 fuel,arms & mercs #Libya
LIBYA Misrata..first aid 10-06-2011 youtu.be/78bmMei5EC0
dovenews Libyan™
UPDATE: G forces sent Gunboats from the Military Academy in #Almaia in an attmpt 2 free their own forces who R surrounded by FFs in #Zawyiah
Zawiya: More than 30 civilians have been killed by Gaddafi shelling of city
Libya remain hosts of 2013 Nations Cup: t.co/8Nzdo7M
Arabic #Zawiya caller to Aljazeera … تقرير ابو مصطفى عبر الهاتف من الزاوية اليوم 11 06 2011 youtube.com/watch?v=SesqFT… #Feb17 #Libya
Zawiya: ((BRKNG)) AJA confirms that freedom fighters control many parts of the city, and that 17 Gdfi soldiers were captured.
Zliten: Very quiet now. Mass detaining of civilians & Gaddafi besieged the city again. FFs trying to regain themselves. No signs of NATO
الجزيرة: الناتو يهاجم قوات القذافي في الزاوية باستخدام الهليكوبتر AJA: #Nato #helicopters attacking #Gadhafi militias in #Zawiya
4Adam Adam
No much left for Gaddafi to use as human-shield. This guy is really desperate! youtube.com/watch?v=vsMHTN… #
Almanara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
12:00 (Libya Local time) #Libya // Press Solidarity: Breaking: Gaddafi Forces are shelling the archaeological city of #Ghadames for the first time since the start of the revolution, its mentioned that the shelling took place on a a small part of the archaeological city.
dovenews Libyan™
The shelling & fighting is still going on, #FF destroyed 6 tanks & the number of G forces who got killed is increasing. #Zawyiah #Libya
NATO planes are now bombing Qaddafi forces around city of Zawiya
BREAKING: ALJA: @NATO Helicopters attacking #Gaddafi forces in #Zawyia. Gaddafi Forces shelling #Misrata seaports By GRAD Missiles. #Libya
Gaddafi forces continue to attack the northern entrance to #Nalut.
Serman: Heavy battles taking place against Gaddafi forces with NATO also bombing. Ras Ijdaid border w/ Tunis is now closed
Brac comes to aid of Libya returnees j.mp/l33oXa
AJA: Gaddafi forces shelling MISRATA PORT
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The brave #Misurata Martyrs give their souls for Libya — youtube.com/watch?v=iHm_i4… via @youtube
Perfect day for this song…Nothing will stop us, nothing! t.co/0aoatJe #libya #feb17
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
See how cruel #Gaddafi thugs treating their prisoners! goo.gl/hjJAA
Gharyan shelled w/ Grads by G forces. G forces claimed it was NATO. Luckily, ppl of Gharyan have something btw their ears- unlike G troops.
4Adam Adam
AlJazeera: #FF from #Qalaa: most of Gaddafi’s heavy military presence is southern region of #Yefren in Alaawinya and Alme’aaeb Camp. #Libya
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
News now FF’s reached centre of Zawiya and heavy fighting going on with G forces. Most of Zawiya is now liberated and FF need to consolidate
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Gaddafi Forces and the way they treat the sons of our country — goo.gl/s0Oki // #Libya
4Adam Adam
AlJazeera: #FF from #Qalaa: Yesterday Gaddafi’s forces heavily shelled Kukla and east of Qalaa, great damage to buildings , no casualties.
I am starting to think there are too many coordinates for NATO to bomb today, are they capable?
Tunisia: UNCONFIRMED: Reports that the Ras Ejdeer crossing is now closed due to clashes on coastal road and Zawiya
Serman: Heavy battles taking place against Gaddafi forces with NATO also bombing. Ras Ijdaid border w/ Tunis is now closed
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
Mustafa AbdulRahman from #Misratah: FF are holding their positions,noway 4 G forces to get into Misratah,but we want to defend Zliten #Feb17
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NAFUSA : More freedom fighter reinforcements have arrived at Undisclosed Location for advance on #Zawiya .
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Reports of #AlGaddadafa tribes meet w/ #Gaddafi. Reports he was NOT happy w/ outcome. No further details.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Saif #Gaddafi inciting the killing of Libyans — youtube.com/watch?v=M-p0Tw… via @youtube
Did you know that all Libyans had to pay around $150 ‘Rifle Tax’? Little did we know that these rifles would be pointed to us
Misrata: 2 cars tried to sneak in close to port, they fired missiles in port direction but they fell in the sea. Port undamaged&open.
Libyan rebels say Sabha is “breaking free from the Gaddafi regime’s grip”
G forces torturing the youth of #Arrehibat in Qasr AlHaj before liberating the town. t.co/9fdvzTQ #Libya #Nafusa #gaddaficrimes
Zliten:mamy arrests&more snipers on rooftops shooting passersby.no food/meds allowed in.humanitarian crisis unfolding.v FB
Alexblx Alexblx
ALL of #Libya is in REVOLT – #Twaregs have seized #Gaddafi held city of #Obari in South #Libya – & #Sabha has also revolted today! #Feb17
Very proud to see that FF from nafousa are leading the charge for the liberation of tripoli. Sweet revenge for 42 yrs of persecution by G
Zliten FB gp:following threat of rape,families relocating to areas far frm #Gaddafi forces 2protect honour
What the Gaddafi forces do to our people is beyond inhuman, it redefines inhuman, it’s anti-human, anti-life, anti-humanity, I hate them!
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Yefren is in dire need of surgeons especially vascular surgeons according to Yefren Media centre on FB. Limbs being amputated unnecessarily.
Limb and digit amputations in Yefren AlQaala are being performed without anesthesia and with very little expertise
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Misrata: 2 cars tried to sneak into city from East in an attempt to attack the port, 4 rockets were launched but no damages
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi forces torturing prisoners — goo.gl/pPMIu // #Libya
When the sun goes down the heat is on. Tripoli Victory Is Near
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Fighting ongoing in the west of Az Zawiah push to the east of #AzZawiah imminent #NATO bombings
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
some of the damaged caused from #Gaddafi Forces shelling on #AlQalaa — youtube.com/watch?v=4Py4x0…
BREAKING: Fighting ongoing in the west of Az Zawiah push to the east of Az Zawiah iminent NATO bombings!
West of Zawya would mean Surman? Surman has heavily trained batallions led by Khaled Khweildi. Better to fight on the East.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nafusa #Freedomfighters now attacking #Gaddafi forces in #Arryayna (between #Zintan and #Yefren)
It really seems to me like NATO wants the west FF’s to get to Tripoli before the eastern FF’s.
Libya’s going crazy over the devil’s head. Victory shall be soon, god willing.
G gov cut the electricity on Al Mutrad village 10km west of Zawia
Alexblx Alexblx
@NATO @MajGenLorimer @africom @AndersFoghR – #Gaddafi forces using patrol boats fm Naval Academy 2 access #Zawiya -Use yr jets 2 stop #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#NATO jetsare now bombing #Gaddafi’s battalions around #AzZawia.
Ask ur doc to go to Tripoli’s hosiptals & see who run them.Dr.Mazagri fr Yefren disappeaed in RasLanuf
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Unconfirmed: Al Khwlidid Al Hmidi, #Gaddafi’s military right hand, was injured today during a #NATO strike
A father in Zwara was forced by Gaddafi forces to watch as they killed his wife & raped his daughter in fron of him :’(
A 62yr old man was sitting on the sofa when a rocket fell on his house after Gaddafi forces bombed it – he survived ! #Libya #WAFA speech
Tripoli call: “Khalid AlHmeidi was seen enter Tayab Safi House yesterday night, we wonder what are they up to now” both r G-Supporters
Almanara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // 3hours ago: An eyewitness reported to Almanara that the shelling with mortar fires on #Zawiyah city from #Gaddafi forces is still on going until now and that the number of martyrs in the city have reached to 30 martyrs today
Muammar #Gaddafi is under complete siege by Freedom Fighters, nowhere to go but hell.
We ll raise the flags of France UK USA & all those helped us high. any1 dislike this,we have 1900km coastline,he can choose where 2 drink
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces using patrol boats from Naval Academy 2 access #Zawiya. #Libya #feb17 @NATO @UKMilOps
Gaddafi always had to keep an eye on the 3 Z’s Zintan Zawiya & Zwara. Now it looks like the 3 S’s are emerging Sabrata Surman & Sebha
wld that b b4 trip falls or after?
#Tripoli call: “We ask @NATO to stop attacking buildings in Tripoli, and start Bombing G-Forces that are shelling #Misurata, #Zawiyah and #Naffousa Mountains.. NATO need to do their job right as they promised, To save the civilians, Many are dieing around Libya.. so do as you promised please”
dovenews Libyan™
June 10: Tripoli: NATO strikes on 1 military camp, 1 vehicle storage & maintenance facility, 14 tanks & 1 military vehicle.
June 10: Misrata: NATO strikes on 1 tank, 1 rocket launcher, 2 armed vehicles & 1 technical vehicle
June 10: Waddan: NATO strikes on 3 artillery units.
June 10: Ras Lanuf: NATO strikes on 1 command & control node, 2 radars & 1 radar facility.
After months of #NATO bombings and Civil unrest #Tripoli currency, gold traders thrive. tiny.cc/uxxxc #Libya #Feb17
Clashes in Zuwara now !
Tunisian Radio : Libya Side of Tunisian/Libyan Border of Rass Ijdayr is Closed by Gaddafi !
#Nafousa #Nalut 06/11/1117:35h-NATO strikes hit G forces in #AlGhazaya G forces retaliated by shelling #Nalut w/grad rockets/heavy artillery
Qaddafi Forces Shell Rebels Near Misurata nyti.ms/ksPEwn
In Pictures: Libyan rebels advance – Interactive – Al Jazeera English
Russia convinced that “Libyan opposition not dominated by Al-Qaeda” (InterfaxNews www.interfax.com/news.asp )
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
El-Khouwildy el-Ahmeildy senior aide to #Gaddafi &member of ‘Council of the Leaders of the Revolution’ wounded in #NATO strike near #Tripoli
#FF have seized most precincts of #Zawiya – including th oil refinery – & inflicted massive fatalities & injuries on #Gaddafi troops
FromJoanne Joanne
#Dafniya Front line on Saturday; FF rested on mattresses behind barriers of dirt trying on new sneakers distributed by Red Crescent #Libya
Libya rebels say NATO tactics dubious after deaths
Almanara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // #Misurata 10-06-2011 11:20PM
report by Faraj aKweder
Starting friday, Gaddafi’s mercenary forces attacked “Dafneya” west of Misurata with tanks, heat and short distance grad missiles, anti-aircrafts type 23 and 14.5 along with a group of troops.
Gaddafi forces hit Dafenya with all the above mentioned heavy artillery although Misurata’s revolutionaries managed to block the attack and teach Gaddafi’s forces a lesson despite the differences of arms.
Misurta revolationary have also destroyed two of the five Gaddafi tanks which moved towards Dafneya and after blocking the attack, Misurata’s revoluationaries attacked back those forces which were situated at “Naeema” east of Zleten having recieved news about around 300 mercenaries who are either dead or injured. the mercanries include Tawareq from west Mali which Gaddafi’s terrorist regime brought to kill the Libyan people.
Also today Misrata have sacrified 32 martyrs for the sake of liberating Libya and more than 160 injured currently being taken care of at the Dar Al Hekma Hospital and Red Crescent at Eyyad and Qasr Ahmed and Center of Central Clinics which was reactivated after maintenance which was needed after Gaddafi’s forces have stroke when they are at Tripoli’s Street in Misurata.
Picture link: goo.gl/R52Lt
General omar al-hariri on aljazeera, #libya is not big enough for the libyans and gaddafi he MUST GO!
Another one bites the dust!
“El-Khouwildy el-Ahmeildy has been hit in a NATO air strike on a city close to Tripoli” Bani told Reuters by phone from Benghazi.
Tripoli: 4×4s equipped with heavy weapons were seen going through the western parts of Tripoli, possibly on their way to #Zawiya #Libya
AbdulJalil ( #Libyan #TNC) thanks #Benghali (former janitor) 4 staying & helping transport ppl to hosptl t.co/9MrjSlY via @twitpic
#Gaddafi knows he’s finished –with no escape route- if #FF control #Zawiya & local vils – so hs sent in reinforcements via Rd & sea #Libya
Sabah Breaking free; Friday 10th June Widespread demonstrations were held in Mansheya area by youth identifying themselves as #Feb17 #Libya
Fri 10th Jun; #Sabah Demonstrators raised the independence flag and chanted against Gaddafi and called for the downfall of the regime
10th Jun: #Sabah Gaddafi thugs fired live rounds at demonstrators. 2 FF shot & moved to 2nd Macrh hospital, before being kidnapped
AbdulJalil (heads #Libyan #TNC) thanks #Benghali (former janitor) 4 staying & helping transport ppl to hosptl twitpic.com/5a7oqx
Government official said Gaddafi have received signals that he may go to any African country and not to be prosecuted.
Cameragimp Miked
Whole bunch ofnew journos arrived today bringing withthem heightened enthusiasm & expectations ofthe coming days & weeks #Libya #gaddafi
Unconfirmed: reported clashes in Sug al-Jumaa, Znata, Dahra and Serraj in #Tripoli.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zawiyah: Fighting continues between #Freedomfighters and #Gaddafi in some areas.
NTC_of_Libya NTC Media
NTC Press Release No. 31: Breaking News: #Sabha is breaking free from Gaddafi’s grip
NTC representatives have confirmed that #Sabha is breaking free from the Gaddafi regime’s grip and provided the following details:
Friday 10 June: Widespread demonstrations were held in the Mansheya area by youth identifying themselves as 17th of February.
Demonstrators raised the independence flag and chanted against Gaddafi and called for the downfall of the regime.
#Gaddafi troops, some disguised in civilian clothing, responded by firing live rounds at the demonstrators.
#Sabah Two demonstrators were shot and were transported to the March 2nd Hospital, before being kidnapped by Gaddafi troops.
Fighters belonging to the Awlad Suleiman tribe managed to liberate a number of streets, most notably Mansheya Main Street…(cont)
…(cont) Alnamlah street, & Dar Al Muammar. The vegetable market street & 606 street were also liberated. Flag of independence was raised
Masood Abdul Hafeez, a Gaddafi General, met with Awlad Suleiman tribal elders & tried to bribe them to meet their demands #NTC
Saturday 11th June; Widespread demonstrations occurred this morning in Gamal Abdel Nasser street which extends from…(cont)..
..The New neighborhood to the military hospital, a total distance of 5 km.
The demonstrators demanded Gaddafi’s departure and raised the independence flag. Again they were met with gunfire.
One demonstrator, Nather Al Sunni, was killed near the area known as Miammar’s house.
End of statement
“If @NATO had helped us we could have taken #Zlitan,” he said, referring 2 the next town between #Misrata & #Tripoli. af.reuters.com/article/libyaN…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Levin: No ‘clear sentiment’ in Senate to end American role in Libyan campaign bit.ly/jUXTi6
Netherlands extends involvement in Libya mission t.co/nCwutug #Libya #Feb17
My friend, who drove his family to Tunisia went back to #Tripoli, said "I don’t wanna miss the moment of capturing Gaddafis " #Libya
Skeptic Sabha: Now that Gaddafi lost grip on this city, he also lost another line of supply from Algeria&Niger!
Gates offers grim account of NATO’s Libya efforts – World Wires – MiamiHerald.com hrld.us/j4RsxJ #Libya #NATO #Gaddafi
WSJ.com – Rebels Battle Gadhafi Forces Around Port City t.co/ABvluWT #Zawiya #Libya
img861.imageshack.us/img861/4333/ne… Latest graphs : Hell on Tripoli and Brega (+2% each)
Sarahdrah Sarah Drah
AJ corresp in Misrata:considerable movements by FF against Gaddafi forces
Niz_FGM Niz
11/6/11 – In response to Dr who wrote a note to journos telling them that injured baby was not NATO victim – 2 Drs have been arrested…
@Niz_FGM : The Journalist is guilty because he revealed hosptl staff as his source. It is unethical for a journalist to reveal his source.
@Niz_FGM but it wasn’t even a doctor it was a member of the medical team :( not that gaddafis goons care they have a thing against doctors
Masood Abdul Hafeez, a Gaddafi General, met with Awlad Suleiman tribal elders & tried to bribe them to meet their demands #NTC
Niz_FGM Niz
10/6/11 – Free Generation Movement begin work on website….keep your eye out for FGM-Libya.Org #Tripoli
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Acceptance speech Libya-Human Rights Solidarity delivered by Mr. Khaled Said Saleh almanaramedia.blogspot.com/2011/06/17.htm… English // #Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
A reminder that you can see all my pictures from #Libya & more on my Facebook page, add me here: facebook.com/Fieldproducer
I don’t think I’ll ever go to an ANSWER coalition sponsored event ever again. Cynthia McKinney speaking in SF on Tuesday about Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Azawia: #NATO heavy strikes on Brigade32 that destroyed the building completely
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Azawiah: Car was set on fire in middle of Martyr Sq, when G forces gathered around, it was detonated killing/injuring many G troops #Libya
We can officially announce to the world the ENTIRE #Libyan nation HAS RISEN one and united against #Gaddafi – no debates about it !
A small girl in Misrata was left holding her father’s head in one hand and her mothers’s body in the other after #Gaddafi bombed house #WAFA
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING: Khweldi Alhamedi was injured in NATO air strike on G forces near #Zawyiah. UPDATED
If the news about #Khweldi Alhamedi confirmed,it is a real #WARNING to the city of #alzzawia as his son & his brigade will try revenge @NATO
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Sabha: Widespread demonstrations occurred this morning in #GamalAbdelNasser St. #Libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
06/11/11 Confirmed that no shelling has occurred today in the city of #Ghadames today as reported by other agencies
Heavy weapon was delivered2 Zlitan from Benghazi2day morning,the head of military council arrived Zintan preparing 4the final battle#Libay
dovenews Libyan™
Here is some details about Khweldi Alhamedi’s son. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khaled_K.… Hypocrisy To The Core
AlJazeera: The head of rebel Military Council in #Nafusa Mtns preparing for the battle for #Tripoli. 6/11/11 #Libya #Zintan #NTC #Feb17
dovenews Libyan™
UPDATE: BREAKING: Khweldi Alhamedi was injured in NATO air strike on G forces near #Zawyiah & currently in #Sibratah hospital. GO & KILL HIM
septimius_sever septimius severus
FUNNY Ever thought how odd your online life is? youtube.com/watch?v=aDycZH… via @youtube OK NORMAL SERVICE WILL RESUME SHORTLY….!
Khwaldi Hmeidi G aide in1969coup&strong man in west Libya has been seriously hit in NATO strike on his barraks in Surman,20km west of Zawia
Mohamed Alhwayj Ministry of Economy has defected and out of #Tripoli according to close person via @tripoliyouth
if Mohamed #Alhwayj truly defected, then we do not need to unfreeze the money now, becz he has 1400m in his account 4 sure.
Via LibyaFM: Gaddafi forces in Tarhouna are using the famous waterfall, Ain Al- Sharshara as dumping ground for rubbish:( what neanderthals)
dovenews Libyan™
LINK FIXED: #Tunisian elderly women generously helps the Libyan families with what she can — goo.gl/eOPnR thnx 2 #Tunisia
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The young aged Freedom Fighters in #Misurata city — youtube.com/watch?v=b2fvvf… via @youtube // #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
G paid mercenaries online: goo.gl/DVC9r operating from #China, #Russia & some #African countries.Human Parrots Rpeating Gaddafis crap
Breaking; Zawiya is a war zone…NATO strike a convoy of tanks & technical vehicles in the east and center of city…
The 120 military personnel that defected last week are now fighting in the front lines in the western mountains
Video: Today’s clashes in #zawiya #Libya #Feb17 youtu.be/OEsA63KfrHM #youtube
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Fighting and clashes still haven’t stopped in Zawiya and roads are littered with G bodies & destroyed vehicles acc to Manara
Tripoli : Two doctors have been arrested in connection with the event of a doctor handing journos … tmi.me/brsBM
Saturday 11 June, 17:53 h Nafusa Mtns: Saturday 11th Jun; #Nalut: #Gaddafi forces torturing revolutionaries on.fb.me/jl18J2 #Libya
Senior Gaddafi aide wounded in NATO strike: rebels
June 11, 2011
Posted in News, Week Commencing: June 6, 2011 | 23:38
(Reuters) – A Libyan rebel military spokesman said a senior aide to leader Muammar Gaddafi was wounded Saturday in a NATO air strike on a city near Tripoli and was being treated in hospital.
There was no immediate confirmation that NATO air strikes had taken place near the capital Saturday evening, or that any Gaddafi aide had been wounded.
However, several explosions were heard in Tripoli itself throughout the afternoon, as late as 8 p.m. (1800 GMT), suggesting NATO was ramping up attacks after a quiet morning.
Spokesman Ahmed Bani said the aide, who he named as El-Khouwildy el-Ahmeildy, was a member of Gaddafi’s Council of the Leaders of the Revolution and that his daughter was married to one of Gaddafi’s sons.
Bani, who defected from Gaddafi, said the raid took place at about 3 p.m. ET Saturday.
“El-Khouwildy el-Ahmeildy has been hit in a NATO air strike on a city close to Tripoli, and he is now being treated in a hospital,” Bani told Reuters by phone from Benghazi.
is Khweildi Alhmeidi really died? !!! waiting confirmation
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: A large convoy of 4×4s and military vehicles coming from Tripoli was bombarded and destroyed by NATO
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: The city was heavily bombarded by Gaddafi forces and 20 civilians were killed. Hospitals are full of casualties, mostly G forces
FB:Yusuf Abuhajar,Omar Alkbeer&Miftah K’eeba threaten families w rape if FF dnt retreat Zliten
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Over 45+ Gaddafi soldiers have been killed and 5 tanks were destroyed today. Clashes still haven’t stopped.
Fighting erupts on multiple fronts across #Libya, Gadafi forces surrounding Zlitan & shell UNESCO listed Ghadames tinyurl.com/3nsw5w3
4Adam Adam
#Tripoli: Libyan journalist Numidia Trabelsi update from Tripoli. June11th2011 Arabic youtube.com/watch?v=V5Yo_g… #Libya #feb17
Update from Tripoli June 11, 2011
by Libyan Youth Movement on Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 3:29pm
The Free Generation Movement – حركة جيل الاحرار ——————————————————————————-
1- Morale is high in the city with news that Alzawiyah is resisting.
2- Groups around Tripoli are continuing preparations for what appears to be the ever closer final phase – The Tripoli …Chapter.
3- Army officer, and member of FGM, has informed us of the bombing of mobile radar units in Metiga. A nearby tent was untouched and the ground beneath the radars were barely scarred. Such is the incredible accuracy of the munitions being used.
4- In response to Alzawiyah, heavy checkpoints have been placed on the west of the capital. The coastal road has been closed.
5- 2 doctors have been arrested in response to a member of staff passing a note to a journalist revealing the baby being paraded as a NATO victim was actually an RTA victim.
6- FGM members witnesses, first hand, an armed freedom fighter engaging Katiba forces in the AbuSita district. Katiba forces were slow and frantic in their response, demonstrating how ill prepared and how poorly trained they are. It is largely estimated in Tripoli that 60% of armed forces loyal to the illegitimate regime will disappear when freedom fighters definitively engage the capital in the final push to Bab Alazaziyah.
7- Regime men have been witnessed in Jamhuriya Street smashing windows of buildings adjacent to NATO bomb sites in an attempt to mimic collateral damage prior to the arrival of the media.
More updates as they develop…..
NB: As always, info distributed by FGM is verified and confirmed.
Twtter -Niz_FGM(English)Mk_FGM(Arabic)See more
A pizza man joins the rebellion
The gaddafi regime are spreading papers with names of people on it. Saying these are the people the revolutionaries are going to target
This is to spread panic and confusion among people so that they don’t trust the revolutionaries
Katiba forces are slow and frantic, poorly trained, 60% of them will defect once uprising engulfs capital!
Rixos journalists, protect your sources! 2 doctors were arrested after passing note about propaganda baby killed in car accident!
1 nurse raped, 2 female employees sexually assaulted, and male staff were detained & beaten in Yefren
Hospital during siege by G forces.
Could the final blow to Gaddafi come from the very city he brutally suppressed in the early days of the revolution?
Clashes in zawiyat al-dahmani earlier on today in Tripoli and in the neighbourhoods of six and seven
Either it’s co-incidence or Libya FF are co-ordinating their attacks.May b a brilliant military strategy playing out in front of us
El-kweldi the biggest dog in the gaddafi regime after the big man himself has been injured in NATO strikes
Almanara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // #Naffousa Mountains News
Saturday 11 June, 18:05 h
Nafusa Mountains: Ghdames: We mentioned in our report earlier today that there has been shelling by Gadaffi forces today on the historic city of Ghdames. However, after managing to speak to people over there, we were informed that this was not the case. We would therefore like to formally apologise for this mistake.
Saturday 11 June, 17:35 h
Nafusa Mountains: Nalut: Gadaffi forces shell the city of Nalut using Grad rockets and heavy artillery. These atatcls came directly after attacks by coalition forces on forces loyal to Gadaffic in Al-Ghazaaya.
Saturday 11 June, 17:53 h
Nafusa Mountains: Nalut: Gadaffi forces torturing revolutionaries:
www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150203484231925&oid=179449562095105&comments;Saturday 11 June, 17:21 h
Nafusa Mountains: Nalut: The water tank in Aal-jwebiyah west of Nalut is now completely empty after Gadaffi forces cut the water from the southern region. Also, the majority of water sources in Nalut ate located in areas which are in easy view of the forces or under their control, therefore, the revolutionaries cannot access them. Revolutionaries and civilians in Nalut now fear a water crisis.
septimius_sever septimius severus
I bet Gaddafi is fuming now cause @NATO is bombing the crap out of him and Asaad is getting away with murder !!!!!
Caller from Tripoli: ppl from Muslim countries who keep criticizing us 4 getting help from NATO. U stood & watched us dying & u didnt help
Why the hell did the journalist give his source regarding the hospital and the injured child?! This is life and death!
Libya Crazy how Libya has effected the ENTIRE world! Ur emotions r ours, ur tears r ours, ur pain is ours..we love you, LIBYA;)))))
NATO’s Newest Bombing Tool: Twitter
In the early days of the Libya war, U.S. commanders were adamant that they didn’t communicate with the Libyan rebels about what targets to bomb. As it turns out, they don’t need to. They’ve got Twitter.
NATO officials conducting air strikes on forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi don’t have soldiers on the ground to spot for the warplanes and armed drones overhead. (Well, at least not officially.) But they do have a barrage of tweets about Gadhafi’s troop movements in beleaguered cities like Benghazi and Tripoli, all of which come in handy when picking out targets.
“We get information from open sources on the Internet, we get Twitter,” British Wing Commander Mike Bracken told AFP. Another NATO official attested, “Twitter is a great source.”
None of which is to say that an errant tweet is enough to launch a Hellfire missile. NATO flies AWACS surveillance planes over Libya, as well as other spy aircraft and satellites, to aid with targeting. NATO officials assure that they don’t just set targeting coordinates based on what someone says over Twitter — just that Twitter has value as a source of tactical intelligence.
Not hard to see why. Libyan Twitterati send off tweets about Gadhafi’s latest depravities at a frenetic pace. Tweets containing links to uploaded video, like this one — which, fair warning, is graphic — clearly show the roads that Gadhafi’s troops use to travel.
The unavoidable time delay between filming, uploading, tweeting, receiving, confirming and then acting on the information shows that Twitter can’t be an actual targeting mechanism, even if we assume that tweets about troop movements are 100 percent accurate. But as real-time mass communications go, this is pretty close. How long before Gadhafi’s forces take to Twitter to start giving out tactical misinformation?
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#StVincentGrenadines PASSENGER SHIP “AZZURRA” now arriving in port #Benghazi #Libya from #Misrata. #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
Caller from #Tripoli: #Gaddafi is planning to get his mercenaries into the streets of Tripoli as fight get closer to his HOLE
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Reports that #NATO struck #KheletElFurjan & airport road. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: #Freedomfighters were out in #Tajoura, #Arada, #Fashloum & #SouqElJuma. Several #Gadaffi soldiers ambushed/killed. #Libya
FF in Tripoli managed2bribe G forces&buy their weapon
dovenews Libyan™
Caller from #Tripoli: We celebrate by saying #Allah (God) is great when we hear the #NATO air strikes & we get worried when we dont hear it.
drminfo Dean Morrison
If u remember many elite army units defected in #feb17 in #Zawiya.They escaped when they ran out of ammo.They r highly trained & now r back!
septimius_sever septimius severus
And we #LibyansThankYou too RT @DrJAshton #Royal navy 845 just back from Libya: we thanked them 4 their service. twitpic.com/5a5g1l
Almanara Libya
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
4 hours ago: #Libya // #Zintan Channel on Facebook
Brigades belonging to the national army that was trained in Jadu and Zintan cities managed to enter to #Sabrat-ha, #Sorman and #Zawiyah cities. It should be noted that these brigades are have high degree of combat experience. We have also received reports that the freedom fighters have control on the Supply Commodity area south of Zawiyah city on the route that leads to Biir_Ghanam
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zawiya: #NATO has struck a convoy of #Gaddafi tanks & technical vehicles in the east & center of city. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AlKhums: Reports that #NATO bombed Dairy Factory being used by #Gaddafi troops. fb.me/11ZxdlujM #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nalut is being heavily shelled by #Gaddafi forces right now from the N using GRAD rockets, mortars & other heavy artillery #Libya #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
UNCONFIRMED: G forces heading to #Zawyia in cars painted with the indp flag. Also Gunboats left Tripoli’s port heading to #Zawyia coast.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Nalut is being heavily bombarded by Gaddafi forces right now from the north using GRAD rockets, mortars and other heavy artillery #libya
BREAKING! #Gaddafi forces continue to attack #Nalut with missiles. FB
Nato bombed Surman around 20.00 Libya time its very close to Zawiya also bombed convoy of tanks moving to Zawia
septimius_sever septimius severus
Gaddafi struggles to retain power – CBS News (Catches up with events!) cbsnews.com/video/watch/?i…
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Sorman: Clashes between FF and Gaddafi forces haven’t stopped & latter are said to be “confused” after Khweldi Al-Hmedi injury
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Benghazi: A mass grave dating back to 1997 hs been found in Zuwetina which is 120km south-west of Benghazi bit.ly/kJzNec #libya #feb17
Almanara Libya
On Sunday 12th June 2011, @AlmanaraMedia said:
#Libya // A source reported to Almanara that #Zawiyah Freedom Fighters have captured around 20 soldiers from Gaddafi forces today, and the source said that between those captured is an officer in the brigades admitted to the Freedom Fighters that Gaddafi forces in Tripoli are putting explosives in dynamic and civilian buildings in Tripoli city such as the insurance building and some of the schools and other buildings, to be exploded and then blame the NATO that it is from the Air strikes and that the civilians are getting bombed.
Breaking: #Zawiya. #FF destroyed 10 tanks so far & reported that 37 civilians have died due to indiscriminate shelling by G forces
NTC Sabha update:
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Video: #AzZawiya: Taken today: youtu.be/OEsA63KfrHM #Libya #feb17
MARY: Niz said it was rainy today in Tripoli- hubby said so too!
4Adam Adam
#Libya: Rebels, Moammar Gadafi’s forces in sustained battle near #Tripoli latimes.com/news/nationwor…
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Tripoli: Prior to arrival of media, Gaddafi thugs smash windows of buildings adjacent to NATO bomb sites to mimic collateral damage.
4Adam Adam
Gaddafi forces convoy in their way to #Jalo oasis before the freedom fighers took care of it. on.fb.me/jhdnQd #Libya #Feb17
WFP World Food Programme
Greetings from #Misrata where we just shipped in enough food to feed 64,000 people for a month bit.ly/k2ZjAm
Explosions in #Tripoli #Libya. via GTV
blue rollr;
Tripoli :Tanks and Armored vehicles are being positioned around the tripoli borders.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Zawiyah city Youth clash with #Gaddafi Forces — youtube.com/watch?v=OEsA63…
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING: Gaddafi Forces continue its bombardment on #Nalut with missiles and artillery.
Mary :)
I just received a call that my cousin in shr3a mizran, was shot several times by Gaddafi forces and is in critical condition, my other two cousin’s were taken away by G forces and we don’t know where they are …please keep them in your prayer’s. #TRIPOLI via Free Libya fb DUAS for all
#Zawiya : lool : spoke to a #zintan freedom fighter , he is laughing and swears he is spending the night in #Zawiya
Sh. Sadeq al-Ghiryani on @libyatv: “we need to show forgiveness, mercy and kindness at this stage” bit.ly/lZa7RG #libya
MaryGreenCastle Mary :)
Check this video out — AIDS / HIV Tragedy in LIBYA … The Forgotten Innocent Victims youtube.com/watch?v=vqB1ae…
#Misratah port is coming back to Life. But on its outskirts, frontline fighters FFs against Gaddafi’s professional army bit.ly/kw1667
Heavy shelling last night in #Kikla destroyed two mosques and at least 7 homes.
Follow latest news on the media circle of Feb17 Revolution page on Facebook t.co/M6R05Lq Libya 17feb
moi a table
News that Major General Al-Khwildi Al-Hamidi, member of #Gaddafi’s Revolution Leading Council was injured today and he is in Sabratha Private Clinic. He seems to have sustaineed significant injuries injuries. It is not evident whether he was injured during NATO attack or clashes with FFs today.
I heard he was seriously injured by nato strikes while he was in or near barracks.
MC: unsure news about the death of Khoweildy Hamidy #libya
Mary :)
Zawiya: Breaking: Heavy rain in Zawiya and people see it as a good omen… Unconfirmed reports that helicptrs are being used by @NATO
MAD COLONEL GADDAFI 600FT UNDER t.co/kP05mIZ #MAD #Gaddafi – #Libya
Mary :)
Libya rebels battle into key oil port near Tripoli, force closure of vital highway to Tunisia – The Washington Post t.co/jswC5KN via @washingtonpost
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Guardian: One day in Rebel Stronghold where calm gives way to Chaos guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jun…
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#NATO shells #Tripoli while #Gaddafi forces attack #Misrata #Libya via @AJArabic aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/9417
NATO did a strike further to Janzur
Zawiyah. The main square next to the area where the Mosque once stood #libya yfrog.com/kethqnj
photogimp1 photogimp
The Libyan TV are spreading propaganda that thr foreign journalist are all spies and that the local people should attack us
BBC News – Misrata takes stock after bombardment – bbc.in/kFyCi9
MC : A news about succeeding of the rebel to release prisoners from Qaddafi’s force custody
Mary :)
COLONEL Gaddafi is hiding in a huge maze of desert water tunnels in a desperate Great Escape-style bid for survival.
The Mad Dog dictator, who has come through a barrage of Nato air strikes, has crawled underground to avoid being attacked.
The coward’s survival bid is part of the reason the RAF is pounding the country with bunker-busting missiles.
The 13ft-wide tunnels, some of which are 600ft deep, are part of the £20billion Great Man-Made River Project that Gaddafi, 69, built in the 1980s.
They are big enough to take a double- decker bus and are made of 75-ton sections of reinforced concrete pipe.
The tunnels link the desert with his Tripoli headquarters, the city of Benghazi and his home town of Sirte.
It was the largest and most expensive irrigation project in history, designed to extract water from 2,500ft below the Sahara and transport it to towns and cities.
Engineers became suspicious that the huge pipes would be used for troop camps or storing military vehicles and supplies or even poison gas.
The RAF has now sent in 2,000lb Paveway bombs in a bid to smoke out Gaddafi.
The air-to-ground Enhanced Paveway IIIs, the latest in Our Boys’ powerful arsenal, can blast through any of Gaddafi’s reinforced hideaways.
Last night a senior security source said: “Gaddafi has gone underground to save himself. It’s just like in the Blitz when people lived in the London Underground system.
“He doesn’t want to hang around on the surface where he can be targeted.
“The Paveways are being used to hit those hard-to-reach bunkers. He is relying on the earth insulating him from tracker devices.
“The tunnels are ideal and mean that he can stay close to Tripoli.” by By Deborah Sherwood of Daily Star Sunday
ahmadalgamaty ahmadalgamaty
More than 15 martyrs in the battles of today in Zawia city
Dairy Factory in AlKums is a concentration point for Gaddafi forces heading to Misurata Libya
SUMMARY June 12th 2011
“One man’s collateral damage is another man’s son”
tom made this:
Isn’t she beautiful?
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Italy busts Gaddafi terror network bit.ly/l6Hxhw
septimius_sever septimius severus
Patrick Cockburn: Hopes for democracy fade as civil wars grip the Arab world good article tinyurl.com/5wvbre6
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Freedomfighters pack up Milan missiles for the #Qalaa # Suffeet battle youtu.be/sDKt7MRMMtk #Libya #feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Music Video: The House is Falling Down bit.ly/iunF4R
libyansrevolt Libyans Revolt
Apparently recent video of Mutassem Gaddafi on way to Brega frontline bit.ly/mnTCAn #libya #feb17
septimius_sever septimius severus
Joan Smith: Rape is part of military culture, a secret among soldiers #Libya tinyurl.com/3qtm2hr
Zawiya: More than 10 tanks destroyed with tanks shelling to free G forces surrounded by FFs #feb17#libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Morning from Tripoli, quiet on the bombing front in the centre of town over night. #Libya
4Adam Adam
Libyan Revolution – Battle for Qalaa Suffeet hill – running through open road youtube.com/watch?v=1syrg6… via @humphreycheung #nafusa #Feb17 #Libya
4Adam Adam
Battle of Qalaa Suffeet Hill – Rebel tries to take out sniper youtube.com/watch?v=FZeC0A… via @humphreycheung #nafusa #Feb17 #Libya
The US accused some Nato allies yesterday of failing in their commitment to combat Gaddafi’s forces, as Gaddaf… (cont) deck.ly/~zu4y8
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
10June Report on the casualities in #AlDafniya as a result of the shelling from #Gadhafi’s Brigades youtube.com/watch?v=_z_Oq9…
4Adam Adam
#Yefren #Libya – rainy day in summer youtube.com/watch?v=p0raOn… via @humphreycheung #nafusa #Feb17
libyans_revolt omar
#British Apache helicopters have carried out their first operations around #Misrata #Libya. #Feb17 tinyurl.com/5ucx7eq #NATO #BBC
Zliten:noticeable reduction in number of Gaddafi forces in Zliten later in the day.Relocated elsewhere?Zawia?
reports of Apache helicopters in use in Misrata – t.co/2AC49YQ & t.co/KXscx0n
fighting cont. in Zawiya,reports of 50 G forces & 20 FF killed. G re-enf. fm Tripoli arriving in Zawiya
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi forces are said to be grouping near Tawurgha, south of Misrata, in preperation for a new attack.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Voice of Free Libya – MISRATA STATION – 1.449kHZ AM to bring you the latest news from Misrata (in Arabic) ustream.tv/channel/bengha…
bernardhl Bernard henri Lévy
On a atteint, à #Misrata, le sommet de la démence urbicide bit.ly/mDQEou
FromJoanne Joanne
#TRIPOLI Muammar #Gaddafi Your Time Is Running Out goo.gl/0pd6O #Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zintan: Aljazeera: FF have been preparing for the Ryayna battle fr 2 weeks and say they will not stop till they get to Gheryan
Breaking: attack at 9am on Sireer oil field south of Tobruk by G forces repelled. 2 martyrs, I G force killed & 1 injured1caught#feb17#Libya
septimius_sever septimius severus
Love it! ‘’Old ppl at weddings always poke me &say "you’re next".So I started doing the same thing to them at funerals"
Rayayna is a crucial victory as it is where most G forces in Nafusa are & where shelling on Zintan comes from #feb17#Libya
After losing Gharyan, G will be encircled from W, S and E, unable to move or get supllies in Tripoli! can’t escape anymore!
Longing4Libya Ahmed Misrata
yfrog.com/h0xw7lwkj Epic Misrata freedom fighters. They will brave the roads, from #Misrata to #Tripoli
SkyNews Sky News
Libya: 13 Killed In Violent Clash In Zawiyah
#Reuters#Obama admin is leading global effort 2 establish shadow Internet & cellphone sys to help dissidents undermine authoritarian governs
Zawiya: Interrogated G officer admitted that vital buildings in Tripoli r being booby trapped to detonate & blame on NATO #libya #feb17
Clashes continuing in #Zawyia between Freedom fighters and Gaddafi Brigades for the 2nd day. FF’S Spokesman. #Feb17 #Libya #Reuters
Libye NAFOUSA ville inconditionnelle de Kadhafi c’est ralliée aux insurgés ce jour libya
Libya: Gaddafi regime weakening, says William Hague – Telegraph.co.uk goo.gl/fb/gONfB #libya #gaddafi
RAW,Libya,Rebel being questioned by a member of Gaddafi`s troops after legs broken: RAW,Libya,… bit.ly/kNRak3 #libya #youtube
libyanproud libyanandproud
More widespread protests and defiance by the people of #Libya in so called #Gaddafi strongholds ; #Hun #Wadan #Sebha #BaniWalid #Obari
Multiple Reports : Gaddafi is hiding in a bunker underneath the Equistrian Club in Airport road .
Children in Tripoli are admitted into hospital suffering from starvation! gaddafi you git enough is really enough
The road to #Tunisia from #Tripoli is completely blocked at the 27km mark .
FromJoanne Joanne
#Libya Current “FRONTS” : around #Misrata held #Dafniya farm area, #Nafusa mountains, #Brega Area, #Zawiyah and desert town #Sabha #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Gaddafi is losing the south of #Libya: #Sebha is out of control and #Obari is liberated !
Today Gaddafi forces shelled several cities in western mountain Nalut Zintan &Yafrane. No info on casualties yet
septimus: At least the #Hitler gave us the VW beetle.What commercial enterprise did #Gaddafi leave 4 his legacy?The #afro?"
The Freedom Group Daily is out! bit.ly/eywed9 ▸ Top stories today
According to 17feb, the independence flag was raised Al-Gurda Al-Shaty, #Sabha #Libya
Zawiya: More than 10 tanks destroyed with tanks shelling to free G forces surrounded by FFs #feb17#libya
wheelertweets James Wheeler
#ZINTAN #LIBYA: FFs attacked #Gaddafi forces in Arryayna & Zawyit Albagoor beg at 6am today. Many G men fled. Now house to house searches.
Unconfirmed – NATO attack helicopters 2B increased from 16 – 32 units.
NATO Key Hits 11 June: In the vicinity of Waddan: 1 Ammunition Storage Facility
NATO Key Hits 11 June: In the vicinity of Misrata: 1 Armoured Vehicle. In the vicinity of Zintan: 1 Tank.
NATO Key Hits 11 June: In the vicinity of Tripoli:1 Command and Control Node,1 Tank, 1 Self Propelled Artillery Piece.
NATO Key Hits 11 June: In the vicinity of Tripoli:1 Military Vehicle Storage, 1 Ammunition Storage Facility, 2 Anti Aircraft Guns
NATO Arms Embargo Activities: 17 Vessels were hailed on 11 JUNE to determine destination & cargo.No boardings were conducted.
Niz_FGM Niz
12/6/11-Currently investigating reports that #Tripoli now under lock down – East, West and Southern main roads now closed.Will confirm soon
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zintan: Ryayna’s western part is fully liberated and the eastern part is being searched now for G forces. Battles in Zawiyat Albaqoul
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
MISRATA: BREAKING: Big battles in Naima and Tuesday Market right now – big attack by FF to liberate Zliten from G forces #libya
Soon it’s time for Saif’s prophecy to come true: he and Gaddafi will die in Tripoli!
BREAKING : #NAFUSA : #Zintan are surrounding last remnants of #Gaddafi in #zawyit-albagoor ! ALLAH AKBAR !
wheelertweets James Wheeler
#ZINTAN #LIBYA: 1 FF killed & 7 FFs injured in today’s victory at Arryayna (to clear out #Gaddafi forces attacking Zintan with Grads).
Yesterday 3 G forces injured in trap by Gheryan FFs as they tried to bring down independence flag raised in Fatma Alzahra school#feb17#Libya
Future for Libya: Freedom Fighters had taken control of a large area in Zawiyah with the help of Nato air strikes
Guma el-Gamaty, a London-based spokesman for the opposition political leadership council, told the Associated Press on 11 June that Freedom Fighters had taken control of a large area in Zawiyah’s west. Bolstered by NATO air strikes sanctioned by the UN, the rebels fought their way back into Zawiyah, a major oil port just 50km west of Tripoli, forcing Gaddafi’s troops to shut down the vital coastal highway that leads into neighbouring Tunisia. Freedom Fighters sources said gun battles were raging inside the port city: “The situation is very bad in Zawiyah. There’s been fierce fighting since the morning”.
Foreign journalists travelling through Zawiyah on the coastal highway leading from west Tripoli to the Tunisian border, reported that they were diverted via backstreets with a police escort as parts of it were sealed off by Libyan soldiers. The highway was clogged with soldiers and loyalist gunmen carrying assault rifles, some patrolling the road, others manning checkpoints.
The coastal road is a key artery from neighbouring Tunisia for delivery for food, fuel and medicine for the Gaddafi regime.
dovenews Libyan™
#FF in #Hun have burned Gaddaf’s Lejan Thawrya (Revolutionary Committee Guards) HQ. Yet to be verified
FF moved from 3 positions in Nafousa Mtns #Zintan today at 6 Am towards Alryaina & Zawia Albaqoul…where Gaddafi forces R stationed.
Zawiya: More than 10 tanks destroyed with tanks shelling to free G forces surrounded by FFs
More widespread protests and defiance by the people of #Libya in so called #Gaddafi strongholds ; #Hun #Wadan #Sebha #BaniWalid #Obari
#Gaddafi is losing the south of #Libya: #Sebha is out of control and #Obari is liberated ! #Feb17 #Libya
The Tribe, Sons of Solomon have taken over Sebha
64 well-known pro #Gadaffi individuals have fled #Sebha for #Tripoli. Sebha is on fire! #Libya #Feb17 FF from #Zintan moved on 3 positions to Alryaina & Zawia Albaqoul..Managed to isolate G forces in these areas & surround them.
Offensive against #Gaddafi is accelerating in #Libya at rapid pace on all fronts!
AJA NATO jets flying low Nafousa Mountains..NO strikes..#FF trying to push G forces Grad rockets & artillery away from range on towns
Zawiyat Albagoul: AJA reporter: There are more plans and missions but I was asked not to reveal them.
Zawiyat Albagoul: AJA: If they succeed in liberating Ryayna & ZAlbagoul thn Gheryan is the only remaining city now tht Kikla is under FF too
Zawiyat Albagoul: AJA: Gaddafi forces were surprised today at 6am when they saw thousands of FF attacking them from all sides
Zawiyat Albagoul: AJA: FF ar dividing the main Gaddafi concentrations in Zawiyat albagoul and preventing them from helping each other
Zawiyat Albagoul: AJA: Very heavy battles and heavy artillery is being used by both sides. FF are surrounding G forces completely
In attack in Abdel Rauf area south of Zletin 7 G forces captured one of which an injured general being treated in Hikma hospital#
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: Aljazeera: FF are engaging in quick battles where they attack Gaddafi forces bt retreat to Dafniyah to defend their psitions
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: Aljazeera: NATO jets are flying constantly above Misrata bt there have been no strikes. FF are advancing to Zliten right now
Libya Map: Updated June 10 bit.ly/jmVTc3
“A can of petrol – A can of petrol – My kingdom for a can of petrol”- #Gaddafi fuel shortages mounting – no deliveries since Thursday
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Tripoli : there is only one small road open for people leaving to #Tunisia . #Feb17 #Libya
Zawiya via Manara: reports G forces are using boats in attempt to enter Zawiya from North #feb17#Libya
#Gaddafi forces taken totally by surprise both in #Zawiya& #Zawiyat Albagoul (#Nafusa)
wheelertweets James Wheeler
The broken bodies of the people of #Misrata in Tunisian hospitals r outmatched by their inspiring, indomitable spirit. A metaphor for #Libya
Gaddafi’s military dilemma: if i don’t send troop reinforcements from Zliten to Zawiya i’ll lose Zawiya, but if i do, i’ll lose Zliten! well, well, he’s gonna lose both!
Moussa Koussa could face UK private criminal prosecution – Telegraph t.co/hluS43l
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
@NATO seems to have not recorded it’s warning strike on Alghezaia, could be as it does not as a target…nato.int/nato_static/as… #Libya #feb17
Breaking: Nafusa: Zawyit albagul has been liberated. Allah akbar#feb17#Libya
Gaddafi strikes #Libya rebels, NATO pounds #Tripoli – dailymail.com/ap/ApLife/2011… #Feb17
Breaking: attack at 9am on Sireer oil field south of Tobruk by G forces repelled. 2 martyrs, I G force killed & 1 injured1caught#feb17#Libya
Another Gaddafi dilemma: if i don’t send troops to fronts they’ll collapse, but if i do, large convoys will be perfect targets for NATO!
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
ZINTAN: BREAKING: Gaddafi forces defeated in Zawiyat Albaqoul/Ryayna. Some still surrounded. Many weapons & vehicles captured.
Ieri Combattimenti fra ribelli e truppe #Gheddafi, che hanno ricevuto rinforzi,sono ancora in corso nella #Zawiya,15 morti, fra cui un bimbo
Via press solidarity Gaddafi forces R preparing to use zodiacs 2 deploy troops into #Zawia in attempt to regain some sort of control
Nafusa: 4 Martyrs & 28 injured reported so far in today’s offensive in Rayayna & Zawiyt AlBagul. With tens of G forces killed
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zintan: 4 of Nafousa’s FrdmFighters were martyred in today’s clashes. ~10 injured. They killed 40+ G soldiers in Ryayna/ZwtAlbagoul
Des négociations secrètes entre la Grèce et la Libye?
libyanproud libyanandproud
Breaking : Freedom Fighters are in #BREGA !!!!!!!!!!! #Feb17
Ahmed El-Mettawa
On Sunday 12th June 2011, @FutureLibya said:
#Libya #Feb17 #NATO #US #UK #EU #UN #ICC: #NTC this is the initial list of Libyan criminals – PLEASE stop being complacent and pursue justice – even if with limited resources. After all, Libya’s future should be the Rule of Law!!
اسماء الذين ارتكبوا جرائم جنائية فى حق الشعب الليبى
مصطفى الخروبى وافراد عائلته
احمد ابراهيم
سليمان الشحومى
بوبكر يونس جابر وافراد عائلته
عبدالله منصور
منصور ضوى
الخويلدى الحميدى وافراد عائلته
فرج حتيوش
على الشاعرى
خالد الحميدى
محمد جبريل البركى
هدى بن عامر
موسى كوسة
فرج العمار
جميلة بن عامر
مسعود عبد الحفيظ
احمد بوسنينه
فوزيه شلابى
سيد قذاف الدم
عبد الرحمن العبار
احمد قذاف الدم
يوسف الدبرى
على الكيلانى
السنوسى سليمان الوزرى
التهامى خالد
عبد القادر البغدادى
محمد الحجازى الدرسى
خليفه حنيش
عويدات غندور
سالمة راشد
المهدى العربى
مصطفى الزائدى
عميد/ المهدى العربى
على كنــا
بوزيد دورده
عبد العاطى العبيدى
ابراهيم يحيى القذافى
معتوق محمد معتوق
عبد الرحيم الزاوى
عبد الرازق الصوصاع
عبد المجيد القعود
لواء/ غيث ابراهيم الزوى
مفتاح بوكر
فرج العمارى
خليفه الأصفر القذافى
الطيب الصافى
حافظ قدور
الفيتورى حسين القذافى
محمد الكليلى
عبد الحفيظ زليتنى
جمعه النيهوم
امبارك الشامخ
عاشور تريبل
على محمود ماريا
عبد الرحيم الهيبلو
عمران بوكراع
ميلود الصادق
محمد عبد الجواد
صبرى شاذلى
محمود بوحنيك
نورى المسمارى
شكرى غانم
محمد الشتيوى
سعد الأصفر
محمد بوعجيلة
يوسف بن شاكير
محمد زيدان
العقيد/ فرج البرعصى
عبد الرحمن الصيد
العقيد / عبد السلام القذافى
جلال ديرة
العميد / عبد الفتاح الشهيبى
محمد الأسود
عبد الله السنوسى
عبد القادر يوسف
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli via @MK_FGM: The road to Zawiya from Tripoli is still closed and may god help the FF of Zawiya against G forces
Zawiya: Heavy clashes now in Jidayem forest & south of City
Via Manara: FFs are entering industrial part of Brega following control of Bright Star University in the town#feb17#Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Ajdabiya: Unconfirmed: There is an attack on Gaddafi forces in Brega right now via Almanara #libya #feb17 Scope of attack unclear
All these recent attacks by Freedom fighters were coordinated to a zero hour. Tripoli, we are on our way
dovenews Libyan™
June 11: Ras Djir Libyan – Tunisian border has been closed
photogimp1 photogimp
Taken to see a hole in the ground in the middle of a field today….they seem to be running out of things to show us
All these recent attacks by Freedom fighters were coordinated to a zero hour. Tripoli, we are on our way #feb17#Libya
Clashes occurred today at 9:00 am in the Oil Field South of Tobruk. 2 deceased 4 injured from #FF, 1 G force killed and 1 injured&captured.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli via @MK_FGM: The road to Zawiya from Tripoli is still closed and may god help the FF of Zawiya against G forces #libya #feb17
#Reuters: #Gaddafi forces attack on #Zintan killed 5 pple on Sunday @Nato رويترز: استشهاد 5 من الثوار بسبب قصف لكتائب القذافي علي الزنتان
Al Manara sources say revolutionaries are attacking Gaddafi forces in Brega -
Unconfirmed reports of clashes yesterday in Fashloum, Soug Al Jumua and Tajoura areas of Tripoli – #libya #feb17 – t.co/BAOEIMp
Day 1 in Tripoli. Trip to see hole in the sand and lacklustre #ghadaffi supporters. Nowhere near #Zawiya!
Gaddafi bombardment on #Misrata has resumed by using bloody endless #Grad rockets. attack reported from east & west. NO #NATO #Libya @CNN
Heavy fighting in #Libya’s Ajdabiya leave 13 people injured, 2 dead aje.me/lEj3WI
Al Manara reports – that FREE #Libya Army – based in #Ajdabiya – has now began its long awaited assault on the Oil Export Port of #Brega
yfrog.com/hsw1czoj 1km ahead lies the Airport where the epic Battle of the Airport took place. #Misrata
Who comes up with these things? the comedy dept?
Libya State Tv : The crusader army has hit the “oxygen” factory ! lol Gaddafi was making oxygen for ppl of Libya !!
Zintan Channel: FFs managed to destroy some mechanisms of Gaddafi forces& seized 2 rocket launchers, ammun& 1 ambulance& arrest mercenaries
I just heard that in the fighting last night in Zawiya we lost a few relatives, may the martyrs of our struggle be granted Paradise
nice statement:
g forces have heavy weapons, ff have heavier ones it is nato.
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Shiek Geryani speaks on @libyatvarabic. Tells Gaddafi troops that they have lost in this life and the hereafter goo.gl/Wlivi #Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Big battles and big gains for freedom fighters in Nafousa mtns south of Tripoli, Zawiya west of #Tripoli and Zliten east of Tripoli.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
As I predicted: days after NTC announcement of restarting oil production, Gaddafi forces attack oil field, leaving 2 dead, 4 injured. #Libya
washingtonpost The Washington Post
Thousands rally against Gaddafi wapo.st/k0uQer
septimius_sever septimius severus
Fighting Continues in Libya, Creeps Toward Capital voanews.com/english/news/L…
yfrog.com/ki4swej At the end of the road lies the enemy. #MisrataPatriots
@NATO @NATOpress @UKNATO #Gaddafi massing troops to attack #Zawiya. #Gaddafi troops also attacking #Zliten. #Libya
FF are now 18 KM east of #Brega. #Gaddafi forces r using all civil buildings e.g University as base 2 fire rockets @NATO seems BANK holiday
Reports of strong gains by Misrata FFs in Naima area of Zletin#feb17#Libya
Nato has bombed Gaddafi targets in Wadan in Jufra today#feb17#Libya
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! #Misrata #FF have entered #Zlitan & joined #Zlitan’s #FF. via Misrata FB. #Libya
Wefaq Libya: Heavy fighting is now in #Zalitan & #Misrata’s FFs are advancing and achieving victories in Naima #
Tripoli freedom-fighters launched several raids on army checkpoints last night.
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
NATO jets are launching attacks on weapon depots in Jufrah and Widdan & targeted one in Hun a short while ago #libya – goo.gl/DxaAT
Does Nato have a purpose any longer? | Observer editorial t.co/8aYPXPM
yfrog.com/kfk1npuj Smiles all around, regardless of the injuries. #MisrataPatriots
Reports from the Brega-Ajdabiyah frontline in the past months have been so inconsistent that I’m taking a wait & see approach there.
dovenews Libyan™
Also #FF are still attacking Gaddafi forces in Zaweeit Bagool with tanks & rocket launchers. FB
Very intense fighting in #Zawiya now – gun fire is very heavy and continuous.
yfrog.com/kezebaj Misratans training. Simply unstoppable. #MisrataPatriots #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#Zintan #FF destryd number of G armourd vehicles & captured 2 rocket launchers, some ammo & an ambulance full of Gaddafi’s mercenaries. FB
Breaking: via FB: Zawiya: Apaches bombing G forces in Jidayem Forest, AlArewy & Alkhanafees area. Many G forces casualties#feb17#Libya
Zliten; massive displacement of people to more safe areas, while #Gaddafi forces threatening/ordering civilians to stay home
Second day of fighting near #Libya’s capital | Reuters t.co/jTL8Mf3 #Tripoli #Azzawiya
dovenews Libyan™
Reports of NATO air strikes few mins ago on ammunition storage near #Hun & Gaddafi state TV falsely said its an Oxygen factory. #GaddafiLies
Longing4Libya Ahmed Misrata
yfrog.com/h2fwwwgj Children of the revolution #MisrataPatriots #feb17 #Libya
I hope NATO helicopters are helping revolutionaries near Brega. There isn’t a better time to put them to use than right now.
photogimp1 photogimp
A little advice for the LFMO, get a smaller room for the supporters. These large rooms and small groups look silly
Longing4Libya Ahmed Misrata
yfrog.com/kfyg2xyj Pro G lunch. Ironic thing is the snack bar brand is called “The Lion”. That’s right… (cont) deck.ly/~tEF8e
MisurataNews : Misurata’ FFS entered& joined FFs in Zliten& attacking on Gaddafi troops. FFs secured thir places &immunized their positions.
pre reports about liberation of #Zawiyat Albagoul. it is one way traffic to #BabAlazzizia. #GaddafiDaysareNumbered #Libya
Breaking: #Brega at the 40km mark..The death of a Gaddafi forces commander by the name of (Alfatah) & a FF as well as injury of 4 FF.#Libya
PeterClifford1 Peter Clifford
#Libya. Opposition forces battle to retake #Zawiyah. Drs. in #Yefren say #Gaddafi troops sexually assaulted staff. bit.ly/PCOLibya
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Clashes around Misrata are not only taking place in the west at Na’imah near Zlitan, but also in the southwest and south.
Empty chairs at the latest pro-government rally that we were taken to in Tripoli #Libya on.fb.me/mgqKcS
FF are in Dafnya/Naima, they r 15km away from #Zletin. If FF go to #Zletin, Misrata will be more susceptible 2 attack from East.
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Sheik Geryani also tells those forces under the regime they should help the FFs. He also responds to NATO’s role. goo.gl/Wlivi #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Video put together from #Tunisia about Libyan uprising and #Gaddafi — youtube.com/watch?v=o89yFu… via @youtube
t.co/AaIfl3L Fuel for the Freedom Fighters. #MisrataPatriots #FreedomTea” #feb17
What happend to the millions of #Gadaffi suporters? may be they r running out of money to pay them
Breaking: #Zawia: Fighting still ongoing by FF & #Gaddafi forces at the south & western areas of the city…#Libya #prayforlibya
The air plane carrying #NTC members were not allowed to cross over #Syrian airspace. what else you d expect from murderers
Libya Rebels Set To Break Stalemate bit.ly/jSEIC2 #Libya #LibyaBlogs
yfrog.com/kicqhfj Brave Misratan paves the way. #MisrataPatriots #Dafniya #Epic
AJE: 2 killed and 13 wounded after fighting outside of Brega -
CIL: Misrata: Aljazeera: FF only suffered 1 injury today & they attacked Zliten from the southern part where they captured ~10 G soldiers
Fighting at Rayayinah & Zawiyat al-Baqoul continues. 4 dead & 28 injured among revolutionaries.
yfrog.com/kgoypij Epic freedom fighters. They will brave the roads, from Misrata to Tripoli. #MisrataPatriots #Dafniya
Almanara Libya
3hours ago: Press Solidarity: Quoting our sources in #Sabha city, #Gaddafi forces have widely and heavily spread around the entrance of the city, this has caused a great concern within the city’s residents // #Libya
The history of #Libya is full of men who rose to freedom, by sheer force of self-confidence, bravery and tenacity.
Mr Hague said he would prefer for Gaddafi to be charged with crimes against humanity, rather than be killed in an airstrike or exiled.
ElenaRossi2 Elena Rossi
Today there are no NATO jets departing from Italy for Libya.
reports of one foreign crew allowed to go west of Tripoli to see the fighting or aftermath unconfirmed
yfrog.com/khm20hj Shock and grief from the loss of a dear friend. God give them patience. #MisrataPatriots
Similar thing happened to me i was watching a video of fighting in Misrata and I saw my cousin
yfrog.com/keb45jj Children of the revolution. #misratapatriots
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Breaking: BREGA: FF have moved another 18km closer to Brega and are fortifying their positions.
rcolebourn Richard Colebourn
Big pro-govt demo outside hotel in #Tripoli. Cheering, car horns and lots of gunfire in the air. Caused some concern on the roof.
Alexblx Alexblx
The 4000+ #Zawiya #FF r resolutely committed to holding this city – as they have since Fri – as a prelude – to liberation of #Tripoli
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
BREAKING via Wefag Libya: @NATO is striking G foces in #Brega after FF were asked to withdraw back to #Ajdabia #
Gaddafi hiding in ‘labyrinth of 600 feet underground tunnels’ to avoid NATO airstrikes | j.mp/lqzYeA #libya
UAENews UAE News
Abu Dhabi Crown Prince meets Libyan transitional council chief: They discuss latest developments in Libya and wa… bit.ly/krEmjq
gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/government/a...=false&utm_source=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS&utm_term=UAE_news_RSS_feed&utm_content=1.820876&utm_campaign=Abu_Dhabi_Crown_Prince_meets_L ibyan_transitional_council_chi ef
fieldproducer: Moussa Ibrahim tells me they’re ‘trying to organise a trip to #Zawiyah tomorrow’,we’ll have to wait & see if that happens… #Libya
CNN obtained the 15-page document — titled, in part: “Battle plan to cleanse the city of #Misrata from militant gangs”
The name of Gadhafi’s son, Khamis Moammar Gadhafi, appears on page 10 as commander of the theater
Unconfirmed: Nato bombing Brega after FFs move back to 40km W of ajdabiya after reaching 60Km west. Seems coordinated w/ Nato #feb17#Libya
4Adam Adam
6/12/11 #Nafusa: 6 martyrs & 30 wounded in the battle for Arryayna & Zawiet AlBaqool. G forces running south. #Zintan #Qalaa #Yefren
Alexblx Alexblx
Seizure of #Zawiya – was planned by #Nafusa & Zawiya #FF – in concert with #NTC & #NATO – & designed to coincide with other #Libya uprisings
Almanara Libya
#Libya // Breaking from #Misurata: Clashes between the freedom fighters and the regimes Mercenaries at Dufan area south-western Misurata with all kinds of weaponry and until now there is 7 Martyrs defending their expensive land
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Nafusa: Drone over Nafusa NOW , no strikes !
libyanproud libyanandproud
BREAKING : #Janzour : Very clear and Loud Gun fire heard in Janzour while on Phone
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Via @Niz_FGM: NATO bombed Tripoli’s Mitiga airbase and smoke was seen rising from Bab al Aziziya – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/in-ver…
Cameragimp: Usual gunfire from the main gate guards they help rally the rent a crowd. yfrog.us/nn35hlz” #Feb17 recent video from Rixos
LibyaAlahrar: FFs in Eastern Frontline are fighting on the outskirts of Brega, in a major offensive to clear Brega of Gaddafi’ mercenaries
After NATO’s warning strike (Alghezaia)
NATO did not seem to include in it’s report of June 11th 2011, yesterday that it attacked Muammar’s forces in Alghezaia with a warning strike. The warning with continuous flying above Alghezaia seemed to instil fear, causing some to flee.
It appears that they did not leave too easily as they were attacked as they tried to leave. It is unconfirmed if they were able to escape or were killed.
dovenews Libyan™
#Syria have denied an NTC plane was heading to #UAE from entering its own airspace without giving any reason. Confirmed. #Libya #UAE #Syria
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NAFUSA : #Mlayib and #Sufeet and #Alghanama are NOW in FF control #Feb17 #Libya
septimius_sever septimius severus
Freedom fever is contagious- Libyan Revolution – Colin and Dave with AK47s at #Galaa youtube.com/watch?v=siCKcp… #Nafusa #Libya
Libye: “En démocratie, on doit privilégier une démarche… et non soutenir une rébellion” j.mp/iKVr6P
libyanproud libyanandproud
Proof Mahdi Alarbi is issuing Orders in #Zawiya (11/06/2011) and shooting within G forces !! goo.gl/y4XX5 (en subs)
Libye : libération d’un cameraman égyptien europe1.fr/International/… via @europe1fr
Libye: 7 rebelles tués et 49 blessés dans les montagnes de l’Ouest t.co/kSItDAE via @Romandie
Libye: bombardements gouvernementaux près de Misrata, offensive rebelle à zawia j.mp/mAEElp
afelyun aphelion
Epic FF tank during the battle of Qalaa / Sufit #Libya #Feb17 youtu.be/Xlfl31SJYiA
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA: Rebel forces have surrounded Gaddafi forces near Riyayna & Zawiyat Albagoul in #NafusaMoutains #libya
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA: Heavy presence of Gaddafi forces in Sabha, a city in Libya’s south #libya
Libya ahrar: Abdelhadi Shuhub in Yefren: Gheryan has seen many clashes today. Good news to come from Gheryan today inshallah #feb17#Libya
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA from Rebel sources: 15 casualties from among Rebel forces & 100 casualties from among Gaddafi forces in Zawiya #libya
Libya Ahrar tv: Naser AlMagrahi: Sabha: some FFs are surrounded in Abdel Kafy area with FFs refusing to surrender themselves #feb17#Libya
Almanara Libya
#Libya // 1hour ago: Press solidarity: Sources from Western Mountain have reported that fierce clashes are taking place now between the freedom fighters and Gaddafi forces in #Arrianiyah and #Zawiyat_Baqul areas, and also mentioned that there is around (4) killed and (28) injured from the Freedom fighters side and mentioned there is tens killed on Gaddafi Forces side and we don’t know the final number of their deaths yet.
Almanara Libya
#Libya // 2hours ago: Press solidarity: Breaking: Reports that the Freedom Fighters have progressed towards the 60 gates or what is named as #Khourqeda area, and the area witnessed clashes between Gaddafi Forces and the Freedom fighters, and we have no news yet about the human loss.
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Aljazeera Correspondent: Gaddafi forces are using military boats in attempt to besiege Misrata #libya #feb17
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Map: Libya, updated June 12th 17:00 hrs – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/map-li…
Majdi Hilali, an Egyptian cameraman with #MBC television, was freed in #Libya today.
We are going to build Libya home by home, room by room, alley by alley (bait bait dar dar zanga zanga) t.co/W9S1qtJ #Libya #Feb17
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Empty chairs at the latest pro-government rally that we were taken to in Tripoli #Libya on.fb.me/mgqKcS
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya was the city that never gave up, the city where people fought and attacked G forces every night till help reached them #libya #feb17
BREAKING NEWS:Heavy gunfire in the vicinity of Rixos Hotel, and reports of clashes in the Hadba region now in Tripoli #LIBYA #FEB17
Number of martyrs from today’s. Nafusa offensive has now reached 8. God bless them & their families. #feb17#Libya
15 G force 4×4s failedto enter Misrata from the old road betn Azereg & Zletin parallel to the beach from West suffering heavy losses #feb17
Aljazeera Correspondent: Gaddafi forces are using military boats in attempt to besiege Misrata
Fighting intensifying in #Gharyan, Libya : Co-ordinates of Gadaffi positions Here: goo.gl/maps/Z6ZL and Here: goo.gl/maps/p5jd
Alexblx Alexblx
Major #FF v Gaddafi forces gun battles – taking place on outskirts of Gharyan – the last #Nafusa city B4 #Tripoli – & vital 2 #Zawiya supply
Breaking: UAE recognises NTC as sole legitimate representative of Libya #feb17#Libya
FF was in ain zara detentin center said :dr Ahmad alramah 4m zintan owner of Tarasana pharmacy in gargarish is there plz tell his famliy
Cameragimp Miked
Another famous Musa press conference. #Tripoli #gaddafi #Libya yfrog.com/kjuiqpj
ALJA: Gaddafi Brigades are using boats to attack Misrata seaport.
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Libyan gov spokesperson: ‘We have not declared victory yet in Misrata because of the NATO airstrikes’
G forces again w/ boats & Grads #Misrata. Free Libyan Army moves on #Brega. Pitched battles #Zawiya & #Zliten. FF slowly regaining
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Gaddafi forces are reportedly using boats in an attempt to besiege Misrata -
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces are using military boats in attempt to besiege #Misrata. WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS @NATO? #Libya #feb17
Aljazeera Correspondent: Gaddafi forces are using military boats in attempt to besiege Misrata
NATO engages pro-Qadhafi forces on north-west coast of #Libya – goo.gl/ifmTx
NATO engages pro-Qadhafi forces on north-west coast of Libya
NAPLES – Anti-Qadhafi sentiment is increasing in Libya as a growing number of Libyans demand the right to choose their own future. Along the north-west coast of Libya between Tripoli and the Tunisian border Libyans long tired of Qadhafi rule are challenging his legitimacy openly, and in doing so, are under threat of attack.
NATO is monitoring the situation closely and is taking necessary action to protect civilians. Earlier today east of Tripoli an armoured vehicle with anti-aircraft guns was struck as it moved to threaten civilians, other targets struck in the area included a multiple rocket launcher and an anti-aircraft weapon system.
In Misrata last night, precision-guided weapons were used to strike a technical vehicle, a tank, a multiple rocket launcher and an armoured vehicle.
“These types of equipment have been used to indiscriminately target the civilian population throughout Libya,” said Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard, Commander of Operation Unified Protector. “NATO will maintain the pressure on the Qadhafi regime and continue to take action to protect civilians wherever they are under threat of attack.”
Al Jazeera: United Arab Emirates recognize the Transitional National Council, sole and legitimate representative of the Libyan people#Libya
Libyan gov spokesperson: ‘weapons are everywhere around #Tripoli’ – He is definitely right about this
Almanara Libya
#Libya // Breaking: from a phone call with #Yefrin freedom fighters
Gaddafi forces were defeated from #Arroumiyah area with a joint operation that started today (Sunday) morning sunrise time (fajr) between #Naffousa freedom fighters including all from #Yefrin, #AlQalaa, #Nalut, #Zintan and #Jadu against Gaddafi forces
Libya gov spokesman the safety valve of this country is gadaffi. if he is not in power expect civil war as seen in yugoslavia.
UAE A Reconnue Le NTC comme représentant legitime du peuple libyen #Libya #Feb17
Progress! RT @fieldproducer: Moussa Ibrahim accepts that it was wrong for Libyan State TV presenters to call foreign journalists spies
30 G forces killed in Misrata fronts today with tens injured & much weaponry captured by FFs #feb17#Libya
We are disappointed that the gang of Arab Emir states is recognizing the rebels. The UAE needs to stop hanging out with Qatar
“#Moussa Ibrahim cut the grass at the #Rixos & now he’s smoking it”— @MaurBarakat # GaddafiCrimes #Feb17 #Libya"
tonybirtley tony birtley
more heavy clashes on the east and west frontlines around misurata. rebels cvlaim to have taken 3km of ground nr dafniya.suffered casualties
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Moussa Ibrahim says he doesn’t know if Saif Gaddafi ‘made a particular approach to the rebels’ to find a way out of the conflict
G leaders at MISRATA:
libyanfsl Libya NFSL
Gaddafi’s attacks on Misrata are led by Mohamed Abdallah Senusi & Khalid Khwaildi Hmaidi #Feb17 #Libya
Libya Alahrar TV: Sabha: G forces raiding homes Algarda and Aljadeed areas #feb17#Libya
Adel AlZintani: Ahrar TV :90% of Rayayna liberated with FFs dealing with some remaining snipers #feb17#Libya
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Moussa Ibrahim says there is not the culture in #Libya that accepts or understands freedom of the press, this would need to be there first
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Moussa Ibrahim: ’We all know we need to change and freedom of the press is part of that change
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Libyan gov spokesperson: "any talk of negotiation for the leader to lead are nonsense, do not believe such reports’
Libyan gvt spokes says rebels in Zawiya have “been defeated”. Reports from the ground suggest otherwise.
Zawiya: Heavy clashes in Saban area near Oil refinery & in Soug AlSa3y. 5 martyrs from Welad Sagr by snipers on coastal rd.8 G forces killed
France24 Bernard-Henri Levy blunders on Israeli- #Libya n ‘mission’ : t.co/BOkVDWD ..to put it mildly!!
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
FF really eager 2 rid #Mummar’s men from hostage town/cities Military councils have their own tactics/plans It’s soon though every1 feels it
a friend drove 4m zahra to Tripoli 2day: 50 check points 10of them inducted body searching it was hummiliating & unhuman.
Zawiya: Heavy clashes in Saban area near Oil refinery & in Soug AlSa3y.#feb17#Libya
Zawiya: 5 martyrs from Welad Sagr area by snipers on Coastal rd. 8 G killed forces by home made grenades #feb17#Libya
Video: ALJE’s report from western #Libya frontlines. tinyurl.com/6h3yv3y #Feb17 #Nufusa via #YouTube
NATO destroyed 30 Gaddafi battalions on the western and southern frontlines of #Misrata. #Libya #Feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: Colonel Al-hurrairy visited #Zentan & other areas of the Mountain yesterday.
Libyan Youth Movement
#Nafousa #Gheryan: G forces yday arrested Mr. Isam Abdulsalam Abdelhaadi Belkhair in front ofthe entrance to Awlad Hzam area
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Gheryan: G forces who attempted to removed indep flag from school were ambushed by FFs resulting in 3 injuries amongst G forces
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Gheryan: cont. G forces tried to remove indep. flag in support of #Misrata #Zawia from roof of #Fatima #Alzahra school in #SidiAnttat
Ahrar TV: Abdel Fatah Yunis says zero hour soon at Eastern front. #feb17#Libya
Ahrar TV: Abdel Fatah Yunis says Army hasn’t headed closer towards Brega today but there were clashes near their 40km position
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi hv given #Zlitan until tmrw 2 giveUp or 2 kill thm, destroy their homes & rape their women.G will do that whether thy giveUp or not
UAE recognises Libya rebels, to open Benghazi office | Reuters t.co/PYtUhKc via @reuters
Misrata military:Mis FF saved Zliten family bein used by G forces as human shield,bt daughter&2 FF killed.
Aftermath of attacks in #libya yfrog.com/kezqdej
Abd al Fatah Younis confirms that they still have not attempted to advance to #brega. Hints that they r stopped by #NATO.
FB:9ppl arrested&weapons in their homes(2b used 2liberate Zliten) taken
dovenews Libyan™
#Misrata #FF have freed a family from #Zlitan & destroyed 4 tanks, 2 rocket launchers & arrested 7 of Gaddafi forces
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa: FFs located in 3 areas 1) #AlQala towards towards #AlMlee’eb 2) #Zentan towards #Zawyat #Al-bagul 3) #Zentan towards #AlRayaniya.
Libya state media says Gaddafi has been playing chess with the Chair of World Chess Federation – has pics. Intriguing to say the least
1. URGENT via FB: “Important and very urgent: We hope this is spread to as many people as possible residing in #Benghazi – #Ajdabiya #Libya
2. #Marej and to all the surrounding cities/towns and areas. Many are wounded in the ongoing battles in Ajdabiya and #Brega and many #Libya
3.of those injured are being taken to hospitals in #Benghazi,we ask people to go to the 1200 Sareer to donate blood,type O especially
4. or any negative. Every drop of blood = life. May Allah grant our heroes victory and keep them safe and bless our martyrs.”
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
World Chess Fed. Pres. says Gaddafi told him over a game of chess on Sunday he has no plans to leave – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/DxaAT
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Musa Ibrahim Al-Gaddafi (full name) is related to #Gaddafi and is the son of the ex-education minister that outlawed English in all schools.
Gaddafi’s chess partner is supposedly Kirsan Ilyumzhinov-former Pres of Kalmykia. He says he was once abducted by aliens t.co/RZvoU6D
NATO planes heard over tripoli
K Ilyumzhinov visiti #Libya to explain the term “CHECKMATE” bbc.in/ll7l3v #Libya
Last night in #Cairo we were met @ airport by Libyan NTC rep, Dr. Massaud.
. I am very optimistic abt #Libya’s potential with our new leaders
hitler interviews g www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKhoLW-k_E4&fea...
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
The name of the guy that banned English in the 80s is “Ahmed Ibrahim”.. known by every1 as “Ahmed Elbheem” (Ahmed the donkey)
dovenews Libyan™
The Libyan families situation in the refugee camps is extremely DIRE. #Tunisia #Libya @NTC_of_Libya @icrc_arabic @Refugees @IslamicReliefUK
strange because the world chess fed has The 1st International Chess Tournament of Forni di Sopra will take place from June 12th to 18th in Forni di Sopra, part of the Friulian Dolomites Natural Park and one of the jewels of the Italian Alps.
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
7 dead near #Dafniya, including one women who died when a GRAD hit her home. #Misrata
dovenews Libyan™
G forces on contnues prty; alcohol & pills 2 keep thm awake for 72hrs, Viagra & condoms. 1thing thy dont know tht death is included
World News Australian. Report from #Misurata #Dafniya تقرير من مصراته لاخبار العالم الاسترالية: youtu.be/RMhx7J8to34 #Libya#Feb17
Violence, deaths continue in Libya
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Zintan 12 June update youtube.com/watch?v=ONDyLi… #Libya
Madman #Gaddafi playing Chess in his bunker. It’s not fake, it’s true- #Libya t.co/nnWIbWE via @youtube
UprisingLive MiddleEast Live News
The Uprising Live News Daily is out! bit.ly/gOtsZY
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Yefren 06/12/11: G forces defeated in #AlRumiya in operation started by FFs from #Yefren #AlQala #Zentan #Jadu #Nalut this morning
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Mzda: The statement by the military group to the village of #Gkantarda in #Mzda goo.gl/HKlPU #libya #feb17 #gaddaficirmes
Almanara Libya
#Libya 1 hour ago // A source reported to Almanara that #Misurata freedom fighters are the once who started today with attacking #Gaddafi forces from two points, the west (AlDafiniyah) and the south (Abdul Ra’ouf). A #Zliten Family was rescued and destroyed 4 tanks and captured 7 of Gaddafi forces troops and two launchers were destroyed. The freedom fighters situated 1 and a half km from where they were situated before.
Prove that #AbdulBari Atwan is a mercenary for #Gaddafi t.co/DlRhInc LOL Alqaida in #Libya BS but we know $4000 worth it for u!
FromJoanne Joanne
#MISRATA and LIFE GOES ON Watch kids go back to school goo.gl/?authed=1 #Libya G shelling did not prevent volunteers opening the school
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Revolutionaries still fighting near capital – in Zawiya | Libya TV english.libya.tv/2011/06/12/rev… via @LibyaTV
tonybirtley tony birtley
dafniya-firece fighting Sun, rebels say they advanced 4km, suffred six dead and a number wounded. Heading for Zliten. things are moving.
rebels say gaddafi forces in zliten holding all women and children in a school. ordered men with rebels to give up or face consequences.
FromJoanne Joanne
#Misrata last night @NATO used precision-guided weapon 2strike technical vehicle A tank A multipleRocketLauncher + armoured vehicle #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Tripoli Caller: The Institute of Sport in #Alsreem Street is full of weapons. #Tripoli #Feb17 #Libya @NATO
Almanara Libya
#Libya 1 hour ago // A source from the freedom fighters that are at the outskirts of #Brega city reported to Almanara about the Martyrdom of 5 freedom fighters and 50 injured. the source mentioned that 3 of the martyrs are from Zawiyah Martyrs brigade including the leader Fat-hi AlAmi and one Martyr from Omar AlMokhtar Brigade and on martyr from Ali Jabir Brigade. The source said that the battle was taking place for around 12 hours and that NATO requested the freedom Fighters to go back to the 40 area.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi’s thugs want to sabotage relief efforts by Libyans in Tunisia, get info about revolutionaries & kidnap them to Gaddafi area.
FromJoanne Joanne
More #GaddafiCrimes #Nato got concerns about recently Dug Trench filled with black fluid Unusual activity noted youtube.com/watch?v=Z6_I-A… #Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Items stolen and looted from homes by Gaddafi forces. Found by freedom fighters after G forces were defeated youtube.com/watch?v=FL5qGX… #libya
#Libya #Zawiyah rebels now control main hospital, Mutred+Harsha districts+Gadaffi forces now encircled in Matyrs Sq taking fire from 3 sides
Gaddafi Spox claims: Gaddafi forces beat back resistance n Zawiyah telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews…
Alqirdavi criminal gangs, how they treat Isra from different Arab nationalities, Mount Nefoussa ة t.co/hVv2Qb2 via @youtube
Statement No. 1 of the Military Council of the tribe Alguentarar City Mzdp t.co/uyjpV5Q via @youtube
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
and another BOOM boom
Gaddafi makes me want to give up chess…and that is a sad, sad day….
FromJoanne Joanne
@fieldproducer currently in #Tripoli Rixos Hotel Photos goo.gl/zRXlz #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
AlBahlool AlMaamari has killd & robbd from Misrata, is currntly injurd & getting treatd in his house wth mercenaries in AlSareem St #Tripoli
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Yefren 06/12/11: FFs found stores of money & gold in bags in the possession of G forces which were stolen from homes of civilians
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
BOOM usually means Grad. It’s usually there to prove that #Mummar’s forces still exist, unless it falls near you then its a different story
septimius_sever septimius severus
1 of our 16 sunsets #FromSpace yesterday That beautiful view never gets old #NASA #ISS twitpic.com/5am7z3 WOOOOOOOOW
MaryGreenCastle Mary :)
Check this video out — بيان بنات و حراير مدينة صبراتة.mp4 youtube.com/watch?v=sgwTo9… via @youtube
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Mary :)
Nafusa Mountains News
Sunday 12 June, 19:47 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: The struggle of the medical group at Yefren hospital
Sunday 12 June, 19:38 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Revolutionaries found a lot of money and gold in bags belonging to Gadaffi forces which were stolen from the homes of civilians in Yefren.
Sunday 12 June, 19:37 h
Nafusa Mountains: Jadu: The name of one of those injured from the city of Jadu (Ahmed Yekhlef Nuh)
Sunday 12 June, 19:36 h
Nafusa Mountains: Kabadaw: One of the revolutionaries in Kaabaw was killed, his name is Osama Yusuf Saeed Gasim.
Sunday 12 June, 19:36 h
Nafusa Mountains: Revolutionaries of Jadu help their fellow revolutionaries in stopping the Gadaffi forces from entering Zentan, Yefren and Al-Gal’a
Sunday 12 June, 19:34 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Gadaffi forces attack the Bi’r Ayyad checkpoint from the east.
Sunday 12 June, 19:33 h
Nafusa Mountains:Al-Gal’a: 4 revolutionaries killes in the Thahrat Al-Ayeb area near to the city of Al-Gal’a. Many of the Gadaffi forces were killed. With regards to losses on the side of the revolutionaries, those killed included onfrom the city of Kabaw, one from Zentan and two from the city of Al-Gal’a
Sunday 12 June, 19:28 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Gal’a: Revolutionaries from various areas of the Mountain (Kabaw, Jadu, Al-rujban, Yefren, Al-gal’a and Kekkla etc.) together with the national army defeated forces loyal to Gadaffi forcing them out of their position in Al-Gal’a and Mla’eed to the east of Al-gawales. The injured include one from Kabaw, one from Zentan, one from Al-Gal’a and another 2 from Kekklah and Al-rujban. Awaiting details regarding the aforementioned points.
Sunday 12 June, 19:23 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul: Revolutionaries have advanced to Zawyat Albagul and forced out Gadaffi’s mercenaries. They are now checking the area. Revolutionaries also advanced from Zentan to the west of Al-rayaaniya before moving to the east of the city where Gadaffi forces spreadbetween homes, and snipers on rooftops. Revolutionaries were able to kill a large number of mercenaries and take some of their machinery and ammunition. They also took hostage 11 mercenaries amongst who was a high ranked colonel. Revolutionaries are tightening their hold on mercenaries that they have surrounded.
Sunday 12 June, 19:20 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zenan;: The number of those killed from the revolutionaries in Zentan have increased to 6 and approximately 30 injured.
Sunday 12 June, 19:18 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: The martyrs of Zentan Ali Al-ustaa and Isam Ahsaa were buried this afternoon. The martyrs Tareq Dho and another martyr who has not been identified will be buried tomorrow.
Sunday 12 June, 19:15 h
Nafusa Mountains:Zentan: The national army were able to destroy a number of machinery belonging to Gadaffi forces and take 2 rocket launchers along with their ammunition aswell as a new ambulance full of mercenaries which they kidnapped. The national army in Zentan continues to defeat Gadaffi forces in Zawyat Albagul using tanks and rocket launchers.
Sunday 12 June, 19:13 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: 28 injured until now from the revolutionaries inZentan.
Sunday 12 June, 19:06 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: The names of those killed in Zentan until now:
Ali Usta, 2) Issam Ahsa, 3) Tareq Dho, 4) un-identified( body dismantled)
Sunday 12 June, 19:04 h
Nafusa Mountains: Gadaffi forces beat the kidnapped civilians because of the Nafusa Mountains
Sunday 12 June, 19:03 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul: revolutionaries continue to advance forward and checking the whole area that has been freed in Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul. Revolutionaries took a number of machineries and ammunition from Gadaffi forces and take more than 10 of them hostage. Gadaffi forces retreat towards the south towards Al-shaqiqa via the desert road.
Sunday 12 June, 18:53 h
Nafusa Mountains: How Gadaffi forces treat those kidnapped from Arab countries.
Sunday 12 June, 18:24 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Gadaffi forces were defeated in the area of Al-Rumiya in a joint operation which started early this morning between revolutionaries of Nafusa Mountains from Yefren, Al-Gal’a , Zentan, Jadu and Nalut.
Sunday 12 June, 18:24 h
Nafusa Mountains: Mzda: The statement by the military group to the village of Gkantarda in Muzda
HOHOHO, A Chinese like #Gaddafi youtube.com/watch?v=8BgqhU…
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
World News Australian. Report from #Misurata — goo.gl/Sk9NP // #Libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Fact: Gaddafi lost every single war he took part in. He also stayed in the barracks when his friends led his 1969 “revolution”
dovenews Libyan™
Awthman Barakah is one of #Gaddafi’s salves. #Tripoli
Awthman Barakah goes 2 schools & tels female teachrs “The beautful once wil c wht wil happn 2 thm if thy talk 2 any1 abut stuation in Libya”
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Imagine #Muammar and his men watching this stream or any other that shows, Libyans and people from everywhere are coming….!! #Libya #feb17
UAE and #Libya in talks for Dh11bn joint fund bit.ly/hxXx8G and another one
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
It’s natural for Kirsan Ilyumzhinov who was abducted by Aliens not to be afraid of earthlings ( NATO plains ) goo.gl/ISKTU
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Kabaw 06/12/11 19:36h: One Freedom Fighter from #Kabaw was killed today named #Osama #Yusuf #Saeed #Gasim RIP
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa 06/12/11: FFs from #Jadu aid FFs in #Zentan #Yefren #AlQala to help stop G forces from entering these cities.
septimius_sever septimius severus
#Gaddafi’s forces come under fire from the west gu.com/p/2qdh8/tw via @guardian #Libya #Feb17 #Zawya #Nafusa
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
One of #Zintan city Martyrs today, Khalifa Mohammed AlMaaloul AlMalwi-The Martyr interviewed by AJA youtube.com/watch?v=2abhdQ… v @nalut17feb #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tunisia says that #Gaddafi thugs are present in the city asking about Libyan #Freedomfighters. @Libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #AlQala: 4 FFs from #Kabaw #Zentan #AlQala killed today in #Thahrat Al-Ayeb area near #AlQala . Many of G forces also killed.
#Gaddafi soldiers torturing civilians before a promised execution – heart-wrenching stuff bit.ly/mtGwJI #libya #feb17
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
by librev2011
Tripoli: Source: "NATO is bombing in the east of Tripoli now, most probably at the base of Mitiga
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Gaddafi is using the same Misrata tactics with #Zawiya as we speak. Arbitrary statements about city being “under control” & GRAD shelling
FromJoanne Joanne
Kamal FF spokesman said that western Mutred and Harsha districts of #ZAWIYAH are under rebel control #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Gaddafi Forces detain prisoners because they are from #Naffousa Mountains — youtube.com/watch?v=VEfJuz… via @17022011libya // #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
NTC new office in UAE is ready & will be open soon. #NTC #Libya #UAE
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: By the end of the day number of FFs killed in #Zentan reached total of 6, with 30 injured
Pray for Zliten. Gaddafi forces are threatening to kill & rape the entire city if they dont surrender..truth is they will do it either way.
FromJoanne Joanne
Over the past 3 days, we set fire under the feet of Gadhafi forces everywhere," said Col. Hamid al-Hasi, a rebel battalion commander #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
Reporters were taken to #Zawiya today saw secure streets and the green national flag flying over a central square goo.gl/DN8Bf #Libya
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: FFs killed by G forces; Martyrs of #Zentan #Ali #Al-ustaa & #Isam #Ahsaa were buried this afternoon. RIP
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: FFs of national army also captured ambulance full of mercenaries. #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
Mohammed Gaddafi is the eldest of all and the only son from his first wife t.co/LWtpSFW (in black shirt at end)
FromJoanne Joanne
#Arriyaniah battle Injured FF arriving at Jadu Hospital today June12 goo.gl/qHFf6 #Libya
Almanara Libya
#Libya 1hour ago // Press Solidarity: Gaddafi forces continue to commit more crimes against humanity in the city #Zliten.
A reliable source from Zliten reported that Gaddafi forces are currently surrounding Asdouw Ashaabi area in Zliten and threaten the residents through load speakers to storm into the are and to rape the women and kill the men if they do not hand the youth of the area to the brigades
Gaddafi forces have attacked Bir Ayat checkpoint from the east, attempting to regain this strategic gate into #Yefren.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: 28 FFs have been injured up to date in #Zentan #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
Video: The President of International Chess Society playing against #Gaddafi today t.co/LWtpSFW #libya #feb17
@Telegraph Dear Telegraph – I love your stories and all, but that’s your headline? how about, “delusional spokesman spouts crap”?
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa: #Gadaffi forces beat kidnapped civilians because they are from the #Nafousa Mountains goo.gl/AjZRc #libya #feb17
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli: LPC with friend, says “shooting in the skies and on the ground” “الضرب من فوق و من لوطا” every single day. Non-stop clashes. #libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Libya: Gaddafi regime weakening, says William Hague bit.ly/mL2pAR
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafusa #Al-rayaniya #Zawyat Albagul: FFs checking area where they defeated G forces today. Able to capture machineries & ammo cont
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Big battles in Zawiya between FF and Gaddafi forces. Snipers on top of buildings slowly being dealt with as well. #libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/12/11: Names of those killed up to date: 1) #AliUsta 2) #IssamAhsa, 3) #TareqDho 4) un-identified (body dismantled) RIP
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Important video: Posted 17th May of a NATO strike on a building in Tripoli. House next door totally untouched. youtube.com/watch?v=gn-mNg… #libya
Latest #Gaddaficrimes are #crimesagainstnature in #Brega burning oil production left overs hoping smoke blocks NATO fighters view
Update and Comment on the Battle of Misrata for June 11th t.co/b33OhZ7
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Rebels battle Gaddafi forces in western Libya bit.ly/iSFmD3
Have you seen this before? Lionel Richie in #Libya .ليُنال رتشي في باب العزيزية . youtube.com/watch?v=ziOq43… via @youtube
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi hv given #Zlitan until tmrw 2 giveUp or 2 kill thm, destroy their homes & rape their women.G will do that whether thy giveUp or not
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Misrata: Dafniyah: Gaddafi forces suffered heavy defeats but unfortunately the family of “Baqqal” lost their 16 year old daughter #libya
Misrata: Dafniyah: The family was finally rescued but Gaddafi soldiers decapitated a 16 year girl from the family in front of parents
RT: #Gaddafi is using children as human shields to protect his TV — اطفال ليبيا يحمون محطة التلفزيون youtube.com/watch?v=fFNCRt…
sarasidnerCNN Sara Sidner
Libyan opposition confiscates document which reveals Gadhafi’s military plan to “cleanse” Misrata. CNN combing through a copy.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Sorman: Heavy shooting and battles between FF & G forces took place and a big arrest campaign is under way by Gaddafi forces #libya #feb17
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Benghazi Millions March 11/06/2011 — youtube.com/watch?v=7qhUvj… via @youtube // #Libya
Nafusa @live2Tripoli RT @m_madi Looking for contacts/sources from western #Libya for BBC, particularly #zawiya, #zliten #journorequest
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
Shalgam has officially written that Abdelbari Atwan has NEVER benefitted from the #Libyan government, and they are classmates btw.
MaryGreenCastle Mary :)
Surgeon injured in a hospital evacuation on Sunday 06/12/2011 youtube.com/watch?v=88waaY… via @youtube
#Rebels launch attack on strategic town of #Zawiya as Russian envoy says ‘clock is ticking’ for #Gaddafi bit.ly/mlqgLJ #Libya#feb17
MaryGreenCastle Mary :)
To meet with rebel military spokesman Misurata youtube.com/watch?v=Sx34mU… via @youtube
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Oyster card in hand, student from London fights for the rebels in Libya — thisislondon.co.uk/standard/artic… via London Evening Standard // #Libya
MaryGreenCastle Mary :)
Mu’tasim Muammar Gaddafi incites his fighters to kill the Libyan youtube.com/watch?v=T79JKs… via @youtube
confirmé : 2 officiers des forces loyales à Kadhafi se sont rendus aux autorités Tunisienne
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Sabrata City Women and girls Statement — youtube.com/watch?v=sgwTo9… via @youtube // #Libya
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
Audioboo: LPC #Tripoli Part 1: How does #Tripoli feel latest airstrikes. And: understanding Tripoli protests. #Libya boo.fm/b383882
The FF of #Nafusa completely surrounded them in Rayayna & Zawiyat al Baqoul..but due to Gaddafi’s heavy artillery they suffered heavy losses
Yarab insur ahlna fe Nalut wa fe Zintan, fe Jadu wa yefrin wa Qalaa, yarab faraj ala Ahlna fe Zawiyah Sabrat-ha Ghadamis wa Trablis..
Zintan Update: Today Gaddafi forces have been bombing from 6am till sunset non-stop from the area of Rayayna #Feb17 #Libya
Follow latest news on the media circle of #Feb17 Revolution page on Facebook on.fb.me/m6dIik #Libya #17feb #yemen #syria #tunisia
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi forces attempting to enter #BirAyad now. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
One of the Freedom Fighters treated in #Italy and nearly ready to go back to #Benghazi — youtube.com/watch?v=FkLTFq… via @youtube // #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Sabrata girl call out — goo.gl/Yvoc8 // #Libya
Alzentan rebels, Ifrane and َAl Qalaa avert an attack by Gaddafi forces #libya #17feb
Bent_ Yes we can
Heavy gun fire in #Sabha now in Al-mahdiyah district.
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Tripoli Part 1: How does #Tripoli feel about latest airstrikes. And: understanding Tripoli protests. #Libya boo.fm/b383882
A lot was captured and gained today amid the loss…Big things happening tomorrow and finally on to Geryan very soon iA…#Libya #Feb17
Though this sacrifice is big, InshAllah shoohda, tomorrow is going to be the first day since #Feb17 when Gaddafi can no longer bomb Zintan
The latest numbers from the hospital now is 9 martyrs and 40 injured..#Zintan #libya #Feb17
Major diplomatic boost for Gaddafi then? “World Chess Federation represents 128 world countries” – #Libya state TV
English: Eastern Region, Sunday 12 June
June 12, 2011
Sunday 12 June 19:07
Eastern region: Ajdabiya (Al-Tadamun): Freedom Fighters retreat to the Forty zone after heavy battles in the Sixty zone that led to casualties on both fronts. NATO air forces strikes Gaddafi forces location in Brega.
Sunday 12 June 18:03
Eastern region: Tubrug (Al-Manara): Clashes today at 9 a.m. at Al-Sireer Oil Plant southern Tubrug. Two Freedom Fighters martyred and four were wounded, one of whom was from Tubrug. One martyr was AbdelFatah Al-Ghiryani, the other was from Altabou fighters defending the plantation. One of Gaddafi’s men was killed. Another two were wounded and captured respectively.
Sunday 12 June 18:00
Eastern region: Ajdabiya (Al-Tadamun): News of Freedom Fighters proceeding towards Sixty border or what is known by Khourgeda area where heavy fighting took place with Gaddafi forces. N
English: Middle Region, Sunday 12 June
June 12, 2011
By Hana
Sunday 12 June 18:57
Middle region: Misurata: 6 martyrs in the battle west of Dafniya today.
Sunday 12 June 18:50
Middle region: Sabha (Libya Al-Youm): Heavy gunfire between Freedom Fighters and Gaddafi forces with tanks centered in Sabha’s main streets.
Sunday 12 June 18:47
Middle region: Misurata (Libya Ahrar): Clashes between Freedom Fighters and Gaddafi mercenaries in Dofan south west of Misurata with all kinds of weaponry, and till now, 7 Freedom Fighters martyred.
Sunday 12 June 18:40
Middle region: Misurata (Libya Ahrar): In a failed attempt to attack Misurata from the west, 15 regime SUVs proceeded through the old road between Zreg and Zliten alongside the shore to encircle the fighters, but the latter were awaiting them to fight back and managed to destroy a large number of those forces.
Sunday 12 June 18:36
Middle region: Zliten (Wefaq Libya): Freedom Fighters are in control of a group of tanks that belong to Gaddafi in the area of Naema and are taken to a safer place.
Sunday 12 June 18:30
Middle region: Zliten (Wefaq Libya): Heavy fighting in Zliten and Freedom Fighters in Misurata are progressing and gaining great success. They are proceeding towards the center of Zliten, making sure they have their previous points secured.
Sunday 12 June 18:30
Middle region: Misurata: Freedom Fighters are gaining momentum in proceeding towards Zliten where heavy fighting lies in Naema.
Sunday 12 June 18:02
Middle region: Hun (Al-Manara inbox): Regime HQ was set on fire at The High Institute of Engineering in Hun (Formerly The High Institute of Mechanics and Electricity) A place which was surrounded by Gaddafi forces with high security. A house used by Hamed AbuSuba Al-Gaddafi, commander of military police in the middle region, was set aflame. The said buildings have no barriers that would separate them from the general command unit of the army on the whole level of Libya.
Sunday 12 June 18:00
Middle region: Sabha (Al-Tadamun): A heavy spread of Gaddafi forces at the city entrance which led to local discomfort.
Sunday 12 June 18:00
Middle region: Brega (Al-Manara): Freedom Fighters are attacking the Industrial Area in Brega after securing control over the University of Najm Satte’.
Sunday 12 June 17:59
Middle region: Misurata (Al-Manara): Clashes began from the eastern and western zones of Misurata, with Gaddafi mercenaries firing Grad and Thermal rockets as well as short range mortars. Freedom Fighters remain relentless nevertheless.
Sunday 12 June 08:06
Middle region: Zliten (Al-Manara inbox): Families are still migrating towards the suburbs and Tripoli from the center of Zliten, Zadou and Al-Baza. Shelling of houses was random. Those responsible for threatening revolutionary families with rape unless they surrender are: Yusuf AbuHajar, Omar Kabeer, Muftah Kaeba. But fighters are standing their ground, conducting operations in Al-Thulatha market and the Center of Zliten.
Sunday 12 June 08:05
Middle region: Sabha (Al-Manara): Those detained on Tuesday and Wednesday were released this morning, among those was the activist responsible whose detention enraged many Tuesday evening. Activist, BuMansour/ Mansouri was arrested on Tuesday after holding a sign that read: “No to raping females” in front of the Public Administration building of Sabha University. Hours after his arrest, a huge demonstration took to the streets calling for the fall of the regime in Sabha.
Sunday 12 June 08:05
Middle region: Sabha (Al-Manara): This evening, troops stationed over Al-Shararah Institute, Al-Fateh Barrack, Al-Ummah Bank, Al-Tijari Bank, House of Culture, Al-Qal’a Hotel, Research Center, College of Science, the Hospital and some schools. Gun fire was intermittent in Al-Gurdha neighborhood. The independence anthem was constantly played through loud speakers, presumably from the roof of a house. The sounds reached Al-Manshiya Clinic where Gaddafi forces are. Independence flag flailed from a roof top in AbdelKafi neighborhood which can be seen from a check point at AbdelKafi
English: Nafusa Mountains. Sunday 12 June
June 12, 2011
By Tarek
Sunday 12 June, 19:47 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: The struggle of the medical group at Yefren hospital
Sunday 12 June, 19:38 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Revolutionaries found a lot of money and gold in bags belonging to Gadaffi forces which were stolen from the homes of civilians in Yefren.
Sunday 12 June, 19:37 h
Nafusa Mountains: Jadu: The name of one of those injured from the city of Jadu (Ahmed Yekhlef Nuh)
Sunday 12 June, 19:36 h
Nafusa Mountains: Kabadaw: One of the revolutionaries in Kaabaw was killed, his name is Osama Yusuf Saeed Gasim.
Sunday 12 June, 19:36 h
Nafusa Mountains: Revolutionaries of Jadu help their fellow revolutionaries in stopping the Gadaffi forces from entering Zentan, Yefren and Al-Gal’a
Sunday 12 June, 19:34 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Gadaffi forces attack the Bi’r Ayyad checkpoint from the east.
Sunday 12 June, 19:33 h
Nafusa Mountains:Al-Gal’a: 4 revolutionaries killes in the Thahrat Al-Ayeb area near to the city of Al-Gal’a. Many of the Gadaffi forces were killed. With regards to losses on the side of the revolutionaries, those killed included onfrom the city of Kabaw, one from Zentan and two from the city of Al-Gal’a
Sunday 12 June, 19:28 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Gal’a: Revolutionaries from various areas of the Mountain (Kabaw, Jadu, Al-rujban, Yefren, Al-gal’a and Kekkla etc.) together with the national army defeated forces loyal to Gadaffi forcing them out of their position in Al-Gal’a and Mla’eed to the east of Al-gawales. The injured include one from Kabaw, one from Zentan, one from Al-Gal’a and another 2 from Kekklah and Al-rujban. Awaiting details regarding the aforementioned points.
Sunday 12 June, 19:23 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul: Revolutionaries have advanced to Zawyat Albagul and forced out Gadaffi’s mercenaries. They are now checking the area. Revolutionaries also advanced from Zentan to the west of Al-rayaaniya before moving to the east of the city where Gadaffi forces spreadbetween homes, and snipers on rooftops. Revolutionaries were able to kill a large number of mercenaries and take some of their machinery and ammunition. They also took hostage 11 mercenaries amongst who was a high ranked colonel. Revolutionaries are tightening their hold on mercenaries that they have surrounded.
Sunday 12 June, 19:20 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zenan;: The number of those killed from the revolutionaries in Zentan have increased to 6 and approximately 30 injured.
Sunday 12 June, 19:18 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: The martyrs of Zentan Ali Al-ustaa and Isam Ahsaa were buried this afternoon. The martyrs Tareq Dho and another martyr who has not been identified will be buried tomorrow.
Sunday 12 June, 19:15 h
Nafusa Mountains:Zentan: The national army were able to destroy a number of machinery belonging to Gadaffi forces and take 2 rocket launchers along with their ammunition aswell as a new ambulance full of mercenaries which they kidnapped. The national army in Zentan continues to defeat Gadaffi forces in Zawyat Albagul using tanks and rocket launchers.
Sunday 12 June, 19:13 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: 28 injured until now from the revolutionaries inZentan.
Sunday 12 June, 19:06 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: The names of those killed in Zentan until now:
1. Ali Usta, 2) Issam Ahsa, 3) Tareq Dho, 4) un-identified( body dismantled)
Sunday 12 June, 19:04 h
Nafusa Mountains: Gadaffi forces beat the kidnapped civilians because of the Nafusa Mountains
Sunday 12 June, 19:03 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul: revolutionaries continue to advance forward and checking the whole area that has been freed in Al-rayaniya and Zawyat Albagul. Revolutionaries took a number of machineries and ammunition from Gadaffi forces and take more than 10 of them hostage. Gadaffi forces retreat towards the south towards Al-shaqiqa via the desert road.
Sunday 12 June, 18:53 h
Nafusa Mountains: How Gadaffi forces treat those kidnapped from Arab countries.
Sunday 12 June, 18:24 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren: Gadaffi forces were defeated in the area of Al-Rumiya in a joint operation which started early this morning between revolutionaries of Nafusa Mountains from Yefren, Al-Gal’a , Zentan, Jadu and Nalut.
Sunday 12 June, 18:24 h
Nafusa Mountains: Mzda: The statement by the military group to the village of Gkantarda in Muzda
Sunday 12 June, 12:22 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Rayaaniya: Revolutionaries from the new national army were able to defeat Gadaffi forces loyal to Gadaffi at Al-Rayaaniya. The area is now being thoroughly checked.
Sunday 12 June, 11:35 h
Nafusa Mountains: : Revolutionaries from the new national army were able to defeat Gadaffi forces loyal to Gadaffi at Al-rayaania and Zawyat- Albagul.
Sunday 12 June, 10:30 h
Nafusa Mountains: The new national army together with the revolutionaries from various parts of the Mountains, Nalut, Kabaw, Jadu, Al-Rujban, Zentan, Al-rayaaniya,Yefreen , Al-Gal’a and Kekklah at 3 positions:1) Al-Gal’a towards Al-Mlee’eb ,2) Zentan towards Zawyat Al-bagul3) Zentan towards Al-Rayaniya. Clashes now being fought between the two sides using heavy artillery, tanks and Grad rockets. Smoke can be seen rising. Revolutionaries are advancing whilst Gadaffi forces are defeated, particularly at Zawyat Al-bagul.
Sunday 12 June, 02:19 h
Nafusa Mountains: Gheryan: Gadaffi forces yesterday arrested Mr. Isam Abdulsalam Abdelhaadi Belkhair in front ofthe entrance to Awlad Hzam area, Gheryan. Gadaffi forces places large rocks at the entrance of Awlad Hzam in the city of Ghayran which stops anyone from entering the area. This came after the revolutionaries of Awlad Hzam raised the independence flag and wrote anti-Gadaffi comments on the walls.
Sunday 12 June, 01:53 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: Colonel Al-hurrairy visited Zentan and the other areas of the Mountain yesterday.
Sunday 11 June, 28:28 h
Nafusa Mountains: Gheryan: Revolutionaries ambushed two vehicles belonging to Al-suhban battalion during an attempt by them to take down the independence flag and comments opposing the regime, in support of Misurata and Zawiya from the roof of a school named Fatima Alzahra in the area of Sidi Anttat. This resulted in 3 injuries amongst the Pro-Gadaffi forces.
Saturday 11 June, 22:46 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Gal’a: Gadaffi forces are still positioned in the area of Al-Mi’leeb at the end of Al-Gal’a, the area of Hinsheer, Awlad Musa, the diversion of Majen Igroosh and are keeping their defeated allies there whilst shelling using heavy artillery in the direction of the Saffet area.
Saturday 11 June, 22:21 h
Nafusa Mountains: Kekklah: The shelling by Gadafi forces caused the destruction of the only ambulance in Kekklah.
septimius_sever septimius severus
Gaddafi is SO afraid that despite the fact that he has every media network on his door step, still wont make a live appearance!
MyFreeLibya Rubicon Moad
Though, @NATO was only heard for a short while in the mid day, but simply observed and did nothing…time to bomb them G forces in one place
dovenews Libyan™
here is #Libya latest map. Updated 12-06-2011 @ 17:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/5alx37/full @Libyamap #libya #libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
BREAKING VIDEO: Injured and dead fighters from the Brega frontlines are brought back to Benghazi bit.ly/lSKLAy
Following the recent firefights in #Sebha, Revolutionaries have captured 3 Vehicles with mounted AA guns & 10 AK47s #Libya #Sabha
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
BREAKING: New Tripoli update by @NIZ_FGM on @feb17voices – Part 1: How does #Tripoli feel about latest airstrikes boo.fm/b383882
On rapporte que de fortes explosions secouent la ville de #Nalut !
Les combats s’intensifient en Libye: En Libye, le porte-parole du régime indique que le colonel Kadhafi ne quittera… dlvr.it/W4JHt
Nalut Celebrations tonight continue despite shelling tonight youtube.com/watch?v=9PPg1m… #libya #feb17
septimius_sever septimius severus
Libyan rebels say still fighting near capital tinyurl.com/6bd9oeh
wheelertweets James Wheeler
A #Libyan freedom fighter from Garyan cut my hair tonight. He’s been living & working in Europe, but came back to help. Priceless experience
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Reports of #NATO jets being heard over head now. #Libya #feb17
FF fighting in #Brega found that G soldiers have filled trenches with oil and set it on fire to create a smokescreen against #NATO #Libya
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
FFs battle Gaddafi forces in western #Libya bit.ly/iSFmD3 v/ @AJEnglish
Cynthia Mckinney “responds” to my article calling her out; doesn’t address any of my arguments, more Gaddafi propaganda: on.fb.me/maG7lH
Breaking News: Brave revolutionists in Sabha could get 3 cars ad 10 clashenkofs along with bullets.
Breaking News: Heavy gun fire in #Sabha now in Al-mahdiyah district and the independence flag was raised on #Sabha International Airport
Breaking News revolutionists are now entirely controlling Hajarah district..
verified Source Freedom Fighter @Niz_FGM reports from inside #Tripoli t.co/PSYuxTK (audio) #Libya
The Atmosphere in the Nalut after the bombing of G forces: Thats What we call. true Libyans :
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: #Ghadafi troops are trying to break into Gatroun again.
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Urgent:Please pass it over…Benghazi, Ajdabia, Elmarj and all other areas..alot of wounded people from fighting between Ajdabia and Albrega
Urgent:Please pass it overthe wounded ppl have arrived to #Benghazi hospitals…1200 bed .They are in a bad need to blood..#libya #17feb
Breaking News:Heavy gun fire in #Sabha…#libya #17feb
Just an hour ago…heavy clashed between #Gaddafi forces nd freedom fighters in #Surman..
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi troops are trying to retake #Gatroun now. #Libya #17feb @NATO
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Danish F-16s running out of bombs over Libya bit.ly/jnoLwR
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Trapping region #Janzour and prevent access to and exit from,,nd still know one knows why.?#libya #17feb
tonybirtley tony birtley
2am and the rockets are silent. it seems opposition are moving forward on all fronts, the mountains, zawayieh, Dafniya, Brega.major assault?
Zawiyah’s heart a ghost town after Freedom fighters advance : Reuters: t.co/YPajsid via @addthis #Libya #feb17
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
#Zawyia city today:liberated large parts of the city and mercenaries are trapped in the city…#
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: #NATO planes flying over #Ajdabiya and #Brega Now…#libya #17feb
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#NATO planes flying over #Ajdabiya and #Brega now #Libya #17feb
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
More from #US terrorist and traitor @cynthiamckinney, close personal friend to war criminals everywhere goo.gl/ZmTGG #Libya #feb17
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
On the eastern front, it looks like #Tobruk is progressing nicely. facebook.com/pages/Tobruk-F… #TobrukFriendsAssoc Pls support them. #Libya #Feb17
Libyan #Freedom Fighters say still fighting near capital | Reuters t.co/tcvqdQ8 via @reuters
Feb17 Gaddafi forces have attacked Bir Ayat checkpoint from the east, attempting to regain this strategic gate into Yefren.
Heavy gunfire in central Zawiya – main problem residents are facing are the snipers
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News:Certain:shortly before..killing 8 soldiers from #Gaddafi mercenary in #Zawyia City by Hand-made explosive bomb..#libya #17feb
Baird defends Libya mission as House debate nears t.co/u2bJhVK via @CTVNews
@NATO Fr NATO to help ppl in Zawiyah it is oprtion cntr fr G frcs in Zawiyah 32 45’ 19.88"N 12 44’ 56.98"E it gas stn cnvrtd to headquarter
4Adam Adam
A #Libya n man runs with the revolution flag during their graduation ceremony of young soldiers. #Benghazi (AFP) twitpic.com/5asptx
BREAKING: massive fights between Free Libyans&troops loyal to Sebha’s governor who is loyal to Gaddafi in the city center near Qala’a hotel
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the govt to restrain the people, it’s an instrument for the ppl to restrain the govt.” – P. Henry
“You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.”
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Nalut Celebrations tonight continue despite shelling tonight youtube.com/watch?v=9PPg1m… #libya #feb17
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Oyster card in hand, student from London fights for the rebels in Libya — thisislondon.co.uk/standard/artic… via London Evening Standard // #Libya
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Rebels battle Gaddafi forces in western Libya bit.ly/iSFmD3
Children work with weapons to aid Libya’s rebels
comments to this art:
Altogether now, everybody… “We are the world. We are the children. We’ve got a choice to make. we’re saving out own lives…”.
Third world kids clean and refurbish weapons for a war. We can not get ours to even pass math tests.
We are so screwed.
Gadhafi is really Santa Claus and this year he’s just delivering his rockets and mortar shells to the children of Misrata a little early this year. They still comes down their chimney’s before exploding and killing them. Ho, ho, ho little kiddies!
And there are those who simply don’t have a clue:
Those Rebels are in fact foreign mercenaries paid and organized by France, UK and US. They have the most up to date weapons but they are simply interested in money and have no will to fight.
This teen is doing what many teens in the west wish they could do – have access to something more than just BB guns.
Fierce clashes in Zawia between FFs & Gaddafi troops. 10s of G.soldiers have been killed. bit.ly/mqzkOd
Zawiya :residendents are suffering in silence and need urgent media attention to cover their situation
“Do not attack your own people, do not fight your people. Do not bring dishonour to your families” NATO PSYOPS to Gaddafi troops
German FM arrives in Benghazi ..sign of U turn by Germany?
FromJoanne Joanne
FLASH Majdi Hilali #Egypt Cameraman #MBC TV Saudi owned panArabgroup released Sunday after more than 2months detention
dovenews Libyan™
The guy was seen playing chess with #Gaddafi, he is #Russian & previously claimed he communicated with aliens telepathically. NO comments
westerwelle geman fm is visiting #Benghazi and not chancellor merkel
German FM Westerwelle in #Benghazi #Libya. #Feb17 www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,7...
Westerwelle auf Blitzvisite in Libyens Rebellen-Hochburg
Es ist ein schneller Besuch mit Symbolcharakter: Außenminister Guido Westerwelle ist in der libyschen Stadt Bengasi eingetroffen. In nur drei Stunden will er den Übergangsrat der Rebellen treffen, das deutsche Verbindungsbüro einweihen – und vor allem Flagge zeigen.
“Unser Besuch in Bengasi zeigt: Deutschland ist ein Freund und Partner der demokratischen Kräfte im Land. Wir werden den Nationalen Übergangsrat beim Aufbau eines demokratischen und rechtsstaatlichen Libyens nach besten Kräften unterstützen”, sagte er.
Spiegel reports Germany is to open liaison office in Benghazi, finally. Prior to that they had a room subleased at the Swedish consulate.
Free Tripoli Daily is out! bit.ly/krTORw ▸ Top stories today
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
If anyone wants to listen to LIVE PSYOPS transmissions, I switched BenghaziRadio to them temporarily ustream.tv/channel/bengha… #libya #feb17
Skeptic Reuters: #African #Union cannot even pay its bills without money from #Gaddafi
وزير خارجية ألمانيا يصل بنغازي في زيارة مفاجئة #Benghazi #Libya #German tinyurl.com/65dzaax via #spiegel
AlArabiya_Eng Al Arabiya English
Germany’s Westerwelle arrives in Libya rebel capital: AFP #alarabiya #Libya #Qaddafi #Tripoli #Benghazi
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Fierce fighting in western Libya bit.ly/iqEx1L
Tunisians are sympathetic and help get weapons in to the FFs in Western Libya. kbc.co.ke/news.asp?nid=7…
FCOHumanRights Foreign Office
by foreignoffice
#Libya: read and comment on 2010 #humanrights and #democracy report, including update for Q1 2011: ow.ly/5gdCL #hrdreport
Libyans: Taking the phrase “Trigger happy” to a whole new level since 2011. Allah ya7fudhum #libya – t.co/Ooufqrb
tripolitano Tripolitano
Have u guys notices #Gaddafi combed his hair in the chess video!! in itself a revolution + shafshoofa mockery did the trick
FromJoanne Joanne
Libya smuggler told #BBC that AK47s and grenade launchers R smuggled across border by individuals, in small but frequent consignments
FromJoanne Joanne
FF commander told BBC they keep a record of each fighter +serial number of their weapons To be collected when the war is over
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
The United Arab Emirates has donated 10 ambulances to Tunisia/Nafousa so that patients can be taken to Tunisia for treatment #libya #feb17
septimius_sever septimius severus
#Libyan rebel raids takes rebellion westwards tinyurl.com/6zg3a9w
Ahrar TV: Mohamed Muftah, Head of G forces located between Tiji and Wazin in Nafusa surrenders himself to Tunisian Authorities #Libya#feb17
FromJoanne Joanne
IMPORTANCE of #Zawiya 2 REGIME: ONLY fuel source +The coastal road is vital 4food +other necessities supplying #Tripoli from #Tunisia #Libya
FFs repel fierce attack by G Forces on Kikla from Qawaleesh area #Libya#Feb17
Libyan™ #Zawyia: #Gaddafi forces number is increasing as they keep receiving more military supply. confirmed #libyadovenews
dovenews Libyan™
#Zawyia: #Gaddafi forces are surround the city from all directions & preventing ppl from seeking safety in #Tunisia. #Libya
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Hillary Clinton will press the African Union to take a tougher stance on the conflict in Libya – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/zHSeI
dovenews Libyan™
#Gaddafi refused to step down & claimed he doesn’t hold any leadership role in #Libya… The same old nonsense
Visiting Benghazi: Westerwelle opening office for contacts (german) N24.de/n/6972754 #N24
septimius_sever septimius severus
“First casualty of war is truth, especially in the mind of dictators” tinyurl.com/64c7hpn #Libya
One NATO jet have started from Italy for Libya.
Zawyia: Families bury their loved once who were killd on the hands of G forces, in their homes, graves R not safe.
Libyan Freedom Fighters Close In On Tripoli, Claim Capture of Zamiya West of Capital: t.co/MWAJzVV
Zawiya: Fighting continues for 3rd day w/ G forces sheling city with Mortar,Tanks & Grad missiles in attempt to retake city. #Feb17#Libya
Ahrar TV: Mohamed Muftah, Head of G forces located between Tiji and Wazin in Nafusa surrenders himself to Tunisian Authorities
dovenews Libyan™
#Zawyia: Gaddafi forces are arresting everyone in the city
Fierce weekend fighting round Misrata: 40 rebels dead, 200 injured since Fri. Rebels claim 7 Gaddafi officers defected over past week #Liby
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Rebels fighting against Gaddafi launched offensive on Sunday to retake the oil town of #Brega but were repelled feb17.info/news/live-liby… #Libya
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Unconfirmed video says that #Gaddafi forces stormed the house and executed everyone inside. youtube.com/watch?v=sa1GVV… #Libya
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Canadian Federal Government to Vote on extending Libya mission goo.gl/AHJiN debate this Tuesday with vote to take place on Wednesday
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Khweldi’s played a big part in the assault against #Zawiya at start of revolution, which destroyed the city #libya goo.gl/ywfB3
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Tripoli w/@Niz_FGM: “Distinct consensus” that regime interrogators no longer know what to ask about boo.fm/b383924 #Libya
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Misrata: NATO and Apache helicopters striking Gaddafi forces south west of city. Explosions can be heard now.
local 1pm
NATOpress NATO Press
Operational Media Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector of the past 24 hours #NATO #Libya – goo.gl/t7Cfd
UKMilOps: At sea, a NATO vessel conducting surveillance operations detected high speed inflatable boats approaching Misratah.
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
The British Army Apaches then successfully engaged a ZSU-23-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft system on the coast near Zlitan
UKMilOps: These crafts have previously been used by Qadhafi’s special forces in attempts to attack the harbour.
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Not holding out much hope RT @stephgosk #Libya A gov trip to #Zawiya does not seem forthcoming…despite our persistent requests.
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
NATO helicopters targeted Gaddafi forces south-west of Misrata on Monday morning – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/zHSeI
Cameragimp Miked
Last day in Libya today heading home with the dishgimp & a few others weary expats. Last 48 hrs veryvery quiet@ the Rixos #Tripoli #gaddafi
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Tweets tip off NATO on potential Libya air raids – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/tweets…
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Video: Revolutionaries push forward to Zliten – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/video-…
In the name of the father: Hisham Matar’s @hishamjmatar missing dad inspires revolutionary writing t.co/22J3NLc #Libya
Nouri Burruien head of Libyan oil corporation in #NTC says oil output will take months to restore t.co/JpcuK1g #Libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
4 pro-democracy fighters were killed & 30 wounded in clashes with #Gaddafi forces between Ajdabiya and Brega – #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Libya: Nato attacks and removing Col Gaddafi from power
Britain and other countries continue to bombard Gaddafi’s positions, but the campaign appears to have reached a stalemate and the Libyan leader remains in charge.
David Thompson asked Conservative MP Rory Stewart and former UK ambassador to Libya, Sir Richard Dalton, how close is Nato to toppling Gaddafi and whether he personally should be targeted.
Libysche Gemeinde in Deutschland e.V. * * * الجالية الليبية في المانيا
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
BBC title: “Libya ‘repulses rebels’ in Zawiyah.” So the BBC sees Gaddafi government as Libya & rebels as something otuside of it?
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
The BBC should be independent of their government. I don’t blame them for not supporting the NTC. But at least be neutral. #BBC
I tripped and slammed my hand on piano keys.Doesn’t make me a concert pianist. Gadhafi plays chess with head of World Chess Federation
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
Our 2-part detailed conversation with a resistance figure in #Tripoli: Part 1: boo.fm/b383882 Part 2: boo.fm/b383924 #Libya #Libya
A Beautiful Disaster
My name is Zainab. I’m 20 and I’m a civil engineer in the making.
I take pride in being a Muslim, Arab & Libyan.
I talk alot, listen to music most of the time and the other part of my life revolves around reading.
The words dream, love, epic & legit fascinate me.
Libya is where my heart is & our freedom fighters make me so proud to be Libyan. We shall win & we shall rise insha’Alla :)
Bloomberg article: is.gd/BirjDe Libyan gvt forces fight rebels on several fronts
septimius_sever septimius severus
I would love to see Gaddafi on little road trip to his “loving” ppl in #Benghazi, #Misrata,#Zintan..or a live appearance in #Tripoli will do
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Yesterday’s battle that liberated ar-Riyayinah left 14 dead & 56 wounded among revolutionaries. Gaddafi causalties given as “large number”.
Zawyia: There are massacres happening behind the seen & the city is suffering very badly.
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
It’s the pause before hour zero as pressure builds up, expect events in the coming days to unfold very fast.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Zawiyah battle taking place outside the city centre. Revolutionaries are surrounded and face snipers & heavy artillery
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
I hate #Gaddafis, bt I’m surprised at Khamis and Moatassim’s military cohesion and tactics. V well trained, unfortunately, to kill us.
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
Gaddafi is getting desperate. Only nerds will hang out with him now. #Libya #Feb17
Germany recognises Libya rebel council -rebel says
13 Jun 2011 11:31
Source: reuters // Reuters
BENGHAZI, Libya, June 13 (Reuters) – Germany has recognised the rebel council based in Benghazi as the legitimate representative of Libyans, a rebel official said on Monday during a visit by German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle.
“He said that he came here to support the Libyan revolution, to support the national council. They believe it is the legitimate representation of the Libyan people,” Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, vice chairman of the rebel National Transitional Council, told Reuters after meeting the German delegation.
“He said clearly … that the national council is the legitimate representation of the Libyan people,” Ghoga said, adding: “It is a very a big step and we appreciate it.” (Reporting by Maria Golovnina; Writing by Edmund Blair in Cairo)
The ‘Arab Spring’ And The Conspiracy Of Silence
feb17libya Feb17Libya
“We don’t move unless we have very clear instructions from NATO.” – Opposition Commander, Col. Hamid al-Hasi – #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Very comforting to know that @NATO and British are watching FF backs specially the coasts!
photogimp1 photogimp
by fieldproducer
The road to the Tunisia boarder is open. Reporters traveled out today with heavy armed escort
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Germany recognises Libya rebel National Transitional Council as the ‘sole legitimate representative’ of Libyan people bbc.in/jdxUeh
#Zawia – battles between #Gaddafi forces and #FF in the middle of Roman ruins @UNESCO youtube.com/watch?v=QPVbxp… via @youtube
Cynthia McKinney ( @cynthiamckinney ) supports the murder of the #Libyan people by #Gaddafi & his mercenaries #Feb17 #Khiriasheartbreaks
Reason why it took so long 4 Germany to act: Important regional elections in Germany in last months and Merkel did not want to scare voters with military involvement in Libya
BBCWorld BBC Global News
VIDEO: Libya opposition ready for change bbc.in/jeoV4J
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Only the government can use text messages in #Libya, the propaganda messages keep coming – one for the arabic speakers yfrog.com/kik4agj
(Translation roughly: AlFateh revolutionaries have overcome the crusader forces, so are we going to allow these traitors and agents to come back and trample on our beloved libya
To AlFatah revolutionaries,we kicked out foreign military bases from Libya,will u let agents bring them back to beloved Libya)
source: I confirm 100% that he was in the Brega bunker and fled 1 minute before it was bombed,then 2 rockets hit →
What the hell? why do they have so much luck!!!?!?!!!
it’s not luck ! NATO used to warn them , mutassim didn’t inform his ppl and left himself !
Libya latest map. Updated
yday was the day American bases were shut down in Libya, G goons accusing FFs of being traitors&agents.
Happened to overhear:):
HANNIBAL and SAADI’s kids:
I’ve heard stories that Hannibal and his wife are very screwed up..very serious abuse issues by both of them.
Same. think that’s why its lasted this long. Any news on the ‘unknown’ dead child of theirs? Not true right?
No news, but doubt it to be true. As far as I know they only had 1 boy, who went to the Int’l School in Tripoli.
Yup & that boy caused hell for the teachers-threatened bodyguardseach time they pointed at mistakes
Saadi’s kid’s bodyguards beat up a teacher and another time a KID also. Eyewitness told me. Ridiculous!!
They walk around like they own us and Libya. TALK ABOUT OCCUPATION
That’s always been the case,then it was their kids and lately their grandkids!Feifdoms.
I know! Saadi’s kids go around the school WITH A NANNY and bodyguard each. what the hell?
The Libyan envoy was told that “the embassy will be handed over to the NTC which the UAE deals with as a government”
SAPA citing AFP: UAE gives Gaddafi-appointed ambassador given 72 hours to leave t.co/FsJFbnP #Libya
Foreign Secretary William Hague’s video blog: Arab Spring www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBOt2HeRp2c&fea...
AlZAWYA FF forwarding against G militias near to SOWQ ALSSAIE area
Gaddaffi Militias take place in ALHARSH Bridge and in the beginning of the way to BEAR ALGANAM
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AzZawiya: #Freedomfighters are now advancing on #Gaddafi forces near #SouqAlShati. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Yesterday RAF aircraft conducted strikes against two #Gaddafi ammunition depots at #Waddan & #AlQaryatAshSharqiyah. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Misrata: Yesterday #NATO destroyed #Gaddafi hi-speed inflatable boats trying to attack port. #Libya #feb17
The Guardian: What we can do to bring down dictators | Carne Ross bit.ly/mSskNJ #Sudan
Reuters Monday, rebel spox #Zawiya who had been giving accounts of fighting was no longer answering his telephone #libya t.co/UpAjWDH
wrap up 2 REUTERS:
- German foreign minister visits rebels’ eastern stronghold
- No word from rebels in restive town near Tripoli
- Clashes in Brega, Misrata lead to rebel losses
By Maria Golovnina
BENGHAZI, Libya, June 13 (Reuters) – Germany recognised Libya’s rebel council as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people on Monday, lending heavyweight support to the leaders poised to run the country if Muammar Gaddafi falls.
The recognition, voiced by Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle on a visit to the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, is significant because Germany has been reluctant to be drawn into the Libyan conflict and opted out of NATO military action.
“We share the same goal — Libya without Gaddafi,” Westerwelle told a news conference in Benghazi after meeting members of the rebel National Transitional Council, seen by many as a government-in-waiting.
“The national council is the legitimate representative of the Libyan people,” Westerwelle said, to applause from Libyans who were listening to him speak.
A senior rebel official welcomed the German decision to join other states, including France, Italy, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, in regonising the rebel council.
“It is a very big step and we appreciate it,” said Abdel Hafiz Gogha, the NTC’s vice chairman.
German opposition politicians, media commentators and foreign policy experts had earlier this year castigated the government for not joining NATO’s campaign in Libya, saying Germany was failing to live up to its international obligations.
Fighting flared at the weekend in the town of Zawiyah, 50 km (30 miles) west of the Libyan capital, clashes the rebel leadership said were a sign that the momentum in the four-month-old conflict was shifting their way.
But on Monday, a rebel spokesman in Zawiyah who had been giving accounts of the fighting was no longer answering his telephone. The main highway west from Tripoli, which had been closed because of the fighting, now appeared to have re-opened.
A group of foreign journalists who travelled with an official escort from Tripoli to neighbouring Tunisia on Monday morning passed along the main highway, instead of taking a detour near Zawiyah as happened at the weekend.
Western governments say they believe it is only a matter of time before Gaddafi’s 41-year rule comes to an end under the weight of NATO military intervention, sanctions and defections from within his own entourage.
But Gaddafi has refused to quit, and he has proved in the past to be a wily survivor. Libyan television showed him on Sunday evening playing a game of chess with the visiting president of the international chess federation.
His armed forces have demonstrated in the past few days that they are not going to buckle.
Rebels late on Sunday said they were repulsed by Gaddafi’s forces in a battle to retake the eastern oil town of Brega, despite having NATO air support.
The rebels said they had lost at least four killed in fighting between Brega and Ajdabiyah. At least 65 fighters were wounded, doctors at the hospital in Benghazi said.
“We attacked them first but they attacked us back. We tried to get to Brega but that was difficult,” Haithan Elgwei, a rebel fighter said after returning from the front with the wounded.
In Misrata, the biggest rebel strong-hold in western Libya, doctors said six rebel fighters were killed on Sunday when they tried to push forward beyond their lines into farmland between Misrata and the neighbouring town of Zlitan.
Fighters hoisted the rebel flag on the outskirts of Zlitan.
“There’s a lot of activity inside,” said their commander, referring to the level of support in Zlitan for the uprising against Gaddafi.
But in deeply tribal Libya, an advance by Misrata rebels on a neighbouring town could be perceived by its residents as an act of aggression, bringing the war and its inevitable destruction to their doorstep.
Rebels say they are sensitive to the risk.
“We are here to make sure Zlitan is ready to fight,” said a senior rebel, who gave his name as Mohammed.
“We want the Zlitan people to fight, so that there is no civil conflict between us.” (Additional reporting by Hamid Ould Ahmed in Algiers, Mussab Al-Khairalla and Nick Carey in Tripoli, Matt Robinson in Misrata and Evan Kuehnen in Frankfurt; Writing by Christian Lowe; Editing by Peter Millership)
#Gaddafi being defiant saying he isn’t going anywhere is A) Nothing New and B) Awesome so we know where to find him to kill him. #Optimistic
Libye: L’Allemagne reconnaît les rebelles libyens – 20minutes.fr: Libye: L’Allemagne reconna… bit.ly/lcNuUs #libyanrevolutio fr
DANYA: Oh btw, our flag, is up in the Dubai consulte #UAE #FREELEEBYA
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Vid | Injured arrive at AlJala hospital Sunday,June12 2:39min Reporter asks:What happened? goo.gl/AyIgO v @TawasulMC #Libya #Brega
Reuters: Gaddafi is calm & plays a decent game of chess, Russian chess supremo said, describing match with the embattled Libyan leader.
AJE blog More than 40 wounded," rebel spox, Abdulrahman, told Reuters by phone frm #Zintan. "heaviest bombardment in several weeks. #libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Nalut 12/06/2011 atmosphere with Freedom fighters from other areas — youtube.com/watch?v=C3kzGL… via @nalut17feb // #Libya
Reuters: 9 ppl were killed on Sunday when Gaddafi forces bombarded Zintan with artillery & rockets #gaddaficrimes #Libya @Nato #Libya#feb17
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Naffousa Mountains Freedom Fighters find what Gaddafi forces are stealing from homes — youtube.com/watch?v=FL5qGX… via @youtube // #Libya
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
Report: 4 opposition soliders were killed & 30 wounded in clashes w/ #Gaddafi forces on frontline between #Ajdabiya & #Brega. #Libya #Feb17
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
#Gaddafi regime and the Opposition aren’t siblings bickering, we dont need a mediator. We’ll never see eye to eye;stop wasting time. #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Report by Faraj Akwedeir: #Misurata steadfast in the face of the dictator 12/06/2011 — goo.gl/p7zjx // #Libya
Hillary Clinton: “If the women of Africa, from Cairo to Capetown, decided to stop working for a week, the economy would collapse.”
My bet is that would happen everywhere else 2:)
The #UAE has informed #Gaddafi’s ambassador in #Abu-Dhabi that his diplomatic mission in #UAE ends within 72 hours and he must leave #libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Darsn family convey from #Darna to #Ajdabiyah Front-lines — youtube.com/watch?v=RGVsVp… via @youtube // #Libya
Almanara Libya
#Zawiyah #Libya 4hours ago // Press Solidarity: Quoting a reliable source, Clashes between Gaddafi forces and the freedom fighters are still ongoing in Zawiyah city, and Gaddafi forces are shelling the city of Zawiyah from the outside with Army machinery, tanks, rocket launchers and Grad rocket launchers to regain control on the city
News Article
RAF destroys nine of Gaddafi’s underground storage bunkers in Libya
A Military Operations news article
13 Jun 11
Members of the UK Armed Forces saw further action in Libya yesterday as RAF aircraft conducted strikes against two of Colonel Gaddafi’s ammunition depots.
A Royal Air Force Typhoon takes off for Libya from Gioia del Colle air base in southern Italy
MOD 2011
While participating in NATO’s Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR, Tornado and Typhoon ground attack aircraft conducted strikes against two depots at Waddan and Al Qaryat Ash Sharqiyah, destroying in total some nine underground storage bunkers.
Major General Nick Pope, the Chief of the Defence Staff’s Strategic Communications Officer, said:
“At sea, a NATO vessel conducting surveillance operations to enforce the maritime embargo detected high speed inflatable boats approaching Misurata; these craft have previously been used by Gaddafi’s special forces in attempts to attack the harbour.
“The British Army Apaches aboard HMS Ocean were duly alerted and intercepted the boats, destroying two with 30mm cannon fire. They then successfully engaged a ZSU-23-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft system on the coast near Zlitan, as well as a number of armed vehicles in and around regime checkpoints.”
On Saturday, RAF aircraft destroyed four of Colonel Gaddafi’s main battle tanks hidden in an orchard near Al Aziziyah, south west of Tripoli.
RAF Tornado and Typhoon jets also participated in further co-ordinated NATO strikes against key regime military installations in and around the capital, with the British aircraft attacking a major military base at Al Mayah on the western outskirts of the city; nine Paveway guided bombs were dropped.
These missions were conducted under NATO’s Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR to protect Libyan civilians under threat of attack and enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973.
RAF VC-10 and TriStar tankers, and Sentinel, Sentry and Nimrod R1 surveillance aircraft, continue to provide vital and widespread support to UK and NATO operations over Libya.
Official press release on #Westerwelle (foreign minister of #Germany) visit to the #NTC
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
German Chancellor Angela Merkel to visit #NTC and #Benghazi today.
not merkel but fm i was told
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Zintan hospital, Death toll from #Rayayna fighting stands at 10. More than 50 injured.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
URGENT! PLEASE RT: Video: #Gaddafi’s men in #BaniWalid executing civilians who protested. youtu.be/ozUPfD__yeI #Libya
Tunisie «Des résidus du régime Ben Ali veulent nous déstabiliser» j.mp/mIjTJl
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Opp fighters in Yefren say they have taken some new ground from Gaddafi side beyond Sofeet
UAE expel gaddafi ambassador and other pro-gaddafi diplomats.
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Back with working internet for first time for four days. We lost water the other day too. Having both again makes life so much better.
At Zintan hospital, Death toll from Rayayna fighting still stands at 10. More than 50 injured.
Today while in valley, I saw plumes of smoke coming from RAYAYNA area. NATO plane heard above, but don’t think there was airstrike.
We went through the valley and up to Yefran but could not get all the way to Rayayna
Rayayna is about 10 km from Zintan on the road to Yefran. (Yefran to Zintan is about 34km)
Rayayna is important, though, because it is where Gaddafi forces have been based while shelling Zintan.t
Notice I have spelt Rayayna three different ways in last two days. It does not even appear on our map of the area
Niger defense minister is in Tripoli to discuss recruiting additional mercenaries. He is to meet #gaddafi today. Unconfirmed FB source.
Alexblx Alexblx
A sign of #Gaddafi ammo shortages? – hes using invalid ammo past its use by date youtube.com/watch?v=Q9JFin…
L’Allemagne reconnaît à son tour le Conseil national de transition – www.france24.com/fr/node/4446527
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Exhibition of the war leftovers in AlGheran area (#Misurata) — youtube.com/watch?v=7eV-4s… v
CNN: bit.ly/iQo5EF Rebels: We got hands on battle plan (from @cnn)
Gadafi regime frees MBC journo after 2 months: n24.cm/kRmFAI via @News24 #Libya #Feb17 #gaddaficrimes
wheelertweets James Wheeler
My friend Khaled Madani from #Zintan #Libya. Turned 22 a few days ago. Crippled years ago by #Gaddafi’s pathetic system. twitpic.com/5b22ou
WyreDavies Wyre Davies
As promised, pix from bombed oxygen plant nr Zawiya. #Libya yfrog.com/kilbomj yfrog.com/kjyzsvkj yfrog.com/gyzyksshj
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The discovery of the presence of invalid for use ammunition with #Gaddafi Forces — youtube.com/watch?v=Q9JFin… via @free_misurata // #Libya
In Pictures: Libyan rebels advance – Al Jazeera English: english.aljazeera.net/indepth/interacti...
If you’re in Canada call in at 580 CFRA (1800-580-CFRA (2372). They keep saying we’re Al-Qaeda terrorists.
Libya vid shows that Germany support NTC since 5 June with Missiles(black-red-yellow)for the FrenchTigres on Tonnerre url9.de/cAo
100s of tent picks still remain uncovered, children at the #Remada camp have already bn injured by these picks @R t.co/CDZUung #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE RT: List of men working for #Gaddafi / Commiting crimes for him: a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash… #Libya #feb17
Almanara Libya
#Ajdabiyah #Libya 2 hours ago // Press solidarity: From our correspondent in Ajdabiyah City, the rise in number of Martyrs and injured to 20 from an Ambush by Gaddafi forces to the freedom fighters.
Donated ambulance with food and sitting cushions, going into #libya from #Tunisia #feb17 twitpic.com/5b2ui2
Message on wall in #Nalut in #NafusaMountains “#Libya is our tribe and #Tripoli is our capital” twitpic.com/5b2tij
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Another member of Moammar #Gadhafi’s regime, Sassi Garada, has defected. #Libya #feb17
he’s in Switzerland
APNewsBreak: Another Gadhafi insider defects from Libya – Winnipeg Free Press j.mp/lgRRU4 cc
APNewsBreak: Another Gadhafi insider defects from Libya
Forces loyal to Libyan leader #Gaddafi killed 21 rebels on the frontline between Ajdabiya and Brega in east #Libya: aje.me/jMZYMN
LibyaLiberty Army of One
#Saif Al Islam decided to take a hard line approach in his first address to #Libya when people were willing 2 die resisting G. #BigMistake
refugee camp:
There was a recent fire at the camp where the tent had burned to the ground. The reason for the fire remains unknown t.co/chePn3V
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
Guma el-Gamaty, U.K. organizer for Libya’s interim council, confirmed the defection of Sassi Garada.
baysontheroad baysontheroad
We will go to Shakshuk tomorrow. Not safe now. Only one more hour of daylight.
Can hear explosions. Opp fighters tell me Shakshuk being shelled by Gaddafi forces in desert.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Zentan 06/13/11: 8 FFs killed in #Zentan today. 40 injured. Names of fallen FFs: 1 #AliAl-Ustaa 2 #IssamAhsee 3 #TareqDhoBinDhi 4 #unidentified remains 5 #FawziAliAbu-Kreesa’ 6 #KhalifaMohammedAlmlwe 7 WaseemMohamedAbustaFernaan 8 #IbnAbdullahAlhadiLamkhatresh RIP.
4Adam Adam
6/13/11 #Zintan revolutionaries in Arryayna migre.me/52Uhg #Nafusa #Lbya #Feb17
BBC News – Tripoli witness: Tribalism and threat of conscription – t.co/zkciL9P #Feb17 #Libya #Tripoli
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
UPDATE 1-Clinton urges Africa to drop Gaddafi, embrace rebels at African Union meeting af.reuters.com/article/ethiop… #libya #feb17
Here are some links on #Remada t.co/biNiBeL http://t.co/IQ4Jeq3 t.co/ELCTZFI http://t.co/LlF7omH @Refugees #Libya
feb17libya Feb17Libya
The General People’s Committee says they have renewed their ‘’positive cooperation’’ with AU initiatives. #Libya #Feb17 feb17.info/news/live-liby…
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
Danish Air Force update 13 Jun: 4 observation missions carried out in areas between #Zintan, #Zlitan and #Misrata — forsvaret.dk/FTK/Nyt%20og%2…
dovenews Libyan™
#Misrata: 2 ppl were killed today in #Misrata. #libya
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
Special thanks to #Qatar. A special special thanks
dovenews Libyan™
June 13th: #Surman: #Gaddafi forces have arrested 150 ppl from #Surman. via #Surman group #Libya
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
Volcanic ash from Eritrea eruption not affecting Libyan air space yet — irishweatheronline.com/news/earthquak…
dovenews Libyan™
ALERT! Reports of large number of Gaddafi forces moving from 5 directions & #FF killed 6 of G forces near coastal road. via almanara
baysontheroad baysontheroad
80 Km from outskirts of Tripoli pi.pe/-7aysuv #LIBYA #BIRAYYAD #TRIPOLI
Almanara Libya
#Zawiyah #Libya 50 minutes ago // Reports are received now that there is a large movement taking place by Gaddafi forces with a large number of 6 thousand going towards Zawiyah city from 5 directions. The freedom fighters have killed 6 from Gaddafi forces on the Saharan highway
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Surman: #Gaddafi forces have taken back the area & taken at least 150 prisoners, unknown number of casualties.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Brega: “Our fighters were tricked. #Gaddafi’s soldiers pretended to surrender, coming w/ a white flag, & then they fired on us”
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Nalut: Town still under attack by #Gadaffi forces w/ “GRAD rockets & rocket launchers”. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Reports of fighting in #SouqAlJuma, #AlHadba, #Janzour & #Deriebi areas. #Libya #feb17
Exceptional lunar eclipse
Oh, that’s just Saif al Islam walking past the lamp
feb17libya Feb17Libya
UK Admiral Mark Stanhope said he was “comfortable” within NATO’s new 90-day #Libya mission mandate, which runs out at the end of September
Clinton Presses African Leaders to Abandon Qaddafi t.co/9HzqzRz
FreeLibyanman FreeLibyan
If #TNC army n #EAST front nt allowed 2 fight becz of #NATO orders/other reasons, they d better hand weapons 2 #alzzawia & #zintan FF #LIBYA
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Naffousa Mountains children – #Jadu city — youtube.com/watch?v=Mu0EUj… via @nalut17feb // #Libya
The human suffering of the Libyan people in this struggle is incredible. How many people must die to remove one man from a seat?
Reports received now from a reliable source that there is a siege on Janzour area and exchange of fire in AlHadba, Souq AlJummah and Deriebi areas
Zawiya: 5 Gaddafi forces killed today on Coastal road. G forces for 3rd day unable to take City. Allah Akbar
Zawiyah is still under attack apparently, but things aren’t too bad for now I guess, still expect some pretty heavy losses for civilians.
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
Canadian parliament to vote on extending Canadian Forces mission in #Libya on Wednesday — forces.gc.ca/site/news-nouv…
Libië, 10 juni 2011, Operation Freedom Falcon (OFF): Belgische F-16’s vlogen al duizend vlieguren bij mekaar
Download de grote foto
Libya n envoy was told the embassy will be hndd over to the NTC which the UAE deals with as a government via @News24
dovenews Libyan™
Another martyr from yesterday battle in #Alrrayayinah, Salah AlSadig from #Zintan which brings the total number to 9 #FF. #Nafusa #libya
It seems in #Surman #Gaddafi forces have taken back the area and empirsonned at least 150 young men. God knows number of dead!
Libyan League for Human Rights الرابطة الليبية لحقوق الإنسان (1): t.co/3b7Lbuw via @addthis
80 Km from outskirts of #Tripoli t.co/zRtfSJS #LIBYA #Feb17
Everyday we are getting stronger, militarily, diplomatically, and politically. Everday #Gaddafi is getting weaker.
4Adam Adam
6/13/11 #FF monitoring Gaddafi forces stationed in the North of #Nalut youtube.com/watch?v=TNH9bz… @nalut17feb #nafusa #Libya #Feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Hawamed: cont. shelling of this area yday caused financial losses including destruction of graveyard in #Talaat. No lives lost
Shakshuk shelling/mortars stopped. Opp fighters say Gaddafi side attacked, then ran.
Tripolitanian Libyan
The Libyan people control all of the East, all of the Western mountains, 3rd largest city of Misrata, and Zawiya. We are winning.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Hawamed 06/13/11 12:53h: G forces shell #AlHawamed area including #AlKherba #AlTalaat w/grad rockets yesterday afternoon
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Hawamed: cont. shelling of this area yday caused financial losses including destruction of graveyard in #Talaat. No lives lost
Tripolitanian Libyan
Our resolve is strong, are goal is clear, our determination is unbreakable. #Gaddafi, we will defeat you!
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Rayaaniya 06/13/11 10:40h: G forces completely retreat during the early hours of this morning leaving behind machinery & ammo
Opposition fighter near Bir Ayyad pi.pe/-y2f8vw
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Ghaziya 06/13/11 9:41h: NATO bombing: goo.gl/9A4dZ #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
4Adam Adam
Gaddafi’s soldiers on Monday killed 21 rebels on the front-line between #Ajdabiya and #Brega, a rebel commander (cont) tl.gd/b3c2gh
dovenews Libyan™
RAS JEDIR – The flow of Libyan refugees to the border crossing of Ras Jedir fell noticeably on Saturday. via TAP
dovenews Libyan™
#Zawyia #FF deny that #Gaddafi forces in control of the city
BREAKING:Battles in Brega to this very secnd,4 Martyr nd 46 injred to this very moment,we are geting reports that cluster bombs r being used
Tripolitanian Libyan
When #Gaddafi forces captured an ambulance driver, they told him to say “Long live Gaddafi” -he said “Allahu Akbar” and was shot dead
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AlRayaaniya: #Gaddafi forces completely retreat during the early hours of this morning leaving behind machinery & ammo.
Large number of reinforcements sent by Gaddafi to Zawiyah.
4Adam Adam
#Surman: distributing leaflets in a mosque Makhlouf, dawn on Friday, 06/10/2011 youtube.com/watch?v=JbRGWE… #Libya #Feb17
Checkmate gadaffi: twitpic.com/5b1u59
Early on, Al Manara Media received reports of 6000 #Gaddafi troops heading to #Zawiya – a massacre will happen if they are not stopped @NATO
almanara goes over the top with numbers sometimes. still bad thing tho. gotta be stopped.
Opposition fighters have got some better equipment in last 10 days, including mortars and RPG pi.pe/-6gh56w
Eyewitness account of what happened in #Baniwalid a few weeks ago, relates to the video of tortured civilians. t.co/hW8TIRN free libyan youth
A reminder of Fashloom Gaddafi Supporters – t.co/djIWa1I #Libya #Tripoli
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#AzZawiya is currently under heavy attack by #Gaddafi forces from multiple directions. #Libya #feb17
Surman : 150 protesters have been arrested
ALJA Reports Clashes in the area of #SuqAljumaa in #Tripoli since morning. #Libya #feb17 #FreeLibya
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
There have been orgs that have offered 2 help the #Remada camp& found that mgmnt was unwilling 2 accept or came w/ unreasonable cond #Libya
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Freedom fighters have made zero progress in 2 months at Adjabiyah-Brega frontline & are asked to do the impossible.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
They are asked to come from the desert road with simple vehicles, smaller weapons & less troops to capture a shielded urban area at Brega.
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Jabal Nafusa Children Singing Revolutionary Songs أطفال جبل نفوسة – جادو youtube.com/watch?v=Mu0EUj… #Libya #Feb17
twitpic.com/5b2y43 The family residing in the tent are safe but judging by this picture the response time seemed slow.
McKenzieCNN David McKenzie
Tripoli quiet right now…road to Tunisia open but increased security presence coming into Tripoli center
4Adam Adam
Graffiti, #Trpoli is calling youtube.com/watch?v=pzY1yy… #libya #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
iwitness: 6 rockets hit the oil refinery’s power generators in #Misrata. The refinery is located near Misrata’s port. #libya
Six rockets hit an oil refinery at the Libyan city of Misurata controlled by rebels – more on our #Libya Live Blog: aje.me/jQEpiq
Libyan state television reports that #NATO was bombarding targets in the town of Al Jufrah in central #Libya. aje.me/jMZYMN
KC_Tripolitania KC
A prominent massacre and genocide about to occur in #Zawiya which is being attacked from 5 directions by #Gaddafi forces now
by Libya_United
I was appalled to hear from some Muslims that "the West is using some Muslim countries to bomb a Muslim country
It’s very unfortunate, but there are people who think Libyans should have lined up to die rather than seek foreign help.
To them, Gaddafi slaughtering Libyans isn’t an event to lose sleep over, but NATO bombing a “Muslim” country is something to protest.
These people have their minds wired pre-revolution. To them they’d rather have an indigenous tyrant than a foreign helping hand.
G forces in Ghedu area (not Jadu) near Tiji are shelling at the bottom of Rehibat #feb17 #Libya
photogimp1 photogimp
So far only two jets heard over Tripoli all day. Very quiet today
libyanproud libyanandproud
BREAKING : #KIKLA Freedom Fighters attacked the #Gaddafi forces in SahaAlshaabiya and taken it over 300+ g forces killed ! !
2day passed by #Libya n consulate in Milan. The flag is the new one! Last time here (a demonstration) it was still the green rag of #Gaddafi
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA: 21 rebels killed in fighting in the East of #Libya today.
Seems the clashes in Brega are ferocious. Allah give the Freedom army your victory
More than 100 #Gaddafi troops killed in the town of #Kikla -#FreedomFighters have managed to capture much needed military vehicles. #Libya
My mom was wondering who put away her brothers clothes after #Gaddafi killed him in April
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
The so-called General People’s Committee committed to implementing a #African. plan to resolve the conflict..
BBCWorld BBC Global News
VIDEO: Ex-Gaddafi soldier speaks of regime bbc.in/mKlZjw
in the libyan army, 3ameed is brigadier and general is Lewa. 100% sure
AJA: 21 Martyrs in Brega clashes
no infant formula milk available in Tripoli
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
#Tripoli: Evidence that security forces’ command & control structure is faltering in #Tripoli..
AsmaaBintLibya Asmaa Bint Libya
Major clashes in Soug Jumaa happening now… Its really bad… #Libya
6 Riot police cars & 4 revolutionary guard cars burnt by Soug Juma & arada FFs in coordinatn w/FFs of Dreby& Fashlum#feb17
On Monday 13th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
“A rebel commander said his forces…planned to move into #Zlitan, by tomorrow..using arms seized from government weapons depots and fresh armaments being shipped in from #Benghazi
“Ali Terbelo, the rebel commander, said other opposition forces already were in #Zliten, trying to encircle #Gaddafi troops.
“In the major fighting near #Misrata today, an Associated Press photographer at the rebel front lines said they had pushed along the Mediterranean Sea to within 10km of #Zlitan, the next city to the west of Misrata.
“If the rebels take the city they would be within 135km of the eastern outskirts of Gaddafi’s capital, #Tripoli.”
www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news... #Libya #FF
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Libyan rebel fighters suffer losses bit.ly/mJOqke
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Now in #Dubai rising the flag of independence over the Libyan Embassy…#libya #17feb
Robert Gates: #Morocco and #Jordan,are preparing to participate in the international coalition against #Gadhafi in #Libya
Brega clashes: 4 martyrs & 46 injured reported. Martyrs are AbdelRahim Behiri, AlNajy Mar3y, Jalal Fadil & Mohamed AlFara. RIP #feb17#Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#BaniWalid: Approx 100 of #Gaddafi troopsin a hotel, 150 mercs in the hospital & 250 Tuareg in industrial military factory. #Libya @NATO
tonybirtley tony birtley
gaddafi’s forces still fighting and still wrong. have today inflicted rebel causalties in Djdabija and again Dafniyah. still strong.
four months ago we thought this would be over in days. it could take months. long haul. rebel spirit is fantastic, fighting know how isn’t
photogimp1 photogimp
bombed communication truck near the Leaders private holiday home #libya yfrog.com/h3mxzaoj
photogimp1 photogimp
Another truck destroyed at The leaders private holiday home #libya yfrog.com/kh97542264j
The Tunisian Presdt says he’ll recognize the TNC if they come to us and ask us to do so.
that’s not the way it works tho:(
Does this imply conditions?
Qael Alsibsi says in 1950s Tunisians fighting French colonialism sheltered in Libyans & same for Libyans fleeing Italian occupation #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Targets near #Misrata’s port were attacked today by #Gaddafi forces, including a fuel depot & a power station.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Caid el Sebsi (Tunisian government): We support the Libyan people and we had representatives from the NTC visit us here in #Tunisia. #libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Kikla: #Gaddafi forces have burned approx 20 homes. #Libya #feb17
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
#Gaddafi is a big loser! Never won a battle, even chess game yesterday, he lost it!!
4Adam Adam
Pro Gaddafi’s demo in #Tripoli. 6/12/2011 youtube.com/watch?v=i8886I… #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Libya: Sorry there are no shipping tweets today, entire coast of Libya & most that part of Med not being covered by AIS today. Strange.
now why would that be? helos or warship moving in?
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli: BREAKING: Clashes in Dahra, Janzour, Hay al Andalus and other areas. FF confusing G security & coordinating with each other #libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Dafniya: #Gaddafi rockets & mortar shells were slamming into #Freefomfighter lines at a rate of about 7 per minute on Monday #Libya #feb17
My friend got injures yday in #dafneya # Misrata , he had surgery today plz pray for him and all the injured ones , #gaddaficrimes #libya
tonybirtley tony birtley
went to where Tim Hetherington & chris Hondros were hit on Tripoli St. badly scarred. mortar marks on pavement. still desolate. sad place
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: First Minister of the #Tunisian National Assembly welcomes the recognition the Transitional Council in #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
#ZLITAN Part of FF forces are INSIDE town they R surrounding Gaddafi forces #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Has the Free Libya new TV been Jammed by Gaddafi? Its gone! @libyatv @libyatvarabic
AJE: in Ajdabiya yesterday FFs insist 5 were killed by mistake by Nato jet. Nato denies #feb17#Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Clashes between Gaddafi forces & #FF after the (40) area killing 4 #FF & injuring 40. #Ajdabyia #libya
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
Thanks @PomedWire 4 their notes on the Congressional Briefing on Women’s Role in the Libyan Revolution #Libya. G8 read! bit.ly/kR9sdI
Doctor visited Yefrin and Algalha and wrote this report:
I returned last night from Yefrin and Algalha. There is big disaster in there. Simply there is nothing there. There are no electricity, no flags, no symbols of our new Libya, no medical equipments. no medications, no ambulances, no doctors, no fuel, no communication equipments, no media equipments, but three lap tops, no paint to remove Qaddafi’s logos, THEY ARE MISSING EVERYTHING. If you have donated something to Nafousa Mountains, I can assure, it has not reached Yefrin and Algalha. The damage to buildings was beyond my imaginations.
Yefrin and Algalha, according to the last national census, have a population of 50,000, the second largest in Nafousa after Gharian. However, people there have not received your contributions. They are missing every thing, doctors, nurses, food, fuel, equipments, flags, clothes, medications, paints, computers, any thing and everything.
In comparison, all other towns I visited from Nalout to Zentan are well equipped and supplied. Yefrin and Algalha were under siege from Qaddafi for 50 days. Their share of your contribution has not reached them for some reason. They are suffering.
Front has MOVED along the coast to within 10KM of Zlitan FF used arms seized from Regime WeaponsDepots +NewArms shipped in from Benghazi
Almanara Libya
#Libya 35 minutes ago // Press solidarity: Just received reports quoting our correspondent that there was clashes today Monday evening (Asr Time) between the freedom fighters and Gaddafi forces after the 40 area resulting in 4 martyrs from the freedom fighters and over 40 injured.
Remember all the op/eds griping that Libyan rebels don’t have weapons? See how they’re making do this week at @AliveIn is.gd/tZ0K1e
Gaddafi soldiers beating on an old man – not graphic, but incredibly hard to swallow. Despicable. youtu.be/klm4oY3MZQM #libya #Feb17
dovenews Libyan™
libya.tv is on again
17feb; #Tripoli Call: “For people in tripoli to know if they are taped by Gaddafi thugs, type code #*06# if you get your serial number, only that means you r safe, if you get an additional number to your serial number then u are taped”
tonybirtley tony birtley
shortage of food and some medicines here. hard to get chicken,beef. camel meat is common.i find a head hanging outside butchers offputting
tonybirtley tony birtley
link to our misurata trauma story:youtube.com/watch?v=bYno6B…
I need break before I rupture an aneurysm, my blood pressure must be over 200mmHg. Off to pray Maghrib and try to calm down:(
4Adam Adam
The arrival of an ambulance to #Nalut sent by Shabab #Tripoli migre.me/52ZTf #libya #feb17
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
Tunisia and Moritania expressing wish 2 recognise TNC. When will Algeria realise that Gadhafi is finished and think about future with Libya?
Gaddafi forces retreat to rearm themselves while the FF think that They are running away. The the G thugs start attacking with grad.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Exclusive interview on AlaanTV with a Libyan Army soldier that defected and left Gaddafi… very interesting #
dovenews Libyan™
#Alrrayayinah’s #FF are in control of the situation and have ordered #Gaddafi forces to surrender or they will fight them. Fb
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Soldier: There is a Libyan army & Gaddafi loyal brigades. #Libya army mostly defected & joind FF. G brigades led by sons are 100% loyal to G
Gaddafi DEFECTOR: “All soldiers forced to fight or shot as ‘traitors’…even tourist & traffic police forced.” bbc.co.uk/news/world-afr… #Libya
Ocean’s Apaches scrambled to destroy Gaddafi’s gunboats
TWO of Gaddafi’s gunboats were blasted out of the water and an anti-aircraft battery destroyed by Apache gunships operating from HMS Ocean.
In the latest action involving the Army helicopters aboard Britain’s biggest warship, the Apaches were scrambled to intercept high-speed boats closing in on the besieged port of Misrata.
Pro-Government forces have made repeated attempts to disrupt shipping making for the rebel-held city, chiefly by attempting to lay mines in its approaches – attempts so far thwarted by NATO’s equally-determined efforts to keep the port open.
An Allied warship on patrol in the western Gulf of Sirte detected the boats moving at high speed towards Misrata and Ocean was alerted.
The Apaches found the craft, destroying two using their 30mm cannon. The helicopters then closed in on a ZSU-23-4 Shilka – a light-armoured radar-guided anti-aircraft vehicle – near Zlitan, 30 miles up the coast from Misrata. It too was eliminated.
After initially striking Government targets around Brega in eastern Libya, Ocean has shifted to the western shores of Sirte to maintain the pressure on the Gaddafi regime.
In addition to the latest attack against the speedboats, Ocean’s Apaches were also dispatched to destroy a Government communications installation and multiple rocket launcher around Misrata.
Since the start of military operations to enforce the UN Security Council Resolution, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and Army Air Corps personnel have now successfully attacked more than 430 regime targets involved in Colonel Gaddafi’s persecution of the civilian populace.
One of Ocean’s Apaches looses its 30mm cannon. Picture: LA Guy Pool, HMS Ocean
BBC News – Defected officer speaks of fighting in Gaddafi’s army – bbc.in/m0Z0UK #Libya
Tripoli news via FGM tiny.cc/dzfh6 Mass arrests in Janzour district, response to rapid increase in anti-gadaffi activity in the area.
Libya 7orra
#Libya #Feb17 #Tripoli update from @Niz_FGM :- 1- Mass arrests in Janzour district in response to rapid increase in anti-gadaffi activity in the area. Contrary to some reports, the roads in and out are open. However checkpoints are now heavy.
2- The western exit/entry points of Tripoli are open but, as above, heavy check points are in place. This applies to southern and eastern gates.
3- Contrary to recent reports, Soug Al Jomaa, up until 90 minutes ago (now 23:00) is quiet. As is Fashloum district.
4- Preparations being made for a collective flare up of activity in Tripoli but cannot discuss this further, for obvious reasons.
5- Tundra Trucks (Katiba forces) now being taken away from Tripoli and sent to front line. Katiba forces in Tripoli now driving around in new Mercedes E class with no license plates.
6- Members of FGMovement witnessed a shooting at the house of Tayib Safee – A close Gadaffi associate (considered top 3 by some). A car drove by and continuously shot at the house from the road using a Kalashinikov rifle. This was in Ben Ashour district.
h2. 7- Police officer tells FGMovement member that “80% of the police force, now armed with Kalashinokovs, will defect at Zero Hour, to join forces with the revolution”. When asked if this should be kept secret the officer replied “No, the Katiba know where we stand. And spread it, so the people know we are with them”. This is consistent with the time we dropped a flag over the bridge at Al Nasr Street and a police car drove by, slowed down, looked up at it and just drove off.
Dont forget, all news from FGMovement is verified and confirmed. Strictly no rumours.
Keep up with updates on Twitter
TRIPOLI zero hour approaches
septimius_sever septimius severus
The greatest military alliance in human history can’t figure out how to oust a man who lost the the one war he ever fought?
The Uprising Live News Daily is out! bit.ly/gbOnuV
Fliers in #Tripoli to prepare for 16th June for big demo — توزيع المناشير فى طرابلس youtube.com/watch?v=qZXMNz… via @youtube
When closely observing their words, actions & choices, one must conclude that while certain Assad & Gaddafi loyalists may practice…
.some muslim rituals out of habit, their religious experience revolves around worshipping their idol.
Gaddafi forces emptying Tripoli hospitals of patients. Reason unknown #feb17#Libya
Tripoli will rise together soon
Sabha:Machine guns,14.5 used on protesters,independence flag on Mosque of Garda roundabout shot down by machine guns. Protests planned#feb17
4Adam Adam
AlJazeera: Fierce fighting between the FF and Gaddafi in Arryayna E. #Zintan youtube.com/watch?v=zggPxB… #nafusa #libya
dovenews Libyan™
#Zawyia: #Gaddafi forces have arrested about 200 youth from their homes in #Zawyia yesterday. #Libya #Feb17
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
We will train on anything youtube.com/watch?v=jO0gcI… #Misrata FF train on Scud missiles #Libya #Feb17
Listen to this #Libyan Girl: t.co/u6GXPbY #K
Libya War Time Inventions Pt 2 – Modified GRAD Launchers l.alive.in/th (Jun 13) #feb17
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
While those closest to a tyrant know he is just another guy, the loyalist soldiers & thugs truly believe in the carefully constructed cult.
Germany is the 13th country to recognize Libya’s temp new govt, the #TNC.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
However, it’s in the best interest of the tyrants’ cronies to keep the personality cult alive & the masses blind.
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NAFUSA : #KIKLA : Martyr today Osama Mostafa Feraas ! Please RT kikla has no Internet ! #Feb17 #Libya
Clinton Pushes African Nations To Break With Gaddafi bit.ly/kLJDu3 #Libya
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
BOOM BOOM #JABALNAFUSA being bombarded again #Libya #Feb17 and @NATO is where…..?
Tripoli revolutionary snipers took out 14 Gaddafi soldiers during SougElJuma clashes
Defected #Gaddafi soldier: #Libya regular army mostly defected to join FF. Brigades led by sons 100% loyal to regime RT
LOOOOL hala misrata just called my friends dad a terrorist for us trying to send aid to #LIBYA well we wouldn’t have to send aid if u and Gadddafi’s thugs weren’t spreading lies and killing the libyan people!
4Adam Adam
CNN: #FF leader in Arryayna reports "we found that more than 20 residents were killed & women were raped cnn.com/2011/WORLD/afr… #Libya #Nafusa
And it’s this “Crusade” myth that makes some people prefer a Muslim tyrant to a Western helping hand in liberating a people.
Libyans asked their own brothers for help but back came silence. NATO intervened on cue of the Arab League & UN resolution.
pauljustin1 paul roubicek
all quite over the skies of tripoli tonight
Allah let this Friday will be the Friday of Victory
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Both Assad & Gaddafi came to power via dirty military coups and both have created an idolatrous cult around themselves to stay in power.
TributeFM talking about Rape right now.
I just got the most weirdest and yet most worrying phone-call ever from Tripoli: s
septimius_sever septimius severus
“#Yefren school was hit by so many shells that it is scarcely salvageable. And a mosque was set alight by a rocket”
Gaddafi forces seen in #Nalut #Libya — رصد قوات القذافي المتمركزة في بوابة نالوت الشمالية youtube.com/watch?v=7DfetU… via @youtube
Nafusa FFs kicking out last pockets of Gaddafi, then they can go help their brothers in #Zawiya, who urgently need reinforcements!
septimius_sever septimius severus
“#Yefren: homes have been pillaged & ransacked,their walls pockmarked by machinegun fire or torn apart by missile”
We have a name for the man in the blue shirt who killed civ in Bani Waled:
Confirmed by two people from Baniwalid that the guy in the blue shirt is Said Saleh Gatannesh. t.co/C4exjZX
septimius_sever septimius severus
“#Yefren is a ghost town, a scene of shocking devastation; a testament to the barbarity of Gaddafi’s troops”
Tripolitanian Libyan
NATO’s air-strikes are definitely helping to make him think otherwise,but his biggest fear is of the Libyan people,once the rebels are close
septimius_sever septimius severus
In #Yefren Gaddafi Soliders destroyd everysingle car in the city. Martin Fletcher Times London #Libya #Nafusa twitpic.com/5b76q0
_Tripolitania Reports from inside #Libya that Prison Warden has given the order to kill all detainees in #Tripoli"
Your tweet ‘Prison Warden giving orders 2 kill all detainees in Tripoli’ -this is horrific! 20000+ prisoners in #Tripoli !
septimius_sever septimius severus
“#Yefren:The streets strewn with shell casings & bullet,even a dead donkey putrefying beneath the fierce summer sun”
UnitedLibya UnitedLibya
Nearly 4 months since feb 17 #libya I hope it will be over soon
tripolitano Tripolitano
One FF in was arrested yesterday in Souq jumaa he eluded G thugs 4 weeks, writing antiG slogans on walls every night. A woman grassed himUp
KC_Tripolitania KC
According to Tripoli Council – a Prison Warden has given orders to ’ kill all detainees in #Tripoli ’
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi forces were repelled & couldn’t enter Kikla, but there is a lot of smoke as a result of the bombing & burning by Gaddafi forces.
TRIP: coordinated time for collective action
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
The Tunisian acting president believes that many of Gaddafi’s mercenaries were originally destined to create chaos in Tunisia.
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Tripoli: Contrary to recent reports, #SougAlJomaa, is quiet as of 23:00 local time. As is #Fashloum district. #Libya via @Niz_FGM
#Telegraph: Navy chief:# Britain cannot keep up its role in #Libya air war due to cuts! tgr.ph/liW8qj #Libya#feb17
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi forces are firing Grad rockets at northern Jadu. #Libya #Gaddafi
LibyanDictator The Dictator
#Misrata: A lot of movements created by women throughout the city getting no coverage, will be tweeting when I get details.
Gaddafi regime is emptying Tripoli hospitals of sick & injured for unknown reason..
libyans_revolt omar
Gaddafi to his spokesman " Mussa" , Why i can’t dial 911? Musaa replied , cuz there is no 11 on the phone sir!
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Globe and Mail: Vote: Should #Canada extend its mission in #Libya?goo.gl/tsAIP Vote Yes! #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Sunday fight in AlDafiniyah 12/06/2011 Part 1 — youtube.com/watch?v=hahg4n… via @free_misurata // #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Humanitarian aid convey from Manchester to #Naffousa Mountains and surround areas — goo.gl/LectO // #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The freedom fighters brigades on an operation progressing at the eastern front-lines — youtube.com/watch?v=N5WguI… via @youtube // #Libya
Almanara Libya
#Libya 3 hours ago // confirmed reports received from #Zawiyah that buildings have been built with explosives by Gaddafi regime and they are the Investment building, AlWahda Bank, AlJumhuriah Bank, and three schools, the church and the Theater of Zawiyah
libyans_revolt omar
It seems to me That Nato put gaddafi in a round room & tellin him to sit in 1 corner.!! he’s a moron!! he’ll keep on lookin for the corner!
ALMANARA Nafusa Mountains:
Monday 13 June, 18:05h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan (source:Zentanchannel): Another revolutionary from Zentan killed and was identified as being Salah Whaida. He was killed during the battle to liberate Al-Rayaaniya yesterday
Monday 13 June, 15:43h
NafusaMountains: Colonel Mohammed Muftah who was in charge of Gadaffi forces in the area between Tiji and Wazen defected from the corrupt regime and handed himself in to Tunisian officials
Monday 13 June, 15:40h
Nafusa Mountains:Jadu: Colonel Omar Al-hurariy today visited the city of Jadu
Monday 13 June, 15:24h
Nafusa Mountains: Battles in Al-Rayaaniya, Zawyat Al-bagul, Mujrasaan, Al-mlee’eb and Bi’r Ayyad yesterday where revolutionaries managed to defeat Gdaffi forces killing many and destroying a large number of vehicles and artillery. 14 revolutionaries were killed and 56 injured. Gadaffi forces attempted to advance towards Bi’r Ayyad and attacked the revolutionaries from the Taghma diversion and Alkhweldi (20 km from the Bi’r Ayyad checkpoint). They used Grad rockets and rocket launchers etc. However revolutionaries of Nafousa Mountains retreated to Bi’r Ghanam
Monday 13 June, 14:05 h
Nafusa Mountains: Kekklah: Revolutionaries defeated Gadaffi forces positioned at Al-Mlee’eb yesterday evening. Gadaffi forces fled towards the city of Kekklah to hide in residential areas there. Also, revolutionaries in Kekklah had prepared an ambush for them in which they killed more than 10 mercenaries, took 3 hostage and took a number of machinery. Gadaffi force then retreated to Al-Gawalesh (12 km south of Kekklah) and remained positioned there amongst the civilians
Video: Eastern #Libya brigades bombard #Gaddafi positions near #Brega bit.ly/jzrw9p
Canadian directing war in Libya calls it ‘a knife-fight in a phone booth’
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The funeral of 7 Martyrs from #Zintan city 13/06/2011 — youtube.com/watch?v=bTV7K1…
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Most of the areas in #Tripoli today saw civil disobedience..
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
fly the flag of independence in the Janzour area in #Tripoli in many places there…
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: #Gaddafi forces surrounded #Alhadba area in #Tripoli now..
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: #Tripoli now on fire…clashes every where..nd now also in #bin ashor nd #Arada.
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: NOW: over the phone heavy clashes in #Tajora nd #Fashlom in #Tripoli..
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
#Gaddafi forces arrest Matouk Mohamed Matouk, while trying to escape from the port of Ras Jeder to #Tunisia, wearing a veil !!!!
Tripolitanian Libyan
#Gaddafi is starting to put traffic and customs police on the front-lines, defected officer says.
Tripolitanian Libyan
#Gaddafi is essentially putting anyone in uniform on the front-lines, including boy scouts
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
URGENT: Reports that 20 covered IVECO vans left Tripoli heading for Misrata or Brega. Rumoured to be carrying ammo/explosives.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
MISRATA: Revolutionaries demine area south of Misrata | Libya TV english.libya.tv/2011/06/13/rev… via @LibyaTV #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
15 #Gaddafi 4×4s tried to enter #Misrata via old road between #Azereg & #Zletin. Attempt failed, Gaddafi suffered very heavy losses. #Libya
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: Shahed web site ( from #KSA ) confirmed this news:Yemeni President has died in hospital after stop treat lung
Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find it out
Mandela Says, Quotes
As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.
The bravery of our youth, the wisdom of the our eldery, the dua’s of our mothers, the patience of our children. We march on. #LIBYA
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
BREAKING video w subtitles: Truth re: “Peaceful March to #Benghazi” Shootings. Instigation of hate by #Gaddafi forces. bit.ly/lGJqY8
This morning was very lively. 13 NATO jets have started from Italy into Libya, the last Tornado few minutes ago, and 2 jets were at 5.00AM.
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Libyans are nice, respectful and generous people and they will never forget the countries that stood by thm. #tunisia #qatar #france & so on
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
We had to defend ourselves and we are glad that the world came to our help against Gaddafi who almost wiped out Benghazi one day #libya
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: ( Video )Distributing leaflets in #Tripoli and there will be civil disobedience in: 16-6..youtube.com/watch?v=dZlIJr… #17feb
IamLibya somaya kalla
For the sake of Libya! RT @NusibaB: Canadians, please vote! tinyurl.com/3k8urdp #Libya #Feb17
Gaddafi Running Out of Money & Fuel- Rule May End in Weeks t.co/dEcjcTj via @BW #Libya
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: Unfortunately, just a little before on #Al-arabyia TV…#Yemeni President in Good health nd not dead yet :(
IbnOmar2005 Ibn Omar
Photo: #EpicLibyanMan wins minesweeper champion of the universe. kero39: tumblr.com/xkd2zmfmen
Check this video out — Latest News from Tripoli آخر اخبار ثورة طرابلس t.co/VJdUIDF via @youtube
librev2011 Omar AlKhomsy
Arrival of ☼ Hope convoy ☼ from #Norway & #Denmark to the western mountain of #Libya #17feb ☺ THANK YOU ☺ Norway & Denmark
sumyasalem ##
by Unknown7771
Libyan rebels edge westwards out of Misrata reut.rs/kWHMNQ #Libya #feb17
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Admiral raises Libya ‘challenges’ bbc.in/kCY6d0
Tripolitanian Libyan
I can confirm from #Tripoli that #NATO air-drops leaflets warning a certain area of impending strike. #Libya #Feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video: Historian on Gaddafi troops in gang rape claims bit.ly/latjS6
Zero Hour. #Tripoli #Feb17>>>> #June___2011 Be ithin Ellah
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: Four martyrs and 41 wounded in Battles in #Albreqa..#libya #17feb
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News:Blow up a gas station that feed #Gaddafi forces in #Albreqa…#libya #17feb
Council on Foreign Relations: White House should be ‘moderately’ worried on #Libya
4Adam Adam
Libyan opposition: @NATO avoids targeting Gaddafi’s forces around the cities that causing deaths to the people|ar youtube.com/watch?v=8gTKVN… #Libya
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
video for the last update from #Tripoli…#li
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Misrata update 12 June 2011 11:45pm #Dafniya Misurata steadfast in the face of the dictator 12/06/2011 Faraj (cont) tl.gd/b3gi90
Finally memorized the new #Libyan national anthem!! Can’t wait to wave the new flag and sing OUR real national anthem in #Libya #Feb17 :)
libyafreedomnew Libyanews
Breaking News: Burning two cars ( Toyota Tundra ) in #Fashlom area in #Tripoli… #libya #17feb
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi hides Grad missiles from NATO raids in the ruins of Leptis Magna
Every officer who defects now (not month ago) should be arrested UNLESS he brings along his men who want 2 fight w/FF
I am no military expert, but all these troops in open roads going east and west sounds like an easy target, no?
Video of arrest in Italy:
A member of Gaddafis Gestapo in Europe, has been captured trunc.it/gfzin #Libya #feb17
gaddafi’s government promises to draft a constitution and press law via Reuters – they just don’t get it do they?
Reuters: #Gaddafi Brigades fired Grad rockets into #Tunisia Today. witnesses said at least 5 Grads fell on Tunisian soil in #Mrabeh.
I was thinking earlier how Tweeps came to a silent agreement on Gaddafi & Qaddafi. February was all over w/ 2 dozen spellings.
WilliamJHague William Hague
I will also be in #Parliament today for monthly session answering MP questions on foreign policy. See bit.ly/j0O2kF for the questions
Next @NATOpress : WE STILL CANT FIND GADDAFI, WE ARE STILL KILLING FF BY MISTAKE and yes we might bomb the hell out of ancient ruins! #Libya
The truth about UNHCR in Remada Refugee Camp – Border #Libya- #Tunisia – @Demotix News widget.demotix.com/news/690324/tr…
CNN- NATO refused to say whether or not it would bomb ancient Roman ruins in #Libya if it knew Moammar Gadhafi was hiding military equipment
vid #Misrata oil refinery shelled by #Gaddafi’s forces قصفت مصفاة لتكرير النفط في مصراتة من قبل قوات قذافي bit.ly/izjV0W #Libya#feb17
NATO refuses to rule out bombing Libya Roman ruins
(CNN) — NATO refused to say Tuesday whether or not it would bomb ancient Roman ruins in Libya if it knew Moammar Gadhafi was hiding military equipment there.
20arb11 Souffian Tripoli
Free Tripoli Daily is out! bit.ly/krTORw ▸ Top stories today
guardiannews Guardian news
Misrata oil refinery shelled by Gaddafi’s forces – video gu.com/p/2qnmt/tf
Another chance to General Abubaker Younis Jabber, touring the front lines in Brega in #Libya youtube.com/watch?v=86NESV… via @youtube
LibyaLiberty Army of One
Why am I still reading Gaddafi as Qadhafi, Kadhafi, Crud-Daffy (that was mine) etc.? Do we need a UN resolution to unify the spelling?
lucymanning lucy manning
On Libya and concerns from Navy chief re duration of UK involvement PMs spokesman says can continue operations there as long as we choose
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
Libyan troops target rebels along Tunisian border msnbc.msn.com/id/43390862/ns… #Libya #Tunisia
photogimp1 photogimp
NATO seem to be having a good look around today over Tripoli. Could be another testing day.
#NATO engages pro-Qadhafi forces on north-west coast of #Libya goo.gl/on2EA #OperationUnifiedProtector
Operational Media Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector of the past 24 hours #NATO #Libya – t.co/EPQ4PgL
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
Libya: Rebels Are Edging Slowly Beyond Stronghold Of Misratah, Towards Tripoli, Reports Say news.sky.com/skynews/Home/W… #Libya #Feb17
CNN: As USA urged African count 2 reject Gaddafi gov, FFs rep. progress against Gaddafi forces in western mount cities. bit.ly/l89rWh
Navy Chief: ‘Brit Defence At Risk Over #Libya’
If we do it longer than six months we will have to reprioritise forces. That is being addressed now. It could be from around home waters. I will not prejudge what that decision will be.
#Misrata FF: #Gaddafi storing GRADs, launchers & forces in UNESCO site 15m from #Zliten goo.gl/Iwjmm via @feb17info #Libya #feb17
OnlyOneLibya ProudLibyan
We R human,we have the same anatomy as other humans, we have a religion that STRONGLY prohibits injustice/murder,so why we have tyrants?
Libya is calling! — اسماء سليم – ليبيـا نادت youtube.com/watch?v=CBFq9J… via @youtube
OnlyOneLibya ProudLibyan
I know the brutal murderers in Beni Walid & elsewhere will be punished in the after life, but will they be caught and punished in this life?
If the henchmen from Beni Walid did this to their cousins, u can imagine what they do to the others towns, many are in the Gaddafi Katayb!
dovenews Libyan™
#Zlitan this morning: Reports of NATO air strikes on Gaddafi forces in the vicinity of Zlitan. #Misrata #Libya
Another 5 Tornados have started from Italy for Libya in the last 10 minutes. In total 20 NATO jets this morning. Today is a neurotic day.
#Nalut: BREAKING: Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Bin Sheikh (Tuareg) & Major Nuri Zamraw (Tuareg) have defected form Gaddafis regime & escaped 2 #Algeria
Nalut Feb17
عاجل- نالوت
انشقاق من الطوارق كل من :مقدم : محمد بن الشيخ. والرائد: نوري زمرو .انشقوا عن كتائب القذافي وهربوا الى الجزائر
وافاد المصدر بان كتائب القذافي قامت بإغتيال السيد احمد التونسى يوم 7-6-2011 وذلك لرفضه القتال والزحف الي القلعة ويفرن
وقد تم تسليم جثمانه الى الى اهله واخبارهم بانه قتل اثناء قصف للناتو
dovenews Libyan™
G forces have assassinated Ahmed AlTunsi (Tuareg) on June7 for refusing orders 2 attack #AlQala & #Yefran
his body was handed to his family and they were informed that his death was a result of NATO strike. confirmed by one of G forces
gaddafiregime is trying to call back the reserves to send to kill other libyans. Rumour has it that no one turned up #libya
baysontheroad baysontheroad
FromJoanne Joanne
Photos of #Libya #Tunisia WAZIN border post which Gaddafi is shelling today wn.com/Wazin
FromJoanne Joanne
SamKiley Skynews in #Libya FF make small advances and Regime propaganda campaign reaches strange New Heights goo.gl/F641a
FromJoanne Joanne
Private computerexperts advised US on how cyberattacks culd damage #Libya oil&gas infrastructure RobRegime of OilRevenue goo.gl/E3fEq
dovenews Libyan™
W #Ajdabyia: Also 6 FF were killed in friendly attack by NATO on Sunday. #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
W Ajdabyia:G forces made a drty ambush rising white flag 2 surrendr, when FF stoppd their attck G forces opend fire killing 22 & injuring 40
NATOlibrary NATO Library
‘US House Votes to Block Funding for Libya’ goo.gl/Ts28h #Libya
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Gaddafi forces fired several rockets across the border into Tunisia on Tuesday -
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Part 2 of ‘Our War’ is on BBC3 at 2100 this evening. I highly recommend you take a look: bbc.in/lbfw9x
baysontheroad baysontheroad
evidence of intensity of battle. damage, and used heavy machine gun rounds littering the ground.
Misrata: 1000s of Gaddafi soldiers stationed in zlitan, the next town up the road. there will be a hard fight @PJBWells @Nato #Libya#feb17
baysontheroad baysontheroad
fighters going from house to house in Rayayna, clearing the town. But battle over. Firmly in opp control
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Forces loyal to #Libya leader Col #Gaddafi have pulled out of the town of Kikla and rebels are now in control – Reuters
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Plenty of NATO jets on their way from Italy to Libya today after 3 days of almost no activity. Let’s hope they do some good. #libya #feb17
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Benghazi: General Khalifa Hafter called the fighters of #Gaddafi forces to give up Gaddafi & join the Freedom fighter to stop the bloodshed.
2 NATO jets have just started together from Italy into Libya with huge velocity.
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Part 2 of ‘Our War’ is on BBC3 at 2100 this evening. I highly recommend you take a look: bbc.in/lbfw9x
Some areas like Ghezaya and north of Nalut and a few smaller villages need clearing first before Gheryan
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Gaddafi regime called German FM’s visit to Benghazi “irresponsible and a violation of national sovereignty” – Game over G #libya #feb17
AJE: #Libya rebels make weapons from scraps youtu.be/jCyRBUAEneM #Misrata
US Congress votes against Libya funding: An explosion following a NATO air-raid in Tripoli © AFP/FileAFPWASHING…
Activist Post: US Congress votes against Libya funding – activistpost.com
Libyamap Libya map
#Libya latest map. Updated 14-06-2011 @ 13:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/5bfd1d/full @Libyamap
just to update u on my relative in libya forced to go fight. He had escaped from ghaddafi thugs & is now home safe
NATO air strikes: beir el ghannem AJA
Apparent NATO airstrike hits near Gadhafi complex
Video: Revolutionaries push forward to Zliten – #libya #feb17 –
Video: Revolutionaries push forward to Zliten | Libya February 17th – libyafeb17.com
Libyan rebels face setback after refinery hit | Reuters – reuters.com
dovenews Libyan™
Gaddafi forces are attcking #Zlitan now, the attack is expected to be on the historic city of #Leptis #Magna. #libya
Zlitan this morning: Reports of NATO air strikes on Gaddafi forces in the vicinity of Zlitan. #Misrata #Libya
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Reports – Kikla now back in opp hands after Gaddafi troops fled. Youssef, Reuters photographer is there.
My cousin was martyred on Sun. He prayed fajr and told the guys that today was going to be the day he estash-heed (would be martyred).
He was shot by a sniper in the heart. He was pulled to safety after the g-soldeirs tried to take his body. He was buried on Monday
With his beautiful smile on his face. Shaheed inshAllah. He will be deeply missed.
Libya rape victims face ‘honour killings’
Libyan women and girls who become pregnant through rape risk being murdered by their own families in so-called “honour killings”, according to aid workers.
One family who contacted Ms Elgadi needed medication for HIV.
“The mother, the father and the son were all raped by Col Gaddafi’s forces. The mother came to us when they discovered they had contracted HIV/Aids as a result.”
“The order to rape was not given to the regular army,” says the major, who did not want his name to be used, because his family is still in Tripoli. “Col Gaddafi knew we would never accept it. It was given to the mercenaries.”
Russian visitor: Gadhafi ready for talks with NATO trunc.it/h1aax
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
Just bumped into US Commander as he walked under escort to Malta PM office in Valletta Malta for talks on Libya
Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
I just had lively exchange! With george gallaway on skynews. I am british citizen and libyan he’s scot and british uk isn’t just his country
PJBWells Patrick Wells
NATO dropped leaflets over the front this morning warning govt soldiers they will be targeted by Apaches if they kill civilians.
BREAKING : A FROGMEN regiment have refused to attack #misratta and defected to #Tunisia this is a Real Defection ! THANK YOU ! #Feb17 #Libya
Tug boat fleeing #Libya arrived in #Malta on Sunday. Suspected defecting soldiers on board.
dovenews Libyan™
CORRECTED: G forces R attcking #Zlitan now, the attack is expected 2 come from the historic city of #Leptis #Magna where G forces located
Are We There Yet?
Enormously relieved when NATO came to our aid, I felt terribly impatient in the first few weeks of Operation Unified Defender. Like all my Libyan sisters and brothers I wanted the dictator removed as swiftly as anyone with a cancer would.
Libya Lose Rights To Host 2013 Africa Cup of Nations – Report
Jadaliyya: “Indictment” By Muhammad al-Shaltami (trans. Elliott Colla) t.co/Gi8UcDr #Libya #Poetry
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tunisia: Reports that 15 G soldiers defected today and arrived in Bengardane, #Tunisia by boat. #libya #feb17 (Unconfirmed) cc
On cyber resistance, watch the 1st segment by monica villamizar bit.ly/j9XdGM
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
JADU: BREAKING: Radio free Jadu is now broadcasting on 89.1FM and can be heard in Nafousa mtns & Tripoli #libya #feb17
Jadaliyya: Video: Interview (#2) with Ali Ahmida on #Libya and Intervention: bit.ly/gJxtih
KC_Tripolitania KC
#Gaddafi forces attacking #Zliten – the attacks are said to be coming from the historic city #LeptisMagna, where #Gaddafi forces r located.
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Just been to the shops for supplies, it’s about 200m from the Rixos but still had to take a minder with me, they say it is for my ‘safety’
Syria, Libya and Middle East unrest – live updates
NewsInLibya Returning to Misrata: a tiny, impossibly slow and rusting fishing boat, manned by Libya’s rebels. This time the…
c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?r4842235087&w=2390512 …
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
#US Commander holding talks now with #Malta PM. Will tweet from briefing
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
#US Commander @stravidisj thanks #Malta for its support to #Nato emergency landings and response to humanitarian crisis in #Libya
US Commander @stavridisj says #Malta very helpful in aiding US jets during #Libya ops
US Commander @stavridisj takes no questions from media, continues with tour in #Malta
Malta PM Gonzi tells #US Commander @stavridisj : ‘#Malta is a lesson in strategic locations’ #Libya yfrog.com/kk8f4mj
www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/us-... or: bit.ly/iwkPmy http://yfrog.com/gzorfvdj
Stone_SkyNews Mark Stone
Sky News has won a Golden Nymph Award at the Monte Carlo TV awards for @skyasia and her teams reports from Zawiyah on #Libya in March.
The moving & shocking report can be seen here: t.co/1amdh4f The award comes as there’s renewed fighting in Zawiyah. A must watch.
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Opposition military sources confirm recapture of Kikla
Libya slams Germany for ‘violating’ its sovereignty
LIBYA: Libya slams Germany for ‘violating’ its sovereignty f24.my/lp7fmB
kileysky Sam Kiley
Interesting that head of royal navy would tell Ghadaffi that the UK can only manage 6 month campaign
20arb11 Souffian Tripoli
MoosaIbrahim is misleading the Press in #Tripoli. Giving them misleading i
kileysky Sam Kiley
Who was the main man for the navy at the SDSR when Harrier and Ark Royal scrapped? Mark Stanhope #libya
Little hint for FF in brega, Gaddafi forces have used the ‘white flag’ ambush trick many times, please DON’T FALL FOR IT AGAIN!!!
KC_Tripolitania KC
#Zuma says he spoke out against misuse of #UN mandate on #Libya- but is he ever going to speak out against atrocious #GaddafiCrimes #Feb17 ?
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi hides Grad missiles from NATO raids in the ruins of Leptis Magna bit.ly/kX59CZ
UK Forces chief General Sir David Richards slaps down Navy over #Libya concerns – Telegraph
libyans_revolt omar
#Gaddafi is running out of money, It’s a matter of weeks before He is forced out of power, Bengdara said tinyurl.com/6xcuzaz #Libya
DUBAI – Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s rule may end in weeks as international sanctions starve him of funds and rebels and NATO-led forces cut off fuel shipments, said Mr Farhat Bengdara, who ran Libya’s central bank before defecting.
The Gaddafi government had US$500 million (S$618 million) in cash at the end of February, when Mr Bengdara fled, the former banker said in Dubai yesterday.
“It’s almost run out,” he said. “They have no fuel for tanks. It’s a matter of weeks” before Gaddafi is forced out of power, he said.
As a sign finances are being squeezed, Gaddafi’s government has asked commercial banks to hand over whatever hard currency they have, Mr Bengdara said. Four top bank managers have defected, he said, though he declined to name them to protect their families. The regime also has 155 tons of gold bars that can’t easily be used to pay for supplies, he said.
NATO planes are monitoring movement on the ground, and as a result, the Gaddafi regime “tried to import fuel by any means, but they couldn’t”, he added. BLOOMBERG
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
In #Tripoli women only gas stations have been set up to help women avoid scuffling male drivers. tiny.cc/5kaec #Libya #Feb17
The war against journalists in the Middle East
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Malta OIL TANKER “PURKI” w/ a listed fake destination of #Rades\ #Tunisia now en route to #Tripoli #Libya 34.26063˚/12.76692˚ #feb17 @NATO
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
@Nato dropping leaflets east of #Tripoli carry the Nato symbol & a picture of an Apache attack helicopter & burning tanks on one side #Libya
In Arabic:“There’s no place to hide. Its not too late to stop fighting. If you continue to threaten civilians, you will face destruction.”
dovenews Libyan™
BREAKING! #Nafusa #FF have freed #Kikla completely from Gaddafi forces & FF are chasing some of #Gaddafi forces in the valley. via FB
NATOpress NATO Press
Operational Media Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector of the past 24 hours #NATO #Libya – goo.gl/8LvPW
AJDABIYAH#Reuters:FFs opposed to Gaddafi advanced westward on Tuesday aiming to retake Brega to extend their control over the east of Libya.
PJCrowley Philip J. Crowley
#Qaddafi says he is prepared to die in #Tripoli. #NATO can arange that. Just deploy a big banner with an arrow that says, I’m right here.
OTTAWA — Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird kicked off Tuesday’s parliamentary debate on Libya with a call to extend the mission and for Canada to boost humanitarian and diplomatic assistance.
He announced plans to boost humanitarian aid by $2 million, part of which will go to support victims of sexual violence that’s been used as a tool of war.
He also noted that Canada was “embarking on an enhanced engagement strategy” with the National Transitional Council of Libya. As such, Canada would recognize the council as a “legitimate representative of the Libyan people” and begin working more closely with its members.
Libya17Feb Tripoli Youth
#Tripoli Call: “in all of #Gaddafi Appearances until now he is wearing the same cloths, this is a code message for his people..”
Libya17Feb Tripoli Youth
#Tripoli Call: “1 FF wife has delivered a new baby girl, and named her #Misurata.. Here we are all happy and moral is high”
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
As war in #Libya rages on another battles is being fought off the coast: TUNA bit.ly/lApWmn
A #Gaddafi thug sets fire to a freedom fighter – فيديو وجده ثوار مصراتة مع أحد أفراد الكتائب #Libya @LIBTRIP bit.ly/iZR8hn
Gaddafi troops stationed at the North Gate of #Nalut t.co/DMFimxD @NATO @NATOPress
BBCWorld BBC Global News
Canadian Foreign Minister recognises #Libya’s rebel council as ‘legitimate representative of Libyan people’, from Reuters
CBCAlerts CBC News Alerts
by FreeLibyanman
Canada recognizes Libyan rebels as legitimate government . Baird says rebels are true representatives of Libyan people.
CBCAlerts CBC News Alerts
Canada recognizes Libyan rebels as legitimate government . Baird says rebels are true representatives of Libyan people.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Gaddafi troops stationed at the North Gate of #Nalut. youtu.be/TNH9bzfHO0Y #Libya #feb17 @NATO
dovenews Libyan™
#S.Africa: #Zuma says NATO abusing UN resolution on Libya. goo.gl/7Vwev Is this man an idiot or what? #ShutUpZuma
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Libyan rebels make fresh advances bit.ly/mse6cy
A new unbelievably Miracle happened in #Libya (Green fire flames)!!! تكاد السماء تنشق وتنفطر من كدب التلفزيون الليبي. youtube.com/watch?v=ZZrLRY…
Libye : le Canada reconnaît le CNT bit.ly/lxB47v cc
N_Benghazi .
Gaddafi forces murdering prisoners in Bani Walid #Libya youtu.be/Kyp6lOOVkOw Not graphic but the pain in their voices is enough to kill you
Canadian Foreign Minister: #Canada commit $2 million in humanitarian aid for the #Libyan people
libyansrevolt Libyans Revolt
Video Mutassem #Gaddafi inciting soldiers to kill ‘kids’ in #Zintan bit.ly/iHsSdx #libya #feb17
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
Tunisia flew an F-5 warplane & a reconnaissance heli along its border w/ #Libya on after Libyan troops fired several rockets into #Tunisia.
Les Helipocters #Tunisien La Gazelle ont Survollés la Region de ghazia en #Libye suite a la tombée Des obus sur la #Tunisie
dovenews Libyan™
#Tunisia aircraft survey border after Gaddafi’s attacks tinyurl.com/6a8geqe #Libya #Tunisia #Feb17
libyansrevolt Libyans Revolt
Another video of #Gaddafi soldiers maltreating prisoners and humiliating them bit.ly/jK6vLY #libya #feb17
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
‘’We will strike…military infrastructure that threaten Libyan civilians as necessary," tiny.cc/sxu1q
I am worried that 10 mins later Canada will say it’s false info. #libya #feb17 #NTC
wewantlivefree sami saied
Tunisian army helicopters hovering on the borders with Libya after the fall of several missiles today طائرا… (cont) deck.ly/~1zEUo
dovenews Libyan™
These poor girls needs to be helped & not punished twice 4 Gaddafi’s crimes. goo.gl/TqRMh Families needs to be educated HELP. PLZ RT
BreakingNews Breaking News
Canada officially recognizes rebel National Transitional Council of Libya as legitimate representative of its citizens bit.ly/k89eUz
Tripolitanian Libyan
In 1 week, Spain, Australia, Germany, the UAE and Canada recognized the #NTC of #libya
foreignoffice Foreign Office (FCO)
Download Foreign Secretary @WilliamJHague’s latest video blog as a podcast ow.ly/5hk09 #ArabSpring #MiddleEast #NorthAfrica
libyansrevolt Libyans Revolt
#Libya NTC Recognition: #France #Qatar #Maldives #Italy #Spain #Kuwait #Gambia #Jordan #Senegal #Australia #UAE #Germany #Canada #Australia
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Our report on latest situation in Western mountains running on AJE.
Ship brings Misrata wounded to Libya rebel area Reuters #Libya #FEb17 j.mp/ktUiEU
City of #Yefren in dire need of everything and anything. Destruction described as “beyond imagination” #Libya #Feb17
Amazigh_Libya AmazighLibya
Gaddafi troops continue shelling using Grad rockets aimed north of #Jadu. #Libya #Feb17
IOM Ship with 222 migrants + 30 wounded people from Misrata arrived in Benghazi t.co/s0c9ZBn
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Unconfirmed rumors that AK-103s being used by #Gaddafi were delivered by #Venezuela to #Libya between Feb17 & March 1st. #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#NATO dropped leaflets over the front this morning warning govt soldiers they will be targeted by Apaches if they kill civilians.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Brega: 4 #Freedomfighters killed, 21 injured in clashes with #Gaddafi forces. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Jadu: #Gaddafi forces continue shelling the city w/ GRAD rockets. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
septimius_sever septimius severus
#Libyan Rebels: A Sound Track, In #Misrata, fighters turn to Pink Floyd in their war against Gadaffi: bit.ly/lhcO0E
88simon88 simon
UPDATED MAP OF THE NTC WORLD RECOGNITION img694.imageshack.us/img694/1353/ca… GERMANY and CANADA recognize the NTC.
wheelertweets James Wheeler
10 yr old & older brother @ Tunisian hospital to visit their mother w/ their grandfather. All from #Misrata #Libya yfrog.com/h0oam2j
Longing4Libya Ahmed Misrata
MUST RT! youtu.be/7b6x9koFd_Y Captured hero in Misrata being burned alive! Refuses to say "long live Mu… (cont) deck.ly/~8FnYv
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
#IOM reports it has succesfully evacuated 222 migrants and wounded from #Misurata amid renewed shelling
ksnavarra Karl Stagno-Navarra
#IOM reports evacuatees from #Misurata have safely arrived in #Benghazi
FromJoanne Joanne
#BREGA Freedom Fighters are fighting 4 & planning 2 have FRIDAY PRAYERS in Brega They advanced to 20 km E of Brega and still MOVING #Libya
Tripoli bides time as Gaddafi support ebbs away t.co/ZsIj6ec via Guardian Libya
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Part 2 of ‘Our War’ is on BBC3 at 2100 this evening. I highly recommend you take a look: bbc.in/lbfw9x
AFPS_Articles AFPS
NATO Members Review Efforts for Libya Mission 1.usa.gov/lmPcu5
NATO presser: www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-2592A6B4-41AC38...
FlashPresse: Libye: doutes croissants sur la capacité de l’Otan à remplir sa mission bit.ly/knCqrJ
Libya rape claims: Seeking the truth
Andrew Harding: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13725149
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
Dear World Libyan r a civilized society,& conservative muslims who fear God, We don’t live in the MiddleAge, WE DON"T KILL VICTIMS Of RAPE.
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
I really want to have a talk with Ms Elhamessi and Ms Elgadi who is spreading this fully fake " Killing out of love " thing.
BBCBarbaraPlett Barbara Plett
#Zuma of #SouthAfrica says #NATO abusing #UN resolution for civilian protection in #Libya in order to pursue regime change
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Drinking Cappuccino as the Bombs Fall – #libya #feb17 – libyafeb17.com/2011/06/drinki…
#Nalut: worsening water crisis & efforts to repair pipes damaged by Gaddafi forces. goo.gl/erNf3 #Libya #Gaddaficrimes
FF have advanced few Km towards #Zlitan from Ad Dafinyia. So I would expect Apaches will be used near #Zlitan
HMS_Nonsuch HMS Nonsuch
BFBS Rear Admiral Chris Parry says continuing operations in #Libya may be a struggle: Rear Admiral Chris… dlvr.it/WKJ41
Tripolitanian Libyan
Rebel commander in #Zawiya said fighting in the city was premature, they are still preparing for an attack on #Gaddafi.
Reuters: #Liberia says violence against population must stop and cuts ties with #Gaddafi’s #Libya t.co/laxjgYm #Feb17
McKenzieCNN David McKenzie
A day only so far and this place seems a bit like ‘Hotel California’…I am sure am not the first to feel that way. #libya
dovenews Libyan™
REUTERS: Libyan rebels edge forward on eastern front goo.gl/w4ugF
Tripolitanian Libyan
Resident in #Zawiya: fighting has subsided, #Gaddafi controls main road but rebels control various neighborhoods throughout the city. #Libya
KC_Tripolitania KC
Warning! – this is the latest #GADDAFI TACTIC to smear reputation of #Libya >>>>>>> rape victims face ‘honour killings’ bbc.in/mHttnb
Tripolitanian Libyan
After capturing Arrayana in the #Nafusa mntns, rebels say they found dozens of people murdered by #Gaddafi forces.
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
The Confederation of African Football (Caf) has said #Libya is still scheduled to host the Africa Cup of Nations in 2013. #MEH #Feb17
libyanproud libyanandproud
#NAFUSA : #KIKLA : #NATO striked #Gaddafi forces in #Mlayeb and #Frendes South of kikla this morning
dovenews Libyan™
#Liberia severed diplomatic ties with Libya on Tue, the latest #African country to distance itself from #Gaddafi goo.gl/NZ4l1
USAmbNATO Ivo Daalder
Just gave a speech on Leadership, Libya, and today’s NATO: go.usa.gov/WDR. Tell me what you think.
Tripolitanian Libyan
Leaflet drops in Adafniya, near #Misrata warning pro-democracy fighters and #Gaddafi mercenaries of impending heli attack.
Pro-democracy fighters in #Misrata say they are in need of fuel after #Gaddafi rockets hit oil refinery.
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Gaddafi forces in south-west area of #Misrata are preparing to launch attack on civillians
FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
Gaddafi forces #Misrata 32°17’52.36"|14°37’7.44"|32°17’16.14"14°37’3.38"|32°18’4.99"|14°37’0.92"|32°15’21.18"|14°36’20.59" #libya #NATO
China: these days official news agency changed tone re Kadaffii, so think maybe victory is on horizon.
4Adam Adam
Alj reporter in Aldavnia W Misrata: Nato kept droping leaflets said helios coming to strike GF. They didn’t show up & FF want to move fw.
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
#Liberia decided to withdraw the Liberian envoy from #Tripoli &suspend activities of the #Libya n representation in their capital Monrovia.
NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu told reporters that “It is clear that NATO has the resources to keep up the pressure.” #Libya
Abdul Malik, may you rest in peace in the highest abode in heaven with the rest of the martyrs. #Libya #17feb youtu.be/7b6x9koFd_Y
LIBYA_WIN Hayat Libya
All those virgin girls, raped before their families just as traumatized now sick because of STD, HIV, sephilis, hepatitis C- #Gaddaficrimes
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
This makes me SOOO ANGRY. What a BULL SHIT story. bbc.co.uk/news/world-afr…
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Just been to centre of Tripoli,shops still stocked,but opening hours of some cafes & restaurants in more upmarket parts of town now limited
88simon88 simon
COST OF THE FRENCH INVOLVEMENT IN LIBYA : 50M€ (1.2M€ per day) france-info.com/chroniques-dos…
Tripoli: Janzur still with heavy presence of Gaddafi forces for another day with reports of curfew enforced yesdterday #feb17#Libya
Tripoli: Skirmishes in Fashlum, Tajura, Soug AlJuma & Ein Zara. Apparently G forces using police dogs.#feb17#Libya
Another 11 military officers escape to Tunisia as well one of Mutasem Gaddafi’s staff #feb17#Libya
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
Man when African nations start shutting doors to #Gaddafi, you know its bad. #SucksToBeYou
also botswana cut off relations with Gaddafi …
Nafusa: Gaddafi forces shelled Rehibat today with 30 missiles #feb17#Libya
freeourlibya jamal tripoli
#Libya Freedom Fighters advance into #Nato bombing path gu.com/p/2qq8v/tw #Feb17 #Misrata
Libya rebels advance into Nato bombing path
pauljustin1 paul roubicek
all quite in Tripoli today
G troops Misrata:
freeourlibya j
URGENT:4/4 Coordinates of #Gaddafi forces in #Misrata,getting ready to attack civilians32°15’21.18"14°36’20.59" @NATOpress @USAfricaCommand
URGENT:3/4 Coordinates of #Gaddafi forces in #Misrata,getting ready to attack civilians32°18’4.99"14°37’0.92" @NATOpress @USAfricaCommand
URGENT:2/4 Coordinates of #Gaddafi forces in #Misrata,getting ready to attack civilians 32°17’16.14"14°37’3.38" @USAfricaCommand @NATOpress
URGENT: 1/4 Coordinates of Gaddafi forces #Misrata, getting ready to attack civilians 32°17’52.36"14°37’7.44" @NATOpress @USAfricaCommand
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA reports that rebels have pushed #Gaddafi forces 9km from center of Kikkla in Jebel #Nafusa #
ceoDanya Danya B Mohammed
I would like #BBC to know that we do not kill women that are rape,in the Libyan’s people’s eye’s they are heroes @BBCBusiness @BBCWorld @CNN
photogimp1 photogimp
Just sitting around waiting for the storm. It was like this a couple of weeks ago and then all hell broke lose #libya
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
REGIME IMPLOSION: “he saw no signs that #Gaddafi ’s forces have been able to replace lost equipment or acquire fuel and ammunition. “Every day we notice the attrition of Qaddafi’s forces,” he said. “It’s almost run out,” Bengdara said. “They have no fuel for tanks. It’s a matter of weeks” before #Qaddafi is forced out of power, he said.
www.businessweek.com/news/2011-06-13/qa... #Libya #FF
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
#Tripoli UPDATE: REGIME INFIGHTING: “These forces are not only fighting the freedom fighters, but are largely fighting each other…prior to the revolution it was the police that enforced law in the city. Now that the revolution has happened, the elite forces have stepped in, essentially to take their place and protect the regime. This leaves the police with no power and causes conflict between the forces…There is no clear command structure or hierarchy as to who is in control of the city from a security stand point, as these forces are constantly undermining each other’s authority.” #Libya
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
LIBERATING #Tripoli: “four months into a conflict that has torn the country apart, people in #Tripoli appear to be slowly losing their fear of speaking out…
“The only people who like Gaddafi are the police and people working with him."
Yet even among some senior officials close to #Gaddafi there is sense of gloom, regret, and even inevitability, which is compounded by the day as the last of the regime’s “friends” – leaders from the continent who have enjoyed its largesse – abandon #Libya.
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
#Tripoli awaits arrival of #FF: “Nato good, good,” is a common refrain from people talking to foreign reporters.
“Ninety-five per cent of people want him to leave, not just because of politics, but because of our desire for a return to normal life,” the businessman said.
“People are getting tired and saying ‘What for? We need our fuel, our food. We need our regular life. If he Gaddafi has to go to get that back, then so be it.’ "
He added, however, that Tripoli does not seem about to rise up against #Gaddafi, and there is a sense here that people have decided to wait for the rebels to break through from the east before they join the revolt. In the eastern suburbs of #Tripoli, dissidents have been attacking police checkpoints at night and spraying anti-Gaddafi graffiti on walls. But the slogans are quickly painted over, and the police presence in these neighbourhoods remains heavy.” #Libya
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
#Brega UPDATE: “I think we will be having Friday prayers in Brega this week,” he said.”
“NATO forces have bombarded #Gaddafi loyalist positions in the Brega area in past weeks and have used attack helicopters, deployed to enable more accurate targeting of the Libyan leader’s forces.
At a rebel checkpoint on the western entrance to Ajdabiyah, which is an 860 km (540 mile) drive from Tripoli, four trucks carrying armoured personnel carriers headed towards Brega. Rebel fighters seated on top cheered, waved and fired in the air.
A convoy of dozens of pick-ups, mounted with machineguns, sped along the road towards Brega, 75 km west of #Ajdabiya.
“There is fighting happening there right now. We have advanced to 20 km outside Brega. They (rebels) are advancing now. Very soon they will be in Brega,” said fighter Osman al-Maghrabi, 35, who used to serve in Gaddafi’s army.
“I think we will be having Friday prayers in Brega this week,” he said.” af.reuters.com/article/libyaNews/idAFLD... #Libya #FF
Nafusa Mountains almost completely under FF control now: ”Libya english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/20…
On Tuesday 14th June 2011, @Alexblx said:
#Ziwiya #FF no longer control city section of coastal Rd to #Tunisia border – As originally happened in #Misrata – #FF have vacated main roads & withdrawn to selected west Ziwaya precincts – which they will hold and defend – as with #Misrata – pending final push on #Tripoli – in concert with #Nafusa brigades – after #WMA fully liberated. #Libya
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
AJA: rebels say:#Gaddafi forces near Brega feigned surrender,raised white flag, then attacked rebels who advanced to them. 20 killed. #Libya
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
The frontlines at Dafniyah & Ajdabiyah-Brega seem to resemble trench wars. These are always 1)bloody 2)lead to nowhere
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
I am in favour of all Gaddafi diplomats being kicked out of OUR Libyan embassies. Let them enjoy G’s last moments WITH HIM in Tripoli #libya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
The Libyan ambassador in UAE leaked info about anti-G activists and was with Gaddafi to the very last minute, now he pretends to be against
Libyan pro-Gaddafi ambassador in UAE said he is no longer with Gaddafi, a day after he was given 72 hours to leave. What a liar. #libya
4Adam Adam
Zawiet AlBaqool (30km E. #Zintan) still full of Gaddafi snipers, but the rebels are determined to hunt them down one by one.
REUTERSFLASH ReutersBreakingNews
Obama will be in violation of war powers resolution on June 19 unless US Libyan operations end by then, or Congress authorizes them: Boehner
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Al-Rayaina 06/14/11: FFs of #Zentan inside #Al-Rayaina: goo.gl/yQF6o #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
2011feb17 Tweets from Tripoli
by librev
NATO back flying over Tripoli
NTC Press Statement No. 32
Issued: June 14, 2011
Benghazi, Libya
For immediate release
Message of introduction from Libya Hurra T
In response to a growing number of inquiries from the press and others, Libya al-Hurra satellite television would like to provide an overview of who we are…
We are Libya al-Hurra – Free Libya satellite television, founded in the memory of the martyr Mohammed Nabus, who was martyred by a Qadhafi sniper on March 19, 2011. Mohammed brought truth to the world through his work and through his internet broadcasts – we will continue to bring truth to Libya and the world through our broadcasts, and Mohammed will live on through this station.
We are a free media enterprise and no government or organization will exercise editorial control over what we broadcast; that decision will be made by the Libya al-Hurra employees and management – we will be open to all views and all perspectives in our new free Libya in order to spread peace and understanding among all people, as long as those views do not call for violence against any person or organization. Understanding, not war. Peace, not violence.
The legitimate government of Libya, in whatever form it takes, will have a relationship with Libya al-Hurra in a manner similar to the esteemed BBC, which we hope to emulate. We also expect that we will function like the esteemed al-Jazeera, and operate openly and critically in a society without fear of government control and intervention.
We are thankful for the contributions of many donors who have helped us get our feet and we look forward to being the voice of all the people of Free Libya as we rebuild our country from the devastation of 42 years.
Libya Hurra Management
libyans_revolt omar
Video:“Back to School in #Misrata” children sing the Libyan independence anthem before classes youtu.be/5nzE7RZE1TA #Libya #Feb17 #AP
dovenews Libyan™
The Official 17Feb Revolutionary Twitter Egg: twitpic.com/5bkfmb #The #Official #17Feb #Revolutionary #Twitter. #Libya
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Nafusa : #Nalut : Nalut Being Shelled NOW !
Cartoon: The lifecycle of U.S. foreign relations via @TedRall bit.ly/lRtc5r
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
News Bulletin – 14: 35 GMT update bit.ly/mB3law
Debate between @Guma_el_gamaty (#NTC member) and @georgegalloway (former MP) on #Libya
Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani
George Galloway! Where is your humanity! I used to have respect for you, not anymore
@Guma_el_gamaty You did well in the interview with that loser Galloway. Can’t believe a scot was mocking u for having 2 nationalities!
youngamazigh youngamazigh
@GeorgeGalloway @Guma_el_gamaty I’ve always liked galloway how he stood up for palestine but hes gone down my ratings after this
FromJoanne Joanne
Was so Frustrated : @GeorgeGalloway debating with @Guma_el_gamaty Al Gamati youtube.com/watch?v=1Hs78L… #ThankUGuma U did extremely well ! #Libya
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
#Libya Situation Report 6/14/11 eepurl.com/ehgKb @NATO @NATOpress @natochannel @UKNATO @USAmbNATO @AndersFoghR #Rasmussen
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Ex-Libyan pro-G ambassador to UAE’s email [email protected] – currently packing his bags. Try not to disturb him too much libya (or do)
My Dad and uncles left Tunis, and are in #Zintan may Allah protect all the Libyan men inshallah. Now I can get live updates!
SkyNewsBreak Sky News Newsdesk
Reuters: Air strike hits east of Libyan capital Tripoli
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli: AFP: Two loud explosions right now in Tripoli #
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Sound of jets and then an airstrike in the distance in Tripoli
bent: Looks like NATO is pounding #Tripoli again, guess the festivities r back on.
Air strike in Libya hits eastern #Tripoli – Reuters journalist ( Reuters Not mention state tv for this statement :) #Libya #Feb17
BREAKING: another strike followed 4 minutes ago near Ein Zara, near an old “Revolutionary committees” office by Furnaj. #
BREAKING: places hit now by #NATO over #Tripoli : Tajurah southern to the east of the capital. Places hit: Surroundings of Garyounis
Electronic factory, Tajurah near ex-iveco assmebling fact. and also near military academy near the coast.
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Tripoli : @NATO has striked command and contol bunker in ghabit al nasr !
libyans_revolt omar
#NATO Jets hit military Targets in #Alfernaj area #Tripol #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
@NATO resumed its airstrike on #Tripoli late Tuesday, blasting at least two targets just before midnight
Fact that FFs still keen to give G forces chance to surrender despite all the atrocities committed is testimony to nobility of #feb17
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Tripoli: Tanks & artillery are parked on pavements right next to civ homes to avoid being bombed. Some homes broken into & used as stores
If Omar AlMukhtar was alive today he’d be a Freedom Fighter #feb17
FromJoanne Joanne
FF military spokesman in #Misrata says only 1/3 of Zliten is with the FF #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
#Zlitan FF say they have been instructed by @NATO to withdraw ahead of expected bombing runs to old front lines in #Dafniya #LibyaFromJoanne Joanne
#NATO leaflet #Zliten There’s no place to hide Its not 2late 2stop fighting If you continue 2 threaten civilians u will face destruction
dovenews Libyan™
Plumes of smoke and a fire lit up the sky. #tripoli
A loud blast rocked eastern #Tripoli on Tuesday evening.
FromJoanne Joanne
#NAFUSA AUDIO Report DUPED AND SCARED thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/ #Gaddafi used his mercenaries as Cannon fodder
Libye: les rebelles prennent un village dans l’Ouest, pertes dans l’Est… j.mp/ink5Po
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
#Nalut: the issue of clean water is increasing, the youth try to fix what they can — youtube.com/watch?v=HLzPhg… via @nalut17feb // #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
#Sabha: #Gaddafi’s Lejan Thawarya (Revl Committee Guards) are threatening anyone who is planning to go out, that they will get killed.
Tuesday 14 June, 11:52 h
Nafusa Mountains: Yefren and Al-Gal’a: A doctor who had returned from the area yesterday referred to the situation as being a tragedy in Al-Gal’a and Yefren. There is no electricity, no indication of a new Libya, no medical equipment or necessities, no medicine, no ambulances nor doctors, no fuel, no means of communication an no media equipment apart from 3 laptops. There is nothing. They are in dire need of everything and anything. The destruction is beyond imagination. In Nafusa Mountains, this is the second most populated city after Gharyan, and was under siege from 3 April until 2 June. People there are still suffering.
Tuesday 14 June, 10:16 h
Nafusa Mountains: Nalut: Mohamed Bin Sheikh and Nuri Zamru (Both from Tuareg) have both defected from the corrupt regime and fled to Algeria. Gadaffi forces assassinated Mr Ahmed Al-Tunsi (Also from Tuareg) on 7 June as he refused their orders to kill innocent people and advance to Al-Gal’a and Yefren. His body was then given to his family who were informed that he had been killed during a NATO attack by coalition forces. The news is accurate and was confirmed by someone from the Gaddafi forces.
Tuesday 14 June, 02:09 h
Nafusa Mountains: Jadu: Random shelling using Grad rockets by Gaddafi forces aimed at the north of Jadu.
Tuesday 14 June, 21:39 h
Nafusa Mountains: Zentan: Two of those killed form the revolutionaries were buried yesterday and 7 today.
Tuesday 14 June, 21:10 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Gal’a: Three young men from Al-Gal’a were kidnapped today whilst on their way from Tripoli to Al-Gal’a. They are young and have no links with the revolutionaries. They are Waleed Ali Mohammed Al-Jiyaashi, Hussam Ali Mohammed Al-Jayaashi, Tareq AbuGasem Issa Al-Gmoodi.
Tuesday 13 June, 20:58 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Gal’a: Clashes between revolutionaries and Gaddafi forces in Al-Gal’a
Tuesday 13 June, 20:47 h
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Rayaina: Revolutionaries of Zentan inside Al-Rayaina: Images:
Tuesday 13 June, 20:46 h
Nafusa Mountains: Nalut: Location of Gaddafi forces at the northern Nalut checkpoint. Video:
Tuesday 13 June, 20:08 h
Nafusa Mountains: Jadu: Gaddafi forces located in the Ghaddu area near to the city of Tiji are using rockets and Grad rockets to shell the city of Ar-heebat.
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Libyan State TV currently showing what they say is a live shot of pro-government crowds at Bab Al’ Azizia compound in Tripoli #
4Adam Adam
Tunisia TV [Ar]: Tunisian town of Dehiba was under Gaddafi shells last night and early morning 6.14.11. youtube.com/watch?v=fsjKRH… #Libya #Wazin
2011feb17 Tweets from Tripoli
BREAKING: This is what NATO helped us get rid of. Loads of rockets and Ammo Thanks @NATO : 32 50’04.00N, 13 15’11.41E #feb17 #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Message from one #Misurata Freedom Fighter at the front-lines to #Gaddafi — youtube.com/watch?v=RThF0U… via @youtube // #Libya
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
No news from Zawiyah must be bad news. A comment from nearby Surman wasn’t very optimistic either.
septimius_sever septimius severus
“Across Nafusa young men are growing beards as a visual vow of their commitment, refusing to shave until Gaddafi goes”
dovenews Libyan™
London 2012 Olympics: #Gaddafi gets 100s of #London 2012 Olympics tickets telegraph.co.uk/sport/otherspo… Sell the tickets & pay the money 2 Libyan #NTC
septimius_sever septimius severus
“50 dinars, an AK47 each & a quarter-share of a new Chevrolet saloon” was the price of for mercenaries’ in Rujban"
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The situation on the ground of the eastern front-line during the last period — youtube.com/watch?v=OFmTQ9… via @youtube
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Archive: Scenes from liberating #Ajdabiyah city battle — youtube.com/watch?v=bNwagR… via @youtube
Archive: Scenes from liberating #Ajdabiyah city battle part 2 — youtube.com/watch?v=ZN68Xy… via @youtube //
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Barik AlFadi – Captain in the Libyan army defects from #Gaddafi — youtube.com/watch?v=KbyPDy… via @youtube // #Libya
4Adam Adam
#Libya: Airstrikes Resume In #Tripoli After Lull In Nato Raids On Capital news.sky.com/skynews/Home/W…
rcolebourn Richard Colebourn
Bombs falling on #Tripoli now at midnight. None heard during the day since 5am. Mind games from #NATO? #Libya
Tripolitanian Libyan
#NATO is very active over #Tripoli today – hope they stop by #Misrata and #Zawiya too. #Libya
McKenzieCNN David McKenzie
Jets flying overhead…reports of several airstrikes near Tripoli and to South East #libya #nato
FromJoanne Joanne
#Zawiyah is quiet now The main highway west from #Tripoli to Tunisia which was closed because of fighting has reopened #
Update & Comment on the Battle of Misrata for June 13th – twitpic.com/5bmdfj
“Libyans don’t love to spend money” “Because they never had any” That’s a new way of lookin’ at it..
FromJoanne Joanne
#Tunisia army massive presence, evacuated Wazen border crossing 4km Dehiba MondayNight Military F5 + helicopters flyover border Area #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Nashid (Song) Oh Libyan Oh son of the Free — youtube.com/watch?v=IwLghp… via @youtube // #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
PLZ RT! #Libya latest map. Updated 14-06-2011 @ 13:00pm Libyan Local time: twitpic.com/5bfd1d/full
Almanara Libya
#Zintan #Libya 3 hours ago // Zintan channel
2 Martyrs and 9 wounded from Zintan youth during a sweeping operation in Zawiyat Baqul from Snipers
The Martyrs are:
AlHadi Barka
AbdulMawla Ma’touq
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Nalut still being shelled by Gaddafi forces
Almanara Libya
#Nalut #Libya 3 hours ago // The sound of explosions is heard in different areas of Nalut city during the shelling of Gaddafi forces to the city with Grad missiles
bdentonphoto Bryan Denton
A fuller edit from Misrata now up on my website: The Siege of Misrata on @photoshelter bit.ly/lUWK46
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Yefren has been liberated, but it’s a heavily damaged ghost town. Many/most people had fled to Tunisia before Gaddafi forces took it. #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Although there is shelling, the man returns to open his workplace and house — youtube.com/watch?v=GyNo8v… via @nalut17feb // #Libya #Nalut
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Tonight NATO air-strikes target eastern area of #Tripoli city, the Libyan capital city // #Libya
Libyan rebel advance checked by NATO strike leaflets | Reuters t.co/GksgjhX via @reuters #Libya #Feb17
Libya_United Libya_Awake_United
""I think we will be having Friday prayers in Brega this week," Hope he is not over optimistic reut.rs/mwW7P9 #Feb17 #Libya
Libya not a War for Oil
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #AlQala 06/14/11: 3 young men from #AlQala kidnapped today en route from #Tripoli to #AlQala. They had no links to FFs.
#Nafousa #AlQala 06/14/11: Names of 3 young men kidnapped today: 1 #Waleed #Ali #Mohammed #AlJiyaashi 2 #Hussam #Ali #Mohammed #AlJayaashi
On Tuesday 14th June 2011
Received Email: #Libya #NTC #Feb17 #NATO #US #UK #UN #EU #HRW: ‘’I returned last night from #Yefrin and #Algalha. There is big #disaster in there. Simply there is nothing there. There are no #electricity, no flags, no symbols of our new #Libya, no #medical equipments. no #medication, no #ambulance, no #doctors, no #fuel, no #communication equipments, no #media equipments, but three lap …tops, no paint to remove Qaddafi’s logos, THEY ARE MISSING EVERYTHING.
If you have donated something to #Nafousa Mountains, I can assure, it has not reached Yefrin and Algalha. The damage to buildings was beyond my imaginations.
#Yefrin and #Algalha, according to the last national census, have a population of 50,000, the second largest in #Nafousa after #Gharian. However, people there have not received your contributions. They are missing every thing, doctors, nurses, food, fuel, equipments, flags, clothes, medications, paints, computers, any thing and everything.
In comparison, all other towns I visited from #Nalout to #Zentan are well equipped and supplied. Yefrin and Algalha were under siege from Qaddafi for 50 days.
Their share of your contribution has not reached them for some reason. They are suffering.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Attempts are underway to clear the area of Zawiyat al-Baqul (between Zintan & Yefren) from snipers. 2 dead & 9 wounded so far.
Libyeneinsatz belastet die NATO: Den Briten geht das Geld aus feedly.com/k/kzLYeN + kein Problem – wir zahlen das schon …würg
Video: Libysche Rebellenhochburg: Lebensmittel in Misrata werden knapp bit.ly/iHlyVB #news
Besuch in Bengasi: Libysches Regime verurteilt Westerwelle-Visite feedly.com/k/lKLAPU
“Empire State Rebellion”: Anonymous erklärt Regierungen den Krieg feedly.com/k/iihkQq
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Clashes in different parts of Tripoli over the last 3 days. FF seized some weapons from G tents/checkpoints in coordinated attacks.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #AlQala 06/14/11: Clashes between FFs & #Gaddafi forces in #AlQala goo.gl/KvTxT #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
4Adam Adam
Another lesson 4 Gaddafi ambassadors arnd the world. G ambassador 2 UAE defected after being asked 2leave. thou UAE asked him 2 leave anyway
Breaking: The FFs in the western mountains are less than 75kms away from Tripoli. (via AJ)
Libya17Feb Tripoli Youth
I can’t speak on behalf of Libyans, but I will speak on behalf of myself,I would like to figure out ways to pay back UN&NATO for operations
Luftschläge gegen Gaddafi: Libyen-Krieg entblößt Schwächen der Nato feedly.com/k/ik1Rk2
Libya17Feb Tripoli Youth
#FreedomFighters only kill #Gaddafi Soldiers who are attacking civilians. Freedom fighters never attack civilians
Gaddafi used mercenaries, grad rockets, and rape against innocent Libyan protestors. bigmistake because we will not surrender.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
South Africa is one country that Libya will hopefully not resemble in the future: victims of apartheid becoming defenders of dictators.
what South Africa and its corrupt presedent says about what is happening in #Libya is completely irrelevant
#Libyan state television reports that NATO was bombarding civilian and military targets in the town of Al Jufrah: aje.me/jQEpiq
Charity dinner in Dubai on Friday for Libya. I HAVE TO GOOO!!!
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zintan: Zawiyat Albagoul: Gaddafi forces in this city are now surrounded in the Turkish company. FF asking them to surrender.
Misrata FFs control Rumdan Basheer’s farm South of Misrata after defeating Gaddafi forces based there
La Tunisie disposée à reconnaître le CNT
Kadafi a force de provocation voilà!! on y arrive :) = La #Tunisie disposée à reconnaitre le CNT bit.ly/mq9mAI
cjchivers CJ Chivers
Social Media & Cluster Bombs. – The At War post describing how a circle of specialists identified the… tumblr.com/x1q2xqa97b
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Nalut: #Mohamed #Bin #Sheikh & #Nuri #Zamru (Both from Tuareg) have both defected from #Gaddafi’s regime & fled to #Algeria.
wheelertweets James Wheeler
#Misrata’s dead & injured surely outnumber war casualties from the rest of #Libya put together. Except 4 #Tripoli. And the toll keeps rising
Zuma is abusing my bullshit tolerance, frequently: j.mp/jy7sY6 He should join his buddy hiding in Tripoli’s sewers and STFU.
Tripoli: Via @MK_FGM : NATO jets flying over Tripoli and no explosions so far #libya #feb17
LibyaUnited1944 Libya United 1944
@BBCWorld Stop quoting a proven propaganda spreading machine! It does nothing for your credibility which is already on the rocks these days!
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Audioboo: Latest audio report from Sam Kiley in Tripoli boo.fm/b385936 #journalism #libya #skynews
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Security source: Critical injuries had to be taken to Sirte for operations. Others were treated in Ras Lanouf #gaddafi #libya #feb17
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa #Jadu 06/14/11: Random shelling w/Grad rockets by #Gaddafi forces aimed N. of #Jadu #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Security source: The casualties are a combination of clashes in #Brega and NATO bombardment on tanks & vehicles trying to attack Ajdabiya
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Security source: 150 dead soldiers and 200 injured Gaddafi soldiers were taken from Brega to Ras Lanouf & then Sirte yesterday #libya #feb17
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Constant sound of jets over Tripoli for the last 15 minutes #Libya
Libya Tweeps in coming weeks let’s not mention anything more about future plans by FFs or protesters.G supporters follow twitter & FB #feb17
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Wired.com on #libyan ingenuity wired.com/dangerroom/201… #Feb17 #Gaddafi #Libya
Motion to Extend #Canada’s Engagement in #Libya Adopted by House of Commons.
Alert – MPs vote 294-1 to extend military mission in Libya . #Green Party’s Elizabeth May only MP opposed #libya
Schematic Battlefield Plan of Misrata as of Thursday June 9th t.co/bf84h6D Update t.co/YjF2A38
The objective of regime change in #Libya has inescapable financial consequences
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tunisia: Following #Gaddafi rockets landing in #Mrabeh, Tunisia put up a helicopter & an F-5 jet to patrol border. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Greece CARGO SHIP “SPORADES” now en route to #Benghazi #Libya ETA: 2011-06-15 21:00 (UTC) #feb17
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Between #Ajdabiya & #Brega, 25 FFs were killed, 20 wounded when “surrendering” #Gaddafi forces carrying a white flag opened fire. #warCrimes
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Very odd: As of today there is a new “Natigation Aid” named “CH14CY0,,P” at 34.03205 / 20.1115 115.1 NM N. of #Benghazi #Libya #feb17
US unveiled a bill that wd allow US gov to tap up to $10 billion of Gadhafi’s frozen assets to provide hum aid 2 Libya bit.ly/lbFpBm
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Reuters: #Gaddafi forces pulled out of #Kikla (150 kilometres south west of #Tripoli) and regrouped at another position 9 kilometers away
The IOC states Colonel Gaddafi cannot travel to the 2012 London Olympics but Libya still get an allocation of tickets.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Video of #NATO bombing on #Furnaj area in #Tripoli 15/06/2011 Part 2 — youtube.com/watch?v=Y0dh-F… via @youtube // #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Pictures 14/06/2011 #Tripoli – 3 explosions in Furnaj area — goo.gl/pt7Yh // #Libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: Short time ago #NATO bombed an Ammo Dump in the residential neighborhood of #EinZara. No civilian injuries, #Libya #feb17
Canada will extend formal recognition to Libyan rebels as MPs extend mission
By an overwhelming 294-1 margin, MPs approved the extension Tuesday evening after an exhaustive day-long debate on Canada’s involvement in the NATO-led, United Nations-sanctioned mission to protect civilians from dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May was the lone dissenter, saying she had concerns about “mission creep.”
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird’s kicked off the debate by announcing a significant policy shift — recognizing the National Transitional Council of Libya, the key rebel organization fighting Gadhafi. He also announced additional aid funds to assist victims of sexual violence.
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: #NATO strikes reported in #Fornaj. #Libya #feb17
freelibyanyouth Shabab Libya
Nato strikes in Fornaj #Tripoli causing a huge fire there in a populated residential area. Will confirm damage to the houses, if any.
FACTBOX-Latest developments in Libyan conflict Reuters: t.co/IJPDVAM via @addthis
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
In 200 BC Leptis Magna was the 3rd most important Roman city in North Africa after Carthage and Alexandria. It (cont) tl.gd/b45hks
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Greece OIL TANKER “SAPPORO PRINCESS" Speed/Course: 1.1 kn/157˚ appears headed toward #AlKhums 157 NM N/NW #Libya #feb17 @NATO
Gaddafi is buying a TV. “Do you have color TVs?” “of course we’ve only colors TVs.”! “Give me a green one, please.”
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
ALERT: #Greece OIL TANKER “SAPPORO PRINCESS” w/ dest: of #Malta OPL” now at 35.11374˚/13.21998˚ headed towards #Libya coast. @NATO
ahmadalgamaty ahmadalgamaty
MC : Eight powerful explosions in Wazin crossing border between Libya and Tunisia #libya #17feb
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Janzour: Reports of large numbers of #Gaddafi tanks entering town. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
Channel 4: Getting the wobbles | World News Blog bit.ly/k0hFZE
youtu.be/jCyRBUAEneM Men of #Misrata you make me proud ! #Libya #Feb17
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
My cousin has been in jail for nearly 2 months now. They set his trial date for the end of the month. I guess #Gaddafi plans to stick around
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Tripoli: #NATO has just now struck a #Gaddafi command center in #Furnaj next to the Girls university dorms. #Libya #feb17
libyanproud libyanandproud
Alshababya TV : Someone called in and said defecting Ministers have their heads up their asses or their pockets ! LOL
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
#Yefren: #Freedomfighters have liberated town. Massively damaged & mostly a ghost town. #Libya #feb17
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Help with the humanitarian efforts in #Libya by donating to @WMCLibya through their website.
Robert Rowley
#Misrata: #Freedomfighters gain control of #RamadanAlBashir’s ranch after defeating #Gaddafi forces there. #Libya #feb17
Every life is a story…make yours a best seller
Beauty Tips: For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak of the kindness of others.
Mass arrests occurred over last two days in #baniwalid. Young males from single families arrested. Also those at safety checkpoints. #libya
One and a half year-old Mohsen Ali al-Sheikh, who was killed by a gunshot by pro-Gadhafi forces earlier in the day twitpic.com/5boo9e
Libya rebels make gains against Gadhafi forces in Tripoli – Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News: bit.ly/jNdvXT "old pix but scary)
Many thanks & respect to Dr. Hussein Albornawi and the other doctors from Benghazi who risked their lives to help the people of Yefren.
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Nafusa Mountains: HUMANITARIAN CRISIS @SHABABLIBYA #Yefren and Al-#Galaa: A doctor who had returned from the (cont) tl.gd/b46l38
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
#Nafusa Mountains #Nalut Mohamed Bin Sheikh and Nuri Zamru (Both from #Tuareg) have both defected from the (cont) tl.gd/b46kg3
Ok libya tweeps, need help. Can anyone give me more info on Mohamed Madani (cameraman) and Mohamed Halbous (commander) from Misrata?
Almanara Libya
#Benghazi #Libya // The security brigade to protect Benghazi captured a woman from the sleeper cells (5th column)
Breaking Almanara: The security brigade to protect Benghazi detained the named Maryam Mohammed Hamad from the residential area AlHamaitha after information that she is distributing leaflets inviting for a protest against the 17 Feb revolution.
The investigating officer of the brigade told Almanara that the brigade received the information on Monday 13/06/2011 about Maryam Mohammed Hamad of birth year 1957 from AlHamaitha area residents and owes a white car (Kia Rio) sticking leaflets with the title “Enough of silence” in Sidi Hussain area to incite to go out in a demonstration on Wednesday 15/06/2011 against the 17 Feb revolution. The investigating officer said that the named Maryam was caught and at first denied the charges against her.
After the interrogation with her and facing her with a range of evidence, including the admit of her son about her wearing with what is knows as the green flag, and some other evidence. At the end she admitted of distributing the leaflets and gave the guide to where she hides them, she also claimed that she was forced to do so after she was chased by a group of people in a blue Hyundai car and forced her to distribute the leaflets and if she does not then they will rape her daughters.
It is noteworthy that Maryam Mohammed Hamad is the sister of Mohammed Mohammed Hamad one of the big known men of Lijan AlThouwriyah (Gaddafi Revolutionary Committee) that fled to Egypt, and the freedom fighters have burnt his house after the start of 17Feb Revolution. Mohammed Mohammed Hamad supervised on the demolition of the Dark Market (Souq AlThalam), one of the old landmarks of Benghazi, and was working as the coordinator of the External Communication Office in the Gaddafi Revolutionary Committee Movement in 7th April Military camp. goo.gl/bkUuD
Gaddafi sent an emissary who will meet this week with a senior representative of the @BarackObama administration tinyurl.com/6c5yter #Libya
The Libya standoff is prompting the new interest in a political settlement. Gaddafi’s intelligence chief, Abdullah al-Senussi, sent an emissary who will meet this week with a senior representative of the Obama administration. The message is that Gaddafi will give up power and retreat into the desert, while technocrats in his regime work with the TNC to form a transitional government. Senussi, widely feared in Libya, would apparently also withdraw from power. The U.S. response couldn’t be learned.
Almanara Libya
#Benghazi #Libya 1 hour ago // A source reported to Almanara about the fall of one dead and two injured in a random gun fire operation in Jamal Abdul Naser street, the source said that a car shot gun fire at a group of youth one of them died and the rest injured, while the car fled away.
The source reported that the security services have started an operation to look for the perpetrators who are suspected to be from the 5th column.
It is also mentioned that the 5th column attempt to destabilize the security in the liberated areas in order to sabotage the security felt by citizens after the 17 Feb revolution in most of the liberated areas, and they also try to cause problems between the different tribes.
Start of NATO jets from Italy into Libya. One Tornado at flight. ( 10am Trip time)
6 NATO jets have started from Italy into #Libya this morning, the last at 11.55 (Tripoli’s time). Military helicopters over NATO naval base.
One another NATO jet have started at 12.25 as powerful thunderstorm with lightnings has begun here.
Another NATO jet is in flight despite the thunderstorm.
#Misrata : Freedom fighters in control of #Naima area on the edges of #Zletin .. NATO jets hovering over the city. #Libya #Feb17 (mid-day Trip)
#NAFUSA : #Nalut : the Daily Missile attack on Nalut by #Gaddafi forces at #Ghazaya started early today
UKNATO UK Delegation, NATO
#MOD: yesterday UK aircraft destroyed 3 ammo bunkers at the depot in #Waddan, and successfully engaged a military vehicle near Yafran #Libya
#NATO jets flying over #Misrata right now
( Mid-day Trip)
Niz_FGM Niz
15/6/11 – Just back from fresh #NATO bombing-EinZara. Ammo dump in middle of residential district. All homes intact. People angry at regime (2am Trip)
libyanproud libyanandproud
#Nafusa : #ZawyatAlBagul : FF pushed the Gaddafi forces back to #Aweeneya . NATO Strike on Forces at Aweeneya at night #Feb17 #Libya (FB)
BREAKING : #NAFUSA Freedom fighters have the remnants of #Gaddafi forces surrounded in #Aweeneya
BREAKING : #NAFUSA : #Aweeneya is liberated ! ALLAH AKBAR !
Breaking: #NTC Delegation to visit #Tunisia on Saturday . #Tunisia expected to Recognize the @NTC_of_Libya .
Some gunfire heard, as Freedom fighters say they are “clearing” last section of road between #Zintan & #Yefren. #Libya ALJ v @baysontheroad
BBCWorld BBC Global News
#Libya’s Colonel #Gaddafi is banned from entering the EU and therefore could not attend the London 2012 Olympics, the DCMS says #london2012
Nalut feb 17: Gaddafi forces shelled Nalut this morning with heavy artillery & rockets
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Niger revoked a deal to sell #Libya’s LAP Green Network a majority stake in national telecoms operator Sonitel feb17.info/news/live-liby… #Feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
NATO’s chief will hold talks on Libya with British leaders on Wednesday feb17.info/news/live-liby… #Libya #Feb17
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Some gunfire heard, as opp fighters say they are “clearing” last section of road between ZIntan and Yefren.
Panama first Central American country to recognise TNC #feb17
Admiral Harris commander of the Navy’s 6th Fleet says #Libya campaign sustainable | timesfreepress.com timesfreepress.com/news/2011/jun/… #Feb17 #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
#MALTA @NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, Admiral James Stavridis, is in #Malta for talks with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi #Libya
dovenews Libyan™
Gaddafi said to Kirsan Ilyumzhinov that he doesnt know the reason why NATO is attacking him" REALLY!
Maybe Gaddafi has mastered the art of teleportation and that’s how he navigates his bunkers without his golf cart
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
At sea, Royal Navy ships maintained their patrols with other NATO vessels off the Libyan coast to enforce the United Nations arms embargo.
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Our aircraft also successfully engaged a military vehicle near Yafran in the Djebel Nafousa.
UKMilOps Maj Gen Nick Pope
Yesterday, our aircraft destroyed three ammunition bunkers at the depot in Waddan.
More than 50 #Gaddafi officers and soldiers have defected to #Tunisia and #Malta in the past 24 Hours
FromJoanne Joanne
FF in #Misrata says only 1/3 of #Zliten citizens R with FF but lets not forget city is filled with Gaddafi troops since start Revolu
#Jacob #Zuma: a rapist defending a #Gaddafi’s rapist army in #Libya! Why does it surprise anyone?
dovenews Libyan™
Gaddafi “I don’t understand why me and my relatives are sentenced to death without a trial” #Gaddafi said to Ilyumzhinov
Ilyumzhinov, who formerly headed Russia’s province of Kalmykia, is noted 4 eccentric bhavior including claims he was visitd by a UFO.
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Some of the Graffiti art on opposition checkpoints is pretty inventive. yfrog.com/kg6vpbj
jfjbowen Jeremy Bowen
Border much busier than last time I entered Libya here in April. Libyan border guards cheery. One said Sarkozy a sinner for bombing children
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Opposition forces on patrol in newly captured areas pi.pe/-6xh7ov
Tunisian news agency: 41 Libyan soldiers entered Tunisian lands today and their ranks are still unknown. via FB
Theater of War: Inside Gaddafi’s Libya – LightBox t.co/JuAbmWi via @TIME
Libyan troops shell western rebel positions – AlertNet j.mp/k3CVop #Libya #Feb17
Just saw a video of a boy with both his hands cut off, by Gaddafii forces … What if that was your son? #Gaddaficrimes
Benefits of having different lists for #Libya reporters: I can see that Rixos journalists r still asleep & that Misrata/Nafusa ones aren’t
Video: Rebel fighter talks on mobile phone during battle tumblr.com/x0530cggtp
Video: Wounded machine gunner services his weapon while being bandaged. Talk about badass. tumblr.com/x0530cgd8b
dovenews Libyan™
#Prague: Czech Rep’s envoy is planning to visit Benghazi to recognize the NTC officially. #NTC #Libya #Czech #Rep #Benghazi #Feb17
Chief executive Italian oil major ENI (ENI.MI) is optimistic that the Oil energy situation in #Libya will return to normal in a year
jfjbowen Jeremy Bowen
Busy border. Libyan cars going home too & expats checking family & property. And trucks loaded with sacks of sugar. Unsweet Libyan life tho
jfjbowen Jeremy Bowen
Steady flow of Libyan cars heading out to Tunisia. A week or two in Djerba looking good to well heeled libyans. At the border now.
BREAKING: LATEST pictures of NATO’s PSYOPS flyers, dropped on Gaddafi troops in Zliten #libya #feb17 TRANSLATION: twitpic.com/5bu1ef
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Over 20 Grad rockets hit Nalut this morning. Gaddafi forces also shelled the wazin border crossing – #libya #feb17 – goo.gl/DlWNW
FINALLY taking off later tonight for Misrata…30 hour boat ride, oh my!
Brega: Unconfirmed report that a small group of Gaddafi soldiers tried to defect from Brega to Ajdabiya but were shot from behind #libya
Brega: Reports that NATO struck a group of Gaddafi tanks and ammo trucks trying to move eastwards from Brega
Photo: #EpicLibyanGrandma is very modest… even when she bears arms. #Libya #Feb17 tumblr.com/xkd2zyp7q5
mfletchertimes Martin Fletcher
At border. Weapons searches. Trucks of petrol coming in. Inevitable Gaddafi rally on state tv. will lose signal as we head twrds Tripoli
41 Libyens dont 27 militaires arrivés mardi en Tunisie – Belga Generique – Le Vif – LeVif.be #Libye j.mp/jGbRtF
(Belga) 41 Libyens, dont 27 militaires, sont arrivés mardi à bord de deux embarcations dans le port tunisien d’El Ketef, dans le gouvernorat de Mednine (sud-est), frontalier de la libye, a indiqué mercredi l’agence officielle TAP.
Parmi ces militaires figurent des officiers. L’agence ne précise pas s’il s’agit de défections au régime de Mouammar Kadhafi. Mardi, un responsable du ministère tunisien de la défense avait annoncé qu’un groupe de militaires pro-Kadhafi avait fait défection pour se réfugier en Tunisie, mais sans donner de précisions sur leur nombre ou leur point d’arrivée. Lundi, une trentaine de blessés libyens avaient été transférés en Tunisie à la suite des combats acharnés entre rebelles libyens et forces pro-Kadhafi. Entre lundi et mardi, 6.850 réfugiés venant de Libye avaient déjà franchi la frontière, dont plus de 6.000 Libyens. (ROJ)
freedomgroupTV Freedom Group
The Freedom Group Daily is out! bit.ly/fGJIFt ▸ Top stories today
David Cameron holds Libya talks with Nato
septimius_sever septimius severus
Marking out Gadafy’s face on One Dinar bills yfrog.com/h0lxzdsj
Panamá, primer país latinoamericano que reconoce a rebeldes libios
TAP via AJE: 41 Libyans, 27 from the military; including officers arrived in Tunisia Wed.; haven’t reported whether or not soldiers defected
MISRATA/KIKLA: Reuters: G forces shelled FF positions in the W. Mountains 2day after FF advances on 3 fronts brought them closer to Tripoli
feb17libya Feb17Libya
The White House will soon be defending the military action in #Libya to Congress. feb17.info/news/live-liby…
NPR: Foreign Doctors Stay Behind to Staff Libyan Hospital goo.gl/2tvAI #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
Great collection of videos by @HumphreyCheung in #Nafusa. An example “Smacking Ghadaffi’s portrait with my shoe” tinyurl.com/6eajzvs #Libya
British forces news:
tinyurl.com/42y6b33 #Libye: nouveaux succès pour la rébellion dans l’ouest du pays
Amazing report by @tonybirtley on the Pro G scum who took horrific pictures of dead FFs. Such a relief to hear he was killed in Misrata! j.mp/kJX2xD
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Italian Int. Minister, fearing increase in refugees from #Libya, calls on the parliament to block financing airstrikes feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Ahmed Misrata
“No Nato,” said Mohammed, the 14-year-old son of a Dafniya rebel fighter drinking tea behind one of the giant sand berms that shield rebel positions from sniper fire. “Where is Nato?” via @guardiannews
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Libyan bombing alone will not budge Gaddafi, UK officials warn bit.ly/kRRrHl
feb17libya Feb17Libya
David Cameron will today hold talks on #Libya with Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Aljazeera: Alryaynah now being bombarded with missiles by Gaddafi forces stationed in the area of Aghannaimh. no news of casualties yet
hardingbbc andrew harding
Senior rebel official in Misrata, Libya scolds NATO for doing too little, too slowly, too cautiously.
Nafusa: Rayayna under Grad attack from G forces located in AlGhanayma #feb17#Libya
Analysis: NATO first to blink in Gaddafi’s war of nerves
@NATO it’s time to do the right thing and start helping FF advance and clear areas. The “warn & count on defections” method won’t work
Le #Canada continue de répondre à la crise humanitaire en #Libye: actualités > StarAfrica j.mp/kOViEn
France, le Qatar, le Royaume-Uni, l’Italie, la Gambie, Malte, la Jordanie, le Sénégal, l’Espagne, l’Australie… (cont) deck.ly/~NYnvE
not quite correct……
Gaddafi troops shell western rebel positions (in #Misrata & #Nalut) tinyurl.com/6da37cb #Libya
MiddleEast Live News
Libyan rebels make fresh advances goo.gl/jJu3K | #Libya #Gaddafi #Feb17 #Zintan #Misrata #Brega #Ajdabiya #Benghazi
fieldproducer Neal Mann
Just been on a government trip to Gharyan about 100km south of Tripoli in the Nafusa mountains.Driven there allowed out for 30 min then back
UK can stay in #Libya as long as needed, says #Cameron – bbc.in/l8be3F #Feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
This Sunday will mark the 90th day since #US troops were committed to enforce a #NFZ in #Libya. feb17.info/news/live-liby…
feb17libya Feb17Libya
The US War Powers Act requires congressional approval for military action or a withdrawal within 90 days. – #Libya feb17.info/news
Libyan bombing alone will not budge Gaddafi, UK officials warn
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Speaker of the House gives Obama Friday deadline to get authorization from Congress on military deployment in #Libya feb17.info/news/live-liby…
Misrata rebel leader appeals to Nato to save neighbouring town
If u need to call some1 in Benghazi Libyana only. Replace 00218 92 with 00218 992
London 2012 Olympics: Libya stripped of tickets to Games following public outrcry – Telegraph t.co/O6EpEDF via @Telegraph
ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Zawiya: Reports that 20 ambulances sent from Tripoli to Zawiya returned full of bodies belonging to G soldiers yesterday (via FB) #libya
27 Libyan soldiers flee fighting to Tunisia
27 Gaddafi soldiers flee fighting to Tunisia t.co/cYKRlrk
TUNIS, Tunisia—Tunisia’s state news agency says 27 Libyan soldiers have fled fighting in Libya and taken boats to Tunisia
The TAP news agency reported Wednesday that several of those who fled were senior officers.
It says they arrived with 14 civilians aboard two boats Tuesday in the Tunisian port of Ketf, near the Lib der.
Tunisian army official Mokhtar Ben Nasr said several groups of Libyan troops have fled to Tunisia in recent weeks, and “they are in ce.” He would not disclose their location.
He told a newonference that the number of Libyans fleeing has mounted in recent days, with 6,330 Libyan refugees crossing into Tunisia from Monday to Tuesday.
An uprising in Tunisia earlier this year prompted anti-government protests around the Arab world.
Freedom fighters are now at a recrd 65 Km away from #Tripoli’s outskirts. Still some cleaning to do, but Gaddafi will never feel safe again.
Breaking : #NAFUSA : #KIKLA : #Mlayib is liberated !
fieldproducer Neal Mann
There is very little you can learn of any area if you are only allowed to walk down one street for 30 minutes.
#Greece CARGO SHIP “SPORADES”, Dest: #Benghazi #Libya now en route ETA: 2011-06-16 21:00 (UTC) #feb17
Nafousa: Aljazeera: Freedom fighters now control most of the Nafousa mtn cities after the liberation of Ryayna, Awiniyah & others #libya
the ‘tribal tension’ bit between Misrata & Zliten is also nonesense imho. Its true that NATO gambles on Tripoli rising up.
AJA: Protests in Tripoli especially Alhdaba Alkhadra in Bareed street with fire exchange
next target in #Nafusa: #Gharyan! From there, just a matter of time until reaching #Aziziya & #Tripoli!
fieldproducer Neal Mann
On the way back in to Tripoli we went through one heavy check point which was solely staffed by female soldiers
JacksonDiehl Jackson Diehl
David Ignatius says a #Libya envoy is coming to DC to propose a deal under which Gaddafi would retire to the desert. wapo.st/k8xCMz
Does this man have any idea what is really going on?
AJA: FFs declare their control of all towns in Nafusa mountain . Allah Akbar
Updated map: twitpic.com/5bfd1d/full
The Thuwwar have declared control over all of the Mountain area, excepting Gharian, and Gaddafi’s forces are surrendering in 10s. #Libya :)
Photos of destroyed civilian homes in Yefren t.co/Ij2EhVl Libya
BREAKING: FF can finally declare the the siege on Qalaa/Yefren/Kikla is broken which means Nafousa is now free from Wazin to Kikla #libya
In 72 hours: FF control 4 more towns in Nafousa mtns. FF advanced ~20km from Ajdabiya to Brega. FF back in Zawiya. feb17
Brega: Reports that NATO struck a group of Gaddafi tanks and ammo trucks trying to move eastwards from Brega
Brega: Unconfirmed report that a small group of Gaddafi soldiers tried to defect from Brega to Ajdabiya but were shot from behind
AJA: 75 G forces killed and around 100 injured over past 3 days in Brega clashes feb17
FACTBOX-Latest developments in Libyan conflict
June 15 (Reuters) – Following are the latest political and military developments in the Libyan crisis.
- Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s forces shelled rebel positions in the Western Mountains on Wednesday, insurgents said, after rebels edged closer to the capital on three fronts.
- U.S. House Speaker John Boehner warned President Barack Obama he was skating on thin legal ice by keeping U.S. forces involved in Libya for nearly three months without the authorisation of Congress.
- Loud blasts rocked eastern Tripoli on Tuesday evening, sending smoke into the air. * Rebels trying to advance from the port city of Misrata towards the capital halted on Tuesday, and some withdrew to their previous positions, when NATO warplanes showered them with leaflets warning of air strikes by combat helicopters.
- Liberia severed diplomatic ties with Libya on Tuesday, the latest African country to distance itself from Gaddafi.
- Canada recognized Libya’s rebel council on Tuesday as the Libyans’ sole representative, following several other nations, starting with France.
- A ship carrying 222 migrants and 30 wounded people from Misrata arrived in Benghazi in the rebel-held east on Tuesday, an international aid agency said.
- Tunisia flew an F-5 warplane and a reconnaissance helicopter along its border with Libya on Tuesday, witnesses and a police source said, after Libyan troops fired several rockets into Tunisia.
- Rebels opposed to Gaddafi advanced westward on Tuesday aiming to retake the oil town of Brega in a push to extend their control over the east of the country.
- NATO is abusing a United Nations resolution to protect Libyan civilians from Gaddafi’s forces in order to pursue regime change and political assassinations, South African President Jacob Zuma said on Tuesday.
- Forces loyal to Gaddafi have pulled out of the town of Kikla, about 150 km (90 miles) southwest of Tripoli, and rebels are now in control, a Reuters photographer there said.
- NATO said it conducted 136 air sorties on Tuesday, 48 of them strike sorties that aim to identify and hit targets but do not always deploy munitions.
NATO said key targets hit on Tuesday included:
- An air defence support facility in Tripoli
- Two surface-to-air missile launchers in the vicinity of Tripoli
— One ammunition store in the vicinity of Waddan
- One truck-mounted gun in the vicinity of Yafran
— Two armoured fighting vehicles in the vicinity of Brega
- Since NATO took over command of air strikes on March 31, its aircraft have conducted 10,971 sorties, including 4,164 strike sorties. NATO members participating in air strikes in Libya include: France, Britain, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Italy and the United States.
- Nineteen ships under NATO command are patrolling the central Mediterranean Sea to enforce a U.N. arms embargo. On Tuesday, 14 vessels were hailed to determine destination and cargo. Two were boarded but none diverted.
A total of 1,344 vessels have been hailed, 95 boarded and eight diverted since the start of the arms embargo.
I know .uncle came from Gharyan last week 2 Tripoli. Was stop & presonally searched though on the way back near 3azezya.
HMS Albion, HMS Sutherland & RFA Wave Knight leave Libya operations & head for Read Sea as originally planned tinyurl.com/65cbqdl
Tripoli to geryan road is open, called 2 friends and they go back and forth 3adi at the moment.
Gheryan still remains to be liberated as well as Ghazaya which rains GRAD rockets on Nalut but their turn will come soon #Nafousa
#Nalut heavily bombed this morning by #Gaddafi forces. More than 20 Grad rockets hit in different parts of the city
The mountain range south of Tripoli known as Nafousa mountains is now fully free from Gaddafi’s raping, murdering and destroying forces.
Latest lie on Gaddafi forums/State TV: “Gaddafi is so generous, he offered to pay for FF & G soldier treatment in Tunisia personally” hahaha
feb17libya Feb17Libya
MEP Simon Busuttil will lead a European Parliament delegation to the Libyan border with #Tunisia. #Libya #EU feb17.info/news/live-liby…
I can confirm LPC just told me heavy gun battles in Sog Eljumha & Tajoora east of Tripoli Libya . Call live from the scene!
Uncinfirmed: Misrata: Gaddafi forces shelling the port and surrounding area
N_Benghazi .
Zintan: Dozens of the tyrant’s soldiers have surrendered to the FF and are now showing the sites of ammunitions to FF via AlJazeera. #Libya
Nafusa: FFs attacked AlAwaniya. As Gaddafi forces fled they were targeted by NATO. FFs now sweeping Alawaniya #feb17#libya Allah Akbar
the reports of “honor killings” of rape victims in #libya was false and fabricated. like #amina. It never happended and wont happen. #feb17
lindseyhilsum Lindsey Hilsum
Just back from #Libya Govt trip to Gharyan. All quiet but what about Kiklah 20 miles west? Reuters reported Govt retreat yesterday.
All the towns in #Nafusa were liberated by the opposition except the town of #Gheryan -which is the largest & strategically vital 4 #Gaddafi
Live Video: The #UN Security Council meeting now to discuss situation in #Libya unmultimedia.org/tv/webcast/ind… #feb17
Gaddafi forces positioned near northern gate & #AlGhazaya, are shelling #Nalut right now.
Tripoli: Clashes between #FreedomFighters and #Gaddafi forces in Souq al Jumu’a neighbourhood in #Tripoli – via Al Jazeera #Libya #Feb17
Misrata: NATO planes are hovering over #Misrata with relative calm on the front lines. G forces try to bombard city occasionally.
dovenews Libyan™
Heavy presence of NATO aircraft in the sky of #Misrata, relatively quiet on the fronts lines. FB
#AlAwaniya: #Freedomfighters struck #Gaddafi forces & drove them out. As Gaddafi forces retreated #NATO targeted them. #Libya #feb17 #Nafusa
Nafousa: Gharyan is a very important city and the biggest in Nafousa. Still not free from G forces and still suffering.
Reports that many FF from G controlled areas left through Ras Ejdeer and are now going to Nalut to prepare another attack
The United Nations Security Council is meeting right now to discuss the situation in Libya – live on Aljazeera Mubasher
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Special envoy of Russian president on his way to Tripoli to meet Gaddafi regime members today & tomorrow. #Russia #Libya #Gaddafi #Tripoli
Libya: Under fire on Misrata’s frontline
TAP: On Tuesday, 41 Libyans arrived to Katef port in #Tunisia, 27 defecting officers and soldiers with 14 civilians
baysontheroad baysontheroad
Village of Laawiniyah (sorry about spelling) on road between Yefren and Zintan now in opposition hands
The town of #Nalut is currently being attacked by #Gaddafi forces who are situated at the Ghazaya. #Libya #Gaddaficrimes #Feb17
Gaddafi forces shell rebel positions
Dawud Shakeer disavows pro g brother Yusef ( presenter)
Colonel + 4 soldiers split from G troops:
Zawiya: Freedom fighters in Zawiya attacked Harsha and killed 4 Gaddafi soldiers at a checkpoint before retreating safely #libya #feb17
Camilla ben Othman the wife of Saleh Ibrahim (one of Girdafi’s dogs)who lives in Reading is trying to scare Libyans away from donating for Libyan aid by threatening actions against relatives in Tripoli . I am reporting her to the foreign office. Pls RT
(Btw Saleh Ibrahim is among those believed to have murdered Policewoman Yvonne Fletcher.)
Saleh Ibrahim brags about Gaddafi’s paradise while he keeps his family in tucked away in Reading UK.
dovenews Libyan™
Ex-Gaddafi advisor says Libyan leader playing for time. via Reuters #libya
Remember Saif el-Islam’s evil evil laugh? t.co/3H0CJxk well, it should go down in history.
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Real test for revolutionaries will now be 3 heavily fortified areas: Brega in the east, Zlitan in the west, Geryan in the Nafusa mountains.
BREAKING: AJA: Nefusa FF have liberated all of the Nefusa mountains!
dovenews Libyan™
by freeourlibya
#Prague: Czech Rep’s envoy is planning to visit Benghazi to recognize the NTC officially. #NTC
#Libya #Czech #Rep #Benghazi #Feb17
LibyaFeb17_com LibyaFeb17.com
Alaawinya, between Yefren and Zintan, is now in hands of the revolutionaries -
Chinese exodus leaves behind Libya ghost town
Tripoli: Heavy presence of NATO jets being reported now. #libya #feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Raw Video: NATO Resumes Airstrikes on Tripoli (June 14) bit.ly/iknZir
#Gaddafi troops shell western mountains youtu.be/c4fLvCggcoM
TAP: June 14,Ten injured Libyans arrive in Tataouine t.co/8AdkHln #Tunisia #Libya
Image: latest NATO flyers
Fierce clashes in #Tripoli today between #Gaddafi mercenaries and pro-democracy fighters.
David Cameron: “Time is on our side and we will continue the military operations to protect civilians, whatever the time taken.” #ThankYou
Navy chief rapped over Libya doubts
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Revolutionaries from within Garyan estimate that around 1000 young men are imprisoned & 1000s of others have been put on wanted lists.
Nalut: BREAKING: Gaddafi forces are heavily bombarding Nalut from the north. 1 person has been injured so far. Where is @NATO #libya #feb17
#Libya: Here is the Kalashnakov AK-103: militaryfactory.com/smallarms/deta… #Libya #feb17
#Libya: Please let all friends/contacts in #Libya know any Kalashnakov AK-103’s found need to be sent to #NTC, proof for #UN. #feb17
#Libya: Further report of #Venezuela #HugoChavez having supplied #Gaddafi with a cargo container of AK-103’s after 1973 passing. #Libya
rcolebourn Richard Colebourn
Spent 7 weeks in #Libya this year so far but no clearer when and how this might all end.
RT @Amazigh_Libya: Gaddafi troops located at Al-Gazaya are shelling #Nalut and Al-Marabeh mountains- just a few km from Wazen @NATO @NATOPress
Gaddafi regime state TV said that NATO struck a bus in Kikla… and every agency is reporting it now. How hard is it to check first?
can any one tell me that what [passenger bus do in Kikla, what idiots do they think kikla like NY, we don’t have local bus lines in kikla what idiots !
W all ability of #Gaddafi & his TV 2 lie & fake stories,still nt able 2 prove 1 civilian killed by #NATO.Hats off #NATO 4 accurate strikes
BNN_News_Intl BNN News Int’l
Speaking of helpful, I am still trying 2 track down those AK-103s 2 see about getting a arms embargo on Chavez
BRAVE: Anti-Gaddafi activists dare to speak out in Tripoli where armed spies are in workplaces, schools & cafes bbc.in/kYvtEF libya
#US aircraft carrier has left #NATO’s naval base in #Italy for #Libya. #feb17
Réfugiés libyens: "Grâce à la solidarité du peuple tunisien, la crise humanitaire a été évitée de justesse(Elizabeth Eyster)j.mp/m5Poh7
rcolebourn Richard Colebourn
wyredavies and I have now left #Libya but watch #bbcnews at Six and Ten for an exclusive on Tripoli’s underground opposition to Col Gaddafi
BBCAndyNorth andy north
Tripoli rebel: fewer Gaddafi forces on streets, and always moving, but “we can’t beat them without weapons”
WyreDavies Wyre Davies
Tripoli a Gadaffi stronghold? Think again. Watch my exclusive on the regime’s opponents. On BBC tv, radio & online #libya
SkyNewsBreak Sky News Newsdesk
Reuters: Libyan State TV says 12 people killed after NATO bombardment hits bus carrying passengers in Kikla
rubbish…..just more rubbish…..
BBCAndyNorth andy north
Tripoli rebel: also using petrol bombs, but “suicide” to confront Gaddafi forces. “Our boys only have a few AKs and very little ammunition.”
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
Gaddafi forces between Rayayina & Yefren have fled after a number of NATO strikes and left behind useful vehicles.
The aircraft carrier has left NATO’s naval base in Italy for #Libya.
Unlike #Misrata, #Nafusa FFs have heavy #armored #vehicles (incl tanks) which could make a big difference in battles in #Zawiya or #Gharyan!
as long as they paint them first……..
#LeptisMagna: American media in Libya report that area is clear of #Gaddafi forces reported to be there yesterday.
#Tripoli: Clahes reported earlier in #SougAlJuma have now also started in #Tajura
BBCAndyNorth andy north
New Tripoli rebel tactic: claim ‘Fish Bomb’ used to attack Gaddafi forces’ 4WD in Suq al Juma yday, setting off clashes
Libya State TV also said that Gaddafi controls all of Libya except for a few neighborhoods in Benghazi.
Libya State TV also said that the evil spirits of the desert are on Gaddafi’s side and will erode the cities against Gaddafi.
Libya State TV also said that a hen laid a green egg in Gaddafi’s farm, therefore Gaddafi will win. I’m serious…
Clearly Gaddafi is stepping up his media war and planting witnesses to say random rubbish. It’s too late G, game over.
“Libyan state television says” this became the most dreaded sentence by FF tweeps
All the towns in Nafusa were liberated by ff’s, except Gharyan ( keep in mind that is the largest and very important to g)
Happy today!… Coordination between NATO and west mountain ff’s must have improved! Now siege of Gharyan can be broken hopefully!
And once Gharyan falls, victory is very near!
As for the size and the appearance it seemed American, definitely it was not an Italian one. The NATO’s naval base of Taranto.
Almanara Libya
#Misurata #Libya 5 hours ago // A source reported to Almanara that two children were injured in AlHabarah area in Misurata city after it was under shelling yesterday with Grad Missiles by Gaddafi Forces. AlHabarah area is about 1 Km away from the city center.
Breaking : The bus carrying snow white and the 12 dwarves , has been attacked by the Crusader Army ! Via LibyaStateTv
One of my cousins is in Yefren for the first time after more than 20 years, soon I will tweet from there too.
Portugal: Unconfirmed: Reports that all the #Libya n embassy staff & the Libyan ambassador in Portugal just defected & no longer represent G
My older brother has been in nafousa for a week or so and J. posted “all is well, not long to go” on FB.1st I’ve heard from him in a week
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The destruction to the mosques of #Yefrin by #Gaddafi forces — goo.gl/asbsy // #Libya
NATOpress NATO Press
#NATO Secretary General and UK Prime Minister Cameron exchange views on #Libya and #Afghanistan – goo.gl/KRYVj
BREAKING: Libyan Embassy Staff in Portugal Defect announce support for #Feb17 and call on #Gaddafi to Leave
BREAKING: FFs r now shelin Gadafi troops in Brega with heavy weapons usd for th first time or as describd by our source .“the red fire that Qaddafi talked about but this time on his troops”
Portugal: After ambassador’s defection months ago, all #Libya embassy and consulate staff now support #feb17 revolution & denounce Gaddafi
Brega: Reports that Freedomfighters bombarded the crap out of Gaddafi positions resulting in large number of casualties. feb17
Radio Free Jadu is now broadcasting on 89.1FM and can be heard in Nafusa mountain & Tripoli Libya
#Tripoli: Reports that #NATO now bombing #BenAshour & #Fashloom.
It was American Nimitz-class supercarrier.
It could go first to the base of Augusta in Sicily and than to Libya, but that it is on the way to Libya is sure.
Brega: Reports that dozens of bodies belonging to #Gaddafi soldiers were rushed to Sirte, after FF bombarded their locations today
Gaddafi soldiers kill & taunt a group of Tripoli youth after raiding their home #libya #feb17 by @changeinlibya storify.com/changeinlibya/…
2 Libyan soldiers who defected from the #Gaddafi regime & escaped 2 Algeria r being sent back 2 #Tripoli by the Algerian govt 4 exectution!
As this #Nafusa MAP of current positions of #FF v #Gaddafi shows – #Zawiya is linked by road with #FF in #Yefren twitpic.com/5bzet5 #Libya
Nafusa – AJA reported 2day that many Gaddafi soldiers surrendered to #FF in #Awiniya – b4 taking FF to get abandoned G ammo stores Libya
Al jazeera : Algeria handed over to Tripoli two colonels who had defected from Qaddafi #Libya #feb17
dovenews Libyan™
The existing of Gaddafi’s brutal regime is a safe net 4 the corrupt #Algerian gov, when Gaddafi goes, they’ll follow. Domino Effect.
We R qustioning the crdibility of the Algerian gov when thy said thy hv frozn G’s assts especialy aftr handing out 2 defectors bck 2 Gaddafi
Heinz: Daffi has only 47 tanks/bmp left inside Tripoli. Down from 56 a day ago.
#Wazzan border crossings between #Libya and #Tunisia is now under heavy shelling by #Gaddafi mercenaries .
#Algerian president #Bouteflika should be punished by #ICC 4 sending a death squad 2 #Gaddafi so he can kill his people- pot kettle black !
MUST SEE VIDEO: #Libya #Freedomfighters are bloody amazing! youtu.be/Xlfl31SJYiA #feb17
Zawiya FF r holding west precincts – 2day attacked Gaddafi checkpoint & killed 4 soldiers – at Harsha – close town to west Libya Feb17
L’UNESCO organise une série de formations à la couverture électorale pour les professionnels des médias tunisiens j.mp/j06Wtd #tunisia
Heinz- the defection-rate will shoot up today & tomorrow. most of the mil leader know game is over and fear to be shot on the last days by G
Renewal of clashes in Tripoli in Tajura ( in albeefy area), Soug Aljuma and Arada with some G forces downed by snipers
feb17libya Feb17Libya
UN cultural agency calls on Gaddafi and NATO to protect heritage sites in Libya bit.ly/kgUuyo
Ahrar TV: Reports of heavy arrest campaign in AlMatrad area west of Zawiya. G forces concentrated in coastal road gate, the resort with AA & 106 used in targeting FFs
Libya :
In Zlitan maj of ppl want rebels 2 win but there is fear of the consequences if the rise+fail.They saw Zawiyah+bloody costs 2 Misrata
PLEASE RT Report that a huge number of Gaddafi troops have gathered in Chevrolet pickups with mounted guns at Naimah, west of Misrata.
#Tripoli: On top of #SouqAlJumaa, Tajoura & #Fashloon now we have #Arada rising as well.
Wide spread arrest campaign in Wenzrik AlShaty in South of Libya by G forces
Reuters: GHARYAN, Libya, June 15 (Reuters) – Despite an outward appearance of normality there is an undercurrent of tension in this town, gateway to Tripoli from Libya’s Western Mountains where rebels are advancing towards Muammar Gaddafi’s capital.
On numerous walls around town on Wednesday graffiti had been recently painted over. The windows of one government building were smashed, the sign for another was riddled with holes.
Gharyan lies around 20 miles east of Kikla, which rebels battling forces loyal to Gaddafi seized on Tuesday. It could be the next target if the rebels are able to sustain their eastwards advance.
While many traders and people on the streets in Gharyan were reluctant to talk to reporters, one shop owner said the calm in the area during the day was replaced by fighting every night.
“Two thirds of the people here are for the rebels,” he told Reuters, giving his name as Mohammed.
Libyan government minders brought a group of reporters here on Wednesday to demonstrate that despite fighting to the west, Gharyan has been unaffected and that people were going about their lives as usual.
The few who were willing speak to reporters in front of the minders were strongly pro-Gaddafi.
“We are behind our leader and we will fight to the death for this country,” said Mustapha, who said he was a university lecturer. “Why did NATO come here to bomb us when we did nothing wrong?”
Just over 50 miles (80 km) south of Tripoli, Gharyan is the largest town in the Western Mountains and straddles the highway to the Libyan capital.
The road north from here winds down from the mountains past rocky slopes covered in scant vegetation to the flat plain below that leads all the way to Tripoli.
The shops were open here on Wednesday, but there were also a noticeable number of uniformed and plain-clothes police officers on the streets. When reporters approached residents, many would not say anything.
“No talk, no talk,” said one shop owner, before disappearing from view without another word into the back of his shop.
Another man, who gave his name as Yunis and spoke in French, attacked French President Nicolas Sarkozy in particular.
“Sarkozy is stupid, he is fighting this war for petrol,” he said. “This is colonialism all over again.”
Well away from the government minders, the shop owner, Mohammed, said the majority of Gharyan’s residents were looking forward to the arrival of rebel forces.
“We can’t wait for the rebels to come here,” he said.
Nato united over Libya: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrimwlLiFr8
The British government confirms Col. Gaddafi will not be attending the London 2012 Olympic Games
Moussa Ibrahim says the eclipse is not happening!
Cynthia McKinney says the eclipse is a Nato hoax
Lunar eclipse now visible in the Western mntns of #Libya
Quick, someone tell Gaddafi he is missing the eclipse. He’ll probably think it’s a NATO trick to get him out of his hole.
AP now referring to Libya as a “civil war”
With a relative of mine who came from TRIPOLI 2week’s ago ..she keeps crying because her son and husband were kidnapped …
The award for tweet of night goes to RT @baysontheroad Watching lunar eclipse from Libyan mountains. #Libya #Feb17 #Nafusa
dovenews Libyan™
NATO strikes 40mins on Tajoora & Wadi Alrabe’a in Tripoli.
LisaDCNN Lisa Desjardins
WAR POWERS – BREAKING: White House says U.S. Libya mission is a “support” role and therefore doesn’t trigger War Powers Act.
Moussa Ibrahim says truth is in the eye of the beholder. Don’t believe that the eclipse is happening – it’s a colonialist tactic
Rebels vow to open up Libya to investment goo.gl/fb/gzqqH #Libya
reporters take on eclipse:
baysontheroad baysontheroad
moon fully cooked now.
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
pictures of the damage caused from #Gaddafi forces shelling on #Zintan city — goo.gl/6eaJb // #Libya
#Gaddafi CARGO SHIP “FARWA” 45.07493˚/13.55043˚departed #Koper #Slovenia, destination: #Sousse #Tunisia ETA: 2011-06-21 16:00 #Libya @NATO
FromJoanne Joanne
Here is your new Updated Background: #NAFUSA mountains Situation Map June15 twitpic.com/5bz8ly/full #Libya
Audio: A song liked & played by Mohammed Nabous on #AlHurra back in the beginning youtu.be/7WpdcFiEZSE #Libya #feb17
WSJ.com – Smoke Rises Above Libyan Capital. t.co/6uCyYnK 14/6/2011 #
Can’t stop thinking what if @UN not reacted & #NATO is nt involved.I swear the death toll by now is > 100.000 & #Gaddafi jets r showering us
Libya govt approves $31.4 billion for 2011 budget – @Reuters t.co/CBoseOn
( that is g government)
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Audio Report: Foreign Doctors Stay Behind To Staff Libyan Hospital bit.ly/k7LR48
Libyan Caller: Poster n University saying students who join Gaddafi Brigades automatically Graduate
Update from Tripoli June 15, 2011
by Libyan Youth Movement on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 2:57pm
Source- The Free Generation Movement @Niz_FGM
This week is promising to see an increase in activity in Tripoli in the lead up to Friday 17th June, honouring 4 months of uprising.
Today, the 15th of June, the Free Generation Movement undertook a peaceful act of defiance, in central Tripoli, to raise morale and to raise spirits for the start of activity in the Capital.
The Free Generation Movement announce their continued and unwavering presence on the streets of Tripoli and our insistence on defying the illegitimate and murderous regime in anyway we can.
By the grace of Allah, Libya will soon be free, and will belong to the people once again.
From the men and women of The Free Generation Movement
الاخوة وسائل الاعلام
هذا الأسبوع نبشركم بزيادة التحركات في طرابلس في الفترة التي تسبق يوم الجمعة 17 يونيو، ودالك لدكرى مرور 4 أشهرمن هده الثورة المباركة.
اليوم ، 15 يونيو، قام شباب حركة جيل الاحرار بعمل سلمي فيه نوع من التحدي لرفع الروح المعنوية وزيادة للمعنويات في العاصمة.
نحن كحركة جيل الاحرار نعلن استمرار وجودنا في شوارع طرابلس وإصرارنا على تحدي النظام الغير الشرعي واسقاطه حين تسمح لنا الفرصة في اقرب وقت انشاء الله .
بفضل من الله سبحانه ، ستتحرر ليبيا قريبا ، وسوف تبقى لشعبها شامختا ابيه.
شباب حركة جيل الاحرار.
Uploaded by FGM: TRIPOLI – SKYFLAG – 15/06/2011 t.co/XzX79k5 Libya
Another reason why Americans should support Libyan revolution, #Farrakhan defends #Gaddafi abcn.ws/lygRT3 #Libya
#Gheryan: #Gaddafi convoy seen, led by Khalid Khweldi AlHmedi seen passing entrance of #BerGhanam towards #Nafusa. #Libya #feb17 @NAT
Convoy seen on #Alhera road towards #Gheryan entrance called #AbuGhelan. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
#Gaddafi forces are based in #AlJanduba area near #AlAabaa. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
#Gaddafi forces are remain in #Ghazaya N of #Nalut & continuously shell the city from there. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
#Gaddafi GRAD & missile launchers in #AlGadama area & #WadyAlHera in the valley opposite #Gheryan mountain. #Libya #feb17 @NATO
FromJoanne Joanne
In old town #NALUT u will find an EXPTIONAL Ancient #Qasr = a fortified Granary Store Now Gaddafi has SHELLED it goo.gl/J4UAR
I love Zintan, Gaddafi got nothing on us! t.co/x0UupLq
Aljazeera report from Zintan 15 June 2011 – تقرير الجزيرة من الزنتان fb.me/13Jao3PAb
Gaddafi forces mining all the roads around Misrata and Zintan !!
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
The many Egyptians in Libya are best served by a quickened removal of Gaddafi. The same goes for stability in the region. #Egypt
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
UN High Commissioner for Refugees expected in Tunisia June 15-18 tap.info.tn/en/en/society/… Tunisia #Libyansthankyou
#Zliten: gunfire exchange btwn Freedom fighters & Gaddafi forces in #Baza continue. #Libya #Feb17
4Adam Adam
In rebel Libyan city, enemy given dignity in death bit.ly/jQ4tzY #Libya #MISRATA
LibyaNewMedia LibyaNewMedia
I understand some of the fears of Egypt, but damn, why are they still afraid of Gaddafi? What do they wish for in Libya? #Libya #Egypt
Personally think the French speaking pro-G in Gheryan in Reuters report was probably an Algerian mercenary! #MostLibyansDontParleFrancais
Breaking: Gheryan: A) 2 G convoys seen. First was led by Khalid Khweldi AlHmedi seen passing entrance of Ber Ghanam towards Nafusa. Second convoy seen on Alhera road towards Gheryan entrance called Abu Ghelan. B) Lack of overt military presence in Gheryan. It is believed Gaddafi forces are based in AlJanduba area near Al ASab3a expecting FFs attack to arrive from AlGawaleesh area as they attempt to free Gheryan C) Heavy presence of Grad and Missile launchers in AlGadama area and Wady AlHera in the valley opposite Gheryan mountain. This is possibly to shell Gheryan in case of its liberation and cut off main roads between Sabha and Tripoli. #Feb17 #Libya
Confessions of Gaddafi soldier captured by Tripoli FFs #Feb17 #Libya is.gd/cfFyjM
#Gaddafi soldiers hide among dead bodies, when FFs approach they fire on them Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=418
It’s sad to hear refugees saying they want to return to their homes. Reality is most are completely destroyed.
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa 06/15/11: N. of the mountains another road from #Nalut to #Azizya & #Tripoli. It has been cleared from #Shakshook to #Bir #Ayyad
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa 06/15/11: FFs have cleared the area between #Yefren & #Zentan #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
#Nafousa 06/15/11 Report from #Yefren that the number of Freedom Fighters in the area outnumber #Gaddafi forces #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
live2Tripoli live2Tripoli
A military suicide. #Muammar burning his men. (cartoon courtasy of Sada AlJabal, newletter from #Nalut) twitpic.com/5c1pdt
20 officers from the Alfurjan tribe were killed in Brega,they were found tied up & killed because they had refused 2shoot.orders 4rm Gaddafi
#vidéo — Colonel wounded Libyan National Liberation Army youtube.com/watch?v=GSXFCw… via @youtube
What used to be a kitchen in a civilian house in #Zintan. #Libya #Feb17 #Gaddaficrimes twitpic.com/5c1oip
AJA: Gaddaf forces have planted landmines in Naima area at outskirt of Zletin #Feb17 #FreeLibya
Rebels rally towards their flag. Sniper controls the area between the two buildings tumblr.com/x0530kfvu0 #Nafusa #libya
4Adam Adam
This was at the beginning of the Battle For the East and South of #Qalaa 6.7.2011 bit.ly/jxntwm via @HumphreyCheung #Nafusa #Libya
Video: Rebels rally towards their flag. Sniper controls the area between the two buildings. Insanity ensues…. tumblr.com/x0530kfvu0
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
Libyan rebels wrest western mountain villages bit.ly/l30Gn7
libyan opposition army spokesman tells me gadafy’s forces are weakening and conflict could be over in 2 weeks, asks NATO to stay the course
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Misrata Doctor: #Gaddafi forces conducted sporadic shelling of front lines in #Dafniyah. 1 rebel KIA, 6 injured, 1 critically. #Libya
Gaddafi sent envoys to Sabha threatening families of protesters that their sons wld be killed. Families tld him to go where sun don’t shine
G forces pushed by FFs 9km away from Kikla
Battles in #Brega killed 75 & injured 170 of Mercenaries معارك بين الثوار و كتائب القذافي في البريقة أدت الى مقتل 75 و إصابة 170 من الكتائب
is.gd/R8mDvS #Libya is quickly becoming a level from #TwistedMetal. #Feb17
twitpic.com/5c1v0b – idiots even posed inside the shelled Mosque! Zawya (BTW this mosque is no more!)
t.co/I2WwKvh #Libya Situation Report via @libyaoutreach please read and RT.
Breaking: Gheryan: A) 2 G convoys seen. First was led by Khalid Khweldi AlHmedi seen passing entrance of Ber Ghanam towards Nafusa. Second convoy seen on Alhera road towards Gheryan entrance called Abu Ghelan. B) Lack of overt military presence in Gheryan. It is believed Gaddafi forces are based in AlJanduba area near Al ASab3a expecting FFs attack to arrive from AlGawaleesh area as they attempt to free Gheryan C) Heavy presence of Grad and Missile launchers in AlGadama area and Wady AlHera in the valley opposite Gheryan mountain. This is possibly to shell Gheryan in case of its liberation and cut off main roads between Sabha and Tripoli. #Feb17 #Libya
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 , by
Christian Peregin
Tug boat crew diverted to Malta after ‘defecting’ to Benghazi
dovenews Libyan™
This for all those who say they are Muslims & still supporting the tyrant Gaddafi twitpic.com/5c1v0b pic
URGENT RT-TAWASIL there are two Brigades lead by Khaled Kweildi (fathers’ son) headed to Bir’Ghnam 40km South Zawiyah!
LibyaInMe Libya In Me
Name: Hamza Aghliw. 23 yr. old pharmacist from Misrata. Killed while collecting weapons from dead Gaddafi soldiers. Feb17Martyrs.com/?p=418
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Misrata: Two lines of fighting In the west of Misrata:: #Dafniyah and #Naima (Close to #Zliten). #Libya
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The damaged caused by #Gaddafi forces in #Wazin area — goo.gl/nj78F // #Libya
Freedom 4 Arabs is not any longer a term or history, it becomes a reality that every1 of them including children would live dream & die for.
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Video Report: Libyan rockets land in Tunisia bit.ly/lzKVOS
feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Misrata: situation currently “quiet” in Taworga, the Eastern front of fighting from Misrata. #Libya
The real problem in #LIBYA is not the people that were murdered but the people that will have to live with the trauma of torture and rape.
UN cultural agency calls on Gaddafi and NATO to protect heritage sites in Libya t.co/hSWb8W9 #Libya #Feb17
ZawiatAlBagool in Zintan had the nasty surprise after their latest victory to find snipers hiding who shot 7 people dead.
acarvin Andy Carvin
May 10 timestamp? RT @Amazigh_Libya: Mosque in #Zintan shelled by #Gaddafi forces. #Libya #Feb17 twitpic.com/5c1o0c
dovenews Libyan™
Crew of 6 Libyans defectors workng on tug boat divertd the vessel 2 Malta due 2 bad weathr whle on their way 2 #Benghazi goo.gl/41bBu
4Adam Adam
With Government Minders In Tow, A Trip To Al Khoms, #Libya | n.pr/lQX1f0 via @nprnews:
Grad missiles and artillery at foot of mountain aimed at #Gharyan in case it will be liberated by FFs. goo.gl/E1Fk0
NATO flying over Tripoli now #FreeLibya #Feb17 11pm local
FromJoanne Joanne
#Waddan (mid region of #Libya @NATO: Struck an ammunition bunker today June15
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Photos from the South-West front line near #Misrata facebook.com/media/set/?set… #libya #Feb17
Ajelat : Mercs in high numbers, G forces arrested 40 youth, and threaten families with their honour #Feb17 #FreeLibya
Such honourable people – ‘Enemy given dignity in death’ “It’s our duty as Muslims to respect them.” j.mp/jDpjtg #Misrata
2 High ranking officers & their families defected today: 1 from #SouqAlJumaa, 1 from #Kikla arrived in #Jadu. #Libya #feb17
#Gaddafi forces tried to enter #DhahirAlQaala today, attacking #Safeet w/ rocket launchers. #Freedomfighters stopped them. #Libya #feb17
Gaddafi’s Days Numbered as Libyan Coffers Run Dry, Ex-Central Banker Says – Bloomberg bloom.bg/lQnSje via @BloombergNow #Libya
4Adam Adam
Intersenting. France FM: “Algeria does not understand! #Algeria won’t benefit from supporting Gaddafi” france24.com/fr/node/4447584 #Libya @FRANCE24
Ongoing strikes from #Gaddafi forces on Beer Ayat near #Yefren today. #Libya #Feb17
FromJoanne Joanne
#Zintan: 2 martyrs and 9 injured in a purging mission of snipers in Zawiyat Al-Bagoul #Libya #Nafusa
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
Tug boat crew diverted to #Malta after ‘defecting’ to #Benghazi bit.ly/jy4z8C #Libya #feb17
#Zintan completely destroyed by Grad missiles. Houses, schools, mosques, clinics, trees and even cattle. Take a look:
acarvin Andy Carvin
Doll posed? RT @Amazigh_Libya: Civilian home in #Zintan. #Libya #Feb17 #Gaddaficrimes twitpic.com/5c1lei
LIBYA: Ground troops not needed in Libya, NATO says f24.my/inKYaJ
#Algeria was shocked by #NATO intervention in #Libya, French FM #Juppe in Algiers to talk about Libya france24.com/fr/node/4447584
#Nafousa: #Gaddafi forces are still located in #Ghazaya an area North of #Nalut & continuously shell the city of #Nalut from here @NATO
#Nafousa 06/15/11: #Gheryan remains to be liberated. 4 large army barracks are located here. #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
White House: We are not violating the War Powers Resolution because we are not at war j.mp/jP1vVE
#Gaddafi forces have again attacked #Misrata 6 wounded and a shaheed, it was #Dafniyah area again @NATO
Libyan Officials Say They’re Still In Control | n.pr/lAccs3 #Tripoli #Libya #feb17
Pressure is mounting on the parts of Libya that remain under the control of Moammar Gadhafi. Between rebel attacks from the east and west, relentless NATO air strikes and growing gas and food shortages, it seems inevitable that the Libyan government will fall. But Libyan officials insist they aren’t going anywhere. They claim they remain firmly in charge of their territory. To prove it, the government minders, who strictly control foreign journalists’ movements there, Wednesday arranged for simultaneous trips east, west and south of Tripoli. NPR’s Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson talks to Melissa Block. (NPR)
BaniWalid Caller: Posters in University saying students who join #Gaddafi Brigades automatically Graduate
Nafousa 06/15/11: Mountain road from the Tunisian border up to the exit of #Kikla is secure: that’s 200km!
Gadafi supporters prepare ‘peace convoy’ 2Misrata.Genuine fears ths consists of G forces in civilian cars
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
The deflection statement of the military attaché for Portugal and Spain — youtube.com/watch?v=2F7mAn… via @youtube // #Libya
#Libya #NTC #Feb17 #NATO: #Muammar #Gaddafi’s #Tripoli Stronghold Showing Cracks huff.to/l6fWRh
Zliten:heavy presence of G forces&increased checkpoints.FF expect houseraids in nxt few hrs
The rest will follow! flic.kr/p/9aAhCz #Libya #Tunisa #Egypt #Yemen
dovenews Libyan™
The number of martyrs in #Nafusa mountain 2day is 5 FF, 4 from #Zintan & 1 from #Zawyia. #Libya اللهم اذخلهم فسيح جناتك واغفر لهم يارب
Nato uses its own Twitter revolution to track Gaddafi’s forces
@NATO @NATOpress @UKMilOps URGENT ACTION #Zliten in a very critical situation. Civilians threatened with killing&rape by Gaddafi soldiers.
Apparently this is Musa Ibrtahim’s official youtube page with all of his conferences uploaded youtube.com/user/DrMoussaI… #libya
Images of DIY weapons made by Libyan rebels: j.mp/l2Pwod #libya #guns
Support Libyan Revolt is out! bit.ly/gG0pYI ▸ Top stories today
Listen to clear whistling while NATO bombing Gaddafi forces in Tripoli Libya t.co/4iKOesZ via @youtube
Have a look:
The cynical dairy farmer’s guide to the Middle East. tinyurl.com/3hjtt2r #Libya #Egypt #Syria #Yemen #Sudan #Tunis #Saudi #Bahrain
Reuters:JabelNafosa: FFs ve pushed deeper into gov held territory, taking 2villages from which Gadafi forces had been sheling FFs-heldTowns.
Almanara Libya
#Libya #Naffousa Mountains news
for reasons beyond us the English newsletter was not sent this morning and last night, The updates are availble here:
English: Nafusa Mountains, Wednesday 15 June
English: Nafusa Mountains. Tuesday 14 June
Wednesday 15 June, 17:42 hrs
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Galaa: Scenes of destruction in Galaa. Photos:
Wednesday 15 June, 17:05 hrs
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Awinyah: Freedom fighters have cleared Zawyat Al-bagul, Al- Al-Awiniyah and Ghanayma off Gaddafi forces and captured more than 30 of Gaddafi soldiers.
Wednesday 15 June, 16:38 hrs
Nafusa Mountains: Al-Awiniyah: National Army and freedom fighters have attacked Gaddafi forces in Al-Awiniyah. Gaddafi mercenaries have fled towards Shagiga in the south. Freedom fighters are now carefully checking the area to ensure that no mercenaries were left behind
Wednesday 15 June, 17:42 hrs
Nafusa Mountains: Kekkla: During fighting that took place in the last three days, 19 were killed and 47 were injured from Gaddafi mercenaries. There was shelling on Anzu area in Kekkla yesterday by Gaddafi forces
“Before the war, Hwuita said, thousands of tourists visited the ruins each day” claims minders to Journalists. BS twitpic.com/5c3dqo
AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya
Identification papers and passports of mercenaries that fought with #Gaddafi battalions — youtube.com/watch?v=UWLGO2… via @youtube // #Libya
Libya officials still proving to journalists that Gaddafi regime full of it: tinyurl.com/67d6a7d (paraphrased from NPR)
#Libya #NTC #Feb17: What if a #president served 42 years? #cnn edition.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/0…
Farrakhan still supports Gaddafi; rips US, UN & NATO on Libya tinyurl.com/6f3jl9l
NTC Libya Feb17: UN High Commissioner for Refugees expected in Tunisia June 15-18 tap.info.tn/en/en/society/…
Almanara Libya
#Tripoli #Libya 1 hour ago // Press solidarity: From an Eyewitness, intensive inspection campaigns take place in Tripoli especially after 8pm in the evening which led the people to not come out of their houses in the evenings, the situation is similar to a curfew.
Several reports:
Gaddafi supporters in Zliten prepare a ‘peace convoy’ to Misrata. Suspect it consists of g troops in civ. cars
Reuters wrap-up 1
- Cameron, Rasmussen try to calm NATO discord
- Ex-Gaddafi adviser says Libyan leader playing for time
By Nick Carey
GHARYAN, Libya, June 16 (Reuters) – Libyan rebels have pushed deeper into government-held territory from their base in the Western Mountains, taking two villages from which forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi had been shelling rebel-held towns.
But the rebels are still a considerable way from Gaddafi’s main stronghold in Tripoli, while their fellow fighters on the other two fronts — in Misrata and in eastern Libya — have made only halting progress against better-armed government troops.
The rebel advance some 150 km (90 miles) southwest of Tripoli on Wednesday, came as the White House insisted that President Barack Obama had the legal authority to press on with U.S. military involvement in Libya.
Strains have begun to show in the Western alliance trying to topple Gaddafi. The U.S. defense secretary rounded on European allies last week for failing to back the mission the alliance took over in late March.
The White House urged sceptical lawmakers not to send “mixed messages” about their commitment to the NATO-led air war that has helped the rebels push on from their bastion in the east.
“The revolutionaries (rebels) now control Zawiyat al-Babour and al-Awiniyah after pro-Gaddafi forces retreated this morning from the two villages,” Abdulrahman, a rebel spokesman in the nearby town of Zintan, told Reuters.
More on Libya nLDE72H00G
More on Middle East unrest: nTOPMEAST
Libya graphics link.reuters.com/neg68r
In Gharyan, a Gaddafi-held town that forms the gateway from Tripoli to the mountains, there was an undercurrent of tension as the frontline moves closer to the capital.
Libyan government minders took a group of reporters to the town, which lies about 120 km southwest of Tripoli and about 20 km east of Kikla, which rebels seized from loyalists on Tuesday.
Despite an outward appearance of normality, walls around town on Wednesday had recently painted over graffiti. The windows of one government building were smashed, the sign for another was riddled with holes.
While many traders and people on the streets were reluctant to talk to reporters, one shop owner said the calm in the area during the day was replaced by fighting every night.
“Two thirds of the people here are for the rebels,” he told Reuters, giving his name as Mohammed.
Those willing to talk in front of the minders were strongly pro-Gaddafi.
“Sarkozy is stupid, he is fighting this war for petrol,” a man called Yunis said in French, referring to the French president, vilified by Gaddafi supporters as the driving force behind NATO bombing. “This is colonialism all over again.”
The NATO military alliance, which has been pounding Gaddafi’s military and command-and-control structures for nearly three months, has failed to dislodge him.
Russia’s envoy to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, said the alliance was “sliding down and being dragged more into the eventuality of a land-based operation in Libya”.
Ties are becoming strained in the alliance, with some NATO members complaining that others have been reluctant to commit additional resources. ID:nLDE75E0GG
Tension in Washington itself over the conflict reflects unease over U.S. entanglement in a third conflict in the Muslim world in addition to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and pressure for Obama to clarify U.S. goals in the North African country.
The cost of U.S. military operations and humanitarian assistance in Libya was $716 million as of June 3 and was projected to reach $1.1 billion by Sept. 30, 2001, according to a White House a report to Congress released on Wednesday.
“We believe that it’s important for Congress not to send mixed messages about a goal that we think most members of Congress share,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said.
Speaking in London after meeting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, British Prime Minister David Cameron reiterated that time was running out for Gaddafi and that the alliance was as determined as ever.
“I think there is a very clear pattern emerging which is time is on our side, because we have the support of NATO, the United Nations, the Arab League, a huge number of countries in our coalition and in our contact group,” he said.
Rasmussen echoed those comments despite senior NATO commander General Stephane Abrial on Tuesday raising questions about the alliance’s ability to handle a long-term intervention.
“Allies and partners are committed to provide the necessary resources and assets to continue this operation and see it through to a successful conclusion,” Rasmussen said.
In a theatrical show of defiance, Gaddafi was shown at the weekend playing a game of chess with a Russian official, but after weeks of ambivalence, Moscow has joined Western countries this month in calling for Gaddafi to step down.
Saad Djebbar, a former legal adviser to the Libyan government, told Reuters Gaddafi would continue to play for time and seek to demoralise and split the coalition.
“Gaddafi’s mentality is that as long as my enemies haven’t triumphed, I haven’t lost,” he said.
Gaddafi has said he has no intention of leaving the country — an outcome which, with the military intervention so far failing to produce results, many Western policymakers see as the most realistic way out of the conflict.
At the United Nations, Britain’s ambassador urged the African Union to send a strong message that he should go, adding there could be no ceasefire as long as he remained in power.
Gaddafi’s government approved a $31.4 billion budget for the rest of 2011, the official news agency said, in an apparent move to show it was functioning despite air strikes and sanctions.
The Libyan leader has described the rebels as criminals and al Qaeda militants, and called the NATO intervention an act of colonial aggression aimed at grabbing Libya’s oil.
Though under attack from NATO warplanes and rebel fighters, Gaddafi’s troops have showed they are still a potent force.
A rebel spokesman in Nalut, at the other end of the Western Mountains range from Zintan, said Gaddafi’s forces had been shelling Nalut and the nearby border crossing into Tunisia. The rebels depend on that crossing to bring in supplies. (Additional reporting by Joseph Nasr in Berlin, Souhail Karam in Rabat, David Brunnstrom in Brussels, Mohammed Abbas in London, Hamid Ould Ahmed in Algiers, Youssef Boudlal in Zintan, William Maclean in London, Sylvia Westall in Vienna, Maria Golovnina in Benghazi, and Sami Aboudi in Cairo; writing by John Irish and Christian Lowe; Editing by Alison Williams)
Another thought for Musa Ibrahim: if #Gaddafi is so incompetent that Alqaeda are able to take over libya in days then he isnt fit to rule.
@feb17voices Feb 17 voices
LPC #Misrata Doctor:Confirms reports of landmines near entrance of #Zliten on road and on either side. Refers to them as “Chinese” mines.
4Adam Adam
6/15 #Nafusa #FF replacing Gaddafi’ Green rag w/ the independence flag in the town of Alaawinya S #Yefren youtube.com/watch?v=mqT0Gy… #Libya #Zintan
Taking care of #Libyan #refugees strains generosity of Tunisians wtim.es/kWwSXt
report aired on Tribute FM by Tarik.
“1. The regime forces have given up the will to fight. (along the Southern highway). The Libyan ones either run after the first shots are fired or they are actively attempting to surrender. The only opposition comes from the sub-Saharan africans.
2. As the NLA advanced today, a 50 strong convoy of reinforcements consisting of armoured personal carriers, 4×4s with AA cannon and recoilless rifles, GRAD trucks, etc. advanced towards the mountains along the plain from the north in full view of the fighters. Then NATO arrived. They destroyed the entire column without exception. The road to Al-Azizyah is now open.”
That concludes this day:)